March 2018, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 173-182 Beyond privatisation and cost savings: alternatives for local government reform
by Germà Bel & Robert Hebdon & Mildred Warner - 183-203 What happens after a local referendum? The effect of direct democratic decision-making on protest intentions
by Anna Kern - 204-228 Mayoral scalar strategies and the role of the central state after the financial crisis
by Oliver Dlabac - 229-254 Metropolitan challenges and reform pressures across Europe – the perspectives of city mayors
by Oliver Dlabac & Lluís Medir & Mariona Tomàs & Marta Lackowska - 255-274 Adjustments in municipal fiscal crises. Are they different according to the gender of the mayor?
by Roberto Cabaleiro Casal & Enrique Buch Gómez - 275-296 The relationship between competition and efficiency of waste-collection services in the Czech Republic
by Jan Pavel & Jan Slavík - 297-298 Local government in England: centralisation, autonomy and control, by Colin Copus, Mark Roberts and Rachel Wall, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 206 pp., £59.99 (hardback), £47.99 (eBook), ISBN 978-1-137-26417-6 (hardback); 978-1-137-26418-3 (eBook)
by Peter Eckersley - 299-301 Centralisation, devolution and the future of local government in England, by Steve Leach, John Stewart and George Jones, Abingdon, Routledge, 2017, 180 pp., £120.00 (hardback), £32.99 (paperback), £32.99 (eBook), ISBN 97811387222373 (hardback), 9781138222380 (paperback); 9781315407944 (eBook)
by Chris Game - 301-303 Centralisation, devolution and the future of local government in England, by Steve Leach, John Stewart and George Jones, Abingdon, Routledge, 2017, 180 pp., £120.00 (hardback), £32.99 (paperback), £32.99 (eBook), ISBN 97811387222373 (hardback), 9781138222380 (paperback); 9781315407944 (eBook)
by Tony Smith
January 2018, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-1 Erratum
by The Editors - 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 1-10 If territorial fragmentation is a problem, is amalgamation a solution? – Ten years later
by Pawel Swianiewicz - 11-21 Privatisation, contracting-out and inter-municipal cooperation: new developments in local public service delivery
by Germà Bel & Raymond Gradus - 22-43 Inter-municipal cooperation in the case of spillovers: evidence from Western German municipalities
by Christian Bergholz - 44-63 Can alternative service delivery save cities after the Great Recession? Barriers to privatisation and cooperation
by Yunji Kim - 64-85 Contracting out local road and park services: economic effects and their strategic, contractual and competitive conditions
by Andrej Christian Lindholst & Ole Helby Petersen & Kurt Houlberg - 86-104 The effects of market concentration on costs of local public services: empirical evidence from Dutch waste collection
by Raymond Gradus & Martijn Schoute & Elbert Dijkgraaf - 105-126 Internal factors of intermunicipal cooperation: what matters most and why?
by Jana Soukopová & Gabriela Vaceková - 127-150 Intermunicipal cooperation, public spending and service levels
by Maarten A. Allers & J.A. de Greef - 151-171 Does intermunicipal cooperation increase efficiency? A conditional metafrontier approach for the Hessian wastewater sector
by Frédéric Blaeschke & Peter Haug
November 2017, Volume 43, Issue 6
- 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 875-881 Examining citizen participation: local participatory policymaking and democracy revisited
by Ank Michels & Laurens De Graaf - 882-902 Energy policy under austerity localism: what role for local authorities?
