- S412001 HIST3: Stata module to draws histograms for intervals of different size
by Ulrich Kohler & Steffen Kuehnel - S411902 NCF: Stata modules related to the noncentral F distribution
by Thomas Steichen - S411901 NCT: Stata modules related to the noncentral t distribution
by Thomas Steichen - S411802 STSELPRE: Stata module to fit proportional hazards model to case-cohort data
by Enzo Coviello - S411801 STCASCOH: Stata module to create dataset suitable for case-cohort analysis
by Enzo Coviello - S411701 BSPLINE: Stata modules to compute B-splines parameterized by their values at reference points
by Roger Newson - S411601 HIMATRIX: Stata module to highlight selected elements of scatterplot
by Ulrich Kohler - S411501 RND: Stata modules for random number generation
by Joseph Hilbe - S411401 SHAPLEY: Stata module to perform additive decomposition of sample statistic
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S411301 COPYDESC: Stata module to copy description of variable
by Nicholas J. Cox - S411201 SHOWGPH: Stata module to to show graphs previously saved
by Jan Brogger & Nicholas J. Cox - S411101 RECODE2: Stata module to provide extended recode capabilities
by John Hendrickx - S411002 MODLPR: Stata module to estimate long memory in a timeseries
by Christopher F Baum & Vince Wiggins - S411001 ROBLPR: Stata module to estimate long memory in a set of timeseries
by Christopher F Baum & Vince Wiggins - S410801 MATVSORT: Stata module for sorting vectors or rows or columns of matrices
by Nicholas J. Cox - S410601 IVGMM0: Stata module to perform instrumental variables via GMM
by Christopher F Baum & David M. Drukker - S410501 METATRIM: Stata module to perform nonparametric analysis of publication bias
by Thomas Steichen - S410401 KPSS: Stata module to compute Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin test for stationarity
by Christopher F Baum - S410301 ENLARGE: Stata module to propagate constant values through group
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S410101 CHARUTIL: Stata module of utilities for working with characteristics
by Nicholas J. Cox - S410001 DFGLS: Stata module to compute Dickey-Fuller/GLS unit root test
by Christopher F Baum & Richard Sperling - S409902 CENTCALC: Stata module to calculate distribution-based centiles
by Patrick Royston & Eileen Wright - S409901 XRIGLS: Stata module to calculate reference intervals via generalised least squares
by Patrick Royston & Eileen Wright - S408801 FINDVAL: Stata module to find a specific value
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S408701 GHISTCUM: Stata module to graph histogram and cumulative distribution
by Christopher F Baum & Nicholas J. Cox - S408601 CUSUM6: Stata module to compute cusum, cusum^2 stability tests
by Christopher F Baum - S407302 CORTESTI: Stata module to test equality of two correlation coefficients
by Herve M. Caci - S407301 DOUBMASS: Stata module to draw double mass plot
by Nicholas J. Cox - S407201 FITSTAT: Stata module to compute fit statistics for single equation regression models
by J. Scott Long & Jeremy Freese - S405001 COLDIAG: Stata module to perform BWK regression collinearity diagnostics
by Joseph Harkness - S404901 METABIAS: Stata module to test for small-study effects in meta-analysis
by Robert M Harbord & Ross J Harris & Jonathan AC Sterne & Thomas Steichen - S404801 TABLECOL: Stata module to add column percentages to table command
by Nick Winter - S404701 AVPLOT2: Stata modules for added variable plots
by Nicholas J. Cox - S404501 CONCORD: Stata module for concordance correlation
by Nicholas J. Cox & Thomas Steichen - S402501 LABUTIL: Stata modules for managing value and variable labels
by Nicholas J. Cox - S386401 EGENMORE: Stata modules to extend the generate function
by Nicholas J. Cox - R141102 LQD: RATS module for regression via least quartile difference estimator
by Eric Blankmeyer - R141101 REMEDIAN: RATS module to compute the median for large datasets
by Eric Blankmeyer - R031702 GED: RATS module to draw from Generalized Error Distribution
