2025, Volume 12, Issue 59
- 1-16 Comparative Analysis of Hedonic Wage and Discrete Choice Models in Valuing Job Safety
by Zhang Nan - 17-33 Does Split Rating Affect Corporate Bond Yields? Evidence from North America and Europe
by Kolegova Irina & Paientko Tetiana - 34-48 The Predictability of High-Frequency Returns in the Cryptocurrency Markets and the Adaptive Market Hypothesis
by Karasiński Jacek - 49-65 Chasing Returns of Open-End Investment Funds Using Recurrent Neural Networks. A Long-Term Study
by Perez Katarzyna & Bartkowiak Marcin - 66-84 Determinants of Sustainable Food Purchasing Behaviour in the Context of the Aging Population in Poland
by Podgórniak-Krzykacz Aldona & Przywojska Justyna
2024, Volume 11, Issue 58
- 1-14 Wage Differences in Poland at the County Level and their Determinants
by Luśtyk Agata & Połeć Anna & Voznyuk Inna - 1-14 The relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) exposure and returns to education
by Madoń Karol - 214-232 Predicting the Amount of Compensation for Harm Awarded by Courts Using Machine-Learning Algorithms
by Świtała Maciej - 233-251 Perception of Natural Cosmetics Among Central European Consumers
by Hinčica Vít & Řezanková Hana & Macias Klaudia & Schulzová Marie - 252-268 Environmental Regulation and Renewable Energies: Evidence from Generalized Panel Unconditional Quantile Regression
by Rahmane Amal & Abdelaoui Okba & Djouadi Issam - 269-285 Work Motivation under Communist Rule: Heritage from the Past in Modern Public Sector Organisations
by Prysmakova Palina - 286-304 Earnings Management in Business Groups during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic
by Comporek Michał - 305-319 Budget Deficit in a Growing Economy and Impossibility of Fiscal Collapse: A Continuous Time Analysis
by Tanaka Yasuhito - 320-338 Management Accounting Professionals in the SMART Economy
by Dobroszek Justyna & Paientko Tetiana & Walińska Ewa - 329-345 Optimal Monetary Policy Framework in an Emerging Market Economy under Sanctions Pressure and Restrictions on Capital Flows
by Kharitonchik Anatoly - 346-363 Do We Need a New Approach to R&D Works in Financial Reporting?
by Hołda Artur & Łojek Paweł - 364-379 The Role of the European Union’s Neighbourhood Policy in Developing Cross-Border Cooperation in the Polish-Ukrainian Borderland
by Studzieniecki Tomasz & Szyda Monika & Szelągowska-Rudzka Katarzyna - 380-405 The Trade Potential of Infrastructure Partnerships: The Case of EU Global Gateway
by Wolf André & Poli Eleonora - 406-423 The Effect of Financial Development on Economic Growth among the Central and Eastern European Countries
by Tang Donny - 424-446 Volatility Implications for Asset Returns Correlation
by Ivanov Illia
January 2024, Volume 11, Issue 58
- 1-16 Boundaries of management performance measures (MPMs) disclosed in primary financial statements prepared in accordance with new standard planned to supersede IAS 1
by Maruszewska Ewa Wanda & Tuszkiewicz Maciej Andrzej - 17-20 Editorial: Special Edition of the Central European Economic Journal to Mark the 70th Birthday of Prof. Jan Jakub Michałek
by Hagemejer Jan - 21-32 How Much Neoprotectionism is There in Contemporary World Trade?
by Pawlak Karolina - 33-41 Thoughts on the Political Economy of International Trade
by Lewkowicz Jacek - 42-53 Will the EU‘s Fourth Freedom Be Further Challenged by Present Members of the Single Market?
