- DT/2025/01 She Works Hard for the Money: Debt Burden and Labour Supply in India
by Arnaud Natal & Christophe Jalil Nordman
- DT/2024/10 Dette publique intérieure et financement bancaire des entreprises dans une économie dollarisée : le cas de la république démocratique du Congo
by Marc Raffinot & John Mbuluku - DT/2024/09 Firms under fire! How insecurity affects formal firms’ existence
by Matteo Neri-Lainé - DT/2024/08 Structural transformation and the platform economy in the labour market:The case of drivers and delivery workers in Brazil
by François Roubaud & Mireille Razafindrakoto & João Hallak Neto & Valéria Pero & André Simões - DT/2024/07 For Money Can’t Buy Me Love? The Political Economy of Marriages Over Two Decades in Tamil Nadu, South India
by Isabelle Guérin & Arnaud Natal & Christophe Jalil Nordman & Govindan Venkatasubramanian - DT/2024/06 La mise en place de la Nouvelle Aire Protégée du Makay à Madagascar:Terrain d’enjeux ou terrain de jeu ?
by François Roubaud & Mireille Razafindrakoto & Emmanuel Pannier & Christian Culas & Stéphanie M. Carrière - DT/2024/05 Le Franc CFA, le zébu et la kalachnikov. Questions sur la création d’une monnaie commune au Mali, Burkina Faso et Niger
by François Giovalucchi & Marc Raffinot - DT/2024/04 Good times, hard times: les expériences randomisées pour le développement au temps du Covid-19 et au-delà
by Florent Bédécarrats & Isabelle Guérin & François Roubaud & Mireille Razafindrakoto - DT/2024/03 Le surendettement nouveau et les pays africains « frontiere » face au mur de la dette
by Marc Raffinot & Babacar Sene & Marin Ferry - DT/2024/02 Ten Years in Tamil Nadu: Exploring Labour, Migration and Debt from Longitudinal Household Surveys in South India
by Mary Di Santolo & Isabelle Guérin & Sébastien Michiels & Cécile Mouchel & Arnaud Natal & Christophe Jalil Nordman & Govindan Venkatasubramanian - DT/2024/01 Pioneering a new classification: a comprehensive study of healthcare products in global trade
by Pierre Cotterlaz & Guillaume Gaulier & Aude Sztulman & Deniz Ünal
- DT/2023/07 Willingness to pay for a new mosquito-repellent ointment: Experimental evidence from Burkina Faso
by Elodie Djemai & Yohan Renard - DT/2023/06 Évaluation d’impact d’un projet d’adduction en eau potable à Kinshasa. Rapport complet
by Camille Saint-Macary & Komlavi II Adjegan & Flore Gubert & Virginie Comblon & Benoit Marion & François Roubaud - DT/2023/05 The Many Channels of Firm’s Adjustment to Energy Shocks: Evidence from France
by Lionel Fontagné & Philippe Martin & Gianluca Orefice - DT/2023/04 L’insécurité au Sahel et le contrôle des militaires par les pouvoirs civils
by Marc Raffinot - DT/2023/03 Reaching out to socially distant trainees. Experimental evidence from variations on the standard farmer trainer system
by Olivia Bertelli & Fatou Fall - DT/2023/02 With a Little Help from My Friends? Surviving the Lockdown Using Social Networks in Rural South India
by Isabelle Guérin & Cécile Mouchel & Christophe Jalil Nordman - DT/2023/01 Measuring insecurity-related experiences and preferences in a fragile State. A list experiment in Mali
by Olivia Bertelli & Thomas Calvo & Emmanuelle Lavallée & Marion Mercier & Sandrine Mesplé-Somps
- DT/2022/08 A front renversé. Bolsonaro versus AMLO dans la gestion de la Covid-19. Une approche d’économie politique comparée Brésil-Mexique
by François Roubaud & Mireille Razafindrakoto & Pierre Salama & Alexis Saludjian - DT/2022/07 Rainy days and learning outcomes: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
by Yasmine Bekkouche & Kenneth Houngbedji & Oswald Koussihouede - DT/2022/06 Effect of typhoons on economic activities in Vietnam: Evidence using satellite imagery
by Etienne Espagne & Yen Boi Ha & Kenneth Houngbedji & Thanh Ngo-Duc - DT/2022/05 Heterogeneous Trade Effects of Pre-Shipment Inspections
