- S427001 GPHEPSSJ: Stata module to translate Stata graph files to .eps as used for The Stata Journal
by Roger Newson - S426901 TSSPELL: Stata module for identification of spells or runs in time series
by Nicholas J. Cox - S426801 QLOGNORM: Stata module for diagnostic plots for lognormal distribution
by Nicholas J. Cox - S426701 EXPLIST: Stata module to generate an exponentially-spaced list of numbers
by Roger Newson - S426601 STKERHAZ: Stata module to produce baseline hazard estimates via kernel smoother and plots
by Enzo Coviello - S426501 FSUM: Stata module to generate and format summary statistics
by Fred Wolfe - S426401 MVSUMM: Stata module to generate moving-window descriptive statistics in time series or panel
by Nicholas J. Cox & Christopher F Baum - S426305 XTAB: Stata module to tabulate longitudinal data
by Tony Brady - S426304 REFORMAT: Stata module to reformat regression output
by Tony Brady - S426303 LEVELS: Stata module to report distinct levels of integer or string variable
by Nicholas J. Cox - S426302 TKNZ: Stata module to tokenize string into named macros
by David C. Elliott - S426202 CIPOLATE: Stata module for cubic interpolation
by Nicholas J. Cox - S426201 DPPLOT: Stata module for density probability plots
by Nicholas J. Cox - S425802 ISKO: Stata module to recode 4 digit ISCO-88 occupational codes
by John Hendrickx - S425801 ISCO: Stata module to recode 4 digit ISCO-68 occupational codes
by John Hendrickx - S425702 VECECM: Stata module to estimate vector error correction models (ECMs)
by Patrick Joly - S425701 VARLAG: Stata module to determine the appropriate lag length in VARs, ECMs
by Patrick Joly - S425501 HAPIPF: Stata module to perform haplotype analysis
by Adrian Mander - S425401 IVREG2: Stata module for extended instrumental variables/2SLS and GMM estimation
by Christopher F Baum & Mark E Schaffer & Steven Stillman - S425302 TAB2WAY: Stata module to handle two-way tables with percentages
by Philip Ryan - S425301 TAB3WAY: Stata module to handle three-way tables with percentages
by Philip Ryan - S425201 OVERLAY: Stata module to overlay multiple x vs y graphs
by Adrian Mander - S425101 DECOMP: Stata module to compute decompositions of earnings gaps
by Ian Watson - S425001 VARLAB: Stata module to save and load variable labels
by Patrick Joly - S424901 CLTEST: Stata modules for performing cluster-adjusted chi-square and t-tests
by Jeph Herrin - S424801 _GCLSORT: Stata module to sort a single variable via egen
by Philippe Van Kerm - S424701 DATESUM: Stata module to display summary statistics for date variables
by Gary Longton - S424601 AVPLOT3: Stata module to generate partial regression plots for subsamples
by Christopher F Baum - S424501 TABMERGE: Stata module to tabulate report on merge
by Nicholas J. Cox - S424401 SMILEPLOT: Stata module to create plots for use with multiple significance tests
by Roger Newson - S424302 TRIPROBIT: Stata module to estimate trivariate probit model using the GHK simulator
by Antoine Terracol - S424301 MAKETEX: Stata module to generate LaTeX code from a text file
by Antoine Terracol - S424201 DISTINCT: Stata module to display distinct values of variables
by Gary Longton & Nicholas J. Cox - S424001 NBFIT: Stata module for fitting negative binomial distribution by maximum likelihood
by Nicholas J. Cox & Roberto G. Gutierrez - S423901 XTPATTERN: Stata module to generate code showing pattern of xt data
by Nicholas J. Cox - S423802 STYLERULES: Stata module -- suggestions on programming style
by Nicholas J. Cox - S423801 TEXTEDITORS: Stata module -- some notes on text editors for Stata users
by Nicholas J. Cox - S423701 DOMDIAG: Stata module to construct dominance diagrams
by Nicholas J. Cox - S423603 CI2: Stata module to compute confidence intervals for correlations
by Paul Seed - S423602 XSAMPSI: Stata module to calculate sample size for cross-over trials with continuous measures
by Jan Brogger - S423601 JONTER: Stata module to perform Jonckheere-Terpstra test
by Joseph Coveney - R210403 COMPLEXROOTS: RATS procedure for calculating roots of a polynomial
