- 2501 Management Skills or Economic Context? The Performance of Spanish Consumer Cooperatives in the First Third of the Twentieth Century
by Francisco J. Medina-Albaladejo & José L. Martínez-González
- 2408 Spanish Agri-Food Exports, 1850-2022: an Overview
by María-Isabel Ayuda & Ernesto Clar & Teresa Leach & Vicente Pinilla & Raúl Serrano - 2407 Meat and Grain Trade in Spain: an Approach from Food Regimes and Food Sovereignty (1950-2023)
by Pablo Delgado & Ángel L. González-Esteban & Elisa Botella-Rodríguez - 2406 Trade Treaties and the Boost of Argentine Exports, 1880-1929
by Vicente Pinilla & Agustina Rayes - 2405 The Rise and Fall of Family Allowances in Spain: Religious Cleavages, Political Regimes and Economic Constraints, 1926-1958
by Guillem Verd Llabrés - 2404 Did the US annexation of Puerto Rico in 1898 increase the biological standard of living of its population? A first anthropometric approach
by Javier Moreno Lázaro - 2403 A Note on the Reception and Influence of H. C. Carey in Spain
by Manuel Martín Rodríguez - 2402 Market Power, Liberalization, and Deregulation in the Spanish Banking Sector between 1971 and 2018. New Evidence
by Josep Dols-Miro & Joaquim Cuevas & Juan Fernández de Guevara - 2401 The South American Meat Industry during the First Global Economy
by Andrea Lluch & Pablo Delgado & Vicente Pinilla
- 2308 Inquiry into the black box of the cereal system. Towards the supression of fallow in the Andalusian countryside: Jerez de la Frontera (1750-1922)
by José Ignacio Jiménez Blanco - 2307 From net importer to global leader: understanding the drivers of Spain's meat export growth since the 1960s
by Pablo Delgado & Vicente Pinilla & Ignacio Belloc - 2306 Migratory chains in the configuration of mining communities in Spain in the 19th century: Linares
by Andrés Sánchez Picón & Victor Antonio Luque de Haro & María del Carmen Pérez Artés & María José Mora Mayoral - 2305 Missing females: how many, where, when, causes and consequences
by Enrique Llopis Agelán - 2304 Cooperation, Fairness, and Rational Altruism in the Making of the Modern Living Standards. The Case of Maresme (1853-2022)
by Jose Luis Martínez-González - 2303 Argentina Banking System in the Interwar Period: Stylized Facts in the Light of a New Database, 1925-1935
by Sebastian Álvarez & Gianandrea Nodari - 2302 Socioeconomic status and adult mortatility in the West. From late 18th century to present
by Víctor A. Luque de Haro - 2301 The Bankruptcy Process of a Genoan Commerce Desk in the Early Modern Spain
by Mercedes Gómez Oreña
- 2207 ESPAREL. A look at the relationship between population and territory in Spain in historical perspective
by Francisco J. Beltrán Tapia & Alfonso Díez Minguela & Víctor Fernández Modrego & Alicia Gómez Tello & Julio Martínez-Galarraga & Daniel A. Tirado Fabregat - 2206 Export Boom and Re-Primarisation in Latin America (1994-2019): Determining Factors of Agri-Food Product Exports
by Maria-Isabel Ayuda & Ignacio Belloc & Vicente Pinilla - 2205 Antonio de Miguel: Informal Journalist of the Francoist Economy
by Manuel Martin Rodriguez - 2204 The Fruit of Regulation: Wine, Regulations, Subsidies, Quality and Cooperatives in Franco's Spain and Beyond
by Samuel Garrido - 2203 A Key Work in the Origin of the Theory of the Entrepreneur in the Spanish Enlightenment: An Unknown Manuscript of the Cantillon's Essai
by Jesus Astigarraga & Juan Zabalza - 2201 Excess Female Mortality in Early Infancy? Missing Girls in Ciudad Real and Guadalajara, 1840-1899
by Enrique Llopis & Gloria Quiroga & Felipa Sánchez Salazar & Ángel L. Velasco & Ana de la Fuente & Rocío García Calvo & Laura Ramos & Víctor M. Sierra - 2112 From Massification to Diversification: Inequalities in the Consumption of Dairy Products, Meat and Alcoholic Drinks in Spain (1964-2018)
