October 2008, Volume 17, Issue 10
- 1207-1213 Incorporating feelings related to the uncertainty about future health in utility measurement
by Afschin Gandjour
September 2008, Volume 17, Issue 9
- 997-999 Editors' Introduction
by Andrew Jones & Owen O'Donnell - 1001-1014 Expenditure dispersion and dietary quality: evidence from Canada
by Timothy K. M. Beatty - 1015-1035 Infant mortality and child nutrition in Bangladesh
by Diane Dancer & Anu Rammohan & Murray D. Smith - 1037-1055 Medical demography and intergenerational inequalities in general practitioners' earnings
by B. Dormont & A.‐L. Samson - 1057-1071 Cost and technical efficiency of German hospitals: does ownership matter?
by Annika Herr - 1073-1087 The quantile regression approach to efficiency measurement: insights from Monte Carlo simulations
by Chunping Liu & Audrey Laporte & Brian S. Ferguson - 1089-1104 Genetic information, obesity, and labor market outcomes
by Edward C. Norton & Euna Han
August 2008, Volume 17, Issue 8
- 889-906 Maternal employment and overweight children: does timing matter?
by Stephanie von Hinke Kessler Scholder - 907-926 Explaining trends in concentration of healthcare commissioning in the English NHS
by Mark Dusheiko & Maria Goddard & Hugh Gravelle & Rowena Jacobs - 927-946 Social costs of robbery and the cost‐effectiveness of substance abuse treatment
by Anirban Basu & A. David Paltiel & Harold A. Pollack - 947-959 Projections of the costs associated with colorectal cancer care in the United States, 2000–2020
by K. Robin Yabroff & Angela B. Mariotto & Eric Feuer & Martin L. Brown - 961-975 Out‐of‐pocket payment for medical care under Taiwan's National Health Insurance system
by Chunhuei Chi & Jwo‐Leun Lee & Shu‐Ling Tsai & Wen‐Yi Chen - 977-995 Hospital financial condition and the quality of patient care
by Gloria J. Bazzoli & Hsueh‐Fen Chen & Mei Zhao & Richard C. Lindrooth
July 2008, Volume 17, Issue 7
- 777-791 Cost‐effectiveness analysis of a multinational RCT with a binary measure of effectiveness and an interacting covariate
by Andrew R. Willan & Matthew E. Kowgier - 793-813 Employee choice of flexible spending account participation and health plan
by Barton H. Hamilton & James Marton - 815-832 A comparison of the performance of the EQ‐5D and SF‐6D for individuals aged ≥ 45 years
by Garry R. Barton & Tracey H. Sach & Anthony J. Avery & Claire Jenkinson & Michael Doherty & David K. Whynes & Kenneth R. Muir - 833-848 Cost inefficiency and hospital health outcomes
by Niccie L. McKay & Mary E. Deily - 849-862 Demand for medical care in the urban areas of Iran: an empirical investigation
by Majid S. Kermani & Hossein Ghaderi & Ayoub Yousefi - 863-875 Aggregation rules for cost–benefit analysis: a health economics perspective
by Josephine Borghi - 877-885 Can we fix it? Yes we can! But what? A new test of procedural invariance in TTO‐measurement
by Arthur E. Attema & Werner B. F. Brouwer
June 2008, Volume 17, Issue 6
- 667-670 Should the capability approach be applied in Health Economics?
by Joanna Coast & Richard Smith & Paula Lorgelly - 671-681 The analysis of efficiency among a small number of organisations: How inferences can be improved by exploiting patient‐level data
by Kim Rose Olsen & Andrew Street - 683-693 Price increase causes fewer sales of factory‐made cigarettes and higher sales of cheaper loose tobacco in Germany
by Reiner Hanewinkel & Christian Radden & Tobias Rosenkranz - 695-708 Do nutrition labels improve dietary outcomes?
by Jayachandran N. Variyam - 709-720 Preferences for ‘life‐saving’ programmes: Small for all or gambling for the prize?
