March 2012, Volume 1
- 88-92 Conceiving And Generating A Viable Complexity Model For Personal And/Or Entrepreneurial Change And Development
by George Niculescu, Cecilia Răbonţu, Doina Tătaru - 93-98 The Capacity And Competitiveness Of The Firms In International Business – Four Models Of Market Approach
by Nicolov Mirela, Rusu Sergiu - 109-116 Performance Management Approaches In Economic Organizations Using Information Technology
by Anca Mehedintu, Cerasela Pîrvu, Cristian Pîrvu Author-Workplace-Name: Universitatea din Craiova, Craiova, România; Universitatea “Constantin Brâncusi”, Târgu Jiu, România - 117-120 Strategic Controlling Implementation In Moldovan Bakery Industry
by Maria Oleiniuc - 121-124 Moldovan Wine Industry Under Pressure Of External Threats
by Poisic Mihail, Clipa Victoria - 125-128 Management Tactics For Developping Company
by Romanescu Marcel Laurențiu - 129-132 Financial Stability - A Theoretical Approach
by Maria Vasilescu - 133-136 The Present Global Economic And Financial Crisis A Mask For A More Profound Existential, Moral One?
by Cheptea Madalina - 137-140 Could Be Considered A Failure The Of The Economist Profession The Current Global Crisis?
by Marinescu Cristian, Bodislav Dumitru-Alexandru, Belingher Daniel - 141-145 Is Taxation Affecting The Attractiveness Of Central And Eastern Europe Countries For Fdi?
by Popovici Oana Cristina - 146-149 Education – A Factor In The Economic Growth. Romania’S Case
by Pribac Loredana Ioana - 150-152 Recent Controversies Regarding The Delays In The Economic Development Of The Countries From Eastern Europe
by Richiter Adriana - 153-158 The Evolution Of The Insurance Market In The Republic Of Moldova In Terms Of Concentration Indexes
by Şeptelici Viorica - 159-164 Some Considerations On Local Financial Autonomy In The Context Of The Current Financial Crisis
by Vezure Oana Sabina - 165-169 Considerations On Fiscal Policy As A Tool Of Economic Recovery
by Stoichin Elena Mădălina, Chirculescu Felicia-Maria - 170-174 Keynesian Considerations In The Post-Neoliberal Era
by Cărămidariu Dan-Adrian - 175-178 Dynamic Economic Efficiency In The South-West Oltenia Region
by Laura Mariana Cismaş, Mariana Claudia Mungiu-Pupăzan - 179-186 Arrangement Transalpina - Example Concrete Implementation Of An Integrated System Of Supply To Improve The Image Oltenia Tourism
by Enea Constanta, Enea Constantin - 187-189 Outsourcing – Is It A Solution For The State?
by Victor-Adrian Troacă,Victor Troacă - 190-193 Account Instrument Capital Borrowed
by Holt Gheorghe, Caruntu Genu Alexandru - 194-199 Fiscal Procedure Code And Regulations Regarding Transactions With Affiliates
by Enea Constantin, Enea Constanta Author-Workplace-Name: “Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu-Jiu, Faculty of Low, “Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu-Jiu, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration - 200-204 Tax Aspects Of Transfer Price Regulation: Perspective Of Implementation In The Republic Of Moldova
by Veronica Vragaleva - 205-209 Risks And Responsibilities Between Buyer And Seller In International Relations In Context Of Economic Integration. Ways Of Sharing In The Multinational Companies
by Sanda Gabriel, Enea Constanta - 210-214 Dynamics Of Main Indicators For Economic Growth In South-West Oltenia Region
by Mariana Claudia Mungiu-Pupăzan - 215-218 Theoretical Consideration Of Financial Risks On Investments
by Vaduva Cecilia-Elena - 219-223 Study On Projects Contracted By Rop - Axis 2 Priority - Improving Regional Transport Infrastructure And Local
by Ceausescu Aurelian Ionut - 224-226 Study On The Main Theoretical Aspects Relating To The Premium Tariffs In The Property Insurance
by Vaduva Maria - 227-229 Teaching Business English For Communication In Romania
