September 2019, Volume 45, Issue 5
- 799-803 Editorial
by George Karekwaivanane - 805-820 State–Diamond-Sector Relations in Angola, 1912–2002
by Mathias Alencastro - 821-840 ‘From Cabinda to Cunene’: Monuments and the Construction of Angolan Nationalism since 1975
by Jeremy Ball - 841-857 The DRC–Angola Offshore Oil Dispute: How Regime (In)Security Outweighs Sovereign Claims
by Patrick Edmond & Kristof Titeca & Erik Kennes - 859-875 ‘Aliens’ on the Copperbelt: Zambianisation, Nationalism and Non-Zambian Africans in the Mining Industry
by Duncan Money - 877-894 Turning Points on the Periphery? The Politics of South Africa’s Platinum-Belt Strike Wave in Rustenburg, Northwest and Northam, Limpopo, 2012–2014
by Luke Sinwell - 895-909 Mzabalazo On the Move: Organising on a South African Commuter Train
by Mpho Mmadi - 911-925 ‘Dairying Is a White Man’s Industry’: The Dairy Produce Act and the Segregation Debate in Colonial Zimbabwe, c.1920–1937
by Godfrey Hove & Sandra Swart - 927-944 Ambiguous Bonds: Relationships between Farm Workers and Land Beneficiaries after Zimbabwe’s Land Reform Programme
by Leila Sinclair-Bright - 945-961 Intrusion into Rural Tribal Space in Botswana: The Case of the Trans-Kalahari Motor Race, 1975–1981
by Christian John Makgala - 963-980 The Izichwe Football Club: Youth, Sport and Masculinity in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
by Peter Alegi & Liz Timbs - 981-992 The Mnangagwa Era? Periodisation and Politics in Zimbabwe
by Dan Hodgkinson - 993-995 Epistemology, freedom and decolonisation
by Ama Biney - 995-996 African Estate Records in Colonial Namibia
by Shadrack Katuu
July 2019, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 627-639 Karoo Futures: Astronomy in Place and Space – Introduction
by Cherryl Walker & Davide Chinigò & Saul Dubow - 641-662 Cosmopolitan Karoo: Land, Space and Place in the Shadow of the Square Kilometre Array
by Cherryl Walker - 663-687 200 Years of Astronomy in South Africa: From the Royal Observatory to the ‘Big Bang’ of the Square Kilometre Array
by Saul Dubow - 689-709 When Stars Collide: Competing Development Paradigms in the Central Karoo
by Doreen Atkinson - 711-728 The Square Kilometre Array and Local Development Mandates in the Karoo
by Michael Gastrow & Thelma Oppelt - 729-747 Elusive Identities: Karoo |Xam Descendants and the Square Kilometre Array
by John Parkington & David Morris & José M. de Prada-Samper - 749-766 From the ‘Merino Revolution’ to the ‘Astronomy Revolution’: Land Alienation and Identity in Carnarvon, South Africa
by Davide Chinigò - 767-790 Impossible Images: Radio Astronomy, the Square Kilometre Array and the Art of Seeing
by Hedley Twidle - 791-792 The hidden histories of marginalisation, race and land dispossession in the Northern Cape
by Tilman Dedering - 793-794 Women, migration and the cashew economy in late colonial Mozambique 1945–1975
by Epifãnia Albino Langa - 794-796 The work of representing the exiled revolutionaries
by Paul Landau - 796-798 Intimacies of sound
by Jane Carruthers
May 2019, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 459-464 Editorial
by Diana Jeater - 465-483 Played Out on the Edges of the Cricket Boundary: The History of an Indian Cricket Team in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, 1934–1995
by Trishula Patel - 485-501 From Dreams of Dominion to Aspirations for a New Africa: Ahrn Palley’s Political Re-invention in Southern Rhodesia, 1959–1961
by Brooks Marmon - 503-523 ‘A White Man Will Never Be a Zambian’: Racialised Nationalism, the Rule of Law, and Competing Visions of Independent Zambia in the Case of Justice James Skinner, 1964–1969
by Sishuwa Sishuwa - 525-542 ‘Scottish Exceptionalism?’ Trade Unions and the Anti-Apartheid Movement, 1976–1994
by Christopher Fevre - 543-557 Visions of China: Political Friendship and Animosities in Southern African Science Fiction
by Nedine Moonsamy - 559-574 Safe to Violate: The Role of Gender in the Necklacing of Women During the South African People’s War (1985–1990)
