January 2020, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 63-83 Technology and Human Capabilities in UK Makerspaces
by Cian O’Donovan & Adrian Smith - 84-98 Capabilities and Universalism – An Empirical Examination: The Case of the Ultra-Orthodox Community
by Nechumi Malovicki Yaffe - 99-101 Development: The Re-Balancing of Economic Powers
by David A. Clark - 101-103 Higher Education, Youth and Migration in Contexts of Disadvantage: Understanding Aspirations and Capabilities
by Ecem Karlıdağ-Dennis
October 2019, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 375-385 Introduction—Data, Knowledge, Politics and Localizing the SDGs
by Angelina Fisher & Sakiko Fukuda-Parr - 386-402 SDG Localisation and Decentralised Development Aid: Exploring Opposing Discourses and Practices in Valencia's Aid Sector
by Sergio Belda-Miquel & Alejandra Boni & Carola Calabuig - 403-417 Country Reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals—The Politics of Performance Review at the Global-National Nexus
by Magdalena Bexell & Kristina Jönsson - 418-435 Moving From Outsider to Insider Status Through Metrics: The Inclusion of “Neglected Tropical Diseases” Into the Sustainable Development Goals
by Samantha Vanderslott - 436-450 The View from the Farm: Gendered Contradictions of the Measurement Imperative in Global Goals
by Astrid Pérez Piñán & Elizabeth Vibert - 451-467 The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Indigenous Peoples: Another Missed Opportunity?
by Mandy Li-Ming Yap & Krushil Watene - 468-485 Operationalizing Sustainable Development Goals in Vulnerable Coastal Areas of Ecuador and Pakistan: Marginalizing Human Development?
by Johannes M. Waldmüller & Hameed Jamali & Nelson Nogales - 486-488 John Rawls: Reticent Socialist
by S. B. Schoonover - 488-490 How China Escaped the Poverty Trap
by M. Niaz Asadullah & Antonio Savoia - 490-491 Health and Well-Being in India: A Quantitative Analysis of Inequality in Outcomes and Opportunities
by Simantini Mukhopadhyay
July 2019, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 251-266 What, if Anything, is Wrong with Extreme Wealth?
by Ingrid Robeyns - 267-279 The Functioning of Having a Sense of Place: Cities and Immigrants
by Avner de Shalit - 280-296 Social Insurance, Human Development and Social Cohesion
by Santiago Levy - 297-310 Education and Agency Freedom in Du Bois and Sen
by Niall Ó Murchú - 311-328 Factors Affecting School Dropout and Completion in Mexico: Does Agency Matter?
by Dulce Carolina Mendoza Cazarez - 329-344 Work-Nonwork Spillover of Wage Justice through Work Capabilities in Low and Middle Income Workers
by Sarah Ellorenco & Mendiola Teng-Calleja & Donald Jay Bertulfo & Jose Antonio Clemente & Ma. Ligaya Menguito - 347-350 Keeping the Flock Together
by Erik Schokkaert - 351-356 On Ingrid Robeyns’, Wellbeing, Freedom and Social Justice—Framework vs Theories: a Dialogue with Martha Nussbaum
by Pepi Patrón - 357-361 Well-being and the Capability Approach: Reflections on Robeyns
by Henry S. Richardson - 362-367 Two Tales of the Capability Approach
by Julian Culp - 368-374 Reply to my Critics
by Ingrid Robeyns
April 2019, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 119-123 Introduction to the Special Issue in Celebration of Amartya Sen's 85th Birthday
by Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur & Ingrid Robeyns - 124-126 Preface: Amartya Sen and the HDCA
by Martha C. Nussbaum - 127-133 Forms of Hypothetical Justification
by T. M. Scanlon - 134-144 The Resurgence of Singular Identities: Possible Explanations
by Mary Kaldor - 145-161 On “Affluent Philosophy” and Future Generations: Amartya Sen and Tim Mulgan’s “Broken World”
by Mozaffar Qizilbash - 162-180 Rationality, Behavioural Economics and Amartya Sen
by S. R. Osmani - 181-196 The Uses and Abuses of Inequality
