- 302 Être élève de Terminale en Polynésie française Une enquête (Le Lycée et après, Ined, ISPF, DGEE, 2023) et quelques premiers résultats
by Eva Lelièvre - 301 The long-term effects of grade retention: Empirical analysis on French data
by Léonard Moulin & Florent Sari
- 300 A contextual database at the district level using French census and other administrative data
by Giulia Ferrari & Rosa Weber - 299 Evaluating the effectiveness of two Milan’s congestion limitation policies: charge increase and vehicle type limitation
by Léonard Moulin & Valeria Maria Urbano - 298 Compter les absents : estimer indirectement une diaspora insulaire
by Clément Digoin & Eva Lelièvre & Thomas Merly-Alpa & Celio Sierra-Paycha - 297 Politique d’immigration, statut légal et fécondité des migrantes : le cas de Mayotte
by Cris Beauchemin & Marine Haddad & Mamady Cisse & Christelle Nagnonhou & Lucas Ondicolberry & Andreas Priambodo - 296 United Nations comparative fertility survey programs: balancing national challenges and international objectives
by Marie Digoix - 295 Interroger (et s’interroger sur) les trajectoires administratives des immigré·es dans l’enquête Trajectoires et Origines 2 (TeO2)
by Julia Descamps - 294 Discrimination au travail et santé mentale des immigré·es et descendant·es d’immigrés : une analyse de médiation à partir de l’enquête Conditions de Travail
by Anne Gosselin & Nesrine Ben Ahmed - 293 La santé au fil du temps et des générations : dynamique des inégalités sociales de santé parmi les immigrés et leurs descendants
by Anne Gosselin & Mathieu Ichou - 292 Do late-life divorces produce greater gender inequalities? Evidence from administrative data
by Léa Cimelli & Carole Bonnet & Anne Solaz - 291 In the Eye of the Storm: the Disrupted Career Paths of Young People in the Wake of COVID-19
by Sabina Issehnane & Léonard Moulin - 290 End-of-Life Surveys in the French Overseas Departments : Data Collection Protocol
by Sophie Pennec & Joëlle Gaymu & Efi Markou & Amandine Stephan & Géraldine Vivier & FDVDOM Team - 289 Mise en couple et mixité en France
by Ognjen Obućina & Ariane Pailhé - 50 Les violences sexuelles subies par les hommes en France. Parcours de violences et rapports d'âge
by Lucie Wicky - 3weaqjmbmewvndemrt6i Gendered Pathways: How do STEM Majors Fare in the Labor Market?
by Rosa Weber & Camilla Härtull & Jan Saarela
- 288 De la mixité des ascendances à l’hybridation des généalogies
by Mathieu Ferry & Pierre Tanneau & Patrick Simon - 287 Les rapports aux origines : des identités mouvantes confrontées aux assignations
by Mathieu Ferry & Patrick Simon - 286 Les environnements résidentiels des immigrés et de leurs descendants : évolutions et tendances
by Giulia Ferrari & Haley McAvay & Sorana Toma - 285 Are Female-Breadwinner Couples Always Less Stable? Evidence From French Administrative Data
by Giulia Ferrari & Anne Solaz & Agnese Vitali - 284 Du partenariat au mariage : le pari impossible d’un dispositif marital parallèle pour les couples de même sexe en Islande
by Marie Digoix - 283 Les migrations au-delà de l’immigration : considérer les départs depuis la France métropolitaine
by Louise Caron & Cris Beauchemin & Inès Munoz-Bertrand - 282 Diversité sociale des immigré·es et de leurs enfants : positions et mobilité intergénérationnelle
by Louise Caron & Mathieu Ferry & Mathieu Ichou - 281 Parents et enfants dans les familles immigrées : vivre ensemble ou séparés
by Cris Beauchemin & Julia Descamps & Ariane Pailhé - 280 Où se logent les inégalités de logement liées à l’origine ?