by Nyasha Karimakwenda - 575-595 Transitional Politics and Machinery of Government Change in South Africa
by Vinothan Naidoo - 597-616 A ‘Homeland’s’ Harvest: Biotraffic and Biotrade in the Contemporary Ciskei Region of South Africa
by Christopher Morris - 617-619 Law and the struggle for political power in Zimbabwe
by Sibanengi Ncube - 619-621 Coping with existence in the ‘New Angola’
by Rebecca Engebretsen - 621-623 Institutions matter: politics, democracy and development in Africa
by Ian Taylor - 623-626 Pitfalls of the developmental state: the fate of the Sudanese economic model
by Tinashe Nyamunda
March 2019, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 251-252 Editorial
by Andrew Brooks - 253-271 Nature, Conservation and Conflict in Eastern Zimbabwe: Chirinda Forest, 1980–2000
by Noel Ndumeya - 273-301 Designing KwaThema: Cultural Inscriptions in the Model Township
by Hannah le Roux - 303-321 Recruitment and Re-Memory: S.E.K. Mqhayi’s ‘Umkosi Wemidaka: The Dark-Skinned Army’ (1916) and Fred Khumalo’s Dancing the Death Drill (2017)
by Neville Smith - 323-340 ‘Now Is the Time!’ The Importance of International Spaces for Women’s Activism within the ANC, 1960–1976
by Emma Elinor Lundin - 341-355 Belonging, Indigeneity, Land and Nature in Southern Africa under Neoliberal Capitalism: An Overview
by Stasja Koot & Robert Hitchcock & Catie Gressier - 357-374 Giving Land (Back)? The Meaning of Land in the Indigenous Politics of the South Kalahari Bushmen Land Claim, South Africa
by Stasja Koot & Bram Büscher - 375-392 Immaterial Indigenous Modernities in the Struggle against Illegal Fencing in the N≠a Jaqna Conservancy, Namibia: Genealogical Ancestry and ‘San-ness’ in a ‘Traditional Community’
by Christa van der Wulp & Stasja Koot - 393-411 Fatalism and Dissidence in Dukuduku, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: Ongoing Contestations Over Land, Resources and Identities
by Elizabeth Aardenburg & Adrian Nel - 413-431 Ekhayeni: Rural–Urban Migration, Belonging and Landscapes of Home in South Africa
by Avela Njwambe & Michelle Cocks & Susanne Vetter - 433-449 Interpretations of San Ethnicity and Identity in Namibia: Two Ethnographic Accounts
by Jennifer Hays - 451-453 The Life and Time of Monica Wilson
by Isak Niehaus - 453-455 Heritage, Race and the Political Economies of Post-Apartheid South Africa
by Blair Rutherford - 455-457 Christianity, Industrial Education and The Black Atlantic
by Robert Trent Vinson
January 2019, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial
by Jessica Johnson - 5-29 ‘Day Zero’, Hydraulic Citizenship and the Defence of the Commons in Cape Town: A Case Study of the Politics of Water and its Infrastructures (2017–2018)
by Steven Robins - 31-47 Service and Solidarity: Domestic Workers, Informal Organising and the Limits of Unionisation in Zambia
by Sacha Hepburn - 49-68 Chinese Immigrants and Underground Lotteries in South Africa: Negotiating Spaces at the Cusp of a Racial–Capitalist Order
by Stephen Louw - 69-88 ‘Arming Black Consciousness’: The Formation of the Bokwe Group/Azanian Peoples’ Liberation Front, April 1972–September 1976
by Toivo Asheeke - 89-110 The ‘Partnership’ Hoax: How the British Government Deprived Central Africans of their Rights
by Robert I. Rotberg - 111-112 HIV/AIDS in South Africa: Gender, Art and Activism – Introduction
by Annie E. Coombes & Hilary Sapire - 113-119 Art, Activism and the Academy: Productive Tensions and the Next Generation of HIV/AIDS Research in South Africa
by Rebekah Lee - 121-141 Removed from Context and Complexity: Women in Early AIDS Research in the South African Medical Journal, 1980–1995
by Carla Tsampiras - 143-174 Positive Living: Visual Activism and Art in HIV/AIDS Rights Campaigns
by Annie E. Coombes - 175-195 Art, Vulnerability and HIV in Post-Apartheid South Africa
by Elizabeth Mills - 197-213 Seeing Through Dreams: On the Efficacy of Antiretroviral Drugs in the South African Lowveld
by Isak Niehaus - 215-227 South African AIDS Activism, Art and Academia: A Memoir from the 2000s
