1982, Volume 64, Issue Oct
- 3-6 Is it time to give up the fight against inflation?
by Lawrence Roos - 7-21 The mix of monetary and fiscal policies: conventional wisdom vs. empirical reality
by Keith M. Carlson - 22-39 Simple analytics of the money supply process and monetary control
by Daniel L. Thornton
1982, Volume 64, Issue Nov
- 3-10 The puzzling behavior of business loans in the current recession
by R. Alton Gilbert - 11-18 Good intentions, cheap food and counterpart funds
by Clifton B. Luttrell - 19-31 A perspective on the economics of natural gas decontrol
by Mack Ott & John A. Tatom
1982, Volume 64, Issue May
- 3-14 A monetary analysis of the administration's budget and economic projections
by Keith M. Carlson - 15-20 Short-run monetary growth fluctuations and real economic activity: some implications for monetary targeting
by Dallas S. Batten & Rik Hafer - 21-34 Money, credit and velocity
by Mack Ott
1982, Volume 64, Issue Mar
- 3-12 Monetary policy and stock returns: are stock markets efficient?
by Lawrence S. Davidson & Richard T. Froyen - 13-19 Monetary policy and short-term real rates of interest
by Rik Hafer & Scott E. Hein - 20-30 Central banks' demand for foreign reserves under fixed and floating exchange rates
by Dallas S. Batten
1982, Volume 64, Issue Jun
- 3-14 The discount rate and market interest rates: what's the connection?
by Daniel L. Thornton - 15-26 Inflation misinformation and monetary policy
by Lawrence S. Davidson - 27-36 Short-run money growth volatility: evidence of misbehaving money demand?
by Scott E. Hein
1982, Volume 64, Issue Jan
- 3-16 Potential output and the recent productivity decline
by John A. Tatom - 17-22 The role of fiscal policy in the St. Louis equation
by Rik Hafer - 23-29 Food and agriculture - current situation and prospects for 1982
by Clifton B. Luttrell
1982, Volume 64, Issue Feb
- 3-10 The three-year experience with the community reinvestment act
by Norman N. Bowsher - 11-16 The shift in money demand: what really happened?
by Rik Hafer & Scott E. Hein
1982, Volume 64, Issue Dec
- 3-7 The new system of contemporaneous reserve requirements
by R. Alton Gilbert & Michael E. Trebing - 8-19 The Fed and the real rate of interest
by G. J. Santoni & Courtenay C. Stone
1982, Volume 64, Issue Aug
- 3-12 The strong U.S. dollar: A dilemma for foreign monetary authorities
by Dallas S. Batten & James E. Kamphoefner - 13-23 The link between money and prices in an open economy: the Canadian evidence from 1971 to 1980
by Michael D. Bordo & Ehsan U. Choudhri - 24-27 Does \\"tight\\" monetary policy hurt U.S. exports?
by Dallas S. Batten & Clifton B. Luttrell - 28-40 Money and inflation in Israel: the transition of an economy to high inflation
by Zalman F. Shiffer
1982, Volume 64, Issue Apr
- 3-22 The FOMC in 1981: monetary control in a changing financial environment
by Daniel L. Thornton - 23-35 Recent financial innovations: have they distorted the meaning of M1?
by John A. Tatom
1981, Volume 63, Issue Oct
- 3-6 Lessons we can learn
by Lawrence Roos - 7-12 Money growth stability and inflation: an international comparison
by Dallas S. Batten - 13-18 Much ado about M2
by Rik Hafer
1981, Volume 63, Issue Nov
- 3-14 What really happened to interest rates? a longer-run analysis
by G. J. Santoni & Courtenay C. Stone - 15-24 Trends in federal spending: 1955-86
by Keith M. Carlson - 25-30 The voluntary automobile import agreement with Japan - more protectionism
by Clifton B. Luttrell
1981, Volume 63, Issue May
- 2-17 The classical gold standard: some lessons for today
by Michael D. Bordo - 18-30 We are all supply-siders now!
