- hal-04850806 Towards a Topology of Monetary Systems
by Pierre Delandre & Philippe Derudder & Fabien Fert & Ariane Tichit - hal-04842547 Réinventer le Rapport Salarial grâce à la Sécurité Sociale Généralisée
by Ariane Tichit & Assen Slim - hal-04836409 L’insécurité alimentaire en 2024 : résultats d’une enquête auprès d’étudiants de l’Université Clermont Auvergne
by Catherine Araujo Bonjean & Claudio Araujo - hal-04811881 Does Public Redistribution Crowd Out Private Transfers? Evidence from Four Countries
by Alistair Cameron & Lata Gangadharan & Pushkar Maitra & Paulo Santos & Joseph Vecci - hal-04801563 Migration and the epidemiological approach: time and self-selection into foreign ancestries matter
by Simone Bertoli & Melchior Clerc & Jordan Loper & Èric Roca Fernández - hal-04598699 Birth order and transition into adulthood in Madagascar
by Francesca Marchetta & Claire Ricard - hal-04546270 Import Competition and U.S. Sentiment Toward China
by Rabah Arezki & Ha Nguyen & Duong Trung Le & Hieu Nguyen - hal-04409953 Women's Empowerment and Husband's Migration: Evidence from Indonesia
by Olivier Bargain & Jordan Loper & Roberta Ziparo
- hal-04391362 Assessing the impact of used vehicle imports ban policy: Evidence from Côte d’Ivoire
by Daouda Bamba - hal-04294262 Gender Budgeting and Health Spending Efficiency in Indian States: A Staggered Difference-in-Differences Analysis
by Cheick Camara - hal-04233370 How will the State think with the assistance of ChatGPT? The case of customs as an example of generative artificial intelligence in public administrations
by Thomas Cantens - hal-04213102 Institutional and political drivers for copper government take: new evidence for African and Latin American countries
by Yawovi Mawussé Isaac Amedanou & Yannick Bouterige & Bertrand Laporte - hal-04092285 Natural Resource Dependence and Monopolized Imports
by Rabah Arezki & Ha Nguyen & Tristan Reed & Ana Fernandes & Federico Merchán - hal-03960312 Border Apprehensions and Federal Sentencing of Hispanic Citizens in the United States
by Simone Bertoli & Morgane Laouénan & Jérôme Valette - hal-03448375 Policy change, mass media and air quality in China: new paths to face air pollution?
by Sébastien Marchand & Damien Cubizol & Elda Nasho Ah-Pine & Huanxiu Guo
- hal-03889094 Terrorism, Customs and fraudulent Gold exports in Africa
by Fawzi Banao & Bertrand Laporte - hal-03659241 La Blockchain, avenir des monnaies locales ?
by Ariane Tichit & Corentin Elissée & Frédéric Hayek & Pascal Lafourcade - hal-03617915 Building Stronger Economic Institutions in Developing Countries, the Role of FDI
by Assi Okara - hal-03617085 Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Political Stability ? Evidence from Developing Economies
by Assi Okara - hal-03545244 Financing the economy in debt times: the crucial role of public-private partnerships
by Yawovi Mawussé Isaac Amedanou
- hal-03466992 Gouvernance des pesticides et pratiques phytosanitaires en agriculture urbaine
by Wadjamsse Beaudelaire Djezou & Vincent Koffi Koffi & Eric Noel Aba & Martine Audibert - hal-03401539 Exploring Tilly’s Theory : Violent Conflicts and Tax Revenue in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Alou Adessé Dama - hal-03350202 Keep Off the Grass : Grassland Scarcity and the Security Implications of Cross-Border Transhumance Between Niger and Nigeria
by Camille Laville - hal-03331706 Comportement des ménages Brésiliens face à la COVID-19
by Pascale Phélinas & Camille Ciriez - hal-03328502 How Financial Sector Development Improve Tax Revenue Mobilization for Developing Countries?
