Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- S459411 LOG2MD: Stata module to generate Markdown-formatted logs with customizable options
by Wang Qiang - S459410 WINPROB: Stata module to compute the win probability for a single outcome
by Leonardo Guizzetti - S459408 DKOBS: Stata module to drop or keep a range of observations
by Dejin Xie - S459407 SIMUFE: Stata module to simulate panel data with fixed effects and generate scatter plots with optional fitting lines
by Yujun Lian - S459406 SOCSTRAT: Stata module to compute and analyze social stratification variables
by Scott Oatley - S459405 MULTIAUC: Stata module to calculate of correlated areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves and their differences
by Leonardo Guizzetti - S459404 XTSTGATHERCOVID19: Stata module to Download COVID-19 Data from Our World in Data
by Diallo Ibrahima Amadou - S459403 ITSADGP: Stata module to generate artificial data for interrupted time-series analysis
by Ariel Linden
- S459402 MULTISITE_VARLATE: Stata module to estimate and conduct inference on the variance of LATEs across sites in multi-site randomized trials
by Clement de Chaisemartin & Antoine Deeb - S459401 MULTISITE_VARITT: Stata module to estimate and conduct inference on the variance of ITTs across sites in multi-site randomized trials
by Clement de Chaisemartin & Antoine Deeb - S459400 ETR: Stata module to calculate the cost of capital and forward-looking effective tax rates
by Shafik Hebous & Andualem Mengistu - S459399 GEOBOUNDARY: Stata module for administrative boundaries
by Asjad Naqvi - S459398 GETNHS: Stata module to download NHANES data
by Zumin Shi - S459397 PACE: Stata module to convert between minutes per mile and miles per hour
by Ariel Linden - S459396 TOPSIS: Stata module to calculate comprehensive scores based on the entropy method or the entropy-TOPSIS method
by Wang Qiang - S459395 PREDPERF: Stata module module for calculating simple indices describing the accuracy and precision of one or two continuous-value predictors, based on a series of predictions matched with corresponding ‘true’ observations
by Thierry Buclin - S459394 TVPREG: Stata module to perform parameter path estimation in unstable environments
by Atsushi Inoue & Barbara Rossi & Yiru Wang & Lingyun Zhou - S459393 CNUSE: Stata module to Download datasets from the Quantitative Economics WeChat Public Account, the Econometric Service Center WeChat Public Account, and other network data sources
by Wang Qiang - S459392 MOMENTSETS: Stata module for moment-based measures collected as datasets
by Nicholas J. Cox - S459391 GETIREF: Stata module to list reference in Results Window, and download PDF, .ris, .bibtex files for given DOI
by Yujun Lian - S459390 TWOLEVELR2: Stata module to compute within, between, and overall R-squared in linear two-level models
by Ben Jann - S459389 PCTILESETS: Stata module for percentile or quantile sets for selected levels
by Nicholas J. Cox - S459388 ICC2: Stata module to compute Intraclass correlation coefficients based on crossed mixed regression
by Niels Henrik Bruun - S459387 LOGITGRAPH: Stata module to produce Graph of the Probabilities from a Logistic Regression Model
by Emilio Domínguez-Durán - S459386 CISETS: Stata module for confidence interval sets
by Nicholas J. Cox - S459385 USORT: Stata module to perform locale-based ascending and descending sort that supports conditional statements, observation ranges, and user-defined handling of substrings and missing values
by Ilya Bolotov - S459384 SUMDOCX: Stata module to generate comprehensive summary statistics and comparison tables
by Kabira Namit - S459383 GENCPR: Stata module for users of Danish CPR numbers
