2002, Volume 7, Issue 7
- 385-399 An inverse problem for a nonlinear Schrödinger equation
by Bui An Ton
2002, Volume 7, Issue 6
- 295-322 On coincidence index for multivalued perturbations of nonlinear Fredholm maps and some applications
by Valeri Obukhovskii & Pietro Zecca & Victor Zvyagin - 323-334 Perturbations near resonance for the p‐Laplacian in ℝN
by To Fu Ma & Maurício Luciano Pelicer - 335-347 Continuity and general perturbation of the Drazin inverse for closed linear operators
by N. Castro González & J. J. Koliha & V. Rakočević
2002, Volume 7, Issue 5
- 239-257 Commutators in real interpolation with quasi‐power parameters
by Ming Fan - 259-277 Existence theorems for elliptic hemivariational inequalities involving the p‐Laplacian
by Nikolaos C. Kourogenis & Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou - 279-286 Positive periodic solutions of nonautonomous functional differential equations depending on a parameter
by Guang Zhang & Sui Sun Cheng - 287-293 Isolation and simplicity for the first eigenvalue of the p‐Laplacian with a nonlinear boundary condition
by Sandra Martínez & Julio D. Rossi
2002, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 169-237 Singular estimates and uniform stability of coupled systems of hyperbolic/parabolic PDEs
by F. Bucci & I. Lasiecka & R. Triggiani
2002, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 113-123 On the curvature of nonregular saddle surfaces in the hyperbolic and spherical three‐space
by Dimitrios E. Kalikakis - 125-133 On the existence of solutions to a fourth‐order quasilinear resonant problem
by Shibo Liu & Marco Squassina - 135-142 The integral wavelet transform in weighted Sobolev spaces
by Nguyen Minh Chuong & Ta Ngoc Tri - 143-154 Generic uniqueness of a minimal solution for variational problems on a torus
by Alexander J. Zaslavski - 155-167 Quasilinear elliptic systems of resonant type and nonlinear eigenvalue problems
by Pablo L. de Nàpoli & M. Cristina Mariani
2002, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 61-83 Syntheses of differential games and pseudo‐Riccati equations
by Yuncheng You - 85-102 Existence of entropy solutions for some nonlinear problems in Orlicz spaces
by A. Benkirane & J. Bennouna - 103-112 On Neumann hemivariational inequalities
by Halidias Nikolaos
2002, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-27 Existence problems for homoclinic solutions
by Cezar Avramescu - 29-33 On the existence of a positive solution for a semilinear elliptic equation in the upper half space
by Chen Shaowei & Li Yongqing - 35-51 An inverse problem for evolution inclusions
by Bui An Ton - 53-60 One‐sided resonance for quasilinear problems with asymmetric nonlinearities
by Kanishka Perera
2001, Volume 6, Issue 8
- 441-488 Factor spaces and implications on Kirchhoff equations with clamped boundary conditions
by Irena Lasiecka & Roberto Triggiani - 489-499 On periodic solutions of abstract differential equations
by Y. S. Eidelman & I. V. Tikhonov
2001, Volume 6, Issue 7
- 381-400 Obstacles to bounded recovery
by Boris Shekhtman - 401-411 On projection constant problems and the existence of metric projections in normed spaces
by Entisarat El-Shobaky & Sahar Mohammed Ali & Wataru Takahashi - 413-429 Free surface flow over an obstacle. Theoretical study of the fluvial case
by D. Boukari & R. Djouadi & D. Teniou - 431-440 Set quantities and Tauberian operators
by Sergio Falcon & Kishin Sadarangani
2001, Volume 6, Issue 6
- 317-328 On the operator equation A X − X B = C with unbounded operators A, B, and C
by Nguyen Thanh Lan - 329-338 On the method of pseudopotential for Schrödinger equation with nonlocal boundary conditions
by Yuriy Valentinovich Zasorin - 339-355 Arcangeli′s type discrepancy principles for a class of regularization methods using a modified projection scheme
by M. T. Nair & M. P. Rajan - 357-368 Local exact controllability of the age‐dependent population dynamics with diffusion
