2020, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 285-297 Managing uncertainty in ferry terminals: a machine learning approach
by Iñigo L. Ansorena & César López Ansorena
2020, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-22 A conceptual model of institutional information culture and interpersonal conflict which influence the information system success: user's perception
by Mohammed Aboaoga & Mohd Juzaiddin Ab Aziz & Ibrahim Mohamed - 23-47 Does information system technology succeed in helping manage debt?
by D. Sukma Permana & Sutaryo Sutaryo - 48-79 Portfolio of IT investment and organisational performance. Moderating role of decentralised decision making
by Amri Mohamad & Pingli Li & Nafis Alam & Yuserrie Zainuddin - 80-102 The effect of organisational culture on creativity and innovation processes (case study: Tondar Department of IKCO)
by Mohammad Zeraatkar & Maryam Roudneshin & Mohammad Ali Sobhanallahi - 103-131 Contributions from organisational collaboration to business intelligence solutions success
by José Manuel Villamarín-García - 132-143 How do YouTubers make money? A lesson learned from the most subscribed YouTuber channels
by Bo Han - 144-155 Behavioural intentional to use computers among educators
by Loh Wai Ling & Wan Fatimah Wan Ahmad & Termit Kaur Ranjit Singh
2019, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 393-424 Exploring the antecedents of co-creation in hospital-supplier relationship: an empirical study on private sector hospitals in India
by Samyadip Chakraborty - 425-437 Mitigating risks in managing cloud-based IT controls
by Shafaq Khan - 438-459 The opinion of post graduate students on effect of interrelationship among the perceptual components with reference to online shopping
by R. Rajendra Kumar - 460-488 Supporting BPMN tool developers through meta-algorithms
by Carlos Habekost Dos Santos & Lucinéia Heloisa Thom & Érika Cota & Marcelo Fantinato - 489-506 Exploring e-service quality and its relation with customer satisfaction in the banking sector: an Indian experience
by Vivek Agrawal & Nitin Seth & Dinesh Seth & Vikas Tripathi - 507-521 Information technology investments versus the illusion of control bias
by Rodrigo Fernandes Malaquias & Alberto Luiz Albertin - 522-535 Estimating risk in capital asset pricing for interval-valued data
by Dailys Maite Aliaga Reyes & Renata Maria Cardoso Rodrigues De Souza & Francisco José A. Cysneiros
2019, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 253-271 Mobile banking acceptance by the customers in Iranian banks
by Seyed Hossein Siadat & Lotfollah Najjar & Navid Nezafati - 272-311 A rationale for the choice of enterprise architecture method and software technology in a software driven enterprise
by D. Venkatesan & S. Sridhar - 312-323 Hierarchically distributed peer-to-peer architecture for load balancing and effective dynamic group scheduling in grid computing
by S. Gomathi & D. Manimegalai - 324-363 Business health characterisation of listed Indian companies using data mining techniques
by Senthil Arasu Balasubramanian & G.S. Radhakrishna & P. Sridevi & Thamaraiselvan Natarajan - 364-392 Leveraging business competitiveness by adopting cloud computing in Indonesian creative industries
by Yudi Fernando & Syarif Achmad & Anderes Gui
2019, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 127-144 Barriers to crowdsource software development: evaluating the intertwined effects
by Nitasha Hasteer & Abhay Bansal & B.K. Murthy - 145-160 Implementation of the COD payment method on e-commerce websites in the Arab Region
by Mohanad Halaweh - 161-169 Test coverage and impact analysis for detecting refactoring faults: a study on the inline method
by Iyad Alazzam & Marwa Samih Al-Amri - 170-198 Determinants for adoption of cloud in government sector in India: a review
by Kshitij Kushagra & Sanjay Dhingra - 199-218 Measuring internet addiction in Europe-based knowledge societies: a case study of France
by Habib Ullah Khan & Helmi Hammami - 219-237 The online educational model and drivers for online learning
by Efosa C. Idemudia & Ogechi Adeola & Nubi Achebo - 238-252 Developers' views on the adoption and benefits of software process improvement programs in Canadian software development firms
by Delroy A. Chevers & Gerald G. Grant
