- 159 Economic Polarization in the European Union: Development Models in the Race for the Best Location
by Jonas Dominy & Claudius Graebner-Radkowitsch & Jakob Kapeller & Philipp Heimberger - 158 Transnationaler Schienenausbau in Europa - Hindernisse, Kosten und oekonomische Effekte
by Jakob Kapeller & Laura Porak & Bernhard Schuetz - 157 Idiosyncrasies of the oligarchic elite: On the political economy of wealth concentration in Austria
by Stephan Puehringer & Matthias Aistleitner & Lukas Cserjan & Sophie Hieselmayr & Jan Weber
- 156 Dekarbonisierung des Gebaeudesektors als Teil einer sozial-oekologischen Transformation: ein Gestaltungsvorschlag
by Jakob Kapeller & Anna Hornykewycz & Jan David Weber & Lukas Cserjan - 155 Systemism
by Claudius Graebner Radkowitsch & Jakob Kapeller - 154 Path Dependence
by Claudius Graebner Radkowitsch & Jakob Kapeller - 153 The micro-macro link in heterodox economics
by Claudius Graebner Radkowitsch & Jakob Kapeller
- 152 Organizers and promotors of academic competition? The role of (academic) social networks and platforms in the competitization of science
by Stephan Puehringer & Georg Wolfmayr - 151 Dilemmata marktliberaler Globalisierung. Globale Freiheit durch globalen Wettbewerb?
by Jakob Kapeller & Georg Hubmann - 150 Competitive Performativity of (Academic) Social Networks. The subjectivation of Competition on ResearchGate, Google Scholar and Twitter
by Stephan Puehringer & Georg Wolfmayr - 149 Wie viel Wettbewerb wollen wir (uns leisten)? Zur Verwettbewerblichung der Universitaeten in Oesterreich und darueber hinaus
by Stephan Puehringer - 148 Gendered Competitive Practices in Economics. A Multi-Layer Model of Womens Underrepresentation
by Stephan Puehringer & Theresa Hager - 147 Endogenous Heterogeneous Gender Norms and the Distribution of Paid and Unpaid Work in an Intra-Household Bargaining Model
by Theresa Hager & Patrick Mellacher & Magdalena Rath - 146 The three faces of competitization: From marketization to a multiplicity of competition
by Carina Altreiter & Claudius Graebner & Stephan Puehringer & Ana Rogojanu & Georg Wolfmayr - 145 The charm of emission trading: Ideas of German public economists on economic policy in times of crises
by Rouven Reinke & Laura Porak - 142 Degrowth and the Global South: the twin problem of global dependencies
by Claudius Graebner-Radkowitsch & Birte Strunk
- 144 Degrowth and the Global South? How institutionalism can complement a timely discourse on ecologically sustainable development in an unequal world
by Claudius Graebner-Radkowitsch & Birte Strunk - 143 Competing for sustainability? An institutionalist analysis of the new development model of the European Union
by Claudius Graebner-Radkowitsch & Anna Hornykewycz & Theresa Hager - 141 It's the End of Globalization as We Know It! Zeitgemaesse Betrachtungen zur politischen Oekonomik der Globalisierungskrise
by Christian Reiner - 140 Hat die oekonomische Macht von Unternehmen in Oesterreich zugenommen?
by Christian Reiner & Christian Bellak - 139 Development and Interdisciplinarity: re-examining the 'economics silo'
by Matthias Aistleitner - 138 Investment booms, diverging competitiveness and wage growth within a monetary union: An AB-SFC model
by Bernhard Schuetz - 137 Winning urban competition with a social agenda. The competition imaginary in Viennese urban development plans
by Carina Altreiter & Susanna Azevedo & Laura Porak & Stephan Puehringer & Georg Wolfmayr - 136 The Authors of Economics Journals Revisited: Evidence from a Large-Scale Replication of Hodgson and Rothman (1999)
by Matthias Aistleitner & Jakob Kapeller & Dominik Kronberger - 135 The emergence of debt and secular stagnation in an unequal society: a stockflow consistent agent-based approach
by Claudius Graebner-Radkowitsch & Anna Hornykewycz & Bernhard Schuetz - 134 Elements of an evolutionary approach to comparative economic studies: complexity, systemism, and path dependent development
by Claudius Graebner-Radkowitsch
- 133 Is a 10 trillion euro European climate investment initiative fiscally sustainable?