by Aguima Aime Bernard Lompo - hal-03297023 An Extreme Value Mixture model to assess drought hazard in West Africa
by Abdoulaye Sy & Catherine Araujo-Bonjean & Marie-Eliette Dury & Nourddine Azzaoui & Arnaud Guillin - hal-03281898 E-money, Financial Inclusion and Mobile Money Tax in Sub-Saharan African Mobile Networks
by Tarna Silue - hal-03281843 Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth : Evidence in the Digital Environment of Developing Countries
by Tarna Silue - hal-03265604 Revisiting the Relationship between Trade Liberalization and Taxation
by Grégoire Rota-Graziosi & Rabah Arezki & Alou Adesse Dama - hal-03256078 40 Years of Dutch Disease Literature: Lessons for Developing Countries
by Edouard Mien & Michaël Goujon - hal-03255316 Politics, Institutions and Tax Revenue Mobilization in West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) Countries
by Yawovi Mawussé Isaac Amedanou - hal-03249411 Cost of the national malaria control program and cost-effectiveness of indoor residual spraying and insecticide-treated bed nets strategies in two districts of Madagascar
by Voahirana T Andrianantoandro & Martine Audibert & Thomas Kesteman & Léonora Ravolanjarasoa & Milijaona Randrianarivelojosia & Christophe Rogier & Milijaona Randrianarivelojosia Researcher - hal-03194726 Effect of corruption on educational quantity and quality : theory and evidence
by Amadou Amadou Boly & Kole Keita & Assi Okara & Guei Guei C. Okou - hal-03186803 A database of the economic impacts of historical volcanic eruptions
by Hajare El Hadri & Michaël Goujon & Raphael Paris - hal-03186795 Perception de la COVID-19 et comportement des ménages en Argentine
by Pascale Phélinas & Valeria Hernandez & Camille Ciriez - hal-03174770 On the allocation of environmental aid : strategy beyond environmental considerations?
by Mohamed Boly - hal-03151965 Liberalization, Technology Adoption, and Stock Returns: Evidence from Telecom
by Rabah Arezki & Vianney Dequiedt & Rachel Yuting Fan & Carlo Maria Rossotto - hal-03149087 Couples in lockdown, "La vie en rose" ? Evidence from France
by Hugues Champeaux & Francesca Marchetta - hal-03144330 How giant discoveries of natural resources impact sovereign debt ratings in developing and emerging countries ?
by Regina Stéphanie Seri - hal-03138369 Fighting the soaring prices of agricultural food products. VAT versus Trade tariffs exemptions in a context of imperfect competition in Niger : CGE and micro-simulation approach
by Celine de Quatrebarbes & Bertrand Laporte & Stéphane Calipel - hal-03137463 Conditional Cash Transfers and the Learning Crisis : Evidence from Tayssir Scale-up in Morocco
by Jules Gazeaud & Claire Ricard - hal-03137434 Religious Authorities, Peace, and Political Conflict : Assessing the Impacts of Pope John Paul II's International Travels
by Camille Laville - hal-03129897 La qualité de la dépense publique dans les pays en développement : mesure et déterminants
by Grégoire Rota-Graziosi & Emilie Caldeira & Alou Adessé Dama & Hélène Djoufelkit & Hélène Ehrhart - hal-03129746 Taming Private Leviathans : Regulation versus Taxation
by Grégoire Rota-Graziosi & Islam Asif & Rabah Arezki - hal-03118496 The tax burden on mobile network operators in Africa
by Grégoire Rota-Graziosi & Fayçal Sawadogo - hal-03117686 How does information on minimum and maximum food prices affect measured monetary poverty ? Evidence from Niger
by Nouréini Sayouti & Christophe Muller - hal-03117677 Left behind, but not alone: Changes in living arrangements and the effects of migration and remittances in Mexico
by Simone Bertoli & Elsa Gautrain & Elie Murard - hal-03116615 Public Expenditures Efficiency On Education Distribution in Developing Countries
by Jean-François Brun & Constantin Thierry Compaore
- hal-03053683 Are incomes and property taxes effective instruments for tax transition?
by Kodjo Adandohoin & Jean-Francois Brun - hal-03013571 External and Internal Real Exchange Rates and the Dutch Disease in Africa: Evidence from a Panel of Nine Oil-Exporting Countries
by Edouard Mien - hal-02979897 Are ICT's boosting tax revenues? Evidence from developing countries
by Jean-François Brun & Gérard Chambas & Jules Tapsoba & Abdoul-Akim Wandaogo - hal-02954904 L’impact à court terme de la crise Covid19 sur l’industrie manufacturière en Afrique : évaluations d’experts africains
by Michaël Goujon & Edouard Mien - hal-02940251 Armed Conflict and Children's School/Work Time Allocation : evidence from Côte d'Ivoire
by Eric Dago - hal-02871257 Does industrial water pollution impede agriculture? Evidence from rice farming in China
by Sébastien Marchand & Maimouna Barro & Huanxiu Guo - hal-02619286 Have unequal treaties fostered domestic market integration in Late Imperial China ?
