2005, Volume 2005, Issue 6
- 575-579 Periods for holomorphic maps via Lefschetz numbers
by Jaume Llibre & Michael Todd - 581-597 An extension of the topological degree in Hilbert space
by J. Berkovits & C. Fabry - 599-606 Estimation of the best constant involving the L2 norm of the higher‐order Wente problem
by Sami Baraket & Makkia Dammak - 607-617 Cauchy‐Dirichlet problem for the nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations
by Ismail Kombe - 619-637 Exact controllability for a semilinear wave equation with both interior and boundary controls
by Bui An Ton - 639-653 Critical singular problems on unbounded domains
by D. C. de Morais Filho & O. H. Miyagaki - 655-671 Global attractor for the lattice dynamical system of a nonlinear Boussinesq equation
by Ahmed Y. Abdallah - 673-683 On the existence of nontrivial solutions for a fourth‐order semilinear elliptic problem
by Aixia Qian & Shujie Li - 685-689 Invertibility‐preserving maps of C∗‐algebras with real rank zero
by Istvan Kovacs
2005, Volume 2005, Issue 5
- 449-467 Dynamics of a continued fraction of Ramanujan with random coefficients
by Jonathan M. Borwein & D. Russell Luke - 469-488 Small sets in convex geometry and formal independence over ZFC
by Menachem Kojman - 489-497 On typical Markov operators acting on Borel measures
by Tomasz Szarek - 499-507 On the range of the derivative of a smooth mapping between Banach spaces
by Robert Deville - 509-534 On σ‐porous sets in abstract spaces
by L. Zajíček - 535-541 A generalized σ‐porous set with a small complement
by Jaroslav Tišer - 543-562 On Lipschitz ball noncollapsing functions and uniform co‐Lipschitz mappings of the plane
by Olga Maleva
2005, Volume 2005, Issue 4
- 327-341 Infinite products of holomorphic mappings
by Monika Budzyńska & Simeon Reich - 343-360 Generic well‐posedness in minimization problems
by A. Ioffe & R. E. Lucchetti - 361-373 Lipschitz functions with unexpectedly large sets of nondifferentiability points
by Marianna Csörnyei & David Preiss & Jaroslav Tišer - 375-421 Generic existence of solutions of nonconvex optimal control problems
by Alexander J. Zaslavski - 423-436 Properties of typical bounded closed convex sets in Hilbert space
by F. S. de Blasi & N. V. Zhivkov - 437-448 The sobolev embeddings are usually sharp
by A. Fraysse & S. Jaffard
2005, Volume 2005, Issue 3
- 207-219 Local inverses of Borel homomorphisms and analytic P‐ideals
by Sławomir Solecki - 221-227 Inscribing closed non‐σ‐lower porous sets into Suslin non‐σ‐lower porous sets
by Luděk Zajíček & Miroslav Zelený - 229-238 Porosity and models with discrete innovations
by Alexander J. Zaslavski - 239-254 Some typical properties of dimensions of sets and measures
by Józef Myjak - 255-258 Extending Stechkin′s theorem and beyond
by Tudor Zamfirescu - 259-285 Geometric properties of Banach spaces and the existence of nearest and farthest points
by Stefan Cobzaş - 287-305 σ‐porosity in monotonic analysis with applications to optimization
by A. M. Rubinov - 307-318 Some more recent results concerning weak Asplund spaces
by Warren B. Moors - 319-326 A porosity result in convex minimization
by P. G. Howlett & A. J. Zaslavski
2005, Volume 2005, Issue 2
- 87-94 Blow‐up of solutions of a semilinear heat equation with a memory term
by Salim A. Messaoudi - 95-104 On a class of semilinear elliptic equations with boundary conditions and potentials which change sign
by M. Ouanan & A. Touzani - 105-120 Asymptotic analysis for vanishing acceleration in a thermoviscoelastic system
by Elena Bonetti & Giovanna Bonfanti - 121-158 A new topological degree theory for densely defined quasibounded (S˜+)‐perturbations of multivalued maximal monotone operators in reflexive Banach spaces
by Athanassios G. Kartsatos & Igor V. Skrypnik - 159-171 A study of the inverse of a free‐surface problem
by R. Ait Yahia-Djouadi & D. Hernane-Boukari & D. Teniou - 173-183 An example for a one‐parameter nonexpansive semigroup
by Tomonari Suzuki - 185-205 Multiple solutions for singularly perturbed semilinear elliptic equations in bounded domains
by Michinori Ishiwata
