2024, Volume 2024, Issue 1
- 8130561 Solutions of Inhomogeneous Multiplicatively Advanced ODEs and PDEs with a q‐Fredholm Theory and Applications to a q‐Advanced Schrödinger Equation
by David W. Pravica & Njinasoa Randriampiry & Michael J. Spurr - 8837744 Modeling and Stability Analysis of the Dynamics of Malaria Disease Transmission with Some Control Strategies
by Alemzewde Ayalew & Yezbalem Molla & Amsalu Woldegbreal - 8843680 Modeling and Analysis of Fasciola Hepatica Disease Transmission
by Dagnaw Tantie Yihunie & Joseph Y. T. Mugisha & Dawit Melese Gebru & Haileyesus Tessema Alemneh - 8904337 Double‐Scale Expansions for a Logarithmic Type Solution to a q‐Analog of a Singular Initial Value Problem
by Stéphane Malek - 9363509 Solutions of Bessel’s Differential Equations by Variable Change Method
by Beyalfew Anley & Daba Meshesha Gusu & Tolosa Nigussie - 1072681 Mathematical Modeling of Coccidiosis Dynamics in Chickens with Some Control Strategies
by Yustina A. Liana & Mary C. Swai - 1419716 Bifurcation in a G0 Model of Hematological Stem Cells With Delay
by Ma Suqi & S. J. Hogan - 1433858 Efficient Numerical Method for Solving a Quadratic Riccati Differential Equation
by Wendafrash Seyid Yirga & Fasika Wondimu Gelu & Wondwosen Gebeyaw Melesse & Gemechis File Duressa - 2432993 Frequently Hypercyclic Semigroup Generated by Some Partial Differential Equations with Delay Operator
by Cheng-Hung Hung - 2812752 Viscosity Approximation for Split Equality Generalized Mixed Equilibrium Problems With Semigroups of Nonexpansive Mappings
by Prashant Patel & Rahul Shukla - 3312472 A Complex Dynamic of an Eco‐Epidemiological Mathematical Model with Migration
by Assane Savadogo & Boureima Sangaré & Wendkouni Ouedraogo - 4468538 Approximation by q‐Post‐Widder Operators Based on a New Parameter
by Qiu Lin - 5523649 The Solvability and Explicit Solutions of Singular Integral–Differential Equations with Reflection
by A. S. Nagdy & KH. M. Hashem & H. E. H. Ebrahim - 5942773 On an Euler–Abel Type Transform of Trigonometric Series
by N. Sh. Berisha & F. M. Berisha & M. Sadiku - 6482099 Optimal Intervention Strategies on TB Epidemiology in a Prison Population
by Sibaliwe Maku Vyambwera & Peter Witbooi - 6682607 Oscillation of Fourth‐Order Nonlinear Semi‐Canonical Neutral Difference Equations via Canonical Transformations
by P. Ganesan & G. Palani & John R. Graef & E. Thandapani - 7034904 Multiplicity of Solutions for a Class of Kirchhoff–Poisson Type Problem
by Ziqi Deng & Xilin Dou
2023, Volume 2023, Issue 1
- 8255686 On the Optimal Control of Intervention Strategies for Hepatitis B Model
by Abdulfatai Atte Momoh & Abubakar Audu & Déthié Dione & Inalegwu Michael Ali - 8727963 A Modified RBF Collocation Method for Solving the Convection‐Diffusion Problems
by Nissaya Chuathong - 9505980 Investigation of Fractional Calculus for Extended Wright Hypergeometric Matrix Functions
by Mohamed Niyaz & Ahmed H. Soliman & Ahmed Bakhet - 9735244 On Annihilated Points and Approximate Fixed Points of General Higher‐Order Nonexpansive Mappings
by Joseph Frank Gordon & Abdul Hayee Shaikh & Augustine Annan & Yarhands Dissou Arthur & Emmanuel Akweittey & Benjamin Adu Obeng - 9939530 Study of the Stability Properties for a General Shape of Damped Euler–Bernoulli Beams under Linear Boundary Conditions
by Teya Kouakou Kra Isaac & Bomisso Gossrin Jean-Marc & Touré Kidjegbo Augustin & Coulibaly Adama - 1749302 On the E‐Hyperstability of the Inhomogeneous σ‐Jensen’s Functional Equation on Semigroups
by M. Sirouni & S. Kabbaj - 2488165 On the Heat and Wave Equations with the Sturm‐Liouville Operator in Quantum Calculus
by Serikbol Shaimardan & Lars-Erik Persson & Nariman Tokmagambetov - 2503169 Control of the Cauchy System for an Elliptic Operator: The Controllability Method
