Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 202502172135460000 Economic Factors Determining Hog Litter Rates
by Negus, Sean - 202502172058030000 Impact of Quality of Road Infrastructure on Access to Credit for Family Farmers in Brazil: Examining the Improvements of BR-163
by Dvorak, Paige - 202502111736540000 Essays on precautionary seed demand, agricultural commodity price volatility, and the adoption and diffusion of genetically modified crops
by Zhao, Yue - 202502111727480000 Three papers on Cap-and-Trade regulations
by Guo, Xinyu - 202502111707510000 Three essays on the decision-making and consequences of farmers’ crop insurance participation
by Gong, Xuche
- 202412181834180000 Milk Supply Control, Market Power, and Retail Pricing in the U.S. Fluid Milk Markets
by Bolotova, Yuliya V. - 202412021626120000 Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Intensification: Evidence from Brazil’s Double-cropping Boom
by Jeddi, Behzad & DePaula, Guilherme - 202409061521100000 Child Survival and Contraception Choice: Theory and Evidence
by Bhattacharya, Joydeep & Chakraborty, Shakha & Kim, Minkyong - 202409061340040000 Pension reform and wealth inequality: Theory and evidence
by Andersen, Torben M. & Bhattacharya, Joydeep & Grodecka-Messi, Anna & Mann, Katja - 202409052109480000 Can optimal unfunded public pensions co-exist with voluntary private retirement savings?
by Andersen, Torben M. & Bhattacharya, Joydeep & Liu, Qing - 202403062012060000 A Tale of Two Supreme Court Rulings on Indian Affirmative Action
by Aygün, Orhan & Turhan, Bertan - 202402222018560000 The Trade-off between Yield and Nitrogen Pollution under Excessive Rainfall: Evidence from On-farm Field Experiments in Iowa
by Choi, Eseul & DePaula, Guilherme & Kyveryga, Peter & Fey, Suzanne - 202402081437060000 Fertility Divergence across Large and Small Areas
by Li, Xiaoyin & Winters, John
- 202311301857330000 Plurality, Borda Count and Preference Polarization
by Roy, Sunanda & Wu, Kuan Chuen & Chandra, Abhijit - 202311061804290000 Monetary Policy Under Financial Exclusion
by Lahiri, Amartya & Singh, Rajesh - 202311061509510000 Trade and Welfare Under Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes
by Singh, Rajesh - 202311021254320000 Asset Prices, Collateral Constraints and Balance-of-Payments Crises
by Singh, Rajesh - 202311011603320000 Cross-country Spillovers in Interbank Liquidity Crises
by Singh, Rajesh & Hasan, Mohammad - 202311011433100000 Sovereign Debt Maturity Structure and Dilution
by Singh, Rajesh & Hasan, Mohammad - 202310041552400000 Affirmative Action in India: Restricted Strategy Space, Complex Constraints, and Direct Mechanism Design
by Aygün, Orhan & Turhan, Bertan - 202309251238390000 Sharing Research Data: Faculty Behavior and Attitudes
by Rosenbloom, Joshua - 202309111502000000 Affirmative Action in India via Vertical, Horizontal, and Overlapping Reservations: Comment
by Aygün, Orhan & Turhan, Bertan - 202307051413210000 Locational Marginal Pricing: When and Why Not?
by Tesfatsion, Leigh - 202306131414240000 Information Rigidities and Farmland Value Expectations
by Fiechter, Chad & Kuethe, Todd & Zhang, Wendong - 202303231249420000 A Unified Theory of Value: Oligopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity
by Cordoba, Juan Carlos & Liu, Xiying - 202302241652330000 Utilitarianism versus the Repugnant Conclusion
by Cordoba, Juan Carlos - 202102240800001096 Entry under placement uncertainty
by Roy, Sunanda & Singh, Rajesh & Weninger, Quinn - 202004030700001100 Credit Markets with Time-Inconsistent Agents and Strategic Loan Default
by Bhattacharya, Joydeep & Bishnu, Monisankar & Wang, Min
- 202209221250360000 What Explains Science's Expanded Reliance On Postdoctoral Researchers?