2005, Volume 2005, Issue 1
- 1-9 On the extremal solutions of semilinear elliptic problems
by Lamia Ben Chaabane - 11-31 Quasilinear degenerate elliptic unilateral problems
by L. Aharouch & Y. Akdim & E. Azroul - 33-43 A three‐point boundary value problem with an integral condition for a third‐order partial differential equation
by C. Latrous & A. Memou - 45-57 Semiclassical fundamental solutions
by Patrick Guidotti - 59-66 On the modulus of U‐convexity
by Satit Saejung - 67-86 Continuous dependence on data for quasiautonomous nonlinear boundary value problems
by N. Apreutesei
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 12
- 997-1005 An inverse problem for a second‐order differential equation in a Banach space
by Y. Eidelman - 1007-1018 A characterization of the generators of analytic C0‐semigroups in the class of scalar type spectral operators
by Marat V. Markin - 1019-1030 Symmetry and concentration behavior of ground state in axially symmetric domains
by Tsung-Fang Wu - 1031-1045 Existence of solutions for elliptic equations having natural growth terms in Orlicz spaces
by A. Elmahi & D. Meskine - 1047-1055 Multiple positive solutions for quasilinear elliptic problems with sign‐changing nonlinearities
by Julián Fernández Bonder - 1057-1079 Periodic solutions for nonautonomous differential equations and inclusions in tubes
by Grzegorz Gabor
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 11
- 907-933 Convergence of functionals and its applications to parabolic equations
by Goro Akagi - 935-955 Global existence and energy decay of solutions to the Cauchy problem for a wave equation with a weakly nonlinear dissipation
by Abbès Benaissa & Soufiane Mokeddem - 957-979 Multiplicity results for asymmetric boundary value problems with indefinite weights
by Francesca Dalbono - 981-995 An index formula for the degree of (S)+‐mappings associated with one‐dimensional p‐Laplacian
by Jun Kobayashi & Mitsuharu Ôtani
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 10
- 815-829 On the existence of weak solutions for the initial‐boundary value problem in the Jeffreys model of motion of a viscoelastic medium
by D. A. Vorotnikov & V. G. Zvyagin - 831-880 Geometric data fitting
by José L. Martínez-Morales - 881-896 A Massera‐type criterion for almost periodic solutions of higher‐order delay or advance abstract functional differential equations
by Nguyen Van Minh & Ha Binh Minh - 897-905 Existence of triple positive periodic solutions of a functional differential equation depending on a parameter
by Xi-lan Liu & Guang Zhang & Sui Sun Cheng
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 9
- 723-727 Logistic equation with the p‐Laplacian and constant yield harvesting
by Shobha Oruganti & Junping Shi & Ratnasingham Shivaji - 729-755 A free boundary problem describing the saturated‐unsaturated flow in a porous medium
by Gabriela Marinoschi - 757-776 Critical values lie on a line
by Azat Ainouline - 777-792 On the discreteness of the spectra of the Dirichlet and Neumann p‐biharmonic problems
by Jiří Benedikt - 793-813 On a class of nonlinear reaction‐diffusion systems with nonlocal boundary conditions
by Abdelfatah Bouziani
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 8
- 635-649 Solutions for nonlinear variational inequalities with a nonsmooth potential
by Michael E. Filippakis & Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou - 651-682 Local solvability of a constrainedgradient system of total variation
by Yoshikazu Giga & Yohei Kashima & Noriaki Yamazaki - 683-689 A finite‐dimensional reduction method for slightly supercritical elliptic problems
by Riccardo Molle & Donato Passaseo - 691-721 Generic uniqueness of minimal configurations with rational rotation numbers in Aubry‐Mather theory
by Alexander J. Zaslavski
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 7
- 543-550 Conditions for the oscillation of solutions of iterative equations
by Wiesława Nowakowska & Jarosław Werbowski - 551-565 On certain comparison theorems for half‐linear dynamic equations on time scales