by Tovias Alfred - 54-66 Food Safety: A Developing Country Perspective
by Togan Sübidey - 67-78 Firm Heterogeneity and International Trade Liberalisation: A Generalized Cournot Oligopoly Approach
by Cieślik Andrzej - 79-96 Single Market Enlargement and Technical Barriers to Trade: Revisiting the Evidence
by Hagemejer Jan & Matuszczak Łukasz - 97-127 Impact of TBTs on Trade in ICT Goods: Differentiating by Regulatory Objectives
by Ghodsi Mahdi - 128-140 Beyond the Initial Export Boost: The Erosion of Trade Agreement Benefits
by Ronen Eyal - 141-158 The Relationship Between ESG Rating and Firm Value—Evidence from Companies Listed on Polish Capital Market in the WIG-ESG Index
by Mikołajek-Gocejna Magdalena - 159-177 The Frailty of Models, the New Era, or a Rotten World of Consumers’ Financial Behaviour?
by Warchlewska Anna - 178-199 Relationship between ESG and Financial Performance of Companies in the Central and Eastern European Region
by Siwiec Karolina & Karkowska Renata - 200-213 Non-Oil Tax Revenue and Infrastructural Development in Nigeria
by Jerry Oziegbe David & Omoyemi Itua Perpetual
January 2023, Volume 10, Issue 57
- 1-22 Corporate Investment in Bank-Dependent Companies in Crisis Time
by Bukalska Elżbieta & Skibińska-Fabrowska Ilona - 23-34 The Family 500+ benefit and changes in female employment in Poland
by Bartosik Krzysztof - 35-49 Resilience, Ambiguous Governance, and the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis: Perspectives from NGO Leaders in the Czech Republic
by Bryan Tara Kolar & Lea Monica & Hyánek Vladimír - 50-71 What Drives Shareholders' Reaction To CEO Turnovers, Dividend Changes, and Block Trades? A Theoretical Background
by Preś-Perepeczo Agnieszka - 72-89 The EU's Socio-economic Development Against the Backdrop of the War in Ukraine
by Boichenko Kateryna & Umair Ashraf Rana & Nuno Mata Mário & Cristian Gherghina Ștefan - 90-115 Cross-Country Differences in Return and Volatility Metrics of World Equity Indices
by Sheraliev Iskandar & Ślepaczuk Robert - 116-132 Are small farms sustainable and technologically smart? Evidence from Poland, Romania, and Lithuania
by Stępień Sebastian & Smędzik-Ambroży Katarzyna & Polcyn Jan & Kwiliński Aleksy & Maican Ionut - 133-147 Financial Factors Explaining Value Migration: Evidence from Central Europe
by Kubiak Jarosław & Czapiewski Leszek & Lizińska Joanna - 148-162 Modification of technical analysis indicators and increasing the rate of return on investment
by Oktaba Paweł & Grzywińska-Rąpca Małgorzata - 163-179 Comparison of Compulsory Liability Insurance of Tax Advisors in Poland to the Czech Counterpart
by Myśliński Marcel - 180-197 How Does Female Entrepreneurship Affect Happiness?
by Chikh-Amnache Sabrina & Chikh-Boubaghela Nabila & Mekhzoumi Lotfi - 198-218 Perceived Social Capital and Institutional Environment‘s Impact On the Success of Regional Cluster Policies
by Kwiatkowski Tomasz & Micek Grzegorz & Łapczyński Mariusz - 219-236 Is Bitcoin an emerging market? A market efficiency perspective
by Skwarek Mateusz - 237-253 Demographic factors and customers’ bank choice criteria
by Schmidt-Jessa Katarzyna - 254-274 The Relationship between Fertility and Female Participation in the Labour Force in OECD Countries 2000–2020: It Is (Again) Negative
by Milovanović Miloš - 275-286 Macroeconomic Determinants of Credit Risk on the Example of Non-performing Loans
by Zawadzki Adam - 287-303 Green bonds - financial innovation for sustainability financing: The case of the Polish green bonds market and their development barriers
by Sobik Bartosz - 304-322 The Unpredicted Rise of Populism: The Case of Poland
by Tomczak Danuta A. - 323-342 Consumption behavior towards the circular economy
by Kulli Altin & Grzywińska-Rąpca Małgorzata & Duarte Nelson & Goci Enkelejda & Pereira Carla - 343-370 Combining forecasts? Keep it simple
by Lis Szymon & Chlebus Marcin - 371-390 Towards a better understanding of self-selection to teacher training programmes: A case study of a renowned public university in Poland
by Herbst Mikołaj & Zając Tomasz - 391-402 Competitiveness of Regions in Selected Countries of Central and Eastern Europe
by Chrobocińska Katarzyna - 403-413 Impact of Public Transportation on European Countries’ Development: a Spatial Perspective
by Matyas Andreea - 414-428 Fiscal rules as institutional tools for public debt management in the European Union Member States
by Stawiarska Katarzyna
January 2022, Volume 9, Issue 56
- 1-18 Taxation, Inequality, and Poverty: Evidence from Ukraine
by Markina Oksana - 19-37 Sources of Finance for Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Poland
by Osinski Roman - 38-55 How to create an engagement-friendly environment in reward-based crowdfunding?
