September 2014, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 493-511 'One Must Eliminate the Effects of ... Diffuse Circulation [and] their Unstable and Dangerous Coagulation': Foucault and Beyond the Stopping of Mobilities
by Chris Philo - 512-527 Securing Circulation Through Mobility: Milieu and Emergency Response in the British Fire and Rescue Service
by Nathaniel O'Grady - 528-549 Prison and (Im)mobility. What about Foucault?
by Christophe Mincke & Anne Lemonne - 550-569 Veins of Concrete, Cities of Flow: Reasserting the Centrality of Circulation in Foucault's Analytics of Government
by Mark Usher - 570-584 Governing Mobilities, Mobilising Carbon
by Matthew Paterson - 585-603 Putting the Power in 'Socio-Technical Regimes' - E-Mobility Transition in China as Political Process
by David Tyfield - 604-626 The Movement Problem, the Car and Future Mobility Regimes: Automobility as Dispositif and Mode of Regulation
by Katharina Manderscheid
September 2014, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 337-349 The Mobilities of Ships and Shipped Mobilities
by Anyaa Anim-Addo & William Hasty & Kimberley Peters - 350-368 Metamorphosis Afloat: Pirate Ships, Politics and Process, c.1680-1730
by William Hasty - 369-383 'The Great Event of the Fortnight': Steamship Rhythms and Colonial Communication
by Anyaa Anim-Addo - 384-400 Learning 'Large Ideas' Overseas: Discipline, (im)mobility and Political Lives in the Royal Indian Navy Mutiny
by Andrew D. Davies - 401-413 Unraveling the Politics of Super-rich Mobility: A Study of Crew and Guest on Board Luxury Yachts
by Emma Spence - 414-431 Tracking (Im)mobilities at Sea: Ships, Boats and Surveillance Strategies
by Kimberley Peters - 432-451 The Packaging of Efficiency in the Development of the Intermodal Shipping Container
by Craig Martin - 452-478 Rhythm and Mobility in the Inner and Outer Hebrides: Archipelago as Art-Science Research Site
by Elizabeth Straughan & Deborah Dixon
May 2014, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 167-187 Rethinking Mobile Methods
by Peter Merriman - 188-219 Criticising the Solitary Mobile Subject: Researching Relational Mobilities and Reflecting on Mobile Methods
by Katharina Manderscheid - 220-237 Flying through Ash Clouds: Improvising Aeromobilities in Singapore and Australasia
by Weiqiang Lin - 238-255 Cycling's Sensory Strategies: How Cyclists Mediate their Exposure to the Urban Environment
by Katrina Jungnickel & Rachel Aldred - 256-274 Mobile phones in children's after-school centres: stretching of place and control
by Harriet Strandell - 275-293 'We Can All Just Get on a Bus and Go': Rethinking Independent Mobility in the Context of the Universal Provision of Free Bus Travel to Young Londoners
by Anna Goodman & Alasdair Jones & Helen Roberts & Rebecca Steinbach & Judith Green - 294-313 The Transnational Project and its Implications for Migrant Civil Society in Bangladesh
by David R. Crawford & Nina Martin - 314-335 Investing in Leaving: The Greek Case of International Migration of Professionals
by Lois Labrianidis
February 2014, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-20 Performing Expatriate Mobilities in Kuala Lumpur
by Gareth Butler & Kevin Hannam - 21-41 Regulating Inclusion: Spatial Form, Social Process, and the Normalization of Cycling Practice in the USA
by John Stehlin - 42-62 Icons, Itinerary, and Identity: Associations of Boundary and Mobility within the Contemporary US Passport
by William C. Fleming - 63-83 Business Travel from the Traveller's Perspective: Stress, Stimulation and Normalization
by Per Gustafson - 84-103 Unrecognised Cosmopolitans: Mobility and Openness Among Globally Engaged Family Farmers
by Lynda Cheshire & Indigo Willing & Zlatko Skrbiš - 104-129 Well-being and Mobility: A Theoretical Framework and Literature Review Focusing on Older People
by Susanne Nordbakke & Tim Schwanen - 130-145 Tropophilia: A Study of People, Place and Lifestyle Travel
by Jon Anderson & Kathryn Erskine - 146-164 Temporary Transnational Youth Migration and its Mobility Links