by Pavel Řehák - 567-575 On linear singular functional‐differential equations in one functional space
by Andrei Shindiapin - 577-590 Nonmonotone impulse effects in second‐order periodic boundary value problems
by Irena Rachůnková & Milan Tvrdý - 591-602 Nonuniqueness theorem for a singular Cauchy‐Nicoletti problem
by Josef Kalas - 603-611 Accurate solution estimates for nonlinear nonautonomous vector difference equations
by Rigoberto Medina & M. I. Gil′ - 613-623 Generalizations of the Bernoulli and Appell polynomials
by Gabriella Bretti & Pierpaolo Natalini & Paolo E. Ricci - 625-634 The operator B*L for the wave equation with Dirichlet control
by I. Lasiecka & R. Triggiani
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 6
- 453-460 Nonanalytic solutions of the KdV equation
by Peter Byers & A. Alexandrou Himonas - 461-470 Subdominant positive solutions of the discrete equation Δu(k + n) = −p(k)u(k)
by Jaromír Baštinec & Josef Diblík - 471-486 Electromagnetic fields in linear and nonlinear chiral media: a time‐domain analysis
by Ioannis G. Stratis & Athanasios N. Yannacopoulos - 487-499 Efficient criteria for the stabilization of planar linear systems by hybrid feedback controls
by Elena Litsyn & Marina Myasnikova & Yurii Nepomnyashchikh & Arcady Ponosov - 501-510 Which solutions of the third problem for the Poisson equation are bounded?
by Dagmar Medková - 511-524 Darboux‐Lamé equation and isomonodromic deformation
by Mayumi Ohmiya - 525-541 Multivalued semilinear neutral functional differential equations with nonconvex‐valued right‐hand side
by M. Benchohra & E. Gatsori & S. K. Ntouyas
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 5
- 361-370 Zero‐dispersion limit for integrable equations on the half‐line with linearisable data
by A. S. Fokas & S. Kamvissis - 371-385 On sampling expansions of Kramer type
by Anthippi Poulkou - 387-393 A density theorem for locally convex lattices
by Dimitrie Kravvaritis & Gavriil Păltineanu - 395-406 On periodic‐type solutions of systems of linear ordinary differential equations
by I. Kiguradze - 407-424 On the solutions of nonlinear initial‐boundary value problems
by Vladimír Ďurikovič & Monika Ďurikovičová - 425-434 On a nonlocal Cauchy problem for differential inclusions
by E. Gatsori & S. K. Ntouyas & Y. G. Sficas - 435-451 Exact solutions of the semi‐infinite Toda lattice with applications to the inverse spectral problem
by E. K. Ifantis & K. N. Vlachou
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 4
- 271-283 Positive solutions for singular discrete boundary value problems
by Mariella Cecchi & Zuzana Došlá & Mauro Marini - 285-294 Symplectic difference systems: oscillation theory and hyperbolic Prüfer transformation
by Ondřej Došlý - 295-306 Integral representation of the solutions to Heun′s biconfluent equation
by S. Belmehdi & J.-P. Chehab - 307-314 On the exterior magnetic field and silent sources in magnetoencephalography
by George Dassios & Fotini Kariotou - 315-335 New singular solutions of Protter′s problem for the 3D wave equation
by M. K. Grammatikopoulos & N. I. Popivanov & T. P. Popov - 337-345 Linear differential equations with unbounded delays and a forcing term
by Jan Čermák & Petr Kundrát - 347-360 Comparison of differential representations for radially symmetric Stokes flow
by George Dassios & Panayiotis Vafeas
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 3
- 183-203 Invariant sets for nonlinear evolution equations, Cauchy problems and periodic problems
by Norimichi Hirano & Naoki Shioji - 205-214 Solvability of nonlinear Dirichlet problem for a class of degenerate elliptic equations
by Albo Carlos Cavalheiro - 215-237 Continuum limits of particles interacting via diffusion
by Nicholas D. Alikakos & Giorgio Fusco & Georgia Karali - 239-249 Strong convergence of an iterative sequence for maximal monotone operators in a Banach space
by Fumiaki Kohsaka & Wataru Takahashi - 251-268 Multiplicity of solutions for a class of quasilinear problem in exterior domains with Neumann conditions
by Claudianor O. Alves & Paulo C. Carrião & Everaldo S. Medeiros - 269-270 Elliptic problems with nonmonotone discontinuities at resonance (Erratum)