by Minodora Otilia Simion - 230-233 Educational Services Market In Present
by Ciurlău Constantin, Ciurlău Alin Ionuţ - 234-237 Fixing Social Needs Through Integrated Systems
by Carina-Elena Stegăroiu - 238-239 Emerging Markets
by Gheorghe Caralicea-Mărculescu - 240-246 Correlation Between Romania’S Public Debt And Some Macroeconomic Variables
by Vasile Popeangă, Alina Georgiana Holt
December 2011, Volume 4
- 9-15 The International Trade In Goods Of The European Union Member States After Two Years Of Crisis
by Ana-Gabriela Babucea & Lucia Popa-Paliu - 16-25 Smart Specialization - A Driver Of Incresing Competitiveness
by Steliana Sandu & Irina Anghel - 26-31 A Statistical Analysis Of Gdp And Final Consumption Using Simple Linear Regression. The Case Of Romania 1990–2010
by Aniela Balacescu & Marian Zaharia - 32-35 Tourism In County Arad. Rural Tourism - Economic Implications
by Ionel Barbu - 36-39 Profit Versus Social Welfare, Continuity Versus Change. The Vision Of Social Governance
by Bodislav Dumitru-Alexandru & Belingher Daniel & Marinescu Cristian - 40-44 Polluted Natural Tourist Areas
by Maria Calinoiu & Irina Ramona Pecingină - 45-48 Risk Management And Financial Risks
by Caruntu Andreea Laura & Caruntu Roxana Corina - 49-54 The Synthetic Analysis Of Economic-Financial Performances Through The Reflection Of Value Indicators
by Caruntu Constantin & Loredana Mihaela Lapadusi - 55-58 Capitalism In Illusion And Delusion
by Doru Cirnu & Amelia Boncea - 59-62 Anti-Crisis Measures Of A Fiscal Nature – Internal Solutions Adopted To Attenuation The Effects Of The Financial Crisis
by Ciurlau Loredana - 63-65 Aspects Regarding The Advantages Of Innovation For Corporate Strategies
by Radu Cureteanu & Florin Isac & Sergiu Rusu - 66-69 Accounting Of The External Grants And Its Influence On The Romanian Public Institutions’S Surplus Or Deficit
by Nicolae Ecobici - 70-73 Accrual Of Liabilities And Contingent Assets
by Elena Ilie & Nicoleta Mariana Moise - 74-77 Provisions On The Management Of A New System Of Insurance In Romania
by Florea Ianc Maria Mirabela - 78-81 Influence Of Inflation On Capital
by Caruntu Genu Alexandru & Holt Gheorghe - 82-90 The Impact Of Audit Missions On The I.T. Departments Of Targu-Jiu S.N.L.O’S Sub-Units
by Ioana Dorin & Udristioiu Anca Roxana & Burdea Raul - 91-95 Important Feature Of Organizational Survival -Alliance Between Creativity And Knowledge Management
by Daniela Ionescu & Maria Madalina Nita & Marilena Gughea - 96-106 The Role Of Strategies For Prevention And Administration Of Organizational Stress On The Efficiency Of Human Resources
by Mitut Iulian - 107-111 Implementation Issues And Management Control Systems To Finance The Company On Strategic Targeted Action
by Juscu Nicolae Cristian - 112-115 A Sustainable Health Care System Requires Management Transformation
by Kanellopoulos Dimitros - 116-120 Survey Regarding The Level Of Product Lifecycle Management In Manufacturing Companies
by František Freiberg & David Michálek & Marek Nemec & Miroslav Žilka & George Cristian Gruia - 121-128 A Comparative Perspective On The Labour Valuing In Education And Research Activities In Eu Countries
by Cristina-Raluca Mazilescu - 129-135 Economic Profitability Evolution At The Carpathian Commercial Bank , In Relation To Aggregate Values Of Calculated In The Romanian Banking System In The Period 2007-2010 And The Need To Identify Banking Risks
by Medar Lucian-Ion & Motoniu Ioan Dumitru - 136-140 The Decision-Making Subsystem Of The Management By Objectives With Framework Procedure
by Munteanu Stolojanu Victoria-Ileana - 141-147 Human Resources Change Management - Key Elements For A Successful Change
by Bold Oliviana - 148-151 The Future Of Economic Growth: Certainty And Uncertainty Illusion?