by Pablo Delgado & Vicente Pinilla
- 2110 Natural Trading Partners Versus Empires in East and Southeast Asia Regional Integration (1840-1938)
by Alejandro Ayuso-Díaz - 2109 Transition and Change in World Agriculture during the Interwar Years
by Vicente Pinilla & Henry Willebald - 2108 On the Way to Another Place: Jordi Nadal and Rural Depopulation
by Fernando Collantes & Vicente Pinilla - 2107 For a Multidimensional Measure of Land Inequality in 1930s Italy. A Historical-Statistical Analysis
by Vito Ricci & Giacomo Zanibelli - 2106 Inequality of Opportunity in Access to Secondary Education in 19th Century
by Pau Insa-Sánchez - 2105 The Spanish Industry Performance in International Markets (1890-1913)
by Pablo Delgado - 2104 A Different Product?: Expansion and Geography of International Meat Trade in the First Globalization and the Great Depression
by Pablo Delgado & Vicente Pinilla & Gema Aparicio - 2103 Famine and Malnutrition in Franco's Spain. An Anthropometric Balance
by José M. Martínez Carrión & Javier Puche - 2102 Regulatory Capture in the First Spanish Nuclear Program (C.1951-1964)
by Josean Garrués-Irurzun & Juan A. Rubio-Mondéjar - 2101 Numeracy Selectivity of Spanish Migrants in Hispanic America (16th-18th Centuries)
by Mari Carmen Pérez-Artés
- 2012 The Spanish Tuna Industry in Tropical Waters: From the African Atlantic to the Indian and the Pacific Oceans (1984-2015)
by Rafael Uriarte Ayo - 2011 The Curse of Geography? Railways and Growth in Spain 1877-1930
by Guillermo Esteban-Oliver - 2010 Economic Growth and Structural Change in the Iberian Incomes, 1800-2000
by Luciano Amaral & Concha Betrán & Vicente Pinilla - 2009 From a Family Company to an Information and Communication Technology Multinational: the case of Amper, 1976-2003
by Ángel Amado Calvo Calvo - 2008 The Public Accounts of the Basque Economic Agreement in Times of Change and Economic Crisis (1929-1935). Quantitative Sources and Accounting Methodology
by Mikel Erkoreka - 2007 Son Preference, Gender Discrimination and Missing Girls in Rural Spain, 1750-1950
by Francisco J. Marco-Gracia & Francisco J. Beltrán Tapia - 2006 Private Banking in 21st Century Spain: An Introductory History
by Nuria Puig & José Luis García Ruiz - 2005 Engineers and the Knowledge Gap between Andean and Nordic Countries, 1850-1939
by José Peres-Cajías & Kristin Ranestad - 2004 Protection or Taxation? The Custom Policy of the Iberian Dictatorships on the Cork sector, 1930-1975
by Francisco Manuel Parejo Moruno & Amélia Branco & José Francisco Rangel Preciado & Esteban Cruz Hidalgo - 2003 Catedráticos in the making of the Spanish Secondary Education System, 1861-1885
by Pau Insa-Sánchez - 2002 Explaining World Wine Exports in the First Wave of Globalisation, 1848-1938
by María-Isabel Ayuda & Hugo Ferrer-Pérez & Vicente Pinilla - 2001 The True History of the Depopulation of Rural Spain and How It Can Help Us Improve Our Policies
by Fernando Collantes & Vicente Pinilla
- 1914 Medio siglo del libro de Malefakis: en torno al origen de la Guerra Civil Española
by Ricardo Robledo Hernández - 1913 Globalización y cambio técnico en la flota atunera del País Vasco. La pesquería de túnidos en aguas tropicales del Atlántico africano (1945-1985)
by Rafael Uriarte Ayo - 1912 The fundamental causes of economic growth: a comparative analysis of the total factor productivity growth of European agriculture, 1950-2005
by Miguel Martín-Retortillo & Vicente Pinilla - 1911 The financial cycle and the regulatory pendulum in the United Kingdom (1885-2016)
by Germán Forero-Laverde & Jesús Mur & María Ángeles Pons - 1910 The Development of Modern Agricultural History within Economic History in Spain