by Rosenbloom, Joshua - 202209141325510000 Economics of Grid-Supported Electric Power Markets: A Fundamental Reconsideration
by Tesfatsion, Leigh - 202208161905110000 Minimum Wages and Restaurant Employment for Teens and Adults in Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Areas
by Winters, John - 202208161901570000 No Place Like Home: Place-Based Attachments and Regional Science
by Winters, John - 202202231829010000 Over-perception about Land Use Changes: Assessing Empirical Evidence and Linkage with Decisions and Motivated Beliefs
by Feng, Hongli & Wang, Tong & Hennessy, David A. & Arora, Gaurav - 202202231802330000 COVID-19 Working Paper: Changes in Regional Hog Slaughter During COVID-19
by Padilla, Samantha L. & Schulz, Lee & Schulz, Lee L. & Vaiknoras, Kate & MacLachlan, Matthew J. - 202202221402290000 Geographical Indications and Welfare: Evidence from the US Wine Market
by Chandra, Raj & Moschini, Giancarlo & Lade, Gabriel E. & Moschini, GianCarlo - 202202161950500000 US Agriculture as a Carbon Sink: From International Agreements to Farm Incentives
by Wongpiyabovorn, Oranuch & Plastina, Alejandro & Crespi, John - 202202141403110000 Multi-plant Coordination in the US Beef Packing Industry
by Pudenz, Christopher C. & Schulz, Lee & Schulz, Lee L. - 202201122014160000 Could fMRI data proxy subjective value because of the statistical relationship between Poisson and Conditional Logit? An Observation in Search of a Theory
by Crespi, John M. - 201911200800001097 On the Commitment and partial naïveté: Early withdrawal penalties on retirement accounts
by Liu, Pan & Andersen, Torben M. & Bhattacharya, Joydeep
- 202112131848540000 Too Cold to Venture There? January Temperature and Immigrant Self-Employment across the United States
by Lee, Jun Yeong & Winters, John - 202112081957590000 The Limit of Targeting in Networks
by Li, Jian & Zhou, Junjie & Chen, Ying-Ju - 202111080800001125 Agent-Based Computational Economics: Overview and Brief History
by Tesfatsion, Leigh - 202109010700001099 Slot-specific priorities with capacity transfers
by Avataneo, Michelle & Turhan, Bertan - 202108250700001133 Consumer valuation of and attitudes towards novel foods produced with NPETs: A review
by Beghin, John C. & Gustafson, Christopher R. - 202108200700001838 Active Leisure, Passive Leisure and Health
by Roy, Soumyadip & Orazem, Peter F. - 202108120700001837 Trade policies have environmental implications
by Li, Minghao & Zhang, Wendong - 202107280700001131 Discordant Relaxations of Misspecified Models
by Kedagni, Desire & Li, Lixiong & Mourifie, Ismael - 202107160700001130 Growing like Google: Endogenous Growth with Global Network Externalities
by Cordoba, Juan Carlos & He, Sicheng - 202107010700001813 Reference-dependent preferences, time inconsistency, and pay-as-you-go pensions
by Andersen, Torben M. & Bhattacharya, Joydeep & Liu, Qing - 202106230700001129 Young and Hungry? Employment Levels for Young People During Spring 2021
by Winters, John V. - 202106180700001132 Marginal Treatment Effects with Misclassified Treatment
by Acerenza, Santiago & Ban, Kyunghoon & Kedagni, Desire - 202106130700001128 Parallel Markets in School Choice
by Afacan, Mustafa Oguz & Evdokimov, Piotr & Hakimov, Rustamdjan & Turhan, Bertan - 202106050700001056 Identifying treatment effects in the presence of confounded types
by Kedagni, Desire - 202106020700001127 Heterogeneity and Market Adaptation to Climate Change in Dynamic-Spatial Equilibrium
by Rudik, Ivan & Lyn, Gary & Tan, Weiliang & Ortiz-Bobea, Ariel - 202106020700001118 How do Firms Respond to Long-term Political Tensions? Evidence from Chinese Food Importers
by Li, Haoran & Wan, Xibo & Zhang, Wendong - 202106010700001814 Pareto-improving transition to fully funded pensions under myopia
by Andersen, Torben M. & Bhattacharya, Joydeep & Gestsson, Marias H. - 202106010700001798 Winners and losers after 25 years of transition: Decreasing wage inequality in Slovenia
by Laporšek, Suzana & Orazem, Peter F & Vodopivec, Milan & Vodopivec, Matija - 202105210700001058 Identification of resource extraction technologies when the resource stock is unobservable
by Bunzel, Helle & Perruso, Larry & Weninger, Quinn - 202105110700001799 Economic evaluation of a farm-to-Special Supplemental Nutrition Programme for Women, Infants and Children intervention promoting vegetable consumption
by Di Noia, Jennifer & Monica, Dorothy & Jensen, Helen H. & Sikorskii, Alla - 202104230700001126 A Multiperiod Consensus-Based Transactive Energy System for Unbalanced Distribution Networks
by Cheng, Rui & Tesfatsion, Leigh & Wang, Zhaoyu - 202104130700001123 How to De-reserve Reserves
by Aygün, Orhan & Turhan, Bertan - 202104010700001085 Does class size matter? How, and at what cost?
