1984, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 123-149 Book notes
by Andrea Levin - 151-153 Case notes
by Colin Diver
1984, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 501-515 From analyst to negotiator: The OMB's new role
by Bruce E. Johnson - 516-531 Planning science and technology policy
by Ann L. Hollick - 532-543 Coping with transborder penetration: The politics of television
by George H. Quester - 544-560 Understanding political risk in investment planning
by David L. Bodde & David L. Lewis - 561-572 On a code of ethics for policy experts
by Guy Benveniste - 573-591 Why policy analysis and ethics are incompatible
by Douglas J. Amy - 592-596 JPAM'S third year
by Raymond Vernon - 597-603 Is the census good enough?
by Randall R. Bovbjerg & James W. Vaupel & Nathan Keyfitz - 603-607 Encouraging domesticity: A closer look
by Karl Hausker - 607-612 The wasted vote fallacy
by Robert D. Behn & James W. Vaupel - 613-618 Pension plan equity: Second-round consequences
by Richard V. Burkhauser - 618-620 Put up or shut up: Self-assessment and asymmetric information
by Richard Bird - 621-623 Case notes
by Colin Diver
1984, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 339-358 State support under the new federalism
by Thomas Luce & Janet Rothenberg Pack - 359-372 The price of local discretion: Inequalities in welfare spending within texas
by W. Norton Grubb - 373-392 After the congressional veto: Assessing the alternatives
by Robert S. Gilmour & Barbara Hinkson Craig - 393-405 The continuing threat of oil supply interruptions
by John Weyant - 406-420 Flying high: A case study of Japanese industrial policy
by Orit Frenkel - 421-438 Advising congressional decision-makers: Guidelines for economists
by James M. Verdier - 439-446 Influencing retirement behavior: A further analysis
by Randall R. Bovbjerg & James W. Waupel & Nancy Altman Lupu - 446-448 Bile barrel politics: Siting unwanted facilities
by John J. Pitney - 449-450 More insights on rental vouchers and housing subisides
by E. S. Savas - 451-453 The commons problem revisited: Shellfishing on long Island
by Richard Silkman - 453-457 Improving intergovernmental relations through public service careerism
by Jay W. Stein - 457-459 A Parent's license
by John E. Tropman - 461-463 Case notes
by Colin Diver - 465-465 Education in the computer age, by Stanley Pogrow. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1983, 232 pp. Price: $25.00
by Andrea Levin - 465-466 Productive work-in industry and schools, by Arthur G. Wirth. New York: University Press of America, 1983, 280 pp. Price: $23.50 cloth, $12.50 paper
by Henry M. Levin & Michael S. McPherson
1984, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 175-190 Continuity and change in U.S. foreign policy: Carter and reagan on el salvador
by Robert Pastor - 191-205 Modeling individuals' behavior: Evaluation of a policymaker's tool
by Alan L. Gustman - 206-224 Evaluating the effects of automobile safety regulation
by John D. Graham & Steven Garber - 225-247 Using knowledge for control in fragmented policy arenas
by Janet A. Weiss & Judith E. Gruber - 248-254 Achieving excellence in education and management
by Gary L. Jones - 255-263 Cost cutting without goal setting: A recipe for failure
by Mary T. Moore - 264-275 The politics of french nuclear development
by Jeanne Fagnani & Jean-Paul Moatti - 276-284 Subsidizing the affluent: The case of medical education
by Robert H. Lee - 285-288 How to stay within the budget using per-unit subsidies
by Fred Thompson - 289-293 Decentralization in government: The united states and france compared
by G. Guibert & B. Lanvin - 293-298 A spectator's guide to social policy research
by Calrk McCauley - 299-305 Why the compensatory education evaluation was useful
by Laura C. Leviton & Robert F. Boruch - 307-307 Inner-city private elementary schools: A study, by James G. Cibulka, Timothy J. O'Brien, and Donald Zewe. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1982, 240 pp. Price: $11.95
by Andrea Levin - 309-309 Too hot to handle? social and policy issues in the management of radioactive wastes, edited by Charles A. Walker, Leroy C. Gould, and Edward J. Woodhouse. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1983, 209 pp. Price: $20.00 cloth, $5.95 paper
by E. William Colglazier - 309-310 Caught unawares: The energy decade in retrospect, by Martin Greenberger in collaboration with Garry D. Brewer, William W. Hogan, and Milton Russell. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1983, 415 pp. Price: $24.50
by E. William Colglazier - 311-311 Love canal: Science, politics, and people, by Adeline Gordon Levin. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1982, 263 pp. Price: $24.95 cloth, $14.95 paper
by M. Gordon Wolman
1983, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-13 Influencing retirement behavior: A key issue for social security
by Joseph F. Quinn & Richard V. Burkhauser - 14-30 Unintended consequences: Regulating the quality of subsidized day care
by Susan Rose-Ackerman - 31-44 Limited government: An incoherent concept
by Steven Kelman - 45-61 Government allocation of property rights: Who gets what?
