2010, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 367-369 Power, Pride, Prejudice, and Poverty
by Henry Richardson - 371-395 Power and Progress: The Swing of the Pendulum
by Frances Stewart - 397-423 Equality and Love at the End of The Marriage of Figaro: Forging Democratic Emotions
by Martha Nussbaum - 425-448 Parental Consent and Children's Rights in Europe: A Balancing Act
by Stacy Kosko - 449-465 Poverty in Mexico from an Ethnic Perspective
by Ivan Gonzalez de Alba - 467-474 Book Reviews
by Gustav Ranis & Frances Stewart & Jose Manuel Roche & V. Lakshmi Narayanan - 475-477 Bibliography on the Capability Approach 2009-2010
by Andrea Vigorito
2010, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 177-184 Mobility and Human Development: Introduction
by Hein de Haas & Francisco Rodriguez - 185-207 The Governance of Migration Policy
by Gordon Hanson - 209-228 Xenophobia, International Migration and Development
by Jonathan Crush & Sujata Ramachandran - 229-257 Human Development of Peoples
by Daniel Ortega - 259-279 Migrant Rights, Immigration Policy and Human Development
by Martin Ruhs - 281-303 Is There a Numbers versus Rights Trade-off in Immigration Policy? What the Data Say
by Matthew Cummins & Francisco Rodriguez - 305-309 Numbers versus Rights in Low-Skilled Labour Immigration Policy? A Comment on Cummins and Rodriguez (2010)
by Martin Ruhs - 311-314 A Rejoinder to Ruhs
by Matthew Cummins & Francisco Rodriguez - 315-337 Outmigration, Human Development and Trade: A Central American Case Study
by Denise Stanley - 339-357 Movements of the 'We': International and Transnational Migration and the Capabilities Approach
by Des Gasper & Thanh-Dam Truong - 359-365 Book Reviews
by Victor Bulmer-Thomas & Daniel Neff & Lalit Khandare
2010, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-9 Employment, Inequality and Globalization: A Continuous Concern
by Rolph van der Hoeven - 11-36 Employment, Basic Needs and Human Development: Elements for a New International Paradigm in Response to Crisis
by Richard Jolly - 37-55 How the New Poverty Agenda Neglected Social and Employment Policies in Africa
by Thandika Mkandawire - 57-66 Say's Law, Poverty Persistence, and Employment Neglect
by Alice Amsden - 67-84 Income Inequality and Employment Revisited: Can One Make Sense of Economic Policy?
by Rolph van der Hoeven - 85-114 Income Distribution under Latin America's New Left Regimes
by Giovanni Andrea Cornia - 115-141 Does Fast Growth in India and China Help or Harm US Workers?
by Alex Izurieta & Ajit Singh - 143-160 The Crisis of Globalization as an Opportunity to Create a Fairer World
by Rob Vos - 161-172 Book Reviews
by Jacqueline Bhabha & Frank Vollmer & Insa Nolte & Morten Jerven & Severine Deneulin
2009, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 309-313 Ways of Discerning Inequality and Inequity
by Henry Richardson - 315-340 Horizontal Inequality: Two Types of Trap
by Frances Stewart - 341-357 Capabilities and Constitutional Law: 'Perception' against Lofty Formalism
by Martha Nussbaum - 359-374 The Challenge of Human Development: Inclusion or Democratic Citizenship?
