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Jean Bourdon

Personal Details

First Name:Jean
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Last Name:Bourdon
RePEc Short-ID:pbo283
Bureau 109, IREDU-CNRS, pôle AAFE - 11 Esplanade Erasme BP 26513 - 21065 Dijon Cedex
Twitter: @jeanbourdon


Institut de Recherche sur l'Education: Sociologie et Économie de l'Éducation (IREDU)
Université de Bourgogne

Dijon, France
RePEc:edi:iredufr (more details at EDIRC)

Research output

Jump to: Working papers Articles

Working papers

  1. Sajjad Haider Bhatti & Muhammad Aslam & Jean Bourdon, 2018. "Market Returns to Education in Pakistan, Corrected for Endogeneity Bias," Post-Print halshs-01845506, HAL.
  2. Sajjad Haider Bhatti & Jean Bourdon & Aslam Muhammad, 2013. "Economic Returns to Education in France: OLS and Instrumental Variable Estimations," Post-Print halshs-00955559, HAL.
  3. Nadir Altinok & Jean Bourdon, 2013. "Renforcer la mesure pour piloter la qualité de l'éducation," Working Papers halshs-00780966, HAL.
  4. Jean Bourdon, 2012. "Human capital and RD Driven Growth: analyse for France at regional level on the long run," Post-Print halshs-00780540, HAL.
  5. Nadir Altinok & Jean Bourdon, 2012. "Renforcer la mesure sur la qualité de l'éducation," Post-Print halshs-00780558, HAL.
  6. Nadir Altinok & Jean Bourdon, 2012. "Les compétences fondamentales et le développement : peut-on évaluer les systèmes éducatifs par le niveau d'acquisition homogène d'un bloc de compétences de base ?," Post-Print halshs-00661413, HAL.
  7. Jean Bourdon & Jean-François Giret & Mathieu Goudard, 2012. "Peut-on classer les universités à l'aune de leur performance d'insertion ?," Post-Print halshs-00694460, HAL.
  8. Claire Bonnard & Jean Bourdon & Jean-Jacques Paul, 2011. "Travailler dans la recherche privée au sortir d'une école d'ingénieur," Post-Print halshs-00590428, HAL.
  9. Jean Bourdon & Jean-François Giret & Mathieu Goudard, 2011. "Peut on classer les universités en fonction de leur performance d'insertion ?," Post-Print halshs-00564859, HAL.
  10. Jean Bourdon, 2011. "Performances linguistiques des enseignants et qualité d'apprentissage des élèves au primaire," Post-Print halshs-00586091, HAL.
  11. Jean Bourdon & Markus Frölich & Katharina Michaelowa, 2010. "Teacher shortages, teacher contracts and their effect on education in Africa," Post-Print halshs-00426678, HAL.
  12. Jean Bourdon, 2009. "La mesure de l'efficacité scolaire par la méthode de l'enveloppe : test des filières alternatives de recrutement des enseignants dans le cadre du processus Education pour tous," Post-Print halshs-00399562, HAL.
  13. Jean Bourdon & Katharina Michaelowa, 2009. "Struck by crisis : The global financial crisis' impact on universal primary education," Post-Print halshs-00417302, HAL.
  14. Jean Bourdon, 2008. "Convergence et divergence comparées du salaire des enseignants du primaire dans l'échelle de développement économique," Post-Print halshs-00294922, HAL.
  15. Jean Bourdon & Claire Bonnard & Jean-Jacques Paul, 2008. "French Engineering Graduates in Corporate R & D : Is it worthwhile ?," Post-Print halshs-00283558, HAL.
  16. Jean Bourdon, 2007. "Jusqu'où peut-on comparer les apprentissages scolaires ?," Post-Print halshs-00152763, HAL.
  17. Jean Bourdon & Markus Frölich & Katharina Michaelowa, 2007. "Teacher Shortages, Teacher Contracts and their Impacton Education in Africa," Post-Print halshs-00150147, HAL.
  18. Jean Bourdon & Markus Frölich & Katharina Michaelowa, 2006. "Broadening Access to Primary Education: Contract Teacher Programs and Their Impact on Education Outcomes in Africa – An Econometric Evaluation for Niger," Post-Print halshs-00086003, HAL.
  19. Jean Bourdon & Katharina Michaelowa, 2006. "The Impact of Student Diversity in Secondary Schools : An Analysis of the International PISA Data and Implications for the German Education System," Post-Print halshs-00092674, HAL.
  20. Jean Bourdon, 2006. "Note critique : Economie de l'éducation / Marc Gurgand. Paris, La Découverte, 2005. (Repères, 409). In Revue Française de Pédagogie, 155, avril-juin 2006, 158-159," Post-Print halshs-00092535, HAL.
  21. Jean Bourdon, 2006. "Coût et financement de l'éducation primaire en Afrique Subsaharienne," Post-Print halshs-00135310, HAL.
  22. Jean Bourdon, 2005. "Les apports des études internationales pour évaluer l'efficacité de l'école dans les pays en développement," Post-Print halshs-00086604, HAL.
  23. Jean Bourdon, 2002. "La Banque Mondiale et l'éducation, ou : est-il plus simple de construire de grands barrages que de petites écoles ?," Post-Print halshs-00004848, HAL.
  24. Jean Bourdon, 1999. "La rentabilité de l'investissement éducatif : un concept permanent de référence dans une réalité changeante ?," Post-Print hal-03267371, HAL.
  25. Jean Bourdon, 1998. "Les études longues protègent-elles du sous-emploi ? Le cas de l'Union Européenne," Post-Print hal-03267370, HAL.
  26. Jean Bourdon & Françoise Bourdon, 1996. "Une approche macro-économétrique interrégionale appliquée de la solidarité entre les territoires français," Post-Print hal-03264409, HAL.
  27. Jean Bourdon, 1992. "Niveau de formation et performances à l'exportation des régions françaises," Post-Print hal-03261494, HAL.
  28. Jean Bourdon, 1991. "Formation et compétitivité des régions européennes," Post-Print hal-02051417, HAL.
  29. Françoise Bourdon & Jean Bourdon, 1989. "Le commerce extérieur de l'Ile-de-France comparé à celui des autres régions," Post-Print hal-03259982, HAL.
  30. Jean Bourdon, 1975. "grenzüberschreitende Arbeitnehmer [An applied econometric analysis for cross border workers]," Post-Print hal-04620846, HAL.