by Lotta Fr�ndberg
November 2013, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 467-486 Mobile Forms of Belonging
by Mia Arp Fallov & Anja J�rgensen & Lisbeth B. Knudsen - 487-505 Bridge Over the River Crime: Mobility and the Policing of Organised Crime
by Sue Penna & Stuart Kirby - 506-527 When People Stay and Things Make Their Way: Airports, Mobilities and Materialities of a Transnational Landscape
by Maria Abranches - 528-541 When runways move but people don't: The O'Hare Modernization Program and the relative immobilities of air travel
by Julie Cidell - 542-559 Entr'acte : Mobile Choreography and Sydney Rail Commuters
by Colin Symes - 560-579 Comparing Rail Passengers' Travel Time Use in Great Britain Between 2004 and 2010
by Glenn Lyons & Juliet Jain & Yusak Susilo & Stephen Atkins - 580-594 Embodying the Mobilities of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway
by Sujama Roy & Kevin Hannam - 595-611 Slowing Down Mobilities: Passengering on an Inter-war Ocean Liner
by Paul Ashmore
September 2013, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 313-330 Postcoloniality and Privilege in New Lifestyle Flows: The Case of North Americans in Panama
by Michaela Caroline Benson - 331-348 Challenges in Lifestyle Migration Research: Reflections and Findings about the Spanish Crisis
by Raquel Huete & Alejandro Mantec�n & Jesús Est�vez - 349-367 Pointless Mobilities: Rethinking Proximity Through the Loops of Neighbourhood
by David Bissell - 368-387 Containerisation: Moving Things and Boxing Ideas
by Martin Parker - 388-405 Fabricating Futures and the Movement of Objects
by Thomas Birtchnell & John Urry - 406-423 Socialities in Motion: Automobility and Car Cruising in Iceland☆
by Virgile Collin-Lange - 424-439 Development and Gendered Mobilities: Narratives from the Women of Mardin, Turkey
by Nihan Akyelken - 440-465 The Impact of Long-term Scientific Mobility on the Creation of Persistent Knowledge Networks
by Margarida Fontes & Pedro Videira & Teresa Calapez
May 2013, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 167-184 Flying for the Very First Time: Mobilities, Social Class and Environmental Concerns in a Rio de Janeiro Favela
by Bianca Freire-Medeiros & Leo Name - 185-200 The Political Economy of High Speed Rail in the United States
by Michael Minn - 201-219 Transient Communities: Travel, Knowledge, and the Victorian Railway Carriage, 1840-90
by Joseph De Sapio - 220-237 Driving, Communicating and Working: Understanding the Work-related Communication Behaviours of Business Travellers on Work-related Car Journeys
by Donald Hislop - 238-251 A New Class of Cyclists: Banham's Bicycle and the Two-wheeled World it didn't Create
by Bruce Epperson - 252-271 Incompetent or Too Competent? Negotiating Everyday Cycling Identities in a Motor Dominated Society
by Rachel Aldred - 272-292 Stop and Go: A Field Study of Pedestrian Practice, Immobility and Urban Outreach Work
by Tom Hall & Robin James Smith - 293-311 Mobilities in Finland's Information Society Strategies from 1995 to 2010
by Sakari Taipale
February 2013, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-6 Borders and Mobilities: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Tim Richardson - 7-19 To Make Move and Let Stop: Mobility and the Assemblage of Circulation
by Mark B. Salter - 20-34 Governmobility: The Powers of Mobility
by J�rgen Ole Bærenholdt - 35-51 Mobility Regimes and Borderwork in the European Community
by Anne Jensen - 52-69 Mapping the Contours of Mobilities Regimes. Air Travel and Drug Smuggling Between the Caribbean and the Netherlands
by Sanneke Kloppenburg - 70-89 Through Metal Fences: Material Mobility and the Politics of Transnationality at Borders
by Malini Sur - 90-106 Rebordering France and Denmark Narratives and Practices of Border-Construction in Two European Countries
by Sarah Scuzzarello & Catarina Kinnvall - 107-124 Monumentalising the Border: Bordering Through Connectivity
by Anthony Cooper & Chris Rumford - 125-147 Conflict's Tools. Borders, Boundaries and Mobility in Jerusalem's Spatial Structures☆