by Christoffer Scavenius - S459382 ABRSQOL: Stata module providing Quality-of-life solver for "Measuring quality of life under spatial frictions"
by Gabriel M Ahlfeldt & Fabian Bald & Duncan Roth & Tobias Seidel - S459381 CORRELATIONCHORDS: Stata module to produce a circular chord diagram of correlations
by Emilio Domínguez-Durán - S459380 CSUMCHART: Stata module to compute cumulative sum (CUSUM) charts for monitoring clinical performance
by Ariel Linden - S459379 GRAPHFUNCTIONS: Stata module providing a suite of programs to support visualization customizations
by Asjad Naqvi - S459378 MI_IMPUTE_FROM: Stata module to impute using an external imputation model
by Robert Thiesmeier & Matteo Bottai & Nicola Orsini - S459377 CSUM: Stata module to compute cumulative sum (CUSUM) charts for monitoring clinical performance
by Ariel Linden - S459376 FRAMED_BAR: Stata module for framed bar charts
by Nicholas J. Cox - S459375 ENWEI: Stata module to implement the entropy method
by Jiang Qi - S459374 TERNARY: Stata module for trivariate plots
by Asjad Naqvi - S459373 TRIMAP: Stata module for trivariate maps
by Asjad Naqvi - S459372 DYNAMIC_EST: Stata module to visualize dynamic effects in TWFE models
by MengKe - S459371 NMF: Stata module to perform matrix decomposition using non-negative matrix factorization (NMF)
by Jonathan Batty - S459370 SIDE_HISTOGRAM: Stata module to plot side by side histograms
by Nicholas J. Cox - S459369 XTDPDSERIAL: Stata module to perform panel data serial correlation tests
by Sebastian Kripfganz - S459368 VREVERSE9: Stata module to reverse existing categorical variable
by Nicholas J. Cox - S459367 OPENDF: Stata module to work with Open Data Format files in Stata
by Tom Hartl - S459366 XTGPS: Stata module to estimate Hoechle, Schmid, and Zimmermann's (2024) GPS regression model for analyzing asset returns
by Daniel Hoechle - S459365 WINSOR4: Stata module to winsorize a variable based on outliers defined by either percentiles or interquartile range
by Adrien Matray & Pablo E. Rodriguez - S459364 QBPLOT: Stata module for quantile plot with box flavour
by Nicholas J. Cox - S459363 FREDUSEX: Stata module to import FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Database) data
by Kit Baum - S459362 _GDISTINCT: Stata module providing egen function to count distinct values
by Noah Case - S459361 LE8: Stata module to compute cardiovascular health score based on the American Heart Association’s Life’s Essential 8 metrics
by Tilahun Haregu & Marnie Downes - S459360 GRC1LEG2: Stata module to combine multiple graphs with a single common legend
by Mead Over - S459359 COEFOUT: Stata module to keep the beta-coefficients for specified variables and labelnames from a regression
by Niranjan Kumar - S459358 CROSSVALIDATE2: Stata module to implement Cross-Validation in Stata
by William R. Buchanan & Steven D. Brownell - S459357 ECOLLAPSE: Stata module to extend collapse to string variables
by Diego Ciccia - S459356 MATDROP: Stata module to delete multiple row and/or column using labels from matrix
by Niranjan Kumar - S459355 HALFNORM_DIST: Stata module for computing half-normal distribution functions
by Ariel Linden - S459354 SDID_EVENT: Stata module providing Synthetic Difference-in-Differences (SDID) event-study estimators
by Diego Ciccia & Damian Clarke & Daniel Pailañir - S459353 WORDCLOUD: Stata module for drawing word cloud figure based on echarts developed by Baidu
by Shutter Zor - S459352 EVSTUDYDD: Stata module to estimate event studies in D-i-D settings
by Adrien Matray & Pablo E. Rodriguez - S459351 DID_MULTIPLEGT_STAT: Stata module for heterogeneity-robust difference-in differences (DID) estimators
