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Yasuhiro Sakai

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First Name:Yasuhiro
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Last Name:Sakai
RePEc Short-ID:psa1500
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Faculty of Economics
Shiga University

Hikone, Japan
RePEc:edi:feshijp (more details at EDIRC)

Research output

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Working papers

  1. Yasuhiro Sakai, 2016. "Information Exchanges among Firms and Their Welfare Implications (Part 1) : The Dual Relations between the Cournot and Bertrand Models," Discussion Papers CRR Discussion Paper Series A: General 16, Shiga University, Faculty of Economics,Center for Risk Research.
  2. Yasuhiro Sakai, 2016. "Information Exchanges among Firms and Their Welfare Implications (Part 3) : Private Risks and Oligopoly Models," Discussion Papers CRR Discussion Paper Series A: General 18, Shiga University, Faculty of Economics,Center for Risk Research.
  3. Yasuhiro Sakai, 2016. "Liverpool Merchants versus Ohmi Merchants:How and Why They Dealt with Risk and Insurance Differently," Discussion Papers CRR Discussion Paper Series A: General 19, Shiga University, Faculty of Economics,Center for Risk Research.
  4. Yasuhiro Sakai, 2016. "Information Exchanges among Firms and Their Welfare Implications (Part 2) : Alternative Duopoly Models with Different Types of Risks," Discussion Papers CRR Discussion Paper Series A: General 17, Shiga University, Faculty of Economics,Center for Risk Research.
  5. Yasuhiro Sakai, 2016. "J.M. Keynes and F.H. Knight : How to Deal with Risk, Probability and Uncertainty," Discussion Papers CRR Discussion Paper Series A: General 15, Shiga University, Faculty of Economics,Center for Risk Research.


  1. Hideya Kubo & Yasuhiro Sakai, 2011. "On long-term credit risk assessment and rating: towards a new set of models," Journal of Risk Research, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 14(9), pages 1127-1141, October.
  2. Yasuhiro Sakai & Takashi Sakai, 2007. "A Risk Analysis of the Liquid Crystal Display Industry," Journal of Risk Research, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 10(6), pages 871-882, September.
  3. Yuji Maeda & Yasuhiro Sakai, 2007. "Risk Financing Through Captive Insurer: Economic Influences of Captives on Corporations and the First Domicile in Japan," Journal of Risk Research, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 10(6), pages 793-803, September.
  4. Sakai, Yasuhiro, 1998. "Comments on "Sample selection in credit scoring models" by W. Greene," Japan and the World Economy, Elsevier, vol. 10(3), pages 317-320, July.
  5. Sakai, Yasuhiro, 1995. "Repeated contract negotiations with private information: Comment," Japan and the World Economy, Elsevier, vol. 7(4), pages 475-479, November.
  6. Yasuhiro Sakai & Akihiko Yoshizumi, 1991. "The impact of risk aversion on information transmission between firms," Journal of Economics, Springer, vol. 53(1), pages 51-73, February.
  7. Sakai, Yasuhiro, 1990. "Yasunori Ishii, Competition, Monopoly and Trade under Uncertainty," Economic Review, Hitotsubashi University, vol. 41(4), pages 380-381, October.
  8. Sakai, Yasuhiro, 1990. "Masayoshi Maruyama : Economic Analysis of Distributive Trading," Economic Review, Hitotsubashi University, vol. 41(1), pages 70-72, January.
  9. Sakai, Yasuhiro, 1985. "The value of information in a simple duopoly model," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 36(1), pages 36-54, June.
  10. Sakai, Yasuhiro, 1985. "Hans-Werner Sinn, Economic Decisions under Uncertainty," Economic Review, Hitotsubashi University, vol. 36(1), pages 94-96, January.
  11. Sakai, Yasuhiro, 1978. "A simple general equilibrium model of production: Comparative statics with price uncertainty," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 19(2), pages 287-306, December.
  12. Sakai, Yasuhiro, 1977. "Revealed favorability, indirect utility, and direct utility," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 14(1), pages 113-129, February.
  13. Sakai, Yasuhiro, 1974. "Substitution and expansion effects in production theory: The case of joint production," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 9(3), pages 255-274, November.
  14. Sakai, Yasuhiro, 1974. "Equivalence of the weak and strong axioms of revealed preference without demand continuity assumptions: A "regularity condition" approach," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 8(3), pages 292-304, July.
  15. Sakai, Yasuhiro, 1973. "An Axiomatic Approach to Input Demand Theory," International Economic Review, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania and Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Research Association, vol. 14(3), pages 735-752, October.