by Dorte Gyrd‐Hansen & Ivar Sønbø Kristiansen - 721-731 The effect of information in the utilization of preventive health‐care strategies: An application to breast cancer
by Julia Witt - 733-749 Youth smoking, cigarette prices, and anti‐smoking sentiment
by Philip DeCicca & Donald Kenkel & Alan Mathios & Yoon‐Jeong Shin & Jae‐Young Lim - 751-775 Giving greater financial independence to hospitals—does it make a difference? The case of English NHS Trusts
by Giorgia Marini & Marisa Miraldo & Rowena Jacobs & Maria Goddard
May 2008, Volume 17, Issue 5
- 557-577 Fitting observed and theoretical choices – women's choices about prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome
by Valerie Seror - 579-591 On future non‐medical costs in economic evaluations
by Bengt Liljas & Göran S. Karlsson & Nils‐Olov Stålhammar - 593-605 HPV triage testing or repeat Pap smear for the management of atypical squamous cells (ASCUS) on Pap smear: is there evidence of process utility?
by Kirsten Howard & Glenn Salkeld & Kirsten McCaffery & Les Irwig - 607-617 Contingent valuation in health care: does it matter how the ‘good’ is described?
by Richard D. Smith - 619-638 Health and labour force participation of older people in Europe: What do objective health indicators add to the analysis?
by Adriaan Kalwij & Frederic Vermeulen - 639-647 A note on the dynamic interaction between waiting times and waiting lists
by Luigi Siciliani - 649-664 The adoption of hospital information systems
by Jeffrey S. McCullough
April 2008, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 449-451 Paying for performance: the power of incentives over habits
by Jody L. Sindelar - 453-468 Predicting risk selection following major changes in medicare
by Steven D. Pizer & Austin B. Frakt & Roger Feldman - 469-485 Valuing reductions in on‐the‐job illness: ‘presenteeism’ from managerial and economic perspectives
by Mark V. Pauly & Sean Nicholson & Daniel Polsky & Marc L. Berger & Claire Sharda - 487-501 Does age or life expectancy better predict health care expenditures?
by Baoping Shang & Dana Goldman - 503-511 Prevention and cure efforts both substitute and complement
by David A. Hennessy - 513-521 Attribute substitution in early enrollment decisions into Medicare prescription drug plans
by Austin B. Frakt & Steven D. Pizer - 523-534 Longevity bias in cost‐effectiveness analysis
by Liqun Liu & Andrew J. Rettenmaier & Thomas R. Saving - 535-543 US health economists: who we are and what we do
by Michael A. Morrisey & John Cawley - 545-550 Does the quality of care in Medicaid MCOs vary with the form of physician compensation?
by Troy Quast & David E. M. Sappington & Elizabeth Shenkman - 551-556 Effects of youth, price, and audience size on alcohol advertising in magazines
by Jon P. Nelson & Douglas J. Young
March 2008, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 299-316 Consumer channeling by health insurers: natural experiments with preferred providers in the Dutch pharmacy market
by Lieke H. H. M. Boonen & Frederik T. Schut & Xander Koolman - 317-334 Healthy, wealthy and insured? The role of self‐assessed health in the demand for private health insurance
by Denise Doiron & Glenn Jones & Elizabeth Savage - 335-350 Effects of ownership, subsidization and teaching activities on hospital costs in Switzerland
by Mehdi Farsi & Massimo Filippini - 351-375 Does reporting heterogeneity bias the measurement of health disparities?