by Cristian Dan Pirvu & Cerasela Pirvu & Anca Mehedintu - 152-154 Practicing Alternative Forms Of Tourism For Maintaining Health In Areas Of Gorj
by Camelia Daniela Plastoi & Roxana Gabriela Popa - 155-164 Price Categories Used In Foreign Trade Transactions In The Light Of The Delivery Terms Incoterms 2010
by Lucia Popa-Paliu & Babucea Ana - Gabriela - 165-170 Expenditures And Consumer Behavior Of The Tourism Sports In Romania
by Cecilia Irina Răbonţu & Marian Durbăcea & Dragoş Şerbanoiu - 171-176 Education – A Factor In The Eu Economic Growth
by Loredana-Ioana Pribac - 177-180 Efficiency Methods To Absorb Structural Funds For The Romanian Agriculture
by Cristina Bălăceanu & Monica Andreea Predonu - 181-186 The Objective Of Financial Statements.Company’S Financial Position
by Ecaterina Surupaceanu - 187-191 Rational Approach For The Effects And Impacts Of Financial Crisis In The Selected Developed And Developing Countries Caused By The Fraudulent And Manipulated Financial Information
by Tak Isa & Valentin Rotariu - 192-196 Romania: Climbing The Ladder For A Better Future. When Will It Reach Eu And Euro Area?
by Cristina Tatomir & Ileana Alexe - 197-201 The Need Of Total Quality In Public Administration
by Amalia Venera Todorut & Doru Cirnu - 202-206 The Evolution Of Big Businesses At The Global Level In The Period 2008-2010
by Sorin-George Toma & Catalin Gradinaru & Saseanu Andreea - 207-210 Horizontal Analysis Of Functional Balance Of Firms
by Marian Vintilescu - 211-216 The Impact Of Production Decisions On The Balance Perfect Market. An Interactive Study
by Marian Zaharia - 217-222 Considerations On The Evolution Of Romanian Foreign Trade Under The Impact Of Economic Crisis
by Gabriela Dobrotă & Petruţa-Elena Cumpănaşu - 223-226 The Need Of Total Quality In Public Administration
by Paul-Bogdan Zamfir - 227-230 Reconsidering Competitive Advantages
by Valentina Zaharia & Mirela Dogaru - 231-234 The Actual Implications Of Inflation
by Murarita Ilie & Cristian Florin Ciurlau
September 2011, Volume 3
- 9-10 The Dynamics of Income and Consumption Expenditure of Households in the Period 2001 to 2010 at the Level of Southwest Oltenia Regional Development
by Ana-Gabriela BABUCEA & Aniela BALACESCU - 11-15 The analysis of tourist traffic in Romania in the period 1999-2009
by ANIELA BALACESCU & Marian ZAHARIA - 16-28 Age - an important criterion of discrimination on the labour market in Romania
by Aurel MANOLESCU & Victoria-Mihaela BRÎNZEA - 29-37 Revealing the volume conversion and usage of fixed assets in the commercial rate of return and of resources consumed
by Constantin Caruntu & Mihaela Loredana Lapadusi - 38-41 Counties and regions ranking based on quantifying inequalities, using relative distances methods
by Ceausescu Aurelian Ionut - 42-45 Neo-american market economy model
by Dorel-Dumitru CHIRIŢESCU & Maria VASILESCU & Elena Mădălina STOICHIN - 46-54 Beyond the internationalaccounting standards towards a global age of accounting
by Tatiana DANESCU & Ioana DORIN & Anca UDRISTIOIU - 55-64 The impact of banking services quality on credit institutions
by Elena-Silvia DINCULESCU - 65-74 Using web mining in e-commerce applications
by Claudia Elena DINUCA - 75-84 Ways of reflecting the foreign exchange transactions made by the currency exchange offices in Romania
by Nicolae Ecobici - 85-99 Guidelines for creating an authentic virtual enterprise in Romania
by Elisabeta HABA & Victor VELTER - 100-104 The corporate governance in 2011 of financial crisis: the evidence of global financial institutions
by Lorena Popescu DUDUIALA & Elena Mădălina STOICHIN - 105-110 Banking ethics in the foreign direct investments from Romania
by Lucian-Ion MEDAR - 111-120 New perspectives for the romanian tourism
by Mirela MAZILU - 121-131 Productivity - Way of Expressing Performance and Economic Efficiency
by Mariana Claudia MUNGIU-PUPAZAN & Maria VASILESCU - 132-138 The Specificity of Intra-Community Transactions
by Lucia Paliu-Popa - 139-144 Considerations on the impact of convergence on the accounting communication process of within the organization
by Maria Sandu & Rodica Badita - 145-152 The functional manager, subsystem information end management by objectives of the organization
by Victoria-Ileana MUNTEANU STOLOJANU - 153-158 The quality of the accounting information as support formanagement’s decision
by Nicolae Todea & Ioana DORIN & Anca UDRISTIOIU - 159-166 Assessing the firm performance through the financial ratios
