November 2018, Volume 9, Issue S3
- 48-52 Between a Carrot and a Stick: Science Diplomacy and Access to EU Research Funding
by Matthias Leese - 53-59 UNESCO: Scientific Humanism and its Impact on Multilateral Diplomacy
by J. P. Singh - 60-66 CSIRTs and Global Cybersecurity: How Technical Experts Support Science Diplomacy
by Leonie Maria Tanczer & Irina Brass & Madeline Carr - 67-72 Accelerating Basic Science in an Intergovernmental Framework: Learning from CERN's Science Diplomacy
by Katharina E. Höne & Jovan Kurbalija - 73-77 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the Science‐Diplomacy Nexus
by Pierre‐Bruno Ruffini - 78-80 Scientist Diplomats or Diplomat Scientists: Who Makes Science Diplomacy Effective?
by William R. Moomaw
October 2018, Volume 9, Issue S2
- 5-11 Introduction: Bringing Institutions Back in the Study of Global Value Chains
by Jappe Eckhardt & Arlo Poletti - 12-20 Domestic Institutions and Global Value Chains: Offshoring in Germany's Core Industrial Sectors
by Ferdi De Ville - 21-28 When the State Brings Itself Back into GVC: The Case of the Indonesian Palm Oil Pledge
by Ahmad Dermawan & Otto Hospes - 29-37 Global Value Chains and the Governance of ‘Embedded’ Food Commodities: The Case of Soy
by Tony Heron & Patricia Prado & Chris West - 38-48 The Globalization of Production and the Politics of Dispute Initiation at the World Trade Organization
by Aydin B. Yildirim & Arlo Poletti & J. Tyson Chatagnier & Dirk De Bièvre - 49-57 Global Value Chains and Product Differentiation: Changing the Politics of Trade
by Leonardo Baccini & Andreas Dür - 58-66 Global Value Chains, Firm Preferences and the Design of Preferential Trade Agreements
by Jappe Eckhardt & Kelley Lee
June 2018, Volume 9, Issue S1
- 5-6 Ten Years after the Global Financial Crisis: An Introduction
by Helmut K. Anheier & James A. Haley - 7-20 Multilayered Governance and the International Financial Architecture: The Erosion of Multilateralism in International Liquidity Provision
by Barry Eichengreen & Domenico Lombardi & Anton Malkin - 21-33 The G20's Reform of Bank Regulation and the Changing Structure of the Global Financial System
by Malcolm D. Knight - 34-42 Three Lines of Defence: A Robust Organising Framework, or Just Lines in the Sand?
by Howard Davies & Maria Zhivitskaya - 43-53 The Corporate Governance of Public Banks before and after the Global Financial Crisis
by Mark Hallerberg & Jonas Markgraf - 54-64 EU Financial Services Policy since 2007: Crisis, Responses, and Prospects
by Nicolas Véron - 65-69 Sovereign Debt Restructuring in Europe
by Lee C. Buchheit & G. Mitu Gulati - 70-79 Managing Deep Debt Crises in the Euro Area: Towards a Feasible Regime
by Jeromin Zettelmeyer
November 2018, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 441-450 Trade Agreements, Regulatory Institutions and Services Liberalization
by Matteo Fiorini & Bernard Hoekman - 451-466 Labor Provisions in Trade Agreements (LABPTA): Introducing a New Dataset
by Damian Raess & Dora Sari - 467-478 Tailoring for Development: China's Post‐crisis Influence in Global Financial Governance
by Julian Gruin & Peter Knaack & Jiajun Xu - 479-488 The new EU Conflict Minerals Regulation: Normative Power in International Relations?