by Kedagni, Desire & Krishna, Kala & Megalokonomou, Rigissa & Zhao, Yingyan - 202103290700001124 Testing Identifying Assumptions in Bivariate Probit Models
by Acerenza, Santiago & Bartalotti, Otávio & Kedagni, Desire - 202103010800001110 A rational-choice model of Covid-19 transmission with endogenous quarantining and two-sided prevention
by Bhattacharya, Joydeep & Chakraborty, Shankha & Yu, Xiumei - 202102190800001122 Plurality, Borda Count and Preference Polarization
by Roy, Sunanda & Wu, Kuan Chuen & Chandra, Abhijit - 202102010800001016 Why mandate young borrowers to contribute to their retirement accounts?
by Andersen, Torben M. & Bhattacharya, Joydeep - 202101010800009619 Three essays on international trade
by Shin, Sangho - 202101010800009561 Four papers in labor economics
by Ma, Liyuan - 202101010800009534 Three essays on international economics
by Kim, Gyu Hyun - 202101010800009480 Environmental issues and export competitiveness in U.S. animal agriculture
by Chen, Chen-Ti - 202101010800001832 Exponential-growth prediction bias and compliance with safety measures related to COVID-19
by Banerjee, Ritwik & Bhattacharya, Joydeep & Majumdar, Priyama - 202101010800001796 Do liberal arts colleges maximize profit?
by Gansemer-Topf, Ann M & Orazem, Peter F & Wohlgemuth, Darin R. - 202101010800001793 Management of Multiple Sources of Risk in Livestock Production
by McKendree, Melissa G. S. & Tonsor, Glynn T. & Schulz, Lee L. - 202101010800001084 Do cost-share programs increase cover crop use? Empirical evidence from Iowa
by Sawadgo, Wendiam & Plastina, Alejandro - 202101010800001067 Does Omitting Downstream Water Quality Change the Economic Benefits of Nutrient Reduction? Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment
by Shr, Yau-Huo (Jimmy) & Zhang, Wendong
- 202012230800001781 COVID-19 and the agri-food system in the United States and Canada
by Weersink, Alfons & von Massow, Mike & Bannon, Nicholas & Ifft, Jennifer & Maples, Josh & McEwen, Ken & McKendree, Melissa & Nicholson, Charles & Novakovic, Andrew & Rangarajan, Anusuya & Richards, Tim & Rickard, Brad & Rude, James & Schipanski, Meagan & Schnitkey, Gary & Schulz, Lee & Schuurman, Daniel & Schwartzkopf-Genswein, Karen & Stephenson, Mark & Thompson, Jada & Wood, Katie - 202012180800001119 Problem on the Plains: College Earnings Premiums in Small Metropolitan Areas
by Winters, John V. - 202011290800001120 Entry Threat, Entry Delay, and Internet Speed: The Timing of the U.S. Broadband Rollout
by Wilson, Kyle & Xiao, Mo & Orazem, Peter F. - 202011270800001778 A Descriptive Analysis of the COVID‐19 Impacts on U.S. Pork, Turkey, and Egg Markets
by Hayes, Dermot J. & Schulz, Lee L. & Hart, Chad E. & Jacobs, Keri L. - 202011140800001116 Equilibrium Unemployment: The Role Of Discrimination
by Cordoba, Juan C. & Isojärvi, Anni & Li, Haoran - 202011010700001780 Long‐run impacts of trade shocks and export competitiveness: Evidence from the U.S. BSE event
by Chen, Chen-Ti & Crespi, John M. & Hahn, William & Schulz, Lee L. & Taha, Fawzi - 202010280700001115 The Full Recession: Private Versus Social Costs of Covid-19
by Cordoba, Juan Carlos & Ripoll, Marla & Yang, Siqiang - 202010270700001120 Entry Threat, Entry Delay, and Internet Speed: The Timing of the U.S. Broadband Rollout
by Wilson, Kyle & Xiao, Mo & Orazem, Peter F. - 202010190700001794 Most US farmers remain loyal to Trump despite pain from trade wars and COVID-19
by Zhang, Wendong & Li, Minghao - 202010190700001114 Employment Opportunities and High School Completion during the COVID-19 Recession
by Ahn, Kunwon & Lee, Jun Yeong & Winters, John V. - 202010130700001624 The Case for Healthy U.S.‐China Agricultural Trade Relations despite Deglobalization Pressures
by Zhang, Wendong - 202010120700001113 Nonparametric Bounds on Treatment Effects with Imperfect Instruments
