- 00807 Measuring racial educational disparities over time amongst top achievers
by Uditi Karna & Min Sok Lee & John List & Andrew Simon & Haruka Uchida - 00806 Socio-economic status explains one-third of the racial disparity in top academic achievement
by John List & Haruka Uchida - 00804 The Experimentalist Looks Within: Toward an Understanding of Within-Subject Experimental Designs
by John List - 00801 Scaling policy ideas in developing countries
by John List
- 00799 Toward an Understanding of the Political Economy of Using Field Experiments in Policymaking
by Guglielmo Briscese & John List - 00798 Policy evaluation and the causal analysis of public support
by Stefano Carattini & Robert Dur & John List - 00793 Peer-to-peer solar and social rewards: Evidence from a field experiment
by Stefano Carattini & Kenneth Gillingham & Xiangyu Meng & Erez Yoeli - 00792 Experimental Economics: Theory and Practice
by John List - 00791 Toward an Understanding of the Economics of Prosumers: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment in Energy
by John List & Ioannis Pragidis & Michael Price - 00790 Megastudy shows that reminders boost vaccination but adding free rides does not
by Katherine Milkman & Sean Ellis & Dena Gromet & Youngwoo Jung & Alex Luscher & Rayyan Mobarak & Madeline Paxson & Ramon Silvera Zumaran & Robert Kuan & Ron Berman & Neil Lewis Jr & John List & Mitesh Patel & Christophe Van den Bulte & Kevin Volpp & Maryann Beauvais & Jonathon Bellows & Cheryl Marandola & Angela Duckworth - 00789 Chief for a Day: Elite Capture and Management Performance in a Field Experiment in Sierra Leone
by Erwin Bulte & Andreas Kontoleon & John List & Ty Turley & Maarten Voors - 00788 Field Experiments: Here Today Gone Tomorrow?
by John List - 00787 Using Field Experiments to Understand the Impact of Institutions on Economic Growth
by Omar Al-Ubaydli & Faith Fatchen & John List - 00785 Natural Field Experiments Published In 2023 On Fieldexperiments.Com
by John List - 00783 Optimally Generate Policy-Based Evidence Before Scaling
by John List
- 00781 The Tradeoffs of Transparency: Measuring Discrimination When Subjects Are Told They Are in an Experiment
by Amanda Agan & Bo Cowgill & Laura Gee - 00779 Putting Economic Research into Practice at Businesses
by John List - 00776 Stress Testing Structural Models of Unobserved Heterogeneity: Robust Inference on Optimal Nonlinear Pricing
by Aaron Bodoh-Creed & Brent Hickman & John List & Ian Muir & Gregory Sun - 00773 Our Best Chance to Make Real Change? Scalable Ideas with Private Partners
by John List - 00772 Toward an Understanding of Tax Amnesties: Theory and Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment
by Patricia Gil & Justin Holz & John List & Andrew Simon & Alejandro Zentner - 00771 Left-Digit Bias at Lyft
by John List & Ian Muir & Devin Pope & Gregory Sun - 00770 2022 Summary Data Of Natural Field Experiments Published On Fieldexperiments.Com
by John List - 00732 Multiple Testing with Covariate Adjustment in Experimental Economics
by John List & Azeem Shaikh & Atom Vayalinkal
- 00764 High-frequency location data shows that race affects the likelihood of being stopped and fined for speeding
by Pradhi Aggarwal & Alec Brandon & Ariel Goldszmidt & Justin Holz & John List & Ian Muir & Gregory Sun & Thomas Yu - 00763 Using Machine Learning for Efficient Flexible Regression Adjustment in Economic Experiments
by John List & Ian Muir & Gregory Sun - 00750 What motivates people to pay their taxes? Evidence from four experiments on tax compliance
by Eric Floyd & Michael Hallsworth & John List & Robert Metcalfe & Kristian Rotaru & Ivo Vlaev - 00747 2021 Summary Data of Natural Field Experiments Published on
by John List
- 00756 Returns to effort: experimental evidence from an online language platform
