- 1994-006 A historical perspective on the Federal Reserve's monetary aggregates
by Richard G. Anderson & Kenneth A. Kavajecz - 1994-005 The bank capital requirement and information asymmetry
by Sangkyun Park - 1994-004 The transition from barter to fiat money
by Joseph A. Ritter - 1994-003 Age dependent portfolio selection
by Peter S. Yoo - 1994-002 Age distributions and returns of financial assets
by Peter S. Yoo - 1994-001 The baby boom and economic growth
by Peter S. Yoo - 1992-006 Currency appreciation and \"deindustrialization\": a European perspective
by John A. Tatom
- 1994-013 Learning in a large square economy
by James B. Bullard & John Duffy - 1993-002 Explaining bank failures: deposit insurance, regulation, and efficiency
by David C. Wheelock & Paul W. Wilson - 1993-001 Macroeconomic policy effects in a monetary union
by Patricia S. Pollard - 1991-001 Market structure and inefficiency in the foreign exchange market
by Mark D. Flood
- 1992-008 Selecting an intermediate target variable for monetary policy when the goal is price stability
by Michael T. Belongia - 1992-007 Government policy and banking instability: \"overbanking\" in the 1920s
by David C. Wheelock - 1992-005 Monetary and exchange rate policy in Austria: an early example of policy coordination
by Heinz Gluck & Dieter Proske & John A. Tatom - 1992-004 Why do T-bill rates react to discount rate changes?
by Daniel L. Thornton - 1992-003 The market's reaction to discount changes: what's behind the announcement effect?
by Daniel L. Thornton - 1992-002 The slack banker dances: deposit insurance and risk-taking in the banking collapse of the 1920s
by Subal C. Kumbhaker & David C. Wheelock - 1992-001 The P-star model and Austrian prices
by John A. Tatom - 1991-005 Which banks choose deposit insurance? Evidence of adverse and moral hazard in a voluntary insurance system
by Subal C. Kumbhaker & David C. Wheelock - 1991-002 Nonlinearity and chaos in economic models: implications for policy decisions
by James B. Bullard & Alison Butler
- 1991-006 Regulation and bank failures: new evidence from the agricultural collapse of the 1920's
by David C. Wheelock - 1991-004 Learning equilibria
by James B. Bullard - 1991-003 Collapsing exchange rate regimes: a reinterpretation
by James B. Bullard
- 1990-008 The P-star approach to the link between money and prices
by John A. Tatom - 1990-007 Endogenous innovation in a north-north model of the product cycle
by Alison Butler - 1990-006 The inflationary effects of the use of reserve ratio reductions, or open market purchases, to reduce market interest rates: a theoretical comparison
by Marco A. Espinosa-Vega & Steven Russell - 1990-005 Precommitment and random exchange rates in symmetric duopoly: a new theory of multinational production
by Marsha J. Courchane & David B. Nickerson & Venkatraman Sadanand - 1990-004 When and how much to talk: credibility and flexibility in monetary policy with private information
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Seonghwan Oh - 1990-003 Optimal monopoly investment and capacity utilization under random demand
by David B. Nickerson & Stanley S. Reynolds - 1990-002 The link between monetary aggregates and prices
by John A. Tatom - 1990-001 Strategic discipline in monetary policy with private information: optimal targeting periods
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Seonghwan Oh
- 1989-008 The effects of financial innovations on the measurement, control and efficacy of the M1 and M2 aggregates
by John A. Tatom - 1989-007 An admissible monetary aggregate for the United Kingdom
by Michael T. Belongia & K. Alec Chrystal - 1989-004 Intertemporal substitution and the role of monetary policy: policy irrelevance once again
by Dennis W. Jansen - 1989-003 Do fundamentals, bubbles or neither determine stock prices? Some international evidence
by Gerald P. Dwyer & Rik Hafer - 1989-002 Contagious bank runs in the free banking period
by Gerald P. Dwyer & Iftekhar Hasan - 1989-001 Tests of rational expectations in a stark setting
by Raymond Battalio & Gerald P. Dwyer & Timothy Mason & Arlington W. Williams
- 1989-006 On the frequency of large stock returns: putting booms and busts into perspective
by Casper G. De Vries & Dennis W. Jansen - 1989-005 The optimality of nominal income targeting when wages are indexed to price
by Michael D. Bradley & Dennis W. Jansen - 1988-003 Should consumer expenditures be the scale variable in empirical money demand equations?
by Daniel L. Thornton - 1988-002 Why do market interest rates respond to money announcements?