by Ban, Kyunghoon & Kedagni, Desire - 202009280700001111 Economic Spillovers and Political Values in Government Competition for Firms
by Kim, Donghyuk - 202009180700001112 Wealth Mobility in the 1860s
by Dupont, Brandon & Rosenbloom, Joshua L. - 202009110700001775 Predicting county-scale maize yields with publicly available data
by Jiang, Zehui & Liu, Chao & Ganapathysubramanian, Baskar & Hayes, Dermot J. & Sarkar, Soumik - 202009010700001121 Life Expectancy at Birth and Lifetime Education and Earnings
by Hoque, Mohammad Mainul & King, Elizabeth M. & Montenegro, Claudio E. & Orazem, Peter F. - 202009010700001099 Slot-specific Priorities with Capacity Transfers
by Avataneo, Michelle & Turhan, Bertan - 202008210700001704 The Perceived Benefits, Challenges, and Environmental Effects of Cover Crop Implementation in South Carolina
by Clay, Lucas & Perkins, Katharine & Motallebi, Marzieh & Plastina, Alejandro & Singh Farmaha, Bhupinder - 202008150700001110 A Rational-Choice Model of Covid-19 Transmission with Endogenous Quarantining and Two-sided Prevention
by Bhattacharya, Joydeep & Chakraborty, Shankha & Yu, Xiumei - 202008050700001104 Who Can Work and Study from Home in Pakistan: Evidence from a 2018-19 Nationwide Household Survey
by Hasan, Syed & Rehman, Attique & Zhang, Wendong - 202008010700001616 The U.S.–China trade war: Tariff data and general equilibrium analysis
by Li, Minghao & Balistreri, Edward J. & Zhang, Wendong - 202007280700001075 Property rights and the efficient extraction of common pool resources: evidence from West Coast groundfish
by Evans, Keith S. & Lian, Carl & Weninger, Quinn - 202007150700001059 Notes on the GridLAB-D Household Equivalent Thermal Parameter Model
by Tesfatsion, Leigh & Battula, Swathi - 202007100700001076 Extension Demonstration: Grameen Microfinance Methods and Capital Access for Low-Income Female Entrepreneurs
by Edelman, Mark A. - 202007070700001109 Employment Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic across Metropolitan Status and Size
by Cho, Seung Jin & Lee, Jun Yeong & Winters, John - 202007020700001108 Analytical SCUC/SCED Optimization Formulation for AMES V5.0
by Tesfatsion, Leigh & Battula, Swathi - 202007010700001081 Dynamic reserves in matching markets
by Aygün, Orhan & Turhan, Bertan - 20200618070000 Direct Matching Mechanism Design for India with Comprehensive Affirmative Action
by Aygün, Orhan & Turhan, Bertan - 202006080700001107 COVID-19 Employment Status Impacts on Food Sector Workers
by Cho, Seung Jin & Lee, Jun Yeong & Winters, John V. - 20200527070000 Webinar: COVID-19's impact on the pork industry (Pt. 2)
by Schulz, Lee & Tonsor, Glynn & Brown, Scott - 202005270700001105 The Distributional Impacts of Early Employment Losses from COVID-19
by Cho, Seung Jin & Winters, John V. - 202005220700001712 Beef packing capacity rebound crucial
by Schulz, Lee - 202005040700001117 Will Urbanization in Developing Countries Reduce Carbon Emissions? Panel Data Evidence from Pakistani Household Surveys
by Hasan, Syed M. & Zhang, Wendong - 202005010700001703 Revisiting the Effects of Unemployment Insurance Extensions on Unemployment: A Measurement-Error-Corrected Regression Discontinuity Approach
by Dieterle, Steven & Bartalotti, Otávio & Brummet, Quentin - 202005010700001106 How much you talk matters: cheap talk and collusion in a Bertrand oligopoly game
by Lee, Jun Yeong & Hoffman, Elizabeth - 202005010700001071 Wild bootstrap for fuzzy regression discontinuity designs: obtaining robust bias-corrected confidence intervals
by He, Yang & Bartalotti, Otávio - 20200430070000 Webinar: COVID-19's impact on the pork industry
by Tonsor, Glynn & Schulz, Lee & Brown, Scott - 20200428070001 Fed Cattle Flows: Demonstrative Scenario Examples