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Working papers

  1. Yasuhiro Sakai, 2016. "J.M. Keynes and F.H. Knight : How to Deal with Risk, Probability and Uncertainty," Discussion Papers CRR Discussion Paper Series A: General 15, Shiga University, Faculty of Economics,Center for Risk Research.

    Cited by:

    1. Hubert Gabrisch, 2021. "GARCH Analyses of Risk and Uncertainty in the Theories of the Interest Rate of Keynes and Kalecki," wiiw Working Papers 191, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw.


  1. Hideya Kubo & Yasuhiro Sakai, 2011. "On long-term credit risk assessment and rating: towards a new set of models," Journal of Risk Research, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 14(9), pages 1127-1141, October.

    Cited by:

    1. rahmat, aidatul ain, 2019. "Corporate Governance and Performance of BreadTalk Group Limited," MPRA Paper 97196, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 28 Nov 2019.
    2. Ephraim Matanda & Eriyoti Chikodza & Farai Kwenda, 2022. "Fuzzy structural risk of default for banks in Southern Africa," Cogent Economics & Finance, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 10(1), pages 2141884-214, December.
    3. M. Naresh Kumar & V. Sree Hari Rao, 2015. "A New Methodology for Estimating Internal Credit Risk and Bankruptcy Prediction under Basel II Regime," Papers 1502.00882,
    4. M. Naresh Kumar & V. Sree Hari Rao, 2015. "A New Methodology for Estimating Internal Credit Risk and Bankruptcy Prediction under Basel II Regime," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 46(1), pages 83-102, June.

  2. Yasuhiro Sakai & Akihiko Yoshizumi, 1991. "The impact of risk aversion on information transmission between firms," Journal of Economics, Springer, vol. 53(1), pages 51-73, February.

    Cited by:

    1. Jin, Jim Y., 1996. "A test for information sharing in Cournot oligopoly," Information Economics and Policy, Elsevier, vol. 8(1), pages 75-86, March.
    2. Mahito Okura, 2021. "Cournot competition in the joint products market under demand uncertainty," Managerial and Decision Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 42(5), pages 1105-1116, July.
    3. Mahito Okura, 2014. "The Value of Demand Information in an Insurance Market Under Demand and Cost Uncertainty," Atlantic Economic Journal, Springer;International Atlantic Economic Society, vol. 42(4), pages 413-426, December.
    4. Stadler, Manfred & Hornig, Stephan O., 2000. "Wettbewerb bei unvollständiger Information: Informationsaustausch oder stillschweigende Kollusion?," Tübinger Diskussionsbeiträge 177, University of Tübingen, School of Business and Economics.
    5. Jim Jin, 1998. "Information sharing about a demand shock," Journal of Economics, Springer, vol. 68(2), pages 137-152, June.

  3. Sakai, Yasuhiro, 1985. "The value of information in a simple duopoly model," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 36(1), pages 36-54, June.