by Iñaki Iriarte Goñi & Vicente Pinilla - 1909 Inequality during the nutritional transition: Hospital diets in Mediterranean Spain (Valencia, 1853-1923)
by Francisco J. Medina-Albaladejo & Salvador Calatayud - 1908 La biblioteca de Economía de Manuel de Torres en la editorial Aguilar (1945-1960)
by Manuel Martín Rodríguez - 1907 The First Business Schools and the Corporate Elite in Spain (1958-2000)
by Luis Chirosa & Juan A. Rubio-Mondéjar & Josean Garrués-Irurzun - 1906 Salarios y crecimiento económico durante el desarrollismo franquista
by Luis Cárdenas del Rey - 1905 El equivalente general en la génesis del dinero de Marx: el dinero como criatura del Estado
by Esteban Cruz Hidalgo & Francisco Manuel Parejo Moruno & José Francisco Rangel Preciado - 1904 Human capital at the beginnings of the 18th century Catalonia: age-heaping and numeracy in a changing economy
by Èric Gómez-i-Aznar - 1903 Míster Ford en el Océano
by Jesús Giráldez Rivero - 1902 Teaching entrepreneurial families and family business history in Latin America, 1870s-2017
by Andrea Lluch & Paloma Fernández Pérez - 1901 Análisis de la expansión urbana de Santa Cruz de Tenerife a través de sus liquidaciones de presupuestos de gastos (1959-1972)
by María del Pino Ojeda Cabrera & Ruymán Hernández Pacheco
- 1809 The roots of Spanish banking internationalisation: BBVA and Santander
by Joaquím Cuevas & Pablo Martín-Aceña & María Ángeles Pons - 1808 Local constraints and knowledge transfer in the formation and development of cooperatives: Catalonia, 1860?1939
by Francisco J. Medina-Albaladejo & María Dolores Añón-Higón & Alfonso Díez-Minguela & José Miguel Lana-Berasain - 1807 Why the first cooperative wineries produced poor quality wine, why they were so scarce and why they were set up: evidence from Spain
by Samuel Garrido - 1806 Are managerial capitalism and crony capitalism incompatible? The adaptation of the Spanish corporate elite to the capitalist system in the last century
by Juan A. Rubio-Mondéjar & Josean Garrués-Irurzun & Luis Chirosa-Cañavate - 1805 Mortality near a large city: the rural area of Madrid in the 18th and 19th centuries
by Enrique Llopis & José Antonio Sebastián & Felipa Sánchez Salazar & Vanesa Abarca & Ángel Luis Velasco - 1804 The investments of the Spanish insurance Companies, 1984-2015
by Ferran Camprubí i Baiges & Manuela Bosch Príncep - 1803 Agriocliometrics and Agricultural Change in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
by Vicente Pinilla - 1802 Regional prices in early twentieth-century Spain: A country-product-dummy approach
by Alicia Gómez-Tello & Alfonso Díez-Minguela & Julio Martínez-Galarraga & Daniel A. Tirado-Fabregat - 1801 Public credit and Economic cycle yn Spain: 1971-2015
by Yolanda Blasco-Martel & Joaquim Cuevas & M. Carme Riera i Prunera
- 1708 Welfare Levels of the Rural Population in Murcia, 1769-1895. Mortality and Demographic and Economic Instability
by Enrique Llopis & Elvira Alonso & Paloma Fontanillo & Belén Hípola & Sara Méndez & Javier Ramos - 1707 Cooperative Wineries and Wine Marketing in Spain
by Francisco J. Medina-Albaladejo & Jordi Planas - 1706 The world periphery in Global Agricultural and Food Trade, 1900-2000
by Gema Aparicio & Ángel Luis González-Esteban & Vicente Pinilla & Raúl Serrano - 1705 The Development of a New Labour Framework during Spain's Second Republic: The Central Office for Placing and Defending against Unemployment
by Patricia Suárez - 1704 The "Modern Monetary Theory": An extension of Radical Political Economy
by Esteban Cruz-Hidalgo & Francisco M. Parejo-Moruno - 1703 Was Colonialism Fiscally Sustainable? An Empirical Examination of the Colonial Finances of Spanish America