by Fulya Ersoy - 00754 The Economics of Content Moderation: Theory and Experimental Evidence from Hate Speech on Twitter
by Rafael Jimenez-Duran - 00741 The role of open science practices in scaling evidence-based prevention programs
by Robert Ammerman & Anne Duggan & John List & Lauren Supplee & Dana Suskind - 00738 How Field Experiments in Economics Can Complement Psychological Research on Judgment Biases
by John List - 00725 When Bonuses Backfire: Evidence from the Workplace
by Jakob Alfitian & Dirk Sliwka & Timo Vogelsang - 00724 Efficiency and Equity Impacts of Energy Subsidies
by Robert Hahn & Robert Metcalfe
- 00720 The Value of Time in the United States: Estimates from Nationwide Natural Field Experiments
by Ariel Goldszmidt & John List & Robert Metcalfe & Ian Muir & Jenny Wang - 00715 Reservation Wages and Workers' Valuation of Job Flexibility: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment
by Kuan-Ming Chen & Min Ding & John List & Magne Mogstad - 00714 2020 Summary Data of Natural Field Experiments Published on
by John List - 00713 Are Economics and Psychology Complements in Household Technology Diffusion? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment
by Matilde Giaccherini & David Herberich & David Jimenez-Gomez & John List & Giovanni Ponti & Michael Price - 00712 The $100 Million Nudge: Increasing Tax Compliance of Businesses and the Self-Employed using a Natural Field Experiment
by Marvin Cardoza & Justin Holz & John List & Alejandro Zentner & Joaquin Zentner - 00706 Do Women Shy Away from Public Speaking? A Field Experiment
by Maria De Paola & Rosetta Lombardo & Valeria Pupo & Vincenzo Scoppa - 00688 Got Milk? Using Nudges to Reduce Consumption of Added Sugar
by Chien-Yu Lai & John List & Anya Samek - 00687 Experimental tests of the endowment effect and the Coase theorem
by John List
- 00709 The Effects of Access to Credit on Productivity: Separating Technological Changes from Changes in Technical Efficiency
by Mohammad Abdul Malek & Nusrat Abedin Jimi & Subal Kumbhakar & Plamen Nikolov - 00693 The representativeness heuristic and the choice of lottery tickets: A field experiment
by Michal Krawczyk & Joanna Rachubik - 00682 Do Appeals to Donor Benefits Raise More Money than Appeals to Recipient Benefits? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment with Pick.Click.Give
by Alexander James & John List & James Murphy & Michael Price - 00681 Design and Analysis of Cluster-Randomized Field Experiments in Panel Data Settings
by Bharat Chandar & Ali Hortacsu & John List & Ian Muir & Jeffrey Wooldridge - 00680 The Drivers of Social Preferences: Evidence from a Nationwide Tipping Field Experiment
by Bharat Chandar & Uri Gneezy & John List & Ian Muir - 00677 Summary Data of Natural Field Experiments Published on
by John List - 00675 Toward an Understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility: Theory and Field Experimental Evidence
by Daniel Hedblom & Brent Hickman & John List - 00674 Toward an Understanding of the Welfare Effects of Nudges: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Uganda
by Erwin Bulte & John List & Daan van Soest - 00673 Exploring encouragement, treatment and spillover effects using principal stratification, with application to a field experiment on teens' museum attendance
by Laura Forastiere & Patrizia Lattarulo & Marco Mariani & Fabrizia Mealli & Laura Razzolini - 00669 Testing for crowd out in social nudges: Evidence from a natural field experiment in the market for electricity
by Alec Brandon & John List & Robert Metcalfe & Michael Price & Florian Rundhammer - 00667 Do Workers Value Flexible Jobs? A Field Experiment on Compensating Differentials
by Haoran He & David Neumark & Qian Weng - 00665 Leveraging Upfront Payments to Curb Employee Misbehavior: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment
by John List & Fatemeh Momeni - 00662 Does Financial Regulation Unintentionally Ignore Less Privileged Populations? The Investigation of a Regulatory Fintech Advancement, Objective and Subjective Financial Literacy
by Maya Haran Rosen & Orly Sade - 00656 Does Simple Information Provision Lead to More Diverse Classrooms? Evidence from a Field Experiment on Undergraduate Economics
by Amanda Bayer & Syon Bhanot & Fernando Lozano - 00651 Isolating the Effect of Injunctive Norms on Conservation Behavior: New Evidence from a Field Experiment in California
by Syon Bhanot - 00649 How natural field experiments have enhanced our understanding of unemployment
by Omar Al-Ubaydli & John List
- 00707 Teamwork, Leadership and Gender
by Maria De Paola & Francesca Gioia & Vincenzo Scoppa - 00705 The adverse consequences of tournaments: Evidence from a field experiment
by Maria De Paola & Francesca Gioia & Vincenzo Scoppa - 00704 Free-riding and knowledge spillovers in teams: The role of social ties
by Maria De Paola & Francesca Gioia & Vincenzo Scoppa - 00699 Verifying the representativeness heuristic: A field experiment with real-life lottery tickets
by Michal Krawczyk & Joanna Rachubik - 00664 Motivating bureaucrats with non-monetary incentives when state capacity is weak: Evidence from large-scale
by Andrew Dustan & Juan Manuel Hernandez-Agramonte & Stanislao Maldonado - 00660 No Substitute for the Real Thing: The Importance of In-Context Field Experiments In Fundraising
by Indranil Goswami & Oleg Urminsky - 00654 Putting social rewards and identity salience to the test: Evidence from a field experiment with teachers in Philadelphia
by Syon Bhanot & Gordon Kraft-Todd & David Rand & Erez Yoeli - 00647 Using Goals to Motivate College Students: Theory and Evidence from Field Experiments
by Damon Clark & David Gill & Victoria Prowse & Mark Rush - 00644 Toward an understanding of the economics of apologies: evidence from a large-scale natural field experiment
by Basil Halperin & Benjamin Ho & John List & Ian Muir - 00642 Do Equal Employment Opportunity Statements Backfire? Evidence From a Natural Field Experiment on Job-Entry Decisions
by Andreas Leibbrandt & John List - 00641 Testing for crowd out in social nudges: Evidence from a natural field experiment in the market for electricity
by Alec Brandon & John List & Robert Metcalfe & Michael Price & Florian Rundhammer - 00634 The Gender Earnings Gap in the Gig Economy: Evidence from over a Million Rideshare Drivers
by Cody Cook & Rebecca Diamond & Jonathan Hall & John List & Paul Oyer
- 00655 Rank and response: A field experiment on peer information and water use behavior
by Syon Bhanot - 00653 Cheap promises: Evidence from loan repayment pledges in an online experiment
by Syon Bhanot - 00635 The Past, Present, and Future of Economics: A Celebration of the 125-Year Anniversary of the JPE and of Chicago Economics
by Ufuk Akcigit & Fernando Alvarez & Stephane Bonhomme & George M Constantinides & Douglas W Diamond & Eugene F Fama & David W Galenson & Michael Greenstone & Lars Peter Hansen & Uhlig Harald & James J Heckman & Ali Hortacsu & Emir Kamenica & Greg Kaplan & Anil K Kashyap & Steven Levitt & John List & Robert E Lucas Jr. & Magne Mogstad & Roger Myerson & Derek Neal & Canice Prendergast & Raghuram G Rajan & Philip J Reny & Azeem M Shaikh & Robert Shimer & Hugo F Sonnenschein & Nancy L Stokey & Richard H Thaler & Robert H Topel & Robert Vishny & Luigi Zingales - 00618 When Corporate Social Responsibility Backfires: Theory and Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment
by John List & Fatemeh Momeni - 00617 Using Behavioral Economics to Curb Workplace Misbehaviors: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment
by Jeffrey Flory & Andreas Leibbrandt & John List - 00610 Putting a value on injuries to natural assets: The BP Oil Spill
by Richard Bishop & Kevin Boyle & Richard Carson & David Chapman & Matthew DeBell & Colleen Donovan & W. Michael Hanemann & Barbara Kanninen & Matthew Konopka & Raymond Kopp & Jon Krosnick & John List & Norman Meade & Robert Paterson & Stanley Presser & Nora Scherer & V. Kerry Smith & Roger Tourangeau & Michael Welsh & Jeffrey Wooldridge - 00609 Testing the Theory of Multitasking: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment in Chinese Factories
by Fuhai Hong & Tanjim Hossain & John List & Migiwa Tanaka - 00607 What Can We Learn From Experiments? Understanding the Threats to the Scalability of Experimental Results
by Omar Al-Ubaydli & John List & Dana Suskind - 00606 Sequential order as an extraneous factor in editorial decision
by Sultan Orazbayev - 00598 Do the effects of social nudges persist? Theory and evidence from 38 natural field experiments
by Alec Brandon & Paul Ferraro & John List & Robert Metcalfe & Michael Price & Florian Rundhammer - 00597 Harnessing Policy Complementarities to Conserve Energy: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment
by John List & Robert Metcalfe & Michael Price & Florian Rundhammer
- 00659 When should the ask be a nudge? The Effect of Default Amounts on Charitable Donations
by Indranil Goswami & Oleg Urminsky - 00639 Insurance coverage of customers induces dishonesty of sellers in markets for credence goods
by Rudolf Kerschbamer & Daniel Neururer & Matthias Sutter - 00638 Altruistic punishment does not increase with the severity of norm violations in the field
by Loukas Balafoutas & Nikos Nikiforakis & Bettina Rockenbach - 00636 The dynamics of behavior change: Evidence from energy conservation
by Omar Isaac Asensio & Magali A Delmas - 00604 The effects of group composition in a strategic environment: Evidence from a field experiment
by John List & William Neilson & Michael Price - 00586 Estimating Social Preferences and Gift Exchange at Work
by Stefano DellaVigna & John List & Ulrike Malmendier & Gautam Rao - 00583 Wage Contracts and Workplace Misbehaviors
by Jeffrey Flory & Andreas Leibbrandt & John List - 00581 Indirect Reciprocity and Prosocial Behaviour: Evidence from a natural field experiment
by Andreas Leibbrandt & Redzo Mujcic - 00580 Dry Promotions and Community Participation: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment in Brazilian Fishing Villages
by Carina Cavalcanti & Andreas Leibbrandt - 00579 THE RISE AND FALL OF COMPETITIVENESS: Experimental Evidence from Individualistic and Collectivistic Societies
by Uri Gneezy & Andreas Leibbrandt & John List - 00574 Does Social Interaction Improve Learning Outcomes? Field Evidence from Massive Open Online Education
by Gad Allon & Jan Van Mieghem & Dennis Zhang - 00573 Valuing Alternative Work Arrangements
by Alexandre Mas & Amanda Pallais - 00572 The Impact of Job-Specific Training on Short-Term Worker Performance: Evidence from a Field Experiment
by Elizabeth Lyons - 00570 Using Preference Estimates to Customize Incentives: An Application to Polio Vaccination Drives in Pakistan
by James Andreoni & Michael Callen & Karrar Hussain & Muhammad Khan & Charles Sprenger - 00569 Shedding Light: Understanding Energy Efficiency and Electricity Reliability in Developing Countries
by Eliana Carranza & Robyn Meeks - 00568 Identification of self-selection biases in field experiments using stated preference experiments
by Jasper Knockaert & Stefanie Peer & Erik Verhoef - 00567 Is it all about money? Field experiment with the defaulted in a debt-collector enterprise
by Andris Saulitis - 00566 Powering Education
by Fadi Hassan & Paolo Lucchino - 00564 Student Coaching: How Far Can Technology Go?