by Bylli André B. Guel - 2592507 Fixed Point Results via Real‐Valued Function Satisfying Integral Type Rational Contraction
by Naveen Mani & Amit Sharma & Rahul Shukla - 2879669 Control of the Spread of COVID‐19 by the Sentinel Method and Numerical Simulation of the Studied Model Solution
by Mifiamba Soma & Mamadou Ouedraogo & Kassiénou Lamien & Somdouda Sawadogo - 2986348 Global Existence and Large Time Behavior for the 2‐D Compressible Navier‐Stokes Equations without Heat Conductivity
by Shuofa Xiao & Haiyan Xu - 3025513 Gevrey Asymptotics for Logarithmic‐Type Solutions to Singularly Perturbed Problems with Nonlocal Nonlinearities
by Stéphane Malek - 4382780 Hybrid Fitted Numerical Scheme for Singularly Perturbed Convection‐Diffusion Problem with a Small Time Lag
by Mulunesh Amsalu Ayele & Awoke Andargie Tiruneh & Getachew Adamu Derese - 5236150 Fixed‐Point Theorems Involving Lipschitz in the Small
by Christiana Rini Indrati - 5572893 Generalized Enriched Nonexpansive Mappings and Their Fixed Point Theorems
by Rahul Shukla & Rekha Panicker - 5638523 Global Existence and Decay Rate of Smooth Solutions for Full System of Partial Differential Equations for Three‐Dimensional Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Flows
by Mohamed Ahmed Abdallah & Zhong Tan - 6371148 Caputo Fractional Derivative for Analysis of COVID‐19 and HIV/AIDS Transmission
by Kumama Regassa Cheneke
2022, Volume 2022, Issue 1
- 8150057 On Certain Properties of a Univalent Function Associated with Beta Function
by Matthew Olanrewaju Oluwayemi & Sunday Olufemi Olatunji & Temitope O. Ogunlade - 8171037 Discretization Fractional‐Order Biological Model with Optimal Harvesting
by Barhoom Noor S. Sh. & Sadiq Al-Nassir - 9084283 Modelling the Transmission Dynamics of Meningitis among High and Low‐Risk People in Ghana with Cost‐Effectiveness Analysis
by Nicholas Kwasi-Do Ohene Opoku & Reindorf Nartey Borkor & Andrews Frimpong Adu & Hannah Nyarkoah Nyarko & Albert Doughan & Edwin Moses Appiah & Biigba Yakubu & Isabel Mensah & Samson Pandam Salifu - 9121239 On the Timelike Sweeping Surfaces and Singularities in Minkowski 3‐Space E13
by Nadia Alluhaibi & Rashad A. Abdel-Baky & Monia Naghi - 9210694 Preopenness Degree in RL‐Fuzzy Bitopological Spaces
by O. H. Khalil & K. E. El-Helow & A. Ghareeb - 9228511 Boundary Value Problems for Liénard‐Type Equations with Quadratic Dependence on the “Velocity”
by A. Kirichuka & F. Sadyrbaev - 9323490 Time‐like Ruled Surface in One‐Parameter Hyperbolic Dual Spherical Motions
by Monia F. Naghi & Rashad A. Abdel-Baky & Fatemah Mofarreh - 9370083 Fixed Point Results for Generalized (α, ψ)‐Contraction Mapping in Rectangular b‐Metric Spaces
by Mustefa Abduletif Mamud & Kidane Koyas Tola - 9487405 A Positive Answer on Nirenberg’s Problem on Expansive Mappings in Hilbert Spaces
by Teffera M. Asfaw - 9534978 Uniform Convexity and Convergence of a Sequence of Sets in a Complete Geodesic Space
by Yasunori Kimura & Shuta Sudo - 9558928 Measure (ω, c)‐Pseudo‐Almost Periodic Functions and Lasota‐Wazewska Model with Ergodic and Unbounded Oscillating Oxygen Demand
by James Larrouy & Gaston M. N’Guérékata - 9568060 A Weak Convergence Theorem for Common Fixed Points of Two Nonlinear Mappings in Hilbert Spaces
by Takanori Ibaraki & Shunsuke Kajiba & Yukio Takeuchi - 9637628 Asymptotics and Confluence for a Singular Nonlinear q‐Difference‐Differential Cauchy Problem
by S. Malek - 9658567 A Mathematical Model of the Transmission Dynamics and Control of Bovine Brucellosis in Cattle
by Stephen Abagna & Baba Seidu & C. S. Bornaa - 9849574 Corrigendum to “Smarandache Ruled Surfaces according to Frenet‐Serret Frame of a Regular Curve in E3”