by Teresa Bago d'Uva & Eddy Van Doorslaer & Maarten Lindeboom & Owen O'Donnell - 377-392 Equity in health and health care in a decentralised context: evidence from Canada
by Dolores Jiménez‐Rubio & Peter C. Smith & Eddy Van Doorslaer - 393-409 Informal and formal care among single‐living elderly in Europe
by K. Bolin & B. Lindgren & P. Lundborg - 411-433 Eliciting the demand for long‐term care coverage: a discrete choice modelling analysis
by Rinaldo Brau & Matteo Lippi Bruni - 435-440 Presenting results of probabilistic sensitivity analysis: the incremental benefit curve
by Mohan V. Bala & Gary A. Zarkin & Josephine Mauskopf - 441-448 Cost‐effective public health guidance: asking questions from the decision‐maker's viewpoint
by Kalipso Chalkidou & Anthony Culyer & Bhash Naidoo & Peter Littlejohns
February 2008, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 149-165 Health service delivery in China: a literature review
by Karen Eggleston & Li Ling & Meng Qingyue & Magnus Lindelow & Adam Wagstaff - 167-184 Is waiting‐time prioritisation welfare improving?
by Hugh Gravelle & Luigi Siciliani - 185-202 Changes in the demand for private medical insurance following a shift in tax incentives
by Marisol Rodríguez & Alexandrina Stoyanova - 203-219 Does free complementary health insurance help the poor to access health care? Evidence from France
by Michel Grignon & Marc Perronnin & John N. Lavis - 221-233 The analysis of a cardiological network in a regulated setting: a spatial interaction approach
by Matteo Lippi Bruni & Lucia Nobilio & Cristina Ugolini - 235-248 Exploring differences in empirical time preference rates for health: an application of meta‐regression
by Francis Asenso‐Boadi & Tim J. Peters & Joanna Coast - 249-265 What is the relationship between income inequality and health? Evidence from the BHPS
by Paula K. Lorgelly & Joanne Lindley - 267-286 Should we brush twice a day? Determinants of dental health among young adults in Finland
by Lien Nguyen & Unto Häkkinen & Matti Knuuttila & Marjo‐Riitta Järvelin - 287-292 Subject variation more than values clarification explains the reliability of willingness to pay estimates
by Alan Shiell & Karen McIntosh - 293-297 On survival consumption costs – a reply to Nyman
by Douglas Lundin & Joakim Ramsberg - 298-298 Special issue of Health Economics: China's health care system
by Winnie Yip & Adam Wagstaff & William C. Hsiao
January 2008, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-3 Globalization: the key challenge facing health economics in the 21st century
by Richard Smith - 5-19 The cost of quality improvements due to integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) in Uganda
by David Bishai & Gita Mirchandani & George Pariyo & Gilbert Burnham & Robert Black - 21-29 The role of private providers in treating child diarrhoea in Latin America
by Hugh R. Waters & Laurel E. Hatt & Robert E. Black - 31-40 The construction of standard gamble utilities
by Sylvie M. C. van Osch & Anne M. Stiggelbout - 41-54 Care‐giver advice as a preventive measure for drinking during pregnancy: zeros, categorical outcome responses, and endogeneity
by Joseph V. Terza & Donald S. Kenkel & Tsui‐Fang Lin & Shinichi Sakata - 55-66 Willingness‐to‐pay for a statistical life in the times of a pandemic
by Dorte Gyrd‐Hansen & Peder Andreas Halvorsen & Ivar Sønbø Kristiansen - 67-81 Estimating the cost‐effectiveness of an intervention in a clinical trial when partial cost information is available: a Bayesian approach
by Paul C. Lambert & Lucinda J. Billingham & Nicola J. Cooper & Alex J. Sutton & Keith R. Abrams - 83-97 The demand for statin: the effect of copay on utilization and compliance
by Patrick Thiebaud & Bimal V. Patel & Michael B. Nichol - 99-107 An opportunity cost approach to sample size calculation in cost‐effectiveness analysis
by A. Gafni & S. D. Walter & S. Birch & P. Sendi - 109-118 Different dental care setting: does income matter?
