2016, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 166-182 Value relevance of the degree of leverages
by Pradeep Kumar Gupta & Shailendra Kumar & Piyush Verma - 183-209 Corporate disclosures by publicly listed companies in Bangladesh
by M. Akhtaruddin & Muhammad Atiqul Islam - 210-221 Consumers' preference for foreign products in an emerging market: do family communication patterns play a role?
by Abednego Feehi Okoe & Henry Boateng & Thomas Anning-Dorson
2016, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 3-29 Does location choice affect foreign subsidiary success in India? An empirical study based on Porter's diamond model
by Dirk Holtbrügge & Carina B. Friedmann - 30-48 Group affiliation, R%D and firm performance: empirical evidence from Indian manufacturing sector
by Dinesh Jaisinghani - 49-66 Prioritising the dimensions of employee motivation using analytic hierarchy process
by Chandra Sekhar & Manoj Patwardhan & Rohit Kumar Singh - 67-93 Uruguayan buyer behaviour: conspicuous versus inconspicuous consumption
by Harash J. Sachdev & Micah Murphy & Camila Belassi - 94-115 Implicit and explicit loyalty: the role of satisfaction, trust and brand image in mobile telecommunication industry
by Eric Yeboah-Asiamah & Simon Gyasi Nimako & Daniel M. Quaye & Samuel Buame
2015, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 312-325 Teaching ethics: a case study-based, interdisciplinary framework
by Lydia Barza & Marc Cohen - 326-335 An overview of higher education in the Arabian Gulf
by Nnamdi O. Madichie - 336-360 Effects of internationalisation on performance of BRICS multinationals moderated by organisational slack and R%D intensity
by Alisson Maxwell Ferreira De Andrade & Simone Vasconcelos Ribeiro Galina & Evandro Marcos Saidel Ribeiro - 361-379 Expatriates' personal attributes and knowledge acquisition in brownfield IJVs: the case of CJ LION in Korea
by Byung Il Park & Sang Bae Jeong - 380-395 Standardisation/adaptation of the curriculum - relevance of 'Western' business textbooks for the MENA
by Kamel Fantazy & Nnamdi O. Madichie
2015, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 223-236 A systemic approach to talent management: managers' perceptions versus employees'
by Ruta Daciulyte & Katazina Stankevich - 237-250 Women's career development directions and possibilities
by RÅ«ta AdamonienÄ— & Erika Marengolcaite - 251-264 Online social networking and socially responsible consumption: X and Y generations' case
by Rūta Tamošiūnaitė & Dalia Karlaitė - 265-285 The effect of futures trading on spot market volatility: evidence from Turkish Derivative Exchange
by Samet Günay & Mahfuzul Haque - 286-306 Stock market integration: evidence from BRIC countries
by Naliniprava Tripathy
2015, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 137-154 Competitiveness and innovative development of industrial enterprises: a case of Ukraine
by Valeria Kolosok & Yana Trusova - 155-169 Use of multiple criteria decision aid methods in case of large amounts of data
by Askoldas Podviezko - 170-185 Correlation of common knowledge variables and search engine marketing elements
by Aurimas Paulius GirÄ ys - 186-202 Export performance in emerging markets: upgrading evidence from a cluster in Brazil
by Maria Laura Ferranty MacLennan & Ilan Avrichir & Cléber da Costa Figueiredo - 203-218 Indian consumer style inventory and its role in predicting Indian mall patronage intention
by Devinder Pal Singh & Dheeraj Sharma
2015, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-24 The underpricing and long-run underperformance of initial public offerings: evidence from Vietnam
by Thi Hai Ly Tran & Dat Chi Le & Thi Phuong Thao Hoang - 25-36 Managing of treasury in the banking system within a multi currency economy: evidence from Palestine
by Nidal Rashid Sabri & Diama K. Abulabn & Dima Walid Hanyia - 37-75 Modelling the antecedents and consequence of consumer switching behaviour in Ghanaian mobile telecommunication industry
by Simon Gyasi Nimako & Benjamin Aggrey Ntim - 76-100 External audit quality and ownership structure: interaction and impact on earnings management of industrial and commercial Tunisian sectors PAPER WITHDRAWN
by Amel Kouaib & Anis Jarboui - 101-129 Corporate governance voluntary disclosures in developing countries: evidence from Jordanian banks
by Ghassan H. Mardini
2014, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 286-297 Defining a base of the pyramid strategy
by Nancy E. Landrum - 298-315 Implications of transaction cost on the consumer choice heuristics: a grounded theory analysis at the Indian bottom of the pyramid
