August 2005, Volume 72, Issue 287
- 558-559 An Agenda for a Growing Europe: The Sapir Report
by Fabrizio Coricelli - 559-560 Schooling and the Quality of Human Capital
by Ruth Klinov
November 2001, Volume 68, Issue 272
- 465-488 Schooling Quality in a Cross–Section of Countries
by Jong–Wha Lee & Robert J. Barro - 489-504 Reach for the Stars: A Strategic Bidding Game
by Lynne M. Pepall & Daniel J. Richards - 505-518 Dynasties and Destiny: On the Roles of Altruism and Impatience in the Evolution of Consumption and Bequests
by Ita Falk & Oded Stark - 519-538 Three Meanings of Intergenerational Mobility
by Dirk Van De Gaer & Erik Schokkaert & Michel Martinez - 539-565 Self–Employment and Windfall Gains in Britain: Evidence from Panel Data
by Mark P. Taylor - 567-586 A Re–evaluation of the Relation between Wages and Unemployment in the United Kingdom
by Fatemeh Shadman–Mehta - 587-606 The Impact of Language Ability on Employment and Earnings of Britain’s Ethnic Communities
by Derek Leslie & Joanne Lindley
August 2001, Volume 68, Issue 271
- 293-316 Consumption and the Means of Payment: An Empirical Analysis for the United Kingdom
by Jayasri Dutta & Martin Weale - 317-333 Wars and Markets: How Bond Values Reflect the Second World War
by Bruno Frey & Marcel Kucher - 335-357 Identifying Welfare Effects from Subjective Questions
by Martin Ravallion & Michael Lokshin - 359-378 The Impact of Advanced Technology Adoption on Wage Structures: Evidence from Taiwan Manufacturing Firms
by Jin‐Tan Liu & Meng‐Wen Tsou & James K. Hammitt - 379-400 Learning and Earning: Do Multiple Training Events Pay? A Decade of Evidence from a Cohort of Young British Men
by Wiji Narendranathan Arulampalam & Alison L. Booth - 401-426 Nonlinear Dynamics, Spillovers and Growth in the G7 Economies: An Empirical Investigation
by Lucio Sarno - 427-453 The Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Occupational Attainment in England
by Ziggy Macdonald & Michael A. Shields
May 2001, Volume 68, Issue 270
- 137-156 Family Matters: Impacts of Family Background on Educational Attainments
by John Ermisch & Marco Francesconi - 157-186 Household Unemployment and the Labour Supply of Married Women
by Paul Bingley & Ian Walker - 187-201 Optimal At‐will Labour Contracts
by Ed Nosal - 203-219 Poverty Traps and Human Capital Accumulation
by Carlotta Berti Ceroni - 221-241 Scarring: The Psychological Impact of Past Unemployment
by Andrew Clark & Yannis Georgellis & Peter Sanfey - 243-267 Modelling Business Cycle Movements in the UK Economy
by Paul W. Simpson & Denise R. Osborn & Marianne Sensier - 269-283 Spatial Search, Migration and Regional Unemployment
by Ian Molho
February 2001, Volume 68, Issue 269
- 1-26 Industrial Concentration and Market Integration in the European Union
by Bruce Lyons & Catherine Matraves & Peter Moffatt - 27-44 Efficiency Gaps, Love of Variety and International Trade
by Catia Montagna - 45-62 The Roots of Entrepreneurship and Labour Demand: Individual Ability and Low Risk Aversion
by C. M. Van Praag & J. S. Cramer - 63-76 Measuring Social Mobility as Unpredictability
by Simon C. Parker & Jonathan Rougier - 77-96 Non‐transitive Choice: Event‐Splitting Effects or Framing Effects?