2019, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-29 Before game over: a study on the experiences, prediction and values of consumption of players of seventh-generation videogame consoles
by Emílio José Montero Arruda-Filho & Igor De Jesus Lobato Pompeu Gammarano - 30-55 Ontology-based feature-level sentiment analysis in Portuguese reviews
by Larissa Astrogildo De Freitas & Renata Vieira - 56-72 Relationship between customer loyalty and service failure, service recovery and switching costs in online retailing
by Aakash Ashok Kamble & Shubhangi Walvekar - 73-90 Dynamic changes of QoS parameters in cloud computing service level agreement
by Abdel-Rahman Al-Ghuwairi & Mohammad Khalaf & Zaher Salah & Ayoub Alsarhan - 91-108 Prioritising mobile learning application requirements
by Asharul Islam Khan & Zuhoor Al-Khanjari & Mohamed Sarrab - 109-125 Multi-strategy-based e-negotiation using web services
by Sheetal Vij & Avinash J. Agrawal & Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay
2019, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 455-478 Designing an e-commerce recommender system based on collaborative filtering using a data mining approach
by Samira Khodabandehlou - 479-498 Personal characteristics and situational characteristics as the mediating factors in the relationship between information source and information choice strategies of the Arab tourists in Malaysia
by Bilal Ahmad Ali Al-khateeb - 499-516 A study of relationship between transformational leadership and task performance: the role of social media and affective organisational commitment
by Ali Nawaz Khan & Ahsan Ali & Naseer Abbas Khan & Noor Jehan - 517-529 Forecasting agricultural commodity pricing using neural network-based approach
by G. Nikhila Varma & K. Padma - 530-554 A systematic review on opinion mining and sentiment analysis in social media
by Zaher Salah & Abdel-Rahman F. Al-Ghuwairi & Aladdin Baarah & Ahmad Aloqaily & Bar'a Qadoumi & Momen Alhayek & Bushra Alhijawi - 555-572 A structural equation model to assess behavioural intention to use biometric enabled e-banking services in India
by Ruchika Gupta & Siddharth Varma - 573-590 Use of social media by professional workers in the Basque region of northern Spain: a new way of networking
by Aitziber Nunez-Zabaleta & Anjel Errasti-Amozarrain
2019, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 305-321 Predictors of E-government adoption in India: direct and indirect effects of technology anxiety and information quality
by Kapil Kaushik & Rajhans Mishra - 322-353 To identify the determinants of the CloudIoT technologies adoption in the Indian MSMEs: structural equation modelling approach
by Vaibhav S. Narwane & Balkrishna E. Narkhede & Rakesh D. Raut & Bhaskar B. Gardas & Pragati Priyadarshinee & Mahesh S. Kavre - 354-371 Identification and prioritisation of the critical success factors for research project-based organisations using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process
by Mehdi Tabaroki & Changiz Valmohammadi & Nader Khalesi - 372-390 Cluster analysis for diabetic retinopathy prediction using data mining techniques
by Tanvi Anand & Rekha Pal & Sanjay Kumar Dubey - 391-413 An exploratory SOLAP tool for linked open data
by Daniel Farias Batista Leite & Cláudio De Souza Baptista & Brunna De Sousa Pereira Amorim - 414-454 E-government procurement implementation in India: evolving decision parameters for project success
by Prabir Panda & G.P. Sahu & Babita Gupta
2019, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 153-169 Secure cluster-based data aggregation in wireless sensor networks with aid of ECC
by C. SriVenkateswaran & D. Sivakumar - 170-194 Semantic technology and linguistic modelling in business strategy design and evaluation
by Jozef Stašák & Peter Schmidt - 195-214 A hybrid model for customer credit scoring in stock brokerages using data mining approach
by Rahmat Houshdar Mahjoub & Amir Afsar - 215-248 Knowledge management adoption to financial institutions using fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS techniques
by Saba Alsadat Hosseini Sani & Mostafa Vaezi Monfard & Elahe Sarfi - 249-264 Managing privacy of sensitive attributes using fuzzy-based data transformation methods in privacy preserving data mining environment