by Sukanya Tianviwat & Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong & Stephen Birch - 119-126 Predictability of drug expenditures: an application using morbidity data
by Manuel García‐Goñi & Pere Ibern - 127-143 Social capital and its relationship with measures of health status: evidence from the Health Survey for England 2003
by Stavros Petrou & Emil Kupek
December 2007, Volume 16, Issue 12
- 1277-1286 Use of evidence in economic decision models: practical issues and methodological challenges
by N. J. Cooper & A. J. Sutton & A. E. Ades & S. Paisley & D. R. Jones & on behalf of the working group on the ‘use of evidence in economic decision models’ - 1287-1301 The impact of state physical education requirements on youth physical activity and overweight
by John Cawley & Chad Meyerhoefer & David Newhouse - 1303-1318 The effects of pay and job satisfaction on the labour supply of hospital consultants
by Divine Ikenwilo & Anthony Scott - 1319-1332 The role of ‘reference goods’ in contingent valuation: should we help respondents to ‘construct’ their willingness to pay?
by Richard D. Smith - 1333-1343 The effect of cigarette taxes on smoking among men and women
by Mark Stehr - 1345-1357 Setting priorities for research: a practical application of ‘payback’ and expected value of information
by Rachael L. Fleurence - 1359-1369 Health insurance coverage and the use of preventive services by Mexican adults
by José A. Pagán & Andrea Puig & Beth J. Soldo - 1371-1387 Making choices between prepayment and user charges in Zambia. What are the results for equity?
by Masahide Kondo & Barbara McPake - 1389-1402 A DID analysis of the impact of health insurance reform in the city of Hangzhou
by Jiale Zhang - 1403-1408 Sur model with spatial effects: an application to mental health expenditure
by Francesco Moscone & Elisa Tosetti & Martin Knapp
November 2007, Volume 16, Issue 11
- 1127-1131 Identification of treatment effects in Health Economics
by Andrew M. Jones - 1133-1157 Use of instrumental variables in the presence of heterogeneity and self‐selection: an application to treatments of breast cancer patients
by Anirban Basu & James J. Heckman & Salvador Navarro‐Lozano & Sergio Urzua - 1159-1184 Catastrophic payments for health care in Asia
by Eddy van Doorslaer & Owen O'Donnell & Ravindra P. Rannan‐Eliya & Aparnaa Somanathan & Shiva Raj Adhikari & Charu C. Garg & Deni Harbianto & Alejandro N. Herrin & Mohammed Nazmul Huq & Shamsia Ibragimova & Anup Karan & Tae‐Jin Lee & Gabriel M. Leung & Jui‐Fen Rachel Lu & Chiu Wan Ng & Badri Raj Pande & Rachel Racelis & Sihai Tao & Keith Tin & Kanjana Tisayaticom & Laksono Trisnantoro & Chitpranee Vasavid & Yuxin Zhao - 1185-1204 Therapeutic non‐adherence: a rational behavior revealing patient preferences?
by Karine Lamiraud & Pierre‐Yves Geoffard - 1205-1225 Expected value of sample information for Weibull survival data
by Alan Brennan & Samer A. Kharroubi - 1227-1244 Monetary valuation of informal care: the well‐being valuation method
by Bernard van den Berg & Ada Ferrer‐i‐Carbonell - 1245-1269 Child health: evidence on the roles of family income and maternal mental health from a UK birth cohort
by Carol Propper & John Rigg & Simon Burgess - 1271-1275 Progressivity in the financing of decentralized government health programs: a decomposition
by Adam Wagstaff & Magnus Lindelow
October 2007, Volume 16, Issue 10
- 981-992 Drug price reform in the UK: debunking the myths
by Simeon Thornton - 993-1008 Do health expenditures ‘catch‐up’? Evidence from OECD countries
by Paresh Kumar Narayan - 1009-1023 Monte Carlo probabilistic sensitivity analysis for patient level simulation models: efficient estimation of mean and variance using ANOVA
by Anthony O'Hagan & Matt Stevenson & Jason Madan - 1025-1039 An empirical investigation of the social market for cigarettes
by Brett Katzman & Sara Markowitz & Kerry Anne McGeary - 1041-1050 Demand for private health insurance in Chinese urban areas
by Xiao‐Hua Ying & Teh‐Wei Hu & Jane Ren & Wen Chen & Ke Xu & Jin‐Hui Huang - 1051-1068 Demand assessment and price‐elasticity estimation of quality‐improved primary health care in palestine: a contribution from the contingent valuation method
by Awad Mataria & Stéphane Luchini & Yousef Daoud & Jean‐Paul Moatti - 1069-1090 Psychiatric disorders and labor market outcomes: evidence from the National Latino and Asian American Study
by Pinka Chatterji & Margarita Alegría & Mingshan Lu & David Takeuchi - 1091-1107 Improving the measurement of health system output growth
by Adriana Castelli & Diane Dawson & Hugh Gravelle & Andrew Street - 1109-1126 Population ageing and health care expenditure: a school of ‘red herrings’?