by Tom Doan - R031701 RESDIAG: RATS module to perform residual diagnostics
by Robert Amano & Jeff Gable & Simon van Norden - R0A0902 REDI: RATS module to estimate a robust regression
by Eric Blankmeyer - R0A0901 MINIMAX: RATS module to estimate a minimax regression
by Eric Blankmeyer
- T961403 QSTAT2: MATLAB function to compute Ljung-Box Q statistic
by Christopher F. Baum - T961402 ARCH: MATLAB function to compute ARCH test
by Christopher F. Baum - R952301 HEGY: RATS module to generate Beaulieu & Miron seasonal unit root tests
by Jean-Philip Bellotteau - R951101 CANCOR: RATS module to generate canonical correlations
by Eric Blankmeyer - X942601 ANNEAL: Ox module to perform simulated annealing
by Michael Creel - R942001 RQ: RATS module to generate regression quantile
by Eric Blankmeyer - R940502 ARFSIM: RATS module to simulate ARFIMA(0,d,0) fractionally integrated series
by Rob Schoen - R940501 MULTNORM: RATS module to generate a sample from a multivariate normal population
by Eric Blankmeyer - R932501 ROBSCALE: RATS module to compute robust alternative to standard deviation
by Eric Blankmeyer - R931601 MCD: RATS module to compute robust mean vector and covariance matrix
by Eric Blankmeyer - S420201 MMERGE: Stata module: Safer and easier to use variant of merge
by Jeroen Weesie - S402601 PREDXCAT: Stata module to calculate predicted means, medians, or proportions for nominal X's
by Joanne M. Garrett - S402601 PREDXCON: Stata module to calculate predicted means, medians, or proportions for a continuous X variable
by Joanne M. Garrett - S401701 GLLAMM: Stata program to fit generalised linear latent and mixed models
by Sophia Rabe-Hesketh - S401103 DMEXOGXT: Stata module to test consistency of OLS vs XT-IV estimates
by Christopher F Baum & Steven Stillman - S401102 PROBEXOG-TOBEXOG: Stata modules to test exogeneity in probit/tobit
by Christopher F Baum - S400902 LRSEQ: Stata module to calculate sequential likelihood-ratio test after model estimation
by Zhiqiang Wang - S400901 LRDROP1: Stata module to calculate likelihood-ratio test after dropping one term
by Zhiqiang Wang - S400602 STO: Stata module to toggle trace switch
by Nicholas J. Cox - S400601 STORECMD: Stata modules to store and repeat commands using characteristics
by Nicholas J. Cox - S400501 GENTRUN: Stata module to generate truncated normal variate
by Hung-Jen Wang - S400103 SVVARLBL: Stata module to save variable labels to a file
by Desmond E. Williams - S400102 FNDMTCH: Stata module to find matching values
by Nicholas J. Cox & Desmond E. Williams - S400101 ADOTYPE: Stata module to type ado file
by Nicholas J. Cox - S396902 OVERID: Stata module to conduct postestimation tests of overidentification
by Christopher F Baum & Vince Wiggins & Steven Stillman & Mark E Schaffer & Frank Windmeijer - S396901 SWAPVAL: Stata module for swapping values of two variables
by Nicholas J. Cox - S396901 STPIECE: Stata module to estimate piecewise-constant hazard rate models
by Jesper B. Sorensen - S396302 STCOXPLT: Stata module to plot predicted survival curves from Cox model
by Joanne M. Garrett - S396201 _GRPOS: Stata module to identify observations with at least n positive values
by Fred Wolfe - S393001 FLOWER: Stata module to draw sunflower plots
by Nicholas J. Cox & Thomas Steichen - S392902 WORKDAYS: Stata module to compute elapsed workdays
by Bill Rising - S392801 CFLPOIS: Stata module to calculate confidence limits for rates based on Poisson outcome
by Jens M. Lauritsen - S392602 BYVAR: Stata module to repeat a command by variable
by Patrick Royston - S392601 STQUANT: Stata module to estimate quantiles for survival time
by Enzo Coviello - S391801 KDMANY: Stata module to perform kernel density estimation for several variables
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S391601 MDENSITY: Stata module for univariate kernel density estimation, for variables or groups
by Nicholas J. Cox - S391301 LISTUTIL: Stata modules to manipulate lists of words
by Nicholas J. Cox - S390602 BPAGAN: Stata module to perform Breusch-Pagan test for heteroskedasticity