by V.K. Saxena & Shashank Pushkar - 265-281 Privacy preserving of intermediate dataset using hybridisation of oppositional gravitational search algorithm and elliptic curve cryptography
by S. Saravanan & V. Venkatachalam - 282-303 Evaluation of telecommunications regulatory practice in the Kingdom of Bahrain: development and challenges
by Adel Ismail Al-Alawi & Sara Abdulrahman Al-Bassam
2019, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-26 A study of feature selection techniques for predicting customer retention in telecommunication sector
by E. Sivasankar & J. Vijaya - 27-44 Relative efficiency of social CRM software: a hybrid fuzzy AHP/DEA approach
by V. Raj Kumar & L. Suganthi - 45-68 An adaptive algorithm for frequent pattern mining over data streams using diffset strategy
by B. Subbulakshmi & C. Deisy - 69-85 Towards developing an automated attendance management system using barcode reader: Hashemite University as a case study
by Subhieh M. El-Salhi & Safa'a N. Al-Haj Saleh & Ibrahim I. Al-Amro - 86-105 Investigating Q-learning approach by using reinforcement learning to decide dynamic pricing for multiple products
by Fakhraddin Maroofi - 106-135 An empirical study on factors affecting the acceptance of M-commerce application among small and medium-sized tourism enterprises by integrating TTF with TAM
by Saleh Alqatan & Noor Maizura Mohamad Noor & Mustafa Man & Rosmayati Mohemad - 136-151 Intention to adopt mobile banking in Bangladesh: an empirical study of emerging economy
by Md Shamimul Islam & Noorliza Karia & Muhammad Khaleel & Firdaus Bin Ahmad Fauzi & Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Soliman & Jamshed Khalid & Md. Yeasir Arafat Bhuiyan & Md. Abdullah Al Mamun
2019, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 387-410 Strategic information systems planning in Kingdom of Bahrain: factors and impact of adoption
by Jaflah Hassan Al-Ammary & Sara Al-Doseri & Zahra Al-Blushi & Noor Al-Blushi & Manar Aman - 411-426 Role of electronic word of mouth on purchase intention
by Wajeeha Aslam & Kashif Farhat & Imtiaz Arif - 427-462 Impact of technology evolution on the materialised views: current issues and future trends
by Abderrazak Sebaa & Amina Nouicer & Abdelkamel Tari - 463-488 Building federated data warehouse schema using web service approach
by Nouha Arfaoui & Faîçal Felhi & Jalel Akaichi - 489-520 Defining one product data for a product
by Risto Silvola & Arto Tolonen & Janne Harkonen & Harri Haapasalo & Tarja Mannisto
2019, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 253-276 What drives the intention to repurchase digital items in digital games? An integration of uses and gratifications theory and the expectation-confirmation model
by Hilmy Mahfuzra & Achmad Nizar Hidayanto & Ika Chandra Hapsari & Prahastiwi Utari - 277-299 Information technology and the supply chain integration: a business executives' context
by José Luís Martinho & Carlos F. Gomes & Mahmoud M. Yasin - 300-323 The degree of possession and knowledge of mobile phones for trading activities by petty traders in Nigeria
by B.U.K. Farouk & O.A. David & I.J. David - 324-347 Factors influencing business intelligence-enabled success in global companies: an empirical study
by Michael L. Gonzales & Somnath Mukhopadhyay & Kallol Bagchi & Leopoldo Gemoets - 348-372 Connective intelligence to stay safe while shopping online for e-products and e-services on business-2-business and business-2-consumer websites
by Thembekile O. Mayayise & Isaac O. Osunmakinde - 373-385 EaaS infrastructure disruptor for MSE
by P.S. JosephNg
2019, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 125-151 Effective selling strategies for online auctions on eBay: a comprehensive approach with CART model
by Yanbin Tu & Y. Alex Tung & Paulo Goes - 152-176 Release cycle management: an action research study into a software company
by Kamran Syed & Neda Barqawi & Lars Mathiassen - 177-202 Application of the stimuli-organism-response framework to factors influencing social commerce intentions among social network users
by Mehdi Dashti & Ali Sanayei & Hossein Rezai Dolatabadi & Mohammad Hossein Moshref Javadi - 203-231 Customer relationship management and the impact of e-coupons on B2C retail markets
by Alan D. Smith & James R. Shock & Robert G. Beaves - 232-251 What is more important to internet banking website users: usability or functionality?