by Jean-Louis Combes & Mary-Françoise Renard & Shuo Shi - hal-02556468 The economics of volcanoes
by Johanna Choumert-Nkolo & Anaïs Lamour & Pascale Phélinas - hal-02543162 Tax effort in Sub-Saharan African countries : evidence from a new dataset
by Emilie Caldeira & Alou Adessé Dama & Ali Compaoré & Mario Mansour & Grégoire Rota-Graziosi - hal-02453838 Night lights in economics: Sources and uses
by John Gibson & Susan Olivia & Geua Boe-Gibson - halshs-01845067 How much does environment pay for politicians?
by Mohamed Boly & Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel
- halshs-02423126 Can fiscal rules curb income inequality? Evidence from developing countries
by Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea & Cezara Vinturis & Pegdéwendé Nestor Sawadogo - halshs-02419601 Who benefits from the return of the rains? The case of the Ferlo breeders in Senegal
[A qui profite le retour des pluies ? Le cas des éleveurs du Ferlo]
by Catherine Araujo Bonjean & Alioune N’diaye & Olivier Santoni - halshs-02364840 Can fiscal rules improve financial markets access for developing countries ?
by Pegdéwendé Nestor Sawadogo - halshs-02364812 Gender gap in public good preferences in Africa: Do gender norms matter?
by Oulimata Ndiaye - halshs-02364775 Remittances, food security and climate variability: The case of Burkina Faso
by Alexandra T Tapsoba & Pascale Combes Motel & Jean-Louis Combes - hal-02340977 Economic, social, and institutional determinants of domestic conflict in fragile States
by Syed Muhammad All-E-Raza Rizvi & Marie-Ange Véganzonès-Varoudakis - halshs-02174952 Reforms and revenue mobilization in Africa: Are semi-autonomous revenue authorities (SARAs) effective?
[Réformes et mobilisation des recettes en Afrique : les Administrations de recettes semi-autonomes (SARAs) sont-elles efficaces ?]
by Andre Gbato & Falapalaki Lemou & Jean-François Brun - halshs-02165137 How do agro-pastoral policies affect the dietary intake of agro-pastoralists in Niger?
by Christophe Muller & Nouréini Sayouti - halshs-02108168 Domestic and cross border spillover effects of corporate tax policy in Africa
by Jean-François Brun & Seydou Coulibaly - halshs-02108128 Impact of natural resource wealth on non-resource tax revenue mobilization in Africa: Do institutions and economic diversification matter?
by Seydou Coulibaly - halshs-02103047 Rent sharing and progressivity of tax regimes in the mining sector: An analysis of 21 African gold-producing countries
[Partage de la rente et progressivité des régimes fiscaux dans le secteur minier : une analyse sur 21 pays africains producteurs d'or]
by Bertrand Laporte & Céline de Quatrebarbes & Yannick Bouterige - halshs-02090658 Why do anti-deforestation policies succeed or fail? Review of the Theory of Change emerging from the existing literature
by Bénédicte Niel & Yann Laurans & Renaud Lapeyre & Pascale Combes Motel & Jean-Louis Combes - halshs-02089734 Tax reform, public revenue and public revenue instability in developing countries: Does development aid matter?
by Jean-François Brun & Sèna Kimm Gnangnon - halshs-02082753 On the optimal setting of protected areas
by Sonia Schwartz & Johanna Choumert-Nkolo & Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel & Éric Nazindigouba Kere - halshs-02080285 Impacts of extreme events on technical efficiency in Vietnamese agriculture
by Yoro Diallo & Sébastien Marchand & Etienne Espagne - halshs-02065976 Challenging pollution and the balance problem from rare earth extraction: How recycling and environmental taxation matter
by Pascale Combes Motel & Bocar Samba Ba & Sonia Schwartz - halshs-02053100 Fertility response to climate shocks
by Sylvain Dessy & Francesca Marchetta & Roland Pongou & Luca Tiberti - halshs-02043892 The effects of fiscal consolidations on the composition of government spending
by Moulaye Bamba & Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea - halshs-02019497 Biofuels and food security: Evidence from Indonesia and Mexico
by Mohamed Boly & Aïcha Sanou - halshs-02019073 Assessing the effects of combating illicit financial flows on domestic tax revenue mobilization in developing countries
by Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea & Pegdéwendé Nestor Sawadogo - halshs-02019063 Does the composition of government expenditures matter for sovereign bond spreads' evolution in developing countries?
by Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea & Pegdéwendé Nestor Sawadogo - halshs-02018948 Conflict, growth and human development. An empirical analysis of Pakistan
by Marie-Ange Véganzonès-Varoudakis & Syed Muhammad All-E-Raza Rizvi - halshs-02018867 Expanding Social Health Protection in Cambodia: An assessment of the current coverage potential and gaps, and social equity considerations
by Robert Kolesar & Sambo Pheakdey & Bart Jacobs & Narith Chan & Samedy Yok & Martine Audibert - hal-02014292 Investment climate, outward orientation and manufacturing firm productivity: New empirical evidence
by Mai Nguyen & Marie-Ange Véganzonès-Varoudakis - halshs-01990335 The trade costs of financial crises
by Bédhat Jean-Marc Atsebi & Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea
- halshs-01958755 Community mills and women's empowerment in Burkina Faso
by Claudio Araujo & Catherine Araujo-Bonjean & Victor Beguerie - hal-01940523 Does fiscal adjustment affect income inequality? A new evidence of WAEMU countries
by Mohamed Traoré & Zié Ballo - hal-01940506 Government spending and inclusive growth in sub-Saharan Africa: A panel VAR analysis
by Mohamed Traoré - hal-01940461 The econometrical causal analysis of internal conflicts: The evolutions of a growing literature
[L’analyse économétrique des conflits internes par l’approche causale : les évolutions d’une littérature en expansion]
by Camille Laville - halshs-01888609 New paradigms for household surveys in low and middle income countries
[Nouveaux paradigmes d'élaboration des enquêtes ménages dans les pays du Sud]
by Johanna Choumert-Nkolo & Pascale Phelinas - halshs-01887649 Proxy Means Testing vulnerability to measurement errors?
by Jules Gazeaud - halshs-01845085 Developing inclusive economic institutions in South countries: The role of FDI
by Assi Okara - halshs-01845041 Volcanic hazards, land and labor
by Johanna Choumert & Pascale Phelinas - halshs-01844661 Assessing the impact of Basel III on bank behaviour: A micro-founded approach
by Jérémy Pépy & Benjamin Williams - halshs-01804380 Women's political participation and intrahousehold empowerment: Evidence from the Egyptian Arab Spring
by Olivier Bargain & Delphine Boutin & Hugues Champeaux - halshs-01774949 Decentralization, spending efficiency and pro-poor outcomes in Morocco
by Maria El Khdari & Babacar Sarr - halshs-01774928 Deconcentration, political and fiscal decentralization, in Morocco
by Maria El Khdari - halshs-01774919 School or work? The role of weather shocks in Madagascar
by Francesca Marchetta & David Sahn & Luca Tiberti - halshs-01761932 Inequalities and vulnerabilities in New-Caledonia
[Inégalités et vulnérabilités en Nouvelle-Calédonie]
by Michaël Goujon - halshs-01740881 CO 2 mitigation in developing countries: the role of foreign aid
by Mohamed Boly - halshs-01677296 Stacking up the ladder: A panel data analysis of Tanzanian household energy choices
by Johanna Choumert & Pascale Combes Motel & Leonard Le Roux - halshs-01677266 Going beyond analysis of internal data to support customs modernization: A case study in Gabon
by Joel Cariolle & Cyril Chalendard & Anne-Marie Geourjon & Bertrand Laporte - halshs-01390066 Décloisonner l’analyse des données pour appuyer la modernisation des douanes : une illustration à partir du Gabon
by Joel Cariolle & Cyril Chalendard & Anne-Marie Geourjon & Bertrand Laporte
- halshs-01656924 Regulating transgenic soybean production in Argentina
by Pascale Phelinas & Sonia Schwartz - hal-01652446 Does the expansion of biofuels encroach on the forest?
by Derya Keles & Johanna Choumert & Pascale Combes Motel & Eric Nazindigouba Kere - hal-01652435 Minimum age regulation and child labor: New evidence from Brazil
by Olivier Bargain & Delphine Boutin - halshs-01613108 Effect of central transfers on municipalities' own revenue mobilization: Do conflict and local revenue management matter?