by Christopher F Baum & Vince Wiggins - S390601 WHITETST: Stata module to perform White's test for heteroskedasticity
by Christopher F Baum & Nicholas J. Cox - S390502 LFSUM: Stata modules to describe variables located by name fragments
by Fred Wolfe - S389602 TOLOWER: Stata module to rename variables with lower case names
by Nicholas J. Cox - S389501 FELDTI: Stata module to compare two independent coefficients of reliability
by Herve M. Caci - S388902 DOUB2FLT: Stata module to change storage type of real variable
by Fred Wolfe - S388901 RECAST2: Stata module to change storage type of variable
by Fred Wolfe - S388202 CNSRSIG: Stata module to evaluate validity of restrictions on a regression
by Christopher F Baum & Vince Wiggins - S388201 SKEWPLOT: Stata module to draw skewness plots
by Nicholas J. Cox - S388102 RENAMES: Stata module to rename variables
by Nicholas J. Cox - S388101 GPHUDAK: Stata module to estimate long memory in a timeseries
by Christopher F Baum & Vince Wiggins - S388001 ARCHLM: Stata module to calculate LM test for ARCH effects
by Christopher F Baum & Vince Wiggins - S387901 MNTHPLOT: Stata module for scatter plot for monthly data with repetition of data
by Nicholas J. Cox - S387302 BGTEST: Stata module to calculate Breusch-Godfrey test for serial correlation
by Christopher F Baum & Vince Wiggins - S387301 DURBINH: Stata module to calculate Durbin's h test for serial correlation
by Christopher F Baum & Vince Wiggins - S386701 TSMKTIM: Stata module to generate time-series calendar variable
by Christopher F Baum & Vince Wiggins - S386602 MOREOBS: Stata module to add observations to dataset
by Nicholas J. Cox - S386601 ARIMAFIT: Stata module to calculate AIC, SIC for ARIMA model
by Christopher F Baum - S386402 DESMAT: Stata module to generate interactions and contrasts
by John Hendrickx - S384801 MFILEGR: Stata module to view and save multiple graphs with filenames based on a numeric identifier
by Philip Ryan - S382802 STRPARSE: Stata module to parse string variables
by Michael Blasnik & Nicholas J. Cox - S382501 _GPROD: Stata module to extend egen for product of observations
by Philip Ryan - S381401 GBY: Stata module to subset graphs and calculate in the same output
by Zhiqiang Wang - S380301 JB6: Stata modules to perform Jarque-Bera test for normality
by J. Sky David & Gregorio Impavido - S380202 FAR5: Stata module to compute floating absolute risk for Cox and conditional logit regression
by Abdel G. Babiker - S379201 KWALLIS2: Stata module to perform Kruskal-Wallis Test for equality of populations
by Herve M. Caci - S378901 IVGLOG: Stata module to estimate inverse Gaussian distribution-log link MLE model
by Joseph Hilbe - S378802 XTILE2: Stata module to create a new variable that categorizes exp by its quantiles
by Zhiqiang Wang - S378801 CF2: Stata module to compare two datasets
by Thomas Steichen - S377702 PARTGAM: Stata module to calculate partial gamma coefficient
by Jens M. Lauritsen & Svend Kreiner - S377701 PWPLOTI: Stata module to plot power curve for sample size and power calculation
by Zhiqiang Wang - S377601 SF36: Stata module to calculate summary statistics for the SF-36 Health Survey Instrument
by Philip Ryan - S377502 CIVPLOT: Stata module to plot confidence intervals vertically
by Nicholas J. Cox - S377501 CIHPLOT: Stata module to show horizontally labelled plots showing confidence intervals
by Nicholas J. Cox - S377403 TABHPLOT: Stata module to show table of frequencies as horizontal plot
by Nicholas J. Cox - S377401 HBOX: Stata module to draw horizontal box plots
by Nicholas J. Cox - S376902 TABHBAR: Stata module to show table of frequencies as horizontal bar chart
by Nicholas J. Cox - S376801 LTABLE2: Stata module to generate life tables for rare events
by Mario Cleves - S376501 PYRAMID: Stata tutorial for population pyramids
by Jens M. Lauritsen - S376401 PWCORRS: Stata module for enhanced correlation matrix
by Fred Wolfe - S375601 ONEWPLOT: Stata module for oneway plots
by Nicholas J. Cox - S375401 SPAUTOC: Stata modules to calculate spatial autocorrelation (Moran and Geary measures)
