September 2005, Volume 76, Issue 3
- 437-460 Imposing Capital Controls on Credit Unions: An Analysis of Regulatory Intervention in Australia
by Andrew Greinke - 461-489 An Investigation into the Link between UK Credit Union Characteristics, Location and their Success
by Ann‐Marie Ward & Donal G. McKillop - 491-516 Why do Agricultural Credit Cooperatives Merge? The Portuguese Experience
by Paula Cabo & João Rebelo
June 2005, Volume 76, Issue 2
- 151-177 Regulation and state ownership: conflicts and complementarities in eu telecommunications
by Johannes M. Bauer - 179-194 Predicting financial failure: some evidence from new brunswick agricultural co‐ops
by Jorge Dietrich & F. J. Arcelus & G. Srinivasan - 195-231 Social enterprise for work integration in 12 european countries: a descriptive analysis
by Roger Spear & Eric Bidet - 233-255 Une évaluation des effets de la privatisation sur l’accès aux ressources en eau dans les pays en développement
by Luisa Sciandra - 257-274 Welfare Effects of Price Integration in Local Public Transport
by Alberto Cassone & Carla Marchese - 275-300 Sulphur emissions and productivity growth in industrialised countries
by Philippe Barla & Sergio Perelman
March 2005, Volume 76, Issue 1
- 1-4 Principal Agent Relationships and UK Regulated Utilities
by Hussein Kassim & Catherine Waddams Price - 5-33 UK Utility Regulation: Licences, Commitment and Judicial Review
by Michael Harker - 35-57 Regulatory Contracts and Stakeholder Regulation
by Tony Prosser - 59-84 Managing the Political Life Cycle of Regulation in the UK and German Telecommunication Sectors
by David Coen - 85-119 Implications of Regulation Policy Incentives for Strategic Control: An Integrative Model
by Vinh Sum Chau & Barry J. Witcher - 121-149 Incentive Regulation and Efficient Pricing
by Monica Giulietti & Catherine Waddams Price
December 2004, Volume 75, Issue 4
- 525-548 Privatization Policy and Enterprise Performance: the case of Ireland
by Eoin Reeves & Dónal Palcic - 549-573 Efficiency and Program‐Contract Bargaining in Spanish Public Hospitals
by Juan Ventura & Eduardo GonzáLez & Ana Cárcaba - 575-594 The Economics of Organization Structure Changes: a US perspective on demutualization
by Fabio R. Chaddad & Michael L. Cook - 595-617 Formes institutionnelles, rationalité axiologique et conventions
by Bernard Enjolras - 619-643 Volunteer Labour Supply: the role of workers’ motivations
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Gilberto Turati - 645-656 Regulation under Financial Constraints
by Axel Gautier
September 2004, Volume 75, Issue 3
- 339-365 An Empirical Analysis of Cost Efficiency in Non‐profit and Public Nursing Homes
by Mehdi Farsi & Massimo Filippini - 367-398 Evaluating the British Model of Electricity Deregulation
by Stephen Thomas - 399-429 Government Underpricing of Share‐Issue Privatizations
by Claude Laurin & Anthony E. Boardman & Aidan R. Vining - 431-463 Relational Goods and Associational Participation
by Lionel Prouteau & François‐Charles Wolff - 465-495 What Motivates Members to Participate in Co‐operative and Mutual Businesses?
by Johnston Birchall & Richard Simmons - 497-524 Systèmes De Gestion Des Ressources Humaines Et Performance Organisationnelle
by Michel Arcand & Guy Arcand & Mohamed Bayad & Bruno Fabi
June 2004, Volume 75, Issue 2
- 167-192 Russian Railways Reform and the Problem of Non‐discriminatory Access to Infrastructure
by Russell Pittman - 193-225 Regulating Public Transit Networks: How do Urban‐Intercity Diversification and Speed‐up Measures Affect Firms’ Cost Performance?