by Rafael Wildauer & Stuart Leitch & Jakob Kapeller - 132 Zur Pluralitaet der oekonomischen Politikberatung in Deutschland
by Stephan Puehringer - 131 Standortwettbewerb und Deindustrialisierung: Das Beispiel MAN als Lehrbuchfall
by Jakob Kapeller & Claudius Graebner-Radkowitsch - 130 (Mis)Measuring Competitiveness: The Quantification of a Malleable Concept in the European Semester
by Claudius Graebner-Radkowitsch & Theresa Hager - 129 A European Wealth Tax for a Fair and Green Recovery
by Rafael Wildauer & Stuart Leitch & Jakob Kapeller - 128 Competition in Transitional Processes: Polanyi and Schumpeter
by Theresa Hager & Ines Heck & Johanna Rath - 127 Design and Take-Up of Austria's Coronavirus Short-Time Work Model
by Dennis Tamesberger & Simon Theurl - 126 Governing the Ungovernable - Recontextualizations of 'Competition' in European Policy Discourse
by Laura Porak - 125 Competition universalism: Its historical origins and timely alternatives
by Claudius Graebner & Stephan Puehringer - 124 Decreasing Dependency through Self-Reliance: Strengthening Local Economies through Community Wealth Building
by Julia Eder - 123 Talking about competition? Discursive shifts in the economic imaginary of competition in public debates
by Stephan Puehringer & Laura Porak & Johanna Rath - 122 The evolution of debtor-creditor relationships within a monetary union: Trade imbalances, excess reserves and economic policy
by Claudius Graebner & Philipp Heimberger & Jakob Kapeller & Michael Landesmann & Bernhard Schuetz
- 121 The political economy of academic publishing: On the commodification of a public good
by Stephan Puehringer & Johanna Rath & Teresa Griesebner - 120 Theorizing competition: an interdisciplinary framework
by Carina Altreiter & Claudius Graebner & Stephan Puehringer & Ana Rogojanu & Georg Wolfmayr - 119 Do the 'smart kids' catch up? Technological capabilities, globalisation and economic growth
by Claudius Graebner & Philipp Heimberger & Jakob Kapeller - 118 Der 'groesste Trumpf' Europas - Eine Analyse des ‘economic imaginary’ der Europaeischen Kommission
by Laura Porak - 117 Theorizing Competition. An interdisciplinary approach to the genesis of a contested concept
by Stephan Puehringer & Georg Wolfmayr & Carina Altreiter & Claudius Graebner & Ana Rogojanu - 116 Special Interest Groups and Growth: A Meta-Analysis of Mancur Olsons Theory
by Theresa Hager - 115 Das doppelte Reflexionsproblem in der Oekonomik
by Katrin Hirte - 114 Friedman's Instrumentalismus und das Problem von Kopernikus
by Katrin Hirte - 113 The emergence of core-periphery structures in the European Union: a complexity perspective
by Claudius Graebner & Jakob Hafele - 112 Fixing long-term price paths for fossil energy: the optimal incentive for limiting global warming
by Stephan Schulmeister - 111 How to boost the European Green Deal's scale and ambition
by Rafael Wildauer & Stuart Leitch & Jakob Kapeller - 110 Exploring the trade (policy) narratives in economic elite discourse
by Matthias Aistleitner & Stephan Puehringer - 109 Zwischen Meritokratie und Wohlfahrtschauvinismus
by Karl Beyer & Stephan Puehringer & Markus Griesser - 108 Capability accumulation and product innovation: an agent-based perspective
by Claudius Graebner & Anna Hornykewycz - 107 Substituting Trust by Technology: A Comparative Study
by Johanna Rath - 106 Pandemic pushes polarisation: The Corona crisis and macroeconomic divergence in the Eurozone
by Jakob Kapeller & Claudius Graebner & Philipp Heimberger - 105 Theory and Empirics of Capability Accumulation: Implications for Macroeconomic Modelling
by Matthias Aistleitner & Claudius Graebner & Anna Hornykewycz - 104 Konzernmacht in globalen Gueterketten
by Jakob Kapeller & Claudius Graebner - 103 Who are the economists Germany listens to?