by Jean-François Brun & Tiangboho Sanogo - halshs-01582478 Does fiscal decentralization enhance citizens’ access to public services and reduce poverty? Evidence from a conflict setting
by Tiangboho Sanogo - halshs-01576076 Social representations of money: Contrast between citizens and local complementary currency members
by Ariane Tichit - halshs-01545361 Mining taxation in Africa: The gold mining industry in 14 countries from 1980 to 2015
by Bertrand Laporte & Céline de Quatrebarbes & Yannick Bouterige - halshs-01535112 Subsidized antimalarial drugs in Dakar (Senegal): Do the poor benefit?
by Georges Karna Kone & Martine Audibert & Richard Lalou & Hervé Lafarge & Jean-Yves Le Hesran - halshs-01535104 The effects of tax coordination on the tax revenue mobilization in West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)
by Maïmouna Diakite & Jean-François Brun & Souleymane Diarra & Nasser Ary Tanimoune - halshs-01519715 Is there a strategy in China’s health official development assistance to African countries?
by Marlène Guillon & Jacky Mathonnat - halshs-01512716 Poverty, disasters and remittances: do remittances and past disasters influence households’ resilience?
by Tebkieta Alexandra Tapsoba - halshs-01512678 The biofuel-development nexus: A meta-analysis
by Johanna Choumert & Pascale Combes Motel & Charlain Guegang Djimeli - halshs-01484982 Post-neonatal Mortality Impacts Following Grants from the Gavi Vaccine Alliance: An Econometric Analysis from 2000 to 2014
by Martine Audibert & Robert Kolesar - halshs-01479210 Impact and Efficiency of the Integration of Diagnosis and Treatment of Pneumonia in Malaria Community Case Management in Madagascar
by Marilys Victoire Razakamanana & Martine Audibert & Tantely Andrianantoandro & Aina Harimanana - halshs-01467329 Les monnaies virtuelles décentralisées sont-elles des outils d’avenir ?
by Ariane Tichit & Pascal Lafourcade & Vincent Mazenod - halshs-01457366 Food Price Shocks and Government Expenditure Composition: Evidence from African Countries
by Carine Meyimdjui - halshs-01454804 Does It Pour When it Rains? Capital Flows and Economic Growth in Developing Countries
by Jean-Louis Combes & Tidiane Kinda & Rasmané Ouedraogo & Patrick Plane - halshs-01451381 Using Internal and External Sources of Information to Reduce Customs Evasion
by Cyril Chalendard - halshs-01425462 Multiculturalism and Growth: Skill-Specific Evidence from the Post-World War II Period
by Frédéric Docquier & Riccardo Turati & Jérôme Valette & Chrysovalantis Vasilakis - halshs-01425453 Natives’ attitudes and immigrants’ unemployment durations
by Sekou Keita & Jérôme Valette - halshs-01425451 Do migrants transfer productive knowledge back to their origin countries?
by Jérôme Valette
- halshs-01388636 La fiscalité minière en Afrique : un état des lieux du secteur de l’or dans 14 pays de 1980 à 2015
by Bertrand Laporte & Céline de Quatrebarbes & Yannick Bouterige - halshs-01385002 Life Insurance Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from Developing Countries
by Idrissa Ouedraogo & Samuel Guérineau & Relwende Sawadogo - halshs-01342182 Impact Evaluation in a Landscape: Protected Natural Forests, Anthropized Forested Lands and Deforestation Leakages in Madagascar's Rainforests
by Sébastien Desbureaux & Eric Nazindigouba Kere & Pascale Combes Motel - halshs-01321620 Is Aid Unfriendly to Tax? African Evidence of Heterogeneous Direct and Indirect Effects
by Djedje Hermann Yohou & Michaël Goujon & Bertrand Laporte & Samuel Guérineau - halshs-01285021 The Incentive Effects of Conditional and Unconditional Transfers on Local Own Revenue Generation: Empirical Evidence from Moroccan Municipalities
by Jean-François Brun & Maria El Khdari - halshs-01281914 How Does Inclusive Growth Boost Tax Revenue Mobilization?
by Jean-Louis Combes & Rasmané Ouedraogo - halshs-01278873 Climate Change and Food Security: Do Spatial Spillovers Matter?