by Niraja Gopal Jayal - 375-396 Inequality, Interactions, and Human Development
by Suman Seth - 397-415 A Methodology to Analyse the Intersections of Social Inequalities in Health
by Gita Sen & Aditi Iyer & Chandan Mukherjee - 417-439 Inequalities in Childhood Malnutrition in India: Some Evidence on Group Disparities
by William Joe & U. S. Mishra & K. Navaneetham - 441-447 Book Reviews
by Kevin Gallagher & David Clark & Elaine Unterhalter - 449-452 Bibliography on the Capability Approach 2008-2009
by Solava Ibrahim
2009, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 169-187 Adaptive Preferences and Procedural Autonomy
by Serene Khader - 189-211 Poverty as Deprivation of Freedom: The Case of Vidigal Shantytown in Rio de Janeiro
by Celia Lessa Kerstenetzky & Larissa Santos - 213-235 The Relational Ontology of Amartya Sen's Capability Approach: Incorporating Social and Individual Causes
by Matthew Longshore Smith & Carolina Seward - 237-257 Multidimensional Poverty and Identification of Poor Households: A Case from Kerala, India
by Bejoy Thomas & Roldan Muradian & Gerard De Groot & Arie De Ruijter - 259-277 Basic Capabilities, Basic Learning Outcomes and Thresholds of Learning
by Marion Young - 279-298 Conditions of Life, Functionings and Capability: Similarities, Differences and Complementary Features
by Ortrud Lessmann - 299-306 Book Reviews
by Jay Drydyk & Bas De Gaay Fortman & J. Mohan Rao & Severine Deneulin
2009, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 3-19 Agency Goals, Adaptation and Capability Sets
by Tania Burchardt - 21-42 Adaptation, Poverty and Well-Being: Some Issues and Observations with Special Reference to the Capability Approach and Development Studies
by David Clark - 43-61 Physical Religious Spaces in the Lives of Rajasthani Village Women: Ethnographic Study and Practice of Religion in Development
by Tamsin Bradley - 63-76 Poverty Measurement in the Presence of a 'Group-Affiliation' Externality
by S. Subramanian - 77-101 Risque, Pluriactivite Rurale et Dynamiques de Pauvrete en Milieu Rural Malgache
by Claire Gondard-Delcroix - 103-123 Decentralization, Democracy and Human Rights: A Human Rights-based Analysis of the Impact of Local Democratic Reforms on Development
by Nancy Thede - 125-152 The Development of Capability Indicators
by Paul Anand & Graham Hunter & Ian Carter & Keith Dowding & Francesco Guala & Martin Van Hees
2008, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 325-328 Introduction: Landmarks and Direction-posts
by Henry Richardson - 329-330 Amartya Sen and Mahbub ul Haq: A Friendship that Continues beyond Life
by Khadija Haq - 331-342 The Idea of Justice
by Amartya Sen - 343-355 Bending towards Justice
by Kwame Anthony Appiah - 357-375 The Clash Within: Democracy and the Hindu Right
by Martha Nussbaum - 377-388 Capabilities and Two Ethical Theories
by Hilary Putnam - 389-400 Individual Rights versus Economic Growth
by Wulf Gaertner - 401-425 Ecology and the Limits of Justice: Establishing Capability Ceilings in Nussbaum's Capabilities Approach
by Breena Holland - 427-452 Monitoring Inequality among Social Groups: A Methodology Combining Fuzzy Set Theory and Principal Component Analysis
by Jose Manuel Roche - 453-474 Denis Goulet and the Project of Development Ethics: Choices in Methodology, Focus and Organization
by Des Gasper
2008, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 165-183 Sen, Culture and Expanding Participatory Capabilities in Northern Ireland
by Susan Hodgett - 185-206 What Good is Literacy? Insights and Implications of the Capabilities Approach
by Brian Maddox - 207-227 Quality of Life Markets: Capabilities and Corporate Social Responsibility
by Carlos Parra - 229-246 Applying Sen's Capability Approach to Poverty Alleviation Programs: Two Case Studies
by John Schischka & Paul Dalziel & Caroline Saunders - 247-263 A Safety Net without Holes: An Argument for a Comprehensive Income Security System for South Africa
by Adam Whitworth & Michael Noble - 265-281 Intensifying Infant Mortality Inequality in India and a Reversal by Policy Intervention
by D. Narayana - 283-303 Institution Building in Haiti: An Assessment of the Interim Cooperation Framework 2004-2006
by Cecilia Ann Winters
2008, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-22 The Property Rights Challenges of Improving Access to Water for Agriculture: Lessons from the Sahel
by Lorenzo Cotula - 23-45 Exit the State: Decentralization and the Need for Local Social, Political, and Economic Considerations in Water Resource Allocation in Madagascar and Kenya
by Richard Marcus & Joseph Onjala - 47-64 Water Reallocation: Drivers, Challenges, Threats, and Solutions for the Poor
by Ruth Meinzen-Dick & Claudia Ringler - 65-86 Measuring Gender (In)Equality: The OECD Gender, Institutions and Development Data Base
by Johannes Jutting & Christian Morrisson & Jeff Dayton-Johnson & Denis Drechsler - 87-108 On the Measurement of Gender Equality and Gender-related Development Levels
by Inaki Permanyer - 109-129 Millennium Development Goals: Measuring Progress towards their Achievement
by Satya Chakravarty & Amita Majumder - 131-147 Counting Heads or Counting Televisions: Can Asset-based Measures of Welfare Assist Policy-makers in Russia?