by Tonsor, Glynn & Schulz, Lee - 20200428070000 Meat Availability and Shortages Overview
by Tonsor, Glynn & Schulz, Lee & Lusk, Jayson - 202004170700001102 Reference-dependent preferences, time inconsistency, and unfunded pensions
by Andersen, Torben M. & Bhattacharya, Joydeep & Liu, Qing - 202004130700001101 The Case for Remote Work
by Clancy, Matthew - 202004100700001713 Hog price optimism crumbles
by Schulz, Lee - 20200404070000 Assessing Impact of Packing Plant Utilization on Livestock Prices
by Tonsor, Glynn & Schulz, Lee - 202004020700001701 A Correction for Regression Discontinuity Designs With Group-Specific Mismeasurement of the Running Variable
by Bartalotti, Otávio & Brummet, Quentin & Dieterle, Steven - 202003180700001714 Number of farms in Iowa drops
by Schulz, Lee - 202003160700001759 Cattle market shaken by COVID-19
by Schulz, Lee - 202003130700001773 The coronavirus will delay agricultural export surges promised in trade deal with China
by Zhang, Wendong & Xiong, Tao - 202003010800001070 Resolving intergenerational conflict over the environment under the Pareto criterion
by Andersen, Torben M. & Bhattacharya, Joydeep & Liu, Pan - 202003010800001041 Deployment of Risk Capital in Agriculture
by Kimle, Kevin & Harris, Joel - 202002290800001697 Generalized instrumental inequalities: testing the instrumental variable independence assumption
by Kedagni, Desire & Mourifié, Ismael - 202002230800001098 Do workers discriminate against their out-group employers? Evidence from the gig economy
by Asad, Sher Afghan & Banerjee, Ritwik & Bhattacharya, Joydeep - 202002210800001696 Global land-use and carbon emission implications from biochar application to cropland in the United States
by Dumortier, Jerome & Dokoohaki, Hamze & Elobeid, Amani & Hayes, Dermot J. & Laird, David & Miguez, Fernando E. - 202002120800001715 Beef cow herd may continue downward slide
by Schulz, Lee - 202002040800001095 Comparative Profitability of Product Disclosure Statements
by Burkovskaya, Anastasia & Li, Jian - 202002010800001029 The scarring effects of youth joblessness in Sri Lanka
by Kuchibhotla, Murali & Orazem, Peter F. & Ravi, Sanjana - 202001090800001716 Expected profits fuel pork expansion
by Schulz, Lee - 202001090800001092 Assignment Maximization
by Afacan, Mustafa Oguz & Bó, Inácio & Turhan, Bertan - 202001040800001791 How endogenous risk preferences and sample selection affect analysis of firm survival
by Cho, Insoo & Orazem, Peter F. - 202001010800009179 Innovation, market valuations, policy uncertainty and trade: Theory and evidence
by Li, Xiaogang - 202001010800009144 Essays in international finance
by Hasan, Mohammad Nurul - 202001010800009129 Three papers in regional dynamics and panel econometrics
by Duncan, Kevin Davey - 202001010800009095 Three essays in behavioral economics
by Asad, Sher Afghan - 202001010800001782 Churning in Rural and Urban Retail Markets
by Artz, Georgeanne M. & Eathington, Liesl & Francois, Jasmine & Masinde, Melvin & Orazem, Peter F. - 202001010800001770 Tomato seed value chain analysis and seed conditioning among seed companies in Uganda
by Tusiime, Sharon M. & Nonnecke, Gaile R. & Jensen, Helen H. - 202001010800001765 Which Small Towns Attract Start‐Ups and Why? Twenty Years of Evidence from Iowa
by Artz, Georgeanne M. & Kim, Younjun & Orazem, Peter F. & Han, Peter J. - 202001010800001708 Trade Credit Use in Agricultural Cooperatives: Pricing and Firm Performance
by McKee, Gregory & Jacobs, Keri L. & Kagan, Albert - 202001010800001690 Methodological Issues of Spatial Agent-Based Models
by Manson, Steven & An, Li & Clarke, Keith C. & Heppenstall, Alison & Koch, Jennifer & Krzyzanowski, Brittany & Morgan, Fraser & O'Sullivan, David & Runck, Bryan C. & Shook, Eric & Tesfatsion, Leigh - 202001010800001619 China's Missing Pigs: Correcting China's Hog Inventory Data Using a Machine Learning Approach
