December 2002, Volume 93, Issue 5
- 559-562 Comment on Manuel Castells’ paper in this issue: Local and global: cities in the network society
by Herman Van Der Wusten - 563-569 Europeanisation of science
by Koen Frenken - 570-575 Segmenting the market for agricultural land in the Netherlands
by Arno Segeren & Jan Luijt - 586-595 The Netherlands in Maps: Geographies of money in the Netherlands
by Paul J.M. Van Steen & Piet H. Bellenbarg
September 2002, Volume 93, Issue 4
- 369-382 Namibia’s Unstable Northern Frontier
by William R. Stanley - 383-396 The changing spatial networks of large state–owned enterprises in reform–era China: A company case study
by Xiaojian Li - 397-411 The Cultural Politics of Local Economic Development: The Case of Toledo Jeep
by Jay D. Gatrell & Neil Reid - 412-423 A value chain approach to financial centres – The case of Frankfurt
by Michael H. Grote & Vivien Lo & Sofia Harrschar–Ehrnborg - 424-442 Regional inversion in the United States: The institutional context for the rise of the Sunbelt since the 1940s
by Luis Suarez–Villa - 443-453 Children’s (in)dependent mobility and parents’ chauffeuring in the town and the countryside
by Karen Tillberg Mattsson - 454-463 A Comparative Industrial Profile Analysis of urban regions in Western Europe: an application of rough set classification
by Frank Bruinsma & Peter Nijkamp & Ron Vreeker - 464-471 The Supply, Use and Quality of Randstad Holland’s Transportation Networks in Comparative Perspective
by Hans D. Hilbers & Isabel R. Wilmink - 482-482 The Netherlands in Maps
by Piet H. Pellenbarg & Paul J. M. Van Steen
August 2002, Volume 93, Issue 3
- 1-1 The Netherlands in Maps
by Piet H. Pellenbarg & Paul J.M Van Steen - 231-241 Mapping Childhood in Amsterdam: the spatial and social construction of children’s domains in the city
by Lia Karsten - 242-253 Natural Resources and Development: Comparison of Bangladesh and South Korea
by Richard M. Auty - 254-269 Embeddedness in custodial banking
by Pierre Agnes - 270-286 Conditions for the development of high‐tech industry: the case of Israel
by Aharon Kellerman - 287-301 Stability and change in the supply chains of multinational plants: the managerial voice
by Mike Crone & H. Doug Watts - 302-315 Enterprise, Embeddedness and Exclusion: Business and Development in Fiji
by Michael Taylor - 316-335 New geographies and forms of work and unemployment and public policy innovation in Europe
by Ray Hudson - 336-343 Urban form and commuting behaviour: a cross‐European perspective
by Tim Schwanen - 344-360 Innovation and agglomeration economies in the Netherlands
by Frank Van Oort
May 2002, Volume 93, Issue 2
- 1-1 The Netherland in Maps
by Piet H. Pellenbarg & Paul J.M> Van Steen - 125-136 Bordering, Ordering and Othering
by Henk Van Houtum & Ton Van Naerssen - 137-148 Bounded spaces in the mobile world: Deconstructing ‘regional identity’
by Anssi Paasi - 149-159 Process of Othering in the case of India and Pakistan
by Sanjay Chaturvedi - 160-172 Re‐imagining Borders: Malay Identity and Indonesian Migrants in Malaysia
by Ernst Spaan & Ton Van Naerssen & Gerard Kohl - 173-190 The spatial limits to entrepreneurship: Immigrant entrepreneurs in Canada
by Daniel Hiebert - 191-207 Assimilating Jews in Dutch nation‐building: the missing ‘pillar’
by Hans Knippenberg - 208-213 Stock markets for sale: European Integration and the consolidation of stock exchanges
by Marinda De Smidt & Ton Van Rietbergen - 214-220 Ethnic Segregation in the Netherlands: New Patterns, New Policies?