by Javier L. Arnaut - 1702 The Municipal Treasury of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (1936-1958)
by María Del Pino Ojeda Cabrera & Ruymán Hernández Pacheco - 1701 The fruit of inequality: wine, efficiency, agrarian contracts and property rights in Catalonia (1898-1935)
by Samuel Garrido
- 1616 Political Regime and Social Spending in Spain: A Time Series Analysis(1850-2000)
by Sergio Espuelas - 1615 Literacy in Spain in the 19th century: An econometric analysis
by Rafael Barquín & Pedro Pérez & Basilio Sanz - 1614 The Palmer Rule and the convertibility of bank notes in Spain
by Yolanda Blasco-Martel - 1613 Building an English wheat annual series in an intriguing era (1645-1761): Methodology, Challenges and Opportunities. A first assessment from the relationship between Landrace seeds and the Agrarian Revolution
by José Luis Martínez-González - 1612 The work treatment in the textile industry of mid-18th century Andalusia: Laujar de Andarax (Almería) and Úbeda (Jaén)
by Luis Garrido-González - 1611 Did the agrarian product decrease in early modern Europe? The case of Castile
by Enrique Llopis & José Antonio Sebastián & Vanesa Abarca & José Ubaldo Bernardos & Ángel Luis Velasco - 1610 The dynamics of latin american agricultural production growth, 1950-2008
by Miguel Martín-Retortillo & Vicente Pinilla & Jackeline Velazco & Henry Willebald - 1609 The construction of the network of public hospitals and outpatient clinics in Spain, 1880-1960
by Margarita Vilar-Rodríguez & Jerònia Pons-Pons - 1608 Explaining regional inequality from the periphery: The mexican case, 1900-2000
by José Aguilar Retureta - 1607 Spanish real wages in the Northern-Western European mirror, 1500-1800. On the timings and magnitude of the Little Divergence in Europe
by Ernesto López Losa & Santiago Piquero Zarauz - 1606 The Almeria Exodus. Understanding the turn of the century Spanish migration
by Mari Carmen Pérez Artés - 1605 Regional inequality and convergence in southern Europe. Evidence from Height in Italiy and Spain, 1850-2000
by José Miguel Martínez-Carrión & Ramón María-Dolores - 1604 On the necessity of a land reform in Spain (1931-36). Some critical considerations
by Ricardo Robledo Hernández & Ángel Luis - 1603 "Spain - Eximbank's Billion Dollar Client": The Role of the US Financing the Spanish Nuclear Program
by Mª del Mar Rubio-Varas & Joseba De la Torre - 1602 Una aproximación a la historia del ferrocarril en Brasil (1850-1950): Legislación, empresas y capitales británicos
by Domingo Cuéllar & Eduardo Romero de Oliveira & Lucas Mariani Correa - 1601 Height and infant mortality during the civil war and the autarchy: The Valencian Community (Spain)
by Javier Puche & Antonio D. Cámara & José M. Martínez Carrion
- 1516 The Spanish modern economic growth from an environmental perspective. A state of the art
by Iñaki Iriarte Goñi & Enric Tello Aragay - 1515 Sobre dos traducciones al castellano (en 1811) de la politique naturelle del Barón de Holbach
by Claude MORANGE - 1514 State Aids for restructuring Spanish Steel Industry in European Perspective
by Pablo Díaz-Morlán & Miguel Ángel Sáez-García - 1513 International Agricultural markets after the war, 1945-1960
by Ángel Luis González & Vicente Pinilla & Raúl Serrano - 1512 Impacto de la crisis en las grandes empresas familiares del mundo. Una primera aproximación cuantitativa para 11 países
by Paloma Fernández Pérez - 1511 El funcionamiento dualizado de la economía alemana durante el período 1995 – 2007
by Víctor Antonio Luque de Haro - 1510 Moving to Shanghai: The massive internal migration to the first Chinese megacity (1927-1937)
by Lei Shi - 1509 Agricultural cooperatives in Spain, between failure and success? (1890-2001)
