- S456919 STCBAND: Stata module to compute Equal precision and Hall-Wellner confidence band for survival function
by Enzo Coviello - S456918 LOCPR: Stata module for semi-parametric estimation
by Austin Nichols - S456917 SKBIM: Stata module to generate a sample from a bimodal distribution using normal or skewed (skew-normal) unimodal distributions, as defined by the user
by Evangelos Kontopantelis - S456916 SKNOR: Stata module to generate a sample from a normal or skewed (skew-normal) distribution, as defined by the user
by Evangelos Kontopantelis - S456915 SCORES: Stata module to creates scores (row-wise) of a set of variables allowing the specification of the number of valid values required and/or to produce various transformations of scores
by Dirk Enzmann - S456914 FESE: Stata module to calculate standard errors for fixed effects
by Austin Nichols - S456913 MAPCH: Stata module map chains of events
by Ward Vanlaar - S456912 UNIQUESTRATA: Stata module to abort the program if the specified variables don't collectively account for every observation
by Ari Friedman - S456911 OPENALL: Stata module to open all specified files with append
by Ari Friedman - S456910 DDF2DCT: Stata module to facilitate infiling US Government data distributed with a DDF
by Austin Nichols - S456909 CPIGEN: Stata module to add US CPI series to current dataset
by Austin Nichols - S456908 RENSHEET: Stata module to edit variable names and labels
by Austin Nichols - S456907 VLC: Stata module to compare value labels across datasets
by Austin Nichols - S456906 LDECOMP: Stata module decomposing the total effects in a logistic regression into direct and indirect effects
by Maarten L. Buis - S456905 IFIN: Stata module to generate a local containing an if statement to select multiple values
by Ari Friedman - S456904 TOUCH: Stata module to create a blank data file
by Ari Friedman - S456903 INTEFF3: Stata module to compute partial effects in a probit or logit model with a triple dummy variable interaction term
by Thomas Cornelissen & Katja Sonderhof - S456902 VIOPLOT: Stata module to produce violin plots with current graphics
by Nick Winter & Austin Nichols - S456901 HETRED: Stata module to implement heterogeneity reducing algorithms
by Nikolaos A. Patsopoulos - S456900 FISKFIT: Stata module to fit a Fisk distribution by ML to unit record data
by Maarten L. Buis & Stephen P. Jenkins - S456899 STPEPEMORI: Stata module to test the equality of cumulative incidences across two groups in the presence of competing risks
by Enzo Coviello - S456898 BLINDING: Stata module to compute blinding indexes
by Jiefeng Chen
- S4254011 IVREG28: Stata module for extended instrumental variables/2SLS and GMM estimation (v8)
by Christopher F Baum & Mark E Schaffer & Steven Stillman - Z741502 DAG: SAS routine to perform jackknife estimation
by Roger L. Goodwin - T741501 NONPARAMREG: MATLAB function to estimate nonparametric regression
by Shapour Mohammadi - S500501 SPATDWM: Stata modules for US State and County spatial distance matrices
by Yihua Calvin Yu - S457129 HTE: Stata module to perform heterogeneous treatment effect analysis
by Ben Jann & Jennie E. Brand & Yu Xie - S456970 MVMETA: Stata module to perform multivariate random-effects meta-analysis
by Ian White - S456897 ODDSRISK: Stata module to convert Logistic Odds Ratios to Risk Ratios
by Joseph Hilbe - S456896 EFFCON: Stata module to calculate confidence limits for effect size estimated from one or two samples from normal distribution
by Al Feiveson - S456895 FMM: Stata module to estimate finite mixture models
by Partha Deb - S456894 STCOXGOF: Stata module to produce goodness-of-fit test and plot after a Cox model
by Enzo Coviello - S456893 CORRTABLE: Stata module to show correlation matrix as graphical table
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456892 GEVFIT: Stata module to module to fit a generalized extreme value distribution by maximum likelihood
by Scott Merryman & David Roodman - S456891 WEIBULLFIT: Stata module to fit a two-parameter Weibull distribution
by Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins - S456890 IVPOIS: Stata module to estimate an instrumental variables Poisson regression via GMM
by Austin Nichols - S456889 INVGAMMAFIT: Stata module to fit a two-parameter inverse gamma distribution
by Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins - S456888 RD: Stata module for regression discontinuity estimation