by Elizabeth S. Rolph - 62-73 The postal service: Economics made simplistic
by William B. Tye - 74-89 Airline deregulation: What's behind the recent losses?
by Jose A. Gomez-Ibanez & Clinton V. Oster & Don H. Pickrell - 90-105 When local participation helps
by John D. Montgomery - 107-115 Public management and private management: A diminishing gap?
by Martha Wagner - 115-120 Evaluation, thaumaturgy, multiattribute utility measurement
by Word Edwards - 120-125 What averages don't reveal about real income growth
by Peter Gottschalk & Tim Maloney - 126-129 Pension plan equity: The case against a gender classification
by John R. Chamberlin - 129-134 Pension plan equity: The unintended consequences
by Marjorie M. Kulash - 135-137 Case notes
by Colin Diver - 139-139 Handbook of teaching and policy, edited by Lee S. Shulman and Gary Sykes. New York: Longman, 1983, 511 pp. Price: $29.95
by Henry M. Levin - 139-140 The search for equity in school finance, by Stephen J. Carroll and Rolla Edward Park. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1983, 183 pp. Price: $20.00
by Henry M. Levin - 140-140 Energy economics and technology, by Phillip G. LeBel. London and Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982, 551 pp. Price: $37.50 cloth, $14.95 paper
by William Colglazier - 140-141 Natural gas: Prospects to 2000, by the International Energy Agency. Paris: The International Energy Agency, 1982, 174 pp. Price: $24.00
by William Colglazier - 141-141 Oil-futures markets, by William G. Prast and Howard L. Lax. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1983, 193 pp. Price: $23.95
by William Colglazier - 141-142 Incentives for environmental protection, edited by Thomas C. Schelling. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1983, 355 pp. Price: $32.50
by John G. Francis & M. Gordon Wolman - 142-142 Current issues in natural resource policy, edited by Paul R. Portney with the assistance of Ruth B. Haas. Washington DC: Resources for the Future, Inc., 1983, 300 pp. Price: $9.50
by John G. Francis & M. Gordon Wolman - 142-143 The world environment 1972-1982: A Report by the United Nations Environment Programme. Natural Resources and the Environment Series, Vol. 8,edited by Martin W. Holdgate, Mohammed Kassas, Gilbert F. White. Dublin: Tycooly International Publishing Limited, 1982, 637 pp. Price: £50 cloth, £25 paper
by John G. Francis & M. Gordon Wolman - 143-143 Unpriced values: Decisions without market prices, by John A. Sinden and Albert C. Worrell. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1979, 511 pp. Price: $44.95
by John G. Francis & M. Gordon Wolman - 143-144 The politics of wilderness preservation, by Craig W. Allin. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1982, 304 pp. Price: $27.50
by John G. Francis & M. Gordon Wolman - 144-144 Managing oregon's growth, by H. Jeffrey Leonard. Washington, DC: The Conservation Foundation, 1983, 159 pp. Price: $10.00 paper
by John G. Francis & M. Gordon Wolman - 144-145 The social transformation of american medicine, by Paul Starr. New York: Basic Books, 1982, 514 pp. Price: $24.95
by William L. Kissick & Bernard S. Bloom - 145-145 Market reforms in health care: Current issues, new directions, strategic decisions, edited by Jack A. Meyer. Washington, DC: American Enterprises Institute for Public Policy Research, 1983, 331 pp. Price: $19.95 cloth, $10.95 paper
by William L. Kissick & Bernard S. Bloom - 146-146 RAMSES: The state of the world economy, directed by Albert Bressand, translated from the French, a report of the Institut Fran$cLais des Relations Internationales (IFRI). Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1982, 351 pp. Price: $29.00
by William L. Kissick & Bernard S. Bloom - 146-147 The nuclear future, by Michael Mandelbaum. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1983, 130 pp. Price: $19.95 cloth, $5.95 paper