by Candido Roman-Cervantes - 1508 Social Differentials in the Biological Standard of Living during the Decline of Industrialization in Andalusia: A District-level Analysis in Antequera
by José Miguel Martínez-Carrión & Antonio D. Cámara - 1507 Learning that milk comes from a cow: supply management and the character of neoliberalism in Spain’s dairy chain
by Fernando Collantes - 1506 Estatura y esperanza de vida: Una propuesta de revisión de las series antropométricas españolas a partir de una medida alternativa de sobrevivencia
by Antonio M. Linares-Luján & Francisco M. Parejo-Moruno - 1505 The internationalisation of the Spanish food industry, 1970-2012: the home market effect and European market integration
by Raúl Serrano & Nieves García-Casarejos & Salvador Gil-Pareja & Rafael Llorca-Vivero & Vicente Pinilla - 1504 Natural Resources and Economic Development. Some lessons from History
by Henry Willebald & Marc Badia-Miró & Vicente Pinilla - 1503 State intervention in wine markets and collective action in France and Spain during the early twentieth century
by Jordi Planas - 1502 La crisis de un gran banco industrial: El Banco Urquijo, 1970-1988
by Nœria Puig Raposo & Eugenio Torres Villanueva - 1501 Hacienda y agricultura en España durante el siglo XIX
by Rafael Vallejo Pousada
- 1421 Obstáculos comerciales a la transición nutricional en la España de comienzos del siglo XX
by Domingo Gallego Martínez - 1420 La deuda pública: El bálsamo financiero del régimen de Franco (1939-1975)
by Francisco Comín Comín - 1419 Water scarcity and agricultural growth in Spain: from curse to blessing?
by Ignacio Cazcarro & Rosa Duarte & Miguel Martín-Retortillo & Vicente Pinilla & Ana Serrano - 1418 Estimaciones Quinquenales del PIB Estatal Industrial en México durante 1930-1965, a partir de Información Censal
by Wilfrido Ruiz-Ochoa - 1417 La recepción de Wicksell en España (1930-1960)
by Manuel Martín Rodríguez - 1416 La producción de leña en España y sus implicaciones en la transición energética. Una serie a escala provincial (1900-2000)
by Juan Infante Amate & David Soto Fernández & Iñaki Iriarte Goñi & Eduardo Aguilera & Antonio Cid & Gloria Guzmán & Roberto García-Ruiz & Manuel González de Molina - 1415 The GDP per capita of the Mexican regions (1895-1930): new estimates
by José Aguilar-Retureta - 1414 El comercio agroalimentario español en la segunda globalización, 1951-2011
by Ernesto Clar & Vicente Pinilla & Raúl Serrano - 1413 Orígenes e historia empresarial de la industria del agua embotellada en Europa: el caso español
by Elvira Lindoso Tato & Margarita Vilar Rodríguez - 1412 Las distintas caras de la economía institucional
by Domingo Gallego Martínez - 1411 La desigualdad en el consumo familiar.Diferencias de género en la España contemporánea (1850-1930)
by Cristina Borderías & Pilar Pérez-Fuentes & Carmen Sarasúa - 1410 A Colonial Bank under Spanish and American Sovereignty: The Banco Español de Puerto Rico, 1888-1913
by Pablo Martín-Aceña & Inés Roldán de Montaud - 1409 Market Potential and Regional Economic Growth in Spain, 1860-1930
by Julio Martínez-Galarraga & Daniel A. Tirado-Fabregat & Rafael González-Val - 1408 De país turístico rezagado a potencia turística. El turismo en la España de Franco
by Rafael Vallejo Pousada - 1407 El trabajo infantil en la pesca e industrias de transformación de pescado en España, 1850-1936
by Luisa Muñoz Abeledo - 1406 Navigating in Troubled Waters: South American Exports of Food and Agricultural Products in the World Market, 1900-1938
by Vicente Pinilla & Gema Aparicio - 1405 Of Firms and Captives: Railway Infrastructures and the Economics of Forced Labour (Spain, 1937 – 1957)
by Fernando Mendiola - 1404 The Savings Banks crises in Spain: When and How?