by Srabanti Mukherjee & Debdatta Pal - 316-339 An exploratory study of counterfeit purchases among rural bottom of pyramid customers in India
by Rajeev Kumra & Anjali Malik - 340-355 Winning poor consumers in Africa: best-practices from mobile network operators
by Wolfgang Albeck & Steffen Huth & Marco Braun - 356-370 Creative consumers in impoverished situations
by Stefanie Beninger & Karen Robson - 371-394 Prioritisation of barriers to rural markets: integrating fuzzy logic and AHP
by Anita Sengar & Vinay Sharma & Rajat Agrawal & Kumkum Bharti
2014, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 203-216 Consumers' attitude and purchase intention towards counterfeit of luxury brands
by Ashwin Modi & Jayesh D. Patel & Yupal S. Shukla & Dharmesh D. Gadhavi - 217-229 Gender, family business background and entrepreneurial intentions in an emerging economy
by R. Venkatapathy & P. Pretheeba - 230-246 Effect of cause-related marketing on corporate image and purchase intention: evidence from India
by Khuman L. Rathod & Dharmesh D. Gadhavi & Yupal S. Shukla - 247-270 Dynamics of emerging stock market with growing China dominated foreign participation
by Samson E. Edo - 271-282 Stock market development and economic growth in Sri Lanka
by Athambawa Jahfer & Tohru Inoue
2014, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 99-120 Modelling the linkage between North and Southern Mediterranean stock markets: does the Agadir agreement have any impact?
by Adel Boubaker - 121-138 Explaining deliberate IPO price discount evidence from the Tunisian stock market
by Ahmed Jeribi & Anis Jarboui - 139-162 Risk disclosure associated with financial statements reporting of Jordanian public corporations
by Yasean A. Tahat - 163-182 Reverse innovation as an inducer of centres of excellence in foreign subsidiaries of emerging markets
by Felipe Mendes Borini & Sidney Costa & Maitê Alves Bezerra & Moacir de Miranda Oliveira Junior - 183-200 Overseas R%D investments of emerging market firms: the impact of top management team composition
by Kiattichai Kalasin
2014, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 3-18 Management of emotions: a study using Patanjali's Yoga Sutra
by Vishnu N. Mishra & Nivrati Mishra - 19-33 Indian mythological principles for management of present day organisations: some observations
by Anjali Arora & Priyanka & Saibal Kumar Pal - 34-53 The Yagna Spirit - new age business dynamism
by J. Chandrasekhar & Avinash Shivdas - 54-70 Chanakya - the oriental doctrine creator, the modern management 'guru': an examination of the context
by S.P. Rath - 71-82 From 'management by materialism' to 'management by spiritual wisdom'
by S.R. Meera & Sandrine Bonin - 83-96 Indian literature: a gateway to modern management principles and practices
by Mehak Nain
2013, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 285-303 Offshore outsourcing and political risk: India in 2004
by Niranjan Chipalkatti & Bruce Koch & Meenakshi Rishi - 304-321 Crises, crude oil and BRIC stock markets
by Valeri Natanelov & Manoj Dora & Xavier Gellynck & Guido Van Huylenbroeck - 322-340 Missing causality links between foreign direct investment, exports, domestic investment and economic growth
by Brinda Sooreea-Bheemul & Rajeev Sooreea - 341-370 Economic impact of trade openness and exchange rate regimes: evidence from developing Asia
by Simrit Kaur & Aditya Vikram - 371-387 A tumultuous decade in Thailand: competitive dynamics among domestic banks and multi-national entrants in an emerging market
by Scott B. Droege & Michelle D. Lane & Maureen Casile
2013, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 199-216 Oil price shocks and macroeconomic activities: evidence from an oil dependent exporting economy
by Olajide S. Oladipo - 217-233 Returns dynamics and global integration of BRICS stock markets
by Akash Dania & D.K. Malhotra - 234-253 An initial assessment of e-governance and public sector marketing in the UAE
by Nnamdi O. Madichie & Alaa-Aldin Abdul Rahim A. Al Athmay - 254-267 Marketing strategies to survive in a recession
by Emin Civi - 268-282 Impact of buy-back: empirical study on Indian markets
by Arun Kumar Gopalaswamy
2013, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 101-118 The proposed theoretical framework of consumer financial market efficiency and the exploration of key consumer credit behaviour factors in a developing economy
by Simangaliso Biza-Khupe & Olukunle Iyanda - 119-147 The impact of firm characteristics and corporate governance attributes on internet investor relations - evidence from Bahrain
by Abdelmohsen M. Desoky & Gehan A. Mousa - 148-164 Inflation persistence and growth in seven emerging Islamic economies
