February 2017, Volume 8
- 55-59 Resisting Post-truth Politics, a Primer: Or, How Not to Think about Human Mobility and the Global Environment
by Christiane Fröhlich & Pinar Bilgin
March 2017, Volume 8
- 1-4 Issue Information
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters - 5-6 Health Care after the Great Recession: Financing Options for Sustainable and High-quality Health Systems
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & Panos Kanavos & Olivier J. Wouters - 7-22 Is the Funding of Public National Health Systems Sustainable over the Long Term? Evidence from Eight OECD Countries
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & Aris Angelis & David Tordrup & Panos Kanavos - 23-29 Private Financing of Health Care in Times of Economic Crisis: a Review of the Evidence
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & Olivier J. Wouters & Martin McKee - 30-37 Health Improvement in a Period of Austerity: a Public Health Perspective
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & Walter W. Holland - 38-45 Policy Dilemmas in Financing Long-term Care in Europe
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & Joan Costa-Font & Christophe Courbage & Peter Zweifel - 46-59 Towards High Quality Health Care and Sustainable Financing – the Role of Health Care Programmes
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & Mackenzie Mills & Nicola Boekstein & Maxine Mackintosh & Panos Kanavos - 60-68 Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Address the Challenges of Comparing Health System Efficiency
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & Jonathan Cylus & Irene Papanicolas & Peter C. Smith - 69-75 Convergence, Divergence and Hybridity: A Regulatory Governance Perspective on Health Technology Assessment in England and Germany
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & John S. F. Wright & Anthony J. G. Barron & Sara M. B. Shah & Corinna Klingler - 76-83 Resource Allocation and Priority Setting in Health Care: A Multi-criteria Decision Analysis Problem of Value?
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & Aris Angelis & Panos Kanavos & Gilberto Montibeller - 84-92 Managing Risk and Uncertainty in Health Technology Introduction: The Role of Managed Entry Agreements
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & Panos Kanavos & Alessandra Ferrario & Giovanni Tafuri & Paolo Siviero - 93-96 Health Care Organization and Delivery in Argentina: A Case of Fragmentation, Inefficiency and Inequality
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & Gabriel E. Novick - 97-102 Advancing HTA in Latin America: The Policy Process of Setting up an HTA Agency in Colombia
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & Hector E. Castro - 103-109 Sustainable Health Care Financing: The Singapore Experience
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & Jeremy Lim - 110-116 Providing Comprehensive Health Insurance Coverage in Rural China: a Critical Appraisal of the New Cooperative Medical Scheme and Ways Forward
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & Wei Yang & Xun Wu - 117-122 The Way Forward: A Look at Liberalization of LDC Health Insurance Markets
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & Karl T. Muth - 123-130 A Comparison of the Burden of Out-of-Pocket Health Payments in Denmark, Germany and Poland
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & Anna Zawada & Katarzyna Kolasa & Christian Kronborg & Daniel Rabczenko & Tomasz Rybnik & Jørgen T. Lauridsen & Urszula Ceglowska & Tomasz Hermanowski - 131-132 New Funding Models Help Improve Access to Healthcare
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & Fernando Arnaiz - 133-138 Patient Power as a Driver for Change: Reality or Rhetoric?