by Jonathan Morris & John Harrison & Andrea Genovese & Liam Goucher & S. C. L. Koh - 903-926 How learning aggregates: a social network analysis of learning between Swedish municipalities
by Christopher Ansell & Martin Lundin & PerOla Öberg - 927-945 An enterprising municipality? Municipalisation, corporatisation and the political economy of Birmingham City Council in the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries
by Chris Skelcher - 946-965 Financial management conservatism under constraints: tax and expenditure limits and local deficit financing during the Great Recession
by Lang (Kate) Yang - 966-991 The metagovernance of English devolution
by Daniel Bailey & Matthew Wood - 992-1013 Governing environmental conflicts: A comparative analysis of ten protests against industrial facilities in urban China
by Yanwei Li & Joop Koppenjan & Vincent Homburg - 1014-1016 Local government, local legislation: municipal initiative in parliament from 1858–1872, by R.J.B. Morris, Abingdon, Routledge, 2017, 251 pp., £110 (hardcover), ISBN 978-1-138-69611-2
by Stephen Leach - 1016-1017 Local government in Australia: history, theory and public policy, by Bligh Grant and Joseph Drew, Singapore, Springer, 2017, 445 pp., £112 (eBook), ISBN 9789811038679
by Robyn Hollander - 1018-1020 Directly elected mayors in urban governance: impact and practice, edited by David Sweeting, Bristol, Policy Press, Published 15 March 2017, 1+296 pp., £75.00 (hbk), ISBN: 978-14473027011
by Bligh Grant - 1020-1023 Local identities and politics: negotiating the old and the new, by Kees Terlouw, Routledge Focus, London, 2017, 139pp., £45 (hbk), ISBN 978-1-138-20925-1; £10.50 (ebk), ISBN 978-1-315-45753-6
by Anssi Paasi
September 2017, Volume 43, Issue 5
- 693-696 Remembering Professor George Jones
by The Editors - 697-706 Ten years after: revisiting the determinants of the adoption of municipal corporations for local service delivery
by António F. Tavares - 707-730 Municipalities’ willingness to adopt process innovations: evidence for higher cost-efficiency
by Hannes W. Lampe - 731-751 What a difference a Mayor makes. A case study of the Liverpool Mayoral model
by Nicola Headlam & Paul Hepburn - 752-775 Political incentives and transaction costs of collaboration among US cities for economic development
by Christopher V. Hawkins - 776-797 Trust in the leadership of governors and participatory governance in Tokyo Metropolitan Government
by Yu Noda - 798-819 Central coercion or local autonomy? A comparative analysis of policy instrument choice in refugee settlement policies
by Vilde Hernes - 820-841 The efficiency and effectiveness of municipally owned corporations: a systematic review
by Bart Voorn & Marieke L. van Genugten & Sandra van Thiel - 842-863 Views of public health leaders in English local authorities – changing perspectives following the transfer of responsibilities from the National Health Service to local government
by Stephen Peckham & Erica Gadsby & Linda Jenkins & Anna Coleman & Donna Bramwell & Neil Perkins - 864-866 Beatriz Cuadrado-Ballesteros and Isabel Mária García-Sánchez, Local governments in the digital era. Looking for accountability
by Sanja Korac - 867-869 Stefan Müller-Doohm (tr. Daniel Steuer), Habermas: a biography
by Peter Matthews - 869-871 Fiona Spotswood, Beyond behaviour change: key issues, interdisciplinary approaches and future directions
by Jason Lowther - 871-873 Gerry Stoker and Mark Evans, Evidence-based policy making in the social sciences: methods that matter
by Jason Lowther
July 2017, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 503-511 What have we learned from the last three decades of empirical studies on factors driving local privatisation?
