July 2011, Volume 78, Issue 311
- 501-522 The Expansion and Convergence of Compulsory Schooling in Western Europe, 1950–2000
by Fabrice Murtin & Martina Viarengo - 523-545 Do Recessions Keep Students in School? The Impact of Youth Unemployment on Enrolment in Post‐compulsory Education in England
by Damon Clark - 546-564 The Interplay Between Preemptive and Defensive Counterterrorism Measures: A Two‐stage Game
by Subhayu Bandyopadhyay & Todd Sandler - 565-583 Peer Review vs Metric‐based Assessment: Testing for Bias in the RAE Ratings of UK Economics Departments
by Sofronis Clerides & Panos Pashardes & Alexandros Polycarpou - 584-585 Government and Markets: Toward a New Theory of Regulation. Edited by Edward J. Balleisen and David A. Moss
by L. Randall Wray - 585-586 China's Monetary Challenges: Past Experiences & Future Prospects. By Richard C. K. Burdekin
by Linda Yueh - 586-588 The Bounds of Reason: Game Theory and the Unification of the Social Sciences. By Herbert Gintis
by Robert Sugden - 588-589 The Years of High Econometrics: A Short History of the Generation that Reinvented Economics. By Francisco Louça
by Humberto Barreto - 589-590 The Fall of the House of Credit. By A. Milne
by Jagjit S. Chadha - 591-591 Consuming Symbolic Goods: Identity and Commitment, Values and Economics. Edited by Wilfred Dolfsma
by Ian Steedman
April 2011, Volume 78, Issue 310
- 197-214 Where to Draw Lines: Stability Versus Efficiency
by Thomas J. Sargent - 215-239 The Economics of Parenting, Self‐esteem and Academic Performance: Theory and a Test
by Rajeev Darolia & Bruce Wydick - 240-259 Capital–Skill Complementarity and Balanced Growth
by Lilia Maliar & Serguei Maliar - 260-282 Inflation, Investment and Growth: a Money and Banking Approach
by Max Gillman & Michal Kejak - 283-293 Scarring or Scaring? The Psychological Impact of Past Unemployment and Future Unemployment Risk
by Andreas Knabe & Steffen Rätzel - 294-316 Relative Wealth Concerns and Entrepreneurship
by Manoj Atolia & Kislaya Prasad - 317-329 Why Suggest Non‐Binding Retail Prices?
by Clemens Puppe & Stephanie Rosenkranz - 330-346 Testing Uncertainty's Effect in Real Options with Multiple Capital Goods
by Konstantinos Drakos - 347-366 Does Studying Abroad Induce a Brain Drain?
by Hessel Oosterbeek & Dinand Webbink - 367-390 The Intertemporal Elasticity of Substitution: An Analysis Based on Japanese Data
by Masakatsu Okubo - 391-392 Sufficient Reason: Volitional Pragmatism and the Meaning of Economic Institutions, By DANIEL W. BROMLEY
by James R. Wible - 392-394 Against Injustice (The New Economics of Amartya Sen), Edited by REIKO GOTOH and PAUL DUMOUCHEL
by Serge‐Christophe Kolm - 395-396 Knowledge, Beliefs and Economics, Edited by RICHARD ARENA and AGNÈS FESTRE
by David W. Versailles - 397-397 Banking in Central and Eastern Europe 1980–2006: From Communism to Capitalism, By STEPHAN BARISITZ
by Roman Matousek - 397-399 Happiness: A Revolution in Economics, By BRUNO S. FREY
by Benedetto Gui
January 2011, Volume 78, Issue 309
- 1-9 Man, Money and Machines: The Contributions of A. W. Phillips
by Alan E. Bollard - 10-50 The History of the Phillips Curve: Consensus and Bifurcation
by Robert J. Gordon - 51-66 The Evolution of the Phillips Curve: A Modern Time Series Viewpoint
by Clive W. J. Granger & Yongil Jeon - 67-88 Stabilization Theory and Policy: 50 Years after the Phillips Curve
by Stephen J. Turnovsky - 89-107 Policy Regime Changes, Judgment and Taylor rules in the Greenspan Era
by Cinzia Alcidi & Alessandro Flamini & Andrea Fracasso - 108-132 Schooling and Public Capital in a Model of Endogenous Growth
by Pierre‐Richard Agénor - 133-158 Work‐sharing During the Great Depression: Did the ‘President's Reemployment Agreement’ Promote Reemployment?