by Daniel L. Thornton - 1988-001 Forecasting inflation using interest rate and time-series models: some international evidence
by Rik Hafer & Scott E. Hein - 1986-001 Stock prices, inflation and real activity: a test of the Fama hypothesis, 1920-84
by Rik Hafer & Clemens J. M. Kool
- 1987-009 The U. S. monetary policy regime, interest differentials and dollar exchange rate risk premia
by Michael T. Belongia & Mack Ott - 1987-008 Manufacturing export performance at the state level, 1963-1980
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Oliver Fabel - 1987-007 State government effects on the spatial distribution of inward foreign direct investment
by Vachira Arromdee & Cletus C. Coughlin & Joseph V. Terza - 1987-006 State characteristics and the location of foreign direct investment within the United States: a linear conditional logit model
by Vachira Arromdee & Cletus C. Coughlin & Joseph V. Terza - 1987-005 On the response of interest rates to unexpected weekly money: are policy changes important?
by Rik Hafer & Richard G. Sheehan - 1987-004 On the sensitivity of VAR forecasts to alternative lag structures
by Rik Hafer & Richard G. Sheehan - 1987-003 Government debt, output, and asymmetric information
by D. C. Betts & Joseph H. Haslag - 1987-002 Some problems with current price indexes
by Alex Cukierman & G. J. Santoni - 1987-001 Relative price risk in the open economy-the case of fixed exchange rates
by Manfred J. M. Neumann & Jurgen Von Hagen - 1986-011 Will a weaker dollar mean a stronger economy?
by John A. Tatom - 1986-010 Unanticipated money and the anticipated liquidity effect: some further evidence
by Daniel L. Thornton - 1986-009 Policy inference using VAR models: the effects of alternative lag structures
by Rik Hafer & Richard G. Sheehan - 1985-005 Monetary shocks and the farm/nonfarm price ratio: empirical tests of competing hypotheses
by Michael T. Belongia - 1985-002 Selecting an intermediate target for monetary policy
by Dallas S. Batten & Michael T. Bolongia - 1983-004 Interest rates, commodity price changes and Gibson's paradox
by W. W. Brown & G. J. Santoni
- 1986-008 Exchange rate movements and external imbalance
by Dallas S. Batten - 1986-007 The effects of federal credit programs on farm output
by Michael T. Belongia & R. Alton Gilbert - 1986-006 The changing empirical definition of money: some estimates from a model of the demand for money substitutes
by Michael T. Belongia & James A. Chalfant - 1986-005 Commercial bank lending to agriculture: a comparison of rural independent banks and holding company subsidiaries
by Michael T. Belongia & R. Alton Gilbert - 1986-004 A model of global aggregate supply and demand using vector autoregressive techniques
by Ehsan Ahmed & J. Barkley Rosser & Richard G. Sheehan - 1986-003 Federal government debt and inflation: evidence from Granger causality tests
by Rik Hafer & Scott E. Hein - 1986-002 A note on the temporal stability of the interest rate-weekly money relationship
by Michael T. Belongia & Rik Hafer & Richard G. Sheehan
- 1985-015 Further evidence on stock price response to changes in weekly money and the discount rate
by Rik Hafer - 1985-014 Risk aversion, risk sharing, and joint bidding: a study of outer continental shelf petroleum auctions
by Steven W. Millsaps & Mack Ott - 1985-013 Is there a stable relationship between debt growth and the money stock?
by Richard G. Sheehan - 1985-012 Forecasting economic activity: comparing the accuracy of survey and time series predictions
by Rik Hafer - 1985-011 A vector autoregressive model of Saudi Arabian inflation
by J. Barkley Rosser & Richard G. Sheehan - 1985-010 Weighted monetary aggregates as intermediate targets
by Dallas S. Batten & Daniel L. Thornton - 1985-009 Investigating weekly survey forecasts of the federal funds rate
by Rik Hafer - 1985-008 Interest-bearing checkable deposits: are they \"money\"?