by Murat Durucu & Mine Isik & Fethi Calisir
2019, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-12 Selecting and tuning the optimal query form of different SQL commands
by Hasan Ali Idhaim - 13-30 Implicit feature identification for opinion mining
by Farek Lazhar - 31-50 Barriers to online shopping
by Ruby Jain & Madhu Kulhar - 51-78 Managing digital infrastructures: negotiating control and drift in service provisioning
by Nils-Petter Augustsson & Agneta Nilsson & Jonny Holmström & Lars Mathiassen - 79-91 Sophisticated strategic information systems and strategic performance of Islamic banks: a review of literature
by Ahmad Shukri Yazid & Farouk Umar Kofarnaisa - 92-108 A semantic matching engine for web service composition
by Ahmed Abid & Mohsen Rouached & Nizar Messai & Mohamed Abid & Thomas Devogele - 109-123 A conceptual framework for business intelligence critical success factors
by Farzad Firouzi Jahantigh & Arash Habibi & Azam Sarafrazi
2018, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 421-435 The relationship between business-IT alignment and organisational performance: an empirical investigation from multilevel view
by Hamad Balhareth - 436-458 Analysis of causal relationship between factors affecting the successful implementation of enterprise resource planning using intuitionistic fuzzy DEMATEL
by Hossein Sayyadi Tooranloo & Arezoo Sadat Ayatollah & Mohsen Karami - 459-484 The effect of service recovery on customers' satisfaction in e-banking: an empirical investigation
by Abbas Keramati & Arash Apornak & Helya Abedi & Farnoush Otrodi & Maryam Roudneshin - 485-501 What managers think about big data
by Ossi Ylijoki & Jari Porras - 502-534 Reconceptualising service firm marketing capability: scale development and validation
by Shampy Kamboj & Zillur Rahman - 535-546 Efficient enhanced intrusion identification and response system for MANETs
by A.V. Santhosh Babu & P. Meenakshi Devi & B. Sharmila
2018, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 281-296 Factors affecting ERP projects from a project management perspective: a literature review
by Rateb J. Sweis & Ruba Abuhussein & Dana Jandali & Mohammad Mashaleh & Mutaz Al-Debei - 297-323 Explaining and predicting continuance usage intention of e-learning recommender systems: an empirical evidence from Saudi Arabia
by Hadeel Alharbi & Kamaljeet Sandhu - 324-341 Predicting e-commerce adoption in small hotel: the role of technology-organisation-environment framework
by N. Nurhadi & Margo Purnomo - 342-386 An event-driven dynamic cross-layer business process compliance monitoring and analysis framework
by Sridevi Saralaya & Rio G. D'Souza & Vishwas Saralaya - 387-402 A three-pronged technique for the intelligent ranking of cloud service providers
by Tina Esther Trueman & P. Narayanasamy - 403-420 Achieving operational excellence in ERP manufacturer industries: through operation transformations
by K. Balasubramanian & V. Selladurai
2018, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 139-154 'From information to interaction': website and social media usage and trends in top Indian higher education institutions
by Rakhi Tripathi - 155-182 The effect of culture values on consumer intention to use Arabic e-commerce websites in Jordan: an empirical investigation
by Kamsuriah Ahmad & Mohannad Moufeed Ayyash & Omar Mohammad Ali Al-Qudah - 183-206 A comparative analysis of emerging scientific themes in business analytics
by Iman Raeesi Vanani & Seyed Mohammad Jafar Jalali - 207-232 EI-Annotate: an adaptive collective memory based on annotation ontology and context for decision making in economic intelligence
by Bensattalah Aissa & Faiçal Azouaou & Fahima Nader & Rachid Chalal - 233-267 Prioritisation of agile characteristics in products using fuzzy AHP approach through the referencing of the features of mobile phones