by Martin Wall & Deborah Johnston
2007, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 327-335 Introduction: Challenges and Debates
by Mozaffar Qizilbash - 337-357 Liberty of Conscience: The Attack on Equal Respect
by Martha C. Nussbaum - 359-388 Toward Freedom from Domestic Violence: The Neglected Obvious
by Bina Agarwal & Pradeep Panda - 389-414 The Social Background of Capabilities for Freedoms
by Henry S. Richardson - 415-430 Capabilities and Satisfaction with Life
by Erik Schokkaert - 431-455 Deliberative Participation in Local Development
by David A. Crocker - 457-480 No Democracy without Justice: Political Freedom in Amartya Sen's Capability Approach
by Sharath Srinivasan - 481-486 Bibliography on the Capability Approach, 2006-2007
by Ingrid Robeyns
2007, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 179-184 Guest Editors' Introduction
by Tom De Herdt & Severine Deneulin - 185-201 Responsibility for Each Other's Freedom: Agency as the Source of Collective Capability
by Jerome Ballet & Jean-Luc Dubois & FranCois-Regis Mahieu - 203-221 A Relational Account of Nussbaum's List of Capabilities
by Pinar Uyan-Semerci - 223-244 Understanding Agency in Collective Action
by Frances Cleaver - 245-258 Unequal Access to Scientific Knowledge
by Charles Tilly - 259-282 Confronting Power through Policy: On the Creation and Spread of Liberating Knowledge
by Marianne Hill - 283-302 Adapting the Capability Approach to Explain the Effects of Participatory Development Programs: Case Studies from India and Morocco
by Sony Pellissery & Sylvia I. Bergh - 303-323 The Political Complexity of Pro-poor Policy Processes in the Mandara Mountains, Cameroon
by Tom De Herdt & Severin Abega
2007, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-22 'Human Development': The Power of the Idea
by Desmond McNeill - 23-38 Governance for Development: Understanding the Concept/Reality Linkages
by Alpha Diedhiou - 39-63 Going Beyond Functionings to Capabilities: An Econometric Model to Explain and Estimate Capabilities
by Jaya Krishnakumar - 65-87 La Contribution du Modele Europeen de Ville Durable au Developpement: Une Approche par les Capacites
by Jacques Poirot - 89-107 Is Targeting the Poor a Penalty on the Food Insecure? Poverty and Food Insecurity in India
by M. H. Suryanarayana & Dimitri Silva - 109-132 Capability, Sustainability, and Collective Action: An Examination of a River Water Dispute
by P. B. Anand - 133-152 Amartya Sen, the World Bank, and the Redress of Urban Poverty: A Brazilian Case Study
by Alexandre Apsan Frediani - 153-173 Capacites et Gestion de l'Incertitude: Essai sur les Strategies des Maraichers de Kinshasa, Republique Democratique du Congo
by Benoit Lallau
2006, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 291-298 Introduction: Diverse Voices and Conversations
by Mozaffar Qizilbash - 299-310 Capabilities, Functionings and Refined Functionings
by Marc Fleurbaey - 311-321 Capability Sets as the Basis of a New Measure of Human Development
by Wulf Gaertner & Yongsheng Xu - 323-358 Human Development: Beyond the Human Development Index
by Gustav Ranis & Frances Stewart & Emma Samman - 359-383 European Union Poverty Assessment: A Capability Perspective
by Juergen Volkert - 385-395 Education and Democratic Citizenship: Capabilities and Quality Education
by Martha Nussbaum - 397-416 From Individual to Collective Capabilities: The Capability Approach as a Conceptual Framework for Self-help
by Solava Ibrahim
2006, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 145-159 Guest Editor's Introduction
by Stephan Klasen - 161-181 The Uses and Misuses of the Gender-related Development Index and Gender Empowerment Measure: A Review of the Literature
by Dana Schuler - 183-199 Measuring Care: Gender, Empowerment, and the Care Economy
by Nancy Folbre - 201-220 Re-thinking the “Feminization of Poverty” in Relation to Aggregate Gender Indices
by Sylvia Chant - 221-241 What is missing in measures of Women's Empowerment?