by David Deese & Derek Leebaert - 147-147 Conventional deterrence, by John J. Mearsheimer. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1983, 289 pp. Price: $19.95 cloth, $5.95 paper
by David Deese & Derek Leebaert - 147-148 The U.S. defense mobilization infrastructure, edited by Robert C. Phaltzgraff, Jr. and Uri Ra'anan. Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1983, 292 pp. Price: $29.50
by David Deese & Derek Leebaert - 148-148 The rise and decline of nations: Economic growth, stagflation and social rigidities, by Mancur Olson. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1982, 273 pp. Price: $14.95
by David Deese & Derek Leebaert - 148-149 Competitive employment: New horizons for severely disabled individuals, by Paul Wehman. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing, 1981, 259 pp. Price: $13.95
by Craig V. D. Thornton - 149-149 Impacts from the youth incentive entitlement pilot projects: Participation, work, and schooling over the full program period, by George Farkas, D. Alton Smith, Ernst W. Stromsdorfer, Gail Trask, and Robert Jenett, III. New York: Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation, 1982, 252 pp. Price: $5.00
by Craig V. D. Thornton - 149-150 Linking school and work for disadvantaged youths, The YIEPP demonstration: Final implementation report, by William Diaz, Joseph Ball, and Carl Wolfhagen. New York: Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation, 1982, 292 pp. Price: $5.00
by Craig V. D. Thornton - 150-150 The supreme court: Trends and developments 1981-82, by Jesse H. Choper, Yale Kamisar, and Lawrence H. Tribe, edited by Dorothy Opperman. Minneapolis: National Practice Institute, 1983, 290 pp. Price: $25.00
by Dagmar S. Hamilton - 150-151 Court reform on trial: Why simple solutions fail, by Malcolm M. Feeley. New York: Basic Books, 1983, 251 pp. Price: $14.95
by Dagmar S. Hamilton - 151-151 Quick analysis for busy decision makers, by Robert D. Behn and James W. Vaupel. New York: Basic Books, 1982, 415 pp. Price: $18.95
by Mark D. Winer - 151-152 Political equilibrium, edited by Peter C. Ordeshook and Kenneth A. Shepsle. Boston, MA: Kluwer Nijhoff, 1982, 210 pp. Price: $35.00
by Mark D. Winer - 152-152 The art and science of negotiation, by Howard Raiffa. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982, 373 pp. Price: $18.50
by Mark D. Winer - 152-153 Computers in congress: The politics of information, by Stephen E. Frantzich. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1982, 285 pp. Price: $24.00
by Barry Bozeman - 153-153 New policies, new politics: Government's response to government's growth, by Lawrence D. Brown. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1983, 71 pp. Price: $5.95
by Barry Bozeman - 153-154 Intergovernmental relations in the 1980s, edited by Richard H. Leach. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1983, 102 pp. Price: $19.75
by Barry Bozeman - 154-154 Regulatory policy and practices: Regulating better and regulating less, by Fred Thomson and L.R. Jones. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1982, 253 pp. Price: $29.95
by Patricia Munch Danzon - 154-155 Risk by choice: Regulating health and safety in the workplace, by W. Kip Viscusi. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1983, 200 pp. Price: $18.50
by Patricia Munch Danzon - 155-155 Identifying and estimating the genetic impact of chemical mutagens, report of the Committee on Chemical Environmental Mutagens, Board on Toxicology and Environmental Health Hazards, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1983, 295 pp. Price: $11.50
by M. Granger Morgan - 156-156 The fifth generation: Artificial intelligence and Japan's computer challenge to the world, by Edward A. Feigenbaum and Pamela McCorduck. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1983, 275 pp. Price: $15.35