by Gideon Bolt & Pieter Hooimeijer & Ronald Van Kempen
February 2002, Volume 93, Issue 1
- 3-4 Guest Editorial
by Neil Wrigley & Sallie A. Marston - 5-7 Commentary – Taking Economic and Cultural Geographies Seriously
by Michelle Lowe - 8-33 Organisational Restructuring, Knowledge and Spatial Scale: The Case of the US Department Store Industry
by Steve Wood - 34-46 The Restructuring of Retail Capital and the Street
by Katherine Hankins - 47-61 The Emergence of Online Food Retailing: A Stakeholder Perspective
by Andrew Murphy - 62-82 Transforming the Corporate Landscape of US Food Retailing: Market Power, Financial Re‐engineering and Regulation
by Neil Wrigley - 83-99 Flexible Retailing: Gap Inc. and the Multiple Spaces of Shopping in the United States
by Sallie A. Marston & Ali Modarres - 100-106 The Geography of Deregulation in the European Aviation Market
by Guillaume Burghouwt & Jacco Hakfoort - 107-113 The Rise (and fall?) of National Retail Planning
by David Evers - 120-122 Money and Space in the Netherlands: Introduction to the 2002 Maps
by Paul J.M. Van Steen & Piet H. Pellenbarg
November 2001, Volume 92, Issue 4
- 394-404 Encountering different territorialities: political fragmentation of the sami homeland
by Kristiina Karppi - 405-419 Strategic Territorialisation: The Politics of Anglo–Montrealers
by Julie–Anne Boudreau - 420-436 The territoriality of European integration and the territorial features of the European Union: the first 50 years
by Virginie Mamadouh - 437-448 Neoliberalism and Shifts in Occupational Structure: Quito, Ecuador, 1982–90
by Edward L. Jackiewicz - 449-463 Cycles in industrial clusters: the case of the shipbuilding industry in the Northern Netherlands
by Arjen Van Klink & Peter De Langen - 464-477 The changing state of gentrification
by Jason Hackworth & Neil Smith - 478-487 The regions in Brussels: subnational actors in the supranational arena
by Virginie Mamadouh - 503-512 Making space, sharing space: The new memorandum on spatial planning in the Netherlands
by Piet H. Pellenbart & Paul J.M. Van Steen
August 2001, Volume 92, Issue 3
- 1-1 The Netherlands in Maps
by Piet H. Pellenbarg & Paul J.M. Van Steen - 261-278 Colouring the City: ‘Black‐On‐Black Violence’ and Liberal Discourse
by David Wilson - 279-290 Agency, place, scale: representations of inner‐city youth identities
by Harald Bauder - 291-308 Representations of Islam in the politics of mosque development in Sydney
by Kevin M. Dunn - 309-323 What’s in a Frisian business name? Regional identity in the Netherlands
by Ab Van Langevelde & Piet Pellenbarg - 324-346 Spatial development initiatives in Southern Africa: The Maputo Development Corridor
by Christian M. Rogerson - 347-360 Leisure trips of senior citizens: determinants of modal choice
by Tim Schwanen & Martin Dijst & Frans M. Dieleman - 361-368 Postponement in Western Europe: laggards and leaders
by Remko Van Hoek & Evert‐jan Visser - 369-378 Location and local networks of ICT firms in the Netherlands
by Oedzge Atzema
May 2001, Volume 92, Issue 2
- 1-1 The Netherlands in Maps
by Piet H. Pellenbarg & Paul J.M. Van Steen - 119-138 A Flow Approach to Industrial Sites, Firm Dynamics and Regional Employment Growth: A Case Study of Amsterdam‐North
by Cees Gorter & Frank Bruinsma & Peter Nijkamp - 139-147 Finnish Socio‐Economic Grid Data, GIS and the Hidden Geography of Unemployment
by Jarmo Rusanen & Toivo Muilu & Alfred Copaert & Arvo Naukkarinen - 148-163 Waste Sector Structure: Institutional Capacity for Planning Waste Reduction
by Maarten Wolsink & Paulien De Jong - 164-184 Changing Suburban Landscapes at the Microscale
by J.W.R. Whitehand - 185-201 Retail Restructuring in Polish Transitional Economy
by Zbigniew Taylor - 202-216 Assessing the Regional Transactions of Foreign Manufacturers in Wales: Issues and Determinants
by Max Munday & Annette Roberts - 217-230 The Spatial Structure of Japanese Business Activities in Europe
by Rolf D. Schlunze - 231-246 Urban Form and Job Access: Disparate Realities in the Randstad
by Maarten Van Ham & Pieter Hooimeijer & Clara H. Mulder
February 2001, Volume 92, Issue 1
- 5-17 Potentials of Labour Out‐migration from Russia: two surveys