by Giovanni Fraquelli & Massimiliano Piacenza & Graziano Abrate - 227-263 Is the Government Failure Theory Still Relevant? A panel analysis using US state level data
by Yoshiho Matsunaga & Naoto Yamauchi - 265-293 Constitutional Design and Investment in Cooperatives and Investor‐Owned Enterprises
by Alberto Bacchiega & Gianni De Fraja - 295-317 La Création D’activité: Prise D’autonomie Et Médiation Entre Acteurs
by Cyrille Ferraton & David Vallat - 319-337 Church‐based Credit Cooperatives in Germany
by Achim Machauer & Dirk Schiereck
March 2004, Volume 75, Issue 1
- 3-9 Introduction
by Roger Spear & Chris Cornforth & Rafael Chaves & Robert Schediwy - 11-32 The Governance of cooperatives and mutual associations: a paradox perspective
by Chris Cornforth - 33-60 Governance in Democratic Member‐Based Organisations
by Roger Spear - 61-87 Governance of the Mondragon Corporación Cooperativa
by Baleren Bakaikoa & Anjel Errasti & Agurtzane Begiristain - 89-111 Faces of Governance of Production Cooperatives: An Exploratory Study of Ten French Cooperatives
by Frédérique Bataille‐Chedotel & France Huntzinger - 113-137 Governance and Management of Collective User‐Based Enterprises: Value‐Creation Strategies and Organizational Configurations
by Marie‐Claire Malo & Martine Vézina - 139-161 Social Economy Managers: Between Values and Entrenchment
by Rafael Chaves & Antonia Sajardo‐Moreno
December 2003, Volume 74, Issue 4
- 489-514 Fonction De Base Et Nouveau Rôle Des Pouvoirs Publics: Vers Un Nouveau Paradigme De L’état
by Benoît Lévesque - 515-528 Bargaining Credibility and the Limits to Within‐firm Pensions
by Jan Erik Askildsen & Norman J. Ireland - 529-552 Efficiency of Junior High Schools and the Role of Proprietary Structure
by Gian Paolo Barbetta & Gilberto Turati - 553-584 The Internationalisation of Cooperatives: The Case of the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation
by Anjel Mari Errasti & Iñaki Heras & Baleren Bakaikoa & Pilar Elgoibar - 585-590 Introduction Social Economy and Welfare Mix: A Framework for the Analysis of Relational Services
by Ingo Bode & Laurent Gardin & Jean‐Louis Laville & Vincent Lhuillier & Francesca Petrella - 591-630 Childcare and Welfare Mix in France
by Jean‐Louis Laville - 631-658 The Organisational Evolution of the Childcare Regime in Germany: Issues and Dynamics of a Public‐private Partnership
by Ingo Bode
September 2003, Volume 74, Issue 3
- 321-348 Attending to the General Interest: New Mechanisms for Mediating between the Individual, Collective and General Interest in Québec
by Luc Bernier & Marie Bouchard & Benoît Lévesque - 349-364 Earnings and Schooling of Cooperative Managers
by Carlos Pestana Barros & J.C. Gomes Santos - 365-396 Residual Claims in Co‐operatives: Design Issues
by R. Srinivasan & S.J. Phansalkar - 397-432 Production et rationalisation des intermédiaires financiers: Leçons à tirer de l’expérience des Caisses Populaires Acadiennes
by André Leclerc & Mario Fortin - 433-464 The Role of United Charities in Fundraising: The Case of Singapore
by Vincent C.H. Chua & Chung Ming Wong - 465-488 Social Economy Companies in the Spanish Agricultural Sector: Delimitation and Situation in the Context of the European Union
by Juan F. Juliá & Ricardo J. Server
June 2003, Volume 74, Issue 2
- 183-204 The Differential Returns Offered by Mutually Owned and Proprietary UK Depository Institutions: 1993–2000
by John K. Ashton & Stephen Letza - 205-228 A Simple Characterization of the Second‐best Two‐part and Block‐rate Tariffs Theory and Applications
by Jörg Borrmann - 229-260 La consommation de soins de santé en Belgique une analyse économétrique à partir des données de l’Institut Pasteur
by Jean‐Michel Delaval - 261-282 A Theoretical Model of the Effects of Public Funding on Saving Decisions by Charitable Nonprofit Service Providers
by Femida Handy & Natalie J. Webb - 283-320 Organizational Culture, Individual Differences and the Participation System in Cooperativism of Associated Workers in Andalusia, Spain
by Antonio J. Romero & Miguel Pérez