by Eric Nazindigouba Kere & Somlanaré Romuald Kinda - halshs-01256600 Addressing Contextual and Location Biases in the Assessment of Protected Areas Effectiveness on Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazônia
by Eric Nazindigouba Kere & Johanna Choumert & Pascale Combes Motel & Jean-Louis Combes & Olivier Santoni & Sonia Schwartz - halshs-01255802 Au bord du précipice, opterons-nous pour les monnaies complémentaires locales ?
by Ariane Tichit - halshs-01252406 Immigration and Economic Growth in the OECD Countries 1986-2006
by Ekrame Boubtane & Jean-Christophe Dumont & Christophe Rault
- halshs-01242968 Do Natural Disasters Hurt Tax Resource Mobilization?
by Eric Nazindigouba Kere & Somlanaré Romuald Kinda & Rasmané Ouedraogo - halshs-01241824 Cost-utility Analysis of Vertebroplasty versus Thoracolumbosacral Orthosis in the Treatment of Traumatic Vertebral Fractures
by Nadia Yakhelef & Martine Audibert & Bruno Peirera & Antoine Mons & Emmanuel Chabert - halshs-01238883 Political Budget Cycles: Manipulation of Leaders or Bias from Research? A Meta-Regression Analysis
by Antoine Cazals & Pierre Mandon - halshs-01237771 Farmland Rental Values in GM Soybean Areas of Argentina: Do Contractual Arrangements Matter?
by Johanna Choumert & Pascale Phelinas - halshs-01230219 Classifying Non-banking Monetary Systems using Web Data
by Ariane Tichit & Clément Mathonnat & Diego Sébastien Landivar - halshs-01228371 PES Impact and Leakages over Several Cohorts: The Case of PSA-H in Yucatan, Mexico
by Gwenole Le Velly & Alexandre Sauquet & Sergio Cortina-Villar - halshs-01226800 PES as Compensation ? Redistribution of Payments for Forest Conservation in Mexican Common Forests
by Gwenole Le Velly & Céline Dutilly Diane & Driss Ezzine de Blas & Chloë Fernandez - halshs-01222812 In Search of Fiscal Space in Africa: The Role of the Quality of Government Spending
by Djedje Hermann Yohou - halshs-01221423 Financial Vulnerability and Export Dynamics
by Mélise Jaud & Youssouf Kiendrebeogo & Marie-Ange Véganzonès-Varoudakis - halshs-01217417 Oil Contracts, Progressive Taxation and Government Take in the Context of Uncertainty in Crude Oil Prices: The Case of Chad
by Guy Dabi Gab-Leyba & Bertrand Laporte - halshs-01217332 Provincial Public Expenditure in China: A Tale of Profligacy
by Jean-Louis Combes & Mary-Françoise Renard & Sampawende Jules Tapsoba - halshs-01196108 Forms of Democracies and Financial Development
by Pierre Mandon & Clément Mathonnat - halshs-01180621 Estimating and explaining the efficiency of township hospitals in Shandong province in the context of the drug policy reform
by Laurene Petitfour & Xiezhe Huangfu & Martine Audibert & Jacky Mathonnat - halshs-01179445 Use of internal information, external information acquisition and customs underreporting
by Cyril Chalendard - halshs-01179283 The impact of Chinese competition on Africa’s manufacturing
by Sylviane Guillaumont Jeanneney & Ping Hua - halshs-01178840 Does Insurance Development Affect the Financial Markets in developing countries?
by Relwende Sawadogo & Samuel Guérineau - halshs-01178838 On the determinants of life insurance development in Sub-Saharan Africa: the role of the institutions quality in the effect of economic development
by Samuel Guérineau & Relwende Sawadogo - halshs-01178837 Représentations sociales de la monnaie : contraste entre les citoyens et les porteurs de monnaies locales
by Ariane Tichit - halshs-01164864 What do we know about the role of bank competition in Africa?
