December 2010, Volume 4.II
- 91-97 Strategic alliances – viable alternative to create a competitive advantage in a global market
by Irina NICOLAU - 98-107 Information – key factor for consumer satisfaction?
by Maria-Lavinia POPESCU - 108-112 Aspects regarding innovation management in services industry
by Radu CURETEANU & Florin ISAC & Adrian LILE - 113-120 The role and the place of marketing audit in the marketing strategic planning
by Iuliana CETINĂ & Ionel DUNITRU & Violeta RĂDULESCU - 121-134 Towards Sustainable Development Through Social Risk Management
by Anghel Irina - 135-142 Determining Factors of Economy Globalisation
by Mirela Mazilu - 143-151 Migration and development
by STOICOVICI Maria - 152-159 The new approaches of attention economy and experience economy in management of the cultural tourism
by George Niculescu & Dănuţ Stegărescu - 160-167 Using target cost in determining price
by Aurelian Ionut CEAUSESCU & Cecilia VADUVA - 168-179 Necessary measures to restore budget balance: competence versus incompetence
by Nicolae ECOBICI - 180-195 Inventories Measurement – Between Prudence and Nonprudence
by Iulia JIANU & Cristina Venera GEAMBAŞU & Ionel JIANU - 196-206 The relevance of accounting information in measuring the performance of credit institutions
by Ioan Dumitru Motoniu - 207-216 Accounting treatments specific to counterpart commercial transactions
by Lucia PALIU - POPA - 217-231 Financial information, effects of financial information on economic decision
by Tak Isa - 232-243 Financial information, effects of financial information on economic decision
by Valentin Ioan UŞURELU & Alina Elena (Andrei) DANAILĂ & Gabriela (Andreescu) MIHAI & Cristian Ionel VĂTĂŞOIU - 244-254 Accounting information - the base of financial analysis in investment decisions
by Cristian Ionel VĂTĂŞOIU & Mihaela GHEORGHE & Ioan Dumitru MOTONIU & Ileana Sorina (Rakos) BOCA - 255-260 Innovation trends on information and communication technologies
by Radu CURETEANU & Florin ISAC & Adrian LILE - 261-266 Internet in the context of the new economy's development
by Podaşcă Raluca - 267-277 Practice of good governance and corporate governance
by Bălăceanu Cristina & Predonu Andreea – Monica - 278-285 The impportance of the economic sector in local development
by Gal Alin-Mihai - 286-300 Unemployment in Slovenia: Impact of Gender Disparities During Unemployment Spells
by Darja BORŠIČ & Alenka KAVKLER & Polona PAŠIČ - 301-310 The conversion of the efficiency of labor, respectively of labor productivity in the economic and commercial rate of return
by Constantin CĂRUNTU & Mihaela Loredana LĂPĂDUŞI
November 2010, Volume 3
- 9-20 Determinant Erosion Factors for Pension Romanian System - a Statistical Approach
by Ana-Gabriela BABUCEA - 21-30 Direct Taxation in Romania and European Union
by Gabriela DOBROTA - 31-38 The Value of External Synergy With Fuzzy Variables
by Mojmir SABOLOVIC - 39-50 Analysis of a Company’s Capacity to Produce Profit under Inflation Conditions
by Constantin CARUNTU & Mihaela Loredana LAPADUSI - 51-74 China – Usa Relation within the Context of World Financial Crisis
by Dorel Dumitru CHIRITESCU & Maria VASILESCU - 75-86 Particulars of Regional Developemment and Specific Causes
by Doru CIRNU - 87-98 Local Measurements of the Impact of Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Investment and Technological Decisions on the Environment Under the Risk-Related Conditions of Mining Industry
by Valentin VELEV & Veselin MITEV - 99-110 Open Innovation: Organizational Challenges of a New Paradigm of Innovation Management
by José López RODRÍGUEZ & Antonio García LORENZO - 111-118 Tendances actuelles en marketing des services
by George NICULESCU - 119-128 ISI Publications Management Through Performance Indicators
by Victor VELTER - 129-146 Immigration and its Impact in Albanian Labor Market
by Irma SHYLE, MA & Elenica PJERO - 147-160 Structural Funds and their Implications in Wealth Rising in Gorj