by Jason E. Taylor - 159-186 Labour Market Institutions and Technological Employment
by Arnaud Chéron & Francois Langot & Eva Moreno‐Galbis - 187-188 Inside the Fed: Monetary Policy and Its Management, Martin through Greenspan to Bernanke. By STEPHEN H. AXILROD
by Charles Goodhart - 188-190 Complexity and Co‐evolution: Continuity and Change in Socio‐economic Systems. By ELIZABETH GARNSEY AND JAMES MCGLADE
by Gerald Silverberg - 190-191 Competition in the Provision of Local Public Goods: Single Function Jurisdictions and Individual Choice. By ALEXANDRA PETERMANN REIFSCHNEIDER
by Gareth D. Myles - 191-192 Disposing Dictators, Demystifying Voting Paradoxes: Social Choice Analysis. By DONALD G. SAARI
by Shmeul Nitzan - 193-193 The Future of Globalization: Explorations in Light of Recent Turbulence. Edited by ERNESTO ZEDILLO
by Meghnad Desai - 194-195 Electric Choices: Deregulation and the Future of Electric Power. Edited by ANDREW N. KLEIT
by Anna Creti
October 2010, Volume 77, Issue 308
- 613-636 Why Do Firms Offer ‘Employment Protection’?
by Christopher A. Pissarides - 637-650 A Shred of Credible Evidence on the Long‐run Elasticity of Labour Supply
by Orley Ashenfelter & Kirk Doran & Bruce Schaller - 651-687 Immigration to the Land of Redistribution
by Tito Boeri - 688-709 Measuring the Utility Cost of Temporary Employment Contracts Before Adaptation: A Conjoint Analysis Approach
by Konstantinos Pouliakas & Ioannis Theodossiou - 710-733 The Optimal Mix Between Funded and Unfunded Pension Systems When People Care About Relative Consumption
by Markus Knell - 734-750 Industry Concentration and Welfare: On the Use of Stock Market Evidence from Horizontal Mergers
by Sven‐Olof Fridolfsson & Johan Stennek - 751-774 Private Information in Executive Stock Option Trades: Evidence of Insider Trading in the UK
by Kyriacos Kyriacou & Kul B. Luintel & Bryan Mase - 775-784 Environmental Protection and the Private Provision of International Public Goods
by Martin Altemeyer‐Bartscher & Dirk T. G. Rübbelke & Eytan Sheshinski - 785-792 Internalizing Team Production Externalities through Delegation: The British Passenger Rail Sector as an Example
by Rafael Hortala‐Vallve & Miguel Sanchez Villalba - 793-797 The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies. By BRYAN CAPLAN
by Francesco Caselli - 798-799 Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism. By George A. Akerlof and Robert J. Shiller
by John D. Hey
July 2010, Volume 77, Issue 307
- 413-450 Labour Market Institutions and the Personal Distribution of Income in the OECD
by Daniele Checchi & Cecilia García‐Peñalosa - 451-471 Global Risk, Investment and Emotions
by Ronald Bosman & Frans Van Winden - 472-496 House Price Shocks and Household Indebtedness in the United Kingdom
by Richard Disney & Sarah Bridges & John Gathergood - 497-517 Prison's Dilemma: Do Education and Jobs Programmes Affect Recidivism?