by Philip Oreopoulos & Uros Petronijevic - 00563 Attention Variation and Welfare: Theory and Evidence from a Tax Salience Experiment
by Dmitry Taubinsky & Alex Rees-Jones - 00562 Interfirm Relationships and Business Performance
by Jing Cai & Adam Szeidl - 00561 College Better: Parimutuel Betting Markets as a Commitment Device and Monetary Incentive
by Lester Lusher - 00558 The Role of Subjective Perceptions in Health Decisions: A Field Experiment among Disadvantages Youth
by Bruno Crepon & Julie Pernaudet - 00556 Do you mind me paying less? Measuring Other-Regarding Preferences in the Market for Taxis
by Brit Grosskopf & Graeme Pearce - 00553 The Contingent Effect of Management Practices
by Steven Blader & Claudine Gartenberg & Andrea Prat - 00552 Fostering Voluntary Contributions to a Public Good: A Large-Scale Natural Field Experiment at Wikipedia
by Jana Gallus - 00551 Endowment Effects in the Field: Evidence from India's IPO Lotteries
by Santosh Anagol & Vimal Balasubramaniam & Tarun Ramadorai - 00550 Love in the Time of HIV: Testing as a Signal of Risk
by Laura Derksen & Adamson Muula & Joep van Oosterhout - 00549 The hidden costs of nudging: Experimental evidence from reminders in fundraising
by Christina Gravert & Mette Trier Damgaard - 00543 Deterring Delinquency: A Field Experiment in Improving Tax Compliance Behavior
by Michael Chirico & Robert Inman & Charles Loeffler & John MacDonald & Holger Sieg - 00540 Melons as Lemons: Asymmetric Information, Consumer Learning and Seller Reputation
by Jie Bai - 00539 Ban the Box, Criminal Records, and Statistical Discrimination: A Field Experiment
by Amanda Agan & Sonja Starr - 00537 Nudging Medical Providers to Adopt and Sustain Better Quality Care Practices
by Pablo Celhay & Paul Gertler & Paula Giavagnoli & Christel Vermeersch - 00534 Can Myopic Loss Aversion Explain the Equity Premium Puzzle? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment with Professional Traders
by Francis Larson & John List & Robert Metcalfe - 00433 Gifts and Goals: Behavioral Nudges to Improve Child Food Choice at School
by Anya Samek - 00411 How Can Bill and Melinda Gates Increase Other People's Donations to Fund Public Goods?
by Dean Karlan & John List
- 00775 Once and Done: Leveraging Behavioral Economics to Increase Charitable Contributions
by Amee Kamdar & Steven Levitt & John List & Brian Mullaney & Chad Syverson - 00697 Gender, beauty and support networks in academia: Evidence from a field experiment
by Michal Krawczyk & Magdalena Smyk - 00619 Disability Discrimination in the Italian Rental Housing Market: A Field Experiment with Blind Tenants
by Luca Fumarco - 00578 A dollar for your thoughts: Feedback-conditional rebates on eBay
by Luis Cabral & Lingfang Li - 00571 Mobile Messaging for Offline Social Interactions: A Large Field Expeiment
by Guodong Gao & Tianshu Sun & Ginger Zhe Jin - 00541 Two Information Aggregation Mechanisms for Predicting the Opening Weekend Box Office Revenues of Films: Boxoffice Prophecy and Guess of Guesses
by David Court & Benjamin Gillen & Jordi McKenzie & Charles Plott - 00456 Battle of the Sexes: How Sex Ratios Affect Female Bargaining Power
by Erwin Bulte & John List & Qin Tu - 00453 Framing Manipulations in Contests: A Natural Field Experiment
by Fuhai Hong & Tanjim Hossain & John List - 00451 Principles of (Behavioral) Economics
by David Laibson & John List - 00431 Selective Recognition: How to Recognize Donors to Increase Charitable Giving
by Anya Samek & Roman Sheremeta - 00422 How Do Suggested Donations Affect Charitable Gifts? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Public Broadcasting
by David Reiley & Anya Samek - 00419 Gender Differences in Job Entry Decisions: A University-Wide Field Experiment
by Anya Samek - 00417 Dynamic Inconsistency in Food Choice: Experimental Evidence from a Food Desert
by Sally Sadoff & Anya Samek & Charles Sprenger - 00409 A Glimpse into the World of High Capacity Givers: Experimental Evidence from a University Capital Campaign
by Tova Levin & Steven Levitt & John List - 00403 The Making of Homo Honoratus: From Omission to Commission
by Michael Hallsworth & John List & Robert Metcalfe & Ivo Vlaev
- 00637 Direct and indirect punishment among strangers in the field
by Loukas Balafoutas & Nikos Nikiforakis & Bettina Rockenbach - 00460 Equalizing Superstars: The Internet and the Democratization of Education