    Cited by:

    1. Jin, Jim Y., 1996. "A test for information sharing in Cournot oligopoly," Information Economics and Policy, Elsevier, vol. 8(1), pages 75-86, March.
    2. Minoru Kitahara & Toshihiro Matsumura, 2008. "Simultaneous Price Changes, Information Acquisition On Common Competitors And Welfare," Australian Economic Papers, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 47(4), pages 389-395, December.
    3. Camille Cornand & Rodolphe dos Santos Ferreira, 2020. "The social value of information and the competition motive : price versus quantity games," Post-Print halshs-02057890, HAL.
    4. Auriol, Emmanuelle & Picard, Pierre M., 2004. "Privatizations in Developing Countries and the Government's Budget Constraint," IDEI Working Papers 459, Institut d'Économie Industrielle (IDEI), Toulouse.
    5. Alex Barrachina & Yair Tauman & Amparo Urbano Salvador, 2014. "Entry with Two Correlated Signals," Discussion Papers in Economic Behaviour 0714, University of Valencia, ERI-CES.
    6. Omer Moav & Zvika Neeman, 2010. "The Quality Of Information And Incentives For Effort," Journal of Industrial Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 58(3), pages 642-660, September.
    7. Ezra Einy & Ori Haimanko & Diego Moreno & Benyamin Shitovitz, 2007. "On the Existence of Bayesian Cournot Equilibrium," Working Papers 0715, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Economics.
    8. Johan Lagerlöf, 2004. "Are We Better Off if Our Politicians Have More Information?," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 106(1), pages 123-142, March.
    9. Lofaro, Andrea, 2002. "On the efficiency of Bertrand and Cournot competition under incomplete information," European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, vol. 18(3), pages 561-578, September.
    10. Batlome Janjgava & Sergey Slobodyan, 2011. "Duopoly Competition, Escape Dynamics and Non-cooperative Collusion," CERGE-EI Working Papers wp445, The Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education - Economics Institute, Prague.
    11. Einy, Ezra & Shitovitz, Benyamin, 1999. "Information advantage in cournot oligopoly," UC3M Working papers. Economics 6168, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Economía.
    12. Scarpa, Carlo & Calzolari, Giacomo, 2007. "Regulating a Multi-Utility Firm," CEPR Discussion Papers 6238, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    13. Alex Barrachina & Yair Tauman & Amparo Urbano, 2021. "Entry with two correlated signals: the case of industrial espionage and its positive competitive effects," International Journal of Game Theory, Springer;Game Theory Society, vol. 50(1), pages 241-278, March.
    14. Jin, Jim Y., 1995. "Innovation announcement with vertical differentiation," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 28(3), pages 399-408, December.
    15. Haiyang Xia, 2021. "Price and quantity competition in a differentiated duopoly with heterogeneous beliefs," Manchester School, University of Manchester, vol. 89(1), pages 46-69, January.
    16. Omer Moav & Zvika Neeman, 2004. "Inspection in Markets for Experience Goods," Discussion Paper Series dp349, The Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
    17. Auriol, Emmanuelle & Picard, Pierre M., 2006. "Infrastructure and public utilities privatization in developing countries," Policy Research Working Paper Series 3950, The World Bank.
    18. Einy, Ezra & Moreno, Diego & Shitovitz, Benyamin, 2003. "The value of public information in a Cournot duopoly," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 44(2), pages 272-285, August.
    19. Dan Sasaki, 2001. "The value of information in oligopoly with demand uncertainty," Journal of Economics, Springer, vol. 73(1), pages 1-23, February.
    20. Carlo Scarpa & Giacomo Calzolari, 2009. "On Regulation and Competition: Pros and Cons of a Diversified Monopolist," Working Papers 2009.55, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.
    21. Yasuhiro Sakai, 2018. "On the Economics of Risk and Uncertainty: A Historical Perspective," Discussion Papers CRR Discussion Paper Series A: General 28, Shiga University, Faculty of Economics,Center for Risk Research.
    22. Creane, Anthony, 1995. "The value to a firm of its rival learning," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 49(2), pages 171-174, August.
    23. Amir, Rabah & Jin, Jim Y. & Troege, Michael, 2010. "Robust results on the sharing of firm-specific information: Incentives and welfare effects," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 46(5), pages 855-866, September.
    24. Roy, Nilanjan, 2017. "Action revision, information and collusion in an experimental duopoly market," MPRA Paper 77033, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    25. Yasuhiro Sakai, 2016. "Information Exchanges among Firms and Their Welfare Implications (Part 1) : The Dual Relations between the Cournot and Bertrand Models," Discussion Papers CRR Discussion Paper Series A: General 16, Shiga University, Faculty of Economics,Center for Risk Research.