by Norman H. Sedgley & Charles E. Scott & Nancy A. Williams & Frederick W. Derrick - 518-543 The Impact of Terrorism on the Defence Industry
by Claude Berrebi & Esteban F. Klor - 544-564 Organizational Design, Technology and the Boundaries of the Firm
by Maija Halonen‐Akatwijuka - 565-583 Welfare State and Life Satisfaction: Evidence from Public Health Care
by Kaisa Kotakorpi & Jani‐Petri Laamanen - 584-603 The Impact of Internal Migration on Married Couples' Earnings in Britain
by M. L. Blackburn - 604-605 Charging Ahead: The Growth and Regulation of Payment Card Markets. By RONALD J. MANN
by Ronel Elul - 605-608 The ‘Uncertain’ Foundations of Post Keynesian Economics. By STEPHEN P. DUNN
by Paul Davidson - 608-609 Power and Profit: The Merchant in Medieval Europe. By PETER SPUFFORD
by Quentin Van Doosselaere - 611-611 Erratum
by Robert E Lucas
April 2010, Volume 77, Issue 306
- 213-233 Tax Reform and Retirement Saving Incentives: Take‐up of Stakeholder Pensions in the UK
by Richard Disney & Carl Emmerson & Matthew Wakefield - 234-254 Estimating the Impact of a Policy Reform on Benefit Take‐up: The 2001 extension to the Minimum Income Guarantee for UK Pensioners
by Francesca Zantomio & Stephen Pudney & Ruth Hancock - 255-282 Immigration and the Economic Status of African‐American Men
by George J. Borjas & Jeffrey Grogger & Gordon H. Hanson - 283-295 Immigration and Pension Benefits in the Host Country
by Juan A. Lacomba & Francisco Lagos - 296-313 Does Job Search Monitoring Intensity Affect Unemployment? Evidence from Northern Ireland
by DUNCAN McVICAR - 314-333 Temperance in Stock Market Participation: Evidence from France
by Luc Arrondel & Hector Calvo Pardo & Xisco Oliver - 334-351 Multinationals' Mode of Entry in the Presence of Upstream Spillovers
by Ragnhild Balsvik - 352-383 Sequential Cross‐border Mergers in Models of Oligopoly
by Alberto Salvo - 384-402 Estimating Firm Size Elasticities of Product and Process R&D
by Joachim Inkmann - 403-404 Escaping the Resource Curse. Edited by MACARTEN HUMPHREYS, JEFFREY D. SACHS, and JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ
by Catherine S. Norman - 404-405 The Causes, Costs and Compensations of Inflation: An Investigation of Three Problems in Monetary Theory. By W. O. COLEMAN
by Michel De Vroey - 405-406 Population Issues in Social Choice Theory, Welfare Economics and Ethics. By C. BLACKORBY, W. BOSSERT, and D. DONALDSON
by Frédéric Gonand - 406-407 Government Managing Risk: Income‐Contingent Loans for Social and Economic Progress. By BRUCE CHAPMAN
by Nigar Hashimzade - 407-408 Can Germany Be Saved? The Malaise of the World's First Welfare State. By HANS‐WERNER SINN
by Jörg Michael Dostal - 408-410 The Economics of Services: Development and Policy. By JAN OWEN JANSSON
by Henk L. M. Kox - 410-411 Development Ethics at Work. Explorations, 1960–2002. By DENIS GOULET
by Mozaffar Qizilbash
January 2010, Volume 77, Issue 305
- 1-19 Individual and Corporate Social Responsibility
by Roland Bénabou & Jean Tirole - 20-45 Social Contacts and Occupational Choice
by Samuel Bentolila & Claudio Michelacci & Javier Suarez - 46-59 Unemployment Benefits and Reservation Wages: Key Elasticities from a Stripped‐Down Job Search Approach
by John T. Addison & Mário Centeno & Pedro Portugal - 60-76 A ‘Leaky Bucket’ in the Real World: Estimating Inequality Aversion using Survey Data
by Jukka Pirttilä & Roope Uusitalo - 77-91 Railway (De)Regulation: A European Efficiency Comparison
by Guido Friebel & Marc Ivaldi & Catherine Vibes - 92-109 The Wage Impact of Trade Unions in the UK Public and Private Sectors
by David G. Blanchflower & Alex Bryson - 110-127 Worker‐financed versus Firm‐sponsored Training: How are Skilled Workers Supplied to the Economy?