by Laura VASILESCU - 167-176 The need to use Data Mining techniques in E-business
by Claudia Elena DINUCA - 177-183 Theoretical aspects regarding the turnover analysis
by Roxana Corina CARUNTU - 184-188 Pricing strategies – aspects, types and characteristics
by Roxana Corina CARUNTU & Andreea Laura CARUNTU - 189-194 Investment appraisal criteria underlying investment decisions
by Roxana Corina CARUNTU - 195-204 Profitability and financial stability
by Constantin CARUNTU & Mihaela Loredana LAPADUSI - 205-209 The role and the importance of the logistics platform in the intern and international transport
by Mihaela Loredana LAPADUSI & Constantin CARUNTU - 210-220 Some aspects of state budget
by Oana Sabina VEZURE - 221-231 Public finance functions
by Oana Sabina VEZURE
May 2011, Volume 2
- 9-17 Market Services and Their Role in the Quality of Life of the Population in Romania
by Ana-Gabriela BABUCEA & Rabontu Cecilia Irina - 18-25 Profit and loss account in the international context
by Paliu-Popa Lucia & Cosneanu Lavinia - 26-33 The Behaviour Of The Digital Consumer
by Daniel Belingher & Cantemir Adrian Calin - 34-41 Economic Strategy Created Through Theory Focused Planning
by Dumitru-Alexandru Bodislav - 42-55 Incidence And Unemployment Duration In The Oltenia Region
by Daniela-Emanuela Dănăcică - 56-62 Knowledge From Research As A Quasi-Public Good
by Attila György - 63-70 The Importance Of Credit Relations And Banking Services For Recovery Of Outstanding Loans
by Medar Lucian-Ion - 71-76 Academic Performance And Competence In Knowledge Economy
by Neamtu Adina Claudia & Neamtu Liviu - 77-85 Taxation in Romania - News and Perspectives
by Dobrota Gabriela & Chirculescu Maria Felicia - 86-99 International Financial Reporting Standards – Overview Of Their Adoption And Application For The Company
by Caruntu Constantin & Lăpăduşi Mihaela Loredana - 100-110 Functional Manager Subsystem Of The Organization End Management By Bjectives Of The Organization
by Munteanu Stolojanu Victoria-Ileana - 111-119 The Food Crisis And The Possible Repercussions On Romania
by Rabontu Cecilia Irina & Niculescu George - 120-126 The Strategy For Reform In Education In A Vision Of Sustainable Development
by Lorena Popescu Duduiala - 126-132 Effective Annual Interest Signifiance On Banking Products Price Structure
by Medar Lucian-Ion & Motoniu Ioan Dumitru - 133-140 Strategy Of Sustainable Development Of The Business Environment
by Neamtu Liviu & Neamtu Adina Claudia - 141-148 Solutions For The Implementation Of An Application By E-Marketing
by Vasile-Bogdan Arcanu - 149-152 A Method Of Determining A Relative Of Criteria For Optimizing Rankings
by Carina-Elena Stegaroiu & Valentin Stegaroiu - 153-160 Lean management in the current context of evolution of an organization
by Amalia Venera Todoruţ & Doru Cîrnu - 161-167 Data Mining In Customer Relationship Management
by Vasile-Bogdan Arcanu - 168-174 The Diagnosis And Evaluation Of Company’S Economic And Financial Results
by Caruntu Andreea Laura & Caruntu Roxana Corina - 175-178 Determination Of The Optimum Amount Of Water Accumulation During Overflow Of A River
by Carina-Elena Stegaroiu & Valentin Stegaroiu - 179-185 The Evolution Of Consumer Price Index (Cpi) And Inflation Rate In Romania In January 2000 - December 2010
by Aniela BALACESCU & Loredana CIURLĂU - 186-192 The Effectiveness Of The Financial Control And Training Opportunities Of This One
by Scorei Daniela - 193-200 Counties And Regions Ranking Based On Quantifying Inequalities, Using Anova Method
by Ceausescu Aurelian Ionut & Zamfir Paul Bogdan - 201-210 Automotive Industry in South-West Region of Oltenia
by Amelia Boncea & Doru Cirnu - 211-217 Alternative Directions Of Choosing The Investment Strategies
by Doru Cirnu & Amelia Boncea - 232-241 Macro-Economical Indicators In International Comparisons
by Vaduva Maria
March 2011, Volume 1
- 9-16 Statistical Analysis of the Dynamics of Income and Consumption Expenditure of Households in the 1990 - 2010 Period
by Ana-Gabriela BABUCEA & Aniela BĂLĂCESCU - 17-28 ECB Monetary Policy Consistency and Interbank Interest Rates Forecasts
by Giovanni Verga - 29-66 Islandness and Remoteness as Resources: Evidence from the Tourism Performance of Small Remote Island Economies (SRIES)
by Shamnaaz B. Sufrauj - 67-76 Correlations of Environmentromanian Economy Between Investment Needs and Opportunities
by Ana Popa & Laura Giurca Vasilescu - 77-86 Could the Corporations Become Engines for International Cooperation?