by Austin Nichols - S456886 HANGROOT: Stata module creating a hanging rootogram comparing an empirical distribution to the best fitting theoretical distribution
by Maarten L. Buis - S456885 SPINEPLOT: Stata module for spine plots for two-way categorical data
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456884 RCSPLINE: Stata module for restricted cubic spline smoothing
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456883 MIXLOGIT: Stata module to fit mixed logit models by using maximum simulated likelihood
by Arne Risa Hole - S456882 CMP: Stata module to implement conditional (recursive) mixed process estimator
by David Roodman - S456881 BKROSENBLATT: Stata module for Blum, Kiefer and Rosenblatt test of bivariate independence
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456880 MIDAS: Stata module for meta-analytical integration of diagnostic test accuracy studies
by Ben Dwamena - S456879 CSTABLE: Stata module to calculate summary table for cohort study
by Gilles Desve & Peter Makary - S456878 CCTABLE: Stata module to calculate summary table for case-control study
by Gilles Desve & Peter Makary - S456877 CHECKREG3: Stata module to check identification status of simultaneous equations system
by Christopher F Baum - S456876 RECLINK: Stata module to probabilistically match records
by Michael Blasnik - S456875 MVTOBIT: Stata module to calculate multivariate tobit models by simulated maximum likelihood (SML)
by Mikkel Barslund - S456874 UTEST: Stata module to test for a U-shaped relationship
by Jo Thori Lind & Halvor Mehlum - S456873 BMJCIP: Stata module to format confidence intervals and P-values for medical journals
by Roger Newson - S456872 DASP: Stata modules for distributive analysis
by Araar Abdelkrim & Jean-Yves Duclos - S456871 HNBREG1: Stata module to estimate Heterogeneous linear negative binomial regression (NB-1)
by Joseph Hilbe - S456870 HCNBREG: Stata module to estimate Heterogeneous Canonical Negative Binomial Regression
by Joseph Hilbe - S456869 METAMISS: Stata module to perform meta-analysis with missing data
by Ian White & Julian Higgins - S456868 XTPMG: Stata module for estimation of nonstationary heterogeneous panels
by Edward F. Blackburne III & Mark W. Frank - S456867 PROGRES: Stata module to measure distributive effects of an income tax
by Andreas Peichl & Philippe van Kerm - S456866 KEYBY: Stata module to key the dataset by a variable list
by Roger Newson - S456865 RANKTEST: Stata module to test the rank of a matrix
by Frank Kleibergen & Mark E Schaffer & Frank Windmeijer - S456864 BITOBIT: Stata module to perform bivariate Tobit regression
by Daniel Lawson - S456863 URCOVAR: Stata module to perform Elliott-Jansson test for unit roots with stationary covariates
by Christopher F Baum - S456862 QLL: Stata module to implement Elliott-Müller efficient test for general persistent time variation in regression coefficients
by Christopher F Baum - S456861 FILEI: Stata module to write lines to end or beginning of text files
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456859 RECAP: Stata module to perform capture-recapture analysis for three sources with Goodness-of-Fit based confidence intervals
by Matthias an der Heiden - S456858 PROPCNSREG: Stata module fitting a measurement model with causal indicators
by Maarten L. Buis - S456857 MULTIBAR: Stata module to produce bar and dot graphs for use with overlapping over() categories
by Fred Wolfe - S456856 QUANTILES: Stata module to categorize by quantiles
by Rafael Guerreiro Osorio - S456854 LABLIST: Stata module to list value labels (if present) for one or more variables
by Roger Newson - S456854 MGOF: Stata module to perform goodness-of-fit tests for multinomial data
by Ben Jann - S456853 DIGDIS: Stata module to analyze the distribution of digits
by Ben Jann - S456852 NJC_STUFF: Stata module documenting Stata programs and help files by Nicholas J. Cox
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456851 DELTA: Stata module to compute the Delta index of scale discrimination
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S456850 EREPOST: Stata module to repost the estimation results
by Ben Jann - S456849 LGRAPH: Stata module to draw line graphs with optional error bars
by Timothy Mak - S456848 GENGROUP: Stata module to produce groups of individuals
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S456847 RSOURCE: Stata module to run R from inside Stata using an R source file
by Roger Newson - S456846 MARKTOUSE: Stata module to mark the observations to be used