by V.M.M. Thilak & S.R. Devadasan & M. Vinod & D.T. Sunil - 268-280 An empirical examination of customer experience co-creation model in banking self service technologies
by Amit Kumar Agrawal & Asha Nagendra & Rajiv Divekar & Pravin Kumar Bhoyar
2018, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 4-22 A user study on trust perception in persuasive technology
by Wan Nooraishya Wan Ahmad & Nazlena Mohamad Ali - 23-41 E-collaborative learning experience, interdependencies of presences and learning outcomes: evidence of mediating and moderating effects
by Alimatu-Saadia Yussiff & Wan Fatimah Wan Ahmad & Emy Elyanee Mustapha - 42-58 Mobile decision support system with dynamic knowledge base using decision tree and case-based reasoning
by Hasimah Hj Mohamed & Muhammad Rafie Hj Mohd Arshad & Muhammad Dzulhilmi Azmi - 59-74 An investigation of factors influencing the intention to use mHealth apps for self-care
by Faiz Aiman Azhar & Jaspaljeet Singh Dhillon - 75-91 Predicting generalised anxiety disorder among women using decision tree-based classification
by Neesha Jothi & Wahidah Husain & Nur'Aini Abdul Rashid & Lee Ker Xin - 92-105 Business to customer (B2C) e-commerce implementation process: a case study experience in fashion and apparel business in Malaysia
by Deborah Libu Paris & Mahadi Bahari & Noorminshah A. Iahad - 106-125 Toward Green IT adoption: from managerial perspective
by Shahla Asadi & Ab Razak Che Hussin & Halina Mohamed Dahlan - 126-138 Validation of a multimodal interaction model for foot reflexology virtual reality stress therapy application
by Suziah Sulaiman & Hector Chimeremeze Okere & Dayang Rohaya Awang Rambli & Oi-Mean Foong
2018, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 393-403 A new technique for data encryption based on third party encryption server to maintain the privacy preserving in the cloud environment
by Ashraf H. Aljammal & Hani Bani-Salameh & Ahmad Qawasmeh & Ayoub Alsarhan & Ahmed Fawzi Otoom - 404-424 Critical success factors in ERP implementation in Indian manufacturing enterprises: an exploratory analysis
by Shree Ranjan & Vijay Kumar Jha & Pralay Pal - 425-446 A bottom-up approach for creating goal hierarchy using OLAP query recommendation technique
by Ranjeet Kumar Ranjan & N. Parimala - 447-467 Reduced energy consumption for MC/DC testing
by Sangharatna Godboley & Arpita Dutta & Durga Prasad Mohapatra - 468-503 To measure the business performance through cloud computing adoption in Indian scenario: structural equation modelling
by Pragati Priyadarshinee & Manoj Kumar Jha & Rakesh D. Raut & Manoj G. Kharat - 504-518 A systematic review on techniques of feature selection and classification for text mining
by K. Sridharan & P. Sivakumar
2018, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 236-283 Identification and classification of parameters affecting service selection efforts in SOA-based applications
by Zeeshan Ali Siddiqui & Kirti Tyagi - 284-298 Bees algorithm and support vector machine for Malaysian license plate recognition
by Nahlah M. Shatnawi - 299-314 Predictive auto-completion for query in search engine
by Vinay Singh & Dheeraj Kumar Purohit & Vimal Kumar & Pratima Verma & Ankita Malviya - 315-341 Preventing business and information technology misalignment when introducing technology changes
by Oscar Avila & Kelly Garcés - 342-370 Factors affecting the adoption of internet banking in Pakistan: an integration of technology acceptance model and theory of planned behaviour
by Masood Ul Hassan & Asghar Iqbal & Zeeshan Iqbal - 371-391 Comprehensive three-layer trust management model for public cloud environment
by Vikas Kumar & Prasann Pradhan
2018, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 125-146 The impact of the quality of the service from IS/IT departments on the improvement of operational performance: the point of view of users of technological innovations