by Nicoli Nattrass - 229-245 ‘Insurgent Democracy’: Post-Apartheid South Africa’s Freedom Fighters
by Trevor Ngwane - 247-249 Migration, livelihood and political consciousness on Durban’s docks
by Jason Hickel
November 2018, Volume 44, Issue 6
- 969-972 Editorial
by Andrew Brooks - 973-989 Mothers’ Pensions and the ‘Civilised’ Black Poor: The Racialised Provision of Child Maintenance Grants in South Africa, 1921–1940
by Marijke du Toit - 991-1003 Challenge for the Ball: Elites, Fans and the Control of Football in Zambia’s One-Party State, 1973–1991
by Hikabwa D. Chipande - 1005-1021 Afrophobia in Mzansi? Evidence from the 2013 South African Social Attitudes Survey
by Godwin Dube - 1023-1038 The Subject as Writer: Substituting Discourse and Story in Jonny Steinberg’s A Man of Good Hope
by Nick Mulgrew - 1039-1055 Protest and the Lovedale Riot of 1946: ‘Largely a Rebellion against Authority’?
by Liz Stanley - 1057-1076 ‘Cape Town Knows, but She Forgets’: Segregation and the Making of a Housing Crisis during the First Half of the 20th Century
by Wayne Dooling - 1077-1093 Settler Soul-Searching and Sovereign Independence: The Monarchy in Rhodesia, 1965–1970
by David Kenrick - 1095-1114 ‘Totemless Aliens’: The Historical Antecedents of the Anti-Malawian Discourse in Zimbabwe, 1920s–1979
by Anusa Daimon - 1115-1131 A Labour Question for the 21st Century: Perpetuating the Work Ethic in the Absence of Jobs in South Africa’s Waste Sector
by Mary Lawhon & Nate Millington & Kathleen Stokes - 1133-1151 The Decline of the African National Congress in South Africa’s 2016 Municipal Elections
by Mogens K. Justesen & Collette Schulz-Herzenberg - 1153-1159 The Trajectories of Land Reforms in Southern Africa’s Former Settler Colonies
by Admire Mseba - 1161-1162 African and European Knowledge in the Science of Ornithology
by Mary Louise Pratt - 1163-1165 Obituary
by Isabel Hofmeyr
September 2018, Volume 44, Issue 5
- 763-769 Editorial
by Colin Bundy - 771-792 Pre-Colonial South-East Africa: Sources and Prospects for Research in Economic and Social History
by Matthew J. Hannaford - 793-814 Farmer–Miner Contestations and the British South Africa Company in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1895–1923
by Tapiwa Madimu & Enocent Msindo & Sandra Swart - 815-831 African Nationalism, Municipal Beer Outlets and Shebeens in Salisbury, Rhodesia, 1960s–1980
by Nathaniel Chimhete - 833-853 Politics, Centralisation and Service Delivery in Urban Zimbabwe
by Davison Muchadenyika & John J. Williams - 855-877 Inside the Inclusive Government: Interparty Dynamics in Zimbabwe’s Power-Sharing Executive
by Michael Aeby - 879-893 The Family Connection: White Expatriate Memoirs of Zimbabwe
by Astrid Rasch - 895-912 Not Just Nelson’s Wife: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, Violence and Radicalism in South Africa
by Shireen Hassim - 913-932 The Prison Letters of Demitrios Tsafendas, 1966–1986
by Zuleiga Adams - 933-949 Police Militarisation and the ‘War on Crime’ in South Africa
by Guy Lamb - 951-963 The Uncertain Future of the South African University
by Andy Carolin - 965-966 Control and Crisis in Colonial Central Africa
by David Kenrick - 967-968 Understanding Zimbabwe's Surprising 2013 Election
by Nicole Beardsworth
July 2018, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 537-541 Editorial
by Diana Jeater - 543-558 Narrowing the Liberation Agenda: Women, Corporal Punishment, and Scandal in Namibia’s Struggle for Independence
by David Crawford Jones - 559-574 Soweto’s Female Comrades: Gender, Youth and Violence in South Africa’s Township Uprisings, 1984–1990
by Emily Bridger - 575-592 Sport, Thatcher and Apartheid Politics: The Zola Budd Affair
by Matthew P. Llewellyn & Toby C. Rider - 593-611 The Seeds of Perpetual Instability: The Case of Mogalakwena Local Municipality in South Africa
by Mosa Phadi & Joel Pearson & Thomas Lesaffre - 613-628 Traditional Landholding Certificates in Zambia: Preventing or Reinforcing Commodification and Inequality?