by Ben Jann - S456845 KAPLANSKY: Stata module to graph examples of distributions of varying kurtosis
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456844 GROUP1D: Stata module for grouping or clustering in one dimension
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456843 SEQLOGIT: Stata module to fit a sequential logit model
by Maarten L. Buis - S456842 FIRSTDIGIT: Stata module to analyse first digits of numeric variables
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456841 IVACTEST: Stata module to perform Cumby-Huizinga test for autocorrelation after IV/OLS estimation
by Christopher F Baum & Mark E Schaffer - S456840 ORSE: Stata module to save odds ratios and their standard errors after logit, ologit
by Christopher F Baum - S456838 GZIPUSE: Stata module to use and save compressed dta files and compress .dta files
by Nikos Askitas - S456837 CHECKROB: Stata module to perform robustness check of alternative specifications
by Mikkel Barslund - S456836 REVRS: Stata module to reverse variable value order
by Kyle C. Longest - S456835 FRE: Stata module to display one-way frequency table
by Ben Jann - S456834 LABELSOF: Stata module to obtain a list of labeled values
by Ben Jann - S456833 ASHELL: Stata module to capture output from OS shell command
by Nikos Askitas - S456832 PARETOFIT: Stata module to fit a Type 1 Pareto distribution
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Philippe Van Kerm - S456831 BENFORD: Stata module to test Benford's Law on a variable
by Nikos Askitas - S456830 MAIL: Stata module to send progress reports (Mac OSX/Linux/Unix)
by Nikos Askitas - S456829 RADAR: Stata module to draw radar (spider) plots
by Adrian Mander - S456828 COMPLOGIT: Stata module to compare logit coefficients across groups
by Glenn Hoetker - S456827 QPFIT: Stata module containing various quantile and probability plots for assessing distribution fit
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456826 MIMSTACK: Stata module to stack multiply-imputed datasets into format required by mim
by John C. Galati & Patrick Royston & John B. Carlin - S456825 MIM: Stata module to analyse and manipulate multiply imputed datasets
by John C. Galati & Patrick Royston & John B. Carlin - S456824 LOGNFIT: Stata module to fit lognormal distribution by maximum likelihood
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S456823 GB2FIT: Stata module to fit Generalized Beta of the Second Kind distribution by maximum likelihood
by Stephen P. Jenkins - S456822 RDCI: Stata module to calculate risk difference confidence intervals
by Joseph Coveney - S456821 XTPQML: Stata module to estimate Fixed-effects Poisson (Quasi-ML) regression with robust standard errors
by Tim Simcoe - S456820 JNSN: Stata module to fit Johnson distributions
by Joseph Coveney - S456819 OVBD: Stata module to generate correlated random binomial data
by Joseph Coveney - S456818 HSMODE: Stata module to calculate half-sample modes
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456817 SKILMACK: Stata module to calculate Skillings-Mack statistic
by Mark Chatfield - S456816 XTMRHO: Stata module to calculate intra-class correlations after xtmixed
by Lars E. Kroll - S456814 FASTGINI: Stata module to calculate Gini coefficient with jackknife standard errors
by Zurab Sajaia - S456813 STARJAS: Stata module to produce Arjas plot to check proportional hazards assumption
by Enzo Coviello - S456812 SPMAP: Stata module to visualize spatial data
by Maurizio Pisati - S456811 SPEC_STAND: Stata module to create dataset of stratum-specific, unadjusted and standardized rates
by Rosa Gini - S456810 PLSSAS: Stata module to execute SAS partial least squares procedure (Windows only)
by Adrian Mander - S456809 ASCIIPLOT: Stata module to generate ASCII character map
by Michael Blasnik & Svend Juul & Nicholas J. Cox - S456808 WTP: Stata module to estimate confidence intervals for willingness to pay measures
by Arne Risa Hole - S456807 IMPUTEITEMS: Stata module to impute missing data of binary items
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S456806 IMPUTEMOK: Stata module to impute binary data by a Mokken scale
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S456805 IMPUTERASCH: Stata module to impute binary data by a Rasch model
by Jean-Benoit Hardouin - S456804 GROUPCL: Stata module to estimate grouped conditional logit models
by Paulo Guimaraes - S456803 GRUBBS: Stata module to perform Grubbs' test for outliers