by Eugene Krassinets & Elena Tiuriukanova - 18-26 Why Madam has so many bathrobes?: demand for migrant workers in the EU
by Bridget Anderson - 27-41 Determinants of the subnational distribution of immigration
by Nicole Van Der Gaag & Leo Van Wissen - 42-59 The Geography of the New Ethnicity: Ethnic Residential Segregation in Metropolitan Sydney 1996
by James Forrest & Ron Johnston - 60-75 On the spatial embeddedness of innovation networks: an exploration of the proximity effect
by Leon Oerlemans & Marius Meeus & Frans Boekema - 76-87 Regions in geography and the regional geography of semiperipheral development
by Kees Terlouw - 88-99 University–business interaction in the Oxford and Cambridge regions
by Helen Lawton Smith & David Keeble & Clive Lawson & Barry Moore & Frank Wilkinson - 100-107 Corridors in the Netherlands: apple of discord in spatial planning
by Hugo Priemus - 115-116 Spatial Planning in the Netherlands Introduction to the 2001 Maps
by Piet Pellenbarg & Paul Van Steen
November 2000, Volume 91, Issue 4
- 347-360 Consolidating South Africa’s New Democracy: Geographical Dimensions of Party Support in the 1999 Election
by Roddy Fox & Anthony Lemon - 361-378 Border Crossings: Small Enterpreneurs and Cross‐border Trade between South Africa and Mozambique
by Sally Ann Peberdy - 379-396 The Causes of Unemployment in Post‐apartheid Johannesburg and the Livelihood Strategies of the Poor
by Jo Beall & Owen Crankshaw & Susan Parnell - 397-411 Local Economic Development in an Era of Globalisation: The Case of South African Cities
by Christian Rogerson - 412-425 Are We Having Fun Yet? Leisure and Consumption in the Post‐apartheid City
by Belinda Dodson - 426-436 Foreign Migrants in Export Agriculture: Mozambican Labour in the Mpumalanga Lowveld, South Africa
by Charles Mather - 437-450 Africa Unbound: Redemption and Representation in the New South African Travelogue
by Jonathan Crush - 451-457 Outlook on Europe: South Africa’s Relations with the European Union Since the End of Apartheid
by Anthony Lemon - 458-462 Window on the Netherlands: Dutch Images of South Africa Reflected in Travel Diaries
by Erik Van Deb Bergh - 472-479 The Netherlands in Maps: The Geography of Crime in the Netherlands
by Paul Van Steen & Piet Pellenbarg
August 2000, Volume 91, Issue 3
- 219-226 Europe 2000 and National Regulation Discourses
by Gertjan Dijkink - 227-236 A Third Way for Europe? Discourse, regulation and the European question in Britain
by Joe Painter - 237-247 Germany after the Millennium: Discourses and strategies of restructuring: redefining the role of the state
by Guido Felhoölter & Ronald Noppe - 248-262 French regulatory path? State, economy and territory
by Emmanuel Ne´grier - 263-277 Residential real estae transfers in Pietermaritzburg‐Msunduzi, South Africa
by Les Wood - 278-292 Comparative study of hub airports in Europe: Ticket prices, travel time and rescheduling costs
by Frank Bruinsma & Piet Rietveld & Martijn Brons - 293-307 Economic internationalisation and regional response: The case of North Eastern Mexico
by Menno Vellinga - 308-315 Drivers of innovation: A comparative study on innovation in European cities by means of multi‐criteria analysis
by Peter Nijkamp & Aura Reggiani - 316-321 Recent research on housing environment in the Netherlands
by Jan Brouwer - 333-333 The Netherlands in Maps
by Piet Pellenbarg & Paul Van Steen
May 2000, Volume 91, Issue 2
- 1-1 The Netherlands in Maps: Crime in the Netherlands
by Piet Pellenbarg & Paul Van Steen - 111-121 The compact city and the environment: a review
by Jochem Van Der Waals - 122-134 Geography of outsourcing: business service provisions among firms in Norway
by Grete Rusten - 135-146 Towards a relational view on industrial location theory
by Frank Witlox - 147-158 Global cities, transnational flows and gender dimensions: the view from Singapore
by Brenda Yeoh & Shirlena Huang & Katie Willis - 159-175 Ireland’s seaport system
by Barry Brunt - 176-189 The spatial order of European cities under conditions of contemporary globalisation
by Peter Taylor & Michael Hoyler - 190-193 The implications of the European monetary union for regional development: comments on the contribution of Begg and Hodson