by Pablo Martín-Aceña - 1403 El Estado y el desarrollo de la energía nuclear en España, c. 1950-1985
by Joseba De la Torre & Mar Rubio - 1402 La dinámica empresarial en el sector exportador del aceite de oliva andaluz, 1886-1939
by Salvador Hernández Armenteros & Juan Antonio Rubio Mondéjar & Josean Garrués Irurzun - 1401 Inequality and biological welfare during the mining boom: Rio Tinto, 1836-1935
by Jose Miguel Martínez-Carrión & Miguel Á. Pérez de Perceval Verde & Ángel Pascual Martínez Soto
- 1311 Crisis agraria y desigualdad nutricional en Extremadura: una primera aproximación antropométrica a los efectos de la guerra y la posguerra
by Antonio M. Linares Luján & Francisco M. Parejo - 1310 Child and Youth Labour in the Spanish Mining Sector: 1860-1940
by Miguel Á. Pérez de Perceval Verde & Ángel Pascual Martínez Soto & Andrés Sánchez Picón - 1309 ¿Activos desde cuándo? La edad de acceso al mercado de trabajo en la España del siglo XVIII
by Carmen Sarasúa - 1308 The Nonexistence of the cruel dilemma or the unlikely prosperity of the economic system of freedom in the absence of it
by Eduardo Sanz-Arcega - 1307 La evolución de los mayores negocios familiares en España (1964-2010). Nuevas fuentes, nuevos métodos, nuevos resultados
by Paloma Fernández Pérez - 1306 Child Labour and Height in the early Spanish industrialization
by José M. Martínez-Carrión & Javier Puche-Gil & José Cañabate-Cabezuelos - 1305 La esclavitud y la trata de negros en el pensamiento económico español, siglos XVI al XVIII
by Luis Perdices de Blas & José Luis Ramos Gorostiza - 1304 ¿Sin ley y dentro de la legalidad? Inicios de la Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada en España (1869-1953)
by Susana Martínez-Rodríguez - 1303 Trends and Directions in the Accounting, Business and Economic History of Spain, 1997-2011
by Bernardo Bátiz-Lazo & Rasol Eskandari - 1302 Patterns and causes of growth of European agricultural production, 1950-2005
by Miguel Martín-Retortillo & Vicente Pinilla - 1301 Acuicultura y globalización: el caso de la industria del mejillón
by Ángel Fernández González & Jesús Giráldez Rivero
- 1206 Crisis y problemas demográficos en España desde el Antiguo Régimen hasta el presente
by Vicente Pérez-Moreda & Fernando Collantes - 1205 The Bank of Spain: a National Financial Insitution
by Pablo Martín-Aceña & Elena Martínez Ruíz & Pilar Nogués Marco - 1204 Blanco White y las cuestiones econo?micas
by Luis Perdices de Blas & Jose? Luis Ramos Gorostiza - 1203 Las raíces agrarias del crecimiento económico andaluz y el grupo Larios (1800-1936)
by Jose Ignacio Jiménez Blanco - 1202 La población de los países latinoamericanos desde el siglo XIX hasta el 2008. Ensayo de historia cuantitativa
by César Yáñez & Rodrigo Rivero & Marc Badia-Miró & Anna Carreras-Marín - 1201 Crisis bancarias en la historia de España. Del Antiguo Régimen a los orígenes del capitalismo moderno
by Pablo Martín-Aceña & Pilar Nogues-Marco
- 1110 La transición demográfica en Japón, Corea del Sur y China: un análisis comparado
by José Antonio Haro Peralta - 1109 Las «Reflexiones sobre el estado actualdel comercio de España» (1761), de Simón de Aragorri: contenido, estudio de fuentes y primera interpretación