by Cosimo Beverelli & Martin T. Braml & Lionel Fontagné & Alexander Keck & Gianluca Orefice - DT/2022/04 The Origins of Elite Persistence: Evidence from Political Purges in post-World War II France
by Toke S. Aidt & Jean Lacroix & Pierre-Guillaume Méon - DT/2022/03 Denialism, Politics and the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil: an empirical analysis on observational data
by Marta Castilho & Valéria Pero & François Roubaud & Mireille Razafindrakoto & João Saboia - DT/2022/02 Labour market transitions in the time of Covid-19 in Brazil:a panel data analysis
by Mathilde Bouvier & François Roubaud & Mireille Razafindrakoto & Roberta Teixeira - DT/2022/01 Schoolgirls Not Brides: Secondary Education as a Shield Against Child Marriage
by Hélène Giacobino & Elise Huillery & Bastien Michel & Mathilde Sage
- DT/2021/07 Remittances and firm performance in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from firm-level data
by Kabinet Kaba & Mahamat Moustapha - DT/2021/06 Inequality and occupational change in times of Revolution: The Tunisian perspective
by Mohamed Ali Marouani & Phuong Le Minh - DT/2021/05 El impacto de políticas diferenciadas de cuarentena sobre la mortalidad por COVID-19: el caso de Brasil y Perú
by Angelo Cozzubo & Javier Herrera & François Roubaud & Mireille Razafindrakoto - DT/2021/04 How Do Immigrants Promote Exports?
by Gianluca Orefice & Hillel Rapoport & Gianluca Santoni - DT/2021/03 Crises, informalité et reconfigurations sur le marché du travail : quatre décennies de bouleversements économiques au Brésil
by François Roubaud & Mireille Razafindrakoto & Alexis Saludjian - DT/2021/02 Bolsonaro et la COVID-19 au Brésil : réflexions autour d’un double paradoxe
by François Roubaud & Mireille Razafindrakoto - DT/2021/01 From Fees to Free: User Fee Removal, Maternal Health Care Utilization and Child Health in Zambia
by Yohan Renard
- DT/2020/15 Controversies around RCT in Development. Epistemology, Ethics, and Politics
by Florent Bédécarrats & Isabelle Guérin & François Roubaud - DT/2020/14 Économie politique des budgets par objectifs en Afrique : entre faveurs et service public
by Marc Raffinot - DT/2020/13 Role models and migration intentions
by Sandrine Mesplé-Somps & Björn Nilsson - DT/2020/12 Municípios in the time of Covid-19 in Brazil: socioeconomic vulnerabilities, transmission mechanisms and public policies
by François Roubaud & Mireille Razafindrakoto & João Saboia & Marta Castilho & Valeria Pero - DT/2020/11 Take the Highway? Paved Roads and Well-Being in Africa
by Elodie Djemai & Andrew E. Clark & Conchita D'Ambrosio - DT/2020/10 Unpacking Household Engel Curves
by Sylvie Lambert & Philippe De Vreyer & Martin Ravallion - DT/2020/09 Persistence through Revolutions
by Alberto Alesina & Marlon Seror & David Y. Yang & Yang You & Weihong Zeng - DT/2020/08 Product-Level Trade Elasticities: Worth Weighting For
by Lionel Fontagné & Houssein Guimbard & Gianluca Orefice - DT/2020/07 TBTs, Firm Organization and Labour Structure
by Giorgio Barba Navaretti & Lionel Fontagné & Gianluca Orefice & Giovanni Pica & Anna Rosso - DT/2020/06 The first victims of Covid-19 in developing countries? The most vulnerable workers to the lockdown of the Tunisian economy
by Mohamed Ali Marouani & Phuong Le Minh - DT/2020/05 Here Comes the Rain Again: Productivity Shocks, Educational Investments and Child Work
by Christophe Jalil Nordman & Smriti Sharma & Naveen Sunder - DT/2020/04 There Has Been No Silent Revolution: A decade of empowerment for women in rural Tamil Nadu
by Isabelle Guérin & Sébastien Michiels & Christophe Jalil Nordman & Elena Reboul & Govindan Venkatasubramanian - DT/2020/03 The rise in international bond issuance by low-income African countries: a shift of pattern or a fashion that already fades away?