by Bielicki Marcin & Rydzewski Rafał - 56-67 Home Advantage Revisited: Did COVID Level the Playing Fields?
by Strawiński Paweł & Krawczyk Michał - 68-75 Public Debt Sustainability and the COVID Pandemic: The Case of Poland
by Kłysik-Uryszek Agnieszka & Uryszek Tomasz - 76-92 Has Economic Growth in Balkan Countries Been Pro-Poor in the 2012–2017 period?
by Zwierzchowski Jan & Panek Tomasz - 93-112 Expectations of older workers regarding their exit from the labour market and its realization
by Pertold Filip & Federičová Miroslava - 113-131 Professionalisation of Family Firms and Accounting Function: Empirical Evidence
by Rieg Robert & Dobroszek Justyna & Zarzycka Ewelina - 132-157 Can People Trust What They Don‘t Understand? Role of Language and Trust for Financial Inclusion
by Nagańska Aleksandra & Cichocki Stanisław - 158-177 Covid-19 Pandemic and Day-of-the-week Anomaly in Omx Markets
by Bolek Monika & Gniadkowska-Szymańska Agata & Lyroudi Katerina - 178-190 COVID-19 Pandemic and the Situation of Immigrants in Enterprises
by Maj Jolanta & Kubiciel-Lodzińska Sabina - 191-218 Identity and Private Transfers of Time and Money
by Nicińska Anna - 219-236 The Economic Complexity of the Visegrád Countries and the Role of Trade with Germany
by Soyyiğit Semanur & Michalski Bartosz - 237-253 Transfer Pricing and Related Party Transactions: A Bibliometric Analysis
by Capatina-Verdes Neli - 254-268 Demand for Additional Foreign Language Activities in Poland
by Kłobuszewska Małgorzata - 269-290 Splitting of Corporate Taxes in Germany and Formulaic Distribution of a CCCTB – Critical Comparison
by Müller-Thomczik Sandra & Reiter Lukas - 291-308 An Evolutionary Perspective on the Endogenous Instability of Capitalist Dynamics
by Klapkiv Lyubov & Ulgen Faruk - 309-322 Diversification of student consumption during the pandemic - Albania, Poland and Portugal
by Grzywińska-Rąpca Małgorzata & Duarte Nelson & Kulli Altin & Enkelejda Goci - 323-341 Fashion companies in Poland. The influence of COVID-19 on liquidity assessment
by Piosik Monika - 342-353 Equity-efficiency dilemma and tax harmonization
by Dalamagas Basil & Leventides John & Tantos Stefanos
January 2021, Volume 8, Issue 55
- 1-14 What Determines the Success of an IPO? Analysis of IPO Underpricing on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Małachowski Paweł & Gadowska-dos Santos Dominika - 15-24 Risk Disclosure and Firm Value: Evidence from the United Kingdom
by Marta Tache - 25-43 Project management and entrepreneurship competences
by Tamberg Taavi & Kuura Arvi & Soosaar Reet - 44-62 Nvidia's Stock Returns Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques for Time Series Forecasting Problem
by Chlebus Marcin & Dyczko Michał & Woźniak Michał - 63-78 Motives for Combining Motherhood with Employment: Evidence for Medium and Highly Educated Polish Women Around the EU Accession
by Matysiak Anna & Mynarska Monika - 79-94 Activity of the Regional Polish United Workers’ Party Apparatus in 1970–1989
by Standerski Dariusz - 95-125 Equilibrium and Convergence in Income Distribution: The Case of 28 European Countries in the Recent, Turbulent Past (1995–2019)
by Guo Yanling & Sell Friedrich L. - 126-143 Economic impact of the EU Eastern enlargement on New Member States revisited: The role of economic institutions