by Pascale Dietrich-Ragon & Giulia Ferrari & Sorana Toma - 279 Are the widowed too much insured? Survivor’s pensions and living standards upon widowhood in France
by Léa Cimelli - 277 Persistent and Gender-Unequal Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Student Outcomes in Italy
by Léonard Moulin & Mara Soncin - 276 Dropping Out of University in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Etienne Dagorn & Léonard Moulin - 275 Sans papiers ou sans logement : les aléas des trajectoires des immigrés « installés » en France
by Cris Beauchemin & Julia Descamps & Pascale Dietrich-Ragon - 274 Complex households, a challenge for the study of families through census data
by Leila Fardeau & Eva Lelièvre & Loïc Trabut - 273 Parcours et qualité de vie des patients atteints de mucoviscidose. Premiers résultats de l’enquête « Mucoviscidose, famille et société »
by Gil Bellis & Patricia Thauvin & Kamel Nait Abdellah & Sandrina Ragazzi - 272 Petite histoire d’une grande cohorte : le lancement du projet Elfe, 2002-2011
by Henri Leridon
- ayadh-ohbnm4x3q6cor1 The dangers of drawing cohort profiles from period data: a research note
by Alyson van Raalte & Ugofilippo Basellini & Carlo Giovanni Camarda & Marília R. Nepomuceno & Mikko Myrskylä
- 14520 More or Less Unmarried. The Impact of Legal Settings of Cohabitation on Labour Market Outcomes
by Marion Leturcq & Marion Goussé - 268 Studying multiple causes of death in LMICs in the absence of death certificates : taking advantage of probabilistic cause-of-death estimation methods (InterVA-4)
by Ariane Sessego - 266 Ranking the burden of disease attributed to known risk factors
by Lorenzo Lionello & Emilie Counil & Emmanuel Henry - 265 Réintégration socio-économique des migrants de retour et hétérogénéité des trajectoires légales en Europe
by Cris Beauchemin & Adrien Vandenbunder & Tanguy Mathon Cécillon & Zélia Goussé-Breton & Mourtada Dieng & Myriam Yahyaoui - 264 Measuring health at a global level with a unified tool: A review of institutional and methodological milestones of the Global Burden of Disease project
by Lorenzo Lionello & Emilie Counil & Emmanuel Henry - 7 La surmortalité infanto-juvénile gémellaire dans les observatoires de population d’Afrique subsaharienne
by Adama Ouédraogo & Gilles Pison & Abdramane Soura & Sophie Le Coeur & Valérie Delaunay & Kassoum Dianou
- 2020-2 Profil démographique des personnes d'origine subsaharienne en France
by Cris Beauchemin - 2020-1 The Great Convergence? Gender and Unpaid Work in Europe and the United States
by Ariane Pailhé & Anne Solaz & Maria Stanfors - axniwfk3qpl52ayy4p-i Linking excess mortality to Google mobility data during the COVID-19 pandemic in England and Wales
by Ugofilippo Basellini & Diego Alburez-Gutierrez & Emanuele Del Fava & Daniela Perrotta & Marco Bonetti & Carlo Giovanni Camarda & Emilio Zagheni - axbhmxrs-o0viyh9z07m Assessing Excess Mortality in Times of Pandemics Based on Principal Component Analysis of Weekly Mortality Data -- The Case of COVID-19
by Patrizio Vanella & Ugofilippo Basellini & Berit Lange - 259 Enjeux et perspectives démographiques en France 2020-2050
by Gilles Pison & Sandrine Dauphin - 257 Trajectoires contextuelles et inégalités spatiales d’une génération de franciliens (1940-1950) à partir de données d’enquête
by Guillaume Le Roux & Catherine Bonvalet & Arnaud Bringé - axca6-hz5wbfh-x_vjty Inequalities and the individualization of wealth
by Nicolas Frémeaux & Marion Leturcq - axafx5_3agsuwaphvlfk An age-at-death distribution approach to forecast cohort mortality
by Ugofilippo Basellini & Søren Kjærgaard & Carlo Giovanni Camarda - axhbndayuclqnee2wf7y Epilocal: a real-time tool for local epidemic monitoring