by Marc Raffinot & Marin Ferry & Gregory Donnat - DT/2020/02 Immigration and Worker-Firm Matching
by Gianluca Orefice & Giovanni Peri - DT/2020/01 Is migration drought-induced in Mali? An empirical analysis using panel data on Malian localities over the 1987-2009 period
by Dimitri Defrance & Esther Delesalle & Flore Gubert
- DT/2019/15 Populating the Handbook on Governance Statistics with Empirical Evidence: Illustrations from the GPS-SHaSA survey modules in Africa
by Yvan Andriameva Assany & Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud - DT/2019/14 Immigration and crime: the role of self-selection and institutions
by Fabio Mariani & Marion Mercier - DT/2019/13 Microcredit RCTs in Development: Miracle or Mirage?
by Florent Bédécarrats & Isabelle Guérin & François Roubaud - DT/2019/12 Migrants' beliefs and investment
by Marlon Seror - DT/2019/11 Analyse économique des causes des guerres civiles : un état des lieux
by Thomas Calvo & Marion Mercier - DT/2019/10 Fear Not For Man? Armed conflict and social capital in Mali
by Thomas Calvo & Emmanuelle Lavallée & Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud - DT/2019/09 ‘Fear of the State’ in governance surveys? Empirical evidence from African countries
by Thomas Calvo & Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud - DT/2019/08 Price Discrimination in Bribe Payments: Evidence from Informal Cross-Border Trade in West Africa
by Sami Bensassi & Joachim Jarreau - DT/2019/06 Productivity, structural change and skills dynamics: Evidence from a half century analysis in Tunisia and Turkey
by Gunes Asik & Ulas Karakoc & Mohamed Ali Marouani & Michelle Marshalian - DT/2019/05 Investing in agriculture when it is worth it. Evidence from rural Uganda
by Olivia Bertelli - DT/2019/04 Lies, damned lies, and RCT: A J-PAL RCT on rural microcredit in Morocco
by Florent Bédécarrats & Isabelle Guérin & Solène Morvant-Roux & François Roubaud - DT/2019/03 Are global value chains receding? The jury is still out. Key findings from the analysis of deflated world trade in parts and components
by Guillaume Gaulier & Aude Sztulman & Deniz Ünal - DT/2019/02 Matching, Cooperation and HIV in the Couple
by Jean-Paul Azam & Elodie Djemai - DT/2019/01 Mothers and Fathers : Education, Co-residence and Child Health
by Elodie Djemai & Yohan Renard & Anne-Laure Samson
- DT/2018/16 Free health care for the poor: a good way to achieve universal health coverage? Evidence from Morocco
by Raphaël Cottin - DT/2018/15 Ethnicity and risk sharing network formation: Evidence from rural Viet Nam
by Hoang & Laure Pasquier-Doumer & Camille Saint-Macary - DT/2018/14 The economics of the Syrian refugee crisis in neighboring countries. The case of Lebanon
by Anda David & Mohamed Ali Marouani & Charbel Nahas & Björn Nilsson - DT/2018/13 The role of Social Networks on Household Business Performance in Vietnam: A qualitative assessment
by Nguyen Thi Thu Phuong & Laure Pasquier-Doumer - DT/2018/12 Curse or Blessing? Has the impact of debt relief lived up to expectations? A review of the effects of the multilateral debt relief initiatives for low-income countries
by Marin Ferry & Marc Raffinot - DT/2018/11 Cognitive and non-cognitive skills, hiring channels, and wages in Bangladesh
by Anne Hilger & Christophe Jalil Nordman & Leopold R. Sarr - DT/2018/10 Sous la crise anglophone au Cameroun: frustrations politiques et défiance à l’égard des autorités publiques
by Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud - DT/2018/09 Verifying the internal validity of a flagship RCT: A review of Crépon, Devoto, Duflo and Pariente (American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2015)