by Tahereh Alavi Hojjat & Bradley C. Barnhorst - 165-182 Internationalisation and entrepreneurial orientation of multi-national organisations in emerging markets
by Dean N. De Haaff & Boris Urban - 183-196 Cosmetic surgery intent in emerging economies - evidence from India
by M. Geetha & Sangeeta Priyadarshini
2013, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 3-27 Lean supply chains and the competitiveness of emerging market firms
by Robert N. Mefford - 28-45 Effect of perceived brand foreignness on branding strategy evaluation for high and low involvement products
by Plavini Punyatoya - 46-66 Innovation with information technology: coalition governments and emerging economies - fighting corruption with electronic governance
by Siva Prasad Ravi - 67-82 Calendar effects of the Chinese stock markets
by Jaw-Kai Wang & Udechukwu Ojiako & Ling Wang - 83-97 Social determinants of HIV/AIDS: implications for policies in emerging markets countries
by Javier Mignone
2012, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 277-292 Job resources and employee engagement in a Chinese context: the mediating role of job meaningfulness, felt obligation and positive mood
by Simon L. Albrecht & Mandy Jinghe Su - 293-312 Negotiating with the Malaysian Chinese: versatile partners for business expansion in Asia
by Mark Loo - 313-327 Cosmopolitan cultural identities and management practice: challenges of Chinese returnees
by Di Zhang & William X. Wei - 328-351 Changing consumer markets and marketing in China
by Sha Zhang & Jenny Van Doorn & Peter. S.H. Leeflang - 352-361 Constructing evaluation criteria for China's integrated public finance performance auditing
by Zenghua Wang
2012, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 181-199 Managerial ties with local firms and governments: an analysis of Japanese firms in China
by Naoki Ando & Daniel Z. Ding - 200-222 Comovements and causality of sector price indices: evidence from the Egyptian Stock Exchange
by Walid M.A. Ahmed - 223-240 Performance implications of cross-listing for emerging vs. developed market firms: an institutional legitimacy approach
by Sudhir Nair & Bruce C. Skaggs - 241-257 Understanding the relationship between governance mechanisms, firm performance and CEO power within Tunisian context
by Rym Hachana & Sana Ben Cheikh - 258-271 Strategic thinking and economic development: the case of Ghana
by Kwaku Appiah-Adu & Samuel Aning
2012, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 91-106 The United States direct investment and intra-industry trade with Japan, the Four Tigers and China
by William X. Wei & Yu Peng & Meina Xu & Jin Zhang - 107-122 The Export Market Orientation-export performance relationship in emerging markets: the case of Croatian SME exporters
by Dario Miocevic & Biljana Crnjak-Karanovic - 123-142 Mind over money. FDI location choice in India
by Dirk Holtbrügge & Carina B. Friedmann - 143-159 Impact of the perceived crowding, emotions and perceived values on the return intention: evidence from Tunisia
by Karim Garrouch & Mohamed Nabil Mzoughi & Najla Tritar - 160-178 A hybrid ARIMA-EGARCH and Artificial Neural Network model in stock market forecasting: evidence for India and the USA
by Manish Kumar & M. Thenmozhi
2012, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 4-27 The role of global brand familiarity, trust and liking in predicting global brand purchase intent: a Hungarian–American comparison
by Zsuzsa Deli-Gray & James E. Haefner & Al Rosenbloom - 28-48 Accessing marketing channels in emerging markets: the case of small-scale cooperatives in central Mexico
by Julie V. Stanton - 49-68 Identifying customer value in emerging markets via conjoint analysis: a case study of an Estonian packaging company
by Andrus Kotri & Jim Mourey - 69-88 Antecedents of MNE performance: evidence from Asia Pacific emerging markets
by Juichuan Chang
2011, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 317-338 Is the competitive strategy-performance relationship consistent across developed and emerging nations? An assessment of China, Turkey and the USA
by John A. Parnell & Mehmet Ali Koseoglu & Zhang Long & Wu Yuanyuan - 339-353 Social burden, social venture or social responsibility? A reflection on CSR in China and CSR strategy suggestions for multinational companies in China
by Mantian Wang & Rongming Ren & Guiyi Hu & Hongyong Lu & Ilan Alon - 354-376 Trading volume, volatility, order flow and spread: evidence from a Tunisian dealer
by Imen Kouki & Mahfuzul Haque - 377-395 Capital Account Liberalisation: has it improved SMEs situation in Nigeria?