by Steven Humphrey - 97-104 The Relationship between Two Indicators of Insider Trading in British Racetrack Betting
by Michael Cain & David Law & David Peel - 105-126 Income Risk, the Tax‐benefit System and the Demand for Children
by Clive D. Fraser
November 2000, Volume 67, Issue 268
- 465-475 Altruism, Voluntary Contributions and Neutrality: The Case of Environmental Quality
by Pierre‐André Jouvet & Philippe Michel & Pierre Pestieau - 477-497 Caught in a Trap? Wage Mobility in Great Britain: 1975–1994
by Richard Dickens - 499-524 Mind the Gap, Please: The Changing Nature of Entry Jobs in Britain
by Paul Gregg & Jonathan Wadsworth - 525-542 Incomplete Adoption of a Superior Innovation
by Harvey E. Lapan & Giancarlo Moschini - 543-577 Utilities versus Rights to Publicly Provided Goods: Arguments and Evidence from Health Care Rationing
by Paul Anand & Allan Wailoo - 579-604 International Migration and Growth in Developed Countries: A Theoretical Analysis
by Per Lundborg & Paul S. Segerstrom
August 2000, Volume 67, Issue 267
- 307-324 The Core–Periphery Model and Endogenous Growth: Stabilizing and Destabilizing Integration
by Richard E Baldwin & Rikard Forslid - 325-346 Scale, Congestion and Growth
by Theo Eicher & Stephen J. Turnovsky - 347-374 Business Cycles under Monetary Union: A Comparison of the EU and US
by Mark A. Wynne & Jahyeong Koo - 375-398 Herding Behaviour and the Size of Customer Base as a Commitment to Quality
by Chong Ju Choi & Xeni Dassiou & Stephen Gettings - 399-417 Anticipated Inflation in a Monetary Economy with Endogenous Growth
by Wen‐Ya Chang & Ching‐Chong Lai - 419-435 Employment and Output Adjustment in the OECD: A Disaggregate Analysis of the Role of Job Security Provisions
by Simon Burgess & Michael Knetter & Claudio Michelacci - 437-456 Price Competition, Non‐Price Competition and Market Structure: Theory and Evidence from the UK
by George Symeonidis
May 2000, Volume 67, Issue 266
- 153-176 Amnesties, Settlements and Optimal Tax Enforcement
by Luigi Alberto Franzoni - 177-202 Firing Costs, Employment Fluctuations and Average Employment: An Examination of Germany
by Jennifer Hunt - 203-228 The Reform of Pension Systems: Winners and Losers Across Generations in the United Kingdom and Germany
by David Miles & Andreas Iben - 229-244 Increasing Returns, Labour Utilization and Externalities: Procyclical Productivity in the United States and Japan
by Michela Vecchi - 245-263 Job Independence as an Incentive Device
by Kay Mitusch - 265-281 Trade among Similar Countries and the Personal Distribution of Income and Wealth
by Satya P. Das - 283-295 Strategic Trade Policy in the Presence of Consumer Learning
by Charlotte Wojcik
February 2000, Volume 67, Issue 265
- 1-18 Market Expectations in the UK Before and After the ERM Crisis
by Paul Söderlin - 19-35 The Returns to the Quantity and Quality of Education: Evidence for Men in England and Wales
by Colm Harmon & Ian Walker - 37-56 Social Insurance with Risk‐Reducing Investments
by Dan Anderberg & Fredrik Andersson - 57-78 Relative Price Variability and Inflation in Europe
by David Fielding & Paul Mizen - 79-90 Exporting as a Signal for Product Quality
by Oz Shy - 91-100 Union Wage Setting and Exchange Rate Policy
by Philip Lawler - 101-121 Road Accidents and Traffic Flows: An Econometric Investigation
by Andrew Dickerson & John Peirson & Roger Vickerman - 123-144 Does Crime Affect Employment Status? The Case of Indigenous Australians
by Jeff Borland & Boyd Hunter
November 1999, Volume 66, Issue 264
- 1-1 Editors’ Report
by Frank Cowell & Alan Manning & Amos Witztum - 421-432 Multiple Currencies and Hedging
by Udo Broll & Kit Pong Wong & Itzhak Zilcha - 434-454 Renegotiation‐proof Labour and Credit Contracts with Worker Mobility
by Theofanis Tsoulouhas - 455-471 Measuring Movement of Incomes
by Gary S. Fields & Efe A. Ok - 473-488 Minimum Wage Legislation, Productivity and Employment