by Lena Partzsch - 489-500 China's Expanding Security Involvement in Africa: A Pillar for ‘China–Africa Community of Common Destiny’
by Lei Yu - 501-512 Understanding the Connections between the EU Global Strategy and Somali Peacebuilding Education Needs and Priorities
by Alexandra Lewis & Neil Winn - 513-524 Catastrophic Climate Change and Forest Tipping Points: Blind Spots in International Politics and Policy
by Joana Castro Pereira & Eduardo Viola - 525-526 Introduction: Climate Governance After Paris
by David Held & Charles Roger - 527-537 Three Models of Global Climate Governance: From Kyoto to Paris and Beyond
by David Held & Charles Roger - 538-548 The Policy Role of Corporate Carbon Management: Co‐regulating Ecological Effectiveness
by Jane Lister - 549-559 Networking Cities after Paris: Weighing the Ambition of Urban Climate Change Experimentation
by Emilia Smeds & Michele Acuto - 560-569 Seeking Entry: Discursive Hooks and NGOs in Global Climate Politics
by Jen Iris Allan - 570-577 Paris Needs Geneva, and Vice Versa
by C. Y. Cyrus Chu & Po‐Ching Lee - 578-585 The BRICS Coming of Age and the New Development Bank
by Sergio Gusmão Suchodolski & Julien Marcel Demeulemeester - 586-588 Researching Private Security in Africa: Two Theoretical Orientations, Two Tales of Security Governance
by Åsne Kalland Aarstad & Bruno Oliveira Martins
September 2018, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 291-300 The United Nations and Civil Society in Times of Change: Four Propositions
by Helmut K. Anheier - 301-312 Ten Challenges in Democracy Support – and How to Overcome them
by Susan Dodsworth & Nic Cheeseman - 313-326 Measuring the Diffusion of the Millennium Development Goals across Major Print Media and Academic Outlets
by John W. McArthur & Christine Zhang - 327-335 SDGs, Foreign Ministries and the Art of Partnering with the Private Sector
by Ries Kamphof & Jan Melissen - 336-351 Responding to the SDG16 Measurement Challenge: The Governance, Peace and Security Survey Modules in Africa
by Mireille Razafindrakoto & François Roubaud - 352-364 Inter‐Governmental Regimes and Recruitment to Private Regimes: GATT/WTO and the ISO, 1951–2005
by Sijeong Lim & Aseem Prakash - 365-376 The Case for Economic Development Through Sovereign Investment: A Paradox of Scarcity?
by Patrick J. Schena & Juergen Braunstein & Asim Ali - 377-386 North‐South Negotiations about Financing for Development: State, Society and Market in the Global Age
by Dena Freeman - 387-397 Gold at the end of the Rainbow? The BRI and the Middle East
by Anoushiravan Ehteshami - 398-407 After the Paris Agreement: What Role for the BRICS in Global Climate Governance?
by Christian Downie & Marc Williams - 408-419 The Strategizing of Policy Entrepreneurs towards the Global Alliance for Climate‐Smart Agriculture
by Marijn Faling & Robbert Biesbroek & Sylvia Karlsson‐Vinkhuyzen - 420-428 Brexit and the UK‐Africa Caribbean and Pacific Aid Relationship
by Sophia Price - 429-431 A Quantum Leap in Energy Efficiency to Put the Sustainable Development Goals in Closer Reach
by Daniel Puig & Timothy Clifford Farrell & Magda Moner‐Girona - 432-433 The Core Challenges of Financial Regulation
by Edward Price - 434-436 Law and Democracy in Deliberative Theory and Practice
by Donald Bello Hutt
May 2018, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 163-172 Global Governance in Practice
by Vincent Pouliot & Jean†Philippe Thérien - 173-183 Governing the Global Land Grab
by Ethan B. Kapstein - 184-192 Shipping Policy to Fight the Resource Curse
by Leif Wenar & Ioannis Kouris - 193-202 Internalisation of International Investment Agreements in Public Policymaking: Developing a Conceptual Framework of Regulatory Chill
by Ashley Schram & Sharon Friel & J. Anthony VanDuzer & Arne Ruckert & Ronald Labonté - 203-215 Does Government Expenditure Matter for Economic Growth?