  1. Sajjad Haider Bhatti & Muhammad Aslam & Jean Bourdon, 2018. "Market Returns to Education in Pakistan, Corrected for Endogeneity Bias," Lahore Journal of Economics, Department of Economics, The Lahore School of Economics, vol. 23(1), pages 79-96, Jan-June.
  2. Sajjad Haider Bhatti & Jean Bourdon & Muhammad Aslam, 2013. "Economic Returns to Education in France: OLS and Instrumental Variable Estimations," Lahore Journal of Economics, Department of Economics, The Lahore School of Economics, vol. 18(2), pages 51-63, July-Dec.
  3. Claire Bonnard & Jean Bourdon & Jean-Jacques Paul, 2011. "Travailler dans la recherche privée au sortir d'une école d'ingénieur : est-ce la bonne stratégie ?," Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(1), pages 9-30.
  4. Jean Bourdon & Markus Frölich & Katharina Michaelowa, 2010. "Teacher shortages, teacher contracts and their effect on education in Africa," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, Royal Statistical Society, vol. 173(1), pages 93-116, January.


Many of the citations below have been collected in an experimental project, CitEc, where a more detailed citation analysis can be found. These are citations from works listed in RePEc that could be analyzed mechanically. So far, only a minority of all works could be analyzed. See under "Corrections" how you can help improve the citation analysis.

Working papers

  1. Sajjad Haider Bhatti & Muhammad Aslam & Jean Bourdon, 2018. "Market Returns to Education in Pakistan, Corrected for Endogeneity Bias," Post-Print halshs-01845506, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Henna Ahsan, 2024. "Impact of Education Mismatch on Earnings: Evidence from Pakistan’s Labor Market," PIDE-Working Papers 2024:1, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics.