by Soukaina Ouarab - 9936129 A New Class of Function with Finitely Many Fixed Points
by Matthew O. Oluwayemi & Olubunmi A. Fadipe-Joseph - 1021461 On Nonsmooth Global Implicit Function Theorems for Locally Lipschitz Functions from Banach Spaces to Euclidean Spaces
by Guy Degla & Cyrille Dansou & Fortuné Dohemeto - 1172007 Convex Sets and Subharmonicity of the Inverse Norm Function
by Mohammad Taghi Heydari - 2162356 Computational Technique to Study Analytical Solutions to the Fractional Modified KDV‐Zakharov‐Kuznetsov Equation
by Mohamed A. Abdoon & Faeza Lafta Hasan & Nidal E. Taha - 2217882 Approximation Technique for Solving Linear Volterra Integro‐Differential Equations with Boundary Conditions
by Mohamed E. A. Alnair & Ahmed A. Khidir - 2425990 Coupling Shape Optimization and Topological Derivative for Maxwell Equations
by SY Alassane - 2960135 Strong Convergence Theorem for Finding a Common Solution of Convex Minimization and Fixed Point Problems in CAT(0) Spaces
by P. V. Ndlovu & L. O. Jolaoso & Maggie Aphane - 3168414 Convergence of Mann and Ishikawa Iterative Processes for Some Contractions in Convex Generalized Metric Space
by Youness El Kouch & Jamal Mouline - 3593697 Common Fixed Point Theorem for Multivalued Mappings Using Ternary Relation in G‐Metric Space with an Application
by Lucas Wangwe - 4039408 Maximal Injective Real W∗‐Subalgebras of Tensor Products of Real W∗‐Algebras
by A. A. Rakhimov & Muzaffar Nurillaev & Zabidin Salleh - 4593799 New Subclass of K‐Uniformly Univalent Analytic Functions with Negative Coefficients Defined by Multiplier Transformation
by Ma’moun I. Y. Alharayzeh & Firas Ghanim - 4628634 Using a Divergence Regularization Method to Solve an Ill‐Posed Cauchy Problem for the Helmholtz Equation
by Benedict Barnes & Anthony Y. Aidoo & Joseph Ackora-Prah - 4743234 Solving Nonlinear Fractional Partial Differential Equations Using the Elzaki Transform Method and the Homotopy Perturbation Method
by Mohamed. Z. Mohamed & Mohammed Yousif & Amjad E. Hamza - 5108445 Numerical Solution of the Heat Transfer Equation Coupled with the Darcy Flow Using the Finite Element Method
by Mohammed Hirpho - 5695286 Stability Results for Enriched Contraction Mappings in Convex Metric Spaces
by Rekha Panicker & Rahul Shukla - 5849405 On Solutions to a Class of Functional Differential Equations with Time‐Dependent Coefficients
by Muhammad Mohsin & Syed Touqeer H. Shah & Ali A. Zaidi - 5858050 Coupled Fixed Point Theorems in Topological Spaces with Size Function Topology
by Gun Sunyeekhan - 5982401 Common Best Proximity Point Theorems for Generalized Proximal Weakly Contractive Mappings in b‐Metric Space
by Yohannes Gebru & Yitages Negede - 6311193 Projections in Moduli Spaces of the Kleinian Groups
by Hala Alaqad & Jianhua Gong & Gaven Martin - 6385401 A Study on the Impact of Nonlinear Source Term in Black‐Scholes Option Pricing Model
by P. Sozhaeswari & R. Sowrirajan & K. Loganathan & Sonam Gyeltshen - 6721360 Solutions of a Class of Multiplicatively Advanced Differential Equations II: Fourier Transforms
by David W. Pravica & Njinasoa Randriampiry & Michael J. Spurr - 6777513 Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Analysis of the Dynamics of Eyring‐Powell Fluid due to Convection Subject to Thermal Stratification and Heat Generation Effect
by Solomon Bati Kejela & Emiru Rufo Adula - 6832559 On the New Generalized Hahn Sequence Space hdp
by Orhan Tuğ & Eberhard Malkowsky & Bipan Hazarika & Taja Yaying - 7688168 Coincidence Fixed‐Point Theorems for p‐Hybrid Contraction Mappings in Gb‐Metric Space with Application
by Lucas Wangwe
2021, Volume 2021, Issue 1
- 8288534 Numerical Solutions for Laminar Boundary Layer Nanofluid Flow along with a Moving Cylinder with Heat Generation, Thermal Radiation, and Slip Parameter