by M. Granger Morgan - 156-157 Inside the black box: Technology and economics, by Nathan Rosenberg. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982, 344 pp. Price: $29.95 cloth, $12.95 paper
by M. Granger Morgan - 157-157 Causes and cures of welfare: New evidence on the social psychology of the poor, by Leonard Goodwin. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1983, 197 pp. Price: $23.95
by John E. Tropman - 158-158 Social security: Perspectives on preserving the system, by Sylvester J. Schieber. Washington, DC: Employee Benefit Research Institute, 1982, 302 pp. Price: $15.00
by John E. Tropman - 158-159 Social justice and public policy, by A. B. Atkinson. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1983, 444 pp. Price: $37.50
by William C. Birdsall - 159-159 Planning the urban region: A comparative study of policies and organizations, by Peter Self. Tuscaloosa, AL: The University of Alabama Press, 1982, 174 pp. Price: $16.75 cloth, $7.50
by Anthony H. Pascal - 159-160 Doing More with Less: Cutback management in New York city, edited by Demetrios Caraley. New York: Columbia University Press, 1982, 154 pp. Price: $7.00
by Anthony H. Pascal - 160-160 Setting municipal priorities, 1983, edited by Charles Brecher and Raymond D. Horton. New York: New York University Press, 1982, 252 pp. Price: $27.50
by Anthony H. Pascal - 160-161 The building society industry, by Mark Bol$eAat. London: Allen & Unwin, 1982, 255 pp. Price: Approximately $30.00 cloth, $12.00 paper
by Anthony H. Pascal - 163-173 Working papers
by MaLcolm Hamilton
1982, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 499-514 Government support of technical progress: Lessons from history
by Richard R. Nelson - 515-525 The three faces of evaluation
by Edie N. Goldenberg - 526-530 A frame for the three faces
by Alan K. Campbell - 531-547 The day care tangle: Unexpected outcomes when programs interact
by Gordon H. Lewis - 548-558 Public versus private ownership: The federal lands case
by John V. Krutilla & Anthony C. Fisher & William F. Hyde & V. Kerry Smith - 559-575 “Acceptable risk”: The case of nuclear power
by Baruch Fischhoff - 576-588 Is self-regulation possible?
by Jack N. Barkenbus - 589-598 The wall socket theory of learning
by Eugene Bardach - 599-604 JPAM's second year
by Raymond Vernon - 605-637 Insights
by James W. Vaupel - 639-641 Case notes
by Colin Diver - 643-663 Book notes
by Derek Leebaert - 665-674 Working papers
by Malcolm Hamilton
1982, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 333-349 Overcoming ethnic inequalities: Lessons from Malaysia
by Robert Klitgaard & Ruth Katz - 350-365 How nonprofits grow: A model
by Estelle James - 366-385 Why most private hospitals are nonprofit
by Carson W. Bays - 386-402 Public or private health services? A Skeptic's view
by A. J. Culyer - 403-417 How clients' characteristics affect organization performance: Lessons from education
by Richard J. Murnane - 418-431 When complex facts threaten court reviews: Litigation over navigation projects
by Joseph L. Carroll & Robert H. Haveman & Joseph V. Karaganis - 432-448 The market needs help: The disappointing record of home energy conservation
by Bernard J. Frieden & Kermit Baker - 449-466 Insights
by James W. Vaupel - 467-483 Book notes
by Derek Leebaert - 485-487 Case notes
by Colin Diver - 489-497 Working papers
by Malcolm Hamilton
1982, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 157-173 Presidential oversight: Controlling the regulators
by W. Kip Viscusi - 174-184 Can evaluations influence programs? The case of compensatory education
by Walter J. Jones - 185-195 The bird in hand: A feasible strategy for gun control
by Mark H. Moore - 196-219 Restraining auto imports: Does anyone win?
by Jose A. Gomez-Ibanez & Robert A. Leone & Stephen A. O'Connell - 220-237 Managing resources that are common property: From Kathmandu to Capitol Hill
by Michael B. Wallace - 238-255 When are price differentials discriminatory?