by Shao, Yongtong & Xiong, Tao & Li, Minghao & Hayes, Dermot & Zhang, Wendong & Xie, Wei - 202001010800001067 Intergenerational debt dynamics without tears
by Andersen, Torben M. & Bhattacharya, Joydeep - 202001010800001066 An Empirical Investigation of Productivity Spillovers along the Agricultural Supply Chain
by Lence, Sergio H. & Plastina, Alejandro - 202001010800001065 The Impact of China's Location Based Environmental Regulations on Hog Industry and Water Quality: A Synthetic Difference in differences Approach
by Cheng, Nieyan & Zhang, Wendong & Xiong, Tao - 202001010800001057 A Dynamic Model of U.S. Beef Cattle
by Poddaturi, Dinesh R. & Hart, Chad E. & Schulz, Lee L. & Pouliot, Sébastien - 202001010800001056 Drivers of Profit Inefficiency in Iowa Crop Production
by Sawadgo, Wendiam P. M. & Plastina, Alejandro - 202001010800001055 Quantifying the U.S. Market Response to the African Swine Fever Outbreak in China
by Pudenz, Christopher C. & Schulz, Lee L - 202001010800001030 Measuring Market Power in Professional Baseball, Basketball, Football, and Hockey
by Healy, Gerald T., III & Tan, Jing Ru & Orazem, Peter F. - 202001010800001008 Optimal pricing strategies for a cluster of goods: own- and cross-price effects with correlated tastes
by Rosas, Francisco & Acerenza, Santiago & Orazem, Peter F.
- 201912230800001078 A Test System for ERCOT Market Design Studies: Development and Application
by Battula, Swathi & Tesfatsion, Leigh & McDermott, Thomas E. - 201912190800001717 Focus on profit, not just costs
by Schulz, Lee - 201912050800001074 A Transactive Energy Approach to Distribution System Design: Household Formulation
by Battula, Swathi & Tesfatsion, Leigh & Wang, Zhaoyu - 201911260800001091 Brand Inertia in Seed Demand: State Dependence and Heterogeneity
by Luo, Jinjing & Moschini, Giancarlo & Perry, Edward D. - 201911180800001719 Holiday hams face competition
by Eden, Michaela & Schulz, Lee - 201911150800001718 Basis key to hedging success
by Schulz, Lee - 201911120800001087 How Weather Affects the Decomposition of Total Factor Productivity in U.S. Agriculture
by Plastina, Alejandro & Lence, Sergio H. & Ortiz-Bobea, Ariel - 201911110800001079 The Exports of Higher Education Services from OECD Countries to Asian Countries. A Gravity Approach
by Beghin, John C. & Park, Byung Yul - 201911040800001688 3 reasons Midwest farmers hurt by the U.S.-China trade war still support Trump
by Zhang, Wendong & Rodriguez, Lulu & Qu, Shuyang - 20191101070000 Matching with Generalized Lexicographic Choice Rules
by Aygün, Orhan & Turhan, Bertan - 201911010700001771 Evaluation of Horticultural Practices for Sustainable Tomato Production in Eastern Uganda
by Tusiime, Sharon M. & Nonnecke, Gaile R. & Masinde, Dorothy M. & Jensen, Helen H. - 201911010700001094 Information Security Policy Compliance
by Li, Yuanxiang John & Hoffman, Elizabeth - 201910170700001720 More pork from fewer sows
by Schulz, Lee - 201910010700001766 The New Role of Agricultural Cooperatives in Pooling and Distributing Tax Deductions
by Kenkel, Phil & McKee, Greg & Boland, Mike & Jacobs, Keri - 201909250700001081 Dynamic Reserves in Matching Markets
by Aygün, Orhan & Turhan, Bertan - 201909190700001721 Beef packers have market leverage for now
by Schulz, Lee - 201909150700001080 Identifying Marginal Treatment Effects in the Presence of Sample Selection
by Bartalotti, Otávio & Kedagni, Desire & Possebom, Vitor - 201909010700001032 Swing Contracts With Dynamic Reserves for Flexible Service Management
by Ma, Shanshan & Wang, Zhaoyu & Tesfatsion, Leigh - 201908090700001674 Pass-through of the policy-induced E85 subsidy: Insights from Hotelling's model
by Luo, Jinjing & Moschini, Giancarlo - 201908080700001722 Has the cattle cycle peaked?