by Ron Boschma - 194-196 The implications of the European monetary union for regional development: rejoinder to the comments by Ron Boschma
by Iain Begg & Dermot Hodson - 197-203 Big cities policy in the Netherlands
by Ronald Van Kempen
February 2000, Volume 91, Issue 1
- 3-19 Modelling spatial relationships between belgian car manufacturers and their suppliers using choremes
by Peter Cabus - 20-30 Differential urbanisation and primate city growth in soviet and post‐soviet Estonia
by Tiit Tammaru - 31-43 Payment systems ‐ the geographical dimension
by Risto Laulajainen & Kristina Johansson - 44-60 Conflict and compromise among borderland identities in northern Italy
by David Kaplan - 61-77 Understanding the Dutch‐German cross‐border labour market: are highly educated workers unwilling to move?
by Peter De Gijsel & Manfred Janssen - 78-84 Regional Adjustment Mechanisms under EMU
by Iain Begg & Dermot Hodson - 85-91 The production of business sites in the Netherlands
by Erik Louw - 106-107 The Netherlands in Maps: Crime in the Netherlands
by Piet Pallenbarg & Paul Van Steen
November 1999, Volume 90, Issue 4
- 347-362 Dynamic Externalities and Regional Manufacturing Development In Poland
by Roger S. Bivand - 365-378 Convergence or Divergence? Types of Regional Responses to Socio‐Economic Change in Western Europe
by Andrés Rodríguez‐Pose - 379-390 Industrial Restructuring in South Africa: The Case of Newcastle
by Alison Todes - 391-409 Food Consumption in the Mediterranean Region
by David Grigg - 410-426 Making Fruitful Comparisons: Southern Hemisphere Producers and the Global Apple Industry
by Michael Roche & Megan Mckenna & Richard Le Heron - 427-431 Labour Markets in Europe at the Edge of a New Century: Knowledge Economy and Transitional Labour
by Lambert Van Der Laan - 432-437 The Dutch Coast: Battlefield and Zone of Opportunity
by Frans De Nooij - 441-447 The Dynamics of the International Economic and Demographic Exchange Relationships of The Netherlands
by Piet H. Pellenbarg & Paul J.M. Van Steen
July 1999, Volume 90, Issue 3
- 1-1 The Netherlands in the World (part 3): Foreign direct investment
by Piet H. Pellenbarg & Paul J.M. Van Steen
August 1999, Volume 90, Issue 3
- 260-271 Endogenous Agricultural Development in Western Europe
by Ian Bowler - 272-284 Sectoral and Structural Considerations in China's Rural Development
by Richard Kirkby & Zhao Xiaobin - 285-295 The Geography of Organic Farming in England and Wales in the 1990s
by Brian Ilbery & Lewis Holloway & Ruth Arber - 296-311 Set‐Aside and Environment: A Case Study in Southern England
by Guy M. Robinson & Margo Lind - 312-319 The Role of Household Factors in Direct Selling of Farm Produce in France
by Andrew W. Gilg & Martin Battershill - 320-328 Agriculture and Innovation in the Urban Fringe: The Case of Organic Farming in Quebec, Canada
by Audric Beauchesne & Christopher Bryant - 329-335 Internationalisation and Mental Borders
by Henk van Houtum - 336-342 Flooding, River Management and Emergency Legislation Experiences of the accelerated reinforcement of dikes in the Netherlands
by Peter P.J. Driessen & Anton A.J. De Gier
May 1999, Volume 90, Issue 2
- 1-1 The Netherlands in the World (part 2): Import and Export
by Piet H. Pellenbarg & Paul J.M. Van Steen - 129-141 Right Extremist Votes and the Presence of Foreigners: An Analysis of the 1994 Elections in Amsterdam
by Sjoerd De Vos & Rinus Deurloo - 142-155 ‘Flags of Convenience’: Geoeconomics and Regulatory Minimisation
by Jonathan R. Barton - 156-167 Financial and Business Services and Uneven Economic Development: Some Welsh Evidence
by Gillian Bristow & Peter Gripaios & Max Munday - 168-183 Cultural Empowerment and Language Shift in Wales
by John Aitchison & Harold Carter - 184-195 Local Development Initiatives And Unemployment In New Zealand
by Gary Scott & Eric Pawson - 196-210 Resource Town Employment: Perceptions in Small Town British Columbia
by Greg Halseth - 211-225 Globalisation, Commodity Chains and Fruit Exporting Regions in Chile
by Robert N. Gwynne - 226-233 The Deregulation of European Air Transport: A Dream Come True?