by Hanny Cueva Beteta - 243-274 UNDP's Gender-related Measures: Some Conceptual Problems and Possible Solutions
by Stephan Klasen - 275-283 Towards a Fresh Start in Measuring Gender Equality: A Contribution to the Debate
by A. Geske Dijkstra
2006, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-22 Central Asia and Central Africa: Transnational Wars and Ethnic Conflicts
by Barnett Rubin - 23-41 Little Room to Maneuver: The Challenges to Humanitarian Action in the New Global Security Environment
by Abby Stoddard & Adele Harmer - 43-57 Human Development and Electoral Systems
by Marjorie Gassner & Darwin Ugarte Ontiveros & Vincenzo Verardi - 59-83 Children Conceptualizing their Capabilities: Results of a Survey Conducted during the First Children's World Congress on Child Labour
by Mario Biggeri & Renato Libanora & Stefano Mariani & Leonardo Menchini - 85-109 Using Spatial Statistics to Analyze Intra-urban Inequalities and Public Intervention in Sao Paulo, Brazil
by Monica Haddad & Zorica Nedovic-Budic - 111-135 The Limits on Pro-poor Agricultural Trade in Guatemala: Land, Labour and Political Power
by Roman Krznaric
2005, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 275-299 Measuring Human Poverty: A Generalized Index and an Application Using Basic Dimensions of Life and Some Anthropometric Indicators
by Satya Chakravarty & Amita Majumder - 301-328 Multidimensional Poverty Measurement with Economic Well-being, Capability, and Social Inclusion: A Case from Kathmandu, Nepal
by Udaya Wagle - 329-351 Sustainable Human Development for European Countries
by Valeria Costantini & Salvatore Monni - 353-374 Women's Interlaced Freedoms: A Framework Linking Microcredit Participation and Health
by Katherine Mohindra & Slim Haddad - 375-397 Social Statistics for Human Development Reports and Millennium Development Goal Reports: Challenges and Constraints
by K. Seeta Prabhu - 399-420 Peer and Partner Review: A Practical Approach to Achieving the Millennium Development Goals
by Sanjay Reddy & Antoine Heuty
2005, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 145-150 Special Editor's Introduction
by Mozaffar Qizilbash - 151-166 Human Rights and Capabilities
by Amartya Sen - 167-183 Women's Bodies: Violence, Security, Capabilities
by Martha Nussbaum - 185-204 Groups and Capabilities
by Frances Stewart - 205-219 Poverty and Human Rights: Building on the Capability Approach
by Siddiqur Rahman Osmani - 221-245 Securing Humanity: Situating 'Human Security' as Concept and Discourse
by Des Gasper - 247-267 When is Development More Democratic?