by Gianni De Fraja - 489-508 Transitional and Steady‐state Costs of Disinflattion When Growth is Endogenou
by Tor Einarsson & Milton H. Marquis - 509-531 Gender Segregation in the Academic Staff of Universities in Great Britain, 1980/81–1993/94
by Judith Rich - 533-550 Procyclical Labour Productivity: A Closer Look at a Stylized Fact
by Robert A. Hart & James R. Malley
August 1999, Volume 66, Issue 263
- 297-316 For Love or Money? The Impact of Income Taxes on Marriage
by James Alm & Leslie A. Whittington - 317-333 Educational Mobility: The Effect on Efficiency and Distribution
by Jan Eeckhout - 335-357 Willingness to Move for Work and Unemployment Duration in Spain
by Namkee Ahn & Sara De La Rica & Arantza Ugidos - 359-374 Some Remarks on Leland's Model of Insider Trading
by Rafael Repullo - 375-387 Imperfect Information and Consumption in the United States and the United Kingdom
by David Demery & Nigel W. Dick - 389-401 General Equilibrium Effects of Import Constraints under Variable Labour Supply, Public Goods and Income Taxation
by Michael S. Michael & Panos Hatzipanayotou - 403-413 Interrelated Factor Demands from Dynamic Cost Functions: An Application to the Non‐energy Business Sector of the UK Economy
by Chris Allen & Giovanni Urga
May 1999, Volume 66, Issue 262
- 157-1179 Volatility and Investment: Interpreting Evidence from Developing Countries
by Joshua Aizenman & Nancy Marion - 181-207 Skill Mismatch and Unemployment in OECD Countries Marco Manacorda
by Marco Manacorda & Barbara Petrongolo - 209-224 Trade Dynamics and Endogenous Growth: An Overlapping‐Generations Analysis
by Andrew Mountford - 225-240 The Dupuit–Marshall Theory of Competitive Equilibrium
by Robert Ekelund Jr & Robert F. Hébert - 241-254 Inflation Contracts and Inflation Targets under Uncertainty: Why We Might Need Conservative Central Bankers
by V. Anton Muscatelli - 255-269 Announcements, Inflation Targeting and Central Bank Incentives
by Carl E. Walsh - 271-290 Unpaid Work
by David N. F. Bell & Robert A. Hart
February 1999, Volume 66, Issue 261
- 1-21 Small Firms, Contracting‐out, Computers and Wage Inequality: Evidence from UK Manufacturing
by Jonathan Heskel - 23-42 Low Pay Dynamics and Transition Probabilities
by Mark B. Stewart & Joanna K. Swaffield - 43-62 The Effects of Financial Constraints on Inventory Investment: Evidence from a Panel of UK Firms
by Alessandra Guariglia - 63-77 Staying on in Full‐Time Education: Reasons for Higher Participation Rates Among Ethnic Minority Males and Females
by Derek Leslie & Stephen Drinkwatr - 79-96 Occupational Downgrading and Upgrading in Britain
by Phil Evans - 97-117 Asset Portfolios and Credit Rationing: Evidence from Kenya
by Christopher S. Adam - 119-133 Income Inequality among Female Heads of Households: Racial Inequality Reconsidered
by Sourushe Zandvakili - 135-149 Theories of Convergence and Growth in the Classical Period: The Role of Science, Technology and Trade
by Bruce Elmslie & Antoinette James Criss
November 1998, Volume 65, Issue 260
- 461-477 Extortion
by Kai I. Konrad & Stergios Skaperdas - 479-490 Optimal Law Enforcement and Imperfect Information when Wealth Varies among Individuals
by Nuno Garoupa - 491-505 Efficient Ways to Finance Human Capital Investments
by Espen R. Moen - 507-534 Collective Bargaining and the Interindustry Wage Structure: International Evidence
by Lawrence M. Kahn - 535-556 An Econometric Model of Farm Tenures in Fifteenth‐Century Florence
by S. Pudney & F.L. Galassi & F. Mealli - 557-580 Private Income Transfers and Market Incentives
by Ralph Chami - 581-598 Testing Different Stochastic Specificationsof Risky Choice
by Graham Loomes & Robert Sugden - 599-613 What’s Mine is Yours? The Influence of Male and Female Incomes on Patterns of Household Expenditure
by Shelley A. Phipps & Peter S. Burton
August 1998, Volume 65, Issue 259
