- S445401 NDBCI: Stata module extending ci for single variable with exposure time
by Fred Wolfe - S445301 SIM_ARMA: Stata module to simulate data for ARMA processes
by Jeff Pitblado - S445202 COLDIAG2: Stata module to evaluate collinearity in linear regression
by John Hendrickx - S445201 PERTURB: Stata module to evaluate collinearity and ill-conditioning
by John Hendrickx - S445101 MATIN4-MATOUT4: Stata module to import and export matrices
by Christopher F Baum & William Gould - S445001 MARGEFF: Stata module to compute average marginal effects for categorical and limited dependent variable models
by Tamas Bartus - S444904 DOUBLETOFLOAT: Stata module to recast variables from double to float storage type
by David Kantor - S444903 FLOATTOLONG: Stata module to recast variables from float to long storage type
by David Kantor - S444902 CARRYFORWARD: Stata module to carry forward previous observations
by David Kantor - S444901 GEN_TAIL: Stata module to work with indicator observations
by David Kantor - S444801 COLLAPSE2: Stata module to extend the collapse command
by David Roodman - S444701 TSLIST: Stata module to list time series data
by Christopher F Baum & Michael S. Hanson - S444601 HSHAZ: Stata module to estimate discrete time (grouped data) proportional hazards models
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S444502 METAGRAPH: Stata module to draw Forrest plot after meta command
by Adrian Mander - S444501 GIPF: Stata module to graphically display a log-linear model
by Adrian Mander - S444401 HECKPROB2: Stata module to run heckprob and svyheckprob with d2 evaluator
by Jerzy Mycielski - S444302 CLEMAO_IO: Stata module to perform unit root tests with one or two structural breaks
by Christopher F Baum - S444301 ROLLREG: Stata module to perform rolling regression estimation
by Christopher F Baum - S444201 EXAMPLES: Stata module to show examples from on-line help files
by Nicholas J. Cox - S440002 SOEPREN: Stata module providing easy SOEP renames
by Ulrich Kohler - S440001 MKDAT: Stata module providing easy SOEP retrievals
by Ulrich Kohler - S439901 TWOWAY_ESTFIT: Stata module to enable graph twoway estfit
by Michael Blasnik - S439801 SENSPEC: Stata module to compute sensitivity and specificity results saved in generated variables
by Roger Newson - S439701 NNMATCH: Stata module to compute nearest-neighbor bias-corrected estimators
by Alberto Abadie & Jane Leber Herr & Guido W. Imbens & David M. Drukker - S439602 PLOTMATRIX: Stata module to plot values of a matrix as different coloured blocks
by Adrian Mander - S439601 ADJACENT: Stata module to list adjacent values of variables
by Nicholas J. Cox - S439501 DISJOINT: Stata module to generate end variable demarcating disjoint spells
by Nicholas J. Cox - S439404 DETECT: Stata module to compute the DETECT, Iss and R indexes to test a partition of items
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S439402 MSP: Stata module to perform the Mokken Scale Procedure
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S439401 LOEVH: Stata module to compute Guttman errors and Loevinger H coefficients
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S439304 ESTOUT1: Stata module to export estimation results from estimates table
by Ben Jann - S439301 ESTOUT: Stata module to make regression tables
by Ben Jann - S439201 FS: Stata module to show names of files in compact form
by Nicholas J. Cox - S439101 VANELTEREN: Stata module to perform van Elteren's test (generalized Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney ranksum test)
by Joseph Coveney - S439003 RASCHTESTV7: Stata module to estimate parameters of the Rasch model by CML, MML or GEE (v7)
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S439002 GAMMASYM: Stata module to compute the value of the symmetrical gamma function
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S439001 RASCHTEST: Stata module to estimate parameters of the Rasch model by CML, MML or GEE
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S438902 HAPBLOCK: Stata module to perform haplotype analysis to identify the edges of haplotype blocks
by Adrian Mander - S438901 IPF: Stata module to perform log-linear modelling using Iterative Proportional Fitting