by Clément de Chaisemartin & Diego Ciccia & Xavier D'Haultfoeuille & Felix Knau & Felix Pasquier & Doulo Sow & Gonzalo Vazquez-Bare - S459350 PYRAMID_CHART: Stata module to generate a population pyramid chart
by Masud Rahman - S459349 STUTE_TEST: Stata module to compute Stute (1997) linearity test
by Clément de Chaisemartin & Xavier D'Haultfoeuille & Diego Ciccia & Felix Knau & Doulo Sow - S459348 CC_XD_DIDTEXTBOOK: Stata module to provide do-files and datafiles for textbook
by Clément de Chaisemartin & Xavier D'Haultfoeuille - S459347 DIFF_PLOT: Stata module to visualize classic difference-in-differences model
by Kabira Namit - S459346 TIMEUSE: Stata module to facilitate the manipulation of diary-based time-use data
by Juana Lamote de Grignon Pérez - S459345 R2_NAKAGAWA: Stata module for computing Nakagawa's R-squared statistic for multilevel mixed-effects linear regression
by Daniel Klein & Ariel Linden - S459344 NUMBER_EXPORTING: Stata module to format a numeric value and export in LaTeX format
by Olena Bogdan & Adrien Matray & Pablo E. Rodriguez & Chenzi Xu - S459343 PREVENT: Stata module for computing AHA 10-year and 30-year risk of cardiovascular disease--atherosclerotic and heart failure
by Ariel Linden - S459342 STATA_SAGE: Stata module to answer your research questions
by Prabhmeet Kaur Matta & Kabira Namit - S459341 DID_MULTIPLEGT_OLD: Stata module to estimate sharp Difference-in-Difference designs with multiple groups and periods
by Clément de Chaisemartin & Xavier D'Haultfoeuille - S459340 MYWEEKS: Stata module for generating numbered weeks from daily date variables
by Nicholas J. Cox - S459339 MATSTAT: Stata module to format tabstat, assembling of results in one matrix
by John Casterline - S459338 MSWTABLE: Stata module to provide wrapper for putdocx table
by John Casterline - S459337 LOGITJACK: Stata module to provide cluster robust inference for logit models
by James G. MacKinnon & Morten Ørregaard Nielsen & Matthew D. Webb - S459336 CORESCORE: Stata module to produce Comorbid Operative Risk Evaluation (CORE) Score macro
by Nikhil Chervu & Jeffrey Balian & Peyman Benharash - S459335 STFFORM: Stata module to provide Functional form test for Cox Models
by Daniele Spinelli - S459334 MIXLELAST: Stata module to compute mixed logit sample elasticities and marginal effects
by Lars Zeigermann - S459333 STACKDID: Stata module to estimate Stacked Difference-in-Differences Regression
by Jacob Triplett - S459332 XT2TREATMENTS: Stata module to estimate event studies with two treatments
by Miklos Koren - S459331 DID_HAD: Stata module to estimate the effect of a treatment on an outcome in a heterogeneous adoption design with no stayers but some quasi stayers
by Clément de Chaisemartin & Diego Ciccia & Xavier D'Haultfoeuille & Felix Knau & Doulo Sow - S459330 POLARSPIKE: Stata module for polar spike graphs
by Asjad Naqvi - S459329 SPLINEFIT: Stata module for smooth connected line plots
by Asjad Naqvi - S459328 ALLCATPLOT: Stata module to ensure that all predefined response categories for a variable, including those that are not present in the dataset are included in a graph
by Kabira Namit & Zaeen de Souza & Prabhmeet Kaur Matta - S459327 TRIM_VARS: Stata module to trim blanks in a varlist
by Kaifeng Deng - S459326 SCCSDTA: Stata module to generate a dataset for the self-controlled case series method (SCCS)
by Niels Henrik Bruun - S459325 NNLS: Stata module to compute non-negative least squares
by Giovanni Cerulli - S459324 HEALTHEQUAL: Stata module to calculate summary measures of health inequality
by Katherine Kirkby & Daniel A. Antiporta & Anne Schlotheuber & Ahmad Reza Hosseinpoor - S459323 MAPSM: Stata module to perform multiple arms propensity score matching