by Erik Green & Milja Norberg - 629-639 The Archaeology and Materiality of Mission in Southern Africa: Introduction
by Rachel King & Mark McGranaghan - 641-657 Platberg on the Caledon Bastaards: Raiders and Traders or Pious Converts of the Wesleyan Missionary Society?
by Shelona Klatzow - 659-680 Among the Headless Hordes: Missionaries, Outlaws and Logics of Landscape in the Wittebergen Native Reserve, c. 1850–1871
by Rachel King - 681-702 Not Built in a Day: The Evolving Landscape of the Botshabelo Mission Station, South Africa, 1865–2015
by Natalie Swanepoel - 703-722 (Re)making Landscape and Place: An Archaeology of the Lake Ngami Mission (1893–96), Khwebe Hills, Botswana
by Ceri Ashley - 723-742 Articles of Dress, Domestic Utensils, Arms and Other Curiosities: Excavating Early 19th-Century Collections from Southern Africa at the London Missionary Society Museum
by Chris Wingfield - 743-747 The Archaeology of Missions: Afterword
by Robert Ross - 749-755 New Perspectives on the History of Black Consciousness in South Africa
by Ian Macqueen - 757-758 Whiteness and nature conservation in Zimbabwe
by Stasja Koot - 758-760 Hosts and guests and the new ethical commitments in Mozambique
by Victor Igreja - 760-761 Towards the new politics of (re)distribution in southern Africa
by Anthony Simpson
May 2018, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 377-381 Introduction: Print Culture in Southern Africa
by Caroline Davis & Archie Dick & Elizabeth le Roux - 383-400 Reading Authors of the Enlightenment at the Cape of Good Hope from the late 1780s to the mid 1830s
by Archie L. Dick - 401-411 ‘The Black House’, or How the Zulus Became Jews
by Hlonipha Mokoena - 413-430 ‘To See Us As We See Ourselves’: John Tengo Jabavu and the Politics of the Black Periodical
by Khwezi Mkhize - 431-446 Miriam Tlali and Ravan Press: Politics and Power in Literary Publishing during the Apartheid Period
by Elizabeth le Roux - 447-469 Setting Transvaal Scenes in German Type: Missionary Carl Hoffmann’s Book Designs, c.1900–1930
by Lize Kriel - 471-490 History by Paratext: Thomas Mofolo’s Chaka
by Corinne Sandwith - 491-506 A Question of Power: Bessie Head and her Publishers
by Caroline Davis - 507-519 Minding Their Own Business: Penguin in Southern Africa
by Alistair McCleery - 521-523 Border regimes and new models of land ownership and tenure in colonial rural South Africa
by Giorgio Miescher - 523-525 Africa’s post-independence histories
by Thembi Mutch - 526-527 A history of firearms in Central Africa
by Luca Jourdan - 527-529 The truth about crime?