by Nicholas J. Cox - S375301 RFREGK: Stata module to estimate random-effects model with weights
by Kevin McKinney - S375201 OUTREG: Stata module to write estimation tables to a Word or TeX file
by John Luke Gallup - S375001 SEG: Stata module to compute multiple-group diversity and segregation indices
by Sean F. Reardon & Joseph B. Townsend - S374202 OUTFIX: Stata module to produce fixed format output (version 5)
by Gero Lipsmeier - S374201 OUTFIX2: Stata module to output formatted data
by Nicholas J. Cox - S373301 INEQUAL2: Stata module to compute measures of inequality
by Philippe Van Kerm - S372901 GINIDESC: Stata module to compute Gini index with within- and between-group inequality decomposition
by Roger Aliaga & Silvia Montoya - S372701 KERNREG1: Stata module to compute kernel regression (Nadaraya-Watson estimator)
by Xavi Ramos & Isaias H. Salgado-Ugarte & Makoto Shimizu & Toru Taniuchi - S372601 KERNREG2: Stata module to compute kernel regression (Nadaraya-Watson estimator)
by Nicholas J. Cox & Isaias H. Salgado-Ugarte & Makoto Shimizu & Toru Taniuchi - S372502 SPHDIST: Stata module to compute spherical distances
by Bill Rising - S372501 _GSLOPE: Stata module to compute simple regression slope
by Jeroen Weesie - S371402 TOBITIV: Stata module to perform instrumental variables tobit
by Jonah B. Gelbach - S371401 PROBITIV: Stata module to perform instrumental variables probit
by Jonah B. Gelbach - S371201 CISTAT: Stata module to produce confidence intervals in matrix form
by Nicholas J. Cox - S370601 TABPLOT: Stata module to show table of frequencies as table of bars
by Nicholas J. Cox - S370402 DS5: Stata module to describe variables in memory
by Nicholas J. Cox - S370401 DS2: Stata v6 module to describe variables in memory
by Nicholas J. Cox - S370102 TRANSINT: Stata help files for transformations
by Nicholas J. Cox - S370001 TABA: Stata module for tabulation of frequencies
by Nicholas J. Cox - S369902 KEYPLOT: Stata module to generate scatter plot with keys in user-chosen positions
by Nicholas J. Cox - S369102 SBPLOT: Stata module to generate scatter plot with one y variable shown by vertical bars
by Nicholas J. Cox - S369101 SBPLOT5: Stata module to generate scatter plot with one y variable shown by vertical bars
by Nicholas J. Cox - S368901 TAB_CHI: Stata modules for tabulation of multiple variables in Stata 8.2 or better
by Nicholas J. Cox - S366901 HOTDECK: Stata module to impute missing values using the hotdeck method
by Adrian Mander & David Clayton - S366801 MATODD: Stata modules to produce various matrix tasks
by Nicholas J. Cox - S366801 UNIVSTAT: Stata module to produce summary statistics in matrix form
by Nicholas J. Cox - S366301 MKBILOGN: Stata module to create bivariate lognormal variables
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S366201 CPYXPLOT: Stata module to produce scatter plots for each y vs each x variable
by Nicholas J. Cox - S366102 SMFIT: Stata module to fit a Singh-Maddala distribution by maximum likelihood
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S366101 DAGUMFIT: Stata module to fit a Dagum distribution by maximum likelihood
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S366007 INEQDEC0: Stata module to calculate inequality indices with decomposition by subgroup
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S366006 XFRAC: Stata module to produce tabulation using categories defined by fractions of a cut-off value
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S366005 SUMDIST: Stata module to calculate summary statistics for income distributions
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S366004 POVDECO: Stata module to calculate poverty indices with decomposition by subgroup
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S366003 INEQFAC: Stata module to calculate inequality decomposition by factor components
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S366002 INEQDECO: Stata module to calculate inequality indices with decomposition by subgroup
