- S456722 DIFWITHPAR: Stata module for detection of and adjustment for differential item functioning (DIF)
by Laura Gibbons - S456721 DIFD: Stata module to evaluate test items for differential item functioning (DIF)
by Laura Gibbons - S456720 PAIRDATA: Stata module to create paired datasets from individual-per-row data
by Richard J Williamson - S456719 CHARLSON: Stata module to calculate Charlson index of comorbidity
by Vicki Stagg - S456718 SHP2DTA: Stata module to converts shape boundary files to Stata datasets
by Kevin Crow - S456717 CONTOUR: Stata module to draw contour plots
by Adrian Mander - S456716 GSAMPLE: Stata module to draw a random sample
by Ben Jann - S456715 TABEXPORT: Stata module to export tables of summary statistics to text files
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456714 QCOUNT: Stata program to fit quantile regression models for count data
by Alfonso Miranda - S456713 MATPWCORR: Stata module to takes the output from pwcorr and creates the corresponding matrices
by Adrian Mander - S456712 MMODES: Stata module to calculate the mode for a numeric varlist
by Adrian Mander - S456711 EGEN_INEQUAL: Stata module providing extensions to generate inequality and poverty measures
by Michael Lokshin & Zurab Sajaia - S456710 MOVESTAY: Stata module for maximum likelihood estimation of endogenous regression switching models
by Michael Lokshin & Zurab Sajaia - S456709 DIGITS: Stata module to examine digit preferences in numeric variables
by Richard J. Atkins - S456708 DISTRATE: Stata module to compute direct standardized rates with improved confidence interval
by Enzo Coviello - S456707 FREDUSE: Stata module to Import FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Database) data
by John Coglianese & Jacob Williams - S456706 TEXTBARPLOT: Stata module to produce horizontal text and bar plot
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456705 VALUESOF: Stata module to return the contents of a variable in a macro
by Ben Jann - S456704 VIEWRESULTS: Stata module to display results of a command in the Viewer
by Ben Jann - S456703 MAHAPICK: Stata module to select matching observations based on a Mahalanobis distance measure
by David Kantor - S456702 DLIST: Stata module to list with variable labels
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456701 MVSKTEST: Stata module to test for multivariate skewness and kurtosis
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S456604 REGOPROB: Stata module to estimate random effects generalized ordered probit models
by Stefan Boes - S456603 GOPROBIT: Stata module to estimate generalized ordered probit models
by Stefan Boes - S456602 SVYLORENZ: Stata module to derive distribution-free variance estimates from complex survey data, of quantile group shares of a total, cumulative quantile group shares
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S456601 HUTCHENS: Stata module to calculate the Hutchens `square root' segregation index with optional decompositions by subgroup
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S453402 OGLM: Stata module to estimate Ordinal Generalized Linear Models
by Richard Williams - S446702 ZIPSAVE: Stata module to save and use datasets compressed by zip
by Henrik Stovring - S446602 ICE: Stata module for multiple imputation of missing values
by Patrick Royston - S439403 HCAVAR: Stata module to perform Hierarchical Clusters Analysis of variables
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - H20060909 MILDEVGOALS: HTML routine to display Millenium Development Goals indicators
by Jochen Jesinghaus - R141105 ROBPC: RATS module to compute robust correlation matrix
by Eric Blankmeyer
- R951102 ROBLGT: RATS module to estimate binomial logit robustly
by Eric Blankmeyer - S456516 TABLEMAT: Stata module to produce and export table of results in a matricial format
by Amadou Bassirou Diallo - S456515 CLORENZ: Stata module to estimate Lorenz and concentration curves
by Araar Abdelkrim - S456514 XTREGRE2: Stata module to estimate random effects model with weights
by Scott Merryman - S456513 VARSEARCH: Stata program to search variable names and labels
by Jeff Arnold - S456512 SORTROWS: Stata program to perform sort within observation
by Jeff Arnold - S456511 GETFILENAME2: Stata program for handling filename specifications