by Halidias Nikolaos
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 2
- 91-98 An elliptic problem with critical exponent and positive Hardy potential
by Shaowei Chen & Shujie Li - 99-113 Hyperbolic differential‐operator equations on a whole axis
by Yakov Yakubov - 115-131 Species survival versus eigenvalues
by Luiz Antonio Ribeiro de Santana & Yuri Dimitrov Bozhkov & Wilson Castro Ferreira - 133-145 Contractive projections in Orlicz sequence spaces
by Beata Randrianantoanina - 147-153 Lower bounds for eigenvalues of the one‐dimensional p‐Laplacian
by Juan Pablo Pinasco - 155-164 Nonexistence results of solutions to systems of semilinear differential inequalities on the Heisenberg group
by Abdallah El Hamidi & Mokhtar Kirane - 165-182 Spectral analysis for differential operators with singularities
by Vjacheslav Anatoljevich Yurko
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 1
- 1-26 Another extension of Orlicz‐Sobolev spaces to metric spaces
by Noureddine Aïssaoui - 27-44 Regularity of minimizers for nonconvex vectorial integrals with p‐q growth via relaxation methods
by Irene Benedetti & Elvira Mascolo - 45-67 On a boundary value problem for scalar linear functional differential equations
by R. Hakl & A. Lomtatidze & I. P. Stavroulakis - 69-90 Laplace transform generation theorems and local Cauchy problems
by Claus Müller
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 20
- 1141-1158 The Apollonian metric: limits of the comparison and bilipschitz properties
by Peter A. Hästö - 1159-1195 Nonsmooth optimal regulation and discontinuous stabilization
by A. Bacciotti & F. Ceragioli
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 19
- 1061-1139 L2(Σ)‐regularity of the boundary to boundary operator B∗L for hyperbolic and Petrowski PDEs
by I. Lasiecka & R. Triggiani
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 18
- 1005-1035 On real interpolation, finite differences, and estimates depending on a parameter for discretizations of elliptic boundary value problems
by Davide Guidetti & Sergei Piskarev - 1037-1045 Three periodic solutions to an eigenvalue problem for a class of second‐order Hamiltonian systems
by Giuseppe Cordaro - 1047-1060 Positive solutions of some nonlocal boundary value problems
by Gennaro Infante & J. R. L. Webb
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 17
- 953-973 Time‐dependent Stokes equations with measure data
by Bui An Ton - 975-984 On the existence of positive solutions for periodic parabolic sublinear problems
by T. Godoy & U. Kaufmann - 985-993 Zero distribution of sequences of classical orthogonal polynomials
by Plamen Simeonov - 995-1003 Existence and nonexistence of entire solutions to the logistic differential equation
by Marius Ghergu & Vicenţiu Rădulescu
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 16
- 899-922 Rothe method for a mixed problem with an integral condition for the two‐dimensional diffusion equation
by Nabil Merazga & Abdelfatah Bouziani - 923-931 Chaos and shadowing around a homoclinic tube
by Yanguang (Charles) Li - 933-951 A spectral mapping theorem for semigroups solving PDEs with nonautonomous past
by Genni Fragnelli
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 15
- 843-864 Perturbed Fredholm boundary value problems for delay differential systems
by Alexander A. Boichuk & Myron K. Grammatikopoulos - 865-880 On the mild solutions of higher‐order differential equations in Banach spaces
by Nguyen Thanh Lan - 881-898 A new proof of semicontinuity by Young measures and an approximation theorem in Orlicz‐Sobolev spaces
by Barbara Bianconi
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 14
- 793-811 Local exact controllability of the diffusion equation in one dimension
by Marius Beceanu - 813-821 Focal decompositions for linear differential equations of the second order
by L. Birbrair & M. Sobolevsky & P. Sobolevskii - 823-841 Periodic solutions of nonlinear vibrating beams
by J. Berkovits & H. Leinfelder & V. Mustonen
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 13