by Bedr′eddine Ainseba & Sebastian Anita - 369-380 On second‐order multivalued impulsive functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces
by M. Benchohra & J. Henderson & S. K. Ntouyas
2001, Volume 6, Issue 5
- 253-266 Boundary value problems for second‐order partial differential equations with operator coefficients
by Kudratillo S. Fayazov & Eberhard Schock - 267-297 On the stability of the linear delay differential and difference equations
by A. Ashyralyev & P. E. Sobolevskii - 299-308 On the projection constants of some topological spaces and some applications
by Entisarat El-Shobaky & Sahar Mohammed Ali & Wataru Takahashi - 309-315 (r, p)‐absolutely summing operators on the space C (T, X) and applications
by Dumitru Popa
2001, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 191-213 Solvability for a nonlinear three‐point boundary value problem with p‐Laplacian‐like operator at resonance
by M. García-Huidobro & C. P. Gupta & R. Manásevich - 215-228 On the solvability of a system of wave and beam equations
by Juha Berkovits - 229-251 A bifurcation result for equations with anisotropic p‐Laplace‐like operators
by Vy Khoi Le
2001, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 131-150 Development of local, global, and trace estimates for the solutions of elliptic equations
by Moulay D. Tidriri - 151-161 Periodic solutions of a class of non‐autonomous second‐order differential inclusions systems
by Daniel Paşca - 163-189 Nonexistence theorems for weak solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations
by A. G. Kartsatos & V. V. Kurta
2001, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 63-70 A note on the difference schemes for hyperbolic equations
by A. Ashyralyev & P. E. Sobolevskii - 71-99 The effect of the graph topology on the existence of multipeak solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger equations
by E. N. Dancer & Kee Y. Lam & Shusen Yan - 101-114 Extension of the best approximation operator in Orlicz spaces and weak‐type inequalities
by Sergio Favier & Felipe Zò - 115-129 On Milman’s moduli for Banach spaces
by Elisabetta Maluta & Stanisław Prus & Mariusz Szczepanik
2001, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-11 Douglas algebras without maximal subalgebra and without minimal superalgebra
by Carroll Guillory - 13-34 Local existence result of the single dopant diffusion including cluster reactions of high order
by R. Bader & W. Merz - 35-52 On the convergence of min/sup points in optimal control problems
by Adib Bagh - 53-61 Coercive solvability of the nonlocal boundary value problem for parabolic differential equations
by A. Ashyralyev & A. Hanalyev & P. E. Sobolevskii
2000, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 207-226 Integration with respect to a vector measure and function approximation
by L. M. García-Raffi & D. Ginestar & E. A. Sánchez-Pérez - 227-244 A new characterization of B‐bounded semigroups with application to implicit evolution equations
by Luisa Arlotti - 245-263 Bounded and almost periodic solutions and evolution semigroups associated with nonautonomous functional differential equations
by Bernd Aulbach & Nguyen Van Minh - 265-284 Existence and nonexistence of global solutions of degenerate and singular parabolic systems
by Gabriella Caristi
2000, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 137-146 Estimates of determinants and of the elements of the inverse matrix under conditions of Ostrovskii theorem
by Anatolij I. Perov - 147-158 Nonlinear ergodic theorems for asymptotically almost nonexpansive curves in a Hilbert space
by Gang Li & Jong Kyu Kim - 159-173 Solvability of quasilinear elliptic equations with strong dependence on the gradient
by Darko Žubrinić - 175-189 On the strongly damped wave equation and the heat equation with mixed boundary conditions
by Aloisio F. Neves - 191-206 Positive global solutions for a general model of size‐dependent population dynamics