by Wendy Pullan - 148-165 Towards a Cosmopolitan Cinema: Understanding the Connection Between Borders, Mobility and Cosmopolitanism in the Fiction Film
by Maria Rovisco
2012, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 459-465 Roads and Anthropology: Ethnographic Perspectives on Space, Time and (Im)Mobility
by Dimitris Dalakoglou & Penny Harvey - 467-480 Roadside Inventions: Making Time and Money Work at a Road Construction Site in Mozambique
by Morten Nielsen - 481-500 Between the Material and the Figural Road: The Incompleteness of Colonial Geographies in Amazonia
by Jeremy Campbell - 501-520 Furrows and Walls, or the Legal Topography of a Frontier Road in Peru
by Richard Kernaghan - 521-536 The Enchantments of Infrastructure
by Penny Harvey & Hannah Knox - 537-554 Rush and Relax: the Rhythms and Speeds of Touting Perishable Products on a Ghanaian Roadside
by Gabriel Klaeger - 555-569 Roads that Separate: Sino-Mongolian Relations in the Inner Asian Desert
by Morten Pedersen & Mikkel Bunkenborg - 571-586 ‘The Road from Capitalism to Capitalism’: Infrastructures of (Post)Socialism in Albania
by Dimitris Dalakoglou - 587-589 Referees who reported for during 2011/12
by The Editors
2012, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 349-368 Musicians on the Move: Mobilities and Identities of a Band on the Road
by André Nóvoa - 369-388 Gendered Mobility and Morality in a South-Eastern Mexican Community: Impacts of Male Labour Migration on the Women Left Behind
by Jamie McEvoy & Peggy Petrzelka & Claudia Radel & Birgit Schmook - 389-414 Migration and Innovation at the Bottom End: Understanding the Role of Migrant Managers in Small Hotels in the Global City
by Anna Paraskevopoulou & Eugenia Markova & Allan Williams & Gareth Shaw - 415-438 Narrating Instability: Political detouring in Jerusalem
by Dana Hercbergs - 439-457 Moto-mobilities: Geographies of the Motorcycle and Motorcyclists
by Philip Pinch & Suzanne Reimer
2012, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 185-210 Enacting Music Scenes: Mobility, Locality and Cultural Production
by Manuel Tironi - 211-232 Under the Radar: Parental Traffic Safeguarding and Automobility
by Arlene Tigar McLaren & Sylvia Parusel - 233-245 Flows and Pauses in the Urban Logistics Landscape: The Municipal Regulation of Shipping Container Mobilities
by Julie Cidell - 247-268 Lost in Transnational Space? Migrant Farm Workers in Rural Districts
by Joanna Andrzejewska & Johan Fredrik Rye - 269-294 More than Mobile: Migration and Mobility Impacts from the ‘Technologies of Change’ for Aboriginal Communities in the Remote Northern Territory of Australia
by Andrew Taylor - 295-315 Carers Cruising Cumbria and Meals on the Mile: The Drive of Migrants in Fieldwork and Fiction
by Sondra Cuban & Corinne Fowler - 317-345 Transnational Mobilties in Snowboarding Culture: Travel, Tourism and Lifestyle Migration
by Holly Thorpe - 347-347 Automobility in Manchester Fiction by L. Pearce published in Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 93–113
by Unknown
February 2012, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-11 The Urban Imaginary: Writing, Migration, Place
by Lynne Pearce - 13-31 City Branding and Social Inclusion in the Glocal City
by Maria Cristina Paganoni - 33-52 The Role of Multiculturalism in the Discursive Rescaling of an Eastern European City
by Irina Diana Mădroane - 53-69 Local Settlement or Global Metropolis? Imagining Qu�bec as a Glocal City on the 400th Anniversary of its Founding
by Andy Van Drom - 71-92 Place and Lifestyle Migration: The Discursive Construction of 'Glocal' Place-Identity
by Kate Torkington - 93-113 Automobility in Manchester Fiction
by Lynne Pearce - 115-129 'Total Gating': Sociality and the Fortification of Networked Spaces
by David W. Hill - 131-149 Splintered Space: Hybrid Spaces and Differential Mobility
by Jordan Frith - 151-169 The Culture of New Mobility in Russia: Networks and Flows Formation
by Vladimir Popov - 171-183 Potential Mobilities
by Aharon Kellerman