- 743-755 On the A‐Laplacian
by Noureddine Aïssaoui - 757-768 Minimax theorems on C1 manifolds via Ekeland variational principle
by Mabel Cuesta - 769-784 On boundary value problems for degenerate differential inclusions in Banach spaces
by Valeri Obukhovskii & Pietro Zecca - 785-791 Ill‐posed equations with transformed argument
by Simone Gramsch & Eberhard Schock
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 12
- 685-696 Approximation structures and applications to evolution equations
by Adrian Duma & Cristian Vladimirescu - 697-714 Feedback stabilization of semilinear heat equations
by V. Barbu & G. Wang - 715-741 Estimates for the Green function and singular solutions for polyharmonic nonlinear equation
by Imed Bachar & Habib Màagli & Syrine Masmoudi & Malek Zribi
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 11
- 631-650 A turnpike theorem for continuous‐time control systems when the optimal stationary point is not unique
by Musa A. Mamedov - 651-670 Existence of solutions of minimization problems with an increasing cost function and porosity
by Alexander J. Zaslavski - 671-684 Asymptotic formulas and critical exponents for two‐parameter nonlinear eigenvalue problems
by Tetsutaro Shibata
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 10
- 573-589 On the weak solution of a three‐point boundary value problem for a class of parabolic equations with energy specification
by Abdelfatah Bouziani - 591-600 On a two‐point boundary value problem for second‐order differential inclusions on Riemannian manifolds
by Yuri E. Gliklikh & Andrei V. Obukhovskiĭ - 601-619 Existence results for general inequality problems with constraints
by George Dincă & Petru Jebelean & Dumitru Motreanu - 621-629 Convergence theorems for generalized projections and maximal monotone operators in Banach spaces
by Takanori Ibaraki & Yasunori Kimura & Wataru Takahashi
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 9
- 521-538 Asymptotic behavior of solutions for a semibounded nonmonotone evolution equation
by Nikos Karachalios & Nikos Stavrakakis & Pavlos Xanthopoulos - 539-545 Solutions to H‐systems by topological and iterative methods
by P. Amster & M. C. Mariani - 547-571 Bounded solutions of Carathéodory differential inclusions: a bound sets approach
by Jan Andres & Luisa Malaguti & Valentina Taddei
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 8
- 449-477 Mann iterates of directionally nonexpansive mappings in hyperbolic spaces
by Ulrich Kohlenbach & Laurenţiu Leuştean - 479-502 Attractors of iterated function systems and Markov operators
by Józef Myjak & Tomasz Szarek - 503-512 An iterative approach to a constrained least squares problem
by Simeon Reich & Hong-Kun Xu - 513-519 Domains which are locally uniformly linearly convex in the Kobayashi distance
by Monika Budzyńska
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 7
- 387-406 Iterative algorithms with seminorm‐induced oblique projections
by Yair Censor & Tommy Elfving - 407-433 Revisiting Cauty′s proof of the Schauder conjecture
by Tadeusz Dobrowolski - 435-448 Birkhoff‐Kellogg theorems on invariant directions for multimaps
by Ravi P. Agarwal & Donal O′Regan
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 6
- 325-351 Topological structure of solution sets of differential inclusions: the constrained case
by Wojciech Kryszewski - 353-365 Local solvability of a constrainedgradient system of total variation
by C. E. Chidume & H. Zegeye - 367-373 Local uniform linear convexity with respect to the Kobayashi distance
by Monika Budzyńska - 375-386 Fixed‐point theorems for multivalued non‐expansive mappings without uniform convexity
by T. Domínguez Benavides & P. Lorenzo Ramírez
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 5
- 261-274 Fixed points of holomorphic mappings for domains in Banach spaces
by Lawrence A. Harris - 275-294 Parabolic curves in ℂ3
by Marco Abate & Francesca Tovena - 295-309 Coincidence theorems for families of multimaps and their applications to equilibrium problems
by Lai-Jiu Lin & Hsin I Chen - 311-324 Transfinite methods in metric fixed‐point theory