March 2003, Volume 74, Issue 1
- 5-6 Foreword
by Helmut Cox - 7-31 Questions About the Initiative of the European Commission Concerning the Awarding and Compulsory Competitive Tendering of Public Service Concessions
by H. Cox - 33-61 Opening up Public Services to Competition by Putting Them Out to Tender: An Evaluation
by P. Bance - 63-85 Auctions Versus Beauty Contests: The Allocation of UMTS Licences in Europe
by L. Cartelier - 87-106 Long‐term Impacts of Competitive Tendering of Public Services on Market Structures
by K. Oettle - 107-116 The Protection of the Public Interest in the Context of Competitive Tendering
by G. Püttner - 117-137 The Reform of Local Public Utilities in Italy
by G. Bognetti & L. Robotti - 139-162 Public Procurement at the Local Level in Austria: The Economic Consequences of Compulsory Competitive Tendering for Public Services
by G. Obermann & T. Kostal - 163-182 Competitive Tendering and Optimal Size in the Regional Bus Transportation Industry: An Example from Italy
by C. Cambini & M. Filippini
December 2002, Volume 73, Issue 4
- 493-519 Economic Regulation: a review of issues
by D. Parker - 521-540 Telecommunications Reforms In Malaysia
by C. Lee - 541-558 Competition And Its Regulation: Key Issues
by P. Cook - 559-576 Privatization and Indigenous Ownership: Evidence from Africa
by J. Craig - 577-602 Uk Corporate Acquisitions In Latin America In The 1990s: Lost Opportunities In A New Economic Environment
by E. Amann & G. M. De Paula & J. C. Ferraz - 603-625 Privatization And Poverty: The Distributional Impact of Utility Privatization
by K. Bayliss - 627-648 Regulatory Institutions And Structures
by A. Ogus - 649-666 Governance–Based Analysis Of Regulation
by M. Minogue - 667-693 Embedding Regulatory Autonomy In Caribbean Telecommunications
by M. Lodge & L. Stirton
December 2001, Volume 72, Issue 4
- 453-479 Performance of Dairy Plants in the Cooperative and Private Sectors in India
by Satbir Singh & Tim Coelli & Euan Fleming - 481-506 Libéralisation des Services publics de réseau et jeux croisés de la régulation: le cas de l'électricité
by Frédéric Varone & Christophe Genoud - 507-547 Organization, Management and Delegation in the French Water Industry
by Jihad C. Elnaboulsi - 549-579 Social Movements and Development In Quebec: The Experience of the Desjardins Movement
by Roger Levasseur & Yvan Rousseau - 581-605 Privatization, Ownership and Technical Efficiency a Study of the Turkish Cement Industry
by Seref Saygili & Erol Taymaz
September 2001, Volume 72, Issue 3
- 311-321 Économie sociale et économie publique: nouvelles formes de coopération à l'ère de la mondialisation
by Benoît Lévesque & Marie-Claire Malo & Bernard Thiry - 323-338 Le partenariat: une tendance lourde de la nouvelle gouvernance à l'ère de la mondialisation. Enjeux et défis pour les entreprises publiques et d'économie sociale
by Benoît Lévesque - 339-350 The Emergent Role of Social Intermediaries in the New Economy
by Michael J. Piore - 351-377 Les alliances stratégiques au service du développement des coopératives agro-alimentaires. Le cas de l'Ouest de la France
by Pascal Perrot & Philippe Ruffio & Raymond Guillouzo - 379-392 Cooperation between companies from different economic sectors in argentina
by Arturo Octavio Ravina - 393-411 Overcoming competitive disadvantages of public enterprises by Public–Private Partnerships and their financing models
by Wilhelm Georg Hanss - 413-433 The social economy: new co-operatives and public sector
by Ann-Mari Sätre–Åhilander - 435-448 Partenariats Nord–Sud. L'exemple du Pays Basque (Espagne)
by Baleren Bakaikoa Azurmendi
June 2001, Volume 72, Issue 2
- 159-181 A household model of charitable contributions and tax incentives
by Inmaculada García & Carmen Marcuello - 183-207 L'évaluation de la performance économique des entreprises publiques africaines par la méthode des comptes de surplus
by Mapapa Mbangala - 209-228 Identification as a Trust-Generating Mechanism in Cooperatives
by Svein Ole Borgen - 229-252 Cooperative Credit in Spain: An Analysis of Credit Sections of Cooperatives