by Germà Bel & Xavier Fageda - 512-532 Re-politicisation as post-NPM response? Municipal companies in a Norwegian context
by Turid Moldenæs & Harald Torsteinsen - 533-554 Inter-municipal cooperation, economies of scale and cost efficiency: an application of stochastic frontier analysis to Dutch municipal tax departments
by Thomas Niaounakis & Jos Blank - 555-576 Territorial upscaling of local governments: a variable-oriented approach to explaining variance among Western European countries
by Jostein Askim & Jan Erling Klausen & Signy Irene Vabo & Karl Bjurstrøm - 577-597 Inclusive local governance: normative proposals and political practices
by Jone Martínez-Palacios - 598-620 New localism or fuzzy centralism: policymakers’ perceptions of public education and involvement in education
by Nivi Gal-Arieli & Itai Beeri & Eran Vigoda-Gadot & Amnon Reichman - 621-644 Dealing with Austerity: a case of local resilience in Southern Europe
by Lluís Medir & Esther Pano & Alba Viñas & Jaume Magre - 645-667 Local revenue structure under economic hardship: reliance on alternative revenue sources in California counties
by Sanghee Park - 668-689 When revenues are not revenues: the influence of municipal governance on revenue recognition within Swedish municipal waste management
by Mattias Haraldsson - 690-691 David Dewar and Warwick Funnell, A history of British National Audit: the pursuit of accountability
by Laurence Ferry
May 2017, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 315-322 Local government and the arts revisited
by Clive Gray - 323-343 Co-producing safety in the local community: A Q-methodology study on the incentives of Belgian and Dutch members of neighbourhood watch schemes
by Carola van Eijk & Trui Steen & Bram Verschuere - 344-363 ‘The planners’ dream goes wrong?’ Questioning citizen-centred planning
by Alex Lord & Michael Mair & John Sturzaker & Paul Jones - 364-387 Managing governance complexity and knowledge networks in transparency initiatives: the case of police open data
by Alex Ingrams - 388-407 Bridging the accountability and transparency gap in inter-municipal collaboration
by Zachary Spicer - 408-428 Political participation and municipal population size: A meta-study
by Pepijn van Houwelingen - 429-450 State-local sales tax, spillover, and economic activity: examining county governments in the US
by Jongmin Shon - 451-474 Adoption of comprehensive risk management in local government
by Lasse Oulasvirta & Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko - 475-498 Estimating policy positions of local parties in elections with multi-vote ballots
by Dominic Nyhuis - 499-501 Sabine Kuhlmann and Geert Bouckaert, Local public sector reforms in times of crisis – national trajectories and international comparisons
by Louise Skoog
March 2017, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 139-141 Editorial statement
by Germà Bel & Marc Esteve & Peter Matthews & Tamara Metze - 142-149 Champions of local authority innovation revisited
by Dean Bartlett - 150-169 Big change, little change? Punctuation, increments and multi-layer institutional change for English local authorities under austerity
by Alison Gardner - 170-193 Helpful local surtaxes? Florida and disadvantaged families
by Robert J. Eger, III & Bruce D. McDonald, III & D. Ryan Miller - 194-217 Analysing credit risk in large local governments: an empirical study in Spain
by Juan Lara-Rubio & Salvador Rayo-Cantón & Andrés Navarro-Galera & Dionisio Buendia-Carrillo - 218-244 Deliberative democracy in local governance: the impact of institutional design on legitimacy
by Birte Gundelach & Patricia Buser & Daniel Kübler - 245-273 Freedom of information in local government: rhetoric or reality?
by Alejandro Saez-Martin & Carmen Caba-Perez & Antonio Lopez-Hernandez - 274-290 The use of intergovernmental grants to municipalities for electoral purposes by subnational governments
by Kadour Mehiriz - 291-314 Leading the way: the integral role of local government within a multisector partnership delivering a large infrastructure project in an Australian growth region
by Alison Ollerenshaw & Angela Murphy & Kelsey McDonald
January 2017, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1-21 Swedish politicians’ preferences regarding the privatisation of elderly care
by Ming Guo & Sam Willner - 22-43 Buying schools with social capital: how local response to state reform fosters education revenue inequality
by Jonathan Collins - 44-63 A field experiment on ethnic discrimination among local Swedish public officials
by Per Adman & Hanna Jansson - 64-88 Transformation in Philippine local government
by Mendiola Teng-Calleja & Ma. Regina M. Hechanova & Ramon Benedicto A. Alampay & Nico A. Canoy & Edna P. Franco & Erwin A. Alampay - 89-109 Local elected administrators’ career characteristics and revenue diversification as a managerial strategy
by Jungbu Kim - 110-131 How single-member districts are reinforcing local independents and strengthening mayors: on the electoral reform in Polish local government
by Adam Gendźwiłł & Tomasz Żółtak - 132-134 Peter Somerville, Understanding community; politics, policy and practice (second edition)
by Steve Leach - 135-137 Koen P. R. Bartels, Communicative capacity: public encounters in participatory theory and practice
by Peter Matthews
November 2016, Volume 42, Issue 6
- 867-884 Gender and the experiences of local elected members – a focus on Wales
by Catherine Farrell & Sarah Titcombe - 885-906 Women’s political representation and transparency in local governance
by Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves Araujo & Francisca Tejedo-Romero - 907-915 Thinking about the ‘Local’ of Local Government: a Brief History of Invention and Reinvention
by Allan Cochrane - 916-937 Local governance and learning: in search of a conceptual framework
by Robert Rządca & Marta Strumińska-Kutra - 938-957 Territorial changes and changing identities: how spatial identities are used in the up-scaling of local government in the Netherlands
by Kees Terlouw - 958-979 Public–private partnerships (PPPs) in local services: risk-sharing and private delivery of water services in Spain
by Samuel Carpintero & Ole Helby Petersen - 980-1003 The cost efficiency of water utilities: when does public ownership matter?