by Florent Bédécarrats & Isabelle Guérin & Solène Morvant-Roux & François Roubaud - DT/2018/08 Mise en place d’un Dispositif de connaissance, suivi et évaluation socio-économique et environnemental de la Nouvelle Aire Protégée (NAP) du Makay, Madagascar
by Stéphanie Carrière & Christian Culas & Emmanuel Pannier & Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud - DT/2018/07 Corruption in the informal sector: evidence from West Africa
by Emmanuelle Lavallée & François Roubaud - DT/2018/06 Elites in Madagascar: a sociography
by Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud & Jean-Michel Wachsberger - DT/2018/05 Responding to the SDG16’ measurement challenge: the Governance, Peace and Security survey modules in Africa
by Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud - DT/2018/03 Interaction between firm-level and host-country characteristics and multinationals' integration choices
by Charlie Joyez - DT/2018/02 SDG 16 on Governance and its measurement: Africa in the Lead
by Jean-Pierre Cling & Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud - DT/2018/01 : Blockchain et pays en développement : vers une technologie maîtrisée ?
by Marc Raffinot & Mathieu Raffinot
- DT/2017/20 Counting What Counts: Africa’s Seminal Effort to Produce Harmonized Official Statistics on Governance, Peace and Security
by Marie Laberge & Yeo Dossina & François Roubaud - DT/2017/19 Violence et non-violence à Madagascar : réflexion sur les formes de régulation sociale
by Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud & Jean-Michel Wachsberger - DT/2017/18 La diaspora malagasy en France et dans le monde : une communauté invisible ?
by Mireille Razafindrakoto & Nicolas Razafindratsima & Nirintsoa Razakamanana & François Roubaud - DT/2017/17 Adoption et transfert de normes politiques : le cas des migrants maliens
by Lisa Chauvet & Flore Gubert & Sandrine Mesplé-Somps - DT/2017/16 Roads and the Spread of AIDS in Africa
by Elodie Djemai - DT/2017/15 Evolutions démographiques et marché de l’immobilier neuf
by Hippolyte D’Albis & Elodie Djemai - DT/2017/14 Violence exposure and deprivation: Evidence from the Burundi civil war
by Marion Mercier & Rama Lionel Ngenzebuke & Hugues Philip Verwimp - DT/2017/13 Qui sont les électeurs à distance ? L’exemple du Mali, du Sénégal, et de la Tunisie
by Lisa Chauvet & Flore Gubert & Thibaut Jaulin & Sandrine Mesplé-Somps & Etienne Smith - DT/2017/12 Land Tenure Insecurity as an Investment Incentive: The Case of Migrant Cocoa Farmers and Settlers in Ivory Coast
by Catherine Bros & Alain Desdoigts & Hugues Kouassi Kouadio - DT/2017/11 Trade barriers and informality of trade: evidence from Benin's borders
by Sami Bensassi & Joachim Jarreau & Cristina Mitaritonna - DT/2017/10 Demonetisation, Social Networks and Social Protection: Insights from Rural Tamil Nadu
by Isabelle Guérin & Youna Lanos & Sébastien Michiels & Christophe Jalil Nordman & Govindan Venkatasubramanian - DT/2017/09 Firm heterogeneity and the integration trilemma: The utility of Joint ventures in integration versus outsourcing models
by Charlie Joyez - DT/2017/08 Network Structure of French Multinational Firms
by Charlie Joyez - DT/2017/07 The School-to-work transition in developing countries
by Björn Nilsson - DT/2017/06 Parental depressive symptoms and the child labor-schooling nexus: evidence from Mexico
by Björn Nilsson - DT/2017/05 By ignoring intra-household inequality do we underestimate the extent of poverty?