by Panos Kanavos & Olivier Wouters & Jean Mossman & Mary G. Baker & Ingrid Kössler
August 2017, Volume 8
- 1-4 Issue Information
by Klaus H. Goetz & Ronny Patz - 5-14 Resourcing International Organizations: Resource Diversification, Organizational Differentiation, and Administrative Governance
by Klaus H. Goetz & Ronny Patz & Klaus H. Goetz & Ronny Patz - 15-25 Follow the Money: How Trends in Financing Are Changing Governance at International Organizations
by Klaus H. Goetz & Ronny Patz & Erin R. Graham - 26-35 Accounting Standards for Complex Resources of International Organizations
by Klaus H. Goetz & Ronny Patz & Andreas Bergmann & Sandro Fuchs - 36-45 Vertical Funds: New Forms of Multilateralism This article draws on research undertaken during 2013 and 2014 as part of a multidisciplinary project, supported by the Swiss Network for International Studies, on non-traditional financing of public health programmes in Africa. Through desk research and interviews, the project examined four specialized international health organizations (WHO, Global Fund, GAVI and Medicines for Malaria Venture – MMV) and conducted field research in four African countries (Chad, Ghana, Mozambique and Tanzania). This article has not included MMV in its analysis because of its much smaller scale. The project provided practical insights on the nature of multilateralism in the public health field, and the impact of these changes in terms of promoting goals of better health in developing countries. The author acknowledges the collaboration of Dr. Roberto Cordon in the writing of this article
by Klaus H. Goetz & Ronny Patz & Stephen Browne - 46-50 Philanthrolateralism: Private Funding and Corporate Influence in the United Nations
by Klaus H. Goetz & Ronny Patz & Karolin Seitz & Jens Martens - 51-61 Measuring the Empowerment of International Organizations: The Evolution of Financial and Staff Capabilities
by Klaus H. Goetz & Ronny Patz & Eugénia Heldt & Henning Schmidtke - 62-74 Resourcing Global Justice: The Resource Management Design of International Courts
by Klaus H. Goetz & Ronny Patz & Theresa Squatrito - 75-84 How Financial Resources Affect the Autonomy of International Public Administrations
by Klaus H. Goetz & Ronny Patz & Jörn Ege & Michael W. Bauer - 85-95 Trust Funds as a Lever of Influence at International Development Organizations
by Klaus H. Goetz & Ronny Patz & Bernhard Reinsberg - 96-101 The Financial Crisis of UNESCO after 2011: Political Reactions and Organizational Consequences
by Klaus H. Goetz & Ronny Patz & Klaus Hüfner - 102-112 Contested Implementation: The Unilateral Influence of Member States on Peacebuilding Policy in Kosovo
by Klaus H. Goetz & Ronny Patz & Steffen Eckhard & Hylke Dijkstra - 113-123 Resourcing International Organisations: So What?
by Klaus H. Goetz & Ronny Patz & Katharina Michaelowa
November 2016, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 469-480 Industrial Policy in Response to the Middle-income Trap and the Third Wave of the Digital Revolution
by Robert H Wade - 481-490 Governing the Global Green Economy
by Kyla Tienhaara - 491-499 China's Place in Regional and Global Governance: A New World Comes Into View
by Mark Beeson & Fujian Li - 500-509 Confronting Health Inequalities in the BRICS: Political Institutions, Foreign Policy Aspirations and State-civil Societal Relationships
by Eduardo J. Gómez - 510-520 Revisiting Bilateral Foreign Direct Investment Inflows into BRIC Economies
by Sasidaran Gopalan & Ramkishen S. Rajan - 521-530 An Effective Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: A Bottom Up Approach
by Anton Malkin & Bessma Momani - 531-533 Introduction: Bringing Regime Types into Diffusion Studies
by Aurel Croissant & Jale Tosun - 534-540 Policy Diffusion: A Regime-sensitive Conceptual Framework
by Jale Tosun & Aurel Croissant - 541-547 Policy Diffusion among Democracies and Autocracies: A Comparison of Trade Reforms and Nuclear Energy Policy
by Thomas Richter & Stefan Wurster - 548-556 Diffusion of e-government and e-participation in Democracies and Autocracies
by Marianne Kneuer & Sebastian Harnisch - 557-562 Patterns of Diffusion: Comparing Democratic and Autocratic Waves
by Kurt Weyland - 563-570 The Diffusion of Values among Democracies and Autocracies
by Franziska Deutsch & Christian Welzel - 571-576 Withdrawing from Investment Treaties but Protecting Investment
by Clint Peinhardt & Rachel L. Wellhausen - 577-583 Sovereign Patent Funds: Sovereign Wealth Funds 2.0?