- 303-325 Innovation Races, Strategic Externalities and Endogenous Growth
by Louis Corriveau - 327-345 Designing Monetary Policy when Unemployment Persists
by Ben Lockwood & Marcus Miller & Lei Zhang - 347-361 Testing Alternative Explanations of Cyclical Choices
by Chris Starmer & Robert Sugden - 363-380 Changes in the Distribution of Housing Wealth in Great Britain, 1985‐91
by Andrew Henley - 381-399 Dynamic Stability and International Trade under Uncertainty
by Nancy H. Chau - 401-427 Risk, Optimal Government Finance and Monetary Policies in a Growing Economy
by Earl L. Grinols & Stephen J. Turnovsky - 429-440 The Microeconomic Analysis of the External Costs of Road Accidents
by John Peirson & Ian Skinner & Roger Vickerman - 441-453 Risk Aversion, Foreign Exchange Speculation and Gambler’s Ruin
by John A. Carlson
May 1998, Volume 65, Issue 258
- 161-177 Stable Multilateral Trade Agreements
by Inés Macho‐Stadler & David Pérez‐Castrillo & Clara Ponsati - 179-192 Tagging and Taxing: The Optimal Use of Categorical and Income Information in Designing Tax/Transfer Schemes
by Ritva Immonen & Ravi Kanbur & Michael Keen & Matti Tuomala - 193-210 Defense Spending in a Neo‐Ricardian World
by Carlos Seiglie - 211-229 Modelling Business Cycle Nonlinearity in Conditional Mean and Conditional Variance: Some International and Sectoral Evidence
by D. A. Peel & A. E. H. Speight - 231-245 Monetary Integration, Uncertainty and the Role of Money Finance
by G. M. Voss - 247-261 Risk and Revelation: Changing the Value of Information
by Anthony Creane - 263-284 Primary Schooling, Cognitive Skills and Wages in South Africa
by Peter G. Moll - 285-293 The Relative Burden of Monopoly on Households with Different Incomes
by John Creedy & Robert Dixon
February 1998, Volume 65, Issue 257
- 1-15 Why Are the Unemployed So Unhappy?Evidence from Panel Data
by Liliana Winkelmann & Rainer Winkelmann - 17-38 Why Have Some Indian States Done Better than Others at Reducing Rural Poverty?
by Gaurav Datt & Martin Ravallion - 39-67 A Decade of Tax and Benefit Reforms in Sweden: Effects on Labour Supply, Welfare and Inequality
by Thomas Aronsson & Mårten Palme - 69-96 Are Real Wages and Unemployment Related?
by Tor Jacobson & Anders Vredin & Anders Warne - 97-106 Sunk Costs and the Inefficiency of Relationship‐Specific Investment
by Abhinay Muthoo - 107-124 A Theory of Growth, Financial Development and Trade
by Keith Blackburn & Victor T. Y. Hung - 125-143 Empirical Tests of Efficiency Wage Models
by Tzu‐Ling Huang & Arnems Hallam & Peter F. Orazem & Eizabeth M. Paterno - 145-151 A Dynamic Model of Union Membership and Employment: A Comment
by Juin‐Jen Chang & Ching‐Chong Lai & Wen‐Ya Chang
November 1997, Volume 64, Issue 256
- 547-565 Fiat Money and Quality Uncertainty
by Urs Haegler - 567-586 On the Neutrality of Inside and Outside Money
by Philip N. Jefferson - 587-604 Technical Change and Earnings in British Establishments
by Lucy Chennells & John Van Reenan - 605-626 Generational Accounts, Aggregate Saving and Intergenerational Distribution
by Willem H. Buiter - 627-644 The Economic Determinants of Young People's Household Formation
by John Ermisch & Pamela Di Salvo - 645-667 Inventories and Strikes
by Simon Clark - 669-680 Bargaining Frictions, Bargaining Procedures and Implied Costs in Multiple‐Issue Bargaining
by Lutz‐Alexander Busch & Ignatius J. Horstmann - 681-702 Imprecise Preferences and Survey Design in Contingent Valuation
by Dubourg & Jones‐Lee & Graham Loomes
August 1997, Volume 64, Issue 255
- 375-386 Sen’s Theorem and Externalities
by Donald E. Campbell & Jerry S. Kelly - 387-413 Modelling the Transition from School and the Demand for Training in the United Kingdom
by Martyn Andrews & Steve Bradley - 415-440 Inequality in Five Countries in the 1980s: The Role of Demographic Shifts, Markets and Government Policies
by Markus Jätti - 441-460 Does Growth Vary over the Business Cycle? Some Evidence from the G7 Countries