by Amelia Georgiana BONCEA - 161-170 Intellectual Capital - Hidden Fortune not Reflected in Financial Statements
by Gheorghe HOLT & Alina HOLT - 171-180 Accounting Models for Outward Processing Transactions of Goods
by Lucia PALIU-POPA - 181-194 General Aspects Regarding the Management Activity in International Business
by Mihaela Loredana LAPADUSI & Caruntu CONSTANTIN - 195-208 Premises of the Intrapreneurial Management at the Level of Universities
by Amalia Venera TODORUT - 209-226 Creativity and Innovation – Economic Crisis Possible Counters
by Cecilia Irina RABONTU - 227-240 Can we Consider as Being „Miraculous” the Solutions Suggested by the Laureates of Nobel Prize in Order to Stop the World Economical Crisis
by Constanta ENEA & Constantin ENEA - 241-246 Brazilian Economy’s Boom
by Gheorghe CARALICEA MĂRCULESCU - 247-262 Reflections Over the Financial Crisis and Tax Heavens Influence in Launching it
by Constantin ENEA & Constanta ENEA - 263-278 Comparative Financial Statements. Convergence versus Divergence
by Nicolae ECOBICI - 279-292 An Algorithm for the Retraining of the Unemployed. A Necessity and a New Approach
by Carina-Elena STEGAROIU & Valentin STEGAROIU - 293-302 Economical Crisis in Romania – a Consequence of the Wrong Mix of Macro-Economical Policies
by Lorena DUDUIALA POPESCU - 303-312 Boundaries of Costs and the Oportunities of their Management to Lignite Extraction
by Anca CIUMAG - 313-320 Directions and Measures for the Re-Launching of the Romanian Economy in the Context of the World Economic Crisis
by Claudia Loredana JUNCU & George JUNCU
June 2010, Volume 2
- 7-16 Organization of Non-Bank Financial Institutions and Their Need for Supervision
by Lucian-Ion MEDAR - 17-24 Cheap Money Policy and its Role in Triggering Financial Crises
by Dorel Dumitru CHIRITESCU & Maria VASILESCU - 25-36 Integrated Advertising Campaign
by Adina Claudia NEAMTU & Liviu NEAMTU - 37-48 The production structure and the achievement of the production program on assortments – factors that boost the general efficiency of the activities of the Romanian companies
by Constantin CARUNTU & Mihaela Loredana LAPADUSI - 49-56 Quality, Management, Information, Main Coordinates of Performing Firm
by Doru CIRNU & Amalia TODORUT - 57-68 Le tourisme culturel, modèle de développement économique
by George NICULESCU - 69-82 Fiscal and Accounting Issues Concerning the Flat-Rate Tax and its Implications on the Business Environment in Romania
by Lucia PALIU-POPA & Petruta-Elena POPESCU - 83-90 Taxation in Norway
by Vasile POPEANGA & Vasile Nicolae POPEANGA - 91-102 Consumer Theory
by Ilie BABAITA - 103-110 Tax Implications on the Company’s Treasury
by Gabriela DOBROTA - 111-132 Du normativisme symbolique a l’apparition de l’economie d’accumulation au neolithique
by Dan SEMENESCU - 133-148 Comparative Study of Financial Statements in Anglo-Saxon and Romanian Accounting
by Nicolae ECOBICI - 149-160 Efficiency of Insurance Activities in Romania
by Maria VADUVA - 161-172 Food safety and its role in the evolution of food trade
by Cecilia RABONTU - 173-182 Foreign economic affairs internationalization by franchising operations
by Lorena POPESCU DUDUIALA - 183-188 Environmental externalities and market failure inside their presence
by Gabriela BUSAN & Viorel Daniel CRACIUNESCU - 189-200 Characteristics of Migration in Romania
by Daniela DANACICA - 201-210 Direct Taxation in Romania and European Union
by Gabriela DOBROTA - 211-224 The Analysis of Financial Crisis Effects at the Romanian Bank
by Izabella KRÁJNIK & OLTEANU LAURA - 225-232 La comptabilité des actifs ou des immobilisations non courants et disponibles pour vente
by Lucian-Dorel ILINCUTA
April 2010, Volume 1
- 7-18 Financial Diagnosis – the Way to Get Financial Performances by the Company
by Constantin CARUNTU & Mihaela Loredana LAPADUSI - 19-38 The Possibilities of Romanians to Satisfy Their Needs for Services
by Cecilia Irina RABONTU & Aniela BALACESCU - 39-48 The stimulating factors of buying