by Ricardo Santa & Mario Ferrer & Liliyana Makarova Jørsfeldt & Annibal Scavarda - 125-146 The impact of the quality of the service from IS/IT departments on the improvement of operational performance: the point of view of users of technological innovations
by Ricardo Santa & Mario Ferrer & Liliyana Makarova Jørsfeldt & Annibal Scavarda - 147-162 Social media marketing impact on the purchase intention of millennials
by Ashutosh Pandey & Rajendra Sahu & Manoj Kumar Dash - 147-162 Social media marketing impact on the purchase intention of millennials
by Ashutosh Pandey & Rajendra Sahu & Manoj Kumar Dash - 163-177 Evaluation and performance analysis of classification techniques for thyroid detection
by Rekha Pal & Tanvi Anand & Sanjay Kumar Dubey - 163-177 Evaluation and performance analysis of classification techniques for thyroid detection
by Rekha Pal & Tanvi Anand & Sanjay Kumar Dubey - 178-195 System dynamics-based approach to manpower planning: a study of Indian microfinance institutions
by Richa Das & Chandan Bhar - 178-195 System dynamics-based approach to manpower planning: a study of Indian microfinance institutions
by Richa Das & Chandan Bhar - 196-213 Comprehending visualisations of dense rank order data: a comparison of alternate presentation formats
by Vijay V. Raghavan & Ben Martz & Morgan Shepherd - 196-213 Comprehending visualisations of dense rank order data: a comparison of alternate presentation formats
by Vijay V. Raghavan & Ben Martz & Morgan Shepherd - 214-245 Online car parking booking system: the case of Jordan
by Mahmoud Mohammad Migdadi & Abdel Raouf Dado & Othman Al Safadi & Hisham Shadid - 214-245 Online car parking booking system: the case of Jordan
by Mahmoud Mohammad Migdadi & Abdel Raouf Dado & Othman Al Safadi & Hisham Shadid - 246-261 Crowd estimation at a social event using call data records
by V.P. Sumathi & Kittusamy Kousalya & V. Vanitha & J. Cynthia - 246-261 Crowd estimation at a social event using call data records
by V.P. Sumathi & Kittusamy Kousalya & V. Vanitha & J. Cynthia
2018, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-17 RBACA: role-based access control architecture for multi-domain cloud environment
by Chaitali Uikey & D.S. Bhilare - 1-17 RBACA: role-based access control architecture for multi-domain cloud environment
by Chaitali Uikey & D.S. Bhilare - 18-41 Towards a new method for designing multidimensional models
by Nawfal El Moukhi & Ikram El Azami & Aziz Mouloudi - 18-41 Towards a new method for designing multidimensional models
by Nawfal El Moukhi & Ikram El Azami & Aziz Mouloudi - 42-66 An empirical investigation of agility factors in select Indian manufacturing industries
by Alok Khatri & D. Garg & G.S. Dangayach - 42-66 An empirical investigation of agility factors in select Indian manufacturing industries
by Alok Khatri & D. Garg & G.S. Dangayach - 67-78 Sequence clustering approach for clustering web user session
by Pradeep Kumar - 67-78 Sequence clustering approach for clustering web user session
by Pradeep Kumar - 79-94 Multi term based co-term frequency method for term weighting in information retrieval
by M. Santhanakumar & C. Christopher Columbus & K. Jayapriya - 79-94 Multi term based co-term frequency method for term weighting in information retrieval
by M. Santhanakumar & C. Christopher Columbus & K. Jayapriya - 95-124 Factors affecting the adoption of internet banking: a systematic literature review
by Amer Alzaidi & Shahzad Qamar - 95-124 Factors affecting the adoption of internet banking: a systematic literature review
by Amer Alzaidi & Shahzad Qamar
2018, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 411-432 Patterns affecting structural properties of social networking site 'Twitter'
by Vinay Singh & Anurag Singh & Divya Jain & Vimal Kumar & Pratima Verma - 411-432 Patterns affecting structural properties of social networking site 'Twitter'
by Vinay Singh & Anurag Singh & Divya Jain & Vimal Kumar & Pratima Verma - 433-465 Evaluation of the StrAli-BPM approach: strategic alignment with BPM using agreements in different levels