by Adrian Mander - S438801 MVCORR: Stata module to generate moving-window correlation or autocorrelation in time series or panel
by Nicholas J. Cox & Christopher F Baum - S438701 MCQSCORE: Stata module to score the Monetary Choice Questionnaire using logistic regression
by E. Paul Wileyto - S438601 META_LR: Stata module to graph positive and negative likelihood ratios in diagnostic test
by Aijing Shang - S438501 PGMHAZ8: Stata module to estimate discrete time (grouped data) proportional hazards models
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S438401 REGAXIS: Stata module to make regular linear and logarithmic axis scales, ranges and tick lists
by Roger Newson - S438301 RBOUNDS: Stata module to perform Rosenbaum sensitivity analysis for average treatment effects on the treated
by Markus Gangl - S438201 STEXPECT: Stata module to compute expected survival
by Enzo Coviello - S438102 PNRCHECK: Stata module to verify the check digit in Swedish personal identification number
by Nicola Orsini - S438101 ROCSS: Stata module to calculate ROC curve and other statistics for any classification method
by Nicola Orsini & Matteo Bottai - S438002 PPPLOT: Stata module for P-P plots
by Nicholas J. Cox - S438001 HLIST: Stata module for horizontally listing values
by Nicholas J. Cox - S437902 MGEN: Stata module to apply generate to a matrix
by Ben Jann - S437901 SORTLISTBY: Stata module to sort by random or by ancillary numlist
by Ben Jann - S437801 TABLEPLOT: Stata module giving graphical display in two-way table format
by Nicholas J. Cox - S437601 MAT2TXT: Stata module to write matrix to ASCII file
by Michael Blasnik & Ben Jann - S437501 ABAR: Stata module to perform Arellano-Bond test for autocorrelation
by David Roodman - S437401 CVXHULL: Stata module to compute and plot convex hulls of bivariate data
by R. Allan Reese - S437301 ZANDREWS: Stata module to calculate Zivot-Andrews unit root test in presence of structural break
by Christopher F Baum - S437201 MRTAB: Stata module to compute one- and two-way tables of multiple responses
by Ben Jann & Hilde Schaeper - S437101 GENHWCCI: Stata module to calculate Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test in case-control studies
by James Cui - S437001 GRQREG: Stata module to graph the coefficients of a quantile regression
by Joao Pedro Azevedo - S436801 BNORMPDF: Stata module to calculate the bivariate normal density
by Gary Longton - S436701 BETACOEF: Stata module to calculate beta coefficients from regression
by Christopher F Baum - S436601 CIRCULAR: Stata module for circular statistics
by Nicholas J. Cox - S436501 SSCSUBMIT: Stata module -- some notes on SSC Archive use for Stata users
by Christopher F Baum - S436401 SPLITVALLABELS: Stata module to split up value labels for multi-line graph labelling
by Nick Winter & Ben Jann - S434001 MLBOOLEAN: Stata module to implement Boolean logit and probit
by Bear F. Braumoeller - S422603 ELLIP: Stata module to graph confidence ellipses (version 8)
by Anders Alexandersson - S419604 HARMBY: Stata module to harmonize values of variables within by-groups
by Roger Newson - S417702 SDECODE: Stata module to decode a numeric variable into a string variable
by Roger Newson - S366302 GLCURVE: Stata module to derive generalised Lorenz curve ordinates
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Philippe Van Kerm - R141104 ROBREG: RATS module to estimate regression robustly and reliably
by Eric Blankmeyer
- S456815 VINCENTY: Stata module to calculate distances on the Earth's surface
by Austin Nichols - S436901 CB2HTML: Stata module to write a codebook to an HTML file
by Phil Bardsley - S436301 TAROW: Stata module to tabulate each row against all others
by Allen Buxton - S436203 PCORR2: Stata module to display partial and semipartial correlation coefficients
by Richard Williams - S436202 RESHAPE8: Stata module to reshape while preserving variable labels
by Bill Rising - S436201 VTOKENIZE: Stata module to split a variable into its tokens
by Bill Rising - S436101 CHECKVAR: Stata module to check the values of a created variable
by Phil Bardsley - S436001 FACTORTEST: Stata module to perform tests for appropriateness of factor analysis