by Jacco Robert Hakfoort - 234-241 Underground Freight Transport in The Netherlands in the Next Century
by Hugo Gordijn
February 1999, Volume 90, Issue 1
- 3-16 The Construction and Experience of Nature: Perspectives of Urban Youths
by Lily Kong & Belinda Yuen & Navjot S. Sodhi & Clive Briffett - 17-31 Welfare Effects of Spatial Deconcentration: A Scenario for the Netherlands
by Paul Elhorst & Jan Oosterhaven & Frans Sijtsma & Dirk Stelder - 32-46 The Commodification of International Migration: Findings from Thailand
by Huw Jones & Tieng Pardthaisong - 47-60 Globalisation of the Footwear Industry: A Simple Case of Labour?
by Stella Lowder - 61-79 Closing the Gap: Australian–Indonesian Relations, the ‘Perilous Moment’ and the Maritime Boundary Zone
by David Mercer - 80-96 Spatial Implications of India’s New Economic Policy
by Surya Kant - 97-109 Output Effects of Transport Infrastructure: The Netherlands, 1853–1913
by Peter Groote & Jan Jacobs & Jan‐Egbert Sturm - 110-116 The Emergence of Knowledge‐Oriented Forms of Regional Policy in Europe
by Arnoud Lagendijk - 117-124 Future Population Distribution in the Past and Present
by Henk Ter Heide - 127-128 The Netherlands in the World (part 1): Immigration and Emigration
by Piet H. Pellenbarg & Paul J.M. Van Steen
November 1998, Volume 89, Issue 4
- 359-370 The Social Geography of Rome
by Michael Pacione - 371-383 Changed Household Livelihood Strategies in the Cordillera of Luzon
by David Preston - 384-400 Commuting in Multi‐Nodal Urban Systems: An Empirical Comparison of Three Alternative Models
by L. van der, J., R. Laan Vogelsang Schalke - 401-415 Environmentalism and Restructuring of the Global Pulp and Paper Industry
by Lyndhurst Collins - 416-430 Examining Spatial Patterns in the Pace of Housing Commodification
by Hal Pawson & Craig Watkins - 431-445 Location of Entrepreneurship Assistance Centres in Israel
by Eran Razin - 446-458 Historical Contingency and Commercialisation in Xishuangbanna, China
by Irene Eng - 459-466 Ethnic Minority Housing in the European Union: A Case Study of Turks
by Ronald van Kempen & A. Sôule Úzûekren - 467-473 Urban Policies and the ‘Polder Model’: Two Sides of the Same Coin
by Pieter, Jacques van der Terhorst Ven
August 1998, Volume 89, Issue 3
- 239-252 FDI in the UK Car Component Industry: Recent Causes and Consequences
by David Pickernell - 253-263 Locational Response of German Manufacturers to Environmental Standards
by Boris Braun - 264-278 The Survival of Commercial Hierarchies: Rural Service Centres in Western Victoria, Australia
by W.K.D. Davies & I. Townshend & L. Ng - 279-297 Modelling Networks: A Long Way to Go
by Dirk‐Jan F. Kamann - 298-309 Do Networks Matter for Innovation? The usefulness of the economic network approach in analysing innovation
by Leon A.G. Oerlemans & Marius T.H. Meeus & Frans W.M. Boekema - 310-319 A ‘Reverse Network Engineering’ Framework to Develop Tourism Using a Lifestyle Approach
by Dirk‐Jan F. Kamann & Dirk Strijker & Frans J. Sijtsma - 320-327 Randstad, Rhine‐Ruhr and Flemish diamond as one polynucleated macro‐region?