by Nicky Falkof - 529-530 Late colonial crises and their post-colonial legacies in Malawi
by Henry Mitchell - 531-535 Landeg White, 1940–2017
by Hugh Macmillan
March 2018, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 1-1 Erratum
by The Editors - 201-219 Grassroots Ecumenism in Conflict – Introduction
by Richard Werbner - 221-238 Ecumenism in Question: Rwanda’s Contentious Post-Genocide Religious Landscape
by Andrea Mariko Grant - 239-251 Religious Pluralism and the Limits of Ecumenism in Mbanza Kongo, Angola
by Ramon Sarró - 253-267 Moral Radicals: Afrikaners and their Grassroots Ecumenism After Apartheid
by Annika Teppo - 269-281 Fragile Wars: Anti-Ecumenism in a South African Church
by Ilana van Wyk - 283-298 Christian Ecumenism, Swazi Nationalism, and a Unified Church for a United Nation, 1920s–1970s
by Joel Cabrita - 299-314 Work of a Nation: Christian Funerary Ecumenism and Institutional Disruption in Swaziland
by Casey Golomski - 315-329 Botswana’s Ecumenical Funerals in the Making
by Richard Werbner - 331-343 Radical Change in Zambia’s Christian Ecumenism
by Hermen Kroesbergen - 345-359 Practising Ecumenism Through Boundary Work and Meta-Coding
by Thomas G. Kirsch - 361-364 Afterword: From Grassroots Ecumenism to Global Entanglements
by Bennetta Jules-Rosette - 365-367 Land Untitled
by William Beinart - 367-369 White Nationalism and Apartheid Strategies of Survival
by David Kenrick - 369-370 States, Mobility and Migration in Africa
by Ingrid Palmary - 371-372 Migrants, Work, and the Roots of Impermanence on the Zimbabwe–South Africa Border
by Pnina Werbner - 372-374 Farm Labour Struggles in Zimbabwe
by Abraham Mlombo
January 2018, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-5 Editorial
by Maxim Bolt - 7-25 ‘Impending Ruin’ or ‘Remarkable Wealth’? The Role of Private Credit Markets in the 18th-Century Cape Colony
by Johan Fourie & Christie Swanepoel - 27-42 Why Work? Do We Understand What Motivates Work-Related Decisions in South Africa?
by Christine Jeske - 43-57 Resource Curse or Governance Deficit? The Role of Parliament in Uganda’s Oil and Zimbabwe’s Diamonds
by Elijah Doro & Ushehwedu Kufakurinani - 59-75 What’s in a Word? Historicising the Term ‘Caffre’ in European Discourses about Southern Africa between 1500 and 1800
by Jochen S. Arndt - 77-96 Staging of Memory: Monuments, Commemoration, and the Demarcation of Portuguese Space in Colonial Angola
by Jeremy Ball - 97-113 How Good People Become Absurd: J.P. van S. Bruwer, the Making of Namibian Grand Apartheid and the Decline of Volkekunde
by Robert Gordon - 115-132 The Bantu Authorities System: Removals in Mthunzini District during Apartheid
by Veronica Nosipho Ehrenreich-Risner - 133-148 Nelson Mandela and the Genesis of the ANC’s Armed Struggle: Notes on Method
by Thula Simpson - 149-165 Vella Pillay: Revolutionary Activism and Economic Policy Analysis
by Vishnu Padayachee & John Sender - 167-184 Merging Radical and Liberal Traditions: The Constitution Committee and the Development of Democratic Thought in the African National Congress, 1986–1990
by Heidi Brooks - 185-188 Making Museums Matter in South Africa
by Jeremy Silvester - 188-190 War, Secession and the Legacy of the Katangese State Project in Congo
by Justin Pearce - 190-192 A History of Abortion in Apartheid South Africa
by Sacha Hepburn - 192-194 Nationalism and the Betrayed Revolution in Zimbabwe
by Miles Tendi - 194-196 Race, Etiquette and Colonial Nation-Building in Southern Rhodesia
by Diana Jeater - 197-199 Kenneth John McCracken, 1938–2017
by Megan Vaughan
November 2017, Volume 43, Issue 6
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1115-1117 Editorial
by Andrew Brooks - 1119-1135 The Radical and Reactionary Politics of Malawi’s Hastings Banda: Roots, Fruit and Legacy
by Clive Gabay - 1137-1155 The Politics of the Corpse: President Levy Mwanawasa’s Death, Funeral and Political Contestation in Post-Colonial Zambia
by Walima T. Kalusa - 1157-1179 Mueda Massacre: The Musical Archive
by Paolo Israel - 1181-1198 Land Concessions and Rural Livelihoods in Mozambique: The Gap Between Anticipated and Real Benefits of a Chinese Investment in the Limpopo Valley
by Juliana Porsani & Lowe Börjeson & Kari Lehtilä - 1199-1214 ‘Parks with People’ in Mozambique: Community Dynamic Responses to Human–Elephant Conflict at Limpopo National Park
by Nícia Givá & Kaisa Raitio - 1215-1234 Urban Modernity versus the Blood Diamond Legacy: Angola’s Urban Mining Settlements in the Aftermath of War
by Cristina Udelsmann Rodrigues - 1235-1254 In Search of ‘One Good Public School’: The Cape Colonial Education Project, 1865–1873
by Helen Ludlow - 1255-1272 The Micro-History of a South African Murder
by Jeremy Krikler - 1273-1291 ‘They Are Fine Specimens of the Illustrious Indian Settler’: Sporting Contact between India and South Africa, 1914–1955
by Chris Bolsmann & Goolam Vahed - 1293-1307 Social Positioning of Older Persons in Rural South Africa: Change or Stability?