by Silvia Pazzi & Emili Tortosa-Ausina & Meryem Duygun & Simona Zambelli - 1004-1023 Governance of a public sector joint venture: the control challenges of dominated owners
by Marthe Liss Holum - 1024-1046 Recasting Leadership Reform in Australian Local Government: A Typology from Political Theory
by Bligh Grant & Brian Dollery & Michael Kortt - 1047-1059 Reframing the role of Australian mayors: an update and rejoinder to Grant, Dollery and Kortt (2016)
by Graham Sansom - 1060-1062 Mario Diani, The cement of civil society: studying networks in localities
by Peter Matthews
September 2016, Volume 42, Issue 5
- 1-1 Erratum
by The Editors - 665-688 Examining media markets’ influence on the diffusion of antismoking legislation in US counties
by Joshua L. Mitchell - 689-697 Is there still collusion in the Dutch waste collection market?
by Raymond Gradus & Elbert Dijkgraaf & Martijn Schoute - 698-716 Building the next model for intervention and turnaround in poorly performing local authorities in England
by Peter Murphy & Martin Jones - 717-738 Intermunicipal cooperation, municipal amalgamation and the price of credit
by Maarten A. Allers & Bernard van Ommeren - 739-761 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Procurement Performance Management Systems in Local Governments
by Andrea Stefano Patrucco & Davide Luzzini & Stefano Ronchi - 762-784 Community resilience: a policy tool for local government?
by Deborah Platts-Fowler & David Robinson - 785-820 The effects of fiscal decentralisation on the strength of political budget cycles in local expenditure
by Monika Köppl Turyna & Grzegorz Kula & Agata Balmas & Kamila Waclawska - 821-841 Spending and cutting are two different worlds: experimental evidence from Danish local councils
by Kurt Houlberg & Asmus Leth Olsen & Lene Holm Pedersen - 842-862 Going online. Does ICT enabled-participation engage the young in local governance?
by Peter Thijssen & Wouter Van Dooren - 863-865 Timothy P. R. Weaver, Blazing the neoliberal trail: urban political development in the United States and the United Kingdom
by Graham Sansom
July 2016, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 507-526 Russia’s local government in the process of authoritarian regime transformation: incentives for the survival of local democracy
by Grigorii V. Golosov & Kristina Gushchina & Pavel Kononenko - 527-535 The communicative policy maker revisited: public administration in a twenty-first century cultural-choice framework
by Amir Hefetz - 536-556 Variants of transparency: an analysis of the English Local Government Transparency Code 2015
by Abdullah Abid Oztoprak & Erna Ruijer - 557-578 The ‘shared workplace’ agenda in Northern Ireland: lessons from local government
by Gary Brown & Michael Cole - 579-597 Declining partisan representation at the sub-national level: assessing and explaining the strengthening of local lists in Italian municipalities (1995–2014)
by Davide Vampa - 598-615 Why do voters forgive corrupt mayors? Implicit exchange, credibility of information and clean alternatives
by Jordi Muñoz & Eva Anduiza & Aina Gallego - 616-636 The impact of associational life on trust in local institutions: a comparison of 57 Swiss municipalities
by Markus Freitag & Maya Ackermann - 637-656 Public services and local government: the end of the principle of ‘funding following duties’
by Mark Sandford - 657-659 Agustina Giraudy, Democrats and autocrats: pathways of subnational undemocratic regime continuity within democratic countries
by Olimpija Hristova Zaevska - 659-661 Catherine Durose and Liz Richardson, Designing public policy for co-production: theory, practice and change
by Caitlin McMullin - 661-663 Paul Joyce, John Bryson and Marc Holzer, Developments in Strategic and Public Management: Studies in the US and Europe
by Richard Kerley
May 2016, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 1-1 Addendum
by The Editors - 357-375 Local governance under the Conservatives: super-austerity, devolution and the ‘smarter state’
by Vivien Lowndes & Alison Gardner - 376-384 Local government reforms: between multifunction and single-purpose organisations