by Andreas Werblow & Stefan Felder & Peter Zweifel
September 2007, Volume 16, Issue 9
- 871-873 Guest editors' introduction
by Andrew Jones & Owen O'Donnell - 875-894 Measuring health polarization with self‐assessed health data
by Benedicte Apouey - 895-909 Gender differences in smoking behavior
by Thomas Bauer & Silja Göhlmann & Mathias Sinning - 911-928 Spending to save? State health expenditure and infant mortality in India
by Sonia Bhalotra - 929-944 Using relative distributions to investigate the body mass index in England and Canada
by Paul Contoyannis & John Wildman - 945-966 Social norms, ideal body weight and food attitudes
by Fabrice Etilé - 967-979 Modelling socioeconomic and health determinants of health‐care use: a semiparametric approach
by Jürgen Maurer
August 2007, Volume 16, Issue 8
- 763-779 An empirical analysis of the impact of choice on waiting times
by Luigi Siciliani & Steve Martin - 781-798 The effects of income, education and age on health
by Olga Kiuila & Peter Mieszkowski - 799-813 Quality improvement and its impact on the use and equality of outpatient health services in India
by Krishna Dipankar Rao & David H. Peters - 815-826 Multilevel models for estimating incremental net benefits in multinational studies
by Richard Grieve & Richard Nixon & Simon G. Thompson & John Cairns - 827-840 A comparison of approaches to estimating confidence intervals for willingness to pay measures
by Arne Risa Hole - 841-859 Malpractice litigation and medical costs in Mississippi
by Brandon Roberts & Irving Hoch - 861-869 Use, option and externality values: are contingent valuation studies in health care mis‐specified?
by Richard D. Smith
July 2007, Volume 16, Issue 7
- 653-665 If it ain't broke, don't price fix it: the OFT and the PPRS
by Adrian Towse - 667-685 Accounting for quality in the measurement of hospital performance: evidence from Costa Rica
by Pablo Arocena & Ariadna García‐Prado - 687-701 A re‐examination of distance as a proxy for severity of illness and the implications for differences in utilization by race/ethnicity
by Jayasree Basu & Bernard Friedman - 703-717 Patient preferences for managing asthma: results from a discrete choice experiment
by Madeleine T. King & Jane Hall & Emily Lancsar & Denzil Fiebig & Ishrat Hossain & Jordan Louviere & Helen K. Reddel & Christine R. Jenkins - 719-737 Employment‐contingent health insurance, illness, and labor supply of women: evidence from married women with breast cancer
by Cathy J. Bradley & David Neumark & Zhehui Luo & Heather L. Bednarek - 739-754 The association of alcohol dependency with employment probability: evidence from the population survey ‘Health 2000 in Finland’
by Edvard Johansson & Hannu Alho & Urpo Kiiskinen & Kari Poikolainen - 755-758 It might be premature to reject the assumption of a power curve relationship between VAS and SG data: three comments on Stevens, McCabe and Brazier's ‘Mapping between VAS and SG data; results from the UK HUI Index 2 valuation survey’
by Amir Shmueli - 759-761 Response to Shmueli
by Katherine Stevens & Christopher McCabe & John Brazier
June 2007, Volume 16, Issue 6
- 545-558 Oft, Vbp: Qed?