by Joao Pedro Azevedo - S435901 XTABOND2: Stata module to extend xtabond dynamic panel data estimator
by David Roodman - S435801 SURVTIME: Stata module to compute survival time for use in stset
by Allen Buxton - S435701 LAMBDA: Stata module for Goodman and Kruskal's lambda measures for two-way tables
by Nicholas J. Cox - S435509 SAVASTATA: SAS macro to save a SAS dataset as a Stata dataset
by Dan Blanchette - S435508 SHORTDIR: Stata module to return the short Windows directory path name
by Dan Blanchette - S435507 CONFIRMDIR: Stata module to confirm if a directory exists
by Dan Blanchette - S435506 TMPDIR: Stata module to indicate the directory Stata is using for a temporary directory
by Dan Blanchette - S435505 USAGELOG: Stata module to log usage of Stata programs in an existing text file
by Dan Blanchette - S435504 ETIME: Stata module to time how long a program runs
by Dan Blanchette - S435503 USESAS: Stata module to use a SAS dataset
by Dan Blanchette - S435502 SAVASAS: Stata module to save your dataset as a SAS dataset
by Dan Blanchette - S435501 LOOKFORIT: Stata module to search variable names and labels for some string or strings
by Dan Blanchette - S435500 SAVAS: c-shell script for *nix which makes Stata versions of SAS data files
by Dan Blanchette - S435303 BETAFIT: Stata module to fit a two-parameter beta distribution
by Maarten L. Buis & Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins - S435302 GUMBELFIT: Stata module to fit a two-parameter Gumbel distribution
by Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins - S435301 GAMMAFIT: Stata module to fit a two-parameter gamma distribution
by Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins - S435201 SAFEDROP: Stata module to drop variables if and only if varnames specified in full
by Nicholas J. Cox - S435102 PANELAUTO: Stata module to support tests for autocorrelation on panel data
by Christopher F Baum - S435101 PANELUNIT: Stata module to support unit root tests on panel data
by Christopher F Baum - S435001 TABSTATMAT: Stata module to save matrices saved by tabstat to single named matrix
by Austin Nichols - S434901 NEARMRG: Stata module to provide nearest-match merging of datasets
by Eric Booth - S434802 GRBY: Stata program to draw bar charts for each covariate pattern
by Nicola Orsini & Matteo Bottai - S434801 UNITAB: Stata program to display a univariate table for a binary outcome variable
by Nicola Orsini & Matteo Bottai - S434701 CME: Stata program to estimate generalized linear models with covariate measurement error
by Sophia Rabe-Hesketh - S434601 MKCORR: Stata module to generate correlation table formatted for easy inclusion in articles
by Glenn Hoetker - S434502 NICEDATES: Stata module for nice dates, especially for time series graphs
by Nicholas J. Cox - S434501 MSPLOT: Stata module for multiple median-spline plots
by Nicholas J. Cox - S434402 VREVERSE: Stata module to reverse existing categorical variable
by Nicholas J. Cox - S434401 CIBPLOT: Stata module for bar-on-bar plots of confidence intervals
by Nicholas J. Cox - S434301 MAKEMATRIX: Stata module to make a matrix of results from other commands
by Nicholas J. Cox - S434202 DMERGE: Stata module to merge datasets using a modification of Stata's merge
by Fred Wolfe - S434201 CORRTAB: Stata module to display correlation coefficients in a formatted tabular output
by Fred Wolfe - S434101 METAFUNNEL: Stata module to produce funnel plots for meta-analysis
by Jonathan Sterne - S433904 XCOLLAPSE: Stata module to make data set of summary statistics on disk or in memory
by Roger Newson - S433903 XCONTRACT: Stata module to make a data set of frequencies and percents on disk or in memory
by Roger Newson - S433901 WCLOGIT: Stata module to perform conditional logistic regression with within-group varying weights
by Adrian Mander - S433801 GROUPS: Stata module to list group frequencies
by Nicholas J. Cox - S433601 PARPLOT: Stata module for parallel coordinates plots
by Nicholas J. Cox - S433501 STATSBYFAST: Stata module to efficiently compute statistics for by-group
by Michael Blasnik - S433402 LINKPLOT: Stata module for linked (connected) scatter plots