by Carmen Costea & Gabriela Ungureanu & Anca Vârgă - 87-93 Region - Fundamental Element of the Regional Economy
by Aurelian-Ionut CEAUSESCU - 94-105 The Neoclassic Theory of Business Investments
by Vaduva Cecilia-Elena - 106-120 Restructuring Measures, Upgrading and Rethinking of the Role and Functioning of the Government Under the Required Information Society. Case Study: Gorj
by Constanta Enea & Amelia Georgiana Boncea & Constantin Enea - 121-128 Does Age and Gender Influence the Duration of Unemployment for Isced 5 Unemployed Persons?
by Daniela-Emanuela Dănăcică & Ana-Gabriela Babucea & Doru Cîrnu - 129-136 Actual State of Dollar Diplomacy in American Economic Policy
by Dorel Dumitru CHIRIŢESCU & Maria VASILESCU - 137-144 Business Development S.C. Sekam Prod S.R.L. Through Total Quality Management and its Components
by Doru Cîrnu & Amalia Venera Todoruţ & Amelia Boncea - 145-156 Knowledge Society, General Framework for Knowledge Based Economy
by Dragos CRISTEA & Daniela MATEI - 157-166 The Fiscal Pressure in the EU Member States
by Dobrotă Gabriela & Chirculescu Maria Felicia - 167-184 Regional Employment And Unemployment Structures In Romania
by Ana Delia Băbeanu - 185-195 Labor Force Dynamic In Gorj County
by Gheorghe CARALICEA MĂRCULESCU - 196-203 The arhitecture of the human resources in management based on knowledge and the impact on reduncing unemployment
by Amalia Venera Todoruţ & George Niculescu & Irina Chirtoc - 204-213 Venture Capital Funding – Path To Growth And Innovation For Firms
by Laura Giurca Vasilescu & Ana Popa - 214-222 European Market And Its Characteristics
by Neamtu Liviu & Neamţu Adina - 223-230 Characteristics quality system assurance of university programs
by Lucian Ion Medar - 231-236 Organizations And Managers Of Tomorrow
by Romanescu Marcel Laurentiu & Joe Claudia - 237-243 Dynamics Of The Insurances And Their Incidence On The Economy
by Văduva Maria - 244-250 Macroeconomic Policies And Trends In Restructuring Of The Romanian Economy
by Mungiu-Pupăzan Mariana Claudia - 251-269 The Incentives for Employment and its Evolution in the Gorj County
by Nicolae ECOBICI & Lucia POPA PALIU & Gabriela BUŞAN - 270-279 Why do multilateral environment agreements contain trade measures?