by Suppachai Lawanaskol & Phichayut Phinyo & Jayanton Patumanond - S459322 BAP: Stata module to generate a Bland-Altman plot
by Niels Henrik Bruun - S459321 XTNONDYNTHRESHSFA: Stata module to estimate Threshold Effects in Non-Dynamic Panel Data Stochastic Frontier Models
by Diallo Ibrahima Amadou - S459320 RENLABV: Stata module to rename (all) value labels to match the names of the assigned variables
by Dirk Enzmann - S459319 USOS: Stata module for computing the unweighted sum of squares test for global goodness of fit after logistic model
by Ariel Linden - S459318 OPL: Stata module for optimal policy learning
by Giovanni Cerulli - S459317 GE_GRAVITY2: Stata module to solve a gravity model within the universal gravity class
by Rodolfo G. Campos & Iliana Reggio & Jacopo Timini - S459316 EXITMA: Stata module to define the exit status of a meta-analysis
by Luis Furuya-Kanamori & Jazeel Abdulmajeed & Suhail AR Doi - S459315 ROSNER: Stata module implementing Rosner's generalized extreme studentized deviate (ESD) procedure to detect multiple outliers
by Ariel Linden - S459314 YATCHEW_TEST: Stata module to perform Yatchew (1997), de Chaisemartin, D'Haultfoeuille & Gurgand (2024) linearity test
by Clément de Chaisemartin & Xavier D'Haultfoeuille & Diego Ciccia & Felix Knau & Doulo Sow - S459313 GARBAGE_MIXL: Stata module to perform Bayesian garbage class mixed logit model estimation
by Marcel F. Jonker - S459312 RATIO_PLOT: Stata module to plot ratios and confidence intervals of specified variables
by Kabira Namit & Zaeen de Souza - S459311 TWOWAY__WHISTOGRAM_GEN: Stata module for generating histogram variables using aweights or iweights
by Nicholas J. Cox - S459310 WEAKIVTEST2: Stata module to compute Robust Test for Weak Instruments with Multiple Endogenous Regressors
by Lingyun Zhou - S459309 ADODOWN: Stata module making Stata packages easier to develop and document using modern tools
by LSMS Team - S459308 GET_PWMSE: Stata module to execute PWMSE-based model evaluation
by Xiaomeng Cui - S459307 MEAN_CI_PLOT: Stata module to plot means and confidence intervals
by Zaeen de Souza & Kabira Namit - S459306 STOCDOM: Stata module to compute bounds assuming stochastic dominance
by Alejandro Ome - S459305 BMTEST: Stata module for computing the independent two-sample Brunner-Munzel test
by Ariel Linden - S459304 LISTREG: Stata module for the analysis of list experiments using linear regression
by Ben Jann - S459303 ECONSIG: Stata module to quickly calculate six types of economic significance to simplify your empirical process
by Shutter Zor - S459302 ABRS: Stata module to provide Toolkit for counterfactuals based on a spatial equilibrium framework with heterogenous preferences by Ahlfeldt, Bald, Roth, Seidel: “Measuring quality of life under spatial frictions"
by Gabriel Ahlfeldt - S459301 XTTEIFECI: Stata module to provide Estimation and Inference of Treatment Effects through a Factor-Based Approach
by Guanpeng Yan & Xingyu Li & Yan Shen & Qiankun Zhou - S459300 AB2022: Stata module to provide Gradient Solver for Ahlfeldt & Barr (2022): The economics of skyscrapers
by Gabriel Ahlfeldt - S459299 ISOGINI: Stata module to estimate isogini measures at different percentiles
by Louis Chauvel - S459298 DLTABLE: Stata module to produce regression tables for Randomized Controlled Trials Using Double LASSO
by Adrien Bouguen - S459297 HKPRLINK: Stata module to obtain and download disclosure reports from 1999-04-01 onward on the official website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
by Chuntao Li & Tianyao Luo & Muhammad Usman & Haitao Si - S459296 XTREVU: Stata module to reverse the order of values of time series and panel data variables