by Jeff Arnold - S456510 ADDNOTES: Stata program to add notes to the end of text files
by Jeff Arnold - S456509 SSM: Stata program to estimate endogenous switching and sample selection models for binary, count, and ordinal variables using ML
by Alfonso Miranda & Sophia Rabe-Hesketh - S456508 CENSORNB: Stata module to estimate censored negative binomial regression as survival model
by Joseph Hilbe - S456507 INSOB: Stata module to insert empty observations
by Bas Straathof - S456506 SUBSAVE: Stata module to save a subset of the dataset in memory to a disk file
by Roger Newson - S456505 SCHEME_RBN1MONO: Stata module to provide minimal monochrome graphics schemes
by Roger Newson - S456504 PRIMES: Stata module to generate prime numbers
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S456503 CQUANTILE: Stata module to generate corresponding quantiles
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456502 SLICEPLOT: Stata module for time series or other plot in slices
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456501 XTIVREG2: Stata module to perform extended IV/2SLS, GMM and AC/HAC, LIML and k-class regression for panel data models
by Mark E Schaffer - S456424 CNBREG: Stata module to estimate negative binomial regression - canonical parameterization
by Joseph Hilbe - S456423 SAMPSI_MCC: Stata module to calculate Sample Size or Power for Matched Case-Control Studies
by Adrian Mander - S456422 GIVGAUSS2: Stata module to estimate generalized two-parameter inverse Gaussian regression
by Joseph Hilbe - S456421 IVGAUSS2: Stata module to estimate two-parameter log-inverse Gaussian regression
by Joseph Hilbe - S456420 GLGAMMA2: Stata module to estimate generalized two-parameter log-gamma regression
by Joseph Hilbe - S456419 LGAMMA2: Stata module to estimate two-parameter log-gamma regression
by Joseph Hilbe - S456418 SAMPSI_REG: Stata module to calculate the sample size/power for linear regression
by Adrian Mander - S456417 KAPPREVI: Stata module to plot the dependence of kappa statistic on true prevalence
by Nicola Orsini & Debora Rizzuto - S456416 OUTREG2: Stata module to arrange regression outputs into an illustrative table
by Roy Wada - S456415 GENASS: Stata module to perform Genetic Case-control Association tests
by Neil Shephard - S456414 NBSTRAT: Stata module to estimate Negative Binomial with Endogenous Stratification
by Joseph Hilbe & Roberto Martinez-Espineira - S456413 GNBSTRAT: Stata module to estimate Generalized Negative Binomial with Endogenous Stratification
by Joseph Hilbe - S456412 SAMPLESIZE: Stata module to execute sampsi multiple times and produce a graph
by Adrian Mander - S456411 CPOISSON: Stata module to estimate censored Poisson regression
by Joseph Hilbe - S456410 KDENS: Stata module for univariate kernel density estimation
by Ben Jann - S456409 CDFPLOT: Stata module to plot a cumulative distribution function
by Adrian Mander - S456407 ZTG: Stata module to estimate zero-truncated geometric regression
by Joseph Hilbe - S456406 HPCLG: Stata module to estimate Poisson-complementary log log hurdle regression
by Joseph Hilbe - S456405 HPLOGIT: Stata module to estimate Poisson-logit hurdle regression
by Joseph Hilbe & James Hardin - S456404 HGCLG: Stata module to estimate geometric-complementary log log hurdle regression
by Joseph Hilbe - S456403 HGLOGIT: Stata module to estimate geometric-logit hurdle regression
by Joseph Hilbe - S456402 HNBCLG: Stata module to estimate negative binomial-complementary log log hurdle regression
by Joseph Hilbe - S456401 HNBLOGIT: Stata module to estimate negative binomial-logit hurdle regression
by Joseph Hilbe & James Hardin - S456301 IVVIF: Stata module to report variance inflation factors after IV
by David Roodman - S456203 RRLOGIT: Stata module to estimate logistic regression for randomized response data
by Ben Jann - S456202 GENSCORE: Stata module to generate a score
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S456201 BIPLOTVLAB: Stata module to produce biplot with variable labels
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S456101 AKDENSITY: Stata module to perform adaptive kernel density estimation
by Philippe Van Kerm - S456001 DESCOGINI: Stata module to perform Gini decomposition by income source