by Hellmut Wollmann - 385-419 Measuring horizontal fiscal imbalance: the case of Italian municipalities
by Giuseppe Di Liddo & Ernesto Longobardi & Francesco Porcelli - 420-440 From public to mixed ownership in local public services provision: an empirical analysis
by Margherita Boggio - 441-463 Scale economies in local public administration
by Jacob Bikker & Daan van der Linde - 464-484 Is local authority procurement supporting SMEs? An analysis of practice in English local authorities
by Kim Loader - 485-505 W.B. Gallie, T.H. Marshall and the contested concepts of fairness and citizenship: examining the parameters of debate in Newport City Council’s Fairness Commission and citizens’ views on fairness
by Steven R. Smith
March 2016, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 171-188 From Competition to Collaboration: Intergovernmental Economic Development Policy Networks
by Youngmi Lee - 189-207 Intergovernmental Grants and Public Expenditures: Evidence from a Survey Experiment
by Martin Baekgaard & Marie Kjaergaard - 208-227 Political Representation and Geographical Bias in Amalgamated Local Governments
by Morten Jakobsen & Ulrik Kjaer - 228-247 Municipal Mergers in New Zealand: An Empirical Analysis of the Proposed Amalgamation of Hawke’s Bay Councils
by Michael A. Kortt & Brian Dollery & Joseph Drew - 248-266 What’s in a Name? Assessing the Performance of Local Government Classification Systems
by Joseph Drew & Brian Dollery - 267-286 Urban Regeneration Policy from the Integrated Urban Development Model in the European Union: an Analytical Approach Based on the Study of Spanish Cities
by María Ángeles Huete Garcia & Rafael Merinero Rodríguez & Rocío Muñoz Moreno - 287-308 Financial and Political Factors Motivating the Privatisation of Municipal Water Services
by José Luis Zafra-Gómez & Antonio Manuel López-Hernández & Ana María Plata-Díaz & Juan Carlos Garrido-Rodríguez - 309-331 The Effect of Formal and Informal Contracting Mechanisms on Implementation Performance in the U.S. Federalist System
by Jessica N. Terman & Richard C. Feiock - 332-350 Does Public Spending Improve Citizens’ Quality of Life? An Analysis of Municipalities’ Leisure Supply
by Elisabetta Mafrolla & Eugenio D’Amico - 351-352 Nicholas Daly, The demographic imagination and the nineteenth-century city: Paris, London, New York
by George Jones - 352-354 Robin Hambleton, Leading the inclusive city: place-based innovation for a bounded planet
by Paul Bunyan - 354-355 Chris Himsworth, The European Charter of Local Self-Government: a treaty for local democracy
by Andrew Coulson
January 2016, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-14 Did the Big Stick Work? An Empirical Assessment of Scale Economies and the Queensland Forced Amalgamation Program
by Joseph Drew & Michael A. Kortt & Brian Dollery - 15-28 Does Size Still Matter? An Empirical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Victorian Local Authorities
by Joseph Drew & Brian Dollery - 29-51 Risk Factors and Drivers of Financial Sustainability in Local Government: An Empirical Study
by Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar & Andrés Navarro Galera & Laura Alcaide Muñoz & María Deseada López Subirés - 52-74 Austere State Strategies: Regenerating for Recovery and the Resignification of Regeneration
by Lee Pugalis - 75-96 Combining Citizen Participation and Expert Analysis: A Wild, Wild Horses Problem in British Columbia
by Michael Brydon & Aidan R. Vining - 97-118 Divergence in Community Participation Policy: Analysing Localism and Community Empowerment Using a Theory of Change Approach
by Steve Rolfe - 119-138 Shaping Political Preferences: Information Effects in Political-Administrative Systems
by Jens Blom-Hansen & Martin Baekgaard & Søren Serritzlew - 139-163 Rewards and Consequences: Redistricting on the Chicago City Council
by Matthew A. Shapiro & Daniel Bliss - 164-165 Romain Pasquier, Regional Governance and Power in France: The Dynamics of Political Space
by Joyce Liddle - 165-167 Edited by Stephen Jivraj and Ludi Simpson, Ethnic Identity and Inequalities in Britain