by Marion Laboure & Emmanuelle Taugourdeau - 216-230 A Common Framework on Inequalities for G7 Countries
by Simone Martelli & Lawrence Bartolomucci & Simone Berardi - 231-243 Rise of Complementarity between Global and Regional Financial Institutions: Perspectives from Asia
by Pradumna B. Rana & Ramon Pacheco Pardo - 244-253 Absent or Invisible? Women Mediators and the United Nations
by Catherine Turner - 254-263 Negotiating the Hard/Soft Law Divide in Business and Human Rights: The Implementation of the UNGPs in the European Union
by Daniel Augenstein - 264-275 Post†War Recovery and the Role of Markets: Policy Insights from Six Years of Research
by Richard Mallett & Adam Pain - 276-282 A Time for Hope? Pursuing a Vision of a Fair, Sustainable and Healthy World
by Sharon Friel - 283-284 Dissecting the 2017 National Security Strategy: Implications for Senior Administrators (the Devil in the Details)
by John M. Weaver - 285-286 Five Questions for Economic Policy after 2008
by Edward Price
February 2018, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-16 Reducing Inequalities within Countries: Assessing the Potential of the Sustainable Development Goals
by Lucas Chancel & Alex Hough & Tancrède Voituriez - 17-25 The Rediscovery of Indigenous Thought in the Modern Legal System: The Case of the Great Apes
by Markus Fraundorfer - 26-40 Partial Two‐Way Mirror: International Organization Budget Transparency
by Kim Moloney & Rayna Stoycheva - 41-52 International Capacity Cooperation—Financing China's Export of Industrial Overcapacity
by Tristan Kenderdine & Han Ling - 53-63 From Cancun to Paris: An Era of Policy Making on Climate Change and Migration
by Sarah L. Nash - 64-66 Regional Contributions to Global Migration Governance: Introduction
by Joris Larik & Niranjan Sahoo - 67-75 Tackling Europe's Migration ‘Crisis’ through Law and ‘New Governance’
by Paul James Cardwell - 76-84 The Role of SAARC and EU in Managing Refugees in South Asia and Beyond: Potential for North‐South Cooperation
by Zahid Shahab Ahmed - 85-94 The Limits and Opportunities of Regional Solidarity: Exploring Refugee Resettlement in Brazil and Chile
by Marcia Vera Espinoza - 95-101 Outsourcing the Fight against Corruption: Lessons from the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala
by Yulia Krylova - 102-106 Why Policymakers Should View Carbon Capture and Storage as a Stepping‐stone to Carbon Dioxide Removal
by Bryan Maher - 107-113 Towards a Third Generation of Global Governance Scholarship
by David Coen & Tom Pegram - 114-120 Producing Global Governance in the Global Factory: Markets, Politics, and Regulation
by Virginia Haufler - 121-128 Explaining New Models of Global Voluntary Regulation: What Can Organisational Studies Contribute?
by Axel Marx & Jan Wouters - 129-137 Breaking the Cycle of Gridlock
by Thomas Hale & David Held - 138-145 Contested Global Governance
by Michael Zürn - 146-150 Afghanistan: In Search for an Alternative Route to Stability
by Kalam Shahed - 151-152 The Nuclear Deal Turns Two: Barely Alive or Already Dead?
by Cornelius Adebahr - 153-155 Iranian Economy Post‐JCPOA and its Ambitions
by Cyrus Mehdi‐Zadeh - 156-158 The New Dynamics of the International Trading System
by Nicolás Albertoni
November 2017, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 433-442 The G20: Emerging Chinese Leadership in Global Governance?
by Xiao Ren - 443-454 The Role of the IMF in Managing the Euro Area Sovereign Debt and Banking Crises: Perspectives from East Asia
by Yung Chul Park - 455-463 The Limited Prospects for International Tax Cooperation
by Robert Kudrle - 464-473 Business Motives in Global Multi†Stakeholder Initiatives: Exploring Corporate Participation in Sustainable Energy for All
by Erik Lundsgaarde - 474-482 Explaining Resource Nationalism
by Sam Pryke - 483-494 Governing Towards ‘One Health’: Establishing Knowledge Integration in Global Health Security Governance
by John Connolly - 495-497 Combating Slavery, Forced Labour and Human Trafficking. Are Current International, European and National Instruments Working?
by Axel Marx & Jan Wouters - 498-504 ‘Seafood from Slaves’: The Pulitzer Prize in the Light of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
by Angelica Bonfanti & Marta Bordignon - 505-511 Criminal Liability of Corporations for Trafficking in Human Beings for Labour Exploitation
by Julia Planitzer & Nora Katona - 512-521 Human Rights Risks in Global Supply Chains: Applying the UK Modern Slavery Act to the Public Sector
by Olga Martin†Ortega - 522-529 Monitoring Forced Labour and Slavery in Global Supply Chains: The Case of the California Act on Transparency in Supply Chains
by Marieke Koekkoek & Axel Marx & Jan Wouters - 530-539 Channels for Workers' Voice in the Transnational Governance of Labour Rights?
by Sabrina Zajak - 540-552 How Much Voice for Borrowers? Restricted Feedback and Recursivity in Microfinance
by Philip Mader - 553-562 International Accounting Standards in Africa: Selective Recursivity for the ‘Happy Few’?
