- 312787 Institutional perspectives on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in agricultural enterprises amidst social movement debates
by Hajdu, Annamaria - 312663 The transition to bioeconomy and its implications for sustainable development: The case of Germany
by Wen, Lanjiao - 312485 Institutional quality and livestock production in post-soviet countries: Three essays
by Rakhmetov, Rustam - 301358 On an unknown path in an era of change: Economic insights from Kyrgyzstan
by Kimsanova, Barchynai - 299140 Evaluating the agricultural policy in Kosovo: Lessons learnt and the pathway forward
by Bajrami, Egzon - 298173 American Protectionist Thought: The Economic Philosophy and Theory of the 19th Century American Protectionists
by Frith, Mathew A. - 294026 Geschäfte mit Nahestehenden: Eine grundsätzliche Lösung für das Außensteuer-, Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht - Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von BEPS Bericht 8 und des Wettbewerbsrechts
by Shariatmadari, Atefeh
- 301394 Growth imperatives as a conflict between efficiency and justice
by Siemoneit, Andreas - 297283 Rethinking the Political Economy of Environmental Conflict: Lessons from the UK Fracking Controversy
by Marshall, Adam Patrick - 286134 The potential of satellite-based data to detect weather extremes and crop yield variation for hedging agricultural weather risks in Central Asia and Mongolia: Three essays
by Eltazarov, Sarvarbek - 284467 Follow the Money: The Political Economy of Petrodollar Accumulation and Recycling
by Noble, Leonie - 282201 Degrowth and Capital: Assembling a Power-Centred Theory of Change
by Vastenaekels, Julien - 279671 Homo irrationalis and climate change mitigation: Behavioral economic approaches to climate-relevant behavior change
by Rabaa, Simon Valentin - 278703 Technological innovations and sustainability transitions in the bioeconomy: A multiscalar approach toward the development of bioclusters
by Ayrapetyan, David - 278112 The design and application of an agricultural sustainability index using item response theory
by Beadle, Brian
- 269198 El Capitalismo Contemporáneo y la Ontología de las Finanzas
by Suaste Cherizola, José Jesús - 268534 The influence of capital structure and profitability on the solvency of nascent SMEs
by Amoa-Gyarteng, Karikari - 263246 Die intelligente Kulturorganisation: Management von Informations- und Wissensnetzwerken im Theaterbetrieb
by Heidelberger, Ellen - 262742 No Shortage of Profit: Technological Change, Chip 'Shortages', and Capital Accumulation in the Semiconductor Business
by Mouré, Christopher
- 250899 Klassifizierung von Geldsystemen - Methodologische Überlegungen zu einer transparadigmatischen Facettenklassifikation sowie ihrem pluralökonomischen Modellierungspotenzial bezüglich Geldfunktionen und Geldsteuerung
by Freydorf, Christoph - 229442 Airport Capacity and Performance in Europe - A study of transport economics, service quality and sustainability
by Bubalo, Branko
- 242248 Welfare Impact of Asymmetric Price Transmission on Bangladesh Rice Consumers
by Rahman, Mohammad Chhiddikur - 228534 Between bounded rationality and economic imperatives: essays on out-of-equilibrium dynamics
by Richters, Oliver - 226005 Kredite für Kreative. Fremdfinanzierung in den Kreativbranchen am Beispiel der Berliner Modeszene
by Bretz, Alexander
- 268718 Construction of Congruent Classes of Pairwise Balanced Design Using Lotto Design
by Popoola, Osuolale Peter
- 300253 Analysis and development of customer segmentation criteria and tools for SMEs
by Schubert, Sebastian - 251114 Welfare Impact of Asymmetric Price Transmission on Bangladesh Rice Consumers
by Rahman, Mohammad Chhiddikur - 233014 An Examination of Demographic Differences in Obtaining Investment and Financial Planning Information
by Bechly, Paul - 206630 Análisis de conflictos y Relaciones Internacionales, una elaboración teórica de Sociología del Poder. Causas de la Guerra del Líbano de 2006
by Farrés Fernández, Guillem - 195088 Corporate Urbanization: Between the Future and Survival in Lebanon
by Sharp, Deen Shariff - 182202 Linking Transitions to Sustainability: Individual Agency, Normativity and Transdisciplinary Collaborations in Transition Management, Volume 2/2018
by Schäpke, Niko - 180922 Economics from the Top Down: Does Hierarchy Unify Economic Theory?