by Asif Afridi - 167-170 Ewan Ferlie and Edoardo Ongaro, Strategic Management in Public Services Organizations: Concepts, Schools and Contemporary Issues
by Paul Joyce
November 2015, Volume 41, Issue 6
- 819-840 Biased Budgeting in the Public Sector: Evidence from Italian Local Governments
by Eugenio Anessi-Pessina & Mariafrancesca Sicilia - 841-860 Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Councillor’s Dilemma between Strong Mayors and Citizens’ Needs
by Sonia Bussu - 861-880 Abolishing the Audit Commission: Framing, Discourse Coalitions and Administrative Reform
by Katherine Tonkiss & Chris Skelcher - 881-897 Social Capital and the Number of Governments within a County: A Potential Problem with Social Capital
by Matthew Moore & Nicholas Recker - 898-916 How Second Order Are Local Elections? Voting Motives and Party Preferences in Belgian Municipal Elections
by Sofie Marien & Ruth Dassonneville & Marc Hooghe - 917-936 Local Political Decision-Making: A Case of Rationality or Appropriateness?
by Jens Nilsson - 937-955 Theorising European Integration of Local Government – Insights from the Fusion Approach
by Marius Guderjan - 956-976 The Economic and Political Impacts of Top-Down Territorial Reforms: The Case of Sub-City Governments
by António F. Tavares & Miguel Rodrigues - 977-996 Welfare Loss with Municipal Amalgamations and the Willingness-to-Pay for the Municipality Name
by Nils Soguel & Julie Silberstein - 997-1016 The Impact of the Housing Bubble on the Growth of Municipal Debt: Evidence from Spain
by Bernardino Benito & Cristina Vicente & Francisco Bastida - 1017-1019 Negotiating Cohesion, Inequality and Change: Uncomfortable Positions in Local Government, by Hannah Jones, Bristol, Policy Press. 2013, ISBN 9781447310037
by Ted Cantle - 1019-1020 Achieving Ethical Competence for Public Service Leadership, by Terry L. Cooper & Donald C. Menzel (eds), Armonk, NY, M.E Sharpe, 2013, ISBN: 978-0-7656-3246-3
by Mirza Ahmad - 1020-1022 Complex Contracting, Trevor L. Brown, Matthew Potoski & David M. Van Slyke, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013, ISBN 978-1107038622
by J Gordon Murray
September 2015, Volume 41, Issue 5
- 653-672 Democratic anchorage and performance: Comparing two network approaches to land-use and transport-system development
by Anders Tønnesen - 673-694 Grass-Root Organisations, Intergovernmental Collaboration, and Emergency Preparedness: An Institutional Collective Action Approach
by Simon A. Andrew & Kyujin Jung & Xiangyu Li - 695-712 Framing Gov2.0: A Q-Methodological Study of Practitioners’ and Local Politicians’ Opinions
by Tom Barrance - 713-734 Councillors in Context: The Impact of Place upon Elected Representatives
by Michael Thrasher & Galina Borisyuk & Mary Shears & Colin Rallings - 735-754 Income Inequality and Redistributive Spending: Evidence from Panel Data of Texas Counties
by Kwang Bin Bae - 755-773 Local Politics Online: The Influence of Presumed Influence on Local Politicians’ Online Communication Activities in Germany
by Uli Bernhard & Marco Dohle - 774-793 Political Fragmentation and Fiscal Status: Evidence from Municipalities in Israel
by Yaniv Reingewertz - 794-813 Contracting for Energy Efficiency: The Diffusion of Novel Contracting Practices at Local Government Level
by Sarah M.L. Krøtel - 814-815 Stephen Wearne and Keith White-Hunt, Managing the Urgent and Unexpected: Twelve Project Cases and a Commentary
by Richard Kerley - 815-817 Julian Dobson, How to Save Our Town Centres: A Radical Agenda for the Future of High Streets
by Scott Dickinson
July 2015, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 495-515 A Comparison of Impact of Management on Local Government Employee Outcomes in US and Australia
by Yvonne Brunetto & Stephen Teo & Rodney Farr-Wharton & Dennis Lambries & Patrick Gillett & William Tomes - 516-533 The Centre Decides and the Local Pays: Mandates and Politics in Local Government Financial Management in China
by Yongmao Fan - 534-552 The Flypaper Effect: Do Political Institutions Affect Danish Local Governments’ Response to Intergovernmental Grants?