by Sylvie Lambert & Philippe De Vreyer - DT/2017/04 Managing the Impact of Climate Change on Migration: Evidence from Mexico
by Isabelle Chort & Maelys de la Rupelle - DT/2017/03 Migration patterns and labor market outcomes in Tunisia
by Anda David & Mohamed Ali Marouani - DT/2017/02 Gendered internal migration patterns in Senegal
by Isabelle Chort & Philippe De Vreyer & Thomas Zuber - DT/2017/01 Mission Drift in Microcredit and Microfinance Institution Incentives
by Sara Biancini & David Ettinger & Baptiste Venet
- DT/2016/18 Financial Constraints and Export Performances: Evidence from Brazilian Micro-Data
by Fatma Bouattour - DT/2016/17 When Solidarity Fails: Heterogeneous Effects of Orphanhood in Senegalese Households
by Philippe De Vreyer & Björn Nilsson - DT/2016/16 Low Income Countries and External Public Financing : Does Debt Relief Change Anything?
by Marin Ferry & Marc Raffinot & Baptiste Venet - DT/2016/15 Quality perceptions and school choice in rural Pakistan
by Marine de Talancé - DT/2016/14 Wealth inequalities in perceptions of school quality in Pakistan
by Marine de Talancé - DT/2016/13 Application for social programs: the role of local politics and caste networks in affirmative action in India
by Véronique Gille - DT/2016/12 Does Managerial Capital also Matter Among Micro and Small Firms in Developing Countries?
by Axel Demenet - DT/2016/11 Health Shocks and Permanent Income Loss: the Household Business Channel
by Axel Demenet - DT/2016/10 Can Insurance Mitigate Household Businesses’ Vulnerability to Health Shocks?
by Axel Demenet - DT/2016/09 Do slum upgrading programmes improve living standards? Evidence from Djibouti
by Sandrine Mesplé-Somps & Laure Pasquier-Doumer & Charlotte Guénard - DT/2016/08 La Vulnerabilidad de los hogares a la pobreza en el Perú, 2004-2014
by Javier Herrera & Angelo Cozzubo - DT/2016/07 Comment: Inferring Trade Costs from Trade Booms and Trade Busts
by Guillaume Corlay & Stéphane Dupraz & Claire Labonne & Anne Muller & Guillaume Daudin - DT/2016/06 The Cultural diffusion of the fertility transition: Evidence from internal migration in 19th century France
by Guillaume Daudin & Raphaël Franck & Hillel Rapoport - DT/2016/05 Cross-checking the Sound database with the French Balance du Commerce data
by Loïc Charles & Guillaume Daudin - DT/2016/04 Reintegration upon return: insights from Ecuadorian returnees from Spain
by Marion Mercier & Anda David & Ramón Mahia & Rafael De Arce - DT/2016/03 Evolutions démographiques et marché de l’immobilier neuf
by Hippolyte D’Albis & Elodie Djemai - DT/2016/02 Co-Authorship And Research Productivity In Economics: Assessing The Assortative Matching Hypothesis
by Damien Besancenot & Kim Huynh & Francisco Serranito - DT/2016/01 Weighting deprivations using subjective well-being: An application to the Multidimensional Child Poverty Index in Vietnam
by Dat Vu Hoang & Laure Pasquier-Doumer
- DT/2015/23 Modeling and Measuring Information Asymmetry in the Context of Senegalese Migrants' Remittances
by Marlon Seror - DT/2015/22 Are female employment statistics more sensitive than male ones to questionnaire design? Evidence from Cameroon, Mali and Senegal
by Virginie Comblon & Anne-Sophie Robilliard - DT/2015/21 Better Teachers, Better Results? Evidence from Rural Pakistan
by Marine de Talancé - DT/2015/20 The Governance, Peace and Security modules of the Strategy for the Harmonisation of Statistics in Africa (GPS-SHaSA): development of an innovative statistical survey methodology
by Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud - DT/2015/19 Cognitive, Non-Cognitive Skills and Gender Wage Gaps: Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee Data in Bangladesh
by Christophe Nordman & Leopold R. Sarr & Smriti Sharma - DT/2015/18 Poverty and Inequality Dynamics in Manaus: Legacy of a Free Trade Zone ?