by Zenon G. Kontolemis - 461-469 The Nature of Shocks in Europe and in Germany
by Michael Funke - 471-481 Induced Preferences, Dynamic Consistency and Dutch Books
by David Kelsey & Frank Milne - 483-493 Population Increase and the End of Colonialism
by Herschel I. Grossman & Murat F. Iyigun - 483-493 The Dynamic Demand for Part‐time and Full‐time Labour
by Jane Friesen - 509-518 Inflation and Growth in an Open Economy
by Tapio Palokangas - 519-525 Domestic Taxes and the External Debt Laffer Curve
by Aasim M. Husain - 527-537 The ‘Unnatural and Retrograde Order’: Adam Smith’s Theories of Trade and Development Reconsidered
by Robert A. Blecker
May 1997, Volume 64, Issue 254
- 187-209 Separation and Hedging Results with State‐Contingent Production
by Robert G. James & John Quiggan - 233-244 Social Welfare when Needs Differ: An Axiomatic Approach
by Udo Edbert - 245-264 Measuring Poverty Changes with Bounded Equivalence Scales: Australia in the 1980s
by Bruce Bradbury - 265-279 Imitative Competition and Product Innovation in a Duopoly Model
by Lynn Peppal - 281-301 A Tale of Two Collectives: Sulphur versus Nitrogen Oxides Emission Reduction in Europe
by James C. Murdoch & Tod Sandler & Keith Sargent - 303-316 Cash Flows and Debt Maturity
by Gautam Goswami & Michael Rebello & Thomas Noe - 317-329 Big‐Bank Mergers in Europe: An Analysis of the Cost Implications
by Yener Altunbarş & Philip Molyneux & John Thornton - 331-343 Formal Credit, Corruption and the Informal Credit Market in Agriculture: a Theoretical Analysis
by Manash Ranjan Gupta & Sarbajit Chaudhuri - 345-352 The Possibility of Welfare Gains with Capital Inflows in a Small Tariff‐Ridden Economy
by Partha Sen & Arghya Ghosh & Abheek Barman - 353-363 Foreign Capital and the Informal Sector: Comments on Chandra and Khan
by Manash Ranjan Gupta
November 1997, Volume 64, Issue 254
- 211-231 Modelling British Interest Rate Adjustment: An Error Correction Approach
by Shelagh A. Hefferman
February 1997, Volume 64, Issue 253
- 1-13 Growth, Capital Accumulation and Foreign Debt
by Ross Milbourne - 15-30 Variable Costs and the Visible Hand: the Re‐Regulation of Electricity Supply, 1932–37
by James S. Foreman‐Peck & Christopher J. Hammond - 31-47 Irreversible Investment and Strategic Interaction
by Antonio Fatàs & Andrew Metrick - 49-62 Macroeconomic Implications of Cash Limits in the Public Sector
by Bertil Holmlund - 63-79 Innovation, Foreign Direct Investment and Growth
by Uwe Walz - 81-100 Estimating and Testing a Model of Welfare Participation: the Case of Supplementary Benefits in Britain
by Jean‐Yves Duclos - 101-1117 The Distribution of Income in the Presence of Appropriative Activities
by Stergios Skaperdas & Constantinos Syropoulos - 119-136 Family Characteristics and the Returns to Schooling: Evidence on Gender Differences from a Sample of Australian Twins
by Paul Miller & Charles Mulvey & Nick Martin - 137-154 Durable‐Goods Monopoly, Increasing Marginal Cost and Depreciation
by Robert Driskill - 155-171 The Trade‐off Interpretation of Phillips’s Dynamic Stabilization Exercise
by Robert Leeson - 173-177 Aggregate Homothetic Separability
by Robert G. Chambers
February 1962, Volume 29, Issue 113
- 1-16 Employment, Inflation and Growth
by A. W. Phillips - 17-28 Politics, Policy, and the Pigovian Margins1
by James M. Buchanan - 29-39 The Size and Growth of Firms1
by P. E. Hart - 40-52 The Development of the Solus System of Petrol Distribution in the United Kingdom, 1950–1960
by Donald F. Dixon - 53-57 Dynamic Equilibrium and Instability in the Sense of Harrod
by H. A. John Green - 58-71 Lord Brougham, Charles Knight, and The Rights of Industry
by William F. Kennedy - 72-86 Professor Meade on Economic Growth1
by George H. Borts - 87-89 Essays on Economic Stability and Growth. By Nicholas Kaldor. Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd. 1960. 302 pp. 42s