by Karl Claxton - 559-578 A note on cointegration of health expenditures and income
by Zijun Wang & Andrew J. Rettenmaier - 579-601 Public versus private health care in a national health service
by Kurt R. Brekke & Lars Sørgard - 603-626 The relationship between road traffic accidents and real economic activity in spain: common cycles and health issues
by Antonio García‐ferrer & Aránzazu De Juan & Pilar Poncela - 627-643 In search of a corrected prescription drug Elasticity estimate: a meta‐regression approach
by Marin C. Gemmill & Joan Costa‐Font & Alistair McGuire - 645-647 ‘Is there a case for using visual analogue scale valuations in CUA’ by Parkin and Devlin a response: ‘yes there is a case, but what does it add to ordinal data?’
by John Brazier & Christopher McCabe - 649-651 ‘Is there a case for using visual analogue scale valuations in CUA? Yes there is a case, but what does it add to ordinal data?’ a rejoinder
by David Parkin & Nancy Devlin
May 2007, Volume 16, Issue 5
- 437-440 The slow and unnoticed changes in the funding mix
by Pedro Pita Barros - 441-456 Health systems in East Asia: what can developing countries learn from Japan and the Asian Tigers?
by Adam Wagstaff - 457-474 Consolidations and closures: an empirical analysis of exits from the hospital industry
by Teresa D. Harrison - 475-489 An empirical analysis of US and Japanese health insurance using age–period–cohort decomposition
by Kosei Fukuda - 491-511 Advance market commitments for vaccines against neglected diseases: estimating costs and effectiveness
by Ernst R. Berndt & Rachel Glennerster & Michael R. Kremer & Jean Lee & Ruth Levine & Georg Weizsäcker & Heidi Williams - 513-529 Graded pairs comparison ‐ does strength of preference matter? Analysis of preferences for specialised nurse home visits for pain management
by Mickael Bech & Dorte Gyrd‐Hansen & Trine Kjær & Jørgen Lauridsen & Jan Sørensen - 531-536 Comparison of alternative methods of collection of service use data for the economic evaluation of health care interventions
by Sarah Byford & Morven Leese & Martin Knapp & Helen Seivewright & Susan Cameron & Vanessa Jones & Kate Davidson & Peter Tyrer - 537-543 Seeing for yourself: feasibility study towards valuing visual impairment using simulation spectacles
by Samuel Aballéa & Aki Tsuchiya
April 2007, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 327-346 Health care quality, economic inequality, and precautionary saving
by Tullio Jappelli & Luigi Pistaferri & Guglielmo Weber - 347-359 Risk adjusted resource utilization for AMI patients treated in Japanese hospitals
by Edward Evans & Yuichi Imanaka & Miho Sekimoto & Tatsuro Ishizaki & Kenshi Hayashida & Haruhisa Fukuda & Eun‐Hwan Oh - 361-384 Prenatal drug use and the production of infant health
by Kelly Noonan & Nancy E. Reichman & Hope Corman & Dhaval Dave - 385-393 Health care funding levels and patient outcomes: a national study
by Margaret M. Byrne & Kenneth Pietz & LeChauncy Woodard & Laura A. Petersen - 395-405 A comparison of patient and population values for health states in varicose veins patients
by Julie Ratcliffe & John Brazier & Simon Palfreyman & Jonathan Michaels - 407-419 The economic cost of teen drinking: late graduation and lowered earnings
by Francesco Renna - 421-433 Unrelated medical care in life years gained and the cost utility of primary prevention: in search of a ‘perfect’ cost–utility ratio
by Pieter H. M. van Baal & Talitha L. Feenstra & Rudolf T. Hoogenveen & G. Ardine de Wit & Werner B. F. Brouwer
March 2007, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 219-221 The institute of medicine report on the FDA: where is the science?