by Schulz, Lee - 201908010700001088 Best Management Practices and Nutrient Reduction: An Integrated Economic-Hydrological Model of the Western Lake Erie Basin
by Liu, Hongxing & Zhang, Wendong & Irwin, Elena & Kast, Jeffrey & Aloysius, Noel & Martin, Jay & Kalcic, Margaret - 201907160700001723 Pigs saved per litter surge
by Schulz, Lee L - 201907020700001077 Information order in monotone decision problems under uncertainty
by Li, Jian & Zhou, Junjie - 201907010700001069 Investigating Treatment Effects of Participating Jointly in SNAP and WIC when the Treatment Is Validated Only for SNAP
by Jensen, Helen H. & Kreider, Brent & Zhylyevskyy, Oleksandr - 201906180700001724 Planning farm succession takes time
by Schulz, Lee - 201906060700001725 Beef packing finds balance
by Schulz, Lee - 201906030700001073 Identification of Treatment Effects with Mismeasured Imperfect Instruments
by Kedagni, Desire - 201905240700001726 Cattle cheap compared to hogs
by Schulz, Lee - 201905230700001082 What drives landowners’ conservation decisions? Evidence from Iowa
by Sawadgo, Wendiam & Zhang, Wendong & Plastina, Alejandro - 201905170700001045 A Correction for Regression Discontinuity Designs with Group-Specific Mismeasurement of the Running Variable
by Bartalotti, Otávio & Brummet, Quentin & Dieterle, Steven - 201905100700001072 Rational ecosystem-based fisheries management: An application to the GOM commercial reef fish fishery
by Weninger, Quinn - 201905010700001672 Adoption of Secure Pork Supply Plan Biosecurity by U.S. Swine Producers
by Pudenz, Christopher C. & Schulz, Lee L. & Tonsor, Glynn T. - 201904170700001728 Pork export picture improves
by Schulz, Lee - 201904160700001727 Lean hog futures overly positive
by Schulz, Lee - 201904150700001693 An integrated transmission and distribution test system for evaluation of transactive energy designs
by Nguyen, Hieu Trung & Battula, Swathi & Takkala, Rohit Reddy & Wang, Zhaoyu & Tesfatsion, Leigh - 201904010700001698 How Reliable is Duality Theory in Empirical Work?
by Rosas, Francisco & Lence, Sergio H. - 201904010700001085 Does Class Size Matter? How, and at What Cost?
by Kedagni, Desire & Krishna, Kala & Megalokonomou, Rigissa & Zhao, Yingyan - 201904010700001060 The fight-or-flight response to the Joneses and inequality
by Barnett, Richard C. & Bhattacharya, Joydeep & Bunzel, Helle - 201903300700001068 The Will of the People: Measuring social divides in multi-dimensional choice settings
by Roy, Sunanda & Wu, Kuan Chuen & Chandra, Abhijit - 201903150700001729 Beef output may keep rising after herd expansion ends
by Schulz, Lee - 201903010800001071 Wild bootstrap for fuzzy regression discontinuity designs: obtaining robust bias-corrected confidence intervals
by He, Yang & Bartalotti, Otávio - 201902180800001730 Price slide helps size up feeder cattle bids
by Schulz, Lee - 201902080800001668 Theoretical Production Restrictions and Agricultural Technology in the United States
by Plastina, Alejandro & Lence, Sergio H. - 201902050800001065 Motherhood, Migration, and Self-Employment of College Graduates
by Cai, Zhengyu & Stephens, Heather M. & Winters, John V. - 201902040800001063 The Economic Impact of the Health Sector on the Economy of Appanoose County, Iowa
by Otto, Daniel & Artz, Georgeanne - 201901310800001064 Accounting for the International Quantity-Quality Trade-Off
by Cordoba, Juan Carlos & Liu, Xiying & Ripoll, Marla - 201901160800001731 Sizing up long-term prospects
by Schulz, Lee - 201901150800001732 2019 looks good for pork
by Schulz, Lee