by Ilya Bolotov - S459295 MVFILTER: Stata module to compute multivariate time-series filter
by Gregorio Impavido - S459294 TMPINVI: Stata module providing an iterated (multistep) Transaction Matrix (TM)-specific implementation of the LPLS estimator
by Ilya Bolotov - S459293 VCE_MCOV: Stata module to compute the Leave-Cluster-Out-Crossfit (LCOC) variance estimates for user-chosen coefficients in a linear regression model
by Stanislav Anatolyev & Cheuk Fai Ng - S459292 ODK_VALIDATE: Stata module to validdate ODK survey forms
by Kabira Namit - S459291 COMPREG: Stata module to estimate a compositional regression with isometric log-ratio (ILR) transformation of the components
by Giacomo Zanello - S459290 ILR: Stata module to compute a isometric log-ratio (ILR) transformation of a set of variables
by Giacomo Zanello - S459289 NOPO: Stata module to perform Nopo (2008) matching decompositions
by Maximilian Sprengholz & Maik Hamjediers - S459288 TSCB: Stata module to implement the two-stage cluster bootstrap estimator
by Daniel Pailañir & Damian Clarke - S459287 CCV: Stata module to implement the causal cluster variance estimator
by Daniel Pailañir & Damian Clarke - S459286 EVENTBASELINE: Stata module to correct event study after xthdidregress
by Miklos Koren - S459285 BTA2SCORE: Stata module to generate beta to score
by Suppachai Lawanaskol & Jayanton Patumanond - S459284 ONEDRIVE: Stata module to find and set Microsoft OneDrive local folder as Stata's working directory
by Giacomo Zanello - S459283 FUNNELINST: Stata module to generate funnel plots for comparing institutional performance
by Ariel Linden & David J Spiegelhalter - S459282 ARTBIN: Stata module to calculate sample size or power for randomized trials with binary outcomes
by Abdel Babiker & Friederike Maria-Sophie Barthel & Babak Choodari-Oskooei & Patrick Royston & Ella Marley-Zagar & Ian White - S459281 ETH2GRECAL: Stata module to convert dates from the Ethiopian calendar to the Gregorian calendar
by Kalle Hirvonen - S459280 EPITABLE: Stata module to more easily create table 2 and table 3 for epidemiological studies
by Laura Whiting & Zumin Shi - S459151 PCCMTOOLKIT: Stata module to calculate pediatric risk of mortality scores
by Razvan Azamfirei & Colleen Mennie & James Fackler & Sapna R. Kudchadkar - P00004 PYDDOP: Python Module for Determining the Dimension of the Optimal Portfolio
by Alan Mustafa & Abdulnasser Hatemi-J
- S459279 SVYCANON: Stata module to assess the statistical significance of the canonical correlations incorporating complex survey design factors
by Raul Cruz - S459278 CPT: Stata module to compute optimal cut-points for empirical ROC curves and other ROC/AUC calculations
by Niels Henrik Bruun - S459277 ISOCODES: Stata module to generate standardized country codes and names
by Leo Ahrens - S459276 TIVA2023: Stata module to manipulate the OECD TiVA inter-country input-output tables database
by Charles Cadestin - S459275 MANYWEAKIV: Stata module to implement the weak-identification robust jackknife AR test from Mikusheva and Sun (2022)
by Liyang Sun - S459274 NORM_DIST: Stata module providing normal and inverse normal distribution functions with added mean and standard deviation
by Ariel Linden - S459273 LPDID: Stata module implementing Local Projections Difference-in-Differences (LP-DiD) estimator
by Alexander Busch & Daniele Girardi - S459272 REGHDFEJL: Stata module to estimate high-dimensional fixed-effect linear models using Julia
by David Roodman - S459271 JULIA: Stata module to provide interface to Julia
by David Roodman - S459270 QCM: Stata module to implement quantile control method (QCM) via Random Forest
by Guanpeng Yan & Qiang Chen - S459269 NCA: Stata module to perform Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA)