by Lawrence Ogechukwu Obokoh - 396-417 Economic and welfare impacts of prospective India–Australia FTA using GTAP and SMART models
by Shahid Ahmed
2011, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 217-250 A macroeconometric analysis of the effects of financial liberalisation on capital flight in Nigeria
by Anthony Enisan Akinlo & Olubanjo Taiwo Ajilore - 251-269 Economic growth, investment and export performance in Nigeria 1970–2006
by O. Olayinka Akinlo - 270-288 An exploratory research on entertainment facilities in Indian malls and its impact on shopping behaviour of consumers
by Sapna Rakesh & Arpita Khare - 289-314 Hurdles in the conduct of marketing research in India: an exploratory study
by Meenakshi Handa & Ajay Pandit & Anupma Vohra
2011, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 109-136 The impact of risk on banks' Total Factor Productivity Change: empirical evidence from the Chinese banking sector
by Fadzlan Sufian - 137-157 Determinants of internationalisation strategies: a study of Chinese multinational enterprises
by Gloria L. Ge & Daniel Z. Ding - 158-176 A Decision-Support System application in retail store location model: a case study of hypermarket in emerging markets
by M. Hemalatha & P. Sridevi & V.J. Sivakumar - 177-197 Software superstore: Russian IT resources in offshore software development
by Anna Kyrki & Marko T. Torkkeli - 198-213 Privatisation and workers in Nigeria: some issues and solutions
by Babatunde Joshua Omotosho
2011, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 3-20 Framework for female entrepreneurship in China
by Shengliang Deng & Xu Wang & Ilan Alon - 21-35 A strategic framework for determining technological learning performance in Chinese firms
by Wei Xie & Steven White - 36-56 Going global: the process of internationalisation of Latino multinational firms
by Andres Hatum & Josefina Michelini - 57-74 The effect of corruption on global franchising in emerging markets
by Veronica Baena - 75-88 Entrepreneurship in Bolivia: an ethnographic enquiry
by Leo Paul Dana - 89-106 Emerging markets investment opportunities: Cypriot investors and Russian mutual funds
by Haritini Tsangari
2010, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 335-351 The globalisation of China's financial capital: How China's growing financial clout is affecting the global political economy
by Francis Schortgen - 352-369 Chinese outward direct investment: a study on macroeconomic determinants
by William X. Wei & Ilan Alon - 370-384 International entrepreneurship and knowledge acquisition in Chinese international firms
by Hai-Ru Yang & Daniel Z. Ding & Zhi-Qiang Liu - 385-408 Comparison of PRC and Vietnam's responses to the elimination of US textile and apparel quotas: economic and cultural perspectives
by Joseph Pelzman & Amir Shoham - 409-424 The function of social networks in expatriate effectiveness
by Lily Jiao Li & Xiao-Hua (Frank) Wang & Mitchell Rothstein - 425-442 Foreign Direct Investment and spillover effect: a local firm perspective
by Nilufer Yapici
2010, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 213-234 Outsourcing and organising NPD at emerging markets: a survey of Malaysian firms
by Ammar Al-Shalabi & Jonas Rundquist - 235-251 Entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the USA
by Susan Glanz - 252-266 Web aggregation in India: E-business models in new economy
by Sita Mishra - 267-285 Regional cross-cultural consumption differences within India
by Devinder Pal Singh & Manoj K. Sharma - 286-304 The effects of housing characteristics on neighbourhood stability of homeownership
by Teck Hong Tan - 305-327 Impact of September 11, 2001 (911) in the Emerging Market's stock volatility
by Mahfuzul Haque
2010, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 113-130 Value creation in Indian business schools in the changing environment: a theoretical perspective
by Rajiv R. Thakur & B.S. Sahay - 131-146 Wage discrimination in Lebanon as related to experience and education: Is it allocative or evaluative?