by Jesús Astigarraga - 1108 Anthropometric history of the Iberian world. Lessons we have learned
by José Miguel Martínez-Carrión - 1107 Not Only Subterranean Forests: Wood Consumption And Economic Development In Britain (1850-1938)
by Iñaki Iriarte-Goñi & María Isabel Ayuda - 1106 Financial Crises In Spain: Lessons From The Last 150 Years
by Concha Betrán & Pablo Martín-Aceña & María Angeles Pons - 1105 La maraña intervencionista franquista en el fomento de la exportación. el « dumping corchero»
by Francisco M. Parejo Moruno - 1104 Looking backward to look forward: water use and economic growth from a long-term perspective
by Rosa Duarte & Vicente Pinilla & Ana Serrano - 1103 Empresas y distritos industriales en el mercado mundial: una aproximación desde la historia económica
by Jordi Catalan & José Antonio Miranda & Ramón Ramón-Muñoz - 1102 Economic ideas and redistributive policy in the Spanish parliament: the 1900 debate on fiscal progressivity
by Javier San-Julián-Arrupe - 1101 La población y el producto cerealista en Guadalajara en la edad moderna
by Grupo Complutense de Historia Económica Moderna
- 1014 The tourism revolution in the Mediterranean, 1950-2005
by Carles Manera Erbina & Jaume Garau Taberner & Ramon Molina de Dios - 1013 Las cooperativas españolas y los ciclos económicos: una primera aproximación, 1942-2002
by Cándido Román Cervantes - 1012 Una aproximación histórica y analítica al pensamiento económico de Jovellanos
by Vicent Llombart Rosa - 1011 El factor multiplicador en el crecimiento del dinero. España 1874-1998 (The multiplier factor in money growth. Spain 1874-1998)
by Regina Escario - 1010 La economía de Valladolid, 1830-2000. Una perspectiva histórica
by Javier Moreno Llázaro - 1009 Diversity of economic landscapes and common land persistence in 19th century Spain: an interpretative proposal
by Francisco J. Beltrán Tapia - 1008 The political economy of infrastructure : the Spanish “parliamentary roads” (1880-1914)
by Marta Curto-Grau & Alfonso Herranz-Loncán & Albert Solé-Ollé - 1007 Agricultural and food trade in European Union countries, 1963?2000:a gravity equation approach
by Raúl Serrano & Vicente Pinilla - 1006 Change and development in the Spanish wine industry, 1950-2009
by José Miguel Martínez-Carrión & Francisco José Medina-Albaladejo - 1005 El impacto de los trabajos forzados en la economía Vasconavarra (1937 ? 1945)
by Fernando Mendiola Gonzalo - 1004 Labour market response to globalisation: spain, 1880-1913
by Concha Beltrán & María A. Pons - 1003 Terms of trade of agricultural and food products, 1951?2000
by Raúl Serrano & Vicente Pinilla - 1002 La “revolución vitivinícola” y sus efectos sobre el negocio corchero
by Santiago Zapata - 1001 Rural credit cooperatives in spain (1890?1935): a good start was not enough
by Angel Pascual Martínez Soto & Susana Martínez Rodríguez
- 0912 The relationship between height and economic development in Spain. A historical perspective
by Ramón María-Dolores & José Miguel Martínez Carrión - 0911 Spaniards Height in the French Mirror. A Comparative Anthropometric History
by José Miguel Martínez Carrión & Javier Puche-Gil - 0910 An anthropometric study of inequality and social segregation in a castilian city. Zamora, 1840-1936