by E. J. Mishan - 89-91 An Econometric Model of the United Kingdom. By L. R. Klein and Others. Basil Blackwell. 1961. xii + 312 pp. 60s
by W. J. Corlett - 91-93 Economics: The Science of Prices and Incomes. By H. Speight. Methuen & Co. Ltd. 1961. 671 pp. 42s
by Arthur Lerner - 93-94 Macroeconomic Theory. By Gardner Ackley. The Macmillan Company, New York. 1961. xv + 597 pp. 42s
by Diana Oldershaw - 94-95 The Spare Chancellor. By Alastair Buchan. Chatto & Windus Ltd. 1959. 287 pp. 25s.; Walter Bagehot. By Norman St. John‐Stevas. Eyre & Spottiswoode (Publishers) Ltd. 1959. xvi + 485 pp. 36s
by R. S. Sayers - 96-97 John Millar of Glasgow, 1735–1801: His Life and Thought and his Contributions to Sociological Analysis, By William C. Lehmann. Published for the Department of Social and Economic Research in the University of Glasgow by the Cambridge University Press. 1960. xvi + 430 pp. 60s
by Robbins - 97-99 Methods of Regional Analysis: An introduction to Regional Science. By Walter Isard and Others. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1960. xxix +783 pp. 76s
by George H. Borts - 99-100 Accounting and Business Fluctuations. By Delmas D. Ray. University of Florida Press, Gainesville. 1960. xii + 184 pp. $6·50
by W. T. Baxter - 100-102 Probability with Statistical Applications. By F. Mosteller and Others. Addison‐Wesley Publishing Company. 1961. xv + 478 pp. 38s
by J. J. Thomas - 102-103 A History of Economic Thought. By O. H. Taylor. McGraw‐Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. 1960. xix + 524 pp. 60s
by B. Corry - 103-104 Patterns of Trade and Development. By Ragnar Nurkse. Basil Blackwell. 1961. 62 pp. 6s
by J. E. Meade - 104-105 British Monetary Experiments, 1650–1710. By J. Keith Horsefield. G. Bell & Sons Ltd. for the London School of Economics and Political Science. 1960. xix + 344 pp. 45s
by William Letwin - 105-107 Gold and International Liquidity. By W. J. Busschau. South African Institute of International Affairs, Johannesburg. 1961. 102 pp. 10s.; Topical Comment: Essays in Dynamic Economics Applied. By Sir Roy Harrod. Macmillan & Co. Ltd. 1961. 265 pp. 25s.; The Pound at Home and Abroad. By Sir Ralph Hawtrey. Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd. 1961. 212 pp. 27s. 6d
by E. Victor Morgan - 107-109 The Workshop of the World. By J. D. Chambers. Home University Library. Oxford University Press. 1961. 239 pp. 8s. 6d
by W. H. B. Court - 109-110 Trends in the American Economy in the Nineteenth Century. The National Bureau of Economic Research. Princeton University Press. Oxford University Press. 1960. xi + 780 pp. £6
by Charlotte J. Erickson - 110-112 The Industrial Revolution in Coventry. By John Prest. Oxford University Press. 1960. xi + 152 pp. 21s
by A. H. John - 112-113 Breakaway Unions and the Small Trade Unions. By Shirley W. Lerner. George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1961. 210 pp. 25s
by B. C. Roberts
November 1958, Volume 25, Issue 100
- 283-299 The Relation Between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wage Rates in the United Kingdom, 1861–1957
by A. W. Phillips - 300-318 Liquidity Preference and Loanable Funds : Stock and Flow Analysis
by Don Patinkin - 319-325 Joseph Lang and Macroeconomics
by R. D. Theocharis - 326-338 The Exchange Business of the Irish Banks in the Eighteenth Century
by L. M. Cullen - 335-366 Federal Lending and Loan Insurance
by Edward Nevin - 339-343 The English Capital Market Before 1914—A Reply
by A. R. Hall - 344-344 When Are Goods More Goods ?
by H. A. John Green - 345-348 Robbins on Torrens
by Frank Whitson Fetter - 349-351 The Sources Invention
by A. H. Wilson - 351-352 The Measurement of Utility
by W. E. Armstrong - 352-354 Essays in the Theory of Economic Growth
by F. H. Hahn - 354-355 The Theory of General Static Equilibrium
by S. A. Ozga - 355-356 The Theory of Inventory Management
by M. H. Peston