by Warren Clarke - 584-585 Neoliberalism and The Future of Social Movements (Studies)
by Brecht De Smet
September 2016, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 305-314 Accountability in International Governance and the 2030 Development Agenda
by José Antonio Ocampo & Natalie Gómez-Arteaga - 315-322 The Importance of Global Extinction in Climate Change Policy
by Yew-Kwang Ng - 323-331 Counter-terrorism, Smart Power and the United States
by Pauline Eadie - 332-339 Global Public Health: A Review and Discussion of the Concepts, Principles and Roles of Global Public Health in Today's Society
by Chris Jenkins & Marta Lomazzi & Heather Yeatman & Bettina Borisch - 340-350 How to Confront the Threat of Ebola? Arguing for Reinforced Efforts to Promote Transnational Solidarity
by Markus Fraundorfer - 351-359 Subsidies, Spillovers and WTO Rules in a Value-chain World
by Bernard Hoekman - 360-369 The Opportunity Space of Overlapping Trade Regimes: Turkey, the Customs Union, and TTIP
by Catherine Long - 370-379 Preventive Action in World Politics
by Denise Garcia & Monica Herz - 380-384 The Humanitarian Initiative on Nuclear Weapons: An Introduction to Global Policy's Special Section
by Matthew Bolton & Elizabeth Minor - 385-395 The Discursive Turn Arrives in Turtle Bay: The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons’ Operationalization of Critical IR Theories
by Matthew Bolton & Elizabeth Minor - 396-404 The Theological Landscape of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty: the Catholic Church, the World Council of Churches and the Bomb
by Emily Welty - 405-407 Foregrounding Justice in Nuclear Disarmament: A Practitioner Commentary
by Ray Acheson - 408-410 Non-Nuclear Weapons States Must Lead in Shaping International Norms on Nuclear Weapons: A Practitioner Commentary
by Maritza Chan - 411-419 Good COP, Bad COP: Climate Reality after Paris
by Maria Ivanova - 420-425 Evaluation, International Organizations, and Global Policy: An Introduction
by Jean-Marc Coicaud - 426-430 The Role of Evaluation at the UN and in the new Sustainable Development Goals: Towards the Future We Want
by Deborah Rugg - 431-440 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Recharging Multilateral Cooperation for the Post-2015 Era
by Kristinn Sv. Helgason - 441-447 The Environment-poverty Nexus in Evaluation: Implications for the Sustainable Development Goals
by Juha I. Uitto - 448-449 The Power of Policy: Reinforcing the Paris Trajectory
by Christiana Figueres - 450-457 The Role of United Nations Secretary-General in the Climate Change Process
by Janos Pasztor - 458-463 Finding Common Ground: Negotiating Across Cultures on Peace and Security Issues
by Gareth Evans
May 2016, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 135-145 Ethical Quandaries in War Zones, When Mass Atrocity Prevention Fails
by Thomas G. Weiss - 146-155 How Peace Agreements Undermine the Rule of Law in New War Settings
by Mary Kaldor - 156-173 Human Security and the New Global Threats: Discourse, Taxonomy and Implications
by Rogelio Madrueño-Aguilar - 174-184 Military Expenditure Trends for 1960–2014 and What They Reveal
by Todd Sandler & Justin George - 185-197 Networks and Power: Why Networks are Hierarchical Not Flat and What Can Be Done About It
by Moira V. Faul - 198-206 What Role Can the G20 Play in Global Energy Governance? Implications for China's Presidency
by Philip Andrews-Speed & Xunpeng Shi - 207-216 Frustrated Leadership: Russia's Economic Alternative to the West
by Juliet Johnson & Seçkin Köstem - 217-226 A Global Trend EU-style: Democracy Promotion in ‘Fragile’ and Conflict-Affected South Caucasus
by Nelli Babayan - 227-236 Financial Innovation, Derivatives and the UK and US Interest Rate Swap Scandals: Drawing New Boundaries for the Regulation of Financial Innovation
by Vincenzo Bavoso - 237-246 Climate Change, Migration and the Cosmopolitan Dilemma
by David Held - 247-255 The WTO in Nairobi: The Demise of the Doha Development Agenda and the Future of the Multilateral Trading System