by Titilayo Morenike Agbaje & Gilbert Makanda - 8289155 Weighted Norm Inequalities for Multilinear Fourier Multipliers with Mixed Norm
by Mai Fujita - 8343207 Generalized Refinement of Gauss‐Seidel Method for Consistently Ordered 2‐Cyclic Matrices
by Gashaye Dessalew & Tesfaye Kebede & Gurju Awgichew & Assaye Walelign - 8624794 Some Special Ruled Surfaces Generated by a Direction Curve according to the Darboux Frame and their Characterizations
by Nidal Echabbi & Amina Ouazzani Chahdi - 8810220 Martingale Transforms between Martingale Hardy‐amalgam Spaces
by Justice Sam Bansah - 8817794 New Numerical Algorithm to Solve Variable‐Order Fractional Integrodifferential Equations in the Sense of Hilfer‐Prabhakar Derivative
by MohammadHossein Derakhshan - 8830727 A Numerical Scheme Based on the Chebyshev Functions to Find Approximate Solutions of the Coupled Nonlinear Sine‐Gordon Equations with Fractional Variable Orders
by MohammadHossein Derakhshan - 8831128 New Characterizations for the Essential Norms of Generalized Weighted Composition Operators between Zygmund‐Type Spaces
by Mostafa Hassanlou & Amir H. Sanatpour - 8835595 A Uniformly Convergent Collocation Method for Singularly Perturbed Delay Parabolic Reaction‐Diffusion Problem
by Fasika Wondimu Gelu & Gemechis File Duressa - 8870108 On the Solvability of a Resonant Third‐Order Integral m‐Point Boundary Value Problem on the Half‐Line
by O. F. Imaga & J. G. Oghonyon & P. O. Ogunniyi - 8877012 A Posteriori Error Analysis for a Lagrange Multiplier Method for a Stokes/Biot Fluid‐Poroelastic Structure Interaction Model
by Houédanou Koffi Wilfrid - 9865431 Corrigendum to “WEB‐Spline Finite Elements for the Approximation of Navier‐Lamé System with CA,B Boundary Condition”
by Ouadie Koubaiti & Ahmed Elkhalfi & Jaouad El-mekkaoui - 9951815 Small Modification on Modified Euler Method for Solving Initial Value Problems
by Abushet Hayalu Workie - 9959374 Fixed Point Theorems for (α, k, θ, φ)‐Contraction Multivalued Mappings in b‐Metric Space
by Youssef Errai & El Miloudi Marhrani & Mohamed Aamri - 9961013 The Marichev‐Saigo‐Maeda Fractional Calculus Operators Pertaining to the V‐Function
by S. Chandak & Biniyam Shimelis & Nigussie Abeye & A. Padma - 1366797 Dynamical Behaviors of a Fractional‐Order Three Dimensional Prey‐Predator Model
by Noor S. Sh. Barhoom & Sadiq Al-Nassir - 1661661 Numerical Treatment on Parabolic Singularly Perturbed Differential Difference Equation via Fitted Operator Scheme
by Dagnachew Mengstie Tefera & Awoke Andargie Tiruneh & Getachew Adamu Derese - 2298192 A Source Problem for the Helmholtz Equation via a Dirichlet‐to‐Neumann Map
by Kuo-Ming Lee - 2861194 Group Classification and Conservation Laws of a Class of Hyperbolic Equations
by J. C. Ndogmo - 3151501 Simultaneous Developability of Partner Ruled Surfaces according to Darboux Frame in E3
by Soukaina Ouarab - 3734817 Uncertainty Principles for Heisenberg Motion Group
by Walid Amghar - 4514044 On a p(x)‐Biharmonic Kirchhoff Problem with Navier Boundary Conditions
by Hafid Lebrimchi & Mohamed Talbi & Mohammed Massar & Najib Tsouli - 4573847 Fitted Numerical Scheme for Second‐Order Singularly Perturbed Differential‐Difference Equations with Mixed Shifts
by Meku Ayalew & Gashu Gadisa Kiltu & Gemechis File Duressa - 4846877 On Two Banach‐Type Fixed Points in Bipolar Metric Spaces
by Yaé Ulrich Gaba & Maggie Aphane & Vizender Sihag - 5513266 New Solutions for the Generalized BBM Equation in terms of Jacobi and Weierstrass Elliptic Functions
by Alvaro H. Salas & Lorenzo J. Martinez H & David L. Ocampo R - 5515575 Existence of Solutions for Superlinear Second‐Order System with Noninstantaneous Impulses