by Naoki Shintoyo - 128-147 Revealing Weak‐Form Inefficiency in a Market for State Contingent Claims: The Importance of Market Ecology, Modelling Procedures and Investment Strategies
by M. Sung & J. E. V. Johnson - 148-171 Religious Market Competition in a Richer World
by MICHAEL McBRIDE - 172-198 Holiday Price Rigidity and Cost of Price Adjustment
by Daniel Levy & Haipeng (Allan) Chen & Georg Müller & Shantanu Dutta & Mark Bergen - 199-200 Rationality in Economics: Constructivist and Ecological Forms By VERNON L. SMITH
by Robert Sugden - 200-201 Happiness Quantified. A Satisfaction Calculus Approach, revised edition. By BERNARD M. VAN PRAAG and ADA FERRER‐I‐CARBONELL
by Simon Luechinger - 201-203 Global Migration and the World Economy: Two Centuries of Policy and Performance. By TIMOTHY J. HATTON and JEFFREY G. WILLIAMSON
by Barry R. Chiswick - 203-204 Restructuring Retirement Risks. By DAVID BLITZSTEIN, OLIVIA S. MITCHELL and STEPHEN P. UTKUS
by Richard Disney - 204-205 The European Economy in an American Mirror. Edited by B. EICHENGREEN, M. LANDESMANN and D. STIEFEL
by Robert Inklaar - 205-206 Measuring Efficiency in Health Care: Analytic Techniques and Health Policy. By ROWENA JACOBS, PETER C. SMITH and ANDREW STREET
by Bruce Hollingsworth - 206-207 The Marketplace of Christianity. By ROBERT B. EKELUND Jr, ROBERT F. HÉBERT and ROBERT D. TOLLISON
by A. M. C. Waterman - 207-208 Globalization and Labour Conditions: Working Conditions and Worker Rights in a Global Economy. By ROBERT J. FLANAGAN
by Rafael Gomez - 209-210 Knowledge, Scale and Transactions in the Theory of the Firm. By MARIO MORRONI
by Gavin C. Reid
October 2009, Volume 76, Issue s1
- 791-804 Economics as a Moral Science
by A. B. Atkinson - 805-820 Defining Economics: The Long Road to Acceptance of the Robbins Definition
by Roger E. Backhouse & Steve G. Medema - 821-830 The Continuing Muddles of Monetary Theory: A Steadfast Refusal to Face Facts
by C. A. E. Goodhart - 831-844 Effective Tension in Robbins' Economic Methodology
by D. Wade Hands - 845-856 Some Legacies of Robbins' An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science
by Richard G. Lipsey - 857-872 Can Economics be Founded on ‘Indisputable Facts of Experience’? Lionel Robbins and the Pioneers of Neoclassical Economics
by Robert Sugden - 873-890 Robbins on Economic Generalizations and Reality in the Light of Modern Econometrics
by Roger E. Backhouse & Steven N. Durlauf
October 2009, Volume 76, Issue 304
- 607-622 Water Expansions in Shantytowns: Health and Savings
by Sebastian Galiani & Martin Gonzalez‐Rozada & Ernesto Schargrodsky - 623-648 Access to Telephone Services and Household Income in Poor Rural Areas Using a Quasi‐natural Experiment for Peru
by Alberto Chong & Virgilio Galdo & Máximo Torero - 649-674 Does Society Win or Lose as a Result of Privatization? The Case of Water Sector Privatization in Colombia
by Felipe Barrera‐Osorio & Mauricio Olivera & Carlos Ospino - 675-703 The Balance Sheet Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission: Evidence from the United Kingdom
by Eleni Angelopoulou & Heather D. Gibson - 704-718 Redistribution and Inequality in a Heterogeneous Society
by Roland Hodler - 719-740 Economics of Food Energy Density and Adolescent Body Weight