  2. Sajjad Haider Bhatti & Jean Bourdon & Aslam Muhammad, 2013. "Economic Returns to Education in France: OLS and Instrumental Variable Estimations," Post-Print halshs-00955559, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Samira Hasanzadeh & Hashmat Khan, 2016. "Sources of Canadian Economic Growth," Carleton Economic Papers 16-02, Carleton University, Department of Economics, revised 16 Oct 2017.
    2. Muhammad Nauman Malik & Masood Sarwar Awan, 2016. "Analysing Econometric Bias and Non-linearity in Returns to Education of Pakistan," The Pakistan Development Review, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, vol. 55(4), pages 837-851.
    3. Sajjad Haider Bhatti & Muhammad Aslam & Jean Bourdon, 2018. "Market Returns to Education in Pakistan, Corrected for Endogeneity Bias," Post-Print halshs-01845506, HAL.
    4. Zhaohua Zhang & Yuxi Luo & Derrick Robinson, 2020. "Do Social Pensions Help People Living on the Edge? Assessing Determinants of Vulnerability to Food Poverty Among the Rural Elderly," The European Journal of Development Research, Palgrave Macmillan;European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), vol. 32(1), pages 198-219, January.

  3. Jean Bourdon & Markus Frölich & Katharina Michaelowa, 2010. "Teacher shortages, teacher contracts and their effect on education in Africa," Post-Print halshs-00426678, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Karthik Muralidharan & Venkatesh Sundararaman, 2013. "Contract Teachers: Experimental Evidence from India," NBER Working Papers 19440, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    2. Sonja Fagernäs & Panu Pelkonen, 2012. "Preferences and skills of Indian public sector teachers," IZA Journal of Labor & Development, Springer;Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit GmbH (IZA), vol. 1(1), pages 1-31, December.
    3. Carroll, David & Parasnis, Jaai & Tani, Massimiliano, 2018. "Teaching, Gender and Labour Market Incentives," IZA Discussion Papers 12027, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
    4. Valente, Christine, 2019. "Primary education expansion and quality of schooling," Economics of Education Review, Elsevier, vol. 73(C).
    5. Dreher, Axel & Poutvaara, Panu, 2011. "Foreign students and migration to the United States," Munich Reprints in Economics 20044, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
    6. Todd Pugatch, 2017. "Is teacher certification an effective tool for developing countries?," IZA World of Labor, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), pages 349-349, April.
    7. Stahlschmidt, Stephan & Eckardt, Matthias & Härdle, Wolfgang Karl, 2014. "Expectile treatment effects: An efficient alternative to compute the distribution of treatment effects," SFB 649 Discussion Papers 2014-059, Humboldt University Berlin, Collaborative Research Center 649: Economic Risk.
    8. Gundersen, Sara & McKay, Michael, 2019. "Reward or punishment? An examination of the relationship between teacher and parent behavior and test scores in the Gambia," International Journal of Educational Development, Elsevier, vol. 68(C), pages 20-34.
    9. Liao, Wei, 2019. "“Weekday rural teachers, weekend urban spouses and parents”: A Chinese case of how alternative hiring policy influences teachers’ career decisions," International Journal of Educational Development, Elsevier, vol. 67(C), pages 53-63.
    10. Duflo, Esther & Dupas, Pascaline & Kremer, Michael, 2015. "School governance, teacher incentives, and pupil–teacher ratios: Experimental evidence from Kenyan primary schools," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 123(C), pages 92-110.
    11. Wang Lei & Mengjie Li & Siqi Zhang & Yonglei Sun & Sean Sylvia & Enyan Yang & Guangrong Ma & Linxiu Zhang & Di Mo & Scott Rozelle, 2018. "Contract teachers and student achievement in rural China: evidence from class fixed effects," Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, vol. 62(2), pages 299-322, April.
    12. Pugatch, Todd & Schroeder, Elizabeth, 2014. "Teacher Pay and Student Performance: Evidence from the Gambian Hardship Allowance," IZA Discussion Papers 8621, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
    13. Sonja Fagernäs & Panu Pelkonen, 2011. "Whether to Hire Local Contract Teachers? Trade-off Between Skills and Preferences in India," Working Paper Series 1811, Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School.

  4. Jean Bourdon, 2009. "La mesure de l'efficacité scolaire par la méthode de l'enveloppe : test des filières alternatives de recrutement des enseignants dans le cadre du processus Education pour tous," Post-Print halshs-00399562, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Élisé Wendlassida Miningou & Valérie Vierstraete, 2012. "Households' living situation and the efficient provision of primary education in Burkina Faso," Cahiers de recherche 12-12, Departement d'économique de l'École de gestion à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
    2. Minfede Koe Raoul, 2018. "Analysis of the efficiency of public policy on the supply of social housing in a poor country," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 38(4), pages 2184-2193.