by Sangeetha Madhavan & Enid Schatz & F. Xavier Gómes-Olivé & Mark Collinson - 1309-1311 What Class is the African Middle Class?
by Andrew Brooks - 1311-1313 Namibian Elite Generations
by Julia Pauli - 1313-1314 The Black South African Middle Class
by Jason Sumich - 1315-1316 Gender and a Violent Christianity in Mozambique
by Ilana van Wyk - 1316-1317 Reconciliation, Christianity and the Politics of Non-Conformism in Zimbabwe
by Sara Rich Dorman - 1318-1319 Marriage, Customs and Contestation in South Africa
by Pnina Werbner
September 2017, Volume 43, Issue 5
- 1-1 Features of Modernity, Development and ‘Orientalism’: Reading Johannesburg through its ‘Chinese’ Urban Spaces
by Romain Dittgen - 853-861 Situating the BRICS Phenomenon within the Histories and Cultures of Southern Africa
by Lyn Schumaker & Andrew Brooks & Mpalive-Hangson Msiska & Edward Pollard & Deborah Potts - 863-877 The Geopolitics and Economics of BRICS’ Resource and Market Access in Southern Africa: Aiding Development or Creating Dependency?
by Pádraig Carmody - 879-893 Trade, Globalisation and the Archaic State in Southern Africa
by Innocent Pikirayi - 895-911 Copper, Trade and Polities: Exchange Networks in Southern Central Africa in the 2nd Millennium CE
by Nicolas Nikis & Alexandre Livingstone Smith - 913-926 Baubles, Bangles and Beads: Commodity Exchange between the Indian Ocean Region and Interior Southern Africa during 8th–15th Centuries CE
by Edwin N. Wilmsen - 927-947 The Swahili Coast and the Indian Ocean Trade Patterns in the 7th–10th Centuries CE
by Edward Pollard & Okeny Charles Kinyera - 949-960 Urban Experiences ‘Beyond the West’: Comparing Cities in Southern African and BRIC Countries
by Deborah Potts - 961-978 Comparative Perspectives on South Africa’s and Brazil’s Institutional Inequalities under Progressive Social Policies
by Madalitso Zililo Phiri - 979-996 Features of Modernity, Development and ‘Orientalism’: Reading Johannesburg through its ‘Chinese’ Urban Spaces
by Romain Dittgen - 997-1010 Junk Aesthetics from South Africa, Brazil and India: Re-Evaluating the Object
by Megan Jones - 1011-1029 Kujoni: South Africa in Malawi’s National Imaginary
by Mpalive-Hangson Msiska - 1031-1047 Representations of Revolutionary Violence in Recent Indian and South African Fiction
by Michael Wessels - 1049-1067 A Specific Kind of Violence: Insanity and Identity in Contemporary Brazilian and South African Literature
by Tom Penfold - 1069-1085 Understanding Post-War Foreign Direct Investment in Angola: South–South Led or the West Still Rules?
by Fernandes Wanda - 1087-1101 China and Brazil as Southern Africa’s Non-Interfering Development Partners: Rhetoric or Reality?
by Cynthia M. Kamwengo - 1103-1104 Soviet Military Specialists and Instructors in Angola
by Colin Darch - 1104-1106 Intimate Counter-Histories of African–Asian Solidarities
by Parvathi Raman - 1106-1108 Early Histories of China in Africa
by Jeremy Martens