by Jayati Ghosh - 197-217 Randomized Control Trials and Qualitative Evaluations of a Multifaceted Programme for Women in Extreme Poverty: Empirical Findings and Methodological Reflections
by Naila Kabeer - 218-232 Defending the Need for a Foundational Epistemic Capability in Education
by Melanie Walker - 233-250 Human Development and Universalism: From Ideas to Policies
by Selim Jahan
January 2019, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-25 Conceptualisation and Measurement of Women's Empowerment Revisited
by S. Sharaunga & M. Mudhara & A. Bogale - 26-53 Development of a Tool to Measure Women’s Agency in India
by Robin Richardson & Norbert Schmitz & Sam Harper & Arijit Nandi - 54-68 Reasoned Choice or Performative Care? Women’s Transformative Peacebuilding Identities in Manipur, India
by Karie Cross Riddle - 69-93 Well-being, Political Decentralisation and Governance Quality in Europe
by Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Vassilis Tselios - 94-111 Inequality, Social Comparisons and Income Aspirations: Evidence from a Highly Unequal Country
by Dorrit Posel & Michael Rogan - 112-113 Collective Choice and Social Welfare—Expanded Edition
by Ashley Piggins - 113-115 The Creation of the Human Development Approach
by Madleina Daehnhardt - 115-117 Human Rights Trade-Offs in Times of Economic Growth. The Long-Term Capability Impacts of Extractive-Led Development
by Johannes M. Waldmüller - 117-118 Youth, Gender and the Capabilities Approach to Development: Rethinking Opportunities and Agency from a Human Development Perspective
by Faith Mkwananzi
October 2018, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 421-437 Capability to be Educated—Inspiring and Inclusive Pedagogical Arrangements from Finnish Schools
by Mari-Anne Okkolin & Teija Koskela & Petra Engelbrecht & Hannu Savolainen - 438-455 The Tragedy of the Commons and Population Health: The State’s Intervention in an Individual’s Actions and Choices from a Capability Perspective
by Efrat Ram-Tiktin - 456-476 Measuring Well-being: A Multidimensional Index Integrating Subjective Well-being and Preferences
by Lin Yang - 477-498 How Does Child Disadvantage Change with Age? An Analysis of Australian Children
by Ankita Mishra & Ranjan Ray & Leonora Risse - 499-520 Multidimensional paths to regional poverty: a Fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis of Colombian departments
by Paula Andrea Nieto Alemán & Norat Roig-Tierno & Francisco Mas-Verdú & José María García Álvarez-Coque - 521-549 Private Wealth Across European Countries: The Role of Income, Inheritance and the Welfare State
by Pirmin Fessler & Martin Schürz - 553-558 Social Gradient in Capabilities
by Sridhar Venkatapuram - 559-563 Intransigent Disadvantage: What Inequality Contributes to Development Gaps
by Shailaja Fennell - 564-568 Health Gap, Wealth Gap—What is the Question?
by Dinesh Bhugra - 569-574 Power, Social Exclusion and the “Good Life”: the Importance of Measuring What Really Counts
by Giulia Greco - 575-577 Social Determinants, Capabilities and Health Inequalities: A Response to Bhugra, Greco, Fennell and Venkatapuram
by Michael Marmot
July 2018, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 271-288 Development, Validity, and Reliability of the Women’s Capabilities Index
by Giulia Greco & Jolene Skordis-Worrall & Anne Mills - 289-307 Migrating to the City in North West China: Young Rural Women’s Empowerment
by Vilma Seeberg & Shujuan Luo - 308-330 Women Empowerment Through Self-Help Groups: The Bittersweet Fruits of Collective Apple Cultivation in Highland Ethiopia
by Sintayehu Hailu Alemu & Luuk Van Kempen & Ruerd Ruben - 331-344 Power, Capability and Cultural Subjects: An Inquiry into “Institutional Neglect” in Participatory Planning
by Tamara Nair - 345-364 Examining Collective Action Through the Capability Approach: The Example of Community Currencies
by Felix Rauschmayer & Christine Polzin & Mirijam Mock & Ines Omann - 365-397 Applying the Capability Approach to Enhance the Conceptualization of Well-being in Environmental Assessment