by Ricardo Hernández García & Javier Vicente Ventoso & Javier Moreno Lázaro - 0909 Limitaciones a la integración de los mercados peninsulares en la monarquía hispánica. El sureste peninsular en los siglos XV y XVI
by Jorge Ortuño Molina - 0908 ¿Fue alguna vez la cooperativa una sociedad por acciones? Leyes de negocios y de cooperativas en España (1869-1931)
by Timothy W. Guinnane & Susana Martínez-Rodríguez - 0907 Economistas liberales y cuestión femenina. El singular discurso de la domesticidad de la escuela economista española (1861-1909)
by Susana Martínez-Rodríguez - 0906 La formación de un distrito industrial metalúrgico en Valladolid (c. 1842-c. 1953)
by Monserrat Álvarez Martín & Pedro Pablo Ortúñez Goicolea - 0905 Changes in the structure of world trade in agri-food products: evidence from gravity modelling in a long term perspective, 1950-2000
by Raúl Serrano & Vicente Pinilla - 0904 Los bancos de desarrollo en América Latina: la experiencia de Nacional Financiera durante la industrialización vía sustitución de importaciones mexicana (1940-1970)
by Pablo J. López - 0903 The Contribution of Railways to Economic Growth in Latin America before 1914: the cases of Mexico, Brazil and Argentina
by Alfonso Herranz-Loncán - 0902 Un Zaibatsu fuera de lugar: los orígenes del Grupo Fierro (1870?1939)
by Elena San Román - 0901 Coste de la vida y salarios en Madrid, 1680-1800
by Enrique Llopis Agelán & Hector Garcia Montero
- 0802 Sísifo en España: doscientos años de banca francesa (c.1800-c.2000)
by Rafael Castro Balaguer - 0801 Fiabilidad de las estadísticas de comercio exterior referentes a América Latina y el Caribe (1908-1930) - Una aproximación al patron geográfico de las discrepancias distributivas a traves del carbón
by Marc Badía-Miro & Anna Carreras-Marín
- 0607 La Economía en los diccionarios y las enciclopedias del Siglo XVIII en España
by Jesús Astigarraga & Juan Zabalza - 0606 “Horn Of Plenty” Revisited: The Globalization Of Mediterranean Horticulture And The Economic Development Of Spain, 1850-1935
by Vicente Pinilla & María Isabel Ayuda - 0605 Series De Deflactores Corcheros Desde 1900
by Santiago Zapata Blanco - 0604 Commons For Sale. Economic And Institutional Change In Nineteenth Century Northern Spain
by José Miguel Lana Berasain - 0603 Una Estimación Del Consumo De Madera En España Entre 1860 Y 1935
by Iñaki Iriarte Goñi & María Isabel Ayuda - 0602 La Tasa De Urbanización En España A Finales Del Siglo XVIII: El Problema De Las Agrociudades
by Enrique Llopis Agelán & Manuel González Mariscal - 0601 El Mercado De Función Empresarial
by Pablo Díaz Morlán
- 0403 The privatisation of communal lands in spain (1750-1925): an econometric revision of the Neo-Malthusian thesis
by Antonio M. Linares - 0402 Siglo y medio de comercio exterior de productos corcheros en españa, 1849-1999
by Francisco Manuel Parejo Moruno - 0401 Más allá de Flores de Lemus. La literatura hacendística en españa en el primer tercio del siglo xx (1901-1936)
by Juan Zabaleta
- 0302 Una estimación de la cabaña bovina a partir del Censo de Frutos y Manufacturas
by Rafael Barquín Gil - 0301 Instituciones de inversión colectiva en españa desde una perspectiva histórica
by Fernando Carnero Lorenzo
- 0202 Algunos Aspectos Relativos a la Revolución del Consumo En Gran Bretaña
by Rafael Barquín Gil