by Hagemejer Jan & Michałek Jan J. & Svatko Pavel - 144-162 Online Openness and Transparency of Local Budgets in Belarus
by Krivorotko Yuri V. & Sokol Dmitriy V. - 163-175 Microeconomic Foundation for Phillips Curve with a Three-Period Overlapping Generations Model and Negative Real Balance Effect
by Tanaka Yasuhito - 176-179 Editorial: Special Edition of the Central European Economic Journal to Mark the 70th Birthday of Prof. Tomasz Żylicz
by Czajkowski Mikołaj - 180-190 Reflections on Rationality, Utility, University, Mass Culture and Unsustainable Society
by Śleszyński Jerzy - 191-200 The Issues of Justice in Economic and Environmental Policy
by Górka Kazimierz & Thier Agnieszka - 201-211 Disputes Over the Concept of Ecological Economics and Environmental Economics in the Light of the Works of Professor Tomasz Żylicz
by Czaja Stanisław - 212-218 Application of the Contingent Valuation Method in Water Resources Protection
by Miłaszewski Rafał - 219-230 State of Democracy in Poland versus Environmental Protection
by Markowska Agnieszka - 231-245 Workers or Consumers: Who Pays for Low-Carbon Transition – Theoretical Analysis of Welfare Change in General Equilibrium Setting
by Witajewski-Baltvilks Jan & Boratyński Jakub - 246-255 Economic Dynamic Modelling of Climate Policy in Poland
by Kiuila Olga & Lewczuk Emilia - 256-268 Value of Life Year and Cost-Effectiveness Thresholds: The Case of Poland
by Markiewicz Olimpia - 269-284 Classification of Open-End Investment Funds Using Artificial Neural Networks. The Case of Polish Equity Funds
by Perez Katarzyna & Szczyt Małgorzata - 285-312 Fiscal Sustainability Hypothesis Test in Central and Eastern Europe: A Panel Data Perspective
by Owusu Benjamin - 313-329 Sustainability disclosure and its impact on firm's value for Energy and Healthcare industry
by Constantinescu Daniela - 330-351 The Persistent Legacy of the Fallen Empires. Assessing the Effects of Poland's Historical Partitions on Contemporary Social Norms Regarding Education
by Herbst Mikołaj - 352-377 Modelling cross-sectional tabular data using convolutional neural networks: Prediction of corporate bankruptcy in Poland
by Dzik-Walczak Aneta & Odziemczyk Maciej - 378-389 Does Household Tax Burden Have an Impact on Individuals’ Savings in Banks? The Case of Ukraine
by Sudak Gennadiy & Yuliia Savchenko
January 2020, Volume 7, Issue 54
- 1-11 Macroeconomic forecasting in Poland: The role of forecasting competitions
by Rybacki Jakub - 12-32 Financial liability stress tests: an approach based on the use of a rating migration matrix
by Kleszcz Klaudia & Nehrebecka Natalia - 33-55 Cryptocurrencies as an asset class in portfolio optimisation
by Holovatiuk Olha - 56-71 The voting of EU members for common consolidated corporate tax base and the tax benefits
by Dąbroś Wojciech & Kudła Janusz - 72-83 Managerial accounting in the implementation of deliverology using the example of Ukraine
by Buriachenko Andrii Y. & Zhyber Tetiana V. & Paientko Tetiana - 84-100 Financial development and income inequality
by Weychert Ewa - 101-109 Are the European Commission's forecasts of public finances better than those of national governments?