by Nicholas Philip Simpson - 398-415 A MANUSH or HUMANS Characterisation of the Human Development Index
by Srijit Mishra & Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan - 416-417 Human Development in Times of Crisis: Renegotiating Social Justice
by Annie Austin - 417-419 Developing Minds: Psychology, Neoliberalism and Power
by Lachlan Summers - 419-420 Human Development and Global Institutions: Evolution, Impact, Reform
by Juan Telleria
April 2018, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 121-125 Communities and Capabilities
by Graciela Tonon - 126-146 Local Communities and Capability Evolution: The Core of Human Development Processes
by Mario Biggeri & Andrea Ferrannini & Caterina Arciprete - 147-165 The Gendered Space of Capabilities and Functionings: Lessons from Haitian Community-Based Organizations
by Jennifer Vansteenkiste & Mark Schuller - 166-180 The Capability Approach and Evaluation of Community-Driven Development Programs
by Trang Pham - 181-197 Leveraging Communities’ Capabilities to Increase Accountability for Health Rights: The Case of Citizen Voice and Action
by David Walker - 198-215 Intercultural Dialogue in Practice: BlueFire’s Community Integration Activities Viewed Through a Participatory Action Research Capability Lens
by Veronica Crosbie - 216-231 When Collectivity Makes a Difference: Theoretical and Empirical Insights from Urban and Rural Communities in Colombia
by Alejandra Boni & Gynna F. Millán Franco & María Alejandra Millán Franco - 232-248 Expanding Capabilities in Integrated Service Areas (ISAs) As Communities of Care: A Study of Dutch Older Adults’ Narratives on the Life They Have Reason to Value
by Erik Jansen & Roos Pijpers & George de Kam - 249-265 Community Service Learning: Pedagogy at the Interface of Poverty, Inequality and Privilege
by Ntimi Mtawa & Merridy Wilson-Strydom - 266-267 Global Justice and Development
by Lisa Fuller - 268-269 The Asian “Poverty Miracle”: Impressive Accomplishments or Incomplete Achievements?
by Joshua Greenstein - 269-270 Universities and Global Human Development: Theoretical and Empirical Insights for Social Change
by Aurora Lopez-Fogues
January 2018, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-1 Message from the Editor
by Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti - 2-18 Working with and for Animals: Getting the Theoretical Framework Right
by Martha C. Nussbaum - 19-23 Working With and For Animals—A Response to Nussbaum
by Breena Holland - 24-37 Turning Capabilities into Functionings: Practical Reason as an Activation Factor
by Annie Austin - 38-52 Inequality, Advantage and the Capability Approach
by Tania Burchardt & Rod Hick - 53-69 Political Agency and Capabilities Formation Through Participatory Action Research
by Melanie Walker - 70-88 Moving Towards a Capability for Meaningful Labor
by Timothy Weidel - 91-96 The Demanding Task of Limiting Demandingness
by Lori Keleher - 97-102 Why People Do What Others Do: And Why That Is Sometimes Good and Sometimes Bad
by Rebecca Gutwald - 103-111 The Canniness of Ought
by David A. Clark & Gay Meeks - 112-117 The Civil Side of Economy: On the Extraordinariness of Ordinary Human Beings
by Dalila De Rosa - 118-120 Reply
by Judith Lichtenberg
October 2017, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 429-441 Citizenship, Migration and Opportunity
by Ravi Kanbur - 442-463 Income Dynamics, Assets and Poverty Traps in South Africa
by Marisa von Fintel - 464-496 On the Determinants of Changes in Wage Inequality in Urban Bolivia
by Gustavo Canavire-Bacarreza & Fernando Rios-Avila - 497-516 A Capabilities Approach to the Adjudication of the Right to a Basic Education in South Africa
by Shanelle van der Berg - 517-530 Should Aspirations be a Matter of Policy Concern?
by Svenja Flechtner - 531-532 Should Rich Nations Help the Poor?