by Yucheng Bu - 5517215 Stability Theory for Nullity and Deficiency of Linear Relations
by Silas Luliro Kito & Gerald Wanjala - 5526536 Smarandache Ruled Surfaces according to Frenet‐Serret Frame of a Regular Curve in E3
by Soukaina Ouarab - 5529796 An Extension of the Carathéodory Differentiability to Set‐Valued Maps
by Pedro Hurtado & Alexander Leones & M. Martelo & J. B. Moreno - 5541105 Topologically Transitive and Mixing Properties of Set‐Valued Dynamical Systems
by Koon Sang Wong & Zabidin Salleh - 5548935 Controlled Continuous ∗‐K‐g‐Frames for Hilbert C∗‐Modules
by Abdeslam Touri & Hatim Labrigui & Mohamed Rossafi & Samir Kabbaj - 5556275 The Product‐Type Operators from Hardy Spaces into nth Weighted‐Type Spaces
by Ebrahim Abbasi - 5559486 Exponential Fitted Operator Method for Singularly Perturbed Convection‐Diffusion Type Problems with Nonlocal Boundary Condition
by Habtamu Garoma Debela - 5568636 Guaranteed Deterministic Approach to Superhedging: Case of Binary European Option
by Sergey N. Smirnov & Andrey Yu. Zanochkin - 5592010 Boundary Value Problem for Nonlinear Implicit Generalized Hilfer‐Type Fractional Differential Equations with Impulses
by Abdelkrim Salim & Mouffak Benchohra & Jamal Eddine Lazreg & Gaston N’Guérékata - 5988007 Fixed Point Results for an Almost Generalized α‐Admissible Z‐Contraction in the Setting of Partially Ordered b‐Metric Spaces
by Solomon Gebregiorgis Teweldemedhin & Kidane Koyas Tola - 6384818 Fixed Point Theorems for Set‐Valued L‐Contractions in Branciari Distance Spaces
by Seong-Hoon Cho - 6619877 A Common Fixed Point Theorem for Generalised F‐Kannan Mapping in Metric Space with Applications
by Lucas Wangwe & Santosh Kumar - 6625247 Applications of New Double Integral Transform (Laplace–Sumudu Transform) in Mathematical Physics
by Shams A. Ahmed - 6642564 Cyclic G‐Ω‐Weak Contraction‐Weak Nonexpansive Mappings and Some Fixed Point Theorems in Metric Spaces
by Sahar Mohamed Ali Abou Bakr - 6642723 Fixed Point Theorems for Generalized θ − ϕ−Expansive Mapping in Rectangular Metric Spaces
by Mohamed Rossafi & Abdelkarim Kari & El Miloudi Marhrani & Mohamed Aamri - 6649285 On Solitary Wave Solutions for the Camassa‐Holm and the Rosenau‐RLW‐Kawahara Equations with the Dual‐Power Law Nonlinearities
by Nattakorn Sukantamala & Supawan Nanta - 6659358 Best Proximity Point for Generalized and S‐Geraphty Contractions
by Abdelhafid Bassou & Taoufik Sabar & Mohamed Aamri - 6666942 Null Controllability of a Nonlinear Age Structured Model for a Two‐Sex Population
by Amidou Traoré & Okana S. Sougué & Yacouba Simporé & Oumar Traoré - 6672724 Related Fixed Point Theorems in Partially Ordered b‐Metric Spaces and Applications to Integral Equations
by Youssef Errai & El Miloudi Marhrani & Mohamed Aamri - 6682994 Conformable Sumudu Transform of Space‐Time Fractional Telegraph Equation
by Amjad E. Hamza & Mohamed Z. Mohamed & Eltaib M. Abd Elmohmoud & M. Magzoub - 6686526 Maximum Norm Estimates of the Solution of the Navier‐Stokes Equations in the Halfspace with Bounded Initial Data
by Santosh Pathak - 6688250 Equivalent Characterization on Besov Space
by Cong He & Jingchun Chen - 6690328 The Multiple K‐Riemann Integral
by Oussama Kabbouch & Mustapha Najmeddine - 6691678 Resolution of the Min‐Max Optimization Problem Applied in the Agricultural Sector with the Estimation of Yields by Nonparametric Statistical Approaches
by Ghizlane Kouaiba & Driss Mentagui - 6709303 Lower Semicontinuity in L1 of a Class of Functionals Defined on BV with Carathéodory Integrands
by T. Wunderli - 7035776 A Note on Derivative of Sine Series with Square Root
by Sergiusz Kęska - 7569209 Uniformly Convergent Nonpolynomial Spline Method for Singularly Perturbed Robin‐Type Boundary Value Problems with Discontinuous Source Term