by Tom Doan - G00004 Fast Implementation Of The Kernel Density Code
by Yuriy Tchamourliyski
- S435601 ESTSAVE: Stata module to save estimation results with current dataset
by Michael Blasnik - S423401 DIAGT: Stata module to report summary statistics for diagnostic tests compared to true disease status
by Paul Seed - S423302 RASCHCVT: Stata module to produce data in WINSTEPS format
by Fred Wolfe - S423201 LISTTEX: Stata module to list variables as rows of a TeX, HTML or word processor table
by Roger Newson - S423101 MCL: Stata module to estimate multinomial conditional logit models
by John Hendrickx - S423001 XPREDICT: Stata module to extend predict command
by Patrick Royston - S422901 DFAO: Stata module to perform Dickey-Fuller unit root test in the presence of additive outliers
by Richard Sperling - S422801 LOG2HTML: Stata module to produce HTML log files
by Christopher F Baum & Nicholas J. Cox & Bill Rising - S422701 CORR_SVY: Stata module to compute correlation tables for survey data
by Nick Winter - S422501 DENTON: Stata module to interpolate a flow or stock series from low-frequency totals via proportional Denton method
by Christopher F Baum & Sylvia Hristakeva - S422401 POWERCAL: Stata module to perform general power and sample size calculations
by Roger Newson - S422301 SQR: Stata module to make graphs square, or any other shape
by Nicholas J. Cox - S422203 INTREG2: Stata module to perform interval regression with multiplicative heteroskedasticity
by Weihua Guan - S422202 LABSORT: Stata module to recode a grouping variable according to a group statistic and reorder its value labels
by Ross Odell - S421002 BKING: Stata module to implement Baxter-King filter for timeseries data
by Christopher F Baum & Martha Lopez - S421001 BPASS: Stata module to compute band pass filter for time series data
by Eduard Pelz - S420901 _GSOUNDEX: Stata module to implement soundex algorithm
by Michael Blasnik - S420801 GPREFSCODE: Stata module to report on graphics preferences
by Jan Brogger - S420702 PARAN: Stata module to compute Horn's test of principal components/factors
by Alexis Dinno - S420701 DTHAZ: Stata module to compute discrete-time hazard and survival probability estimates
by Alexis Dinno - S420601 DS3: Stata module to describe variables in memory
by Nicholas J. Cox - S420501 STATSMAT: Stata module to place descriptive statistics in matrix
by Nicholas J. Cox & Christopher F Baum - S420401 IDONEPSU: Stata module for dealing with strata that have singleton PSUs
by Joshua H. Sarver - S420301 CHIPLOT: Stata module to produce graphical assessment plot for dependence
by Thomas Steichen - S420202 DSEARCH: Stata module to find variables with given variable label
by Ulrich Kohler - S420102 SUTEX: Stata module to LaTeX code for summary statistics tables
by Antoine Terracol - S420101 OUTTEX: Stata module to LaTeX code for result tables after any estimation command
by Antoine Terracol - S420001 DOTEX: Stata module to generate TeX log from do-file
by Roger Newson - S419901 GENEIGEN: Stata module to calculate eigenvalues of a real general matrix
by Christopher F Baum - S419801 GPRESET: Stata module to reset preferences for a custom graphics scheme to their original values
by Roger Newson - S419704 IPSHIN: Stata module to perform Im-Pesaran-Shin panel unit root test
by Fabian Bornhorst & Christopher F Baum - S419703 NHARVEY: Stata module to perform Nyblom-Harvey panel test of common stochastic trends
by Christopher F Baum & Fabian Bornhorst - S419702 LEVINLIN: Stata module to perform Levin-Lin-Chu panel unit root test
by Fabian Bornhorst & Christopher F Baum - S419701 HADRILM: Stata module to perform Hadri panel unit root test
by Christopher F Baum - S419603 FACTREF: Stata module to insert new observations with reference values for factors
by Roger Newson - S419602 FACTMERG: Stata module to merge a list of factors to create string variables
by Roger Newson - S419601 FACTEXT: Stata module to extract factor values from a label variable created by parmest
by Roger Newson - S419501 OUTTABLE: Stata module to write matrix to LaTeX table