by Josiane Fahed-Sreih & Hazar Sharifi - 147-162 Bridging culture and consumer value: towards an integrative framework
by Hamid Yeganeh & Pascale Marcotte & Laurent Bourdeau - 163-179 Exploring the determinants of corporate debt maturity: evidence from Tunisian market
by Nader Naifar - 180-192 The role of banking sector in the Arab economic development
by Nidal Rashid Sabri - 193-209 An empirical investigation into the banking intermediation and Foreign Direct Investment inflows in China
by Jean-Claude Maswana
2010, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 3-22 Is Structure-Conduct-Performance a case of structure–performance?: Structural Equation Modelling of Indian industries
by C. Srinivas & Sushil Kumar - 23-42 Anomaly or rationality: an empirical study on explaining the day-of-the-week effect for S&P CNX Nifty index in India
by K.N. Badhani & Naliniprava Tripathy - 43-57 Effectiveness of sales promotion effort in emerging markets: a brand level analysis
by Mehir Kumar Baidya & Kamal Ghose - 58-76 The evolution of retailing in India's small towns
by Arpita Khare & Michael C. Mayo - 77-90 Microcredit and household poverty status in rural Nigeria: experience from selected agencies in Ekiti State
by I.B. Oluwatayo - 91-108 The impact of industrial clusters in greening manufacturing industry practices in small and medium scale enterprises: the case of the Old Ardbennie Industrial Cluster in Harare, Zimbabwe
by Charles Mbohwa & Peter Rwakatiwana & Stanley Fore - 109-110 Book Review: Financial Markets and Institutions in the Arab Economy by Nidal Rashid Sabri
by Lama B. Musleh
2009, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 315-340 The consideration of Off-Balance Sheet activities on banking efficiency and productivity performances within the UAE
by Bruce Q. Budd - 341-360 Industrial buyer–supplier relationship: perspectives from an emerging Middle East market
by M. Sadiq Sohail & Aref A. Alashban - 361-386 From industrial networks to strategic alliances or vice-versa
by Desalegn Abraha Gebrekidan & Akmal S. Hyder - 387-404 Indian economy: financial sector reforms and development
by Ravinder Rena - 405-419 Environmental conditions and their impact on small businesses in South Africa: implications for managers
by Kofi Poku Quan-Baffour & Akwasi Arko-Achemfuor
2009, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 211-231 A strategic shift of automobile manufacturing firms in Turkey
by Refik Culpan & Guner Gursoy - 232-248 Ethnocentrism, country of origin, and brand perception in a special context
by Yamen Koubaa - 249-263 Stock market volatility and weak-form efficiency: evidence from an emerging market
by Abid Hameed & Hammad Ashraf - 264-281 Financial Structure and economic growth: empirical evidence from Nigeria
by M.O. Saibu & K.E.I. Bowale & A.E. Akinlo - 282-295 CRM in Indian banking Sector: exploring the critical success factors
by Manoj Patwardhan & Pankaj Srivastava & Kirti Kumar & Santosh Kumar & Abhishek Garg & Devesh Arya - 296-311 A theoretical review of the property development challenges in Nigeria
by Nnamdi O. Madichie & Okechukwu A. Madichie
2008, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 107-123 Transition in Romania: Is joining the European Union a win for all?
by Jeffrey S. Podoshen & Emanuela Verenca & Sonia Ketkar - 124-140 Service entry strategies into a transition economy: an Estonian case study
by Brent McKenzie & Bill Merrilees - 141-150 Human resources challenges and opportunities in China: a case from the hospitality industry
by Tatiana Ferreira & Ilan Alon - 151-170 New policy regime and productivity of Indian manufacturing: a disaggregative analysis
by Manpreet Kaur & Ravi Kiran & Inderjeet Singh - 171-188 An enquiry into the growth dynamics of Punjab's urban unorganised establishments in an era of globalisation: a labour perspective
by Varinder Jain - 189-208 Exploring the construct of family business in the emerging markets
by Vipin Gupta & Nancy Levenburg & Lynda L. Moore & Jaideep Motwani & Thomas V. Schwarz
2008, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-13 Determinants of subsidiary performance in Central and Eastern Europe
by Roxana Wright - 14-23 Chinese stock market and evaluation (1994–2005)
by A. Haque & Wang Shaoping - 24-41 The effects of behavioural factors in investment decision-making: a survey of institutional investors operating at the Nairobi Stock Exchange
by Nelson Maina Waweru & Evelyne Munyoki & Enrico Uliana - 42-60 India: opportunities and challenges for multinational enterprises
by Sushil Vachani - 61-79 The Vietnamese pharmaceutical market: a comparison of foreign entry strategies
by Daniel Simonet - 80-104 Internationalisation of bank enterprises in new emerging markets: the case of penetration and expansion into Eastern European countries
by Rian Drogendijk & Amjad Hadjikhani