by John A. Tatom - 31-39 Trends in federal revenues: 1955-86
by Keith M. Carlson
1981, Volume 63, Issue Mar
- 3-10 Deficits and inflation
by Scott E. Hein - 11-18 Navigating through the interest rate morass: some basic principles
by G. J. Santoni & Courtenay C. Stone - 19-26 The impact of energy prices and money growth on five industrial countries
by Rik Hafer - 27-32 Recent revisions of GNP
by Keith M. Carlson
1981, Volume 63, Issue Jun
- 3-10 Indexation of social security benefits - a reform in need of reform
by Neil A. Stevens - 11-19 Why the median-priced home costs so much
by Scott E. Hein & James C. Lamb - 20-27 Inflation: the cost-push myth
by Dallas S. Batten
1981, Volume 63, Issue Jan
- 3-17 Energy prices and short-run economic performance
by John A. Tatom - 18-26 Unreal estimates of the real rate of interest
by W. W. Brown & G. J. Santoni - 27-32 Outlook for food and agriculture in 1981
by Neil A. Stevens
1981, Volume 63, Issue Feb
- 3-11 The new bank-thrift competition: will it affect bank acquisition and merger analysis?
by Michael E. Trebing - 12-18 Selecting a monetary indicator: a test of the new monetary aggregates
by Rik Hafer
1981, Volume 63, Issue Dec
- 3-12 Will the removal of Regulation Q raise mortgage interest rates?
by R. Alton Gilbert - 13-25 A comparison of the St. Louis Model and two variations: predictive performance and policy implications
by Laurence H. Meyer & Chris Varvares
1981, Volume 63, Issue Aug
- 2-22 The FOMC in 1980: a year of reserve targeting
by R. Alton Gilbert & Michael E. Trebing - 23-29 Grain export agreements - no gains, no losses
by Clifton B. Luttrell
1981, Volume 63, Issue Apr
- 3-12 How controllable is money growth
by Anatol Balbach - 13-21 A bushel of wheat for a barrel of oil: can we offset OPEC's gain with a grain cartel?
by Clifton B. Luttrell - 22-30 Foreign exchange markets: the dollar in 1980
by Dallas S. Batten
1980, Volume 62, Issue Oct
- 3-10 The lag from money to prices
by Keith M. Carlson - 11-18 Our \\"shrinking\\" farmland: mirage or potential crisis?
by Clifton B. Luttrell
1980, Volume 62, Issue Nov
- 3-11 The \\"rationality\\" of survey-based inflation forecasts
by Rik Hafer & David H. Resler - 12-21 Monetary aggregates as monetary indicators
by Keith M. Carlson & Scott E. Hein
1980, Volume 62, Issue May
- 3-6 An inflation generation
by Lawrence Roos - 7-20 Lagged reserve requirements: implications for monetary control and bank reserve management
by R. Alton Gilbert - 21-29 The \\"middleman\\": a major source of controversy in the food industry
by Clifton B. Luttrell
1980, Volume 62, Issue Mar
- 2-25 The FOMC in 1979: introducing reserve targeting
by Richard W. Lang - 26-35 The dynamics and estimation of short-run money demand
by Rik Hafer & Scott E. Hein
1980, Volume 62, Issue Jun
- 2-12 Eurodollars and the U.S. monetary supply
by Anatol Balbach & David H. Resler - 13-23 Dynamic forecasting and the demand for money
by Scott E. Hein - 24-31 Financing constraints and the short-run response to fiscal policy
by Laurence H. Meyer
1980, Volume 62, Issue Jan
- 3-10 The value-added tax: a review of the issues
by Rik Hafer & Michael E. Trebing - 11-18 The demand for currency: is the underground economy undermining monetary policy?
by Norman N. Bowsher
1980, Volume 62, Issue Feb
- 3-14 On the costs and benefits of anti-inflation policies
by Laurence H. Meyer & Robert H. Rasche - 15-24 Access to the discount window for all commercial banks: is it important for monetary policy?
by R. Alton Gilbert - 25-32 The new monetary aggregates
by Rik Hafer
1980, Volume 62, Issue Dec
- 3-10 Revision of the St. Louis Federal Reserve’s adjusted monetary base
by R. Alton Gilbert - 11-29 Issues in measuring an adjusted monetary base
by John A. Tatom
1980, Volume 62, Issue Aug
- 2-8 The Russian grain embargo: dubious success
by Clifton B. Luttrell - 9-15 What happened to the economy in the first half of 1980?