by Christopher F Baum & Joao Pedro Azevedo - S419401 JOHANS: Stata module to perform Johansen-Juselius ML estimates of cointegration
by Patrick Joly & Ken Heinecke & Charles Morris - S419301 BLIST: Stata module to list values of variables in as small a space as possible
by Adrian Mander - S419201 METANINF: Stata module to evaluate influence of a single study in meta-analysis estimation
by Thomas Steichen - S419101 FBAR: Stata module to produce bar charts showing frequencies of categorical variables
by Nicholas J. Cox - S419001 SOREG: Stata module to implement the stereotype ordinal regression model
by Mark Lunt - S418901 TSGRAPH: Stata module to produce time series line graph
by Nicholas J. Cox & Christopher F Baum - S418804 _GWTMEAN: Stata module containing extensions to generate to implement weighted mean
by David Kantor - S418803 TODATE: Stata module to generate Stata date variables from run-together date variables
by Nicholas J. Cox - S418802 AFORMAT: Stata module to condense the display format of a variable
by Jens M. Lauritsen & John Luke Gallup - S418701 MADFULLER: Stata module to perform Dickey-Fuller test on panel data
by Christopher F Baum - S418605 STPM: Stata module to fit flexible parametric models for survival-time data
by Patrick Royston - S418604 EFFECTS: Stata module to provide a graphical interface for estimation commands
by Michael Hills - S418603 XTGRAPH: Stata module to produce graphs of cross-sectional time series (xt) data
by Paul Seed - S418601 SPSURV: Stata module to fit split population survival ('cure') model
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S418501 STBGET: Stata module to get packages from Stata Technical Bulletin
by Nicholas J. Cox - S418401 SAVESOME: Stata module to save subset of data
by Nicholas J. Cox - S418302 MSTORE: Stata module to Store and Retrieve Matrices with Dataset
by Michael Blasnik - S418301 SVYTABS: Stata module to Create Tables for export Combining Multiple Survey Tabulations
by Michael Blasnik - S418201 OUTMAT: Stata module to save a matrix
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S418101 DESCSAVE: Stata module to export data set and machine-readable codebook
by Roger Newson - S418001 HLPDIR: Stata module to find location(s) of help file
by Nicholas J. Cox - S417901 CF3: Stata module to compare two datasets
by Thomas Steichen - S417801 RGROUP: Stata module for Random Group Variance Estimation
by Ulrich Kohler - S417701 SENCODE: Stata module to encode a string variable non-alphanumerically into a numeric variable
by Roger Newson - S417601 SUMMDATE: Stata module for summarizing date variable
by Nicholas J. Cox - S417501 OMNINORM: Stata module to calculate omnibus test for univariate/multivariate normality
by Christopher F Baum & Nicholas J. Cox - S417401 GLCURVE7: Stata module to derive generalised Lorenz curve ordinates with unit record data (version 7)
by Philippe Van Kerm & Stephen P. Jenkins - S417302 OUTSERIES: Stata module to write timeseries to text files
by Christopher F Baum - S417301 TOSQL: Stata module to transfer data to SQL database
by Christopher F Baum - S417201 DSCONCAT: Stata module to concatenate a list of Stata data files into memory
by Roger Newson - S417101 CATGRAPH: Stata module to plotting means of a variable by category
by Nick Winter - S417006 RUSS_STATA: Stata tutorial in Russian
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S417005 TAKELOGS: Stata module to calculate logs of the data
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S417004 GFIELDS: Stata module to calculate decomposition of inequality by source
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S417003 THINPLATE: Stata module to calculate thin plate splines
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S417002 STRDATE: Stata module to replace string date variables with numeric date variables with the same names
by Roger Newson - S417001 XDATELIST: Stata module to create ascending numeric lists of dates
by Roger Newson - S416902 VECAR6: Stata module to estimate vector autoregressive (VAR) models (version 6)