by Nobuyuki Kato
2000, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 65-83 Homoclinic solutions for linear and linearizable ordinary differential equations
by Cezar Avramescu & Cristian Vladimirescu - 85-90 Characterization of a class of functions using divided differences
by Plamen Simeonov - 91-99 Solvability of a nonlinear second order conjugate eigenvalue problem on a time scale
by John M. Davis & Johnny Henderson & K. Rajendra Prasad & William Yin - 101-112 Domain perturbation method and local minimizers to Ginzburg‐Landau functional with magnetic effect
by Shuichi Jimbo & Jian Zhai - 113-118 A Morse lemma for degenerate critical points with low differentiability
by Adriano A. de Moura & Fausto M. de Souza - 119-135 Multiple solutions for nonlinear discontinuous strongly resonant elliptic problems
by Nikolaos C. Kourogenis & Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou
2000, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-11 Time averaging for random nonlinear abstract parabolic equations
by G. Bruno & A. Pankov & T. Pankova - 13-32 B‐bounded semigroups and implicit evolution equations
by J. Banasiak - 33-46 Attractors of multivalued semiflows generated by differential inclusions and their approximations
by Alexei V. Kapustian & José Valero - 47-63 A Picard‐Maclaurin theorem for initial value PDEs
by G. Edgar Parker & James S. Sochacki
1999, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 209-229 A Riesz representation theorem for cone‐valued functions
by Walter Roth - 231-242 Semilinear elliptic equations having asymptotic limits at zero and infinity
by Kanishka Perera & Martin Schechter - 243-247 On moduli of k‐convexity
by Teck-Cheong Lim - 249-253 A boundary value problem in the hyperbolic space
by P. Amster & G. Keilhauer & M. C. Mariani - 255-279 Evolutionary variational inequalities arising in quasistatic frictional contact problems for elastic materials
by Dumitru Motreanu & Mircea Sofonea
1999, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 141-152 On the degree theory for densely defined mappings of class (S+)L
by Juha Berkovits - 153-168 Nonlocal boundary value problem for second order abstract elliptic differential equation
by Mohamed Denche - 169-194 Asymptotic properties of mild solutions of nonautonomous evolution equations with applications to retarded differential equations
by Gabriele Gühring & Frank Räbiger - 195-208 Multiplicity of positive solutions to semilinear elliptic boundary value problems
by Kenichiro Umezu
1999, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 71-81 Solvability of a multi‐point boundary value problem of Neumann type
by Chaitan P. Gupta & Sergei Trofimchuk - 83-100 A‐properness and fixed point theorems for dissipative type maps
by K. Q. Lan & J. R. L. Webb - 101-108 On multiple positive solutions of positone and non‐positone problems
by F. J. S. A. Corrêa - 109-125 Magneto‐micropolar fluid motion: global existence of strong solutions
by Elva E. Ortega-Torres & Marko A. Rojas-Medar - 127-139 Semilinear Volterra integrodifferential equations with nonlocal initial conditions
by Sergiu Aizicovici & Mark Mckibben
1999, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-19 Convergence of generic infinite products of affine operators
by S. Reich & A. J. Zaslavski - 21-48 The turnpike property for dynamic discrete time zero‐sum games
by Alexander J. Zaslavski - 49-59 Nonlinear ergodic theorems for a semitopological semigroup of non‐Lipschitzian mappings without convexity
by G. Li & J. K. Kim - 61-69 Existence and regularity of weak solutions to the prescribed mean curvature equation for a nonparametric surface
by P. Amster & M. Cassinelli & M. C. Mariani & D. F. Rial
1998, Volume 3, Issue 3-4
- 237-246 Spectral properties of operators that characterize ℓ∞(n)