by Adina Claudia NEAMTU & Liviu NEAMTU - 49-52 Euro zone and its monetary policy
by Dorel Dumitru CHIRITESCU & Andreea ANDRASIU - 53-66 Annualy/yearly financial situations in european frame
by Lucia PALIU-POPA & Petruta-Elena CUMPANASU - 67-78 Consumer behavior
by Ilie BUDICA & Silvia PUIU & Bogdan Andrei BUDICA - 79-94 Components of the unemployment analysis in contemporary economies
by Ion Enea-SMARANDACHE & Cristian Florin CIURLAU - 95-104 Benchmarking – a strategy for betting of company’s performances
by Amalia Venera TODORUT & Tania Mihaela SANDU - 105-110 Reinsurances in people’s insurances
by Maria VADUVA - 111-126 Two regression credibility models
by Constanta-Nicoleta BODEA & Virginia ATANASIU - 127-142 Identification and evaluation of the risks associated to the illegible word
by Maria Mirabela FLOREA IANC - 143-154 Economic efficiency - determined element in investment decision
by Claudia MUNGIU-PUPAZAN - 155-160 Considerations regarding monetary and fiscal exit strategies from the crisis
by Maria VASILESCU - 161-168 Analysing the principal elements which influence the business ethics
by Laurentia Georgeta AVRAM - 169-174 Romanian SME-s after integration in European Union
by Corina Ana BORCOSI - 175-186 Adjustment of the Romanian accounting regulations according to the new requirements entailed by globalization and the accession of Romania to the European Union
by Lucian Constantin Gabriel BUDACIA & Elisabeta Andreea BUDACIA - 187-194 A factor analysis method applied in development field
by Madalina CARBUREANU - 195-204 The on – line method for the submission of tax declarations
December 2009, Volume 3
- 7-16 A third era of management
by Liviu NEAMTU & Adina NEAMTU - 17-34 A Study Regarding the Level and the Dynamics of the Performances of the Romanian Industrial Companies
by Marian SIMINICA & Daniel CIRCIUMARU & Daniela SIMINICA - 35-42 Analyzing the classic methods of organizing the administration accountacy used in the carboniferous mining industry
by PALIU-POPA Lucia & DINA Ionela-Claudia - 43-76 Richness and poverty are inside us
by Constantin POPESCU & Alexandru TASNADI & Nilgun ISMAIL - 77-88 Monetary Transmission Channels in Romania – the Credit Channel
by Magdalena RADULESCU & Nicoleta DASCALU - 89-98 The characteristics of the evolution of the economical indicators
by Carina-Elena STEGAROIU - 99-120 Convergences and divergences in accounting for intangible assets in the context of globalization of exchanges and transnationalization of companies
by Victoria FIRESCU - 121-126 Critères de choix de l’investissement
by CEAUSESCU Aurelian Ionut - 127-136 Corporations crisis – beyond the frontiers of management
by Liviu NEAMTU & Adina NEAMTU - 137-150 Corporate culture and competition
by ROGOJANU Angela & BADEA Liana - 151-162 Economic development in teritorial profile
by Claudia MUNGIU-PUPAZAN - 163-172 Environment protection through detection of hot spots using thermography in coal deposits before self ignition
by Alina DINCA & Constantin CERCEL - 173-180 Estimation of the online business in society winning by internet
by TANASOIU Georgiana Lavinia - 181-198 La protection sociale dans l’Union Europeenne entre considerations sociales et contraintes economiques
by Gheorghe PIRVU & Ramona GRUESCU & Daniel TOBA - 199-210 The financing of the activities within the sectorial operational programme “Increase of economic competitiveness”
by Vasile POPEANGA - 211-222 Economy globalization and internationalization of business
by Lucia PALIU-POPA - 223-238 Identification and evaluation of the risks associated to the illegible word
by Maria Mirabela FLOREA IANC - 239-256 Romanian textiles and clothing industry – present and perspectives
by Ovidiu FOLCUT & Diana-Mihaela POCIOVALISTEANU & Radu DESPA & Razvan MUSTEA & Iuliu IVANESCU & Mona Maria IVANESCU - 257-264 Global Logistics Information - Key Ingredient
by Cecilia Irina RABONTU & George NICULESCU - 265-272 Foreign direct investment – a lead driver for sustainable development in Romania?