by Rorden Wilkinson & Erin Hannah & James Scott - 256-260 Editorial Comment: Law and Negotiation in Conflict: Theory, Policy and Practice This essay draws on the proceedings of the ‘Law and Negotiation in Conflict: Theory, Policy and Practice’ held at Durham Law School in March 2014. The symposium was funded by the Modern Law Review, Durham Global Security Institute (DGSI) and Durham Law School. The author would like to acknowledge the contribution of all participants to the symposium whose papers, comments and questions have shaped this editorial. Thanks are therefore due to Francesc Vendrell, Aoife O'Donoghue, Jeroen Gunning, Sari Kuovo, Rashida Manjoo, Aisling Swaine, Martin Waehlisch, Christopher Lamont, Ilan Rua Wall, Richard Collins and Henry Jones, as well as all the participants who contributed to the conversation through their insightful questions. These comments reflect that conversation
by Catherine Turner - 261-266 Normative Limits of Peace Negotiations: Questions, Guidance and Prospects
by Martin Wählisch - 267-271 Women, Peace and Security – Negotiating in Women's Best Interests
by Rashida Manjoo - 272-277 How Does International Law Condition Responses to Conflict and Negotiation?
by Aoife O'Donoghue - 278-281 Transitional Justice as Elite Justice? Compromise Justice and Transition in Tunisia
by Christopher K. Lamont & Hannah Pannwitz - 282-287 Law and Negotiation: A Role for a Transformative Approach?
by Aisling Swaine - 288-292 Insights to Great Powers' Desire to Establish Institutions: Comparison of ADB, AMF, AMRO and AIIB
by Shintaro Hamanaka - 293-295 How to Foster Sustainability
by Jindra Cekan - 296-300 Administering and Governing with Technology: The Question of Information Communication Technology and E-Governance
by Jean-Marc Coicaud
February 2016, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-14 Constitutionalizing Austerity: Taking the Public out of Public Policy
by Stephen McBride - 15-24 A Post-GDP World? Rethinking International Politics in the 21-super-st Century
by Lorenzo Fioramonti - 25-36 Inequality and the Tails: the Palma Proposition and Ratio
by Alex Cobham & Lukas Schlögl & Andy Sumner - 37-45 China and the Great Doubling: Racing to the Top or Bottom of Global Labour Standards?
by Edward Whitfield - 46-55 Education for Sustainable Development and International Student Assessments: Governing Education in Times of Climate Change
by Astrid T. Sinnes & Christoffer C. Eriksen - 56-65 A Global Comprehensive Measure of the Impact of Natural Hazards and Disasters
by Ilan Noy - 66-68 Governing Cyberspace: Building Confidence, Capacity and Consensus
by Sash Jayawardane & Joris Larik & Mahima Kaul - 69-78 Wired yet Disconnected: The Governance of International Cyber Relations
by Chelsey Slack - 79-82 In Cyber (Governance) We Trust
by Mark T. Fliegauf - 83-92 Capacity Building in Cyberspace as an Instrument of Foreign Policy
by Patryk Pawlak - 93-95 Striving for an International Consensus on Cyber Security: Lessons from the 20th Century
by Samir Saran - 96-101 Enchanted and Disenchanted International Law
by Ian Hurd - 102-108 Climate Finance in and between Developing Countries: An Emerging Opportunity to Build On
by Sangjung Ha & Thomas Hale & Peter Ogden - 109-118 Impact of Current Climate Proposals
by Bjorn Lomborg - 119-121 The EU Needs a New Arctic Strategy
by Vicente Lopez-Ibor Mayor - 122-124 Stateless Persons and the Question of Rights
by Johanna K. Schenner - 125-126 Comment on ‘Impact of Current Climate Proposals’
by Robert E.T. Ward - 127-129 Modernity, Capitalism and Crisis: Understanding the New Great Transformation
by Peter Wagner
May 2016, Volume 7
- 1-4 Too Big To Handle? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Question of Why Societies Ignore Looming Disasters
by Anne van Aaken & Janis Antonovics & Anne Aaken & Janis Antonovics - 5-15 Masking The Meaningful
by Anne van Aaken & Janis Antonovics & Philip Kitcher - 16-24 Psychology and Disaster: Why We Do Not See Looming Disasters and How Our Way of Thinking Causes Them
by Anne van Aaken & Janis Antonovics & Andreas Glöckner - 25-32 Catastrophes To Come: What Can Literature Tell Us?