by Anirudh Krishna - 532-534 Transforming Teacher Quality in the Global South: Using Capabilities and Causality to Re-examine Teacher Performance
by Merridy Wilson-Strydom
July 2017, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 317-321 Human Capabilities and Animal Lives: Conflict, Wonder, Law: A Symposium
by Martha C. Nussbaum - 322-336 Cultural Killing and Human–Animal Capability Conflict
by Amy Linch & Breena Holland - 337-355 The Reasonableness of Wonder
by Jeremy David Bendik-Keymer - 356-369 Scientific Whaling? The Scientific Research Exception and the Future of the International Whaling Commission
by Rachel Nussbaum Wichert & Martha C. Nussbaum - 370-383 Capabilities, Human Flourishing and the Health Gap
by Michael Marmot - 384-398 Disrupting Structural Inequalities of Higher Education Opportunity: “Grit”, Resilience and Capabilities at a South African University
by Merridy Wilson-Strydom - 399-423 Access to Household Resources and Human Development: Evidence from Survey Data for Tanzania
by Amarakoon Bandara & Rajeev Dehejia & Shaheen Lavie-Rouse - 424-425 Anger and Forgiveness: Resentment, Generosity, Justice
by Steven Schoonover - 425-427 A Philosophical Examination of Social Justice and Child Poverty
by Caterina Arciprete & Mario Biggeri - 427-428 The Regional Roots of Russia’s Political Regime
by Ghasem Torabi
April 2017, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 141-147 Social Innovation and the Capability Approach—Introduction to the Special Issue
by Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti & Christopher Houghton Budd & Rafael Ziegler - 148-162 Tackling Marginalisation through Social Innovation? Examining the EU Social Innovation Policy Agenda from a Capabilities Perspective
by Nadia von Jacobi & Daniel Edmiston & Rafael Ziegler - 163-180 Social Innovation and Human Development—How the Capabilities Approach and Social Innovation Theory Mutually Support Each Other
by Jürgen Howaldt & Michael Schwarz - 181-196 Exploring the Role of the Capability Approach in Social Innovation
by Meera Tiwari - 197-222 How to Build Collective Capabilities: The 3C-Model for Grassroots-Led Development
by Solava Ibrahim - 223-238 Understanding Indigenous Innovation in Rural West Africa: Challenges to Diffusion of Innovations Theory and Current Social Innovation Practice
by Joel R. Matthews - 239-257 Promoting Social Innovation Through Action Research: Evidence from an Empirical Study in the Fisheries Sector of Ukerewe District in Tanzania
by Almas Fortunatus Mazigo - 258-274 Grassroots Social Innovation for Human Development: An Analysis of Alternative Food Networks in the City of Valencia (Spain)
by Victoria Pellicer-Sifres & Sergio Belda-Miquel & Aurora López-Fogués & Alejandra Boni Aristizábal - 275-292 Information Technology, Innovation and Human Development: Hospital Information Systems in an Indian State
by Sundeep Sahay & Geoff Walsham - 293-298 Creating (Economic) Space for Social Innovation
by Rafael Ziegler & György Molnár & Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti & Nadia von Jacobi - 299-306 Enabling Ecosystems for Social Enterprises and Social Innovation: A Capability Approach Perspective
by Mario Biggeri & Enrico Testi & Marco Bellucci - 307-312 Social Innovation in Latin America
by Dmitri Domanski & Jürgen Howaldt & Antonius Schröder - 313-314 Food Security in South Africa: Human Rights and Entitlement Perspectives
by Inga T. Winkler - 314-316 The Good Life: Aspiration, Dignity, and the Anthropology of Wellbeing
by Séverine Deneulin
January 2017, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 1-16 Democracy, Philosophy, and the Selection of Capabilities
by Morten Fibieger Byskov - 17-45 Quantifying the Progress of Economic and Social Justice: Charting Changes in Equality of Opportunity in the USA, 1960–2000
by Gordon Anderson & Teng Wah Leo - 46-59 Capabilitarian Sufficiency: Capabilities and Social Justice
by Lasse Nielsen & David V. Axelsen - 60-74 Introducing Joint Capabilities: Findings from a Study of Development in Honduras’ Garifuna Ancestral Villages
by Kia M.Q. Hall - 75-88 The Coercive Side of Collective Capabilities: Evidence from the Bolivian
by Rachel Godfrey-Wood & Graciela Mamani-Vargas - 89-106 The Capability Threshold: Re-examining the Definition of the Middle Class in an Unequal Developing Country