by Fix, Blair
- 225074 Wohnungseigentümer in der Quartiersentwicklung Berlins - Eine resilienzanalytische Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung kommunaler Wohnungsunternehmen und privater Finanzinvestoren
by Kitzmann, Robert - 172508 The Impact of Other-Regarding Preferences on Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection
by Daske, Thomas - 172463 Three Essays on Sustainable Supply Chain Management – Towards Sustainable Supplier Selection and Sustainable Sourcing
by Schöll, Michaela
- 251891 The potential of Russia to increase its wheat production through cropland expansion and intensification
by Schierhorn, Florian - 157995 What’s Love Got to Do with It? Diamonds and the Accumulation of De Beers, 1935-55
by Cochrane, David Troy - 157994 What Makes Hollywood Run? Capitalist Power, Risk and the Control of Social Creativity
by McMahon, James - 157993 Differential Taxation: The Case of American Banking
by Ostojić, Mladen - 157992 Price and Income Dynamics in the Agri-Food System: A Disaggregate Perspective
by Baines, Joseph - 154764 Integrating Energy Use into Macroeconomic Stock-Flow Consistent Models
by Richters, Oliver
- 203120 Human Activity, Energy & Money in the Unlted States: Connecting the Biophysical Economy with its Pecuniary Image
by Fix, Blair - 157991 Public Debt, Ownership and Power: The Political Economy of Distribution and Redistribution
by Hager, Sandy Brian - 157990 Dominant Capital and the Transformation of Korean Capitalism: From Cold War to Globalization
by Park, Hyeng-Joon - 130522 Essays on Real Business Cycle Modeling and the Public Sector
by Vasilev, Aleksandar
- 214894 From Collectives to Connectives: Italian Media Activism and the Repurposing of the Social
by Renzi, Alessandra - 54194 Neoliberale Leitideen zum Staat. Die Rolle des Staates in der Wirtschaftspolitik im Werk von Walter Eucken, Friedrich August von Hayek, Ludwig von Mises und Wilhelm Röpke
by Kolev, Stefan - 44594 Erfolg der Handels-Betriebsformen im internationalen Vergleich - Ein kundenpräferenzbasierter Erklärungsansatz am Beispiel des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels in Deutschland und Frankreich
by Bosshammer, Hendrik - 44593 Payment Card Network Pricing - A Theoretical Approach Analyzing the Relationship between Downstream Market Characteristics and the Merchant Usage Fee
by Langlet, Markus
- 43681 Bedingungen und Konsequenzen des Wechsels von Finanzvorständen - Eine Analyse in großen börsennotierten Unternehmen
by Hadem, Michael - 41600 Selected Essays in Stock Market Liquidity. Innovative XLM Measure at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange: Cloudy Skies, Time of the Day and the Role of Designated Sponsors for Stock Market Liquidity
by Verrier, Tatjana - 40690 Integration, Regulation, and Corporate Governance in the EU Banking Sector
by Köhler, Matthias - 37141 Emerging economic systems in Central and Eastern Europe – a qualitative and quantitative assessment
by Buchen, Clemens - 30247 The Ownership Concentration of Firms: Three Essays on the Determinants and Effects
by Weiß, Christian - 30188 Die Wahrnehmung der Gerechtigkeit von Führungskräften in Arbeitssituationen - Ein kritischer Beitrag zur Messung und Analyse von Gerechtigkeitswahrnehmungen in Organisationen
by Feldmann, Marcel - 30177 Ansatzpunkte zur Veränderung sozialer Praktiken in Unternehmen durch Managementberater: Eine empirische Analyse
by Hellmann, Christoph
- 26765 Der Einfluss von persönlichen Netzwerken auf die Adoption von Innovationen
by Kuhlmann, Jan
- 44353 Die Qualität von Berufsakademien aus Unternehmenssicht - eine empirische Untersuchung
by Naujoks, Petra - 26755 Preispromotionanalysen in Vertriebslinien des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels: dynamische Kategorieeffekte und Einflussfaktoren
by Günter, Tobias Maria
- 142163 Business Cycles in Bulgaria and the Baltic Countries: An RBC Approach
by Vasilev, Aleksandar - 26754 Relevanz von Werbeeinstellungen zur Kontrolle langfristiger Werbewirkung im Fall etablierter Konsumgütermarken
by Schlichthorst, Marisa
- 142165 Growth and Convergence in the Central and East European Countries towards EU /1992-2002/
by Vasilev, Aleksandar - 110949 Environmentally Conscious Marketing
by Nagy, Szabolcs - 100634 Good governance in microcredit strategy for poverty reduction: Focus on Western Mindanao, Philippines
by Moreno, Frede G. - 88164 Planungsstrategien zur Umsetzung von integrierten Umweltschutzkonzepten für die Landnutzung durch Tourismus, Landwirtschaft und Naturschutz. Eine Evaluation der Umsetzungserfolge in Beispielgebieten und die Ableitung von Handlungsempfehlungen zur Gestaltung von kooperativen Planungsprozessen, Volume 77
by Kim Pollermann
- 156724 The Determinants of Poverty in Mexico: 1996, Volume 9988663
by Garza-Rodriguez, Jorge
- 157989 Inflation As Restructuring. A Theoretical and Empirical Account of the U.S. Experience
by Nitzan, Jonathan