by Daniele Spinelli & Jan Dul - S459268 WWWHELP: Stata module to display the help document in PDF format of the specified command via browsers
by Yujun Lian - S459267 PEERMEAN: Stata module to compute mean of Peer firms
by Yujun Lian - S459266 LXHGET: Stata module to download datasets of blogs or network
by Yujun Lian - S459265 DISTILL: Stata module to assess heterogeneous treatment effects in randomized controlled trials
by Ariel Linden & John L. Adams - S459264 WGTDISTRIM: Stata module for trimming extreme sampling weights
by Sebastian Lang & Daniel Klein - S459263 MIXRANDREGRET: Stata module for fitting mixed random regret minimization models
by Ziyue Zhu & Álvaro A. Gutiérrez Vargas & Martina Vandebroek - S459262 CENTILE2: Stata module to enhance centile command and provide additional definitions for computing sample quantiles
by Ariel Linden - S459261 SUBMATRIX: Stata module to perform advanced matrix subscripting
by Daniele Spinelli - S459260 REPKIT: Stata module providing utility toolkit for reproducibility
by DIME Analytics - S459259 ARTCAT: Stata module to calculate sample size or power for a two-group trial with ordered categorical outcome
by Ian R. White & Ella Marley-Zagar & Tim P. Morris & Mahesh K. B. Parmar & Patrick Royston & Abdel G. Babiker - S459258 MAXSUM: Stata module to compute the maximum value of a rolling sum
by Ariel Linden - S459257 KAPPALATE: Stata module to estimate the local average treatment effect (LATE) using Abadie's kappa approach and other weighting estimators
by Derya Uysal & Tymon Słoczyński & Jeffrey M. Wooldridge - S459255 ZTREE2STATA: Stata module to import data created by z-Tree
by Kan Takeuchi - S459255 CLASSIFYLASSO: Stata module to identify latent group structures via Classifier-Lasso
by Wenxin Huang & Yiru Wang & Lingyun Zhou - S459254 DATEFRAC: Stata module to convert calendar dates to fractional years
by Tommy Morgan - S459253 STCKAR: Stata module to draw stacked area graphs
by Jonathan Thiele - S459252 PRESERVE_GLOBALS: Stata module to preserve global macros
by Daniel Klein - S459251 HANOITOWER: Stata module to play Towers of Hanoi
by Kerry Du - S459250 BOX_LOGSCALE: Stata module to create box plots on the log scale (generalising Tukey's definition of whiskers)
by Mark Chatfield - S459249 FEDISTR: Stata module for plotting distributions after absorbing fixed effects
by Leo Ahrens - S459248 NSTAGEBIN: Stata module to provide facilities for optimising and designing multi-arm multi-stage (MAMS) randomised controlled trials with binary outcomes
by Babak Choodari-Oskooei & Daniel J. Bratton & Mahesh KB Parmar - S459247 PHEATPLOT: Stata module to visualize p-values
by Elisa Brini & Solveig T. Borgen & Nicolai T. Borgen - S459246 POWER_CONCORD: Stata module to compute power and sample size for Lin's concordance correlation coefficient
by Ariel Linden & Lawrence Lin - S459245 POWER_KAPPA: Stata module to compute power and sample size for the two-rater kappa statistic with two or more categories
by Ariel Linden - S459243 POVGUIDE2: Stata module to compute Federal Poverty Guidelines by family size and year, 1973-2025
by Reginald Hebert - S459243 POOLEDSD: Stata module to calculate pooled standard deviation for a continuous variable by a factor variable
by David Speed - S459242 MAGREG: Stata module to calculate maximum agreement regression
by Matteo Bottai - S459241 XTLOGLIN: Stata module to perform robust Lagrange multiplier test of linear and log-linear models against Box-Cox alternatives after regress or xtreg
by David Vincent - S459240 TEXRESULTS2: Stata module to create external file of LaTex macros with results