by Habtamu Garoma Debela & Gemechis File Duressa
2020, Volume 2020, Issue 1
- 8107106 Optimal Controls of the Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy
by Ellina V. Grigorieva & Evgenii N. Khailov & Andrei Korobeinikov - 8267638 Euler‐Type Integral Operator Involving S‐Function
by D. L. Suthar & Teklay Hailay - 8353481 Geographically Weighted Multivariate Logistic Regression Model and Its Application
by M. Fathurahman & Purhadi & Sutikno & Vita Ratnasari - 8368951 Maclaurin Coefficient Estimates for New Subclasses of Bi‐univalent Functions Connected with a q‐Analogue of Bessel Function
by Sheza M. El-Deeb - 8463263 A Variational Method for Multivalued Boundary Value Problems
by Droh Arsène Béhi & Assohoun Adjé - 8628739 A Posteriori Error Analysis for a New Fully Mixed Isotropic Discretization of the Stationary Stokes‐Darcy Coupled Problem
by Houédanou Koffi Wilfrid & Adetola Jamal & Allaoui Mohamed - 8811810 Inclusion Relation between Various Subclasses of Harmonic Univalent Functions Associated with Wright’s Generalized Hypergeometric Functions
by Rajavadivelu Themangani & Saurabh Porwal & Nanjundan Magesh - 8814657 Approximate Lie Symmetry Conditions of Autoparallels and Geodesics
by Sameerah Jamal - 8833214 New Fixed Point Theorems for θ‐ϕ‐Contraction on Rectangular b‐Metric Spaces
by Abdelkarim Kari & Mohamed Rossafi & El Miloudi Marhrani & Mohamed Aamri - 8866826 An Equivalence between the Limit Smoothness and the Rate of Convergence for a General Contraction Operator Family
by Maxim J. Goldberg & Seonja Kim - 8881915 A Fast Algorithm for Solving a Class of the Linear Complementarity Problem in a Finite Number of Steps
by Yamna Achik & Asmaa Idmbarek & Hajar Nafia & Imane Agmour & Youssef El foutayeni - 9352453 Best Lag Window for Spectrum Estimation of Law Order MA Process
by Ali Sami Rashid & Mohammed Jabber Hawas Allami & Ahmed Kareem Mutasher - 9427267 A Study on Common Fixed Point of Joint (A; B) Generalized Cyclic ϕ − abc Weak Nonexpansive Mappings and Generalized Cyclic abc; r Contractions in Quasi Metric Spaces
by Sahar Mohamed Ali Abou Bakr - 9738971 Common Fixed Point Results for a Pair of Multivalued Mappings in Complex‐Valued b‐Metric Spaces
by Olawale Kazeem Oyewole & Kazeem Olalekan Aremu & Lateef Olakunle Jolaoso - 9816942 Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection Viscoelastic Jeffrey’s Nanofluid Flow from a Vertical Permeable Flat Plate with Heat Generation, Thermal Radiation, and Chemical Reaction
by T. M. Agbaje & P. G. L. Leach - 1273194 Solving Generalized Wave and Heat Equations Using Linear Canonical Transform and Sampling Formulae
by Mawardi Bahri & Ryuichi Ashino - 1461647 On One Method of Studying Spectral Properties of Non‐selfadjoint Operators
by Maksim V. Kukushkin - 1653081 Some New Oscillation Criteria for Fourth‐Order Nonlinear Delay Difference Equations
by Kandasamy Alagesan & Subaramaniyam Jaikumar & Govindasamy Ayyappan - 1734174 Variable Exponent Function Spaces related to a Sublinear Expectation
by Bochi Xu - 1745656 Domain Identification for Inverse Problem via Conformal Mapping and Fixed Point Methods in Two Dimensions
by Fagueye Ndiaye - 1832982 An Integral Equation for Riemann’s Zeta Function and Its Approximate Solution
by Michael Milgram - 1837364 Mathematical Modeling of Public Opinions: Parameter Estimation, Sensitivity Analysis, and Model Uncertainty Using an Agree‐Disagree Opinion Model
by Sara Bidah & Omar Zakary & Mostafa Rachik & Hanane Ferjouchia - 1896563 Asymptotic Stability of Distributed‐Order Nonlinear Time‐Varying Systems with the Prabhakar Fractional Derivatives