by Christopher F Baum & Patrick Joly - S416901 VECAR: Stata module to estimate vector autoregressive (VAR) models
by Christopher F Baum - S416801 MKTAB: Stata module to print table of estimates in delimited or screen-presentation format
by Nick Winter - S416701 CPCORR: Stata module for correlations for each row vs each column variable
by Nicholas J. Cox - S416606 REGDPLOT: Stata module to produce regression diagnostics plot
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S416605 DENORMIX: Stata module to perform decomposition of normal mixture
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S416604 CHI2FIT: Stata module to perform Chi-squared goodness-of-fit test
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S416603 BSTUT: Stata module providing tutorial on bootstrapping
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S416602 ABOUTREG: Stata module providing tutorial on regression diagnostics
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S416601 _GSTD01: Stata modules to standardize a variable
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S416502 HEGY4: Stata module to compute Hylleberg et al seasonal unit root test
by Christopher F Baum & Richard Sperling - S416501 TABLEPC: Stata module for percent calculation prior to table
by Nicholas J. Cox - S416401 INEQUAL7: Stata module to compute measures of inequality
by Philippe Van Kerm - S416301 XTTRANS2: Stata module to compute tables of transition probabilities
by Nicholas J. Cox - S416101 GRNOTE: Stata module to add text and lines to graphs
by Michael Blasnik - S416001 WNTSTMVQ: Stata module to compute multivariate Ljung-Box Q test
by Richard Sperling & Christopher F Baum - S415901 STRGEN: Stata module to generate string variables without knowing string type
by Nicholas J. Cox - R210402 MULTIPC2D: RATS module for cointegration tests in heterogenous panels with multiple regressors
by Peter Pedroni - R210401 GROUPFM: RATS module for multivariate group mean panel FM-OLS tests
by Peter Pedroni
- S4010201 ICOMP: Stata module to calculate model selection information criteria
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S3410701 SMHSIAO: Stata module to conduct Small-Hsiao test for IIA in multinomial logit
by Nick Winter - S424101 SPLIT: Stata modules for splitting string variables into parts
by Nicholas J. Cox - S423301 TORUMM: Stata module to produce data in RUMM format
by Fred Wolfe - S415902 EPIDATA: Data entry system for use with Stata, SPSS, SAS, Excel, text formats
by Jens M. Lauritsen & Michael Bruus - S415801 IVPROB-IVTOBIT6: Stata modules to estimate instrumental variables probit and tobit
by Joseph Harkness - S415702 XTTEST2: Stata module to perform Breusch-Pagan LM test for cross-sectional correlation in panel data model
by Christopher F Baum - S415701 TRINARY: Stata module containing extensions to generate to implement three-way logic
by David Kantor - S415604 SSKAPP: Stata module to compute sample size for the kappa-statistic measure of interrater agreement
by Jan Brogger - S415603 _GRPROD: Stata module to extend generate to produce row products
by Philip Ryan - S415602 STAK: Stata module to do simple reshapes or stacks
by Thomas Steichen - S415601 SWBOOT: Stata module to bootstrap stepwise linear or logistic regression models
by Joanne M. Garrett - S415503 ADDTXT: Stata module to add text to graphs
by Gary Longton - S415502 DASHGPH: Stata module to construct dashed lines in scatterplots
by Nick Winter - S415301 EPSIGR: Stata module to save graph in EPSF format in UNIX environment
by Henrik Stovring - S415201 EXPGEN: Stata module to duplicate observations sorted in original order with generated variables
by Roger Newson - S415101 ROWSORT: Stata module to row sort a set of integer variables
by Nicholas J. Cox - S415001 CIFORM: Stata module to format confidence interval for tables in documents
by Roger Newson - S414902 FSREG: Stata module for forward search regression
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S414901 ATKPLOT: Stata module to generate Atkinson residual normality plots