by W. A. Kirk
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 4
- 193-216 Iterative methods for solving fixed‐point problems with nonself‐mappings in Banach spaces
by Yakov Alber & Simeon Reich & Jen-Chih Yao - 217-260 Fixed points and periodic points of semiflows of holomorphic maps
by Edoardo Vesentini
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 3
- 129-181 Properness and topological degree for general elliptic operators
by V. Volpert & A. Volpert - 183-192 The fixed‐point property in Banach spaces containing a copy of c0
by Maria A. Japón Pineda
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 2
- 67-74 A weak ergodic theorem for infinite products of Lipschitzian mappings
by Simeon Reich & Alexander J. Zaslavski - 75-81 Local properties of maps of the ball
by Yakar Kannai - 83-91 Fixed points of asymptotically regular nonexpansive mappings on nonconvex sets
by Wiesława Kaczor - 93-99 A remark on the approximate fixed‐point property
by Tadeusz Kuczumow - 101-110 On the problem of retracting balls onto their boundary
by Kazimierz Goebel - 111-119 Measure of nonhyperconvexity and fixed‐point theorems
by Dariusz Bugajewski & Rafael Espínola - 121-128 Connectivity properties for subspaces of function spaces determined by fixed points
by Daciberg L. Gonçalves & Michael R. Kelly
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 1
- 1-18 Fixed‐point and coincidence theorems for set‐valued maps with nonconvex or noncompact domains in topological vector spaces
by Kazimierz Włodarczyk & Dorota Klim - 19-31 Relaxed submonotone mappings
by Tzanko Donchev & Pando Georgiev - 33-47 On best proximity pair theorems and fixed‐point theorems
by P. S. Srinivasan & P. Veeramani - 49-54 On the modulus of u‐convexity of Ji Gao
by Eva María Mazcuñán-Navarro - 55-66 On oscillation of a food‐limited population model with time delay
by Leonid Berezansky & Elena Braverman
2002, Volume 7, Issue 12
- 613-625 Sign‐changing and multiple solutions for the p‐Laplacian
by Siegfried Carl & Kanishka Perera - 627-635 On the notion of L 1‐completeness of a stochastic flow on a manifold
by Yu. E. Gliklikh & L. A. Morozova - 637-661 Bounded solutions of nonlinear Cauchy problems
by Josef Kreulich
2002, Volume 7, Issue 11
- 563-583 Ordinary differential systems describing hysteresis effects and numerical simulations
by Emil Minchev & Takanobu Okazaki & Nobuyuki Kenmochi - 585-599 Null controllability of a thermoelastic plate
by Assia Benabdallah & Maria Grazia Naso - 601-612 A version of Zhong′s coercivity result for a general class of nonsmooth functionals
by D. Motreanu & V. V. Motreanu & D. Paşca
2002, Volume 7, Issue 10
- 509-516 On an asymptotically linear elliptic Dirichlet problem
by Zhitao Zhang & Shujie Li & Shibo Liu & Weijie Feng - 517-530 On three‐point boundary value problem with a weighted integral condition for a class of singular parabolic equations
by Abdelfatah Bouziani - 531-546 Decay rates for solutions of a Timoshenko system with a memory condition at the boundary
by Mauro de Lima Santos - 547-561 On the location of the peaks of least‐energy solutions to semilinear Dirichlet problems with critical growth
by Marco A. S. Souto
2002, Volume 7, Issue 9
- 453-473 Attractors for Nonautonomous Multivalued Evolution Systems Generated by Time‐Dependent Subdifferentials
by Noriaki Yamazaki - 475-495 On dynamics of viscoelastic multidimensional medium with variable boundary
by V. P. Orlov - 497-507 Elliptic problems with nonmonotone discontinuities at resonance
by Halidias Nikolaos
2002, Volume 7, Issue 8
- 401-421 On principal eigenvalues for periodic parabolic Steklov problems
by T. Godoy & E. Lami Dozo & S. Paczka - 423-452 Positive solutions of higher order quasilinear elliptic equations
by Marcelo Montenegro
2002, Volume 7, Issue 7
- 349-355 A characterization of regular saddle surfaces in the hyperbolic and spherical three‐space
by Dimitrios E. Kalikakis - 357-374 Strongly nonlinear potential theory on metric spaces
by Noureddine Aïssaoui - 375-383 Null controllability of a nonlinear heat equation
by G. Aniculăesei & S. Aniţa