by Florian Leon - halshs-01161624 Oil and Regional Development in Chad: Impact Assessment of Doba Oil Project on the Poverty in Host Region
by Aristide Mabali & Moundigbaye Mantobaye - halshs-01161601 Terrorism and Fiscal Policy Volatility in Developing Countries: Evidence from cross-country and Panel Data
by Urbain Thierry Yogo - halshs-01161599 Ethnic Diversity and the Efficiency of Public Spending in Developing Countries
by Urbain Thierry Yogo - halshs-01160814 MADAGASCAR YOUNG ADULT TRANSITIONS SURVEY - Preliminary Descriptive Results
by Catalina Herrera Almanza & Frédéric Aubery & Francesca Marchetta & Aurore Pelissier & Harivelo Rajemison & Faly Rakotomanana & David Sahn & Kira Villa - halshs-01153959 Impact des plateformes multifonctionnelles sur l’activité économique des femmes et l’éducation des enfants au Mali
by Catherine Araujo Bonjean & Martine Audibert & Moussa Keita - halshs-01150853 Tendances et chocs climatiques à La Réunion : utilisation de la base CRU TS version 3.21
by Michaël Goujon & Olivier Santoni & Sosso Feindouno - halshs-01146279 What do we know about the mineral resource rent sharing in Africa?
by Celine de Quatrebarbes & Bertrand Laporte - halshs-01146261 What do we know about the mineral resource rent sharing in Africa?
by Bertrand Laporte & Celine de Quatrebarbes - halshs-01144990 Human capital productivity and uncertainty
by Mbaye Diene & Bity Diene & Théophile Azomahou - halshs-01144802 Optimal health investment and preferences structure
by T Azomahou & Bity Diene & Mbaye Diene & Luc Soete - halshs-01138159 Heterogeneous Aid Effects on Tax Revenues: Accounting for Government Stability in WAEMU Countries
by Djedje Hermann Yohou & Michaël Goujon & Wautabouna Ouattara - halshs-01135389 Immigration Policy and Macroeconomic Performance in France
by Ekrame Boubtane & Dramane Coulibaly & Hippolyte d'Albis - halshs-01128239 Sovereign Debt Risk in Emerging Countries: Does Inflation Targeting Adoption Make Any Difference?
by Weneyam Hippolyte Balima & Jean-Louis Combes & Alexandru Minea - halshs-01112854 Spatial Interactions in Tropical Deforestation: An application to the Brazilian Amazon
by Saraly Andrade de Sa & Philippe Delacote & Eric Nazindigouba Kere - halshs-01100849 Classification des systèmes de monnaies non-bancaires : ce que disent les données du Web
by Diego Sébastien Landivar & Clément Mathonnat & Ariane Tichit - halshs-01100843 Oil Rent and Income Inequality in Developing Economies: Are They Friends or Foes?
by Douzounet Mallaye & Gaëlle Tatiana Timba & Urbain Thierry Yogo - halshs-01100836 How Aid Helps Achieving MDGs in Africa: the Case of Primary Education
by Douzounet Mallaye & Urbain Thierry Yogo - halshs-01099863 Visa Policies, Networks and the Cliff at the Border
by Simone Bertoli & Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga - halshs-01088816 Une approche historique du développement comparé : Acemoglu, Johnson, Robinson (AJR) et Jared Diamond sont-ils complémentaires ?
by Pierre Mandon - halshs-01027504 Déterminants de la demande de soins en milieu péri-urbain dans un contexte de subvention à Pikine, Sénégal
by Moussa Dieng & Martine Audibert & Jean-Yves Le Hesran & Anta Ta Dial - halshs-01027500 Impact de la rente pétrolière sur la demande des pays frontaliers du Cameroun
by Mireille S. Ntsama Etoundi - halshs-01017777 Bank Competition and Credit Constraints in Developing Countries: New Evidence
by Florian Leon - halshs-01015794 Measuring competition in banking: A critical review of methods
by Florian Leon - halshs-01005204 La décentralisation dans les pays en développement : une revue de la littérature - Decentralization in developing countries: A literature review
by Emilie Caldeira & Grégoire Rota-Graziosi - halshs-01005200 Attitude towards Risk and Production Decision: An Empirical analysis on French private forest owners
by Eric Nazindigouba Kere & Marielle Brunette & Jérôme Foncel - halshs-00969172 How does external debt impact democratization? Evidence from developing countries
by Jean-Louis Combes & Rasmané Ouedraogo - halshs-00964332 Migration, remittances and poverty in Ecuador
by Simone Bertoli & Francesca Marchetta - halshs-00960476 A spatial econometric approach to spillover effects between protected areas and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
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by Adama Bah
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by Jean-Louis Combes & Rasmané Ouedraogo - halshs-01074157 Chocolate price fluctuations may cause depression: an analysis of price pass-through in the cocoa chain
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