by Rybacki Jakub - 110-126 Determinants of corporate R&D expenditures: the role of taxes
by Wasiluk Dorota & Białek-Jaworska Anna - 127-142 The relationship between profitability and financial liquidity among the importers of best-selling brands of new cars in poland
by Łojek Paweł - 143-156 ‘Big 4’ influence on audit market
by Tache Marta - 157-171 Cash flow sensitivity of investment: Evidence from the Polish listed companies
by Nehrebecki Marian - 172-185 Working Conditions and Satisfaction of Transport Service Employees
by Wawer Ewelina - 186-204 Economic analysis of corruption at the company level
by Bąk Paulina - 205-217 Tax revenue and economic growth in developing country: an autoregressive distribution lags approach
by Maganya Mnaku Honest - 218-226 A note on the optimal scope of professional self-regulation
by Szczygielski Krzysztof - 227-241 The regional research policy of the Austrian federal states
by Eisenhut Thomas - 242-257 Do local governments use municipal companies for off-balance-sheet financing?
by Stobieniecka Weronika & Białek-Jaworska Anna - 258-278 Economic Integration and Migrant Networks: The Case of Ukrainian Migrants in the Warsaw Agglomeration
by Maruszewski Wojciech & Kaczmarczyk Paweł - 279-299 Ridesharing in the Polish Experience: A Study using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
by Cylwik Stefan & Gabryelczyk Renata & Chlebus Marcin - 300-315 Factors Determining the Survival of New Companies
by Cegiełka Marlena
January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 53
- 1-24 The unobserved economy and the Dutch national accounts after the benchmark revision 2015
by Kazemier Brugt & van Veen Michel & IJmker Sander - 25-38 Evaluating the Relationship Between Financial Sustainability and Socio-Economic Development of Countries
by Kremen Viktoriia & Shkolnyk Inna & Semenog Andrii & Kremen Olha - 39-52 Determinants of foreign direct investment from EU-15 Countries in Poland
by Cieślik Andrzej - 53-69 Synergies in the Land Use Sector: What Is the Best Policy Approach When Co-benefits and Trade-offs Are Involved?
by Lopez Martin - 70-85 Comparison of Block Maxima and Peaks Over Threshold Value-at-Risk models for market risk in various economic conditions
by Szubzda Filip & Chlebus Marcin - 70-85 Comparison of Block Maxima and Peaks Over Threshold Value-at-Risk models for market risk in various economic conditions
by Szubzda Filip & Chlebus Marcin - 86-107 Basic income guarantee in the perspective of institutional economics
by Pawłowski Michał - 86-107 Basic income guarantee in the perspective of institutional economics
by Pawłowski Michał - 108-131 Are subsidies for Polish enterprises effective: empirical results based on panel data
by Gosk Beata & Nehrebecka Natalia - 108-131 Are subsidies for Polish enterprises effective: empirical results based on panel data
by Gosk Beata & Nehrebecka Natalia - 132-150 Quality attributes in the non-market stated-preference based valuation of cultural goods
by Wiśniewska Aleksandra - 132-150 Quality attributes in the non-market stated-preference based valuation of cultural goods
by Wiśniewska Aleksandra - 151-163 Google Street View image predicts car accident risk
by Kita-Wojciechowska Kinga & Kidziński Łukasz - 151-163 Google Street View image predicts car accident risk
by Kita-Wojciechowska Kinga & Kidziński Łukasz - 164-173 Labour Market Institutions and Amplification of Employment Fluctuations
by Matsue Toyoki - 164-173 Labour Market Institutions and Amplification of Employment Fluctuations
by Matsue Toyoki - 175-188 A theory of global economic growth in the very long-run: is a grand innovation slowdown inevitable?
by Gomulka Stanislaw - 175-188 A theory of global economic growth in the very long-run: is a grand innovation slowdown inevitable?