by Jay Drydyk
2005, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-25 Measuring the Distribution of Human Development: methodology and an application to Mexico
by James Foster & Luis Lopez-Calva & Miguel Szekely - 31-44 Measurement of Human Development: an alternative approach
by Shoutir Kishore Chatterjee - 55-76 Abusing Cultural Freedom: coercion in the name of God
by Emanuel de Kadt - 75-95 Promoting Human Freedoms under Conditions of Inequalities: a procedural framework
by Severine Deneulin - 93-117 The Capability Approach: a theoretical survey
by Ingrid Robeyns - 115-135 Why the Capability Approach?
by Sabina Alkire
2004, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 309-333 Freedom, Reason, and More: Feminist economics and human development
by Julie Nelson - 335-354 Globalization and Securing Rights for Women Informal Workers in Asia
by Jeemol Unni - 355-375 On the Arbitrariness and Robustness of Multi-Dimensional Poverty Rankings
by Mozaffar Qizilbash - 377-397 The First United Nations Millennium Development Goal: A cause for celebration?
by Thomas Pogge - 399-415 Poverty Reduction and Human Development in Africa
by Ben Arimah - 417-432 A Model of Consumption and Environmental Degradation: Making the case for sustainable consumer behaviour
by Bahram Adrangi & K. Kathy Dhanda & Ronald Paul Hill
2004, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 161-176 Thinking 'Small' and the Understanding of Poverty: Maymana and Mofizul's story
by David Hulme - 177-194 The Face of Chronic Poverty in Uganda from the Poor's Perspective: constraints and opportunities
by Charles Lwanga-Ntale & Kimberley McClean - 195-209 Chronic Poverty in Rural India: issues and findings from panel data
by Shashanka Bhide & Aasha Kapur Mehta - 211-226 Escaping Poverty and Becoming Poor in 20 Kenyan Villages
by Anirudh Krishna & Patti Kristjanson & Maren Radeny & Wilson Nindo - 227-247 Destitution in Wollo (Ethiopia): chronic poverty as a crisis of household and community livelihoods
by Kay Sharp & Stephen Devereux - 249-263 Poverty among Tribals in South West Madhya Pradesh: has anything changed over time?
by Amita Shah & D. C. Sah - 265-277 Combining Longitudinal Household and Community Surveys for Evaluation of Social Transfers: infrastructure rehabilitation projects in rural Georgia
by Michael Lokshin & Ruslan Yemtsov - 279-297 Are Chronically Poor People being Left Out of Progress Towards the Millennium Development Goals? A quantitative analysis of older people, disabled people and orphans
by Edoardo Masset & Howard White
2004, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 5-29 Democratisation with Inclusion: political reforms and people's empowerment at the grassroots
by James Manor - 31-68 The Challenges Facing Landlocked Developing Countries
by Michael Faye & John McArthur & Jeffrey Sachs & Thomas Snow - 69-95 Global Development Goals: the United Nations experience
by Richard Jolly - 97-120 Mexico and the Millennium Development Goals at the Subnational Level
by Ricardo Fuentes & Andres Montes - 121-149 Philippines' Progress Towards the Millennium Development Goals: geographical and political correlates of subnational outcomes
by Solita Collas-Monsod & Toby Monsod & Geoffrey Ducanes
2003, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 323-324 Editor's Introduction
by S. Fukuda-Parr - 325-351 Conflict and the Millennium Development Goals
by Frances Stewart - 353-378 How to Monitor Poverty for the Millennium Development Goals
by Angus Deaton - 379-396 Comparative Perspectives on Child Poverty: A review of poverty measures
by Howard White & Jennifer Leavy & Andrew Masters - 397-418 Mind the Gap! Widening Child Mortality Disparities
by Alberto Minujin & Enrique Delamonica - 419-435 Measuring Women's Empowerment: An assessment of the Gender-related Development Index and the Gender Empowerment Measure
by Jacques Charmes & Saskia Wieringa - 437-456 Articulating Uneven Regional Development: Artificial intelligence as a tool in development planning
by Sashi Sivramkrishna & Ramakrushna Panigrahi