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S414801 XTTEST3: Stata module to compute Modified Wald statistic for groupwise heteroskedasticity
by Christopher F Baum - S414701 STCMD: Stata module to execute StatTransfer command from within Stata
by Roger Newson - S414601 MLCOINT: Stata module to compute Johansen cointegration tests
by Ken Heinecke - S414401 CPR: Stata module producing results for all possible combinations of arguments
by Nicholas J. Cox - S414301 ORDPLOT: Stata module for cumulative distribution plot of ordinal variable
by Nicholas J. Cox - S414201 TGRAPH: Stata module to plot graph with transformed axes
by Patrick Royston - S414102 ROWRANKS: Stata module to create row ranks of a set of variables
by Nicholas J. Cox - S414004 FRACIRF: Stata module to compute impulse response function for fractionally-integrated timeseries
by Christopher F Baum - S414003 CALIBR: Stata module for inverse regression and calibration
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S414002 GENVARS: Stata module to generate covariate patterns
by Jan Brogger - S413901 FRACDIFF: Stata module to generate fractionally-differenced timeseries
by Christopher F Baum - S413801 SHOWNEAR: Stata module to show nearby values of numeric variable
by Nicholas J. Cox - S413701 CSJL: Stata module to extend cs command for exposures with more than two categories
by Jens M. Lauritsen & Thomas Steichen - S413602 LINCOM2: Stata module to compute multiple linear combinations
by Jan Brogger - S413601 SVMATF: Stata module to save a matrix to a file
by Jan Brogger - S413501 MATMAP: Stata module to perform elementwise calculations for matrices
by Nicholas J. Cox - S413401 RANVAR: Stata module to compute the random group variance estimator of the mean for survey data
by Frauke Kreuter - S413301 _GRMEDF: Stata module to compute row medians with egen
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S413201 PREDCALC: Stata module to calculate out-of-sample predictions for regression, logistic
by Joanne M. Garrett - S413101 NORMTEST: Stata module to perform tests of univariate kurtosis and skewness
by Herve M. Caci - S413001 FITMACRO: Stata module to evaluate fit of loglinear GLM Poisson models
by John Hendrickx - S412901 FINDDUP: Stata module to find non-unique values or observations
by Fred Wolfe - S412801 EXPANDBY: Stata module to duplicate observations by variable
by Nicholas J. Cox - S412701 CTABSTAT: Stata module to display table of summary statistics
by Nicholas J. Cox - S412601 LOMODRS: Stata module to perform Lo R/S test for long range dependence in timeseries
by Christopher F Baum & Tairi Room - S412501 DASHLN: Stata module to add dashed lines to graphs
by Michael Blasnik - S412405 TITLE: Stata module to create a title for logfiles
by Jan Brogger - S412404 SPACES: Stata module to parse a file for delimiters
by Jan Brogger - S412403 READLOG: Stata module to read and process a file
by Jan Brogger - S412402 PRINTGPH: Stata module to execute command for each matching file
by Jan Brogger - S412401 FORFILE: Stata module to execute command for each matching file
by Jan Brogger - S412306 LRUTIL: Stata modules providing utilities for logistic regression
by Jan Brogger - S412305 LRPLOT: Stata module to plot coefficients from a logistic regression
by Jan Brogger - S412304 LRMATX: Stata module to make logistic regression estimates available
by Jan Brogger - S412303 LRCHG: Stata module to calculate change in coefficients between logistic models
by Jan Brogger - S412302 GRLOGIT: Stata module to plot logit of a variable by categories of another variable
by Jan Brogger - S412301 GRFREQ: Stata module to plot proportion of one variable by categories of another
by Jan Brogger - S412201 BCOEFF: Stata module to save regression coefficients to new variable
by Zhiqiang Wang & Nicholas J. Cox - S412101 TSCOLLAP: Stata module to compact timeseries into dataset of means, sums, end-of-period values
by Christopher F Baum - S412003 DOLOGX: Stata modules to execute commands from a file with logging
by Roger Newson - S412002 DOLOG: Stata modules to execute commands from a file with logging
by Roger Newson