by Marta Castilho & Marta Menendez & Aude Sztulman - DT/2015/17 Where Does Education Pay Off in Sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence from Two Cities of the Republic of Congo
by Mathias Kuepié & Christophe Nordman - DT/2015/15 Build back better? Long-lasting impact of the 2010 Earthquake in Haiti
by Camille Saint-Macary & Claire Zanuso - DT/2015/14 The Carrot and Stick Approach to Debt Relief : Overcoming Moral Hazard
by Marin Ferry - DT/2015/13 Reallocating Children’s Time: Coping Strategies after the 2010 Haiti Earthquake
by Rafael Novella & Claire Zanuso - DT/2015/12 The Risk of Polygamy and Wives' Saving Behavior
by Marie Boltz & Isabelle Chort - DT/2015/11 Back to Square One - Socioeconomic Integration of Deported Migrants
by Anda David - DT/2015/10 Economie politique de la croissance au Burkina Faso: Institutions, gouvernance et développement
by Estelle Koussoubé & Augustin Loada & Gustave Nebié & Marc Raffinot - DT/2015/09 Egypte 1998-2012: de l’emploi public protégé à l’emploi informel précaire, un marché du travail en déshérence
by Isabelle Bensidoun & Aude Sztulman - DT/2015/08 The Gender Wage Gap in France: the Role of Non-Cognitive Characteristics
by Isabelle Bensidoun & Danièle Trancart - DT/2015/07 Returns to fertilizer use: does it pay enough? Some new evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
by Estelle Koussoubé & Céline Nauges - DT/2015/06 Contribution of Structural Change to Productivity Growth: Evidence from Tunisia
by Mohamed Ali Marouani & Rim Mouelhi - DT/2015/05 Migration and Employment Interactions in a Crisis Context: the case of Tunisia
by Anda David & Mohamed Ali Marouani - DT/2015/04 Supervision and Project Performance: A Principal-Agent Approach
by Lisa Chauvet & Paul Collier & Andreas Fuster - DT/2015/03 Determinants of Mexico-US outward and return migration flows: a state-level panel data analysis
by Isabelle Chort & Maëlys de la Rupelle - DT/2015/02 The gravity model, global value chain and the brazilian states
by Joachim Guilhoto & Jean-Marc Siroën & Ayçil Yücer - DT/2015/01 The gold standard for randomized evaluations: from discussion of method to political economy
by Florent Bédécarrats & Isabelle Guérin & François Roubaud
- DT/2014/25 Deep integration: free trade agreements heterogeneity and its impact on bilateral trade
by Jaime Rafael Ahcar & Jean-Marc Siroën - DT/2014/24 The Labor Market Effects of Skill-biased Technological Change in Malaysia
by Mohamed Ali Marouani & Björn Nilsson - DT/2014/23 Le marché du travail en République Démocratique du Congo en 2012 : principaux résultats de la phase 1 de l’enquête 1-2-3
by Grégoire Kankwanda & Timothée Makabu Ma Nkenda & Björn Nilsson & François Roubaud & Constance Torelli & Jean-Michel Wachsberger - DT/2014/22 Household entrepreneurship and social networks:panel data evidence from Vietnam
by Huu Chi Nguyen & Christophe Nordman - DT/2014/21 Jalons pour une économie politique de la trajectoire malgache : une perspective de long terme
by Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud & Jean-Michel Wachsberger - DT/2014/18 Cities of Commerce: how can we test the hypothesis?
by Guillaume Daudin - DT/2014/16 Female genital mutilation and migration in Mali. Do migrants transfer social norms?