by Tomas Philipson & Anupam B. Jena & Eric Sun - 223-242 The effects of Taiwan's National Health Insurance on access and health status of the elderly
by Likwang Chen & Winnie Yip & Ming‐Cheng Chang & Hui‐Sheng Lin & Shyh‐Dye Lee & Ya‐Ling Chiu & Yu‐Hsuan Lin - 243-256 Elasticities of market shares and social health insurance choice in germany: a dynamic panel data approach
by Marcus Tamm & Harald Tauchmann & Jürgen Wasem & Stefan Greß - 257-273 Government health expenditures and health outcomes
by Farasat A. S. Bokhari & Yunwei Gai & Pablo Gottret - 275-290 Do targets matter? A comparison of English and Welsh National Health priorities
by Katharina Hauck & Andrew Street - 291-306 Public health expenditure and spatial interactions in a decentralized national health system
by Joan Costa‐Font & Jordi Pons‐Novell - 307-317 Discounting in economic evaluations: stepping forward towards optimal decision rules
by Hugh Gravelle & Werner Brouwer & Louis Niessen & Maarten Postma & Frans Rutten - 319-325 Do personal and societal preferences differ by socio‐demographic group?
by Peter Franks & Erica I. Lubetkin & Joy Melnikow
February 2007, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 109-112 Giving equality of opportunity a fair innings
by Pedro Rosa Dias & Andrew M. Jones - 113-128 The effects of expanding patient choice of provider on waiting times: evidence from a policy experiment
by Diane Dawson & Hugh Gravelle & Rowena Jacobs & Stephen Martin & Peter C. Smith - 129-143 A dynamic analysis of GP visiting in Ireland: 1995–2001
by Anne Nolan - 145-162 Family income, parenting styles and child behavioural–emotional outcomes
by Martin Dooley & Jennifer Stewart - 163-178 True health vs response styles: exploring cross‐country differences in self‐reported health
by Hendrik Jürges - 179-193 Seeing the NICE side of cost‐effectiveness analysis: a qualitative investigation of the use of CEA in NICE technology appraisals
by Stirling Bryan & Iestyn Williams & Shirley McIver - 195-209 Expected value of information and decision making in HTA
by Simon Eckermann & Andrew R. Willan - 211-216 The relationship between reliability and size of willingness‐to‐pay values: a qualitative insight
by Richard D. Smith
January 2007, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 3-18 Progressive segmented health insurance: Colombian health reform and access to health services
by Fernando Ruiz & Liliana Amaya & Stella Venegas - 19-36 Does the economy affect teenage substance use?
by Jeremy Arkes - 37-56 Predicting costs over time using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo methods: an application to early inflammatory polyarthritis
by Nicola J. Cooper & Paul C. Lambert & Keith R. Abrams & Alexander J. Sutton - 57-73 Investigating the quitting decision of nurses: panel data evidence from the british national health service
by Paul Frijters & Michael A. Shields & Stephen Wheatley Price - 75-96 Behavioral differences between public and private not‐for‐profit hospitals in the Italian national health service
by Gian Paolo Barbetta & Gilberto Turati & Angelo M. Zago - 97-102 Decomposition of health inequality by determinants and dimensions
by JØrgen Lauridsen & Terkel Christiansen & Jens Gundgaard & Unto Häkkinen & Harri Sintonen - 103-107 Does a slump really make you thinner? Finnish micro‐level evidence 1978–2002
by Petri Böckerman & Edvard Johansson & Satu Helakorpi & Ritva Prättälä & Erkki Vartiainen & Antti Uutela
December 2006, Volume 15, Issue 12
- 1257-1259 The productivity of health care
by Karen Bloor & Alan Maynard - 1261-1281 Underage alcohol use, delinquency, and criminal activity
by Michael T. French & Johanna C. Maclean - 1283-1294 Dynamics in the use of drugs
by Jan C. van Ours - 1295-1310 A taxonomy of model structures for economic evaluation of health technologies
by Alan Brennan & Stephen E. Chick & Ruth Davies - 1311-1322 Informing the efficient use of health care and health care research resources ‐ the case of screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm in Sweden
by Martin Henriksson & Fredrik Lundgren & Per Carlsson - 1323-1327 Prudence and optimal prevention for health risks
by Christophe Courbage & Béatrice Rey - 1329-1335 The economic value of fatal and non‐fatal occupational risks in Mexico City using actuarial‐ and perceived‐risk estimates
by James K. Hammitt & María Eugenia Ibarrarán
November 2006, Volume 15, Issue 11
- 1155-1158 The bogus conflict between efficiency and vertical equity
by Anthony J. Culyer - 1159-1172 The empirical relationship between community social capital and the demand for cigarettes
by Timothy T. Brown & Richard M. Scheffler & Sukyong Seo & Mary Reed - 1173-1186 East–west: does it make a difference to hospital efficiencies in Ukraine?