by Frans M. Dieleman & Andreas Faludi - 328-336 Geographical Differences in Support Networks of Older Adults
by Jenny de Jong Gierveld & Tineke Fokkema - 356-356 Transport and Mobility (Part 3): Railway Stations (Map)
by Piet H. Pellenbarg & Paul J.M. Van Steen
May 1998, Volume 89, Issue 2
- 131-149 The EU and Central Europe: The Remaking of Economic Relationships
by Allan M. Williams & Vladimir Balaz & Stefan Zajaz - 150-160 Agricultural Reform in Post‐Transition Poland
by Hilary Ingham & Mike Ingham & Grzegorz Weclawowicz - 161-177 Retail Modernisation and Morphological Change: Central Malaga, Spain
by Michael Barke - 178-192 Spatial Variations in the Consumption of Sweeteners
by David Grigg - 193-202 Changing Worlds: the Microgeographies of Young Teenagers
by Hugh Matthews & Melanie Limb & Barry Percy‐Smith - 203-209 Organising Industrial Spaces: A Commentary on the IGU Commission
by Richard LeHeron - 210-216 Situating Gender Geographies: A Bibliometric Analysis
by Maria Dolors Garcia‐Ramon & Alba Caballe - 217-223 European Distribution Centres: Location Patterns
by Tobias De Ligt & Egbert Wever - 224-229 Nature Development by Natuurmonumenten
by Harm Piek & Jan Gorter - 236-236 Transport and Mobility (Part 2): Road Density (Map)
by Piet H. Pellenbarg & Paul J.M. Van Steen
February 1998, Volume 89, Issue 1
- 3-3 Editorial
by Jan Van Weesep - 4-14 A Geopolitical Approach to China's Future as an Empire
by Jarmo Eronen - 15-30 Restructuring Region and State: the Case of North East England
by Ray Hudson - 31-43 Contradictions between Dutch Housing Policy and Spatial Planning
by Hugo Priemus - 44-55 An Investigation into Site and Situation: Cruise Ship Ports
by Robert J. McCalla - 56-65 Ecological and Regional Protests in Uttarakhand, Northern India
by Kevin Hannam - 66-81 The Banana Industries of Costa Rica and Dominica in a Time of Change
by James Wiley - 82-89 The State Political Geography is In
by Herman Van Der Wusten - 90-99 Geography's Contested Stories: Changing States‐of‐the‐Art
by Anne Buttimer - 100-105 Drug Use and Drug Trafficking in Europe
by Tim Boekhout van Solinge - 106-116 Spatial Planning Scenarios for the Netherlands
by Edwin Van Uum - 128-128 Transport and Mobility: Introduction to the 1998 Maps: Transportation (Part 1) Number of Inhabitants Per Private Automobile (Map)
by Piet H. Pellenbarg & Paul J.M. Van Steen
September 1985, Volume 76, Issue 4
- 242-252 Small And Medium‐Sized Innovative Firms In The Netherlands' Urban And Rural Regions
by Pieter H. Pellenbarg & Jozef A. A. M. Kok - 253-260 World Patterns Of Agricultural Productivity
by David Grigg - 261-273 The Spatial Structure Of State‐Owned Industry In The Oran Region Of Algeria
by Bachir Tidjane & Keith Sutton - 274-287 The Rise And Fall Of Universal Primary Education In Peripheral Northern Nigeria
by Robert Stock - 288-297 Export Beef Production And Development Contradictions In Costa Rica
by Susan E. Place - 298-309 The Impact On City Finance Of False Registration In Second Homes: The Case Of The 1981 Austrian Census
by R. J. Bennett