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S366001 GEIVARS: Stata module to calculate Generalized Entropy inequality indices
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S365901 DISSIM: Stata module to calculate dissimilarity index
by Nicholas J. Cox - S365801 INEQ: Stata module to calculate measures of inequality
by Nicholas J. Cox - S365703 POVERTY: Stata module to calculate poverty measures
by Philippe Van Kerm - S365702 STUDYSI: Stata module to calculates sample size and power for comparative studies
by Abdel G. Babiker - S365701 SSIZEBI: Stata module to calculate sample size and power for the comparison of two or more proportions
by Abdel G. Babiker - S365602 TSPLOT: Stata module to produce a time series plot
by Aurelio Tobias - S365601 DIAGTEST: Stata module to report summary statistics for diagnostic test
by Aurelio Tobias - S365501 VARCASE: Stata module to toggle the case of variable names
by John R. Gleason - X031701 SLOG: Ox module to unconditionally calculate log(x)
by Michael Creel - R002101 FACTOR: RATS module to factor lag polynomial
by Norman Morin - uclachist CHIST: Stata Program to make frequency tables with class intervals
by Philip B. Ender - uclacontrast CONTRAST: Stata Program to compute contrasts in anova
by Philip B. Ender - uclaldev LDEV: Stata Program to Compute Deviance after logistic
by Philip B. Ender - uclanonadd NONADD: Stata Program to perform Tukey test for non-additivity
by Philip B. Ender - uclapprob PPROB: Stata Program to compute poisson probabilities
by Philip B. Ender - uclasme SME: Stata Program to compute tests of simple main effects
by Philip B. Ender
- X981001 ScoreContributions: Ox function to enable differentiation of vector-valued functions
by Michael Creel - R980223 GPH_SEAS: RATS module to perform fractional integration of seasonally adjusted timeseries
by Christopher F Baum - T961401 ECONOMETRICS: MATLAB toolbox of econometrics functions
by James P. LeSage - T891501 BDSSIG: MATLAB module to calculate Brock, Dechert & Scheinkman test significance
by Ludwig Kanzler - T871806 UNITROOT: MATLAB module to calculate (Augmented) Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perron tests
by Ludwig Kanzler - T871805 PHILLIPS: MATLAB module to calculate Phillips-Perron test of the unit-root hypothesis
by Ludwig Kanzler - T871804 DFCRIT: MATLAB module to calculate Critical Dickey-Fuller values and level of significance
by Ludwig Kanzler - T871803 BDS: MATLAB module to calculate Brock, Dechert & Scheinkman test for independence
by Ludwig Kanzler - T871802 ARCHTEST: MATLAB module to calculate test for autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity
by Ludwig Kanzler - T871801 ADFREG: MATLAB module to calculate augmented Dickey-Fuller regression
by Ludwig Kanzler - T850805 GPH: MATLAB module to calculate Geweke-Porter-Hudak long memory statistic
by Ludwig Kanzler - T850804 VARRATIO: MATLAB module to calculate heteroskedasticity-consistent variance ratio
by Ludwig Kanzler - T850803 QSTAT: MATLAB module to calculate Ljung-Box q statistic
by Ludwig Kanzler - T850802 DWATSON: MATLAB module to calculate Durbin-Watson statistic and significance
by Ludwig Kanzler - T850801 DURBINH: MATLAB module to calculate Durbin's h statistic
by Ludwig Kanzler - S364201 TRYEM: Stata module to run all possible subset regressions
by Al Feiveson - S362601 TOMODE: Stata module to change values of a variable to mode(s)
by Nicholas J. Cox & Fred Wolfe - S362501 CIRCSTAT: Stata modules to calculate circular statistics
by Nicholas J. Cox - S362401 IRREPRO: Stata module to produce a simulation of irreproducible results
by Nicholas J. Cox - S362302 MUXPLOT: Stata module to produce scatter plots with y versus multiple x variables
by Nicholas J. Cox - S362301 MUXYPLOT: Stata module to produce scatter plots with multiple x and y variables
by Nicholas J. Cox - S361503 CHAOS: Stata module to iterate a logistic difference equation
by Nicholas J. Cox - S361502 VENNDIAG: Stata module to generate Venn diagrams
by Jens M. Lauritsen - S361501 TORATS: Stata module to facilitate transfer of data to RATS
by Christopher F Baum & Nicholas J. Cox