by Sebastian Botzem & Sigrid Quack & Solomon Zori - 563-568 Playing with Words While Yemen Burns: Managing Criticism of UK Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia
by Anna Stavrianakis - 569-573 A New Role for IPCC: Balancing Science and Society
by Mukul Sanwal & Can Wang & Bo Wang & Yuan Yang - 574-581 What is the Future for the International Civil Service? On Global Public Administration
by Jean†Marc Coicaud - 582-586 Negotiating Sustained Action for Sustainable Development – Application to Students in South Sudan
by Frederick Mugisha - 587-589 The Commitment to Disaster Risk Reduction as a Bridge between Humanitarian Aid and Sustainable Development
by Francesca Pusterla
September 2017, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 275-284 The BRICS’ New Development Bank: Shifting from Material Leverage to Innovative Capacity
by Andrew F. Cooper - 285-293 The G20 and Climate Change: The Transnational Contribution of Global Summitry
by Steven Slaughter - 294-302 Critical Digital Diplomacy as a Global Challenge: The South Korean Experience
by Jan Melissen & Emillie V. Keulenaar - 303-312 Delegated Service Authority: Institutional Evolution of PEPFAR Health-Based Program Implementing Units in Tanzania
by Catherine Long - 313-321 The Paris Agreement – Protecting the Human Right to Health?
by Alix Dietzel - 322-332 Recursive Norm Development: The Role of Supranational Courts
by Druscilla Scribner & Tracy Slagter - 333-342 Varieties of Recursivity in Transnational Governance
by Olga Malets & Sigrid Quack - 343-352 Recursivity by Organizational Design: The Case of the Forest Stewardship Council
by Olga Malets - 353-363 Open to Feedback? Formal and Informal Recursivity in Creative Commons’ Transnational Standard-Setting
by Leonhard Dobusch & Markus Lang & Sigrid Quack - 364-368 Generating Sustained Political Priority for Non-communicable Diseases: Towards a Suitable Governance Model
by Carmen Huckel Schneider & James A. Gillespie & Anne Marie Thow - 369-380 Mesas Ejecutivas in Peru: Lessons for Productive Development Policies
by Piero Ghezzi - 381-388 Grexit, Brexit, Fixit … The Dynamics of Division in the Age of Trump
by James K. Galbraith - 389-391 Introduction to the Special Section: Policy Instruments for Innovation, Investment and Global Trade
by Andreas Klasen - 392-395 Innovation in the UAE: From First Foundations to ‘Beyond Oil’
by Mona Abou Hana - 396-399 Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: The Cases of Singapore and Oman
by Philipp Eudelle & Ashin Shrestha - 400-407 Innovation in Political Risk Insurance: Experience from the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
by Merli Margaret Baroudi - 408-412 Supporting Exports: Challenges and Opportunities for Credit Insurance in Armenia
by Vazgen Abgaryan & Shane Rosenthal - 413-416 Entrepreneurship: A New Era for Bahrain's Economy?
by Areije Al-Shakar - 417-420 Rethinking Energy Statecraft: United States Foreign Policy and the Changing Geopolitics of Energy
by Morgan Bazilian & Benjamin Sovacool & Todd Moss - 421-423 Non-epistemic Values and Concerns about Evolutionary Mindsets in Conservation Policy
by Wieteke A. Holthuijzen & Bert Baumgaertner
May 2017, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 135-148 Strategic Implications of Openness in AI Development
by Nick Bostrom - 149-158 Intellectual Property & Global Policy
by Matthew David & Debora J. Halbert - 159-169 Europe's Mea Culpa: A Global Economy Gone Mad or a Crisis of Our Own Making?
by Or Raviv - 170-180 The New Resilience of Emerging and Developing Countries: Systemic Interlocking, Currency Swaps and Geoeconomics
by Andreas Antoniades - 181-190 Paying a ‘Fair Share’: Multinational Corporations’ Perspectives on Taxation
by Ainsley Elbra & John Mikler - 191-201 An Analysis of Turkey's and BRICS’ Voting Cohesion in the UN General Assembly during 2002–2014
by Ali Murat Kurşun & Emel Parlar Dal - 202-212 Devising Strategic Plans to improve Organizational Performance of Intergovernmental Organizations
by Ryan Federo & Angel Saz-Carranza - 213-215 Sustainability in Oceans Governance: Small Islands, Emerging Powers, and Connecting Regions
by Joris Larik & Abhijit Singh - 216-226 China's Marine Fishery and Global Ocean Governance
by Hongzhou Zhang & Fengshi Wu - 227-236 Redesigning Indian Ocean Fisheries Governance for 21st Century Sustainability
by Claire Geest - 237-245 ‘Sustainability as Maritime Security: A Small Island Developing State Perspective?’