by Marco Bonetti & Ugofilippo Basellini - axehlaypkgkzhr-blqv4 Linking excess mortality to Google mobility data during the COVID-19 pandemic in England and Wales
by Ugofilippo Basellini & Diego Alburez-Gutierrez & Emanuele Del Fava & Daniela Perrotta & Marco Bonetti & Carlo Giovanni Camarda & Emilio Zagheni - axq0sudakgkzhr-blecv Modelling COVID-19 mortality at the regional level in Italy
by Ugofilippo Basellini & Carlo Giovanni Camarda
- G2019/13 Gendered economic determinants of couple formation over 50 in France
by Carole Bonnet & Fanny Godet & Anne Solaz - 5/2019 Unemployment and separation: Evidence from five European countries
by Anne Solaz & Marika Jalovaara & Michaela Kreyenfeld & Silvia Meggiolaro & Dimitri Mortelmans & Inge Pasteels - 252 Les bains-douches de Paris : une enquête sur les lieux et leurs usages
by Claire Lévy-Vroelant & Lucie Bony - 251 Immigrant Child Poverty in an Emerging Country of Destination: the Evidence from Finland
by Ognjen Obućina & Ilari Ilmakunnas - 250 The suburbanization of poverty: Homeownership policies and spatial inequalities in France
by Anne Lambert & Laurent Gobillon - 248 Beneficial effect of adjusted sentences on recidivism in France: investigating the hidden role of the judge
by Aline Désesquelles & Annie Kensey & Laurent Toulemon - 14 Private financing of long-term care: income, savings and reverse mortgages
by Carole Bonnet & Sandrine Juin & Anne Laferrère - 5 Is there a wage cost for employees in family-friendly workplaces? The effect of different employer policies
by Ariane Pailhé & Anne Solaz
- 2018-08 More or less unmarried. The impact of legal settings of cohabitation on labor market outcomes
by Marion Goussé & Marion Leturcq - 3/2018 Health differentials between citizens and immigrants in Europe : A heterogeneous convergence
by Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah & Jean-Baptiste Simon Combes & Mohammad Abu-Zaineh - awqdujsyt8ln2zfb8q6z Le financement de l'aide à l'autonomie : Comment adapter notre système de protection sociale au défi du vieillissement?
by Roméo Fontaine - awjhi4jsf1tqgj-3nxov Age civil, âge social et âge biologique
by Isabelle Séguy & Daniel Courgeau & Henri Caussinus & Luc Buchet - 240 Can daddies learn how to change nappies? Evidence from a short paternity leave policy
by Ariane Pailhé & Anne Solaz & Maxime Tô - 239 La crise dix ans après. Quels effets sur la conjoncture démographique des pays d’Europe du Sud ?
by Valérie Golaz & Cécile Lefèvre & Jacques Véron - 239 La crise en Europe du Sud : vue d'ensemble
by Valérie Golaz & Cécile Lefèvre & Jacques Véron - 1 Filial caregiving for the disabled elderly: the role of contextual interactions
by Louis Arnault & Roméo Fontaine - 1 Educational and socioeconomic homogamy, development level, and metropolisation across 149 European regions
by Milan Bouchet-Valat - 1 Disuguaglianze di genere nel mercato del lavoro: l'impatto del Bonus Infanzia e del congedo di paternità
by Enrica Maria Martino
- 2/2017 Public-private differentials in health care delivery : The case of cesarean deliveries in Algeria
by Ahcène Zehnati & Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah & Mohammad Abu-Zaineh
- 1/2016 Medicines and democracy : The importance of institutional quality in the relationship between health expenditure and health outcomes in the MENA region
by Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah & Bruno Ventelou & Mohammad Abu-Zaineh - 50 Transition to adulthood in France: Do descendants of immigrants differ from natives ?
by Giulia Ferrari & Ariane Pailhé
- awrip0l4gpz89adag6hi What makes French employees so happy with their balance between family and work ? The impact of family-friendly policies
by Ariane Pailhé & Anne Solaz
- 24 Concilier, organiser, renoncer : quel genre d'arrangements ?
by Ariane Pailhé & Anne Solaz