by Paul-Bogdan ZAMFIR - 280-287 Services In Gorj County In Economic Crisis Situations
by Răbontu Cecilia Irina - 288-302 Performance Premises For Human Resources From Public Health Organizations In Romania
by Amalia-Luisa PUPĂZĂ
December 2010, Volume 4.I
- 7-27 Measuring the impact of redistribution on income inequality and polarization
by Maria Molnar - 28-42 The Optimal Rate of R&D Expenditures in GDP – Between Theory and Practice
by Steliana SANDU - 43-52 Regarding "Tragic Economic Optimum" From Holistic Perspective
by Constantin Popescu & Alexandru Taşnadi - 53-65 The old-new tension and the productive force transformation model
by Dumitru – Alexandru Bodislav & Alexandru Taşnadi - 66-74 Opportunity cost of a romanian student
by Felix-Constantin BURCEA - 75-82 The global economic crisis and repositioning the influencing centres
by Rotundu Irina Liliana & Pricop Oliver Constantin - 83-91 Moral hazard - case or effect of the economic crisis
by Victor Troacă & Victor-Adrian Troacă - 92-106 Strategic human resource management assessment PricewaterhouseCoopers
by Amelia Boncea & Cîrnu Doru - 107-114 The romanian coal industry in the context of economic global development
by Dina Ionela-Claudia & Popa-Paliu Lucia - 115-123 Modernization of the industrial structure- fundamental key to increase efficiency in the years 1990 to 2008
by Mungiu-Pupăzan Mariana Claudia - 124-133 Modeling the Impact of Religion on Migration and Labor Mobility: the Case of European Union 27
by Ilie Babaita & Rosca Daciana - 134-145 Crisis and the interconnections between world's economies
by Emilia Ungureanu & Felix-Constantin Burcea - 146-153 Using nominal variables for analysing the regional disparities in Romania
by Babucea Ana-Gabriela - 154-164 The Positive Effects of the Labour Mobility on Current Account of Romania
by Irina Elena CHIRTOC & Aniela BĂLĂCESCU - 165-173 AES algorithm implementation in programming languages
by Luminiţa DEFTA - 174-181 Network security attacks. ARP Poisoning case study
by Luminiţa DEFTA - 182-192 Distributed query optimization
by Nicoleta IACOB - 193-202 Data replication in distributed environments
by Nicoleta IACOB - 203-206 An extremal problem for univalent functions
by Miodrag IOVANOV - 207-214 Particularities of educational objects in computer-assisted learning for persons with disabilities
by Narcisa ISĂILĂ - 215-221 E-learning, essential component of the new economy
by Elena IANOŞ- SCHILLER & Narcisa ISĂILĂ - 222-232 New techniques used in automated text analysis
by Mihai ISTRATE - 233-242 Leasing Characteristics and the Analysis of the Lessor – Lessee Relationship
by Georgescu Maria – Andrada - 243-255 What do we mean by "company performance"?
by Claudiu Marian Gruian - 256-267 Structural and cohesion funds, a financing alternative for romanian public administration
by Dana Mihaela Murgescu - 268-276 The role of regional trade agreements in the global economy
by Irina Gabriela Radulescu & Marian Zaharia - 277-287 What Was the Role of the Supervisory Committee Recommendations for Credit Institutions and the Requirements of Basel III
by Medar Lucian-Ion - 288-299 Trends and correlations of romanian merchandise foreign trade from 2006 to 2010. An econometrical approach
by Marian ZAHARIA & Irina Gabriela RADULESCU - 300-309 Analysis of tax and extra taxes pressure in Romania and European Union
by Dobrotă Gabriela & Chirculescu Maria Felicia - 310-321 Spline linear regression used for evaluating financial assets
by Liviu GEAMBAŞU & Ionel JIANU & Cristina GEAMBAŞU - 322-330 The link between the Lisbon strategy and the cohesion policy of the European Union
by Lavinia Florentina CHIRILĂ - 331-336 Effects of the financial crisis. From nationalizing the achievements to internationalizing the losses
by Dorel-Dumitru CHIRIŢESCU - 337-359 Effects of the financial crisis. From nationalizing the achievements to internationalizing the losses
by Adina Claudia NEAMŢU & Liviu NEAMTU
December 2010, Volume 4.II
- 9-15 Models of managerial efficiency in crisis conditions
by Ion VERBONCU - 16-22 Accounting and financial information - the foundation of structuring financial statements and their fundamental role in creating the development strategy of companies
by Igor ZDRAVKOSKI & Dejan ZDRAVESKI - 23-37 Cost accounting as the key information core of the company management
by Radmila Jablan STEFANOVIĆ - 38-46 Total performances scorecard and the sustainable development of the organizational and personal performances
by Amalia Venera TODORUŢ - 47-54 Internationalization of SMES - a solution to overcome the current economic crisis
by Corina Ana BORCOŞI & Anca STĂNCUŢ - 55-64 Patterns of Risk in the Retail Business in Romania
by Adina CATANA - 65-80 Analysis of the Romanian Advertising Market
by Chirila Sofia & Rabontu Cecilia-Irina - 81-90 Enterprise and organizational culture
by Doru CÎRNU & Amelia BONCEA