by B. L. Chalmers & B. Shekhtman - 247-263 Uniform asymptotic normal structure, the uniform semi‐Opial property, and fixed points of asymptotically regular uniformly lipschitzian semigroups. Part II
by Monika Budzyńska & Tadeusz Kuczumow & Simeon Reich - 265-292 Existence and uniform boundedness of optimal solutions of variational problems
by Alexander J. Zaslavski - 293-318 The effect of the graph topology on the existence of multipeak solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger equations
by E. N. Dancer & K. Y. Lam & S. Yan - 319-342 Analysis of a mathematical model related to Czochralski crystal growth
by Petr Knobloch & Lutz Tobiska - 343-362 The τ‐fixed point property for nonexpansive mappings
by Tomás Domínguez Benavides & jesús García Falset & Maria A. Japón Pineda - 363-375 On the existence of classical solutions for differential‐functional IBVP
by Krzysztof A. Topolski - 377-400 Uniform stabilization of a coupled structural acoustic system by boundary dissipation
by Mehmet Camurdan - 401-409 Brouwer degree, equivariant maps and tensor powers
by Z. Balanov & W. Krawcewicz & A. Kushkuley - 411-423 Singular nonlinear elliptic equations in Rn
by C. O. Alves & J. V. Goncalves & L. A. Maia - 425-436 Almost periodic mild solutions of a class of partial functional differential equations
by Bernd Aulbach & Nguyen Van Minh - 437-446 Critical groups of critical points produced by local linking with applications
by Kanishka Perera
1998, Volume 3, Issue 1-2
- 1-40 Modelling of the Czochralski flow
by Jan Franc - 41-64 Variational inequalities for energy functionals with nonstandard growth conditions
by Martin Fuchs & Li Gongbao - 65-84 Positive solutions of critical quasilinear elliptic problems in general domains
by Filippo Gazzola - 85-103 Characterizations of metric projections in Banach spaces and applications
by Jean-Paul Penot & Robert Ratsimahalo - 105-131 Existence of positive radial solutions for a weakly coupled system via blow up
by Marta García-Huidobro & Ignacio Guerra & Raúl Manásevich - 133-151 Uniform asymptotic normal structure, the uniform semi‐Opial property and fixed points of asymptotically regular uniformly lipschitzian semigroups. Part I
by Monika Budzyńska & Tadeusz Kuczumow & Simeon Reich - 153-169 Analyticity of thermo‐elastic semigroups with coupled hinged/Neumann B.C
by Irena Lasiecka & Roberto Triggiani - 171-180 Rotationally invariant periodic solutions of semilinear wave equations
by Martin Schechter - 181-189 Homological local linking
by Kanishka Perera - 191-201 Multiple solutions for a problem with resonance involving the p‐Laplacian
by C. O. Alves & P. C. Carrião & O. H. Miyagaki - 203-228 Metric domains, holomorphic mappings and nonlinear semigroups
by Simeon Reich & David Shoikhet - 229-236 A parabolic analogue of Finn′s maximum principle
by Vasyl V. Kurta
1997, Volume 2, Issue 3-4
- 185-195 A result on the bifurcation from the principal eigenvalue of the Ap‐Laplacian
by P. Drábek & A. Elkhalil & A. Touzani - 197-205 Eigenvalues and ranges for perturbations of nonlinear accretive and monotone operators in Banach spaces
by Zhou Haiyun & Athanassios G. Kartsatos - 207-226 Local existence for a general model of size‐dependent population dynamics
by Nobuyuki Kato & Hiroyuki Torikata - 227-237 On a problem of lower limit in the study of nonresonance
by A. Anane & O. Chakrone - 239-256 Weakly hyperbolic equations with time degeneracy in Sobolev spaces
by Michael Reissig - 257-270 Existence of extremal periodic solutions for quasilinear parabolic equations
by Siegfried Carl - 271-279 Existence of a positive solution for an nth order boundary value problem for nonlinear difference equations
by Johnny Henderson & Susan D. Lauer - 281-299 Long‐time asymptotics of solutions of the second initial‐boundary value problem for the damped Boussinesq equation
by Vladimir V. Varlamov - 301-315 N‐Laplacian equations in ℝN with critical growth
by João Marcos B. do Ó
1997, Volume 2, Issue 1-2