by Albert E. Burger - 16-23 Rise and fall of interest rates
by Norman N. Bowsher
1980, Volume 62, Issue Apr
- 2-12 The formation of inflation expectations
by David H. Resler - 13-19 Money, inflation, and economic growth: some updated reduced form results and their implications
by Keith M. Carlson
1979, Volume 61, Issue Sep
- 3-16 The productivity problem
by John A. Tatom - 17-22 Repurchase agreements
by Norman N. Bowsher
1979, Volume 61, Issue Oct
- 3-14 TTL note accounts and the money supply process
by Richard W. Lang - 15-22 Explaining the economic slowdown of 1979: a supply and demand approach
by Keith M. Carlson
1979, Volume 61, Issue Nov
- 3-9 Money stock control under alternative definitions of money
by John A. Tatom - 10-19 Federal agency debt: another side of federal borrowing
by Richard W. Lang & David H. Resler
1979, Volume 61, Issue May
- 2-11 Energy prices and capital formation: 1972-1977
by John A. Tatom - 12-15 Monetary targets - their contribution to policy formation
by Lawrence Roos
1979, Volume 61, Issue Mar
- 2-24 The FOMC in 1978: clarifying the role of the aggregates
by Richard W. Lang - 25-32 Benefits of borrowing from the Federal Reserve when the discount rate is below interest rates
by R. Alton Gilbert
1979, Volume 61, Issue Jun
- 3-8 Alternative measures of the monetary base
by Albert E. Burger - 9-13 Do rising U.S. interest rates imply a stronger dollar?
by Douglas R. Mudd
1979, Volume 61, Issue Jul
- 3-10 Rising farm exports and international trade policies
by Clifton B. Luttrell - 11-19 Government debt financing - its effects in view of tax discounting
by Neil A. Stevens
1979, Volume 61, Issue Jan
- 2-9 The \\"danger\\" from foreign ownership of U.S. farmland
by Clifton B. Luttrell - 10-15 Disintermediation: an old disorder with a new remedy
by R. Alton Gilbert & Jean M. Lovati - 16-23 Operations of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - 1978
by A. Clifford Saxton
1979, Volume 61, Issue Feb
- 2-10 Automatic transfers and the money supply process
by Richard W. Lang & John A. Tatom - 11-18 Economic developments in 1978
by Michael E. Trebing - 19-24 1979 food and agricultural outlook
by Clifton B. Luttrell & Neil A. Stevens
1979, Volume 61, Issue Dec
- 3-14 Evidence on the temporal stability of the demand for money relationship in the United States
by Rik Hafer & Scott E. Hein - y:1979:i:dec:n:v.61no.12 Outlook for food and agriculture - 1980
by Clifton B. Luttrell & Neil A. Stevens
1979, Volume 61, Issue Aug
- 3-9 Inflation and personal saving: an update
by Claudia Campbell & Jean M. Lovati - 10-16 Does eurodollar borrowing improve the dollar's exchange value
by David H. Resler
1979, Volume 61, Issue Apr
- 2-9 Formulating economic policy for 1979 and beyond: old problems and new constraints
by Keith M. Carlson - 10-19 Do floating ceilings solve the usury rate problem?
by R. Alton Gilbert & Jean M. Lovati - 20-26 Did discount rate changes affect the foreign exchange value of the dollar during 1978?
by Douglas R. Mudd
1978, Volume 60, Issue Sep
- 2-6 Inflation, unemployment, and money: comparing the evidence from two simple models
by Keith M. Carlson - 7-15 Does the stage of the business cycle affect the inflation rate?
by John A. Tatom - 16-28 Effectiveness of state reserve requirements
by R. Alton Gilbert
1978, Volume 60, Issue Oct
- 2-8 Taxation of capital gains: principle versus practice
by Neil A. Stevens - 9-15 Budget deficits and trade deficits: is there a link?
by Jai-Hoon Yang - 16-23 Economic growth and unemployment: a reappraisal of the conventional view
by John A. Tatom
1978, Volume 60, Issue Nov
- 2-7 Movements in the foreign exchange value of the dollar during the current U.S. expansion
by Douglas R. Mudd - 8-12 Commentary on monetary economics: an interview with Karl Brunner
by anonymous
1978, Volume 60, Issue May
- 2-7 A perspective on the economy: three years of expansion
by Jean M. Lovati - 8-15 Comparing per capita output internationally: has the United States been overtaken?
by Jai-Hoon Yang - 16-20 Rising farmland prices and falling farm earnings: is agriculture in trouble?