by Marilen PIRTEA & Laura MILOS - 273-282 Modern management-general concepts
by Amalia Venera TODORUT & Claudia JOE - 283-290 Modalities of quantification of the performances from the Romanian bank system
by Loredana CIURLAU - 291-298 A new NBR politics related to the crediting activity
by Lucian Ion MEDAR - 299-306 Company's financial policy in terms of risk
by Gabriela DOBROTA & Maria Felicia CHIRCULESCU - 307-320 Fiscal policy – an instrument for achieving economic and social balance
by Alina Georgiana HOLT & Dan CRACIUNESCU - 321-332 Bankruptcy risk – central point in the financial – accounting diagnosis
by Gheorghe HOLT - 333-340 The purpose of adopting decision in the managerial process
by Ionela Claudia DINA - 341-352 Educational market strategies from the perspective of the marketing orientation
by Magdalena PLATIS - 353-368 Air transports – component of international transports
by Mihaela Loredana LAPADUSI & Constantin CARUNTU - 369-376 Tourism and cultural revival
by George NICULESCU - 377-390 The implementation of the internal audit in the public sector from Romania
by George CALOTA & Sorin VANATORU - 391-398 The factors that influence Romania’s economical growth
by Irina Elena VOICA - 399-410 Macro environment – a challenge in the way of the banking services’ globalization
by Laura OLTEANU - 411-426 Considerations on the rational imputation of the fixed expenses
by Maria SANDU & Rodica BADITA - 427-434 Functions of Social Relationships in the Organizing of an International Joint Venture
by Daniel Serafim BROTEA - 435-446 Particularités de l’endettement public dans les pays développés
by Irina BILAN
November 2009, Volume 2
- 7-20 From globalization to fragmentation – a new beginning in the international affaires
by Liviu Neamtu & Adina Claudia Neamtu - 21-26 The method of constructing models of stress-testing of the trading portfolio of financial organizations
by Alimbaev Farkhad - 27-34 The meaning of investment funds for the developement of the stock markets in the Republic of Macedonia
by Dragica Odzaklieska & Gordana Vitanova - 35-46 Methodological aspects of logistic systems of the company
by Lapadusi Mihaela Loredana & Constantin Căruntu - 47-56 Financial behavior of population on loan for housing – a statistical approach
by Ana-Gabriela Babucea - 57-70 The policy and the trade regime in Romania after 1990
by Dobrota Gabriela - 71-80 Organization of non-bank financial institutions and their need for supervision
by Medar Lucian-Ion - 81-94 Tax treatment specific to intra community commercial business transactions – acquisition and intra-community supply of goods –
by Paliu -Popa Lucia - 95-108 Financial return on assets. The impact of the financial return on assets over the company’s development
by Constantin Caruntu & Lapadusi Mihaela Loredana
May 2009, Volume 1
- 7-22 Economical Crisis From the Perspective of an Intercivilization War
by Chiritescu Dumitru Dorel & Vasilescu Maria - 23-34 Evolution Tendencies of Educational Market’s Capacity and Structure
by Neamtu Adina & Neamtu Liviu - 35-48 Long Term Financing Decision at the Level of Companies
by Dobrota Gabriela & Chirculescu Maria Felicia - 49-68 Electronic Banking Services in Economy Based on Knowledge
by Rabontu Cecilia Irina - 69-82 Particularities of Management's Functions in Economic Crisis Conditions
by Todorut Amalia Venera - 83-90 Tourism an Important Sector of Economy Development
by Xhiliola Agaraj & Merita Murati - 91-108 Reverse Charging Purchases to Intra-Transportation Means in the Context of New Tax Regulations
by Ecobici Nicolae & Busan Gabriela - 109-140 Price Volatility, Expectations and Monetary Policy in Nigeria
by Ajimuda Olumide - 141-146 Cost Quality Management
by Vitanova Gordana & Tatjana Spaseska - 147-158 The Role of Financial Institutions as Participants on the Capital Market in Terms of Globalization
by Miroslav Gveroski & Aneta Risteska & Stevco Dimeski - 159-170 Crisis Management Effects on Tourism Services Firms and its Impact on Development Sustainable Cities
by Enea Constanta & Enea Constantin - 171-188 Economic Growth and Convergence in the European Union
by Halmai Peter & Vasary Viktoria - 189-218 Personal Income Tax Reforms as a Competitive Advantage
by Vita Jagric & Sebastjan Strasek & Timotej Jagric & Tanja Markovic-Hribernik - 219-236 Perspectives on East-Asian Monetary Integration
by Fabio Masini - 237-244 Futures Contracts as an Instrument for Increasing the Portfolio Performances
by Odzaklieska Dragica - 245-252 Organizational L’ Economie de la Connaissance - un Defi Pour la Roumanie
by Haralambie George Alin - 253-262 E-Business Implications for Productivity and Competitiveness
by Pece Mitrevski & Olivera Kostoska & Marjan Angeleski - 263-270 Sub Prime Crisis: Old and New Lessons
by Natasa Spes & Sebastjan Strasek & Timotej Jagric - 271-276 The Chart Romania-NATO-UE
by Duduiala Popescu Lorena - 277-284 Economic Forecasts Based on Econometric Models Using EViews 5
by Tomescu-Dumitrescu Cornelia - 285-296 Considerations on Transactions of Foreign Trade
by Paliu-Popa Lucia - 297-308 The Management Influences on Firm's Culture
by Cirnu Doru & Boncea Amelia - 309-312 Financial Audit and a Well Organized Accounting
by Starcea Dumitru - 313-330 The Structural Funds and the Economic and Social Cohesion Process
by Pociovalisteanu Diana-Mihaela & Thalassinos Eleftherios - 331-346 Measures for a Prudential Efficiency Surveillance of Credit Institutions
by Medar Lucian-Ion & Voica Irina Elena - 347-356 Using Cluster Analysis for Studying the Proximity of Registered Unemployment at the Level of Counties in Romania at the Beginning of the Economic Crisis
by Babucea Ana-Gabriela & Danacica Emanuela-Daniela - 357-366 Using the Software Microsoft Office Excel for Financial Modeling Decision
by Balacescu Aniela