by MohammadHossein Derakhshan & Azim Aminataei - 1963980 Inexact Version of Bregman Proximal Gradient Algorithm
by S. Kabbadj - 2127071 Positive Solution for the Integral and Infinite Point Boundary Value Problem for Fractional‐Order Differential Equation Involving a Generalized ϕ‐Laplacian Operator
by Nadir Benkaci-Ali - 2135859 Some Fixed Point Theorems in Modular Function Spaces Endowed with a Graph
by Jaauad Jeddi & Mustapha Kabil & Samih Lazaiz - 2438193 Fixed Point Theorems for Generalized Set‐Valued Weak θ‐Contractions in Complete Metric Spaces
by Seong-Hoon Cho - 2485979 The Role of Control Measures and the Environment in the Transmission Dynamics of Cholera
by Nicholas Kwasi-Do Ohene Opoku & Cecilia Afriyie - 2609316 Fixed‐Point Theorem for Multivalued Quasi‐Contraction Maps in a V‐Fuzzy Metric Space
by Matthew Brijesh Sookoo & Sreedhara Rao Gunakala - 2690125 Instantaneous and Noninstantaneous Impulsive Integrodifferential Equations in Banach Spaces
by Saïd Abbas & Mouffak Benchohra & Gaston M. N′Guérékata - 2913087 The Split Feasibility Problem with Some Projection Methods in Banach Spaces
by Toshiharu Kawasaki & Hiroko Manaka - 3162634 Dynamic Models of Pollution Penalties and Rewards with Time Delays
by Akio Matsumoto & Ferenc Szidarovszky - 3183529 A New Iterative Algorithm for Pseudomonotone Equilibrium Problem and a Finite Family of Demicontractive Mappings
by F. U. Ogbuisi & F. O. Isiogugu - 3235942 Two‐Weight, Weak‐Type Norm Inequalities for Fractional Integral Operators and Commutators on Weighted Morrey and Amalgam Spaces
by Hua Wang - 3673921 Two‐Weight, Weak‐Type Norm Inequalities for a Class of Sublinear Operators on Weighted Morrey and Amalgam Spaces
by Hua Wang - 3793606 Fixed Point Theorems for a New Class of Mappings in Modular Spaces Endowed with a Graph
by Nour-eddine El Harmouchi & Karim Chaira & El Miloudi Marhrani - 3950816 A New Solution of Time‐Fractional Coupled KdV Equation by Using Natural Decomposition Method
by Mohamed Elbadri & Shams A. Ahmed & Yahya T. Abdalla & Walid Hdidi - 4657151 Estimation of Error Variance‐Covariance Parameters Using Multivariate Geographically Weighted Regression Model
by Sri Harini - 4710745 Nonparametric Regression Model for Longitudinal Data with Mixed Truncated Spline and Fourier Series
by Made Ayu Dwi Octavanny & I. Nyoman Budiantara & Heri Kuswanto & Dyah Putri Rahmawati - 4725150 Solution of Integral Differential Equations by New Double Integral Transform (Laplace–Sumudu Transform)
by Shams A. Ahmed & Tarig M. Elzaki & Abdelgabar Adam Hassan - 4729872 Paths of Real Roots for Odd‐Degree Polynomials with Parameters
by Junxiang Xu - 4879723 WEB‐Spline Finite Elements for the Approximation of Navier‐Lamé System with CA,B Boundary Condition
by Ouadie Koubaiti & Ahmed Elkhalfi & Jaouad El-mekkaoui - 5804957 On Fuzzy Soft Linear Operators in Fuzzy Soft Hilbert Spaces
by Nashat Faried & Mohamed S. S. Ali & Hanan H. Sakr - 5912803 Corrigendum to “Variable Exponent Function Spaces related to a Sublinear Expectation”
by Bochi Xu - 6150398 Browder’s Convergence Theorem for Multivalued Mappings in Banach Spaces without the Endpoint Condition
by Thanomsak Laokul - 6179591 Parameter Estimations of Fuzzy Forced Duffing Equation: Numerical Performances by the Extended Runge‐Kutta Method
by Muhammad Ahsar Karim & Agus Yodi Gunawan - 6579720 Algorithm for Solutions of Nonlinear Equations of Strongly Monotone Type and Applications to Convex Minimization and Variational Inequality Problems
by Mathew O. Aibinu & Surendra C. Thakur & Sibusiso Moyo - 6669997 Mathematical Analysis of TB Model with Vaccination and Saturated Incidence Rate
by Ashenafi Kelemu Mengistu & Peter J. Witbooi - 6794709 Strict Deformation Quantization via Geometric Quantization in the Bieliavsky Plane