by Neil A. Stevens
1978, Volume 60, Issue Mar
- 2-21 The federal open market committee in 1977
by Richard W. Lang - 22-31 Bank reserve requirements and their enforcement: a comparison across streets
by R. Alton Gilbert & Jean M. Lovati
1978, Volume 60, Issue Jun
- 2-10 Imports and jobs - the observed and the unobserved
by Clifton B. Luttrell - 11-19 Benchmark revisions of the money stock and ranges of money stock growth
by Richard W. Lang
1978, Volume 60, Issue Jul
- 2-8 Pitfalls to the current expansion
by Neil A. Stevens - 9-10 Does the Federal Reserve invest member bank reserves?
by Albert E. Burger - 11-19 Coordinated international economic expansion: are convoys or locomotives the answer?
by Nancy Jianakoplos & Geoffrey E. Wood
1978, Volume 60, Issue Jan
- 2-8 Inflation and taxes: disincentives for capital formation
by John A. Tatom & James E. Turley - 9-14 International reserves and the role of special drawing rights
by Douglas R. Mudd - 15-22 Outlook for food and agriculture
by Clifton B. Luttrell & Neil A. Stevens
1978, Volume 60, Issue Feb
- 2-7 The mechanics of intervention in exchange markets
by Anatol Balbach - 8-12 A tax-based incomes policy (TIP): what's it all about?
by Nancy Jianakoplos - 13-19 Does the St. Louis equation now believe in fiscal policy?
by Keith M. Carlson
1978, Volume 60, Issue Dec
- 2-7 The economic consequences of wage-price guidelines
by Michael E. Trebing - 8-12 Is inflation all due to money?
by Albert E. Burger - 13-20 Are preliminary week-to-week fluctuations in M1 biased?
by Jeffrey B. C. Olson & Courtenay C. Stone - 21-30 A comparison of yields on future contracts and implied forward rates
by Richard W. Lang & Robert H. Rasche
1978, Volume 60, Issue Aug
- 2-6 Oil imports and the fall of the dollar
by Douglas R. Mudd & Geoffrey E. Wood - 7-21 An explanation of movements in the labor force participation rate, 1957-76
by Leonall C. Andersen - 22-27 Money-income relationships and the exchange rate regime
by Terence C. Mills & Geoffrey E. Wood
1978, Volume 60, Issue Apr
- 2-7 The recent U.S. trade deficit - no cause for panic
by Douglas R. Mudd & Geoffrey E. Wood - 8-15 Have multibank holding companies affected commercial bank performance?
by Norman N. Bowsher - 16-23 Operations of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - 1977
by Paul A. Watkins
1977, Volume 59, Issue Sep
- 2-7 Some considerations in the use of monetary aggregates for the implementation of monetary policy
by Leonall C. Andersen & Denis S. Karnosky - 8-22 Debt-management policy and the own price elasticity of demand for U.S. government notes and bonds
by Richard W. Lang & Robert H. Rasche
1977, Volume 59, Issue Oct
- 2-11 The growing similarities among financial institutions
by Jean M. Lovati - 12-18 The early 1960s: a guide to the late 1970s
by Norman N. Bowsher
1977, Volume 59, Issue Nov
- 2-7 Economic goals for 1981: a monetary analysis
by Keith M. Carlson - 8-15 Effects of interest on demand deposits: implications of compensating balances
by R. Alton Gilbert
1977, Volume 59, Issue May
- 2-12 The effects of the new energy regime on economic capacity, production, and prices
by Robert H. Rasche & John A. Tatom - 13-20 The growing link between the federal government and state and local government financing
by Nancy Jianakoplos - 21-23 So what, it's only a five percent inflation
by Leonall C. Andersen
1977, Volume 59, Issue Mar
- 2-17 The FOMC in 1976: progress against inflation
by Albert E. Burger & Douglas R. Mudd - 18-24 Free trade: a major factor in U.S. farm income
by Clifton B. Luttrell
1977, Volume 59, Issue Jun
- 2-9 The Treasury bill futures market and market expectations of interest rates
by Albert E. Burger & Richard W. Lang & Robert H. Rasche - 10-24 Energy resources and potential GNP
by Robert H. Rasche & John A. Tatom
1977, Volume 59, Issue Jul
- 2-12 The nature and origins of the U.S. energy crisis
by Jai-Hoon Yang - 13-28 Revision of the monetary base
by Albert E. Burger & Robert H. Rasche
1977, Volume 59, Issue Jan
- 2-8 Are you protected from inflation?