by Gomulka Stanislaw - 189-198 Financial leasing in Albania and the impact that internal factors of a SME would have on the probability to be financed by lease
by Lubonja Fatjola & Gjylameti Blerina & Kurti Sllavka - 189-198 Financial leasing in Albania and the impact that internal factors of a SME would have on the probability to be financed by lease
by Lubonja Fatjola & Gjylameti Blerina & Kurti Sllavka - 199-220 Liquidity and solvency of a company and the rate of return – an analysis of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Zalewska Justyna & Nehrebecka Natalia - 199-220 Liquidity and solvency of a company and the rate of return – an analysis of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Zalewska Justyna & Nehrebecka Natalia - 221-245 Can public intervention improve local public sector economic performance? The analysis of Special Economic Zones in Poland
by Kopczewska Katarzyna - 221-245 Can public intervention improve local public sector economic performance? The analysis of Special Economic Zones in Poland
by Kopczewska Katarzyna - 246-261 The nature and meaning of the Directive 2013/34/EU on financial statements according to the CJ EU
by Kenyon MacGregor Robert & MacGregor Pelikánová Radka - 246-261 The nature and meaning of the Directive 2013/34/EU on financial statements according to the CJ EU
by Kenyon MacGregor Robert & MacGregor Pelikánová Radka - 262-285 Corporate bonds or bank loans? The choice of funding sources and information disclosure of Polish listed companies
by Białek-Jaworska Anna & Krawczyk Tomasz - 262-285 Corporate bonds or bank loans? The choice of funding sources and information disclosure of Polish listed companies
by Białek-Jaworska Anna & Krawczyk Tomasz - 286-303 The benefits of the Velvet Revolution in Armenia: Estimation of the short-term economic gains using deep neural networks
by Nahapetyan Yervand - 286-303 The benefits of the Velvet Revolution in Armenia: Estimation of the short-term economic gains using deep neural networks
by Nahapetyan Yervand - 304-310 Role of clusters in the Polish innovation system
by Mackiewicz Marta - 304-310 Role of clusters in the Polish innovation system
by Mackiewicz Marta - 311-322 What determines foreign direct investment in Russia?
by Gurshev Oleg - 311-322 What determines foreign direct investment in Russia?
by Gurshev Oleg - 323-336 Determinants of audit fees: Evidence from Poland
by Rewczuk Karol & Modzelewski Piotr - 323-336 Determinants of audit fees: Evidence from Poland
by Rewczuk Karol & Modzelewski Piotr
January 2019, Volume 5, Issue 52
- 244-259 Solving Systems of Linear Equations under Conditions of Uncertainty on the Example of the Leontief Model
by Kacprzak Dariusz
January 2018, Volume 5, Issue 52
- 1-9 Sovereign default and the structure of private external debt
by Siwińska-Gorzelak Joanna & Brzozowski Michał - 10-24 The Use of the Twitter in Public Benefit Organisations in Poland: How Communicative Function of Tweets Translates Into Audience Reaction?
by Oliński Marian & Szamrowski Piotr - 25-39 Leasing Puzzle in Polish Small Firms Listed on the Alternative Market
by Jaszczuk Joanna & Białek-Jaworska Anna & Opolski Krzysztof & Sylwestrzak Marek & Trzpioła Katarzyna - 40-55 Investment Activity of Local Administrative Units and the Level of Entrepreneurship Development in the Rzeszów Functional Area
by Ślusarz Grzegorz & Cierpiał-Wolan Marek - 56-66 Financialization in the Regional Aspect. An Attempt to Measure a Phenomenon
by Gemzik-Salwach Agata & Perz Paweł - 67-80 The determinants of local public spending on culture
by Kopańska Agnieszka - 81-95 Regional dimension of firm level productivity determinants: the case of manufacturing and service firms in Ukraine
by Cieślik Andrzej & Michałek Jan Jakub & Gauger Iryna - 96-108 Dynamic Fiscal Solvency with Consumption and Capital Taxes
by Kudła Janusz & Kopczewska Katarzyna & Kocia Agata & Kruszewski Robert & Walczyk Konrad - 109-117 Poland’s Economic Performance in Global and Long-term Perspective: Surprises so far and Risks in the Years Ahead
by Gomułka Stanisław - 118-129 Cyclical Fluctuations in the Banking Services Market and the Changes in the Situation of Entities from the Financial Services Sector
by Skikiewicz Robert & Garczarczyk Józef - 130-141 The Role of Energy in a Real Business Cycle Model with an Endogenous Capital Utilization Rate in a Government Sector: Lessons from Bulgaria (1999–2016)
by Vasilev Aleksandar - 142-153 Military Expenditures and Shadow Economy in the Central and Eastern Europe: is There a Link?