2003, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 167-179 New Threats to Human Security in the Era of Globalization
by Sakiko Fukuda-Parr - 181-190 Human Security and Global Health
by Lincoln Chen & Vasant Narasimhan - 191-207 The Evolving Infectious Disease Threat: Implications for national and global security
by David Heymann - 209-225 International Financial Volatility
by Stephany Griffith-Jones & Jenny Kimmis - 227-245 Global Mobility, Inequality and Security
by Robert Bach - 247-263 Trafficking in Persons: An issue of human security
by Michele Anne Clark - 265-287 Working Women And Security: Self Employed Women's Association's response to crisis
by Tony Vaux & Francie Lund - 289-313 From the Environment and Human Security to Sustainable Security and Development
by Sanjeev Khagram & William Clark & Dana Firas Raad
2003, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 5-27 Civil Society and Accountability
by Mary Kaldor - 29-46 Freedom of Expression, Accountability and Development in the Arab Region
by Naomi Sakr - 47-71 The Health and Poverty of Nations: From theory to practice
by David Bloom & David Canning - 73-101 Decentralization and Human Development in Argentina
by Nadir Habibi & Cindy Huang & Diego Miranda & Victoria Murillo & Gustav Ranis & Mainak Sarkar & Frances Stewart - 103-123 Poverty Reduction in Chile: Has economic growth been enough?
by Mauricio Olavarria-Gambi - 125-150 Social Security: Learning from global experience to reach the poor
by Dharam Ghai - 151-155 Book Review
by Paul Streeten
2002, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 167-190 Reviving the 1990s Trend toward Transnational Justice: Innovations and Institutions
by Richard Falk - 191-207 Education and Poverty
by Jandhyala Tilak - 209-230 Held to Account: Experiences of Social Accountability in Latin America
by Enrique Peruzzotti & Catalina Smulovitz - 231-250 Expanding Voice and Accountability through the Budgetary Process
by Siddiq Osmani - 251-261 Local Ownership and Donor Performance Monitoring: New Aid Relationships in Tanzania?
by Gerry Helleiner - 263-272 Statisticians of the World Unite: The Human Development Challenge Awaits
by Richard Jolly - 273-300 The Extent of and Explanations for International Disparities in Human Security
by Frikkie Booysen - 301-311 An Adjusted Human Development Index: Robust Country Rankings with Respect to the Choice of Fixed Maximum and Minimum Indicator Values
by Ramakrushna Panigrahi & Sashi Sivramkrishna
2002, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 7-22 Reflections on Social and Antisocial Capital
by Paul Streeten - 23-56 A Conceptual Primer on the Currents and Trends in Inequality
by Stefano Pettinato - 57-94 Mobility, Opportunity and Vulnerability: The Dynamics of Poverty and Inequality in a Global Economy
by Carol Graham - 95-122 Measuring the Technology Achievement of Nations and the Capacity to Participate in the Network Age
by Meghnad Desai & Sakiko Fukuda-Parr & Claes Johansson & Fransisco Sagasti - 123-152 Reconnecting Agricultural Technology to Human Development
by Michael Lipton & Saurabh Sinha & Rachel Blackman
2001, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 167-189 The Ethical Assessment of Technological Change: An overview of the issues
by Christian Barry - 191-237 Out of the Labs and Into the Developing World: Using appropriate technologies to promote truly global Internet diffusion
by Geoffrey Kirkman - 239-263 Harnessing Biotechnology for the Poor: Challenges ahead for capacity, safety and public investment
by Joel Cohen - 265-286 Diasporas and Technology Transfer
by Devesh Kapur - 287-309 Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Development: Historical lessons and emerging issues
by Ha-Joon Chang - 311-324 Costa Rica's Development Strategy based on Human Capital and Technology: How it got there, the impact of Intel, and lessons for other countries
by Andres Rodriguez-Clare
2001, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 7-17 The Global Compact and the Human Economy
by Tariq Banuri & Erika Spanger-Siegfried