by Nancy Jianakoplos - 9-16 The 1975-76 federal deficits and the credit market
by Richard W. Lang
1977, Volume 59, Issue Feb
- 2-7 A guide to capital outlays in the current recover
by Jai-Hoon Yang - 8-15 Operations of the federal reserve bank of St. Louis -1976
by anonymous - 16-20 Outlook for farm income in 1977
by Clifton B. Luttrell
1977, Volume 59, Issue Dec
- 2-7 Farm price supports at cost of production
by Clifton B. Luttrell - 8-11 Do foreigners control the U.S. money supply?
by Douglas R. Mudd & Geoffrey E. Wood - 12-18 The tax penalty on married workers
by Nancy Jianakoplos
1977, Volume 59, Issue Aug
- 2-15 Utilization of Federal Reserve bank services by member banks: implications for the costs and benefits of membership
by R. Alton Gilbert - 16-22 Estimates of the high-employment budget and changes in potential output
by Keith M. Carlson - 23-26 Income and expenses of the Eighth District member banks
by Jean M. Lovati
1977, Volume 59, Issue Apr
- 2-9 Inventory investment in the recent recession and recover
by John A. Tatom - 10-14 The effects of changes in inflationary expectations
by Rachel Balbach - 15-19 Food: outlook favorable for consumers
by Neil A. Stevens
1976, Volume 58, Issue Sep
- 2-9 The unemployment rate as an economic indicator
by Jean M. Lovati - 10-18 Development of electronic funds transfer systems
by William C. Niblack
1976, Volume 58, Issue Oct
- 2-7 Large federal budget deficits: perspectives and prospects
by Keith M. Carlson - 8-15 Economic activity in ten major industrial countries: late 1973 through mid-1976
by Donald S. Kemp
1976, Volume 58, Issue Nov
- 2-8 Derivation of the monetary base
by Anatol Balbach & Albert E. Burger - 9-22 The welfare cost of inflation
by John A. Tatom
1976, Volume 58, Issue May
- 2-10 Food and population: a long view
by Clifton B. Luttrell - 11-19 Preferred habitat vs. efficient market: a test of alternative hypotheses
by Llad Phillips & John Pippenger
1976, Volume 58, Issue Mar
- 2-7 Recent changes in reserve requirements: an example of contradictory regulation
by R. Alton Gilbert - 8-22 The FOMC in 1975: announcing monetary targets
by Nancy Jianakoplos
1976, Volume 58, Issue Jun
- 2-10 Inflation and the economic recovery
by Roger W. Spencer - 11-16 Automobile sales in perspective
by James E. Turley - 17-23 The link between money and prices : 1971-76
by Denis S. Karnosky
1976, Volume 58, Issue Jul
- 2-9 Bank financing of the recovery
by R. Alton Gilbert - 10-22 An explanation of movements in short-term interest rates
by Albert E. Burger
1976, Volume 58, Issue Jan
- 2-8 1975 - year of economic turmoil
by Norman N. Bowsher - 9-14 Foreign trade and exchange rate movements in 1975
by Hans H. Helbling - 15-18 Food production and prices - perspective and outlook
by Clifton B. Luttrell
1976, Volume 58, Issue Feb
- 2-10 Operations of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - 1975
by Jean M. Lovati - 11-16 Outlook for agriculture
by Clifton B. Luttrell
1976, Volume 58, Issue Dec
- 2-7 Economic pause - some perspective and interpretation
by Neil A. Stevens & James E. Turley - 8-14 U.S. international trade and financial developments in 1976
by Donald S. Kemp
1976, Volume 58, Issue Aug
- 2-6 Income and expenses of the Eighth District member banks: 1975
by Jean M. Lovati - 7-14 The U.S. dollar in international markets: mid-1970 to mid-1976
by Donald S. Kemp - 15-20 Housing: a cyclical industry on the upswing
by Neil A. Stevens
1976, Volume 58, Issue Apr
- 2-11 The 1976 economic report and the federal budget: towards a long-run perspective
by Keith M. Carlson - 12-19 A mortgage futures market: its development, uses, benefits, and costs
by Neil A. Stevens
1975, Volume 57, Issue Sep
- 2-4 Grain exports and inflation
by Clifton B. Luttrell