by Anatoly I. Pilyavsky & William E. Aaronson & Patrick M. Bernet & Michael D. Rosko & Vivian G. Valdmanis & Mikhail V. Golubchikov - 1187-1199 The consumer welfare implications of the hospital ownership mix in the US: an exploratory study
by Rexford E. Santerre & John A. Vernon - 1201-1216 Health, schooling and lifestyle among young adults in Finland
by Unto Häkkinen & Marjo‐Riitta Järvelin & Gunnar Rosenqvist & Jaana Laitinen - 1217-1228 Ordering effect and price sensitivity in discrete choice experiments: need we worry?
by Trine Kjær & Mickael Bech & Dorte Gyrd‐Hansen & Kristian Hart‐Hansen - 1229-1236 Comparison of EQ‐5D and SF‐6D utilities in mental health patients
by L. M. Lamers & C. A. M. Bouwmans & A. van Straten & M. C. H. Donker & L. Hakkaart - 1237-1244 Enhancing the private provision of care through premiums for ability: the case of tuberculosis care in the Philippines
by Stella Alabastro Quimbo - 1245-1250 The impact of prenatal care on birthweight: the case of Uruguay
by R. Todd Jewell & Patricia Triunfo - 1251-1256 Choice of dialysis treatment and type of medical unit (private vs public): application of a recursive bivariate probit
by Lara Gitto & Domenico Santoro & Giuseppe Sobbrio
October 2006, Volume 15, Issue 10
- 1055-1059 The market for efficiency analysis of health care organisations
by Bruce Hollingsworth & Andrew Street - 1061-1075 Job displacement and stress‐related health outcomes
by Martin Browning & Anne Moller Dano & Eskil Heinesen - 1077-1089 Empirical implications of response acquiescence in discrete‐choice contingent valuation
by Raymond Y. T. Yeung & Richard D. Smith & Lai‐Ming Ho & Janice M. Johnston & Gabriel M. Leung - 1091-1107 Scale of interest versus scale of estimation: comparing alternative estimators for the incremental costs of a comorbidity
by Anirban Basu & Bhakti V. Arondekar & Paul J. Rathouz - 1109-1120 The economics of diagnosis
by George Laking & Joanne Lord & Alastair Fischer - 1121-1132 The Dutch tariff: results and arguments for an effective design for national EQ‐5D valuation studies
by L. M. Lamers & J. McDonnell & P. F. M. Stalmeier & P. F. M. Krabbe & J. J. V. Busschbach - 1133-1141 The effect of distance to provider on employee response to changes in mental health benefits
by Richard C. Lindrooth & Anthony T. Lo Sasso & Ithai Z. Lurie - 1143-1148 The compensating income variation of cardiovascular disease
by Wim Groot & Henriëtte Maassen van den Brink - 1149-1154 A theoretical framework for TTO valuations of health
by Ken Buckingham & Nancy Devlin