by Anne van Aaken & Janis Antonovics & Françoise Lavocat - 33-44 Strategic Aspects of Difficult Global Challenges
by Anne van Aaken & Janis Antonovics & Todd Sandler - 45-55 Collective Action to Avoid Catastrophe: When Countries Succeed, When They Fail, and Why
by Anne van Aaken & Janis Antonovics & Scott Barrett - 56-66 The Limits of Cost/Benefit Analysis When Disasters Loom
by Anne van Aaken & Janis Antonovics & Susan Rose-Ackerman - 67-80 The Tragedy of the Uncommons: On the Politics of Apocalypse
by Anne van Aaken & Janis Antonovics & Jonathan B. Wiener - 81-96 Is International Law Conducive To Preventing Looming Disasters?
by Anne van Aaken & Janis Antonovics & Anne Aaken - 97-106 The Value of Concept: Lessons from the Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance
by Anne van Aaken & Janis Antonovics & Janis Antonovics - 107-118 Beyond Resilience: How to Better Prepare for the Profound Disruption of the Anthropocene
by Anne van Aaken & Janis Antonovics & Peter Kareiva & Emma Fuller
November 2015, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 329-329 Frontiers Ahead
by David Held & Eva‐Maria Nag - 330-342 Financial Stability and the Trans‐Pacific Partnership: Lessons from Chile and Malaysia
by Ricardo Ffrench‐Davis & Kevin P. Gallagher & Mah‐Hui Lim & Katherine Soverel - 343-357 The Median is the Message: A Good Enough Measure of Material Wellbeing and Shared Development Progress
by Nancy Birdsall & Christian J. Meyer - 358-368 Is there a Future for ‘Jus ex Bello’?
by Ariel Colonomos - 369-378 Responsibility Shirking at the United Nations Security Council: Constraints, Frustrations, Remedies
by Kjell Engelbrekt - 379-388 Wildlife NGOs: From Adversaries to Collaborators
by Margi Prideaux - 389-407 The Process of Macroprudential Oversight in Europe
by Peter Sarlin & Henrik J. Nyman - 408-417 Expatriation: A Last Refuge for the Wealthy?
by Robert T. Kudrle - 418-428 What Shapes Abortion Law? – A Global Perspective
by Achim Hildebrandt - 429-434 Accountability in Public International Development Finance
by Kate Macdonald & May Miller‐Dawkins - 435-445 ProSAVANA and the Expanding Scope of Accountability in Brazil's Development Cooperation
by Lídia Cabral & Iara Leite - 446-454 The Depoliticisation of Accountability Processes for Land‐Based Grievances, and the IFC CAO
by Samantha Balaton‐Chrimes & Fiona Haines - 455-465 Assessing Accountability in Practice: The Asian Development Bank's Accountability Mechanism
by Susan Park - 466-473 Reinvigorating International Climate Policy: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Nonstate Action
by Sander Chan & Harro van Asselt & Thomas Hale & Kenneth W. Abbott & Marianne Beisheim & Matthew Hoffmann & Brendan Guy & Niklas Höhne & Angel Hsu & Philipp Pattberg & Pieter Pauw & Céline Ramstein & Oscar Widerberg - 474-476 Power and Purpose: Harnessing Stakeholder Partnerships for the Great Transformation
by Arved Lüth - 477-477 The Role of Integrated Thinking in Changing Corporate Behaviour
by Mervyn E. King - 478-480 Empowered by Transparency: Shaping Business for the Future
by Nelmara Arbex - 481-482 The Sustainability Code – A New Approach Linking Economy and Society towards Sustainability
by Yvonne Zwick - 483-485 Stakeholder‐centricity a Precondition to Managing Sustainability Successfully
by CB Bhattacharya - 486-488 Stakeholder Relations Matter: You Need to Count on Them – But it's Hard to Count Them
by Nadine‐Lan Hönighaus & Thorsten Pinkepank - 489-491 Licence to Operate – Ingredients for Successful and Sustainable Stakeholder Management