by Robert H. Frank - 256-279 Who supports tax limitations: Evidence from massachusetts' proposition 2½
by Helen F. Ladd & Julie B. Wilson - 280-284 Truth or consequences: Cost revelation and regulation
by James W. Vaupel & Jon C. Sonstelie & Paul R. Portney - 285-290 Reforming standard-setting
by Giandomenico Majone - 291-295 Putting a price on radiation
by William C. Wood - 296-299 Disentangling statistical artifacts from hard conclusions
by David F. Andersen - 299-302 When the oil spigot is suddenly turned off: Some further thoughts
by R. Glenn Hubbard & Robert Weiner - 303-303 Student loans: Lessons from Recent International Experience, by Maureen Woodhall. London: Policy Studies Institute, 1982, 109pp. Price: approx. $5.00 paper
by David W. Breneman - 304-305 The public school monopoly: A critical analysis of education and the state in American society, edited by Robert B. Everhard. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1982, 583 pp. Price: $35.00
by Henry M. Levin - 305-305 Energy prices and public policy: A statement by the research and policy committee of the committee for economic development and the conservation foundation. New York and Washington, DC: Committee for Economic Development, 1982, 89 pp. Price: $7.50 paper, $9.50 library binding
by E. William Colglazier - 306-306 Perspectives on Resource Policy Modeling: Energy and Minerals, edited by Raphael Amit and Mordecai Avriel. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1982, 427 pp. Price: $58.0
by David A. Deese - 306-307 Future American energy policy, edited by Meredith Crist and Arthur Laffer. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1982, 157 pp. Price: $18.95
by Michael C. Lynch - 307-308 The hare and the tortoise, clean air policies in the United States and Sweden, by L.J. Lundqvist. Canada: University of Michigan Press, and New York: Wiley, 1980, 236 pp. No price given
by M. Gordon Wolman - 308-308 Resource and environmental economics, by Anthony C. Fisher. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981, 284 pp. Price: $39.50 cloth, $9.95 paper
by John J. Boland - 309-310 Can hospitals survive?: The new competitive health care market, by Jeff Charles Goldsmith. Homewood, IL: Dow-Jones-Irwin, 1981, 240 pp. Price: $24.95
by George A. Silver - 311-312 U.S. Strategy at the Crossroads: Two Views, by Jeffrey Record and Robert J. Hanks. Cambridge, MA: Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, 1982, 72 pp. Price: $7.50 paper
by Derek Leebaert - 312-313 Postal reorganization: Managing the public's business, by John T. Tierney. Boston, MA: Auburn House, 1981, 191 pp. Price: $19.95
by Craig V. D. Thornton - 313-313 Unemployment insurance financing: An evaluation, by Joseph M. Becker, S.J. Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1981, 169 pp. Price: $14.25 cloth, $6.25 paper
by Walter S. Corson - 314-314 Prohibitive policy: Implementing the federal endangered species act, by Steven Lewis Yaffee. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1982, 239 pp. Price: $17.50
by Robert F. Coulam - 315-315 Methods in Future Studies: Problems and Applications, by Brita Schwartz, Uno Svechin, and Bjorn Wittrock. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1982, Price: $16.00
by Stephen M. Meyer - 316-316 The politics of clean air: EPA standards for coal-burning power plants, by Elizabeth H. Haskell. New York: Praeger, 1982, 206 pp. Price: $23.95
by Barry Bozeman - 317-317 Management of government Operations, by Stephen R. Rosenthal. Glennview, IL: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1982, 301 pp. No price givenview, IL: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1982, 301 pp. No price given
by John E. Tropman - 318-318 The economics and politics of oil price regulation: Federal policy in the post-embargo era, by Joseph P. Kalt. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1981, 327 pp. Price: $35.00
by Charles E. Phelps - 319-319 Studying implementation: Methodological and administrative issues, by Walter Williams et al. Chatham, NJ: Chatham House Publishers, 1982. No price given
by John E. Tropman - 320-321 Carbon dioxide review: 1982, edited by William C. Clark. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982, 469 pp. Price: $35.00
by M. Granger Morgan - 321-321 Challenge to Social Security: The Changing Roles of Women and Men in American Society, edited by Richard V. Burkhauser and Karen C. Holden. New York: Academic, 1982, 272 pp. Price: $27.50
by John L. Palmer - 322-322 Housing policy, by David Donnison and Clare Ungerson. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin Books Ltd., 1982, 314 pp. Price: approx. $6.00
by E. M. McLeay
1982, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-12 From ideology to program to policy: Tracking the Carter human rights policy'
by Lincoln P. Bloomfield - 13-25 The congressional veto: Shifting the balance of administrative control
by Robert S. Gilmour - 26-38 The fight against fraud and abuse: Analyzing constituent support
by Amitai Etzioni - 39-54 Formulating disaster relief when needs are unknown
by Peter J. May - 55-65 Price competition and the acquisition of weapons systems
by George Daly & James Schuttinga - 66-87 Coping with complexity: An experimental study of public policy decision-making
by Janet A. Weiss - 88-100 Professional roles for policy analysts: A critical assessment
by Hank C. Jenkins-Smith - 101-107 Insights. Cutback Management advice from New York City's commissioners
by James W. Vaupel & Demetrios Caraley - 108-111 New perspectives on program termination
by Peter Deleon - 111-118 Economic growth to meet income expectations
by W. H. Esselman & O. S. Yu - 118-119 How many will survive the next fifty years?