by Nicolas Couderc - S456802 CONCINDC: Stata module to calculate concentration index with both individual and grouped data
by Zhuo (Adam) Chen
- S456887 RPNFCN: Stata module to provide a Mata generic function evaluator based on Reverse Polish Notation
by Henrik Stovring - S456860 LARS: Stata module to perform least angle regression
by Adrian Mander - S456839 INDEPLIST: Stata module to returns lists of independent variables from the active estimation command
by Maarten L. Buis - S456801 ADOLIST: Stata module to manage lists of ado packages
by Ben Jann & Stefan Wehrli - S456800 PCORRMAT: Stata module to compute partial correlation coefficients controlled for a fixed set of covariates
by Maarten L. Buis - S456799 INVGAUSSFIT: Stata module to fit a two-parameter inverse Gaussian distribution
by Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins - S456798 METAN: Stata module for fixed and random effects meta-analysis
by David Fisher & Ross Harris & Mike Bradburn & Jon Deeks & Roger Harbord & Doug Altman & Thomas Steichen & Jonathan Sterne & Julian Higgins - S456797 TUPLES: Stata module for selecting all possible tuples from a list
by Joseph N. Luchman & Daniel Klein & Nicholas J. Cox - S456796 XB2PI: Stata module to transform the logit scores into probabilities
by Nicola Orsini - S456795 SBRI: Stata module to calculate the Spearman-Brown reliability
by Nicola Orsini - S456794 POSTRRI: Stata module to calculate posterior relative risks
by Nicola Orsini & Rino Bellocco & Sander Greenland - S456793 EPISENSRRI: Stata module for basic sensitivity analysis for unmeasured confounders
by Nicola Orsini & Rino Bellocco & Sander Greenland - S456792 EPISENS: Stata module for basic sensitivity analysis of epidemiological results
by Nicola Orsini & Rino Bellocco & Sander Greenland - S456791 ESLI: Stata module to calculate the equation of a straight line
by Nicola Orsini - S456790 PDPLOT: Stata module to produce Pareto dot plot
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456789 ROLLING2: Stata module to perform rolling window and recursive estimation
by Christopher F Baum - S456788 MEOPROBIT: Stata module to compute marginal effects after estimation of ordered probit
by Thomas Cornelissen - S456787 XTSCC: Stata module to calculate robust standard errors for panels with cross-sectional dependence
by Daniel Hoechle - S456786 XTFMB: Stata module to execute Fama-MacBeth two-step panel regression
by Daniel Hoechle - S456785 ASSERTKY: Stata module to assert unique dataset keys
by David Kantor - S456784 COUNTMATCH: Stata module to count matching values for one variable in another
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456783 ASCII: Stata module to display the ASCII character set
by Adrian Mander - S456782 PASCAL: Stata module to draw Pascal's triangle
by Amadou Bassirou Diallo - S456781 EITC: Stata module to compute U.S. Earned Income Tax Credit receipts
by Kerry L. Papps - S456780 OUTSUM: Stata module to write formatted descriptive statistics to a text file
by Kerry L. Papps - S456779 XTOVERID: Stata module to calculate tests of overidentifying restrictions after xtreg, xtivreg, xtivreg2, xthtaylor
by Mark E Schaffer & Steven Stillman - S456778 RICHNESS: Stata module to compute measures of income richness
by Andreas Peichl & Thilo Schaefer - S456777 MLOWESS: Stata module for lowess smoothing with multiple predictors
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456776 CART: Stata module to perform Classification And Regression Tree analysis
by Wim van Putten - S456775 FRACTILEPLOT: Stata module for smoothing with respect to distribution function predictors
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456774 SAMPSI_RHO: Stata module to compute sample size for a Pearson correlation
by Adrian Mander - S456773 TABFORM: Stata module to export tables of means, standard deviations to text file
by Le Dang Trung - S456772 NRUNS: Stata module to compute number of runs compared with random shuffles
by Nicholas J. Cox & Nigel Smeeton - S456771 BUCKLEY: Stata module to implement Buckley-James method for analysing censored data
by James Cui - S456770 PHENOTYPE: Stata module to simulate disease status and censored age for family data
by James Cui - S456769 SIMUPED: Stata module to simulate two- and three-generation family data
by James Cui - S456766 CODCI: Stata module to calculate Bonett-Seier's Confidence Interval for the COD