by Ronelle Burger & Camren McAravey & Servaas van der Berg - 107-135 Validating an Agency-based Tool for Measuring Women’s Empowerment in a Complex Public Health Trial in Rural Nepal
by Lu Gram & Joanna Morrison & Neha Sharma & Bhim Shrestha & Dharma Manandhar & Anthony Costello & Naomi Saville & Jolene Skordis-Worrall - 136-137 New Approaches Towards the ‘Good Life’: Applications and Transformations of the Capability Approach
by Karie Cross - 137-139 After Access: Inclusion, Development, and a More Mobile Internet
by Marco J. Haenssgen - 139-140 Human Development and Capacity Building: Asia Pacific Trends, Challenges and Prospects for the Future
by Kattie Lussier
October 2016, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 465-476 Investing in Early Childhood Development: Essential Interventions, Family Contexts, and Broader Policies
by Quentin Wodon - 477-493 Realizing Capabilities in Ethiopia: Maximizing Early Childhood Investment for Impact and Equity
by Amy Jo Dowd & Ivelina Borisova & Ali Amente & Alene Yenew - 494-515 Does Attending an Enhanced-quality Preschool have an Effect on the Emergent Literacy, Emergent Math, Social Skills and Knowledge of Health, Hygiene, Nutrition and Safety of Young Children? Evidence from a Quasi-experiment with Two Control Groups in Bangladesh
by Silvia Diazgranados & Ivelina Borisova & Taposhi Sarker - 516-539 Household Income Trajectories, PROGRESA-Oportunidades, and Child Well-being at Pre-school Age in Rural Mexico
by Laura Josefina Valadez-Martinez - 540-557 Social Policy and the Dynamics of Early Childhood Poverty in Turkey
by Meltem Dayioğlu & Sirma Demir Şeker - 558-582 Can Regulations Make It More Difficult to Serve the Poor? The Case of Childcare Services in Istanbul, Turkey
by Meltem A. Aran & Ana Maria Munoz Boudet & Nazli Aktakke - 583-589 Maximizing Child Development: Three Principles for Policy-makers
by Susan Caceres & Jeffrey Tanner & Sian Williams - 590-598 Early Childhood Development in the Context of the Family: The Case of Child Marriage
by Quentin Wodon - 599-605 Measurement of Early Childhood Development and Learning under the Sustainable Development Goals
by Amber Gove & Maureen M. Black - 606-607 Growth, Employment, Inequality and the Environment: Unity of Knowledge in Economics (Volumes 1 and 2)
by Geoff Goodwin - 607-609 The Moral Challenge of Dangerous Climate Change: Values, Poverty, and Policy
by Andrew Crabtree - 609-611 Aspirations, Education and Social Justice: Applying Sen and Bourdieu
by Tobias Gandrup - 611-612 Social Protection, Economic Growth and Social Change: Goals, Issues and Trajectories in China, India, Brazil and South Africa
by Benedicta Ideho Omokaro - 612-613 Democracy, Gender and Social Policy in Russia: A Wayward Society
by Ghasem Torabi
July 2016, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 301-308 Introduction: Aspiration and the Capabilities List
by Martha C. Nussbaum - 309-323 Aspirations and the Development Treadmill
by Debraj Ray - 324-341 How Do Aspirations Matter?
by Caroline Sarojini Hart - 342-359 Capabilities and Skills
by James J. Heckman & Chase O. Corbin - 360-376 Transformation Without Paternalism
by John B. Davis & Thomas R. Wells - 377-396 The Science and Politics of Infrastructure Research: Asserting Power, Place, and Agency in Infrastructure Knowledge
by Candice Gartner - 397-414 Capabilitarianism
by Ingrid Robeyns - 415-425 Inequality Decomposition and Human Development
by Ricardo Martínez - 429-433 Putting Inequality in Context
by Erik Schokkaert - 434-439 The Costs of Inequality and the Affordability of Solutions
by Stephanie Seguino - 440-446 The Space of Inequalities
by Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti - 447-452 Multidimensional Horizontal and Global Inequality
by Scott Wisor - 453-459 Inequality and Public Action
by Polly Vizard - 460-464 Inequality and the Trade-off between Efficiency and Equity
by Erik Thorbecke
May 2016, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 145-160 A Capabilities List for Equitable Transitions to University: A Top-down and Bottom-up Approach
by Merridy Wilson-Strydom - 161-177 Teachers’ Professional Capabilities and the Pursuit of Quality in Sub-Saharan African Education Systems: Demonstrating and Debating a Method of Capability Selection and Analysis
by Alison Buckler - 178-190 Food Deserts, Capabilities, and the Rectification of Democratic Failure
