March 2015, Volume 41, Issue 2
January 2015, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-19 Managing Municipal Austerity: Mitigation of Social Risks
by Darinka Asenova & Stephen Bailey & Claire McCann - 20-43 Analysing Local Policy Agendas: How Dutch Municipal Executive Coalitions Allocate Attention
by Gerard Breeman & Peter Scholten & Arco Timmermans - 44-62 Enhancing Participation in Disadvantaged Urban Neighbourhoods
by Laurens de Graaf & Merlijn van Hulst & Ank Michels - 63-77 Amalgamation Impacts on Local Public Expenditures in Sweden
by Niklas Hanes - 78-99 Political Consensus and Fiscal Outcomes
by Kurt Houlberg & Lene Holm Pedersen - 100-118 What are the Local Political Costs of Centrally Determined Reforms of Local Government?
by Ulrik Kjaer & Robert Klemmensen - 119-136 The Contradictory Effects in Efficiency and Citizens’ Participation when Employing Geo-ICT Apps within Local Government
by Muhammad Kurniawan & Walter T. de Vries - 137-155 Buying Local Votes: The Effect of Individual Campaign Spending Under a Semi-Open PR System in the Belgian Local Elections
by Gert-Jan Put & Bart Maddens & Jef Smulders - 156-179 Do Local Government Reforms Result in Higher Levels of Trust in Local Politicians?
by Marit Reitan & Kari Gustafsson & Arild Blekesaune - 180-181 Symphony Hall: A Dream Realised
by Andrew Coulson - 181-182 Privacy, Big Data, and the Public Good: Frameworks for Engagement
by Colin Combe
September 2014, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 647-669 Are Independent Councillors Really Conservatives in Disguise?
by Colin Copus & Melvin Wingfield - 670-686 Roadworks Ahead? Addressing Fraud, Corruption and Conflict of Interest in English Local Government
by Alan Doig - 687-704 The Great Survivor: The Persistence and Resilience of English Local Government
by Peter John - 705-728 The Effects of Media and their Logic on Legitimacy Sources within Local Governance Networks: A Three-Case Comparative Study
by Iris Korthagen & Ingmar Van Meerkerk - 729-744 Housing and Council Tax Benefits Administration in England: A Long-Term Perspective on the Performance of the Local Government Delivery System
by Peter Murphy & Kirsten Greenhalgh & Martin Jones - 745-765 Do Electoral Risks Moderate the Effect of Partisan and Electoral Cycles on Debt-Financed Local Spending?
by José-manuel Prado-Lorenzo & Isabel-maría García-Sánchez & Beatriz Cuadrado-Ballesteros - 766-790 What Drives Intermediate Local Governments’ Spending Efficiency: The Case of French Départements
by Stefan Seifert & Maria Nieswand - 791-808 ‘It’s Not Like Never-the-Twain-Shall-Meet’: Politician–Staff Relationship Structures in Local Government
by Nathan Stocker & Michelle Thompson-Fawcett - 809-829 Facilitative Mayors in Complex Environments: Why Political Will Matters
by Filipe Teles - 830-831 Patrick Diamond, Governing Britain: power, politics and the Prime Minister
by George Jones - 831-833 Régis Dandoy, Jérémy Dodeigne, Geoffroy Matagne and Min Reuchamps (eds), Les élections communales de 2012 en Wallonie
by Caroline Van Wynsberghe
July 2014, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 495-517 Women’s Participation in Communal Activities in Rural Bangladesh
by Zerina Akkas - 518-532 Local News Media and Voter Turnout
by Martin Baekgaard & Carsten Jensen & Peter B. Mortensen & Søren Serritzlew - 533-559 Strategic Commissioning in the UK: Service Improvement Cycle or Just Going Round in Circles?
by Tony Bovaird & Ian Briggs & Martin Willis - 560-580 Joining it up? Health and Wellbeing Boards in English Local Governance: Evidence from Clinical Commissioning Groups and Shadow Health and Wellbeing Boards
by Anna Coleman & Kath Checkland & Julia Segar & Imelda McDermott & Stephen Harrison & Stephen Peckham - 581-599 Elected Mayors: Leading Locally?
by John Fenwick & Howard Elcock - 600-620 E-Government Strategies in Spanish Local Governments
by Jose Manuel Ruano de la Fuente - 621-641 Can We Feel Their Presence? A New Framework for Investigating Minor Parties in English Local Government
by Luke Sloan - 642-644 Faïz Gallouj, Luis Rubalcaba and Paul Windrum, Public–Private Innovation Networks in Services
by Catherine Mangan - 644-646 Tom Christensen and Per Laegreid, The Ashgate Research Companion to New Public Management
by Ewan Ferlie
May 2014, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 337-338 Editorial
by Catherine Durose & Liz Richardson - 339-355 Pulling the Strings: An Analysis of Informal Local Power Structures in Three Dutch Cities
by Marcel Boogers - 356-379 The Role of Organisational Culture in the Merger of English Local Authorities into a Single Unitary Authority
by Colin Cresswell & Jonathan Moizer & Jonathan Lean - 380-402 What Should We Do? Public Attitudes about How Local Government Officials Should Confront Fiscal Stress
by Richard Elling & Kelly Krawczyk & Jered Carr - 403-428 Market-Oriented Urban Planning – Constraining Citizen Participation
by Gro Sandkjaer Hanssen & Eva Irene Falleth - 429-450 Diffusion of Personalised Services among Dutch Municipalities: Evolving Channels of Persuasion
by Vincent Homburg & Andres Dijkshoorn & Marcel Thaens - 451-472 Being Strategic in Partnership – Interpreting Local Knowledge of Modern Local Government
by Peter Matthews - 473-493 Integrating Policies, Plans and Programmes in Local Government: An Exploration from a Spatial Planning Perspective
by Mark Smith