by Nicholas J. Cox - S433401 STRIPPLOT: Stata module for strip plots (one-way dot plots)
by Nicholas J. Cox - S433301 COLLAPSEUNIQUE: Stata module to reduce data to unique observations based on specified key variables
by David Kantor - S433202 CRTEST: Stata module to perform Cramer-Ridder Test for pooling states in a Multinomial logit
by Joao Pedro Azevedo - S433201 WHOTDECK: Stata module to perform multiple imputation using the Approximate Bayesian Bootstrap with weights
by Adrian Mander - S433001 DMARIANO: Stata module to calculate Diebold-Mariano comparison of forecast accuracy
by Christopher F Baum - S432904 HIREG: Stata module for hierarchial regression
by Paul H. Bern - S432903 BIGTAB: Stata module to produce frequency tables for "too many values"
by Paul H. Bern - S432902 VARTYP: Stata module to set variable types for codebook2
by Paul H. Bern - S432901 CODEBOOK2: Stata module to produce a codebook describing a data file
by Paul H. Bern - S432802 MAJORITY: Stata module for majority calculations for real or hypothetical elections
by Nicholas J. Cox - S432801 SLIDEPLOT: Stata module for sliding bar plot for frequencies or percents
by Nicholas J. Cox - S432701 EQPRHISTOGRAM: Stata module for equal probability histogram
by Nicholas J. Cox - S432601 MVPROBIT: Stata module to calculate multivariate probit regression using simulated maximum likelihood
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stephen P. Jenkins - S432501 GPFOBL: Stata module to perform rotation after factor / principal components
by Herve M. Caci - S432401 CLEANLOG: Stata module to clean log files
by Lee E. Sieswerda - S432201 MYLABELS: Stata module for axis labels or ticks on transformed scales or for daily dates
by Nicholas J. Cox & Scott Merryman - S432102 INGAP: Stata module to insert gap observations into a data set before output by listtex
by Roger Newson - S432101 BYGAP: Stata module to insert by-gap observation at the start of each by-group
by Roger Newson - S432001 PSMATCH2: Stata module to perform full Mahalanobis and propensity score matching, common support graphing, and covariate imbalance testing
by Edwin Leuven & Barbara Sianesi - S431901 METADIALOG: Stata module to provide sub-menu and dialogs for meta-analysis commands
by Thomas Steichen - S431701 SPELLUTIL: Stata module of utilities for the manipulation of timespan data
by Edwin Leuven - S431601 ECLPLOT: Stata module to generate estimates and confidence limits plots
by Roger Newson - S431501 CATPLOT: Stata module for plots of frequencies, fractions or percents of categorical data
by Nicholas J. Cox - S431401 FULL_PALETTE: Stata module to display color palette
by Nick Winter - S431301 STCOMPET: Stata module to generate cumulative incidence in presence of competing events
by Enzo Coviello - S431203 SELECTVARS: Stata module for selecting all possible n-tuples from a varlist
by Nicholas J. Cox - S431202 CIPLOT: Stata module for plots of confidence intervals
by Nicholas J. Cox - S431201 CYCLEPLOT: Stata module for cycle plot (month plot or seasonal subseries plot)
by Nicholas J. Cox - S431101 PAIRPLOT: Stata module for plots of paired observations
by Nicholas J. Cox - S431001 MYPKG: Stata module to inform on packages installed over net
by Nicholas J. Cox - S430801 EXTREMES: Stata module to list extreme values of a variable
by Nicholas J. Cox - S430701 FEDIT: Stata module to find and edit text file from within Stata
by Nicholas J. Cox - S430601 NEAREST: Stata module to calculate nearest neighbours from point coordinates
by Nicholas J. Cox - S430501 SLIST: Stata module to "smart list" variables in compact format
by Svend Juul & Jens M. Lauritsen & John Luke Gallup - S425502 QHAPIPF: Stata module to perform analysis of quantitative traits using regression and log-linear modelling when PHASE is unknown
by Adrian Mander - S422602 ELLIP6: Stata module to plot confidence ellipses (version 6)
by Anders Alexandersson - S422601 ELLIP7: Stata module to plot confidence ellipses (version 7)
by Anders Alexandersson - X0305032 MOPOS: Excel module implementing monetary policy simulation game
by Yvan Lengwiler - X0305031 HPEXCEL: Excel module for computation of Hodrick-Prescott filtered time series