    26. Andreas Szczutkowski, 2010. "The Social Value of Cost Information in a Monopolistically Competitive Economy," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Association for Public Economic Theory, vol. 12(2), pages 345-362, April.
    27. Yin, Xundong & Wang, Sophie Xuefei & Lu, Yuanzhu & Yan, Jianye, 2023. "Endogenous information acquisition and disclosure of private information in a duopoly," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 126(C).
    28. Luo, Jianli, 2012. "Information acquisition under uncertainty: The case of labor-managed and profit-maximizing firms coexist," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 29(6), pages 2527-2532.
    29. Chokler, Adi & Hon-Snir, Shlomit & Kim, Moshe & Shitovitz, Benyamin, 2006. "Information disadvantage in linear Cournot duopolies with differentiated products," International Journal of Industrial Organization, Elsevier, vol. 24(4), pages 785-793, July.
    30. Kloosterman, Andrew, 2015. "Public information in Markov games," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 157(C), pages 28-48.
    31. Mahito Okura, 2021. "Cournot competition in the joint products market under demand uncertainty," Managerial and Decision Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 42(5), pages 1105-1116, July.
    32. Huang, Weihong, 2008. "Information lag and dynamic stability," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 44(5-6), pages 513-529, April.
    33. Oriol Carbonell-Nicolau & Richard McLean, 2014. "On the existence of Nash equilibrium in Bayesian games," Departmental Working Papers 201402, Rutgers University, Department of Economics.
    34. Mahito Okura, 2014. "The Value of Demand Information in an Insurance Market Under Demand and Cost Uncertainty," Atlantic Economic Journal, Springer;International Atlantic Economic Society, vol. 42(4), pages 413-426, December.
    35. Yasuhiro Sakai, 2016. "Information Exchanges among Firms and Their Welfare Implications (Part 2) : Alternative Duopoly Models with Different Types of Risks," Discussion Papers CRR Discussion Paper Series A: General 17, Shiga University, Faculty of Economics,Center for Risk Research.
    36. Heski Bar-Isaac & Guillermo Caruana & Vicente Cunat, 2007. "Information Gathering Externalities in Product Markets," Working Papers 07-18, New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, Department of Economics.
    37. Erin Baker, 2006. "Increasing Risk and Increasing Informativeness: Equivalence Theorems," Operations Research, INFORMS, vol. 54(1), pages 26-36, February.
    38. Barrachina, Alex & Forner-Carreras, Teresa, 2022. "Market must be defended: The role of counter-espionage policy in protecting domestic market welfare," Information Economics and Policy, Elsevier, vol. 58(C).
    39. Jiang, Yingying & Yoneyama, Takau & 米山, 高生, 2008. "Economic conditions on exchange of technology and information : cournot's model applied to demand information risk in China," Hitotsubashi Journal of commerce and management, Hitotsubashi University, vol. 42(1), pages 17-28, October.
    40. Mariana Cunha & Paula Sarmento & Hélder Vasconcelos, 2014. "Uncertain Efficiency Gains and Merger Policy," FEP Working Papers 527, Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Economia do Porto.
    41. José J. Sempere Monerris & Amparo Urbano & María Dolores Alepuz, 1998. "- Duopoly Price Communication," Working Papers. Serie AD 1998-26, Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas, S.A. (Ivie).
    42. Fan, Cuihong & Jun, Byoung Heon & Wolfstetter, Elmar G., 2022. "Spying in Bertrand markets under incomplete information: Who benefits and is it stable?," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, vol. 102(C).
    43. Johan Lagerlöf, 1998. "Are We Better Off if Our Politicians Know How the Economy Works?," CIG Working Papers FS IV 98-07, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB), Research Unit: Competition and Innovation (CIG), revised May 1999.
    44. Jovanovic, Dragan, 2012. "Partial Public Ownership and Managerial Incentives," VfS Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century 62039, Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association.
    45. Bernd Theilen, 2007. "Delegation and Information Sharing in Cournot Duopoly," Journal of Economics, Springer, vol. 92(1), pages 21-50, September.
    46. Giacomo Calzolari & Carlo Scarpa, 2016. "Conglomerates And Regulation," Economic Inquiry, Western Economic Association International, vol. 54(3), pages 1648-1669, July.
    47. Roy, Jaideep & Silvers, Randy & Sun, Ching-Jen, 2019. "Majoritarian preference, utilitarian welfare and public information in Cournot oligopoly," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 116(C), pages 269-288.
    48. António Brandão & Joana Pinho, 2015. "Asymmetric Information And Exchange Of Information About Product Differentiation," Bulletin of Economic Research, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 67(2), pages 166-185, April.
    49. Yasuhiro Sakai, 2016. "Information Exchanges among Firms and Their Welfare Implications (Part 3) : Private Risks and Oligopoly Models," Discussion Papers CRR Discussion Paper Series A: General 18, Shiga University, Faculty of Economics,Center for Risk Research.