by Ricardo Server Izquierdo & Amparo Meli´n Navarro - 253-270 The impact of macroeconomic policies on the distribution of income[A prelimin]
by Aleš Bulíř - 271-284 The Maastricht Criteria and Sustainability of German Fiscal Policy[The author]
by Alfred Greiner & Willi Semmler - 285-305 Stabilization function of public finance: fiscal policy in real business cycle models
by Martin Mach´řek
March 2001, Volume 72, Issue 1
- 5-43 Universal Service: An economic perspective
by H. Cremer & F. Gasmi & A. Grimaud & J. J. Laffont - 45-76 Low Pay in the UK: The Case for a Three Sector Comparative Approach
by Stephen Almond & Jeremy Kendall - 77-101 Proximity Services in Belgium: An Analysis of Public and Nonprofit Relations
by Francesca Petrella - 103-133 The German Charitable Welfare System: A Criticism from the Viewpoint of Ordnungspolitik
by Dirk Meyer - 135-154 Les Caisses Rurales Face à l’Union Monétaire: Une étude d’efficacité comparée
by Antonio Miranda Gallardo & Alfonso Carlos Morales Gutiérrez
December 2000, Volume 71, Issue 4
- 501-505 Introduction
by Roger Spear - 507-523 The Co-operative Advantage
by Roger Spear - 525-555 Mutual Maritime Insurance Clubs – Co-operation and Competition
by Tom Johnstad - 557-577 The Internationalization of Mondragon
by Christina A. Clamp - 579-606 Les coopératives de travail en milieu urbain au Québec: quelques perspectives de développement
by Clément Mercier & Annick Métivier & Jean-Pierre Girard & Réjean Mathieu - 607-636 Régie, Réglementation et performance des coopératives financières
by Klaus P. Fischer - 637-663 Co-operative Values and the Cold War: The Rebuilding and Undermining of the German Consumer Movement, 1945–1955
by Brett Fairbairn
September 2000, Volume 71, Issue 3
- 319-345 Une comparaison entre divers établissements de services de première ligne en santé au Québec (Canada)
by Yvan Comeau & Jean-Pierre Girard - 347-374 Coordination failure, property rights and non-profit organizations
by Bernard Enjolras - 375-414 Économie sociale et nouveaux pays industrialisés: Le cas de la Corée du sud
by Eric Bidet - 415-439 The effects of privatization on productive efficiency: evidence from the Baltic republics
by Derek C. Jones & Niels Mygind - 441-465 Women and the social economy in transitional Russia
by Ann-Mari Sätre Åhlander - 467-495 A case for water utilities as cooperatives and the UK experience
by Lawrence B. Morse
June 2000, Volume 71, Issue 2
- 133-138 Economics and Interpersonal Relations: Introduction
by Benedetto Gui - 139-169 Beyond Transactions: On the Interpersonal Dimension of Economic Reality
by Benedetto Gui - 171-189 The Logic of Good Social Relations
by Serge-Christophe Kolm - 191-228 Interpersonal Interaction and Economic Theory: The Case of Public Goods
by Nicholas Bardsley - 229-259 Network Interaction with Material and Relational Goods: An Exploratory Simulation
by Pier Luigi Sacco & Paolo Vanin - 261-284 Social-Self-Interest
by Colin ASH - 285-313 Ego Facing Alter: How Economists have Depicted Human Interactions
by Luigino Bruni
March 2000, Volume 71, Issue 1
- 5-27 Impacts de l'ouverture à la concurrence sur la R&D dans le secteur électrique
by C. Defeuilley & A. T. Furtado - 29-53 Some Theoretical and Practical Implications of the Attempted Takeover of a Consumer Cooperative Society
by J. Birchall - 55-78 Local Exchange Trading Systems: A Solution to the Employment Dilemma?
by M.S. Peacock - 79-103 The Relationship Between Agricultural Cooperatives and the State in Sweden: The Legislative Process
by M. Fregidou-Malama - 105-125 The Hayekian Approach to Banking Supervision in New Zealand
by J.D. Turner
December 1999, Volume 70, Issue 4
- 549-587 Privatization and Utility Regulation in Developing Countries: the Lessons So Far
by P. Cook - 589-619 Innovation in Nonprofit Organizations
by H. Zimmermann - 621-637 Inefficiency in the Spanish Cooperative Banking Sector
by M.A. Marco Gual & I. Moya Clemente - 639-658 Is Fiscal Progressivity Enhanced by Redistribution in Kind?