by Idrissa Diabate & Sandrine Mesplé-Somps - DT/2014/15 Benefit in the wake of disaster: Long-run effects of earthquakes on welfare in rural Indonesia
by Jérémie Gignoux & Marta Menendez - DT/2014/14 Segmentation and informality in Vietnam: A Survey of Literature
by Jean-Pierre Cling & Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud - DT/2014/13 Employment Growth, Productivity and Jobs reallocations in Tunisia: A Microdata Analysis
by Mohamed Ali Marouani & Rim Mouelhi - DT/2014/10 What Drives Land Sales and Rentals in Rural Africa: Evidence from Western Burkina Faso
by Estelle Koussoubé - DT/2014/09 Trade Performance of Free Trade Zones
by Jean-Marc Siroën & Ayçil Yücer - DT/2014/06 Inequality of Opportunity in Health in Indonesia
by Florence Jusot & Sabine Mage & Marta Menendez - DT/2014/05 Skill Mismatch and Migration in Egypt and Tunisia
by Anda David & Christophe Nordman - DT/2014/04 Adjustment of the Vietnamese Labour Market in Time of Economic fluctuations and Structural Changes
by Xavier Oudin & Laure Pasquier-Doumer & Thai Pham Minh & François Roubaud & Dat Vu Hoang - DT/2014/03 Le marché du travail en Haïti après le séisme : quelle place pour les jeunes ?
by François Roubaud & Constance Torelli & Claire Zanuso - DT/2014/02 "To Have and Have Not”: Migration, Remittances, Poverty and Inequality in Algeria
by David Margolis & Luis Miotti & Mouhoud & Joël Oudinet - DT/2014/01 Political Economy of growth and poverty in Burkina Faso: Power, Institutions and Rents
by Estelle Koussoubé & Augustin Loada & Gustave Nebié & Marc Raffinot
- DT/2013/16 Women's empowerment across the life cycle and generations: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
by Florence Arestoff & Elodie Djemai - DT/2013/15 Inputs, Gender Roles or Sharing Norms? Assessing the Gender Performance Gap Among Informal Entrepreneurs in Madagascar
by Christophe Nordman & Julia Vaillant - DT/2013/14 Intra-household Selection into Migration: Evidence from a Matched Sample of Migrants and Origin Households in Senegal
by Isabelle Chort & Jean-Noël Senne - DT/2013/13 Institutions, gouvernance et croissance de long terme à Madagascar : l'enigme et le paradoxe
by Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud & Jean-Michel Wachsberger - DT/2013/12 Transitions in a West African Labour Market: The Role of Social Networks
by Christophe Nordman & Laure Pasquier-Doumer - DT/2013/11 Migrants' Home Town Associations and Local Development in Mali
by Lisa Chauvet & Flore Gubert & Marion Mercier & Sandrine Mesplé-Somps - DT/2013/10 Aspiration failure: a poverty trap for indigenous children in Peru?
by Laure Pasquier-Doumer & Fiorella Risso Brandon - DT/2013/09 Learning to walk before you run: Financial Behavior and mobile banking in Madagascar
by Florence Arestoff & Baptiste Venet - DT/2013/07 Being Born Out-of-Wedlock: Does it affect a Child’s Survival Chance? An Empirical Investigation for Senegal
by Nathalie Guilbert & Karine Marazyan - DT/2013/06 Economic growth and balance of payments constraint in Vietnam
by Alberto Bagnai & Arsène Rieber & Thi Anh-Dao Tran - DT/2013/05 Early Marriage, Women Empowerment and Child Mortality: Married Too Young To Be a «Good Mother»?
by Nathalie Guilbert - DT/2013/04 Migrant network and immigrants’ occupational mismatch
by Isabelle Chort - DT/2013/03 Low Income Countries, Credit Rationing and Debt Relief: Bye bye international financial market?
by Marc Raffinot & Baptiste Venet - DT/2013/02 Les sciences sociales au service du débat démocratique au Sud:enjeux, supports, retombées. Résultats d'expériences dans le champ de l'économie et de la statistique
by Javier Herrera & Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud - DT/2013/01 Dynamic fiscal impact of the debt relief initiatives on african heavily indebted poor countries (HIPCs)
by Danny Cassimon & Marin Ferry & Marc Raffinot & Bjorn Van Campenhout
- DT/2012/20 Explanatory factors behind formalizing non-farm household businesses in Vietnam
by Jean-Pierre Cling & Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud - DT/2012/19 Le développement financier et les avantages commerciaux
by Rafael Cezar - DT/2012/18 Core labour standards and exports
by Jean-Marc Siroën - DT/2012/17 Taille des villes, urbanisation et spécialisations économiques; Une analyse sur micro-données exhaustives des 10 000 localités maliennes
by Claire Bernard & Sandrine Mesplé-Somps & Gilles Spielvogel - DT/2012/16 Mobilités, vulnérabilité et capital social: une analyse en milieu rural sénégalais
by Elisabeth Hyo-Chung Chung & Charlotte Guénard - DT/2012/14 Partenaires émergents : quels enjeux pour la soutenabilité de la dette africaine ?