by Alejandro Lopez-Feldman - S455902 ISVAR: Stata module to filter names into variable names and others
by Nicholas J. Cox - S455901 NMISSING: Stata module to show numbers of missing or present values
by Nicholas J. Cox - S455801 LOOKFOR_ALL: Stata module to search for variables/patterns in .dta files
by Michael Lokshin & Zurab Sajaia & Dan Blanchette - S455701 IVRESET: Stata module to perform Ramsey/Pesaran-Taylor/Pagan-Hall RESET specification test after IV/GMM/OLS estimation
by Mark E Schaffer - S455601 PALETTE_ALL: Stata module to display all the named colours in Stata
by Adrian Mander - S455502 DBMSCOPYBATCH: Stata module to produce a batch file for DBMS/Copy
by Amadou Bassirou Diallo - S455501 CHECKFOR2: Stata module to check whether a variable exists or not in a dataset
by Amadou Bassirou Diallo & Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S455001 MOREMATA: Stata module (Mata) to provide various functions
by Ben Jann - S454902 SVYBSAMP2: Stata module to perform re-sampling for complex survey data
by R. E. De Hoyos - S454901 SVYSELMLOG: Stata module to compute selectivity adjustment based on the multinomial logit for survey design
by R. E. De Hoyos - S454701 MEHETPROB: Stata module to compute marginal effects at means and their standard errors after hetprob
by Thomas Cornelissen - S454601 CASEFAT: Stata module for estimating the case fatality ratio of a new infectious disease
by Jamie Griffin & Azra Ghani - S454401 FIXSORT: Stata module to sort variables and align in sorted order, with others fixed
by Nicholas J. Cox - S454301 SPEARMAN2: Stata module to calculate Spearman rank correlations, extended
by Christopher F Baum - S454201 CLASSPLOT: Stata module to plot predicted probability and empirical values after a binary response model
by Lars E. Kroll - S454101 SAMPLEPPS: Stata module to draw a random sample with probabilities proportional to size
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S454001 BEAMPLOT: Stata module to draw horizontal dotplots using beams
by Nicholas J. Cox - S453901 ECLPCI: Stata module to compute Exact and Approximate Confidence Limits for Poisson Counts
by Nicola Orsini - S453801 XTARSIM: Stata module to perform Monte Carlo analysis for dynamic panel data models
by Giovanni S.F. Bruno - S453701 FITINT: Stata module to fit generalized linear model and test two-way interactions
by André Charlett & Neville Verlander - S453601 SVYGEI_SVYATK: Stata module to derive the sampling variances of Generalized Entropy and Atkinson inequality indices when estimated from complex survey data
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Martin Biewen - S453501 INTCENS: Stata module to perform interval-censored survival analysis
by Jamie Griffin - S453401 GOLOGIT2: Stata module to estimate generalized logistic regression models for ordinal dependent variables
by Richard Williams - S453301 KOUNTRY: Stata module to standardize country names across various datasets
by Rafal Raciborski - S453201 DIPLOT: Stata module to draw double interval plot
by Nicholas J. Cox - S453103 MMSRM: Stata module to estimate Multidimensional Marginally Sufficient Rasch Model (MMSRM)
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S453102 BACKRASCH: Stata module to implement a backward procedure with a Rasch model
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S453101 CLV: Stata module to implement a clustering of variables around latent components
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S453001 LXPCT_2: Stata module to calculate multistate life expectancies
by Margaret M. Weden - S452001 GLST: Stata module for trend estimation of summarized dose-response data
by Nicola Orsini & Rino Bellocco & Sander Greenland - S451001 WTD: Stata module to produce analysis of waiting time distribution
by Henrik Stovring - S450901 TRACES: Stata module to display traces of items
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S450802 TRELLIS: Stata module to create a trellis graph
by Adrian Mander - S450801 GRAPHBINARY: Stata module to plot explanatory variables vs binary outcome
by Adrian Mander - S450701 CONVERT_TOP_LINES: Stata module to handle leading lines of text file
by David Kantor - S450605 SUPCLUST: Stata module to build superordinate categories
by Ben Jann - S450604 OAXACA8: Stata module to compute decompositions of outcome differentials