  5. Jean Bourdon & Markus Frölich & Katharina Michaelowa, 2007. "Teacher Shortages, Teacher Contracts and their Impacton Education in Africa," Post-Print halshs-00150147, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Falch, Torberg & Fischer, Justina AV, 2008. "Does a generous welfare state crowd out student effort? Panel data evidence from international student tests," SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Economics and Finance 694, Stockholm School of Economics.
    2. Karthik Muralidharan & Venkatesh Sundararaman, 2013. "Contract Teachers: Experimental Evidence from India," NBER Working Papers 19440, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    3. Jean Bourdon & Markus Frölich & Katharina Michaelowa, 2010. "Teacher shortages, teacher contracts and their effect on education in Africa," Post-Print halshs-00426678, HAL.
    4. Ayako Wakano, 2016. "The effect of ratio between PTA teachers and Government employed teachers on Education outcomes in Kenya Primary Schools," Discussion Papers in Economics and Business 16-14, Osaka University, Graduate School of Economics.
    5. Sangeeta Goyal & Priyanka Pandey, 2013. "Contract teachers in India," Education Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 21(5), pages 464-484, December.
    6. Dreher, Axel & Poutvaara, Panu, 2011. "Foreign students and migration to the United States," Munich Reprints in Economics 20044, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
    7. Ayako Wakano, 2016. "The effect of locally hired teachers on school outcomes (the Dose response function estimation evidence from Kenya)," Discussion Papers in Economics and Business 16-15, Osaka University, Graduate School of Economics.
    8. Barbara Bruns & Deon Filmer & Harry Anthony Patrinos, 2011. "Making Schools Work : New Evidence on Accountability Reforms," World Bank Publications - Books, The World Bank Group, number 2270.
    9. Al-Samarrai, Samer & Shrestha, Unika & Hasan, Amer & Nakajima, Nozomi & Santoso, Santoso & Wijoyo, Wisnu Harto Adi, 2018. "Introducing a performance-based component into Jakarta's school grants: What do we know about its impact after three years?," Economics of Education Review, Elsevier, vol. 67(C), pages 110-136.
    10. Luis Beccaria & Pablo Alfredo Gluzmann, 2013. "Medición de los Ingresos y la Pobreza Oficial en América Latina y el Caribe," CEDLAS, Working Papers 0148, CEDLAS, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
    11. Sebastian Galiani & Ricardo Perez-Truglia, 2013. "School Management in Developing Countries," CEDLAS, Working Papers 0147, CEDLAS, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

  6. Jean Bourdon & Markus Frölich & Katharina Michaelowa, 2006. "Broadening Access to Primary Education: Contract Teacher Programs and Their Impact on Education Outcomes in Africa – An Econometric Evaluation for Niger," Post-Print halshs-00086003, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Markus Froelich & Jean Bourdon & Katharina Michaelowa, 2007. "Teacher Shortages, Teacher Contracts and their Impact on Education in Africa," University of St. Gallen Department of Economics working paper series 2007 2007-20, Department of Economics, University of St. Gallen.
    2. Ayako Wakano, 2016. "The effect of ratio between PTA teachers and Government employed teachers on Education outcomes in Kenya Primary Schools," Discussion Papers in Economics and Business 16-14, Osaka University, Graduate School of Economics.
    3. Jean Bourdon, 2006. "Coût et financement de l'éducation primaire en Afrique Subsaharienne," Post-Print halshs-00135310, HAL.
    4. Ayako Wakano, 2016. "The effect of locally hired teachers on school outcomes (the Dose response function estimation evidence from Kenya)," Discussion Papers in Economics and Business 16-15, Osaka University, Graduate School of Economics.
    5. Michaelowa, Katharina & Wechtler, Annika, 2006. "Grundbildung in Malawi: Neuere Entwicklungen der Sektorpolitik, realistische Handlungsperspektiven und Vorschläge für ein gestuftes Monitoringsystem," HWWI Policy Papers 2-1, Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI).
    6. Luis Beccaria & Pablo Alfredo Gluzmann, 2013. "Medición de los Ingresos y la Pobreza Oficial en América Latina y el Caribe," CEDLAS, Working Papers 0148, CEDLAS, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
    7. Christopher F. Hein & Rebecca Allen, 2013. "Teacher Quality in Sub-Saharan Africa: Pupil-fixed effects estimates for twelve countries," DoQSS Working Papers 13-08, Quantitative Social Science - UCL Social Research Institute, University College London.
    8. Sebastian Galiani & Ricardo Perez-Truglia, 2013. "School Management in Developing Countries," CEDLAS, Working Papers 0147, CEDLAS, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