by Dieudonné Bleossi Dahoun & Marc Raffinot - DT/2012/13 Vocational Education, On-the-Job Training and Labour Market Integration of Young Workers in Urban West Africa
by Christophe Nordman & Laure Pasquier-Doumer - DT/2012/12 Informal versus Formal: A Panel Data Analysis of Earnings Gaps in Madagascar
by Christophe Nordman & Faly Rakotomanana & François Roubaud - DT/2012/11 Secteur informel, crise et politiques publiques au Vietnam
by Jean-Pierre Cling & Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud - DT/2012/10 Nature et fonction du secteur informel : une analyse de la satisfaction dans l'emploi au Vietnam
by Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud & Jean-Michel Wachsberger - DT/2012/09 Heterogeneity and the Distance Puzzle
by Elizaveta Archanskaia & Guillaume Daudin - DT/2012/08 Brazilian states’ domestic-foreign export capacities and market orientations in the 1990s
by Ayçil Yücer - DT/2012/07 Does poverty trap rural Malagasy households?
by Frédéric Gaspart & Anne-Claire Thomas - DT/2012/06 How beliefs about the impact of immigration shape policy preferences: Evidence from Europe
by Jérôme Héricourt & Gilles Spielvogel - DT/2012/05 The 1987-89 Locust Plague in Mali: Evidences of the Heterogeneous Impact of Income Shocks on Education Outcomes
by Philippe De Vreyer & Nathalie Guilbert & Sandrine Mesplé-Somps - DT/2012/04 Un nouvel indice du développement financier
by Rafael Cezar - DT/2012/03 The impact of outward FDI on the domestic perimeter of manufacturing groups
by Alexandre Gazaniol - DT/2012/02 The location choices of multinational firms : the role of internationalization experience and group affiliation
by Alexandre Gazaniol - DT/2012/01 Confiage et scolarisation des enfants en milieu rural à Madagascar
by Nelly Rakoto-Tiana
- DT/2011/15 Who Suffers the Penalty? A Panel Data Analysis of Earnings Gaps in Vietnam
by Huu Chi Nguyen & Christophe Nordman & François Roubaud - DT/2011/14 Job satisfaction: a measurement of employment quality compared with aspirations in eight African capitals
by Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud - DT/2011/13 Report on Impact Evaluation in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Vibhuti Mendiratta - DT/2011/12 Newtoning financial development with heterogeneous firms
by Rafael Cezar - DT/2011/11 Éducation et marchés du travail à Brazzaville et Pointe Noire (Congo-Brazzaville)
by Mathias Kuepie & Christophe Nordman - DT/2011/10 Informal Sector Dynamics In Times Of Fragile Growth: The Case Of Madagascar
by Michael Grimm & Jann Lay & François Roubaud & Julia Vaillant - DT/2011/09 Intergenerational transmission of self-employed status in the informal sector: a constrained choice or better income prospects? Evidence from seven West-African countries
by Laure Pasquier-Doumer - DT/2011/08 Conditions de vie dans un quartier pauvre de Djibouti : analyse de l’enquête de référence pour évaluer l’impact d’un projet de développement urbain intégré à Balbala
by Sandrine Mesplé-Somps & Laure Pasquier-Doumer - DT/2011/07 The Impact of MERCOSUR on Trade of Brazilian States
by Jean-Marc Siroën & Aycil Yucer - DT/2011/06 Individual Determinants of Ethnic Identification
by Thomas Bossuroy