by Michael T. Belongia & James A. Chalfant - 1985-007 On the importance of being expected: insights to the weekly money puzzle
by Michael T. Belongia & Richard G. Sheehan - 1985-006 Inflation uncertainty and a test of the Friedman hypothesis
by Rik Hafer - 1985-004 The efficient markets hypothesis and weekly money: some contrary evidence
by Michael T. Belongia & Richard G. Sheehan - 1985-003 A look at the ASA-NBER inflation forecasts: tests of rationality and formation
by Rik Hafer - 1985-001 Comparing Multi-State Kalman Filter and ARIMA forecasts: an application to the money multiplier
by Rik Hafer & Scott E. Hein & Clemens J. M. Kool
- 1984-029 Wage indexation and the effect of inflation uncertainty on employment: an empirical analysis
by A. Steven Holland - 1984-028 Monetary indicators of economic activity: a comment
by Dallas S. Batten & Michael T. Belongia - 1984-027 The effectiveness of combining forecasts: evidence using macroeconomic variables
by Gail H. Hafer & Rik Hafer - 1984-026 Derivation of the set of exact hedges for the financial portfolio
by Michael T. Belongia & G. J. Santoni - 1984-025 The impact of international factors on U. S. inflation: an empirical test of the currency substitution hypothesis
by Dallas S. Batten & Rik Hafer - 1984-024 Currency substitution and the link between money and GNP in the U.S.: 1972-83
by Dallas S. Batten & Rik Hafer - 1984-023 The independence of farm output and macro variables: some evidence from the business cycle
by Michael T. Belongia & Rik Hafer - 1984-022 On the accuracy of time series, interest rate and survey forecasts of inflation
by Rik Hafer & Scott E. Hein - 1984-021 Relative price variability: evidence from supply and demand events
by Lawrence S. Davidson & Rik Hafer - 1984-020 Money and sectoral output dynamics in the United States, quarterly 1950/III to 1982/IV
by K. Alec Chrystal - 1984-019 Tests of price sluggishness in the U.K
by K. Alec Chrystal & Daniel L. Thornton - 1984-018 Money and disaggregate supply in the United States, 1950-1982
by K. Alec Chrystal - 1984-017 What do Almon's endpoint constraints constrain?
by Dallas S. Batten & Daniel L. Thornton - 1984-016 Interest rate variability and output: further evidence
by John A. Tatom - 1984-015 A review of the performance of a reduced-form macroeconomic model
by John A. Tatom - 1984-014 Are energy prices cyclical?
by Mack Ott & John A. Tatom - 1984-013 The role of energy in the productivity slowdown: a comment
by John A. Tatom - 1984-012 Agricultural and financial market interdependence: another view
by Michael T. Belongia - 1984-011 Money and activity in the U.K. 1961-1983: surprise? surprise!
by K. Alec Chrystal & David Peel - 1984-010 How natural is the natural rate?
by Monojit Chatterji & K. Alec Chrystal - 1984-009 Risk aversion and weekly money: does the market expect the Fed to offset large increases in M1?
by Michael T. Belongia & Fredric Kolb - 1984-008 Estimates of the link between variable money growth and GNP: a supplement to Mascaro and Meltzer
by Michael T. Belongia - 1984-007 Price expectations and the demand for money: a comment
by Rik Hafer & Daniel L. Thornton - 1984-006 The money supply announcements puzzle: a comment
by Michael T. Belongia & Fredric Kolb - 1984-005 Choosing between M1 and debt as an intermediate target for monetary policy
by Rik Hafer - 1984-004 Some international evidence of output stability under floating exchange rates
by Dallas S. Batten & Mack Ott - 1984-003 On the treatment of the weighted initial observation in the AR(1) regression model
by Daniel L. Thornton - 1984-002 A note on the relative efficiency of the Cochrane-Orcutt and OLS estimators when the autocorrelation process has a finite past
by Daniel L. Thornton - 1984-001 Lag length selection and Granger causality
by Dallas S. Batten & Daniel L. Thornton
- 1983-019 Alternative explanations of the 1982-1983 decline in velocity
by John A. Tatom - 1983-018 Beaches, beaver, buffalo and banks
by G. J. Santoni - 1983-017 Government direct loan and loan guarantee programs
by Joel Fried - 1983-016 Discount rate changes and the foreign exchange market
by Dallas S. Batten & Daniel L. Thornton - 1983-015 The Andersen-Jordan equation, revisited
by Dallas S. Batten & Daniel L. Thornton - 1983-014 The term structure of interest rates in a short-run money demand function: non-nested test results
by Stuart D. Allen & Rik Hafer - 1983-013 Comparing time-series and survey forecasts of weekly changes in money: a methodological note
by Rik Hafer - 1983-012 Predicting the money multiplier: forecasts from component and aggregate models
by Rik Hafer & Scott E. Hein - 1983-011 A portfolio choice model for analyzing the impacts of government loan and guarantee programs
by Joel Fried - 1983-010 The real-balance effect with resource-using money: a capital-theoretic interpretation
by Daniel L. Thornton - 1983-009 Complete results for lag length selection
by Dallas S. Batten & Daniel L. Thornton - 1983-008 Lag-length selection criteria: empirical results from the St. Louis equation
by Dallas S. Batten & Daniel L. Thornton - 1983-007 The FOMC directive and the Treasury-bill futures market: could inside information produce profits?