by James A. Malcolm - 246-252 Is the European Union Trade Deal with Canada New or Recycled? A Text-as-data Approach
by Todd Allee & Manfred Elsig & Andrew Lugg - 253-256 Why Politics and Context Matter in Conservation Policy
by Florence L. P. Damiens & Laura Mumaw & Anna Backstrom & Sarah A. Bekessy & Brian Coffey & Richard Faulkner & Georgia E. Garrard & Mathew J. Hardy & Alexander M. Kusmanoff & Luis Mata & Lauren Rickards & Matthew J. Selinske & Nooshin Torabi & Ascelin Gordon - 257-258 The Long and Short of Environmental Solutions
by Peter Kareiva & Emma Fuller - 259-262 Organizational Aspect of the Global Fight against Online Child Sexual Abuse
by Kemal Veli Açar - 263-269 A Fool's Errand? The Next Secretary-General and United Nations Reform
by Richard Ponzio & Michael Bluman Schroeder
February 2017, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-13 Powerful Individuals in a Globalized World
by Lena Partzsch - 14-22 City Diplomacy: Towards More Strategic Networking? Learning with WHO Healthy Cities
by Michele Acuto & Mika Morissette & Agis Tsouros - 23-31 The Role of Cities in Shaping Transnational Law in Climate Governance
by Markus Fraundorfer - 32-40 Regulatory Unilateralism: Arguments for Going It Alone on Climate Change
by Peter Drahos & Christian Downie - 41-51 The Future of Foreign Aid in a Globalizing World with Climate Change
by Michael Hübler - 52-61 The Promise and Pitfalls of Assembled Institutions: Lessons from the Global Environment Facility and UNAIDS
by Erin R. Graham - 62-72 The Representativeness of Global Deliberation: A Critical Assessment of Civil Society Consultations for Sustainable Development
by Carole-Anne Sénit & Frank Biermann & Agni Kalfagianni - 73-81 Sustainable Development Diplomacy: Diagnostics for the Negotiation and Implementation of Sustainable Development
by William R. Moomaw & Rishikesh Ram Bhandary & Laura Kuhl & Patrick Verkooijen - 82-91 The Origins of the Ukraine Crisis and the Need for Collective Security between Russia and the West
by Tom Sauer - 92-96 Quantifying Aid Allocation: A Critical Review of the DFID Needs-Effectiveness Index
by Michael Tribe - 97-100 Regional Challenges to Global Governance
by Miles Kahler - 101-106 Avoiding Fragmentation of Global Financial Governance
by C. Randall Henning - 107-112 Mega-Regional Trade Agreements and the Future of the WTO
by Chad P. Bown - 113-118 New Multilateral Development Banks: Opportunities and Challenges for Global Governance
by Hongying Wang - 119-123 Competition and Complementarity between Global and Regional Human Rights Institutions
by Erik Voeten - 124-129 Global and Regional Peacekeepers: Trends, Opportunities, Risks and a Way Ahead
by Paul D. Williams
October 2017, Volume 8
- 1-4 Issue Information
by David Held & Robert Schütze - 5-6 Democracy Beyond Political Borders: An Introduction to the Special Issue
by David Held & Robert Schütze & David Held & Robert Schütze - 7-13 Parliamentary Democracy and International Treaties
by David Held & Robert Schütze & Robert Schütze - 14-22 Which Democracy for a Union of States? A Comparative Perspective of the European Union
by David Held & Robert Schütze & Sergio Fabbrini - 23-33 EU Insights for Political Inclusion in International Institutions
by David Held & Robert Schütze & Armin Bogdandy - 34-43 International Legal Encounters with Democracy
by David Held & Robert Schütze & Hilary Charlesworth - 44-53 Democracy under Siege of Authoritarian Liberalism: Remarks on the Crisis of National and Transnational Republicanism in Europe
by David Held & Robert Schütze & Hauke Brunkhorst - 54-64 Moral Cosmopolitanism and Democratic Values
by David Held & Robert Schütze & David Held & Pietro Maffettone - 65-77 The Internal and External Levers to Achieve Global Democracy
by David Held & Robert Schütze & Daniele Archibugi & Marco Cellini - 78-86 Democratic Dangers Beyond Borders
by David Held & Robert Schütze & Charles S. Maier
May 2017, Volume 8
- 1-4 Issue Information
by Luc Fransen & Brian Burgoon - 5-14 Introduction to the Special Issue: Public and Private Labor Standards Policy in the Global Economy
by Luc Fransen & Brian Burgoon & Luc Fransen & Brian Burgoon - 15-28 Steering CSR Through Home State Regulation: A Comparison of the Impact of the UK Bribery Act and Modern Slavery Act on Global Supply Chain Governance
by Luc Fransen & Brian Burgoon & Genevieve LeBaron & Andreas Rühmkorf - 29-41 How Do Domestic Regulatory Traditions Shape CSR in Large International US and UK Firms?