by Stephan Puehringer & Karl Beyer
- 102 A Comment on Fitting Pareto Tails to Complex Survey Data
by Jakob Kapeller & Rafael Wildauer - 101 Rank Correction: A New Approach to Differential Non-Response in Wealth Survey Data
by Jakob Kapeller & Rafael Wildauer - 100 Vorschlag fuer eine Jobgarantie fuer Langzeitarbeitslose in Oesterreich
by Dennis Tamesberger & Simon Theurl - 99 Economic Polarisation in Europe: Causes and Policy Options
by Jakob Kapeller & Claudius Graebner & Philipp Heimberger - 98 Wirtschaftliche Polarisierung in Europa: Ursachen und Handlungsoptionen
by Jakob Kapeller & Claudius Graebner & Philipp Heimberger - 97 The trade (policy) discourse in top economics journals
by Matthias Aistleitner & Stephan Puehringer - 96 Conflict as a closure: A Kaleckian model of growth and distribution under financialization
by Srinivas Raghavendra & Petri T. Piiroinen - 95 Trade Models in the European Union
by Claudius Graebner & Dennis Tamesberg & Timo Kapelari & Philipp Heimberger & Jakob Kapeller - 94 Divided we stand? Professional consensus and political conflict in academic economics
by Karl Beyer & Stephan Puehringer - 93 Das dritte gossensche Gesetz - Zur Ueberlieferungspraxis in der oeconomischen Dogmenhistorie
by Katrin Hirte - 92 Die Wirkmacht der 'Liebe zum Markt'. Zum anhaltenden Einfluss ordoliberaler OekonomInnen-Netzwerke in Politik und Gesellschaft (The 'love for markets'. On the persistent political and societal impact of networks of ordoliberal economists)
by Stephan Puehringer & Walter Oetsch - 91 The heterogeneous relationship between income and inequality: a panel co-integration approach
by Svenja Flechtner & Claudius Graebner - 90 Unrealistic models and how to identify them: on accounts of model realisticness
by Claudius Graebner - 89 Defining institutions - A review and a synthesis
by Claudius Graebner & Amineh Ghorbani - 88 Export performance, price competitiveness and technology: Revisiting the Kaldor paradox
by Claudius Graebner & Philipp Heimberger & Jakob Kapeller - 82 Pluralism in economics: its critiques and their lessons
by Claudius Graebner & Birte Strunk - 81 Employment and the minimum wage: A pluralist approach
by Bernhard Schuetz
- 87 Folgen einer moeglichen Abschaffung der Notstandshilfe in Oberoesterreich
by Franziska Foissner - 86 Auftragsvergabe, Leistungsqualitaet und Kostenintensitaet im Schienenpersonenverkehr. Eine internationale Perspektive
by Matthias Aistleitner & Christian Grimm & Jakob Kapeller - 85 Household Electrification and Education Outcomes: Panel Evidence from Uganda
by Faisal Buyinza & Jakob Kapeller - 84 Measuring Economic Openness: A review of existing measures and empirical practices
by Claudius Graebner & Philipp Heimberger & Jakob Kapeller & Florian - 83 Factors Affecting Access to Formal Credit by Micro and Small Enterprises in Uganda
by Faisal Buyinza & Anthony Tibaingana & John Mutenyo - 80 The "eternal character" of austerity meausres in European crisis policies. Evidences from the Fiscal Compact discourse in Austria
by Stephan Puehringer - 79 The dynamic effects of fiscal consolidation episodes on income inequality: Evidence for 17 OECD Countries over 1978-2013
by Philipp Heimberger - 78 Arbeitsmarktpolitik als Gesellschaftspolitik
by Markus Griesser - 77 Paradigms and Policies: The state of economics in the german-speaking countries
by Christian Grimm & Jakob Kapeller & Stephan Puehringer - 76 Structural change in times of increasing openness: assessing path dependency in European economic integration
by Claudius Graebner & Philipp Heimberger & Jakob Kapeller & Bernhard Schuetz - 75 The focus of academic economics: before and after the crisis
by Ernest Aigner & Florentin Gloetzl & Matthias Aistleitner & Jakob Kapeller
- 74 To trust or to control: Informal value transfer systems and computational analysis in institutional economics
by Claudius Graebner & Wolfram Elsner & Alexander Lascaux - 73 Inheritances and the Accumulation of Wealth in the Eurozone
by Stefan Humer & Mathias Moser & Matthias Schnetzer - 72 Bestaende und Konzentration privater Vermoegen in Oesterreich: Simulation, Korrektur und Besteuerung (Distribution of wealth in Austria: simulation, correction and taxation possibilities)
by Jakob Kapeller & Bernhard Schuetz & Rafael Wildauer & Benjamin Ferschli - 71 Der 'deutsche Sonderweg' im Fokus: Eine vergleichende Analyse der paradigmatischen Struktur und der politischen Orientierung der deutschen und US-amerikanischen Oekonomie (The 'German special path': A comparative analysis of the paradigmatic structure and the political orientation of German and US economics)