by Jesse H. Ausubel & Michael A. Stoto - 120-123 Designing program evaluations with the help of stakeholders
by John E. S. Lawrence & Thomas J. Cook - 123-125 Winning the contest by agenda manipulation
by Susan Rose-Ackerman & Christopher Long - 127-127 Financing education: Overcoming inefficiency and inequity, edited David W. Breneman by Walter W. McMahon and Terry G. Geske. Urbana, IL: Univer-sity of Illinois Press, 1982, 355 pp. Price: $18.95 cloth, $8.95 paper
by David W. Breneman & Henry M. Levin - 128-128 The overseas student question: Studies for a policy, edited by Peter Williams. London: Heinemann Educational Books, Inc., 1981, 301 pp. Price: $19.50 paper
by David W. Breneman - 129-130 The economics of public school finance, by Aaron Gurwitz. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1982, 205 pp. Price: $20.00
by Henry M. Levin - 130-130 The critical link: Energy and national security in the 1980s, edited by Charles K. Ebinger. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1982, 260 pp. Price: $30.00
by David Deese - 130-131 Oil markets in turmoil: An economic analysis, by Philip K. Ver-leger. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1982, 320 pp. Price: $30.00
by Robert Weiner - 131-131 The politics of nuclear waste, edited by E. William Colglazier, Jr. New York: Pergamon, 1982, 264 pp. Price: $27.50
by John Stucker - 133-133 Economic aspects of health, edited by Victor R. Fuchs. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982, 323 pp. Price: $32.00
by George A. Silver - 135-136 Strengthening deterrence: NATO and the Credibility of Western Defense in the 1980s, edited by Joseph J. Wolf. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1982, 288 pp. Price: $24.50
by Derek Leebaert - 136-136 To get the job done: Readings in Leadership and Management, edited by John B. Washbush and Barbara J. Sherlock. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1981, 322 pp. No price given
by John E. Tropman - 137-137 Work sharing issues, Policy Options and Prospects, by Fred Best. Kalamazoo, MI: The W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 1981, 204 pp. No price given
by Stuart H. Kerachsky - 137-138 Unemployment insurance and the older American, by Daniel S. Hamermesh. Kalamazoo, MI: The W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 1980, 117 pp. Price: $4.00 paper
by Walter S. Corson - 139-139 Law, Bureaucracy and Politics: The Implementation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, by Augusta J. Jones, Jr. Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1982, 316 pp. Price: $23.50 cloth, $12.25 paper
by Robert F. Coulam - 140-140 The politics of urban public services, edited by Richard C. Rich. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1982, 349 pp. Price: $25.95
by Barry Bozeman - 141-141 Regulation and its reform, by Stephen Breyer. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982, 472 pp. Price: $25.00
by Patricia Munch Danzon - 141-142 The political economy of fiscal limits, by John J. Kirlin. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1982, 160 pp. Price: $18.95
by Marilyn R. Flowers - 143-143 Risk|Benefit analysis, by Edmund A.C. Crouch and Richard Wilson. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1982, 218 pp. Price: $23.75
by M. Granger Morgan - 143-144 Technocracy versus democracy: The Comparative Politics of International Airports, by Elliot J. Feldman and Jerome Milch. Boston: Auburn House, 1982, 299 pp. Price: $21.95
by Richard de Neufville - 145-145 The economics of private pensions, by Alicia H. Munnell. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1982, 240 pp. Price: $22.95 cloth, $8.95 paper
by John L. Palmer - 146-146 Shifting involvements: Private Interest and Public Action, by Albert O. Hirschman. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1982, 136 pp. Price: $14.50 cloth, $5.95 paper
by John E. Tropman - 148-148 The inner city in context. The Final Report of the Social Science Research Council Inner Cities Working Party, edited by Peter Hall. London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1981, 175 pp. Price: $ 10.00
by E. M. McLeay
1982, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 443-453 Program in search of a policy: The chrysler loan guarantee
by Brian M. Freeman & Allan I. Mendelowitz - 454-468 Professionals at bay: Managing boston's public schools
by Robert Wood - 469-481 International agencies and the art of the possible: The case of the IEA
by Robert O. Keohane - 482-495 Government executives as Gamesmen: A metaphor for analyzing managerial behavior
by Laurence E. Lynn - 496-511 Is the consumer price index a fair measure of inflation?
by Richard W. Wahl - 512-515 A comment on Wahl's argument
by Alfred E. Kahn - 516-533 Voting on public spending: Differences between public employees, transfer recipients, and private workers
by Edward M. Gramlich & Daniel L. Rubinfeld - 534-537 Nuts and bolts
by Raymond Vernon