  4. Sakai, Yasuhiro, 1978. "A simple general equilibrium model of production: Comparative statics with price uncertainty," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 19(2), pages 287-306, December.

    Cited by:

    1. Arnab K. Basu & Nancy H. Chau, 2004. "A Risk-Based Rationale for Two-way Capital Flows: Why Do Capital Flights and Inward Foreign Direct Investments Co-exist?," Working Papers 04, Department of Economics, College of William and Mary.

  5. Sakai, Yasuhiro, 1977. "Revealed favorability, indirect utility, and direct utility," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 14(1), pages 113-129, February.

    Cited by:

    1. M. Ali Khan & Edward E. Schlee, 2016. "On Lionel McKenzie's 1957 intrusion into 20th-century demand theory," Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Economics Association, vol. 49(2), pages 589-636, May.
    2. Jan Heufer, 2011. "Stochastic revealed preference and rationalizability," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 71(4), pages 575-592, October.
    3. Rahul Deb & Yuichi Kitamura & John K. -H. Quah & Jorg Stoye, 2018. "Revealed Price Preference: Theory and Empirical Analysis," Papers 1801.02702,, revised Apr 2021.
    4. Per Hjertstrand & James Swofford, 2012. "Revealed preference tests for consistency with weakly separable indirect utility," Theory and Decision, Springer, vol. 72(2), pages 245-256, February.
    5. Heufer, Jan, 2008. "Stochastic Revealed Preference and Rationalizability," Ruhr Economic Papers 70, RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen.
    6. Jan Heufer, 2014. "Generating Random Optimising Choices," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 44(3), pages 295-305, October.

  6. Sakai, Yasuhiro, 1974. "Substitution and expansion effects in production theory: The case of joint production," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 9(3), pages 255-274, November.

    Cited by:

    1. Hertel, Thomas W., 1991. "Applied General Equilibrium Analysis of Agricultural Policies," Staff Papers 200396, Purdue University, Department of Agricultural Economics.
    2. Liu, Karen, 1981. "Multiple Crop Supply and Factor Demand Component of the World Grains, Oilseeds, and Livestock Model," Staff Reports 276718, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
    3. Haley, Stephen L., 1988. "Joint Products In The Swopsim Modeling Framework," Staff Reports 278136, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
    4. Kjell Salvanes & Dale Squires, 1995. "Transferable quotas, enforcement costs and typical firms: An empirical application to the Norwegian trawler fleet," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 6(1), pages 1-21, July.
    5. Hertel, Thomas W. & McKinzie, Lance, 1986. "Pseudo Data As A Teaching Tool: Application To The Translog, Multiproduct Profit Function," Western Journal of Agricultural Economics, Western Agricultural Economics Association, vol. 11(1), pages 1-12, July.
    6. Peichl, Andreas & Popp, Martin, 2022. "Can the Labor Demand Curve Explain Job Polarization?," IAB-Discussion Paper 202221, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany].
    7. Chambers, Robert G., 1989. "The Simple Analytics of Nonjoint Production Relations," Working Papers 197621, University of Maryland, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
    8. Shumway, C. Richard & Lim, Hongil, 1993. "Functional Form And U.S. Agricultural Production Elasticities," Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Western Agricultural Economics Association, vol. 18(2), pages 1-11, December.
    9. Golan, Amos & Shalit, Haim, 1985. "Using Wine Quality Differential in Grapes Pricing," Working Papers 232640, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Center for Agricultural Economic Research.
    10. Tristan Le Cotty & Anthony Aumand & Tancrêde Voituriez, 2003. "Multifonctionnalité et coopération multilatérale Une analyse du coût de fourniture de biens publics par l'agriculture," Économie rurale, Programme National Persée, vol. 273(1), pages 91-102.
    11. M. Ali Khan & Edward E. Schlee, 2016. "On Lionel McKenzie's 1957 intrusion into 20th-century demand theory," Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Economics Association, vol. 49(2), pages 589-636, May.
    12. Turner, Matthew A., 1997. "Quota-Induced Discarding in Heterogeneous Fisheries," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Elsevier, vol. 33(2), pages 186-195, June.
    13. Colby, Hunter & Diao, Xinshen & Somwaru, Agapi, 1999. "Sources Of Growth And Supply Response: A Cross-Commodity Analysis Of China'S Grain Sector," Bulletins 12985, University of Minnesota, Economic Development Center.
    14. Moschini, Giancarlo, 1987. "A Model of Production with Supply Management for the Canadian Agricultural Sector," Working Papers 244830, University of Guelph, Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics.
    15. Yue Ma & Shu Kam Lee & Hing Lin Chan, 2003. "Estimating Firm Behavior under Rationing: a Panel Data Study of the Chinese Manufacturing Industry," Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 1(2), pages 221-244.
    16. Popp, Martin, 2023. "How elastic is labor demand? A meta-analysis for the German labor market," Journal for Labour Market Research, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany], vol. 57, pages 1-14.
    17. Bossler, Mario & Popp, Martin, 2023. "Labor Demand on a Tight Leash," IAB-Discussion Paper 202302, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany].
    18. Martin Popp, 2023. "How elastic is labor demand? A meta-analysis for the German labor market," Journal for Labour Market Research, Springer;Institute for Employment Research/ Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), vol. 57(1), pages 1-21, December.
    19. Hervé Guyomard & Louis Mahé, 1993. "Théorie de la production en présence de rationnements avec applications. L'exemple des quotas laitiers dans la CEE," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 44(1), pages 71-94.
    20. Fernandez-Cornejo, Jorge, 1992. "Short- And Long-Run Demand And Substitution Of Agricultural Inputs," Northeastern Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association, vol. 21(1), pages 1-14, April.
    21. Squires, Dale, 2016. "Firm behavior under quantity controls: The theory of virtual quantities," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Elsevier, vol. 79(C), pages 70-86.
    22. Afflerbach, Patrick & Fridgen, Gilbert & Keller, Robert & Rathgeber, Andreas W. & Strobel, Florian, 2014. "The by-product effect on metal markets – New insights to the price behavior of minor metals," Resources Policy, Elsevier, vol. 42(C), pages 35-44.
    23. Asunka, Samuel & Shumway, C. Richard, 1996. "Allocatable Fixed Inputs And Jointness In Agricultural Production: More Implications," Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association, vol. 25(2), pages 1-6, October.
    24. Matthew A. Turner, 1995. "Economics without Free-disposal: Quota-induced Discarding in Heterogenous Fisheries," Working Papers mturner-95-02, University of Toronto, Department of Economics.
    25. Herve Guyomard, 1991. "Public inputs, allocatable fixed factors and the theory of the multiproduct firm : a clarification," Post-Print hal-01601246, HAL.
    26. P. Havlík & F. Jacquet & J.M. Boisson & S. Hejduk & P. Veselý, 2006. "Mathematical programming models for agri-environmental policy analysis: A case study from the White Carpathians," Agricultural Economics, Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 52(2), pages 51-66.
    27. Herve Guyomard & Louis Pascal Mahe & . Association Européenne Des Economistes Agricoles, 1989. "Impact of a grain price cut on income of crop farms : an extented partial equilibrium approach [Impact d'une baisse du prix des céréales sur les revenus des producteurs specialisés : une approche e," Post-Print hal-02854392, HAL.
    28. François Bonnieux & Pierre Rainelli, 1989. "Politiques agricoles et environnement dans les pays riches," Économie rurale, Programme National Persée, vol. 189(1), pages 65-72.
    29. Herve Guyomard & Chantal Le Mouël & U. Vasavada, 1993. "Applying duality theory in agricultural production economics as a basis of policy decision making [[Application de la théorie de la dualité en économie de la production agricole : utilisation pour ," Post-Print hal-02850915, HAL.
    30. Francois Bonnieux & Pierre Rainelli, 1988. "Agricultural policy and environment in developed countries [Politique agricole et environnement dans les pays industrialisés]," Post-Print hal-02724957, HAL.
    31. Guyomard, Herve & Mahe, Louis Adrien Pascal, 1993. "Producer Behaviour Under Strict Rationing and Quai-Fixed Factors," Bulletins 7489, University of Minnesota, Economic Development Center.
    32. Aradhyula, Satheesh Venkata, 1989. "Policy structure, output supply and input demand for US crops," ISU General Staff Papers 198901010800009909, Iowa State University, Department of Economics.