by Ben Jann - S450603 DEVCON: Stata module to apply the deviation contrast transform to estimation results
by Ben Jann - S450602 CPRPLOT2: Stata module to graph component-plus-residual plots for transformed regressors
by Ben Jann - S450601 CPRPLOTS: Stata module to graph (augmented) component-plus-residual plots in a single image
by Ben Jann - S450402 SIMIRT: Stata module to process data generated by IRT models
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S450401 GAUSSHERMITE: Stata module to estimate integrals using Gauss Hermite quadratures
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S450301 VCLOSE: Stata module to close viewer windows
by Nicholas J. Cox - S450201 ESTWRITE: Stata module to store estimation results on disk
by Ben Jann - S450102 AVPLOTS4: Stata module to graph added-variable plots for specified regressors in a single image
by Ben Jann - S450101 XTLSDVC: Stata module to estimate bias corrected LSDV dynamic panel data models
by Giovanni S.F. Bruno - S450001 SEAST: Stata module to calculate tests for seasonality with a variable population at risk
by Mark S. Pearce & Richard Feltbower - S449902 SVYPXCAT: Stata module to calculate predicted means or proportions for nominal X's for survey data
by Joanne M. Garrett - S449901 SVYPXCON: Stata module to calculate predicted means or proportions for a continuous X variable for survey data
by Joanne M. Garrett - S449801 VARIOG: Stata module to calculate and graph semi-variograms
by Nicholas J. Cox - S449701 DIRLIST: Stata module to retrieve directory information
by Morten Andersen - S449601 HDQUANTILE: Stata module for Harrell-Davis estimator of quantiles
by Nicholas J. Cox - S449507 BIC: Stata module to evaluate the statistical significance of variables in a model
by Paul Millar - S449506 LISTMISS: Stata module to analyse missing values related to an estimation command
by Paul Millar - S449505 CLUSTSENS: Stata module to perform sensitivity analysis for cluster commands
by Paul Millar - S449504 MATSORT: Stata module to sort a matrix by a given column
by Paul Millar - S449503 OPTIFACT: Stata module to find the best summated rating scale from a list of items
by Paul Millar - S449502 PRE: Stata module to calculate the proportional reduction in errors accomplished by an estimated model
by Paul Millar - S449501 BICDROP1: Stata module to estimate the probability a model is more likely without each explanatory variable
by Paul Millar - S449401 LINCHECK: Stata module to graphically assess the linearity of a continuous covariate in a regression model
by Alex Gamma - S449302 SHUFFLE8: Stata module to shuffle a list
by Ben Jann - S449301 SHUFFLE: Stata module to shuffle a list
by Ben Jann - S449201 HETEROGI: Stata module to quantify heterogeneity in a meta-analysis
by Nicola Orsini & Matteo Bottai & Julian Higgins & Iain Buchan - S449101 P2CI: Stata module to calculate confidence limits of a regression coefficient from the p-value
by Nicola Orsini - S449001 DFL: Stata module to estimate DiNardo, Fortin and Lemieux Counterfactual Kernel Density
by Joao Pedro Azevedo - S448901 RESWAGE: Stata module to estimate a reservation wage model with endogenous selection
by John Reynolds - S448801 RELRANK: Stata module to generate relative data (grade transformation)
by Ben Jann - S448703 BATPLOT: Stata module to produce Bland-Altman plots accounting for trend
by Adrian Mander - S448702 PLOTBETA: Stata module to plot linear combinations of coefficients
by Adrian Mander - S448701 DIFFPI: Stata module to calculate difference expressed as a percentage
by Nicola Orsini - S448601 ONESPELL: Stata module to generate single longest spell for each unit in panel data, listwise
by Christopher F Baum - S448502 KDENS2: Stata module to estimate bivariate kernel density
by Christopher F Baum - S448501 SURFACE: Stata module to draw a 3D wireform surface plot
by Adrian Mander - S448405 USSWM: Stata module to provide US state and county spatial weight (contiguity) matrices
by Scott Merryman - S448404 USMAPS2: Stata module to provide US county map coordinates for tmap
by Scott Merryman - S448403 MIF2DTA: Stata module convert MapInfo Interchange Format boundary files to Stata boundary files
by Maurizio Pisati - S448402 TMAP: Stata module for simple thematic mapping