by Anne Wolf & Ronny Kaufmann - 492-494 If Stakeholders Ruled the World: Stakeholder Relations in the 21st Century
by Dietlind Freiberg - 495-497 When Listening Improves Corporate Success
by Emilio Galli Zugaro - 498-500 ‘Communicative Equations’: Towards a More Agile PR Practice in the Network Society
by João Duarte - 501-503 How Much Attention to Stakeholder Interests? A Practitioner's View of the Need to Take Account of Stakeholder Interests
by Jon White - 504-506 Take Your Time…And Listen
by Toni Muzi Falconi - 507-509 Creating Shared Value by Fostering Regional Development: The ‘Partners in Responsibility‘ Method for SME
by Arved Lüth & Marcel Stierl - 510-516 The UN at 70: Confronting the Crisis of Global Governance
by Madeleine K. Albright & Ibrahim A. Gambari - 517-521 China and India and The New Climate Regime: The Emergence of a New Paradigm
by Mukul Sanwal & Bo Wang - 522-525 Financing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Projects in Egypt
by Mohamed Mansour - 526-530 The European Court Of Human Rights: A ‘Culture of Bad Faith’?
by Noemi Manco
September 2015, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 179-189 Democracy and Regulating Autonomous Weapons: Biting the Bullet while Missing the Point?
by John Williams - 190-200 The Development and Evolution of R2P as International Policy
by Ramesh Thakur - 201-211 Growth, Poverty and Development Assistance: When Does Foreign Aid Work?
by Andy Sumner & Jonathan Glennie - 212-221 On the Conditional Success of International Conditionality Policies (With Evidence from Greece and Spain During the Eurozone Crisis)
by Yannis Karagiannis & Nikitas Konstantinidis - 222-233 The High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development: Orchestration by Default and Design
by Kenneth W. Abbott & Steven Bernstein - 234-236 Organizational Leadership and Collective Action in International Governance: An Introduction
by Aseem Prakash & Adrienne Héritier & Barbara Koremenos & Eric Brousseau - 237-246 The Role of State Leadership in the Incidence of International Governance
by Barbara Koremenos - 247-255 A Resource-based View of the EU's Regional and International Leadership
by Adrienne Héritier & Aseem Prakash - 256-265 Explaining Political Leadership: Germany's Role in Shaping the Fiscal Compact
by Magnus G. Schoeller - 266-276 New Organizational Leadership: Nonstate Actors in Global Economic Governance
by Walter Mattli & Jack Seddon - 277-289 Agents as Brokers: Leadership in Multilateral Organizations
by Angel Saz-Carranza - 290-296 Why is the IMF at an Impasse, and What Can Be Done about It?
by Robert H. Wade & Jakob Vestergaard - 297-304 Will the AIIB and the NDB Help Reform Multilateral Development Banking?
by Helmut Reisen - 305-307 Introduction to the Special Section: Private Investment and Public Funds for Climate Finance
by Andreas Klasen - 308-311 Good Fiscal Policy: Governments Using Carbon Pricing to Drive Low-Carbon Investment
by Tom Kerr - 312-314 How to Mobilize Private Investment for Climate Friendly Products: The New Swiss Technology Fund
by Karine Siegwart & Silvia Ruprecht-Martignoli - 315-317 Money Matters on Our Way to a Greener Future: Biogas Plants’ Financing with Export Credits
by Jan Vassard & Kim Richter & Ole Lindhardt - 318-320 Harnessing the UN's SE4All Initiative: How ECAs and Multilateral Partners Support Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa
by George Otieno - 321-324 The World Bank is Getting ‘Shared Prosperity’ Wrong: The Bank Should Measure the Tails, Not the Average
by V. Nicholas Galasso - 325-327 Reform Starts Bottom-Up. Can Civil Society Get The Commonwealth Back On Track?