by Luc Fransen & Brian Burgoon & Jette Steen Knudsen - 42-55 Support for Ethical Consumerism and Welfare States in the Global Economy: Complements or Substitutes?
by Luc Fransen & Brian Burgoon & Luc Fransen & Brian Burgoon - 56-65 Monitoring Workers’ Rights: The Limits of Voluntary Social Compliance Initiatives in Labor Repressive Regimes
by Luc Fransen & Brian Burgoon & Mark Anner - 66-77 From Quality Control to Labor Protection: ISO 9001 and Workplace Safety, 1993–2012
by Luc Fransen & Brian Burgoon & Sijeong Lim & Aseem Prakash - 78-88 Strengthening Labour Rights Provisions in Bilateral Trade Agreements: Making the Case for Voluntary Sustainability Standards
by Luc Fransen & Brian Burgoon & Axel Marx & Nicolás Brando & Brecht Lein
June 2017, Volume 8
- 1-4 Issue Information
by Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner - 5-8 Europe Challenged: An Introduction to the Special Issue
by Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner & Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner - 9-17 Europe – Still between the Superpowers
by Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner & Michael Cox - 18-26 Europe, the End of the West and Global Power Shifts
by Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner & Daniela Schwarzer - 27-29 European Security Policy at the End of the Post-Cold War Era
by Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner & Tobias Bunde & Wolfgang Ischinger - 30-41 The Limits of Global Economic Governance after the 2007–09 International Financial Crisis
by Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner & James M. Boughton & Domenico Lombardi & Anton Malkin - 42-53 Brittle China? Economic and Political Fragility with Global Implications
by Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner & Alanna Krolikowski - 54-61 Britain's Economic Outlook after Brexit
by Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner & Linda Yueh - 62-70 The Dark Side of China's Economic Rise
by Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner & Jörg Wuttke - 71-72 Opening Remarks at the Dahrendorf Symposium 2016
by Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner & Kenneth Roth - 73-84 Anti-liberalism Pushes Back
by Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner & John M. Owen - 85-93 Lessons Learnt from the EU-Turkey Refugee Agreement in Guiding EU Migration Partnerships with Origin and Transit Countries
by Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner & Lisa Haferlach & Dilek Kurban - 94-99 EU Policies towards Egypt: The Civil Security Paradox
by Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner & Ahmed Abd Rabou - 100-105 From Cognitive Environment to French Youth Engagement in Jihad
by Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner & Marie Kortam - 106-108 Ten Global Challenges to Europe's Foreign Policy – Concluding Remarks at the Dahrendorf Symposium 2016
by Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner & Stephan Auer - 109-114 After Brexit: Risks and Opportunities to EU–China Relations
by Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner & Jie Yu - 115-125 Towards the European Union's Foreign Policy 2025 – Taking Stock of the Dahrendorf Foresight Project
by Helmut K. Anheier & Robert Falkner & Monika Sus
February 2017, Volume 8
- 1-4 Issue Information
by Christiane Fröhlich - 5-11 A Critical View on Human Mobility in Times of Crisis
by Christiane Fröhlich & Christiane Fröhlich - 12-18 The Political Dynamics of Human Mobility: Migration out of, as and into Violence
by Christiane Fröhlich & André Bank & Christiane Fröhlich & Andrea Schneiker - 19-24 Humanitarian Rescue/Sovereign Capture and the Policing of Possible Responses to Violent Borders
by Christiane Fröhlich & Polly Pallister-Wilkins - 25-32 The Syrian Humanitarian Disaster: Understanding Perceptions and Aspirations in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey
by Christiane Fröhlich & Dawn Chatty - 33-39 Where Next? Climate Change, Migration, and the (Bio)politics of Adaptation
by Christiane Fröhlich & Giovanni Bettini - 40-47 Gendering Resilience: Myths and Stereotypes in the Discourse on Climate-induced Migration
by Christiane Fröhlich & Delf Rothe - 48-54 The Complex Ties that Bind: Gendered Agency and Expectations in Conflict and Climate Change-related Migration
by Christiane Fröhlich & Henri Myrttinen