by Fedotenkov Igor & Schneider Friedrich - 154-171 External Costs of Opencast Brown Coal Mining in Agriculture and Agri-Food Industry (on the Example of Wielkopolska)
by Benedykt Pepliński - 172-185 Post-socialist Myanmar and the East Asian Development Model
by Bolesta Andrzej - 186-205 Robustness of Support Vector Machines in Algorithmic Trading on Cryptocurrency Market
by Ślepaczuk Robert & Zenkova Maryna - 206-229 Machine Learning Methods in Algorithmic Trading Strategy Optimization – Design and Time Efficiency
by Ryś Przemysław & Ślepaczuk Robert - 230-243 On the Relation Between Health and Income: A Cross-Country Analysis
by Kobylinski Katarina & Tyrowicz Joanna - 260-269 Hypothetical bias and framing effect in the valuation of private consumer goods
by Brzozowicz Magdalena - 270-295 Empowerment Rights and Happiness Gap in Post-socialist Countries
by Lewczuk Anna
2018, Volume 5, Issue 52
- 40-55 Investment Activity of Local Administrative Units and the Level of Entrepreneurship Development in the Rzeszów Functional Area
by Ślusarz Grzegorz & Cierpiał-Wolan Marek
2017, Volume 4, Issue 51
- 18-39 Which Option Pricing Model Is the Best? HF Data for Nikkei 225 Index Options
by Ryszard Kokoszczyński & Paweł Sakowski & Robert Ślepaczuk
December 2017, Volume 4, Issue 51
- 1-17 The effects of individual internal versus external reference prices on consumer decisions for pay-what-you-want payments
by Kukla-Gryz Anna & Zagórska Katarzyna - 18-39 Which Option Pricing Model Is the Best? HF Data for Nikkei 225 Index Options
by Ryszard Kokoszczyński & Paweł Sakowski & Robert Ślepaczuk - 40-52 Distance to Radiotherapy and Demand – Projection of the Effects of Establishing New Radiotherapy Facilities in Poland by 2025
by Czerwiński Adam Michał
December 2017, Volume 3, Issue 50
- 01-25 EWS-GARCH: New Regime Switching Approach to Forecast Value-at-Risk
by Chlebus Marcin - 26-40 Factors Affecting the Development of Voluntary Pension Schemes in CEE Countries: A Panel Data Analysis
by Marcinkiewicz Edyta - 41-52 The Effect of Ownership Structure on Dividend Policy and Shareholder Value: A Financialisation Perspective on Construction Companies in Poland
by Oleksy Paweł & Zyguła Andrzej - 53-71 What Drives Price Dispersion in the European E-commerce Industry?
by Gyódi Kristóf & Sobolewski Maciej & Ziembiński Michał
December 2017, Volume 2, Issue 49
- 1-3 Introduction
by Wincenciak Leszek - 4-22 The Determinants of Export Performance of Firms in Selected MENA Countries: Comparison with CEE Countries, Israel and Turkey
by Cieślik Andrzej & Michałek Jan Jakub & Tovias Alfred - 23-34 Airbnb and the Hotel Industry in Warsaw: An Example of the Sharing Economy?
by Gyódi Kristóf - 35-49 An Institutional Approach to Trade Union Density. The Case of Legal Origins and Political Ideology
by Lewkowicz Jacek & Lewczuk Anna - 50-61 Topology of Complex Networks and Demand of Intraday Liquidity: Based on the Real-Time Gross Settlement System
by Tong Mu & He Yi - 62-72 The Global Economy in the 21st Century: Will the Trends of the 20th Century Continue?
by Gomułka Stanisław - 73-90 A Consequential Contingent Valuation Referendum: Still Not Enough to Elicit True Preferences for Public Goods!
by Zawojska Ewa
November 2017, Volume 1, Issue 48
- 1-18 Migration of Graduates Within a Sequential Decision Framework: Evidence from Poland
by Herbst Mikołaj & Kaczmarczyk Paweł & Wójcik Piotr - 19-36 Up or Down the Value Chain? A Comparative Analysis of the GVC Position of the Economies of the New EU Member States
by Hagemejer Jan & Ghodsi Mahdi - 37-49 What Determines Export Performances in High‑tech Industries
by Śledziewska Katarzyna & Akhvlediani Tinatin - 51-70 Migration and Welfare Systems – State of the Art and Research Challenges
by Jakubiak Igor