by A. Pettini - 659-686 Performance des activités d'éducation et de recherche des systèmes d'enseignement supérieur de l'OCDE
by B. Bayenet & O. Debande
September 1999, Volume 70, Issue 3
- 371-416 UK utilities: Past reform and current proposals
by E. Markou & C. Waddams Price - 417-445 La construction sociale du produit financier postal
by F. Gallouj & J. Gadrey & E. Ghillebaert - 447-474 Estimation des Économies D'échelle et de gamme dans de petites coopératives de services financiers: le cas des caisses populaires acadiennes
by A. Leclerc & M. Fortin & C. Thivierge - 477-499 Globalisation—New Demands on Public Enterprises
by W. Ebert & W. Noll - 501-520 Nonprofit Organisations and Social Economy: Two Ways of Understanding the Third Sector
by S. Mertens
June 1999, Volume 70, Issue 2
- 1-1 Foreword
by H. Cox - 161-177 The provision of public services by regulation in the general interest or by public ownership? A consideration of recent developments in the public economy under aspects of institutional competition
by H. Cox - 179-193 General interest and types of regulation: Permanence and changeability of economic liberalism
by P. Bance - 195-211 Sector-specific regulation from a public choice perspective with regard to the supply of services of public interest
by G. Obermann - 213-226 Public enterprises after privatization as quoted companies: Is there a contradiction between shareholder or stakeholder value and services in the public interest?
by K. Oettle - 227-240 Property rights and dynamics of the institutional learning process under regulation
by E. Lefrançois & L. Monnier - 241-259 The legal consequences of the transformation from a public to a private undertaking on management and employees
by R. Bohinc - 261-275 General-interest-orientated accounting in public sector enterprises and regulated industries
by D. Greiling - 277-302 Privatization, deregulation and the labour market: a review of the literature
by O. Debande - 303-318 Liberalization problems and prospects in European railways
by G. Bognetti & R. Fazioli - 319-329 Regulation in the Transport Sector
by K. Oettle - 331-350 The privatization and regulation of telecommunications in Spain
by J. Barea Tejeiro & O. Ruiz Cañete - 351-365 Regulation in the Japanese economy
by S. Nitta
March 1999, Volume 70, Issue 1
- 5-23 Efficiency, Bond of Association and Exit Patterns in Credit Unions: Australian Evidence
by Rayna Brown & Rob Brown & Ian O'Connor - 25-48 Competition and Public Service Obligations: Regulatory Rules and Industries Games
by Christophe Defeuilley - 49-74 Falling Water: The Origins of Direct Federal Participation in the US Electric Utility Industry, 1902–1933
by William J. Hausman & John L. Neufeld - 75-105 Un siècle d'histoire coopérative à travers les statistiques de L'A.C.I
by Delphine Mignot & Jacques Defourny & André Leclerc - 107-133 Privatization and Performance in Eastern Europe: Alternative Scenarios
by Barbara M. Roberts
December 1998, Volume 69, Issue 4
- 451-482 The Political Economy of Social Security Reform: A Cross-Country Review
by Estelle James - 483-516 The Latin American Experience with Pension Reform
by Salvador Valdés-Prieto - 517-532 The Reform of Pensions in the UK
by Paul Johnson - 533-545 Mandatory Occupational Pension Schemes in Switzerland: The First Ten Years
by Stefan Hepp - 547-569 Mandatory Retirement Saving in Australia
by Hazel Bateman & John Piggott - 571-583 The Swedish NDC Pension Reform
by Annika Sundén
September 1998, Volume 69, Issue 3
- 299-329 Nouvelles Relations du Travail dans les Entreprises de Service Public
by Y. Moreau - 331-346 The Effects of Regulation and Regulatory Risk in the UK Electricity Distribution Industry
by T. A. Robinson & M. P. Taylor - 347-371 La réglementation et l’organisation du transport de personnes par chemins de fer dans l’Union européenne:
by O. Debande & E. Monami - 373-397 La Caisse d’Épargne Caixa
by M.-C. Malo - 399-417 Growth of Investor Owned and Cooperative Firms in Greek Dairy Industry
by K. Oustapassidis & A. Vlachvei & K. Karantininis
June 1998, Volume 69, Issue 2
- 157-174 Are Municipal Electricity Distribution Utilities Natural Monopolies?