by Mamoun BenMamoun - S456764 QIC: Stata module to compute model selection criterion in GEE analyses
by James Cui - S456760 XML_TAB: Stata module to save results in Excel XML format
by Michael Lokshin & Zurab Sajaia - S456759 SDLINE: Stata module to plot SD line or reduced major axis
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456758 CONFALL: Stata module to plot and display estimates to assess confounding
by Zhiqiang Wang - S456758 CORRTEX: Stata module to generate correlation tables formatted in LaTeX
by Nicolas Couderc - S456757 CONFND: Stata module to plot and display estimates to assess confounding
by Zhiqiang Wang - S456757 CKVAR: Stata module to allow error checking routines to easily be defined and attached directly to variables
by Bill Rising - S456756 GREXPORT: Stata module to produce a resultset of graph contents
by Lars E. Kroll - S456755 DRAREA: Stata module to overlap two range area plots
by Adrian Mander - S456755 SQ: Stata module for sequence analysis
by Ulrich Kohler & Magdalena Luniak & Christian Brzinsky-Fay - S456754 APC: Stata module for estimating age-period-cohort effects
by Sam Schulhofer-Wohl & Yang Yang - S456753 BUGSDAT: Stata module to convert a Stata datafile into the S-plus format used in Winbugs
by Adrian Mander - S456752 ISOPOVERTY: Stata module to generate data for Inequality-Poverty and Iso-Poverty curves
by Joao Pedro Azevedo & Samuel Franco - S456751 CHANGEMEAN: Stata module to compute Income and Inequality Contribution on Poverty Variation
by Joao Pedro Azevedo & Samuel Franco - S456750 APOVERTY: Stata module to compute poverty measures
by Joao Pedro Azevedo - S456749 ALORENZ: Stata module to produce Pen's Parade, Lorenz and Generalised Lorenz curve
by Joao Pedro Azevedo & Samuel Franco - S456748 AINEQUAL: Stata module to compute measures of inequality
by Joao Pedro Azevedo - S456747 SENSATT: Stata module to compute sensitivity for matching estimators
by Tommaso Nannicini - S456746 NBERCYCLES: Stata module to generate graph command (and optionally graph) timeseries vs. NBER recession dating
by Christopher F Baum - S456745 PWCOV: Stata module to compute pairwise covariances
by Christopher F Baum - S456743 BUTTERWORTH: Stata module to implement Butterworth square-wave highpass filter for timeseries data
by Christopher F Baum & Martha Lopez - S456742 SEMEAN: Stata module to compute standard error of mean (optionally from transformed data)
by Christopher F Baum - S456741 CFITZRW: Stata module to implement Christiano-Fitzgerald Random Walk band pass filter for timeseries data
by Christopher F Baum & Martha Lopez - S456740 LOMACKINLAY: Stata module to perform Lo-MacKinlay variance ratio test
by Christopher F Baum - S456739 FPRANK: Stata module to compute Two-Sample Fligner-Policello Robust Rank Order Test
by Mamoun BenMamoun - S456738 SIZEFX: Stata module to compute effect size correlations
by Matthew Openshaw - S456737 CLOGITHET: Stata module to estimate heteroscedastic conditional logit model
by Arne Risa Hole - S456736 XTCSD: Stata module to test for cross-sectional dependence in panel data models
by R. E. De Hoyos & Vasilis Sarafidis - S456735 TCOD: Stata module to perform Gloudemans' COD tolerance tests
by Mamoun BenMamoun - S456734 SRATIO: Stata module to calculate ratio study statistics
by Mamoun BenMamoun - S456733 CONCINDEX: Stata module to calculate measures of the concentration index
by Amadou Bassirou Diallo - S456732 PESCADF: Stata module to perform Pesaran's CADF panel unit root test in presence of cross section dependence
by Piotr Lewandowski - S456731 TOMATA: Stata module to make vectors in Mata of variables in Stata
by William Gould - S456730 ANOGI: Stata module to generate Analysis of Gini
by Ben Jann - S456729 DPREDICT: Stata module to produce dynamic forecasts for ARIMA(p,s,q) models
by J. Katriak - S456728 SHORTH: Stata module for descriptive statistics based on shortest halves
by Nicholas J. Cox - S456727 FAIRLIE: Stata module to generate nonlinear decomposition of binary outcome differentials
by Ben Jann - S456726 MFX2: Stata module to enhance mfx command for obtaining marginal effects or elasticities after estimation
by Richard Williams - S456725 DIRIFIT: Stata module to fit a Dirichlet distribution
by Maarten L. Buis & Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins - S456724 RUNPARSCALE: Stata module to run PARSCALE from Stata
by Laura Gibbons - S456723 PREPAR: Stata module to write code and data file needed to process variables in PARSCALE
by Laura Gibbons