  7. Sakai, Yasuhiro, 1974. "Equivalence of the weak and strong axioms of revealed preference without demand continuity assumptions: A "regularity condition" approach," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 8(3), pages 292-304, July.

    Cited by:

    1. M. Ali Khan & Edward E. Schlee, 2016. "On Lionel McKenzie's 1957 intrusion into 20th-century demand theory," Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Economics Association, vol. 49(2), pages 589-636, May.

  8. Sakai, Yasuhiro, 1973. "An Axiomatic Approach to Input Demand Theory," International Economic Review, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania and Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Research Association, vol. 14(3), pages 735-752, October.

    Cited by:

    1. Holloway, Garth J. & Hertel, Thomas W., 1989. "Market Power and its Effects on Equilibrium in the Food System," 1989 Annual Meeting, July 30-August 2, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 270708, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).
    2. Koebel, Bertrand & François, Laisney, 2014. "Aggregation with Cournot competition: the Le Chatelier Samuelson principle," MPRA Paper 60476, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    3. Yasuhiro Sakai, 2019. "The Hicks-Morishima Approach Reconsidered:Another Look at the Interdependence of Several Markets," Discussion Papers CRR Discussion Paper Series A: General 36, Shiga University, Faculty of Economics,Center for Risk Research.
    4. Salah EL-SHEIKH, 2008. "Will the Marshall Laws of Derived Demand Stand Up? An Interpretation and Correction of Hicks´ Elasticity rules," EcoMod2008 23800032, EcoMod.

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  4. NEP-IAS: Insurance Economics (1) 2016-07-23
  5. NEP-PKE: Post Keynesian Economics (1) 2016-05-14
  6. NEP-UPT: Utility Models and Prospect Theory (1) 2016-05-14


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