by M. Christopher Auld & Lisa M. Powell - 741-759 Endogenous Acquisition of Information and the Equity Home Bias
by Frederik Lundtofte - 760-778 Human Capital and Inequality Dynamics: The Role of Education Technology
by Jean‐Marie Viaene & Itzhak Zilcha - 779-780 Measuring Globalisation: Gauging its Consequences. By AXEL DREHER, NOEL GASTON and PIM MARTENS
by Martin Gassebner - 780-781 The Changing Distribution of Earnings in OECD Countries. By A.B. ATKINSON
by Wiemer Salverda - 781-782 Globalization and Its Enemies. By DANIEL COHEN, translated by JESSICA BAKER
by Meghnad Desai - 782-784 Walrasian Economics. By DONALD A. WALKER
by Franco Donzelli - 785-786 Europe After Enlargement. Edited by ANDERS ASLUND and MAREK DABROWKI
by Alfred Tovias
July 2009, Volume 76, Issue 303
- 413-431 Redistributive Effects of Transfer Programmes in the United Kingdom
by Keshab Bhattarai & John Whalley - 432-461 Robust International Comparisons of Distributions of Disposable Income and Regional Public Goods
by Nicolas Gravel & Patrick Moyes & Benoît Tarroux - 462-485 Trust and Religion: Experimental Evidence from Rural Bangladesh
by Olof Johansson‐Stenman & Minhaj Mahmud & Peter Martinsson - 486-504 Robust Monetary Policy with the Cost Channel
by Peter Tillmann - 505-527 Public Spending on Education and the Incentives for Student Achievement
by William Blankenau & Gabriele Camera - 528-556 O Brother, Where Art Thou? The Effects of Having a Sibling on Geographic Mobility and Labour Market Outcomes
by Helmut Rainer & Thomas Siedler - 557-573 A Model of Lending Resumption after Default: Lessons from Capital Markets during the Nineteenth Century
by Juan Solé - 574-587 Uncertainty, Irreversibility, Durable Consumption and the Great Depression
by João Miguel Ejarque - 588-597 Detecting Discrimination against Homosexuals: Evidence from a Field Experiment on the Internet
by Ali M. Ahmed & Mats Hammarstedt - 598-599 The Other Invisible Hand: Delivering Public Services Through Choice and Competition. By JULIAN LE GRAND
by Sarah Smith - 599-600 How China Grows: Investment, Finance, and Reform. By JAMES RIEDEL, JING JIN and JIAN GAO and Assessing the Extent of China's Marketization. Edited by XIAOXI LI
by Linda Y. Yueh - 601-602 Critical Political Economy: Complexity, Rationality, and the Logic of Post‐Orthodox Pluralism. By CHRISTIAN ARNSPERGER
by Duncan K. Foley - 603-604 Islamic France, Law, Economics and Practice. By MAHMOUD A. El‐GAMAL
by Hamid Hosseini - 604-605 From the Corn Laws to Free Trade: Interests, Ideas, and Institutions in Historical Perspective. By CHERYL SCHONHARDT‐BAILEY
by Gordon Bannerman
April 2009, Volume 76, Issue 302
- 219-224 The Growth of Gambling and Prediction Markets: Economic and Financial Implications
by David Paton & Donald S. Siegel & Leighton Vaughan Williams - 225-250 Using Markets to Inform Policy: The Case of the Iraq War
by Justin Wolfers & Eric Zitzewitz - 251-263 A More General Non‐expected Utility Model as an Explanation of Gambling Outcomes for Individuals and Markets
by David Peel & David Law - 264-281 Private Investor Participation and Commercialization Rates for Government‐sponsored Research and Development: Would a Prediction Market Improve the Performance of the SBIR Programme?