by Yvan Lengwiler - R141103 ROBSKEW: RATS module for computation of quartile skewness measure
by Eric Blankmeyer
- S494401 IVENDOG: Stata module to calculate Durbin-Wu-Hausman endogeneity test after ivreg
by Christopher F Baum & Mark E Schaffer & Steven Stillman - S457955 IVREG210: Stata module for extended instrumental variables/2SLS and GMM estimation (v10)
by Christopher F Baum & Mark E Schaffer & Steven Stillman - S430901 LINCOMEST: Stata module to generate linear combinations of estimators saved as estimation results
by Roger Newson - S430401 ADOEDIT: Stata module to edit ado file in Stata's do-file editor
by Dan Blanchette - S430301 CHARLIST: Stata module to list characters present in string variable
by Nicholas J. Cox - S430201 SUNFLOWER: Stata module to generate density distribution sunflower plots
by William D. Dupont & W. Dale Plummer Jr. - S430102 KDBOX: Stata module to generate kernel density plot with boxplot
by Philip B. Ender - S430101 HISTBOX: Stata module to generate histogram with boxplot
by Philip B. Ender - S430002 AUTOLOG: Stata module to generate dialog to create log files
by Ian Watson - S430001 LATAB: Stata module to generate LaTeX output from tabulate
by Ian Watson - S429901 TEXTGPH: Stata module to add strings of text to a graph
by Nick Winter - S429802 CIW: Stata module for binomial confidence intervals for proportions using Wilson scores
by Nicholas J. Cox - S429801 CIJ: Stata module for binomial confidence intervals for proportions using Jeffreys prior
by Nicholas J. Cox - S429701 QROWNAME: Stata module to extract lists of quoted row and column names from a matrix
by Roger Newson - S429601 MINAP: Stata module to calculate minimum average partial correlation for principal components
by Stephen Soldz - S429502 TABCOND: Stata module to tabulate frequencies satisfying specified conditions
by Nicholas J. Cox - S429501 TABCOUNT: Stata module to tabulate frequencies, with zeros explicit
by Nicholas J. Cox - S429301 FASTCD: Stata module to automate changing directories
by Nick Winter - S429201 MRDUM: Stata module to create dummy variables and summary table for multiple response data
by Lee E. Sieswerda - S429101 MATRIXOF: Stata module to produce matrix or vector of results for paired or single variables
by Nicholas J. Cox - S429001 INTEXT: Stata module to read text files into string variables
by Roger Newson - S428901 NEWEY2: Stata module to extend newey (HAC covariance estimation)
by David Roodman - S428801 IVHETTEST: Stata module to perform Pagan-Hall and related heteroskedasticity tests after IV
by Mark E Schaffer - S428701 GAM: Stata module for generalised additive models
by Patrick Royston & Gareth Ambler - S428601 HANSEN2: Stata module for Hansen's test for parameter instability
by Nicholas J. Cox - S428501 LOG2DO2: Stata module to convert log file to do file
by Nick Winter - S428402 EST2TEX: Stata module to create LaTeX tables from estimation results
by Marc-Andreas Muendler - S428401 MATSAVE: Stata module to save and load matrices
by Marc-Andreas Muendler - S428201 GCAUSE: Stata module to perform Granger causality tests
by Patrick Joly - S428101 GLMCORR: Stata module for correlation measure of predictive power for GLMs
by Nicholas J. Cox - M428001 NLECDYN_TOOLKIT: MATLAB modules for analyzing nonlinear economic dynamic models easily
by Harald Uhlig - S427901 ALLPOSSIBLE: Stata module to fit all possible models with subsets of predictors
by Nicholas J. Cox - S427801 QSIM: Stata module to produce variables for clarify routines
by Fred Wolfe - S427503 SURVWGT: Stata module to create and manipulate survey weights
by Nick Winter - S427502 SVR: Stata module to compute estimates with survey replication (SVR) based standard errors
by Nick Winter - S427501 RESHAPE7: Stata module to provide improved reshape
by Bill Rising - S427401 OUTDAT: Stata module to export data to other statistical packages
by Ulrich Kohler - S427301 ADJKSM: Stata module to perform adjusted "ksm" for robust scatterplot smoothing
by Isaias H. Salgado-Ugarte & Makoto Shimizu - S427201 INCCAT: Stata module to concatenate one or more input files to an output file inserting additional input files
by Roger Newson