by Guilherme B.M. Salles & Marcelo Fantinato & Vitor Almeida Barros & João Porto De Albuquerque - 433-465 Evaluation of the StrAli-BPM approach: strategic alignment with BPM using agreements in different levels
by Guilherme B.M. Salles & Marcelo Fantinato & Vitor Almeida Barros & João Porto De Albuquerque - 466-492 Factors driving consumer loyalty intention towards e-tailers: an integrated model
by Plavini Punyatoya & Anurag Satpathy & Arjun Agrawal - 466-492 Factors driving consumer loyalty intention towards e-tailers: an integrated model
by Plavini Punyatoya & Anurag Satpathy & Arjun Agrawal - 493-511 Enhancing revenue management systems performance with CRM systems data
by Vinaysingh Chawan - 493-511 Enhancing revenue management systems performance with CRM systems data
by Vinaysingh Chawan - 512-537 The big five personality traits and their relationship with the intensity of using Facebook: a developing country perspective
by Ziad Khamis Rashid El-Tah & Mohammed-Issa Riad Mousa Jaradat - 512-537 The big five personality traits and their relationship with the intensity of using Facebook: a developing country perspective
by Ziad Khamis Rashid El-Tah & Mohammed-Issa Riad Mousa Jaradat - 538-553 Monitoring and modelling service level agreement of multiple virtual machines in cloud computing
by Abdel-Rahman Al-Ghuwairi & Zaher Salah & Ayoub Alsarhan & Shatha Al Qudah & Ghadeer Al Qahmous & Aladdin Baarah & Ahmad Al-Oqaily - 538-553 Monitoring and modelling service level agreement of multiple virtual machines in cloud computing
by Abdel-Rahman Al-Ghuwairi & Zaher Salah & Ayoub Alsarhan & Shatha Al Qudah & Ghadeer Al Qahmous & Aladdin Baarah & Ahmad Al-Oqaily
2018, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 277-297 Investigating drivers of user acceptance of electronic treasury: a case study
by Behrouz Zarei & Kasra Amanati & Amir Hossein Ghapanchi - 277-297 Investigating drivers of user acceptance of electronic treasury: a case study
by Behrouz Zarei & Kasra Amanati & Amir Hossein Ghapanchi - 298-330 Developing and validating a comprehensive model of factors influencing consumer acceptance of SMS advertising: empirical evidence using SEM-PLS
by Mohammad Hamdi Al Khasawneh & Ahmed Shuhaiber - 298-330 Developing and validating a comprehensive model of factors influencing consumer acceptance of SMS advertising: empirical evidence using SEM-PLS
by Mohammad Hamdi Al Khasawneh & Ahmed Shuhaiber - 331-348 The influence of technological factors on individual's intention towards knowledge sharing practice
by Arif Abdelwhab Ali & P.D.D. Dominic - 331-348 The influence of technological factors on individual's intention towards knowledge sharing practice
by Arif Abdelwhab Ali & P.D.D. Dominic - 349-366 New local sedec pattern descriptor for improving the retrieval efficiency in content-based image retrieval
by S. Umamaheswaran & N. Suresh Kumar & K. Ganesh & S. Nagarajan - 349-366 New local sedec pattern descriptor for improving the retrieval efficiency in content-based image retrieval
by S. Umamaheswaran & N. Suresh Kumar & K. Ganesh & S. Nagarajan - 367-382 Optimal sentence clustering for web database using hierarchical fuzzy relational clustering integrated with artificial bee colony algorithm
by Santhi Venkatraman & R. Prasanthini - 367-382 Optimal sentence clustering for web database using hierarchical fuzzy relational clustering integrated with artificial bee colony algorithm
by Santhi Venkatraman & R. Prasanthini - 383-410 Internet banking in Pakistan: an extended technology acceptance perspective
by Sahar Afshan & Arshian Sharif & Nazneen Waseem & Reema Frooghi - 383-410 Internet banking in Pakistan: an extended technology acceptance perspective
by Sahar Afshan & Arshian Sharif & Nazneen Waseem & Reema Frooghi