by Massimo Filippini - 175-192 Determinants of the Non-profit Sector Size: An Empirical Analysis in Spain
by Carmen Marcuello - 193-218 Social Economy and New Jobs: A Summary of Twenty Case Studies in European Regions
by Stig Westerdahl & Hans Westlund - 219-242 An Examination of Borrower Orientation and Scale Effects in UK Credit Unions
by Donal McKillop & Charles Ferguson - 243-260 Credit Rationing, Group Lending and Optimal Group Size
by Gregorio Impavido
March 1998, Volume 69, Issue 1
- 5-31 An Input–Output Analysis of the Nonprofit Sector in the USA and Germany
by Helmut K. Anheier & Gabriel Rudney - 33-66 La Configuration Stratégique de l’entreprise mixte: pour la distinction public vs privé au plan organisationnel
by Michel G. Bédard & Max N. Tereraho & Luc Bernier - 67-83 Testing the Association Between Production and Financial Performance: Evidence from a Not-for-Profit, Cooperative Setting
by Andrew C. Worthington - 85-105 Distribution, Equity and Domestic Water Charging Regimes: The Case of Scotland
by Robert McMaster & Daniel F. Mackay - 107-122 Assessing Public Library Efficiency Using Data Envelopment Analysis
by Donald F. Vitaliano
December 1997, Volume 68, Issue 4
- 591-623 Public policy towards cross subsidy
by D. A. Heald - 625-663 The Swedish nonprofit sector in international comparison
by Filip Wijkström - 665-688 Nonprofit organizations, privatization and the mixed economy: A managerial economics perspective
by Roberto Cafferata - 689-711 Management and employee buy-outs from the Austrian public sector
by Oliver Wieser & Mike Wright & Ken Robbie
September 1997, Volume 68, Issue 3
- 311-312 Foreword
by Fritz Gautier - 313-333 Introduction: The general interest: its architecture and dynamics
by Lionel Monnier & Bernard Thiry - 335-353 Shifting Boundaries: Long-term changes in the size of the for-profit, nonprofit, cooperative and government sectors
by Helmut Anheier & Avner Ben-Ner - 355-366 Paradigm change in German economic policy: From traditional public enterprise to regulated private enterprise?
by Helmut Cox - 367-377 Has there been a change of paradigm in managerial economics from the public enterprise to the regulated (privatized) enterprise?
by Karl Oettle - 379-395 Integrating the public and cooperative/social economy: Towards a new Swedish model
by Bengt Lorendahl - 397-408 Contributions of the social economy to the general interest
by JoséLuis Monzón Campos - 409-421 Public utilities and the internationalization of the economic system
by Giuseppe Bognetti & Roberto Fazioli - 423-433 After two decades of privatization and deregulation, what remains of public interest obligations for industry in the twenty-first century?
by Jean-Michel Glachant - 435-451 From national public utilities to European network industries
by Pieter H. M. Ruys - 453-467 Comparative perspective on worker cooperative development in several European countries
by Roger Spear & Alan Thomas - 469-483 Will cooperatives be able to preserve their nature and their members' general interest in the face of structural changes?
by Alicia Kaplan de Drimer - 485-501 The “Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec” and the “Mouvement des Caisses populaires et d'Économie Desjardins”: Two financial institutions, the same convergence towards the general interest?
by Benoît Lévesque & Marie-Claire Malo & Ralph Rouzier - 503-531 Structural changes and preservation of the general interest in Austria: The influence of accession to the European Union on the development of the public economy and the social economy
by Stephan Orbán & Walther Fremuth & Gabriel Obermann & Robert Schediwy - 533-544 Privatization of public enterprises and the general interest: The Japanese model of the “social system”
by Shunzo Nitta - 545-560 Evolution of policies for local public service supply: a comparative analysis
by Bernard Gachet & Sabine Schulte-Beckhausen & GGioavanni Valotti
June 1997, Volume 68, Issue 2
- 171-200 Popular economy in the south, third sector in the north: are they signs of a germinating economy of solidarity?
by Marthe Nyssens - 201-223 Coexistence of nonprofit, for-profit and public sector institutions
by Femida Handy - 225-245 A model of the free-entry producer cooperative
by Kimya M. Kamshad