by Daron Acemoglu & David Laibson & John List - 00457 One Swallow Doesn't Make a Summer: Reply to Kataria
by John List & Zacharias Maniadis & Fabio Tufano - 00446 Ode to the Sea: Workplace organizations and norms of cooperation
by Uri Gneezy & Andreas Leibbrandt & John List - 00428 A Field Experiment on the Impact of Incentives on Milk Choice in the Lunchroom
by John List & Anya Samek - 00391 The behavioralist as tax collector: Using natural field experiments to enhance tax compliance
by John List & Robert Metcalfe & Michael Taylor & Ivo Vlaev - 00390 Shocks and the Expectations Formation Process. A Tale of Two Expectations
by Maurizio Bovi
- 00603 Gender, Competitiveness, and Socialization at a Young Age: Evidence From a Matrilineal and a Patriarchal Society
by Steffen Andersen & Seda Ertac & Uri Gneezy & John List & Sandra Maximiano - 00462 Toward an Understanding of why Suggestions Work in Charitable Fundraising: Theory and Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment
by James Edwards & John List - 00459 Consequentiality: A Theoretical and Experimental Exploration of a Single Binary Choice
by Richard Carson & Theodore Groves & John List - 00420 'Feel the Warmth' Glow: A Field Experiment on Manipulating the Act of Giving
by Amanda Chuan & Anya Samek - 00404 Neighbors, Knowledge, and Nuggets: Two Natural Field Experiments on the Role of Incentives on Energy Conservation
by Paul Dolan & Robert Metcalfe - 00388 Testing the Theory of Multitasking: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment in Chinese Factories
by Fuhai Hong & Tanjim Hossain & John List & Migiwa Tanaka - 00380 The Importance of Being Marginal: Gender Differences in Generosity
by Stefano DellaVigna & John List & Ulrike Malmendier & Gautam Rao
- 00689 (Un)Available upon Request: Field Experiment on Researchers' Willingness to Share Supplementary Materials
by Michal Krawczyk & Ernesto Reuben - 00592 Toward an Understanding of Why People Discriminate: Evidence from a Series of Natural Field Experiments
by Uri Gneezy & John List & Michael Price - 00590 The Effects of Environmental Regulation on the Competitiveness of U.S. Manufacturing
by Michael Greenstone & John List & Chad Syverson - 00471 Reply to Bailey et al. and Daly: Indigenous societies enable identification of nurture but require nonstandard measures
by Uri Gneezy & Moshe Hoffman & John List - 00470 Charitable Giving Around the World: Thoughts on How to Expand the Pie
by John List & Michael Price - 00463 Toward an Understanding of Learning by Doing: Evidence from an Automobile Plant
by Steven Levitt & John List & Chad Syverson - 00455 Carrots That Look Like Sticks: Toward an Understanding of Multitasking Incentive Schemes
by Omar Al-Ubaydli & Steffen Andersen & Uri Gneezy & John List - 00385 Norm enforcement in the city: A natural field experiment
by Loukas Balafoutas & Nikos Nikiforakis - 00382 Testing the Effect of Defaults on the Thermostat Settings of OECD Employees
by Zachary Brown - 00201 Do women avoid salary negotiations? Evidence from a large-scale natural field experiment
by Andreas Leibbrandt & John List - 00137 Testing for altruism and social pressure in charitable giving
by Stefano DellaVigna & John List & Ulrike Malmendier
- 00694 What brings your subjects to the lab? A field experiment
by Michal Krawczyk - 00690 Framing in the Field. A Simple Experiment on the Reflection Effect
by Michal Krawczyk - 00594 The Hidden Benefits of Control: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment
by Craig Landry & Andreas Lange & John List & Michael Price & Nicholas Rupp - 00593 Is There a 'Hidden Cost of Control' in Naturally-Occurring Markets? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment
by Craig Landry & Andreas Lange & John List & Michael Price & Nicholas Rupp - 00473 Charitable donations are more responsive to stock market booms than busts
by John List & Yana Peysakhovichc - 00472 The Market for Charitable Giving
by John List - 00316 Control and efficiency in the nonprofit sector: Evidence from a randomized policy experiment
by Niklas Bengtsson & Per Engstrom - 00284 Small matches and charitable giving: Evidence from a natural field experiment
by Dean Karlan & John List & Eldar Shafir - 00228 The effects of training on own and co-worker productivity: Evidence from a field experiment
by Andries de Grip & Jan Sauermann