2018, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 135-176 Evaluation of Indian universities' websites in terms of information quality: differences in the perspectives of end users segments based on their socio-demographic characteristics
by Bhim Sain Singla & Himanshu Aggarwal - 135-176 Evaluation of Indian universities' websites in terms of information quality: differences in the perspectives of end users segments based on their socio-demographic characteristics
by Bhim Sain Singla & Himanshu Aggarwal - 177-192 ERP implementation in university: a case study in Thailand
by Nacha Chondamrongkul - 177-192 ERP implementation in university: a case study in Thailand
by Nacha Chondamrongkul - 193-204 Data mules-oriented particle swarm optimisation-based mobile sink data gathering techniques with analytical data analysis using linear regression
by Govindarajan Saravanan & M.J.S. Rangachar - 193-204 Data mules-oriented particle swarm optimisation-based mobile sink data gathering techniques with analytical data analysis using linear regression
by Govindarajan Saravanan & M.J.S. Rangachar - 205-221 Cost benefit analysis of cloud computing in education
by Kiran Bala Nayar & Vikas Kumar - 205-221 Cost benefit analysis of cloud computing in education
by Kiran Bala Nayar & Vikas Kumar - 222-245 Acceptance of e-book reading among higher education students in a developing country: the modified diffusion innovation theory
by Wasim Qazi & Syed Ali Raza & Nida Shah - 222-245 Acceptance of e-book reading among higher education students in a developing country: the modified diffusion innovation theory
by Wasim Qazi & Syed Ali Raza & Nida Shah - 246-263 Decision modelling in evaluating information management strategy in manufacturing industry
by Purnendu Mandal - 246-263 Decision modelling in evaluating information management strategy in manufacturing industry
by Purnendu Mandal - 264-275 Cognisant computing and 'lean' practices: interactions with 21st century businesses and implications
by Emmanuel C. Ogu & Amos Benita & Edy-Ewoh Uduakobong - 264-275 Cognisant computing and 'lean' practices: interactions with 21st century businesses and implications
by Emmanuel C. Ogu & Amos Benita & Edy-Ewoh Uduakobong
2018, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-20 Citizen centric assessment framework for e-governance services quality
by Vinay Singh & Garima Singh - 1-20 Citizen centric assessment framework for e-governance services quality
by Vinay Singh & Garima Singh - 21-44 Developing SOA-enabled service agility capabilities: case studies in services industry
by Aparna Raman & Sangeeta Shah Bharadwaj & Jaydeep Mukherjee - 21-44 Developing SOA-enabled service agility capabilities: case studies in services industry
by Aparna Raman & Sangeeta Shah Bharadwaj & Jaydeep Mukherjee - 45-68 Code refactoring using slice-based cohesion metrics and aspect-oriented programming
by Jagannath Singh & Pabitra Mohan Khilar & Durga Prasad Mohapatra - 45-68 Code refactoring using slice-based cohesion metrics and aspect-oriented programming
by Jagannath Singh & Pabitra Mohan Khilar & Durga Prasad Mohapatra - 69-85 A triangular perception of scope creep influencing the project success
by K. Lakshmi Madhuri & V. Suma & Uma Mohan Mokashi - 69-85 A triangular perception of scope creep influencing the project success
by K. Lakshmi Madhuri & V. Suma & Uma Mohan Mokashi - 86-104 An empirical examination of antecedents determining students' usage of clickers in a digital marketing module
by Nripendra P. Rana & Yogesh K. Dwivedi - 86-104 An empirical examination of antecedents determining students' usage of clickers in a digital marketing module
by Nripendra P. Rana & Yogesh K. Dwivedi - 105-122 Relative importance of CSF in ERP implementation strategy: a multi-participant AHP approach
by Shruti Nagpal & Ashok Kumar & Sunil Kumar Khatri - 105-122 Relative importance of CSF in ERP implementation strategy: a multi-participant AHP approach
by Shruti Nagpal & Ashok Kumar & Sunil Kumar Khatri