by Michael T. Belongia & Rik Hafer - 1983-006 The appropriate interest rate and scale variable in money demand: results from non-nested tests
by Daniel L. Thornton - 1983-005 The formation of expectations: some evidence from weekly money supply forecasts
by Rik Hafer - 1983-003 Energy price shocks in a reduced-form monetarist model
by John A. Tatom - 1983-002 Money management effects and the demand for money: an empirical analysis
by Rik Hafer & Scott E. Hein - 1983-001 Endpoint constraints and the St. Louis equation: a clarification
by Dallas S. Batten & Daniel L. Thornton - 1982-010 Some evidence on selecting an intermediate target of monetary policy
by Lawrence S. Davidson & Rik Hafer - 1982-009 The stability of the short-run money demand function, 1920-1939
by Rik Hafer - 1982-002 The appropriate autocorrelation transformation when the autocorrelation process has a finite past
by Daniel L. Thornton
- 1982-011 Financial innovations and the interest elasticity of money demand: some historical evidence
by Rik Hafer & Scott E. Hein - 1982-008 Relative price variability: evidence from supply and demand events
by Lawrence S. Davidson & Rik Hafer - 1982-007 The budget constraint, endogenous money and the relative importance of fiscal policy under alternative financing schemes
by Daniel L. Thornton - 1982-006 The interrelationship of monetary policies under floating exchange rates
by Dallas S. Batten & Mack Ott - 1982-005 Energy and its impact on economic growth: a supply-side miracle for the eighties
by John A. Tatom - 1982-004 The monetary base or M1? results from a small macromodel
by Rik Hafer - 1982-003 A warning on the use of the Cochrane-Orcutt procedure based on a money demand equation for the United States
by Jean-Marie Dufour & Marc J. I. Gaudry & Rik Hafer - 1982-001 Econometric limitations of Fama's interest rate and inflationary expectations framework
by Lawrence S. Davidson & Rik Hafer & Scott E. Hein
- 1981-013 The demand for transactions deposits: was there a shift in the relationship?
by Rik Hafer - 1981-012 Price expectations and the demand for real money balances: tests of observed, adaptive, and rational expectations hypothesis
by David C. Cheng & Donald L. Hooks - 1981-011 Further evidence on choosing an operating target for monetary policy
by Rik Hafer - 1981-010 Multibank holding company acquisitions and local market structure: an analysis of pooled cross-section and time-series data
by Donald L. Hooks & Terrence F. Martell - 1981-009 The liquidity effect: changes in the growth rate of money and the ex ante real rate of interest
by W. W. Brown & G. J. Santoni - 1981-008 What ever happened to the Phillips curve?
by John A. Tatom - 1981-007 Energy prices, economic performance and monetary policy
by John A. Tatom - 1981-006 Investigating the shift in money demand: an econometric analysis
by Rik Hafer & Scott E. Hein - 1981-005 Money demand and the term structure of interest rates: some consistent estimates
by Stuart D. Allen & Rik Hafer - 1981-004 An empirical analysis of the demand for international liquidity
by Dallas S. Batten - 1981-003 The neoclassical model of corporate investment behavior revisited
by Donald L. Hooks & Walter S. Misiolek - 1981-002 On the rationality of inflation forecasts: a new look at the Livingston data
by Rik Hafer & David H. Resler - 1981-001 Further evidence on the stability of the short-run demand for money
by Rik Hafer & Scott E. Hein
- 1977-018 Deposit relationships and bank portfolio selection
by R. Alton Gilbert
- 1973-017 The effect of market expectations on employment, wages, and prices
by Denis S. Karnosky
- 1972-016 Commercial banking in metropolitan areas: a study of the Chicago SMSA
by Susan Schmidt Bies - 1972-015 The influence of current and potential competition on a commercial bank's operating efficiency
by Lionel Kalish
- 1971-014 Money stock control and its implications for monetary policy: technical appendices
by Christopher T. Babb & Albert E. Burger & Lionel Kalish - 1971-013 A historical analysis of the \"crowding out\" of private expenditures by fiscal policy actions
by Roger W. Spencer & William P. Yohe
- 1970-012 Empirical test on the effect of changes in money supply in developing economies
by Surkoo Hahn - 1970-011 A study of money stock control
by Lionel Kalish
- 1969-010 Adjustments of selected markets in tight money periods
by Roger W. Spencer - 1969-009 Impact of changing economic conditions on life insurance companies
by Michael J. Heppen & Roger W. Spencer - 1969-008 The market for deposit-type financial assets
by Jerry L. Jordan - 1969-007 An analysis and development of the Brunner-Meltzer non-linear money supply hypothesis
by Albert E. Burger - 1967-002 Agribusiness
by Clifton B. Luttrell
- 1968-006 A model of the markets for consumer installment credit and new automobiles
by H. Albert Margolis - 1968-005 The development of explanatory economic hypotheses for monetary management
by Leonall C. Andersen & Albert E. Burger - 1968-004 The influence of fiscal and monetary actions on aggregate demand: a quantitative appraisal
by Keith M. Carlson & Denis S. Karnosky - 1968-003 Monetary policy and the business cycle in postwar Japan
by Michael W. Keran
- 1967-001 Three approaches to money stock analysis
by Leonall C. Andersen