by Andrew F. Smith - 191-205 I Know What to Expect: The Impact of Prior Experience on Legal Empowerment
by Robert Porter - 206-224 Education, Social Justice and School Diversity: Insights from the Capability Approach
by Rosie Peppin Vaughan - 225-244 Practical Reason in Hard Times: The Effects of Economic Crisis on the Kinds of Lives People in the UK Have Reason to Value
by Annie Austin - 245-259 The Curious Case of Using the Capability Approach in Australian Indigenous Policy
by Elise Klein - 260-277 A Capabilities-based Gender Equality Policy for Higher Education: Conceptual and Methodological Considerations
by Sonja Loots & Melanie Walker - 278-294 Abusive Tax Avoidance and Responsibilities of Tax Professionals
by Hamish Russell & Gillian Brock - 295-296 The Capability Approach: From Theory to Practice
by Paul Mark Mitchell - 296-298 Happiness and Economic Growth: Lessons from Developing Countries
by Cirenia Chávez Villegas - 298-299 Depoliticising Migration: Global Governance and International Migration Narratives
by Julie Schiltz
February 2016, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction to Nussbaum Lecture Symposium
by Martha C. Nussbaum - 5-21 A Brief History of Liberty—And Its Lessons
by Philip Pettit - 22-34 Some Reflections on Capability and Republican Freedom
by Mozaffar Qizilbash - 35-54 Between Income and Material Deprivation in the UK: In Search of Conversion Factors
by Rod Hick - 55-73 Measured as Poor versus Feeling Poor: Comparing Money-metric and Subjective Poverty Rates in South Africa
by Dorrit Posel & Michael Rogan - 74-92 Counterfactual Decomposition of Pro-Poorness Using Influence Functions
by B. Essama-Nssah & Peter J. Lambert - 93-109 Motivations and Effectiveness of Women's Groups for Tomato Production in Soni, Tanzania
by R. Manzanera-Ruiz & C. Lizarraga - 110-124 Should Parents Work Away from or Close to Home? The Effect of Parental Absence on Children's Time Use in Vietnam
by Nguyen Viet Cuong & Vu Hoang Linh - 125-139 Beyond Autonomy Fetishism: Affiliation with Autonomy in Women's Empowerment
by Serene Khader - 140-141 Vanishing into Things: Knowledge in Chinese Tradition
by Albert Sanghoon Park - 141-143 Technology and Human Development
by William J. Frey - 143-144 Subterranean Struggles: New Dynamics of Mining, Oil, and Gas in Latin America
by Roger Merino
November 2015, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 473-482 Health, Disability and the Capability Approach: An Introduction
by Jennifer Prah Ruger & Sophie Mitra - 483-500 An Analysis of the Intentions of a Chilean Disability Policy Through the Lens of the Capability Approach
by Alvaro Díaz Ruiz & Natalia Sánchez Durán & Alexis Palá - 501-517 Towards a Disability-inclusive Higher Education Policy through the Capabilities Approach
by Oliver Mutanga & Melanie Walker - 518-548 Disability and Poverty in Morocco and Tunisia: A Multidimensional Approach
by Jean-Francois Trani & Parul Bakhshi & Sarah Myers Tlapek & Dominique Lopez & Fiona Gall - 549-566 Corporate Contributions to Developing Health Capabilities
by Regina Moczadlo & Harald Strotmann & Jürgen Volkert - 567-580 India, Health Inequities, and a Fair Healthcare Provision: A Perspective from Health Capability
by Rhyddhi Chakraborty & Chhanda Chakraborti - 581-599 Health Economics and Ethics and the Health Capability Paradigm
by Jennifer Prah Ruger - 600-616 Exploring Different Interpretations of the Capability Approach in a Health Care Context: Where Next?
by Philip Kinghorn - 619-624 Beyond GDP for Beyond 2015
by John Tkacik - 625-630 For Sustainable SDGs: Righting Through Responsibilities
by Nandan Nawn - 631-636 Post-2015 Development Agenda: Human Agency and the Inoperability of the Sustainable Development Architecture
by Stanley T. Asah - 637-639 Capital in the Twenty-First Century
by João Silva - 640-641 Millennium Development Goals and Community Initiatives in the Asia Pacific
by Ghasem Torabi
August 2015, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 319-323 A Long-Term Perspective on Inequality and Human Development in Latin America
by Luis F. Lopez-Calva & Nora Lustig & Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez - 324-341 Latin American Inequality: Colonial Origins, Commodity Booms or a Missed Twentieth-Century Leveling?
by Jeffrey G. Williamson