by Francis Baert & Timothy M. Shaw
May 2015, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 85-96 Governance as a Global Development Goal? Setting, Measuring and Monitoring the Post-2015 Development Agenda
by David Hulme & Antonio Savoia & Kunal Sen - 97-106 Fragmented Energy Governance and the Provision of Global Public Goods
by Gonzalo Escribano - 107-117 Making Climate Leadership Meaningful: Energy Research as a Key to Global Decarbonisation
by Rasmus Karlsson & Jonathan Symons - 118-129 Green Shipping: Governing Sustainable Maritime Transport
by Jane Lister - 130-140 Firms in International Trade: Trade Policy Implications of the New New Trade Theory
by Dan Ciuriak & Beverly Lapham & Robert Wolfe & Terry Collins-Williams & John Curtis - 141-150 The Pitfalls and Politics of Holistic Justice
by Rebekka Friedman & Andrew Jillions - 151-157 The Business of Migration Control: Delegating Migration Control Functions to Private Actors
by Tendayi Bloom - 158-162 Interdependence and Responsibility
by Javier Solana - 163-165 The Triple Crisis: Why Humanitarian Organisations (and Others) Need to Do More for the Central African Republic
by Marcel Langenbach & Tarak Bach Baouab - 166-171 Health 2020 – Achieving Health and Development in Today's Europe
by Zsuzsanna Jakab & Richard Alderslade - 172-175 Animal Ethics, International Animal Protection and Confucianism
by Benedict S. B. Chan - 176-178 New Perspectives for the EU after the Financial Crisis
by Christian Schweiger
February 2015, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-12 Still in the Woods: Gridlock in the IMF and the World Bank Puts Multilateralism at Risk
by Jakob Vestergaard & Robert H. Wade - 13-23 An Anatomy of Accountability at the WTO
by Robert Wolfe - 24-33 International Financialization and the Systemic Approach to International Financing for Development
by Jorge Garcia-Arias - 34-44 Regional and Multilateral Surveillance: Normative Tensions and Implications for Cooperation in East Asia
by Theresa Robles - 45-56 International Cooperative Initiatives in Global Climate Governance: Raising the Ambition Level or Delegitimizing the UNFCCC?
by Oscar Widerberg & Philipp Pattberg - 57-63 Killer Robots: Why the US should Lead the Ban
by Denise Garcia - 64-71 The Buen Vivir: A Policy to Survive the Anthropocene?
by Martin Calisto Friant & John Langmore - 72-75 Information Revolution and International Organizations: Three Challenges for the Way Ahead
by David Le Blanc & Jean-Marc Coicaud - 76-78 Thinking Outside The United Nations Box: Barriers To Creativity Within The UN System
by Sven Güsmann - 79-80 Harmony with Diversity: Some Ignored Facts
by Xiaohe Cheng - 81-83 The Civil War in Syria: The International Dimension
by Ferdinand Arslanian
June 2015, Volume 6
- 1-3 Current Trajectories of Democracy – Diagnosis, Implications, Proposals
by Helmut K. Anheier & Helmut K. Anheier - 4-7 Rollback of Democracy? A Tocquevillean Perspective
by Helmut K. Anheier & Ewa Atanassow - 8-16 Trajectories and Transformations of the Democratic Representative System
by Helmut K. Anheier & Dario Castiglione - 17-27 Direct Democracy in Europe: Potentials and Pitfalls
by Helmut K. Anheier & Arndt Leininger - 28-37 The Hollowing and Backsliding of Democracy in East Central Europe
by Helmut K. Anheier & Béla Greskovits - 38-45 Regional Normalization and National Deviations: EU Integration and Transformations in Europe's Eastern Periphery[This artic]
by Helmut K. Anheier & László Bruszt