by Gabrielle Sorresso - S459239 IVCLOGLOG: Stata module to estimate a complementary log-log model with endogenous covariates, instrumented via the control function approach (i.e., 2SRI)
by William Liu - S459238 WOOLDID: Stata module to estimate Difference-in-Differences Treatment Effects with Staggered Treatment Onset Using Heterogeneity-Robust Two-Way Fixed Effects Regressions
by Thomas A. Hegland - S459237 IVMEDIATE: Stata module to perform causal mediation analysis in instrumental-variables regressions
by Christian Dippel & Andreas Ferrara & Stephan Heblich - S459236 PLOT_CONFIDENTLY: Stata module to visualize the mean and confidence interval of a specified variable
by Zaeen de Souza & Kabira Namit - S459235 CVEQUAL: Stata module to compute the equality of coefficients of variation (CV) from k populations
by Ariel Linden - S459234 SETROOT: Stata module to find the root path of a project and set it as a global variable
by Sergio Correia - S459233 REQUIRE: Stata module to ensure that installed packages have a minimum or exact version
by Sergio Correia & Matthew P. Seay - S459232 MOUNTAINPLOT: Stata module to produce folded empirical distribution function curves (mountain plots)
by Ariel Linden - S459231 REPEATABILITY: Stata module to compute the repeatability coefficient
by Ariel Linden - S459230 WSCV: Stata module to compute the within-subject coefficient of variation
by Ariel Linden - S459229 BIVPOISSON_ATE: Stata module to estimate Average Treatment Effects in Seemingly Unrelated Count Regression
by Abbie Zhang & James Fisher - S459228 MSCOLOGIT: Stata module to estimate multiscale ordered logit model
by Markus Gangl - S459227 BHAPKAR: Stata module to compute Bhapkar's test of marginal homogeneity between two raters for categorical observations
by Ariel Linden - S459226 PMVALSAMPSIZE: Stata module to calculate the minimum sample size required for external validation of a multivariable prediction model
by Joie Ensor - S459225 DIDPLACEBO: Stata module for in-time, in-space and mixed placebo tests for estimating difference-in-differences (DID) models
by Qiang Chen & Ji Qi & Guanpeng Yan - S459224 MFCURVE: Stata module for plotting results from multifactorial research designs
by Daniel Krähmer - S459223 PCM: Stata module to estimate the parameters of a Partial Credit Model (PCM) or of a Rating Scale Model (RSM)
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin & Myriam Blanchin - S459222 DID_MULTIPLEGT_DYN: Stata module to estimate event-study Difference-in-Difference (DID) estimators in designs with multiple groups and periods, with a potentially non-binary treatment that may increase or decrease multiple times
by Clément de Chaisemartin & Diego Ciccia & Xavier D'Haultfoeuille & Felix Knau & Mélitine Malézieux & Doulo Sow - S459221 MAXWELL: Stata module for computing Maxwell's random error (RE) coefficient of agreement between 2 raters for binary data
by Ariel Linden - S459220 IOTA: Stata module to compute the iota coefficient of interrater agreement for interval or nominal multivariate observations
by Ariel Linden - S459219 HKWARRANT: Stata module to download warrant or warrant's information associated with the codes you entered from
by Chuntao Li & Xiuping Mao & Tianyao Luo - S459218 MLMR2: Stata module to compute r-squared measures for models estimated by mixed
by Anthony J. Gambino - S459217 TITEBETA: Stata module to conduct toxicity monitoring for phase 2 (and 3) trials
by E. Paul Wileyto - S459216 POWER_ICC: Stata module to compute power and sample size for one-way random-effects intraclass correlation
by Ariel Linden - S459215 ROBINSON: Stata module to compute Robinson's coefficient of agreement
by Ariel Linden - S459214 FINN: Stata module to compute Finn's coefficient of reliability
by Ariel Linden