by Maurizio Pisati - S444805 SMITHWELCH: Stata module to compute trend decomposition of outcome differentials
by Ben Jann - S444804 JMPIERCE2: Stata module to compute trend decomposition of outcome differentials
by Ben Jann - S444803 JMPIERCE: Stata module to perform Juhn-Murphy-Pierce decomposition
by Ben Jann - S444802 INVCDF: Stata module to invert the cumulative distribution function
by Ben Jann - S439004 GEEKEL2D: Stata module to estimate the parameters of unidimensional and bidimensional IRT models
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin
- S4445501 LABELMISS: Stata module to label missing data
by Stanislav Kolenikov - S4444105 COCHRAN: Stata module to test for equality of proportions in matched samples (Cochran's Q)
by Ben Jann - S4444104 WGTTEST: Stata module to test the impact of sampling weights in regression analysis
by Ben Jann - S4444103 DECOMPOSE: Stata module to compute decompositions of wage differentials
by Ben Jann - S4444102 CENTER: Stata module to center (or standardize) variables
by Ben Jann - S4444101 ALPHAWGT: Stata module to compute Cronbach's alpha for weighted data
by Ben Jann - S456763 GDECOMP: Stata module to compute decomposition of outcome differentials after nonlinear models
by Tamas Bartus - S448401 USMAPS: Stata module to provide US state map coordinates for tmap
by Scott Merryman - S448301 MATWRITE: Stata module to write Stata variables as MATLAB matrices
by Andrew Shephard - S448201 XTFISHER: Stata module to compute Fisher type unit root test for panel data
by Scott Merryman - S448101 FIELLER: Stata module to calculate confidence intervals of quotients of normal variates
by Joseph Coveney - S448001 HLM: Stata module to invoke and run HLM v6 software from within Stata
by Sean F. Reardon - S447901 NSPLIT: Stata module to split numeric variable into components
by Dan Blanchette - S447701 PROFHAP: Stata module to construct profile likelihood confidence intervals for haplotype analysis
by Adrian Mander - S447501 MODELDIAG: Stata module to generate graphics after regression
by Nicholas J. Cox - S447301 RC_SPLINE: Stata module to generate restricted cubic splines
by William D. Dupont & W. Dale Plummer, Jr. - S447204 ERET2: Stata module to save results in e()
by Ben Jann - S447203 FVIEW: Stata module to find and view a file
by Ben Jann - S447202 DUNCAN: Stata module to calculate dissimilarity index
by Ben Jann - S447201 GAMET: Stata module to perform game-theoretic calculations
by Nicola Orsini & Debora Rizzuto & Nicola Nante - S447101 TABOUT: Stata module to export publication quality cross-tabulations
by Ian Watson - S447001 HPRESCOTT: Stata module to implement Hodrick-Prescott filter for timeseries data
by Christopher F Baum - S446901 CUREREGR: Stata module to estimate parametric cure regression
by Allen Buxton - S446801 WITCH: Stata module to mystically manage files on adopath
by Thomas Steichen - S446701 GZSAVE: Stata module to save and use datasets compressed by gzip
by Henrik Stovring - S446502 BYSTORE: Stata module to repeat estimation commands and store estimates
by David Harrison - S446501 KAPUTIL: Stata module to generate confidence intervals and sample size calculations for the kappa-statistic
by David Harrison - S446402 SXPOSE: Stata module to transpose string variable dataset
by Nicholas J. Cox - S446401 MOMENTS: Stata module to compute moment-based statistics
by Nicholas J. Cox - S446301 RC2: Stata module to estimate Goodman's Row and Columns model 2
by John Hendrickx - S446201 METAREG: Stata module to perform meta-analysis regression
by Roger Harbord & Julian Higgins - S446101 XTVC: Stata module to compute confidence intervals for the variance component of random-intercept linear models
by Matteo Bottai & Nicola Orsini - S446001 RFL: Stata module to maintain lists of recently accessed files
by Dankwart Plattner - S445901 DUMMIESLAB: Stata module to convert categorical variable to dummy variables using label names
by Philippe Van Kerm & Nicholas J. Cox - S445801 SCAT3: Stata module for crude three-dimensional graphics
by Nicholas J. Cox - S445701 REORDER: Stata module to reorder variables in dataset, reversibly
by Nicholas J. Cox - S445602 SSLOPE: Stata module to calculate slope coefficients for regression interactions
by Jeffrey S. Simons - S445601 MCENTER: Stata module to center variables at their means
by Jeffrey S. Simons