by Karl M. Beyer & Christian Grimm & Jakob Kapeller & Stephan Puehringer - 70 Zum Profil der deutschsprachigen Volkswirtschaftslehre: Paradigmatische Ausrichtung und politische Orientierung deutschsprachiger Oekonom_innen (On the current state of German-speaking Economics: Paradigmatic orientations and political alignments of German-speaking economists)
by Christian Grimm & Jakob Kapeller & Stephan Puehringer - 69 The Complexity of Economies and Pluralism in Economics
by Claudius Graebner - 68 Pluralism in Economics: Epistemological Rationales and Pedagogical Implementation
by Jakob Kapeller - 67 Stability, Fairness and Random Walks in the Bargaining Problem
by Jakob Kapeller & Stefan Steinerberger - 66 Emergent phenomena in scientific publishing: A simulation exercise
by Jakob Kapeller & Stefan Steinerberger - 65 Delayed by outsourcing? Zur Stabilitaet des Kapitalismus im 21. Jahrhundert
by Jakob Kapeller - 64 Is Europe disintegrating? Macroeconomic divergence, structural polarization, trade and fragility
by Claudius Graebner & Philipp Heimberger & Jakob Kapeller & Bernhard Schuetz - 63 How to relate models to reality? An epistemological framework for the validation and verification of computational models
by Claudius Graebner - 62 Trust and Social Control. Sources of cooperation, performance, and stability in informal value transfer systems
by Claudius Graebner & Wolfram Elsner & Alexander Lascaux - 61 From paradigms to policies: Economic models in the EU's fiscal regulation framework
by Jakob Kapeller & Philipp Heimberger & Jakob Huber - 60 Citation Patterns in Economics and Beyond: Assessing the Peculiarities of Economics from Two Scientometric Perspectives
by Jakob Kapeller & Matthias Aistleitner & Stefan Steinerberger - 59 Right-wing populism and market-fundamentalism: Two mutually reinforcing threats to democracy in the 21st century
by Stephan Puehringer & Walter O. Oetsch - 58 How to explain Wage Growth Slowdown in Austria? A sectoral-panel analysis of collectively bargained minimum wages
by Philipp Gerhartinger & Philipp Haunschmid & Dennis Tamesberger
- 57 Internationale Tendenzen und Potentiale der Vermoegensbesteuerung
by Jakob Kapeller & Florian Springholz & Bernhard Schuetz - 56 Das europaeische Schattenbankensystem: Typologisierung und die Bewertung regulatorischer Initiativen auf europaeischer Ebene
by Karl Michael Beyer & Lars Braeutigam - 55 A model-based measurement device in European fiscal policy-making: The ontology and epistemology of potential output
by Jakob Kapeller & Philipp Heimberger - 54 Postdemokratie, Machtverhaeltnisse und Oekonomik. Zur Frage der Homogenitaet in der deutschsprachigen Oekonomik
by Christian Grimm - 53 Think Tank networks of German neoliberalism. Power structures in economics and economic policies in post-war Germany
by Stephan Puehringer - 52 Still the queen of the social sciences? (Post-)Crisis power balances of 'public economists' in Germany
by Stephan Puehringer - 51 Wirtschaftspolitische Positionen oesterreichischer Parteien im historischen Verlauf. Die Ausgestaltung oesterreichischer Parteiprogrammatiken hinsichtlich neoliberalen Gedankenguts
by Christian Grimm - 50 The performativity of potential output: Pro-cyclicality and path dependency in coordinating European fiscal policies
by Jakob Kapeller & Philipp Heimberger - 49 Has economics returned to being the 'dismal science'? The changing role of economic thought in German labour market reforms
by Stephan Puehringer & Markus Griesser - 48 Wirtschaftliche Stagnation als "neue Normalsituation"?
by Philipp Heimberger - 47 What's 'structural' about unemployment in Europe: On the Determinants of the European Commission's NAIRU Estimates
by Jakob Kapeller & Philipp Heimberger & Bernhard Schuetz - 46 The Power of Scientometrics and the Development of Economics
by Jakob Kapeller & Matthias Aistleitner & Stefan Steinerberger - 45 Internationaler Freihandel: Theoretische Ausgangspunkte und empirische Folgen
by Jakob Kapeller - 44 Neoliberal Think Tanks as (new) actors in Austrian socio-political discourses. The case of the Hayek Institute and Agenda Austria
by Stephan Puehringer & Christine Stelzer-Orthofer - 43 Monocular Accounting and its Discontents: The case of the stability and growth pact
by Jakob Kapeller & Leonhard Dobusch & Sabine Wandl - 42 Die aktuelle Krise im wirtschaftshistorischen Vergleich mit der Grossen Depression der 1930er-Jahre
by Philipp Heimberger
- 41 Did Fiscal Consolidation Cause the Double Dip Recession in the Euro Area?