- 1-45 The topological degree method for equations of the Navier‐Stokes type
by V. T. Dmitrienko & V. G. Zvyagin - 47-66 Global attractors for two‐phase stefan problems in one‐dimensional space
by T. Aiki - 67-72 A convergence result for discreet steepest decent in weighted sobolev spaces
by W. T. Mahavier - 73-95 Evolution semigroups for nonautonomous Cauchy problems
by Gregor Nickel - 97-120 A proximal point method for nonsmooth convex optimization problems in Banach spaces
by Y. I. Alber & R. S. Burachik & A. N. Iusem - 121-136 Regularized functional calculi, semigroups, and cosine functions for pseudodifferential operators
by Ralph Delaubenfels & Yansong Lei - 137-161 Stable Approximations of a Minimal Surface Problem with Variational Inequalities
by M. Zuhair Nashed & Otmar Scherzer - 163-183 A new spectral theory for nonlinear operators and its applications
by W. Feng
1996, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 341-349 On the Mann and Ishikawa iteration processes
by Zhou Haiyun & Jia Yuting - 351-380 Nonlinear semigroups and the existence and stability of solutions of semilinear nonautonomous evolution equations
by Bernd Aulbach & Nguyen Van Minh - 381-396 On a local degree for a class of multi‐valued vector fields in infinite dimensional Banach spaces
by N. M. Benkafadar & B. D. Gel′man - 397-406 A pointwise approximation theorem for linear combinations of Bernstein polynomials
by Shunsheng Guo & Shujie Yue & Cuixiang Li & Ge Yang & Yiguo Sun - 407-415 On quasilinear elliptic equations in ℝN
by C. O. Alves & J. V. Concalves & L. A. Maia - 417-433 Flow invariance for perturbed nonlinear evolution equations
by Dieter Bothe - 435-484 An abstract setting for differential Riccati equations in optimal control problems for hyperbolic/Petrowski‐type P.D.E.′s with boundary control and slightly smoothing observation
by R. Triggiani
1996, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 237-262 Invariance d′un convexe fermé par un semi‐groupe associé à une forme non‐linéaire
by Louise Barthélemy - 263-276 Global solutions of semilinear heat equations in Hilbert spaces
by G. Mihai Iancu & M. W. Wong - 277-289 Existence of multiple critical points for an asymptotically quadratic functional with applications
by Shujie Li & Jiabao Su - 291-304 Bifurcation of the equivariant minimal interfaces in a hydromechanics problem
by A. Y. Borisovich & W. Marzantowicz - 305-325 Embedding functions and their role in interpolation theory
by Evgeniy Pustylnik - 327-340 Stability of coupled systems
by Farid Ammar Khodja & Assia Benabdallah & Djamel Teniou
1996, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 137-152 An Ambrosetti‐Prodi‐type problem for an elliptic system of equations via monotone iteration method and Leray‐Schauder degree theory
by D. C. de Morais Filho - 153-167 Approximating the zeros of accretive operators by the Ishikawa iteration process
by Zhou Haiyun & Jia Yuting - 169-192 Attractors of semigroups associated with nonlinear systems for diffusive phase separation
by Nobuyuki Kenmochi - 193-201 Carleson embeddings
by Helmut J. Heiming - 203-217 The exponential stability of a coupled hyperbolic/parabolic system arising in structural acoustics
by George Avalos - 219-236 Interior point control and observation for the wave equation
by A. Y. Khapalov
1996, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-44 Generation theory for semigroups of holomorphic mappings in Banach spaces
by Simeon Reich & David Shoikhet - 45-64 Iterative solution of unstable variational inequalities on approximately given sets
by Y. I. Alber & A. G. Kartsatos & E. Litsyn - 65-82 Existence of positive entire solutions of semilinear elliptic equations on RN
by N. Hirano - 83-102 Inertial manifolds and stabilization of nonlinear beam equations with Balakrishnan‐Taylor damping
by Yuncheng You - 103-135 The generalized Conley index and multiple solutions of semilinear elliptic problems
by E. N. Dancer & Yihong Du