- 00452 Do Competitive Work Places Deter Female Workers? A Large-Scale Natural Field Experiment on Gender Differences in Job-Entry Decisions
by Jeffrey Flory & Andreas Leibbrandt & John List - 00273 The effect of id verification in online auctions: Evidence from a field experiment
by Jeffrey Livingston - 00232 Labour discrimination as a symptom of hiv
by Nick Drydakis - 00200 Do employers discriminate by gender? A field experiment in female-dominated occupations
by Alison Booth & Andrew Leigh
- 00468 The Behavioralist Visits the Factory: Increasing Productivity Using Simple Framing Manipulations
by Tanjim Hossain & John List - 00313 Disentangling the sources of pro-social behavior in the workplace: A field experiment
by Mirco Tonin & Michael Vlassopoulos - 00302 The role of social connections in charitable fundraising: Evidence from a natural field experiment
by John List & Michael Price - 00252 Does the media matter? A field experiment measuring the effect of newspapers on voting behavior and political opinions
by Daniel Bergan & Alan Gerber & Dean Karlan
- 00465 Rise and Fall of Competitiveness in Individualistic and Collectivistic Societies
by Uri Gneezy & Kenneth Leonard & John List - 00330 Matching and challenge gifts to charity: Evidence from laboratory and natural field experiments
by John List & Daniel Rondeau - 00322 The impact of downward social information on contribution decisions
by Rachel Croson & Jen Shang - 00311 Mobilizing the latino youth vote
by Melissa Michelson & Herbert Villa Jr. - 00231 Sexual orientation discrimination in the labour market
by Nick Drydakis
- 00481 Regulatory Federalism and the Distribution of Air Pollutant Emissions
by Erwin Bulte & John List & Mark Strazicich - 00478 A fundraising mechanism inspired by historical tontines: Theory and experimental evidence
by Andreas Lange & John List & Michael Price - 00338 The effects of statistical information on risk ambiguity attitudes, and on rational insurance decisions
by Irma Machielse & Danielle Timmermans & Peter Wakker - 00331 Are experimental economists prone to framing effects? A natural field experiment
by Simon Gachter & Henrik Orzen & Elke Renner & Chris Starmer - 00324 We give more: The impact of identity and the mere information effect on donation behavior
by Rachel Croson & Americus Reed & Jen Shang - 00314 And the house goes to - ethnic discrimination in the greek rental market
by Nick Drydakis - 00310 Do managers reciprocate? Field experimental evidence from a competitive market
by Michel Marechal & Christian Thoni - 00293 Moving from the lab to the field: Exploring scrutiny and duration effects in lab experiments
by Kenneth Leonard & Melkiory Masatu - 00240 Do workers work more if wages are high? Evidence from a randomized field experiment
by Ernst Fehr & Lorenz Goette - 00227 Getting a job: Is there a motherhood penalty?
by Stephen Benard & Shelley Correll & In Paik - 00215 Gift exchange within a firm: Evidence from a field experiment
by Charles Bellemare
- 00658 The Goal-Gradient Hypothesis Resurrected: Purchase Acceleration, Illusionary Goal Progress, and Customer Retention
by Ran Kivetz & Oleg Urminsky & Yuhuang Zheng - 00485 Demand Reduction in Multi-Unit Auctions with Varying Numbers of Bidders Theory and Evidence from a Field Experiment
by Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans & John List & David Reiley - 00484 Shadow prices, environmental stringency, and international competitiveness
by Tim Jeppesen & John List & Daan van Soest - 00483 Friend or Foe? A Natural Experiment of the Prisoner's Dilemma
by John List - 00336 Shrouded attributes and information suppression: Evidence from field experiments
by Tanjim Hossain & John Morgan - 00335 Active decisions and pro-social behavior: A field experiment on blood donation
by Lorenz Goette & Alois Stutzer & Michael Zehnder - 00334 Migration and mental health: Evidence from a natural experiment
by John Gibson & David McKenzie & Steven Stillman - 00329 An experimental investigation of sexual discrimination in hiring in the english labor market
by Peter Riach & Judith Rich - 00325 Manipulating political stock markets: A field experiment and a century of observational data
by Paul Rhode & Koleman Strumpf - 00323 Field experiments in charitable contribution: The impact of social influence on the voluntary provision of public goods
by Rachel Croson & Jen Shang