by Marie Kjaergaard - 553-570 The Legacy of the Northern Way?
by Joyce Liddle & Christianne Ormston - 571-581 Symposium Introduction: Local Responses to ‘Austerity’
by Nick Bailey & Glen Bramley & Annette Hastings - 582-600 The Limits to Resilience? The Impact of Local Government Spending Cuts in London
by Amanda Fitzgerald & Ruth Lupton - 601-621 Coping with the Cuts? The Management of the Worst Financial Settlement in Living Memory
by Annette Hastings & Nick Bailey & Maria Gannon & Kirsten Besemer & Glen Bramley - 622-644 Recession, Austerity and the ‘Great Risk Shift’: Local Government and Household Impacts and Responses in Bristol and Liverpool
by Patricia Kennett & Gerwyn Jones & Richard Meegan & Jacqui Croft - 645-647 Katherine Tonkiss, Migration and Identity in a Post-National World
by Phillip Cole - 647-648 Richard Carr, One Nation Britain: History, the Progressive Tradition, and Practical Ideas for Today’s Politicians
by George Jones - 648-650 Richard C. Box, Public Service Values
by Anne-Marie Reynaers - 650-652 Peter Macfadyen, Flatpack Democracy: A DIY Guide to Creating Independent Politics
by Steve Leach
May 2015, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 321-338 Multi-Agency Protocols as a Mechanism to Improve Partnerships in Public Services
by Axel Kaehne - 339-361 Does the Mayor’s Party Brand Matter? The Prospect of Statewide Parties’ Policy in Local Government
by Bjørn Ervik - 362-378 Regenerating the City: People, Politics, Power and the Public Sphere
by Paul Bunyan - 379-400 PPP Procurement in Ireland: An Analysis of Tendering Periods
by Eoin Reeves & Donal Palcic & Darragh Flannery - 401-420 A Framework to Measure the Financial Performance of Local Governments
by Gerard Turley & Geraldine Robbins & Stephen McNena - 421-444 Using Twitter for Dialogic Communication: Local Government Strategies in the European Union
by Alejandro Sáez Martín & Arturo Haro de Rosario & María Del Carmen Caba Pérez - 445-469 Determinants of E-Democracy Adoption in Turkish Municipalities: An Analysis for Spatial Diffusion Effect
by Mehmet Zahid Sobaci & Kadir Y. Eryigit - 470-488 Belfast beyond Violence: Flagging up a Challenge to Local Government?
by Roz Goldie & Joanne Murphy - 489-491 Rethinking Public Strategy Sean Lusk and Nick Birks Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, ISBN 9781137377579 (HC), 9781137377562 (PB), 9781137377586 (EB)
by Edoardo Ongaro - 491-493 Participatory Democracy in Southern Europe: Causes, Characteristics and Consequences Joan Font, Donatella Porta, and Yves Sintomer (eds) London, Rowman and Littlefield International, 2014, ISBN 9781783480739 (HC), 9781783480746 (PB), 9781783480753 (EB)
by Joyce Liddle
March 2015, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 183-201 Parliaments in Disguise? How German Councillors perceive Local Councils
by Björn Egner - 202-219 Choosing Coalition Partners in Belgian Local Government
by Ellen Olislagers & Kristof Steyvers - 220-239 Evaluating and Theorising Committee Scrutiny: A UK Comparative Perspective
by Michael Cole & Laura McAllister - 240-259 Reintegration Failure and Outsourcing Upside: Organisation of Public Transport in Norway
by Merethe Dotterud Leiren - 260-279 Democratic Culture and Participatory Local Governance in Bangladesh
by Wahed WahedUzzaman & Quamrul Alam - 280-300 Making a Difference: Strategic Positioning in Municipal Reputation Building
by Arild Wæraas