by P. Hurtado & A. Leones & J. B. Moreno - 7045756 Uniform Hybrid Difference Scheme for Singularly Perturbed Differential‐Difference Turning Point Problems Exhibiting Boundary Layers
by Wondwosen Gebeyaw Melesse & Awoke Andargie Tiruneh & Getachew Adamu Derese - 7083981 Market Power, NAIRU, and the Phillips Curve
by Derek Zweig - 7129796 Existence Results for a Class of p -Laplacian Fractional Differential Equations with Integral Boundary Conditions
by SunAe Pak & KumSong Jong & KyuNam O & HuiChol Choi - 7151953 A Cyclic Method for Solutions of a Class of Split Variational Inequality Problem in Banach Space
by Bashir Ali & Aisha A. Adam & Yusuf Ibrahim - 7391058 Initial Bounds for Certain Classes of Bi‐Univalent Functions Defined by Horadam Polynomials
by Chinnaswamy Abirami & Nanjundan Magesh & Jagadeesan Yamini - 7413859 A New Efficient Method for Solving Two‐Dimensional Nonlinear System of Burger’s Differential Equations
by Shams A. Ahmed & Mohamed Elbadri & Mohamed Z. Mohamed - 7418707 On Regularization of an Optimal Control Problem for Ill‐Posed Nonlinear Elliptic Equations
by Peter I. Kogut & Olha P. Kupenko & Rosanna Manzo - 7545983 On Viscosity and Equivalent Notions of Solutions for Anisotropic Geometric Equations
by Cecilia De Zan & Pierpaolo Soravia - 7624829 Perona‐Malik Model with Diffusion Coefficient Depending on Fractional Gradient via Caputo‐Fabrizio Derivative
by Gustavo Asumu Mboro Nchama & Angela Leon Mecias & Mariano Rodriguez Ricard - 7917184 Chaotic Behaviour and Bifurcation in Real Dynamics of Two‐Parameter Family of Functions including Logarithmic Map
by Mohammad Sajid - 7971038 Continuous Dependence on the Forchheimer Coefficient of the Forchheimer Fluid Interfacing with a Darcy Fluid
by Jincheng Shi & Lianhong Guo - 7985298 On a Partial q‐Analog of a Singularly Perturbed Problem with Fuchsian and Irregular Time Singularities
by Stephane Malek
2019, Volume 2019, Issue 1
- 8317029 On a Parametric Mulholland‐Type Inequality and Applications
by Bicheng Yang & Meifa Huang & Yanru Zhong - 8342876 The Modified Coupled Hirota Equation: Riemann‐Hilbert Approach and N‐Soliton Solutions
by Siqi Xu - 9072690 Least‐Norm of the General Solution to Some System of Quaternion Matrix Equations and Its Determinantal Representations
by Abdur Rehman & Ivan Kyrchei & Muhammad Akram & Ilyas Ali & Abdul Shakoor - 1483764 On the Relationship between the Inhomogeneous Wave and Helmholtz Equations in a Fractional Setting
by Mateo Dulce & Alexander Getmanenko - 2841606 Common Fixed Point Theorems for a Pair of Self‐Mappings in Fuzzy Cone Metric Spaces
by Saif Ur Rehman & Yongjin Li & Shamoona Jabeen & Tayyab Mahmood - 3749387 A Convolution Theorem Related to Quaternion Linear Canonical Transform
by Mawardi Bahri & Ryuichi Ashino - 3757036 Hopf‐Bifurcation Analysis of Pneumococcal Pneumonia with Time Delays
by Fulgensia Kamugisha Mbabazi & Joseph Y. T. Mugisha & Mark Kimathi - 4567825 Optimal Control against the Human Papillomavirus: Protection versus Eradication of the Infection
by Fernando Saldaña & Andrei Korobeinikov & Ignacio Barradas - 4829861 The Numbers of Positive Solutions by the Lusternik‐Schnirelmann Category for a Quasilinear Elliptic System Critical with Hardy Terms
by Mustapha Khiddi - 5129013 Constructive Existence of (1,1)‐Solutions to Two‐Point Value Problems for Fuzzy Linear Multiterm Fractional Differential Equations
by HuiChol Choi & SungHyok Kwon & Kinam Sin & Sunae Pak & Sungryol So - 5648095 Inequality of Ostrowski Type for Mappings with Bounded Fourth Order Partial Derivatives
by Waseem Ghazi Alshanti - 5787329 Stable Numerical Solutions Preserving Qualitative Properties of Nonlocal Biological Dynamic Problems
by M.-A. Piqueras & R. Company & L. Jódar