by Albert N. Link & John T. Scott - 282-303 An Examination of the Determinants of Biased Behaviour in a Market for State Contingent Claims
by Alistair C. Bruce & Johnnie E. V. Johnson & John D. Peirson & Jiejun Yu - 304-314 A Manipulator Can Aid Prediction Market Accuracy
by Robin Hanson & Ryan Oprea - 315-336 Understanding Declining Mobility and Inter‐household Transfers among East African Pastoralists
by Walter Bossert & Yves Sprumont - 364-386 Pensions and Intergenerational Risk‐sharing in General Equilibrium
by Roel M. W. J. Beetsma & A. Lans Bovenberg - 387-399 Education and Taxation Policies in the Presence of Countervailing Incentives
by Alan Krause - 400-402 Understanding Financial Crises. By FRANKLIN ALLEN and DOUGLAS GALE
by Sudipto Bhattacharya - 402-403 A Free Nation Deep in Debt: The Financial Roots of Democracy. By JAMES MACDONALD
by Pascal Bridel - 404-405 Behavioral Economics and its Applications. Edited by PETER DIAMOND and HANNU VARTIAINEN
by Moses Shayo - 405-406 Post Walrasian Macroeconomics: Beyond the Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model. Edited by DAVID COLANDER
by Michel De Vroey - 406-407 Does Education Really Help? Skill, Work, and Inequality. By EDWARD N. WOLFF
by Analia Schlosser - 407-408 The Natural Origins of Economics. By MARGARET SCHABAS
by Renee Prendergast - 408-409 The Global Economy in the 1990s: A Long Run Perspective. Edited by PAUL W. RHODE and GIANNI TONIOLO
by Peter Howlett
February 2009, Volume 76, Issue 301
- 1-19 Ideas and Growth
by Robert E. Lucas - 20-50 Booms and Busts: Consumption, House Prices and Expectations
by Orazio P. Attanasio & Laura Blow & Robert Hamilton & Andrew Leicester - 51-70 Who Withdraws Housing Equity and Why?
by Andrew Benito - 71-88 Compensation of Regional Unemployment in Housing Markets
by Wouter Vermeulen & Jos Van Ommeren - 89-107 Random Consumer Demand
by WILLIAM J. McCAUSLAND - 108-131 Macroeconomic Instability and Business Exit: Determinants of Failures and Acquisitions of UK Firms
by A. Bhattacharjee & C. Higson & S. Holly & P. Kattuman - 132-148 Knowledge and Creative Destruction over the Industry Life Cycle: The Case of the German Automobile Industry
by Uwe Cantner & Jens J. Krüger & Kristina Von Rhein - 149-175 The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Executive Pay in the United Kingdom
by Paul M. Guest - 176-196 Hours of Work and Gender Identity: Does Part‐time Work Make the Family Happier?
by Alison L. Booth & Jan C. Van Ours - 197-207 Labour Force Status and Sexual Orientation
by Karen Leppel - 208-209 Top Incomes Over the 20th Century: A Contrast Between Continental European and English‐Speaking Countries. By A. B. ATKINSON and T. PIKETTY
by Lars Osberg - 209-210 Culture and Economic Explanation: Economics in the US and Japan. By DONALD W. KATZNER
by David Flath - 210-212 Entrepreneurship, Money and Coordination: Hayek's Theory of Cultural Evolution. By JURGEN G. BACKHAUS
by Peter Rosner - 212-213 Reconstructing Macroeconomics: A Perspective from Statistical Physics and Combinational Stochastic Processes. By MASANAO AOKI and HIROSHI YOSHIKAWA
by Steven N. Durlauf - 213-214 Multinationals and Economic Growth in East Asia: Foreign Direct Investment, Corporate Strategies and National Economic Development. Edited by SHUJIRO URATA, CHIA SIOW YUE and FUKUNARI KIMURA
by Linda Y. Yueh - 215-216 Russia's Capitalist Revolution: Why Market Reform Succeeded and Democracy Failed. By ANDERS ÅSLUND
by Brigitte Granville - 216-217 Finance for Development: Latin America in a Comparative Perspective. By BARBARA STALLINGS with ROGERIO STUDART
by Vicente Cuñat
November 2008, Volume 75, Issue 300
- 617-628 The Discipline of Economics
by Amartya Sen - 629-661 Dual Economies and International Total Factor Productivity Differences: Channelling the Impact from Institutions, Trade, and Geography
by Areendam Chanda & Carl‐Johan Dalgaard - 662-682 Regulation of an Open Access Essential Facility
by Axel Gautier & Manipushpak Mitra - 683-699 Evidence on the Functional Relationship between Relative Price Variability and Inflation with Implications for Monetary Policy
by David Fielding & Paul Mizen - 700-709 Moral Hazard and Background Risk in Competitive Insurance Markets
by James A. Ligon & Paul D. Thistle - 710-728 Does Performance Pay Increase Job Satisfaction?