  7. Jean Bourdon & Katharina Michaelowa, 2006. "The Impact of Student Diversity in Secondary Schools : An Analysis of the International PISA Data and Implications for the German Education System," Post-Print halshs-00092674, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Tolciu, Andreia & Schaland, Ann-Julia & El-Cherkeh, Tanja, 2010. "Migrant entrepreneurship in Hamburg: Results from a qualitative study with Turkish entrepreneurs," HWWI Research Papers 3-22, Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI).
    2. Birkenfeld, Florian & Hanafy, Shima'a, 2008. "Wie zentral sind die Abschlussprüfungen an deutschen Schulen wirklich?," Passauer Diskussionspapiere, Volkswirtschaftliche Reihe V-55-08, University of Passau, Faculty of Business and Economics.

  8. Jean Bourdon, 2005. "Les apports des études internationales pour évaluer l'efficacité de l'école dans les pays en développement," Post-Print halshs-00086604, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Mbaye Diene & Bity Diene & Théophile Azomahou, 2015. "Human capital productivity and uncertainty," CERDI Working papers halshs-01144990, HAL.
    2. Mbaye Diene & Bity Diene & Théophile Azomahou, 2015. "Human capital productivity and uncertainty," Working Papers halshs-01144990, HAL.
    3. Bity DIENE & Mbaye DIENE, 2015. "Human capital productivity and uncertainty," Working Papers 201508, CERDI.
    4. Jean Bourdon, 2006. "Coût et financement de l'éducation primaire en Afrique Subsaharienne," Post-Print halshs-00135310, HAL.

  9. Jean Bourdon, 2002. "La Banque Mondiale et l'éducation, ou : est-il plus simple de construire de grands barrages que de petites écoles ?," Post-Print halshs-00004848, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Nadir Altinok, 2003. "La Banque mondiale et l'éducation en Afrique subsaharienne," Post-Print hal-02052310, HAL.
    2. Jean Bourdon, 2006. "Coût et financement de l'éducation primaire en Afrique Subsaharienne," Post-Print halshs-00135310, HAL.


  1. Sajjad Haider Bhatti & Muhammad Aslam & Jean Bourdon, 2018. "Market Returns to Education in Pakistan, Corrected for Endogeneity Bias," Lahore Journal of Economics, Department of Economics, The Lahore School of Economics, vol. 23(1), pages 79-96, Jan-June.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  2. Sajjad Haider Bhatti & Jean Bourdon & Muhammad Aslam, 2013. "Economic Returns to Education in France: OLS and Instrumental Variable Estimations," Lahore Journal of Economics, Department of Economics, The Lahore School of Economics, vol. 18(2), pages 51-63, July-Dec.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  3. Claire Bonnard & Jean Bourdon & Jean-Jacques Paul, 2011. "Travailler dans la recherche privée au sortir d'une école d'ingénieur : est-ce la bonne stratégie ?," Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(1), pages 9-30.

    Cited by:

    1. Claire Bonnard, 2011. "Les incitations à l'innovation dans le secteur privé," Post-Print halshs-00599700, HAL.

  4. Jean Bourdon & Markus Frölich & Katharina Michaelowa, 2010. "Teacher shortages, teacher contracts and their effect on education in Africa," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, Royal Statistical Society, vol. 173(1), pages 93-116, January.
    See citations under working paper version above.

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NEP is an announcement service for new working papers, with a weekly report in each of many fields. This author has had 6 papers announced in NEP. These are the fields, ordered by number of announcements, along with their dates. If the author is listed in the directory of specialists for this field, a link is also provided.
  1. NEP-AFR: Africa (4) 2007-03-17 2007-06-11 2007-06-11 2007-07-07
  2. NEP-URE: Urban and Real Estate Economics (4) 2006-08-05 2007-06-11 2007-06-11 2007-07-07
  3. NEP-EDU: Education (3) 2006-08-05 2007-06-11 2007-07-07
  4. NEP-CIS: Confederation of Independent States (1) 2011-02-19
  5. NEP-DEV: Development (1) 2007-06-11
  6. NEP-HRM: Human Capital and Human Resource Management (1) 2006-08-05


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