by Philipp Heimberger - 39 Oekonomie und Moral
by Walter O. Oetsch - 38 Marktradikalismus als Politische Oekonomie Wirtschaftswissenschaften und ihre Netzwerke in Deutschland ab 1945
by Walter Oetsch & Stephan Puehringer - 37 The Micro-Macro Link in Heterodox Economics
by Claudius Graebner & Jakob Kapeller - 36 Verteilungstendenzen im Kapitalismus: Nationale und Globale Perspektiven
by Jakob Kapeller & Bernhard Schuetz - 35 Wie wirken OekonomInnen und Oekonomik auf Politik und Gesellschaft? Darstellung des gesellschaftlichen und politischen Einflusspotenzials von OekonomInnen anhand eines 'Performativen Fussabdrucks' von deutschen OekonomInnen aus den Jahren 1954-1994
by Stephan Puehringer - 34 Emanzipation bei Marx und seine Kritik an Proudhon und dessen ideengeschichtlichen Nachfahren
by Karl M. Beyer - 33 Die Macht der Wissenschaftsstatistik und die Entwicklung der Oekonomie
by Jakob Kapeller & Matthias Aistleitner & Marianne Foelker - 32 Verteilung und Gerechtigkeit: Philosophische Perspektiven
by Jakob Kapeller & Matthias Aistleitner & Marianne Foelker & Franz X. Mohr & Stephan Puehringer - 31 Markets as 'ultimate judges' of economic policies Angela Merkel's discourse profile during the economic crisis and the European crisis policies
by Stephan Puehringer
- 30 Kontinuitaeten neoliberaler Wirtschaftspolitik in der Krise Die Austeritaetsdebatte als Spiegelbild diskursiver Machtverwerfungen innerhalb der Oekonomik
by Stephan Puehringer - 29 Relationships are Constructed from Generalized Unconscious Social Images Kept in Steady Locations in Mental Space
by Walter O. Oetsch & Wolfgang Walker & Lucas A. C. Derks - 28 From Free to Civilized Markets: First Steps towards Eutopia
by Jakob Kapeller & Bernhard Schuetz & Dennis Tamesberger - 27 Warum war Keynes so erfolgreich? Eine Darstellung anhand der Methode von Bruno Latour
by Walter O. Oetsch - 26 The return of the rentier. Review of 'Capital in the 21st century' by Thomas Piketty
by Jakob Kapeller
- 25 Populismus und Demagogie - mit Beispielen von Joerg Haider, Heinz-Christian Strache und Frank Stronach sowie der Tea Party
by Walter O. Oetsch - 24 Die neoliberale Gesellschaft
by Juergen Nordmann - 23 Grenzen aktueller Krisendebatten
by Juergen Nordmann - 22 Das neoliberale Selbst
by Juergen Nordmann - 21 CDOs – A Critical Phenomenon of the Financial System in the Crisis
by Karl M. Beyer & Lars Braeutigam - 19 Das Team Stronach. Eine oesterreichische Tea Party?
by Stephan Puehringer & Walter Oetsch - 18 OekonomInnen in der Finanzkrise. Netzwerkanalytische Sicht auf die deutschsprachigen OekonomInnen
by Stephan Puehringer & Katrin Hirte - 17 Die Finanzkrise 2007-2009 als Krise von Schattenbanken. Eine einfuehrende institutionelle Analyse
by Karl M. Beyer & Walter O. Oetsch & Laura Mader - 16 Mainstream, Orthodoxie und Heterodoxie - Zur Debatte um die Ausrichtung sowie einer Klassifizierung der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
by Katrin Hirte & Sebastian Thieme - 15 The implementation of the European Fiscal Compact in Austria as a post-democratic phenomenon
by Stephan Puehringer - 14 The financial crisis as a tsunami Discourse profiles of economists in the financial crisis
by Stephan Puehringer & Katrin Hirte - 13 Der Fiskalpakt und seine Implementation in Oesterreich. Diskursanalytische Aufarbeitung eines postdemokratischen Phaenomens
by Stephan Puehringer - 12 Zauberwort Entkopplung
by Katrin Hirte
- 10 Democracy in liberalism and neoliberalism The case of Popper and Hayek
by Jakob Kapeller & Stephan Puehringer - 8 Die Macht der Ratingagenturen
by Walter O. Oetsch
- 6 Solidaritaet im Kapitalismus. Zur Unmoeglichkeit einer Forderung
by Stephan Puehringer & Markus Puehringer - 3 Gleichheit vs. Vielfalt. Ein konstruierter Widerspruch im Neoliberalismus?
by Stephan Puehringer - 1 Die Evolution des oekonomischen Wissens und des Wissens ueber den Kapitalismus
by Katrin Hirte & Walter O. Oetsch & Juergen Nordmann