by Colin Green & John S. Heywood - 729-748 Agriculture, Diffusion and Development: Ripple Effects of the Neolithic Revolution
by Louis Putterman - 749-765 Disappearing Defendants versus Judgment‐Proof Injurers
by Giuseppe Dari‐Mattiacci & Barbara M. Mangan - 766-781 Foreign Aid, Fertility and Human Capital Accumulation
by Leonid V. Azarnert - 782-796 The Benefits of Being Economics Professor A (rather than Z)
by C. Mirjam Van Praag & Bernard M.S. Van Praag - 797-798 Public Choice and the Challenges of Democracy. Edited by JOSÉ CASAS PARDO and PEDRO SCHWARTZ
by Alan Hamlin - 798-799 Monetary Economics: An Integrated Approach to Credit, Money, Income, Production and Wealth. By WYNNE GODLEY and MARC LAVOIE
by Charles Goodhart - 799-800 The Internationalization of Asset Ownership in Europe. Edited by HARRY HUIZINGA and LARS JONUNG
by Thomas P. Gehrig - 800-801 Understanding Poverty. Edited by ABHISHEK BANERJEE, ROLAND BENABOU and DILIP MUKHERJEE
by Meghnad Desai - 801-802 Finance Capitalism and Germany's Rise to Industrial Power. By CAROLINE FOHLIN
by Markus Baltzer - 803-804 The Political Economy of Reform Failure. By MATS LUNDAHL and MICHAEL WYZAN
by Federico Sturzenegger - 804-805 The Cambridge Companion to Keynes. Edited by ROGER E. BACKHOUSE and BRADLEY W. BATEMAN
by G. C. Harcourt - 805-806 The Structure of post‐Keynesian Economics: The Core Contributions of the Pioneers. By G. C. Harcourt
by Warren Young
August 2008, Volume 75, Issue 299
- 404-411 Economica Coase Lecture: Reference Points and the Theory of the Firm
by Oliver Hart - 412-434 Contracting for Environmental Property Rights: The Case of Vittel
by Christophe Depres & Gilles Grolleau & Naoufel Mzoughi - 435-454 Long‐Term Care: the State, the Market and the Family
by Pierre Pestieau & Motohiro Sato - 455-480 Successful Employer Search? An Empirical Analysis of Vacancy Duration Using Micro Data
by M. J. Andrews & S. Bradley & D. Stott & R. Upward - 481-494 Aid Volatility and Donor–Recipient Characteristics in ‘Difficult Partnership Countries’
by David Fielding & George Mavrotas - 495-513 Ambition and Jealousy: Income Interactions in the ‘Old’ Europe versus the ‘New’ Europe and the United States
by Claudia Senik - 514-523 Business Cycle Fluctuations and Excess Sensitivity of Private Consumption
by Gert Peersman & Lorenzo Pozzi - 524-548 Foreign Aid and Market‐Liberalizing Reform
by Jac C. Heckelman & Stephen Knack - 549-568 Conservative Central Banks and Nominal Growth, Exchange Rate and Inflation Targets
by Sang‐Kun Bae & Ronald A. Ratti - 569-591 Marriage and Wages: A Test of the Specialization Hypothesis
by Elena Bardasi & Mark Taylor - 592-604 Partial Ordering of Unpredictable Mobility with Welfare Implications
by Danny Ben‐Shahar & Eyal Sulganik - 605-606 Schools and the Equal Opportunity Problem. Edited by LUDGER WOESSMANN and PAUL E. PETERSON
by Byron Lutz - 606-607 Tax Policy and the Labour Market Performance. Edited by JONAS AGELL and PETER BIRCH SORENSEN
by Paul Gregg - 607-608 Principled Agents? The Political Economy of Good Government. By TIMOTHY BESLEY
by Scott Ashworth - 608-610 Institutions, Development and Economic Growth. Edited by THEO S. EICHER and CECILIA GARCIA‐PENALOSA
by Gordon Bannerman