September 2017, Volume 43, Issue 5
- 1108-1109 BRICS and the New Scramble for Africa
by Ian Taylor - 1110-1111 South African Writers, Apartheid and the Black Diaspora
by Dennis Walder - 1112-1114 Angola Since the Civil War
by Cristina Udelsmann-Rodrigues
July 2017, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 655-661 Editorial
by Diana Jeater - 663-679 Moving Beyond Ethnic Framing: Political Differentiation in the Chiefdoms of the KwaZulu-Natal Region before 1830
by Carolyn Hamilton & John Wright - 681-697 Further Beyond the Pale: Decolonisation, Historians and Military Discourse in the 18th and 19th Centuries on the Eastern Cape ‘Frontier’
by Denver A. Webb - 699-714 To Die For: Inherited Leadership (Bogosi) Among the Tswana Before 1885
by Fred Morton - 715-732 From Diamonds to Gold: The Making of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, 1880–1890
by Mariusz Lukasiewicz - 733-751 The Rise and Fall of the Opium Trade in the Transvaal, 1904–1910
by Thembisa Waetjen - 753-770 Why Have South African Smallholders Largely Abandoned Arable Production in Fields? A Case Study
by Matthew de la Hey & William Beinart - 771-787 From Worker Mobilisation to Policy Engagement: NALEDI and the Remaking of COSATU in the 1990s
by Carolyn Bassett - 789-803 Contracting out of the Constitution: Labour Brokers, Post Office Casual Workers and the Failure of South Africa’s Industrial Relations Framework
by David Dickinson - 805-824 Out of Time: Global Settlerism, Nostalgia, and the Selling of the Rhodesian Rebellion Overseas
by Josiah Brownell - 825-836 Compelled to Perform in the ‘Oppressor’s’ Language? Ndebele Performing Artists and Zimbabwe’s Shona-Centric Habitus
by Gibson Ncube & Gugulethu Siziba - 837-839 The Meaning of Mandela: A Broader Canvas
by Julia Suárez-Krabbe - 840-841 The Meaning(s) of Mugabe(ism)
by Gareth D. James - 842-843 A History of Childhood in the Cape Colony
by Sacha Hepburn - 843-845 National Storytellers
by Dan Hodgkinson - 846-848 On Truths about Truth in Mozambique’s Liberation Struggle
by K.B. Wilson - 848-850 Colonialism, Postcolonialism and the Politics of Remorse
by Reinhart Kössler - 851-851 The Late Nadine Gordimer
by Graham K. Riach
May 2017, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 447-470 The Political Economy of Sugar in Southern Africa – Introduction
by Alex Dubb & Ian Scoones & Philip Woodhouse - 471-499 Interrogating the Logic of Accumulation in the Sugar Sector in Southern Africa
by Alex Dubb - 501-515 The Green Belt Initiative, Politics and Sugar Production in Malawi
by Blessings Chinsinga - 517-533 Social Differentiation and the Politics of Land: Sugar Cane Outgrowing in Kilombero, Tanzania
by Emmanuel Sulle - 535-549 Crisis and Differentiation among Small-Scale Sugar Cane Growers in Nkomazi, South Africa
by Paul James & Philip Woodhouse - 551-566 Outgrowers and Livelihoods: The Case of Magobbo Smallholder Block Farming in Mazabuka District in Zambia
by Chrispin R. Matenga - 567-584 Sugar, People and Politics in Zimbabwe’s Lowveld
by Ian Scoones & Blasio Mavedzenge & Felix Murimbarimba - 585-603 Restructuring the Swazi Sugar Industry: The Changing Role and Political Significance of Smallholders
by Alan Terry & Mike Ogg - 605-623 Gendered Labour, Migratory Labour: Reforming Sugar Regimes in Xinavane, Mozambique
by Alicia H. Lazzarini - 625-641 Consuming Bodies: Health and Work in the Cane Fields in Xinavane, Mozambique
by Bridget O’Laughlin - 643-644 ‘Hunting’ and ‘Collecting’ Human Bodies in German South West Africa
by Reinhart Kössler - 644-646 Whiteness, Race and South Africa’s Colonial Project
by Annika Teppo - 646-648 The Politics of Heritage in Africa
by Ann Reed - 648-649 The Road to Soweto
by Toivo Asheeke - 650-651 South African Jews in Israel
by Pnina Werbner - 651-653 Migration, Xenophobia and Entrepreneurship in South Africa
by Efua Prah
March 2017, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 1-1 Erratum
by The Editors - 245-250 Editorial
by Anthony Simpson - 251-265 ‘Brought into Manhood’: Christianity and Male Initiation in South Africa in the Early 20th Century
by Natasha Erlank - 267-281 Cutting to the Chase: Donor Expediency Drives the Campaign for Safe Male Circumcision in Botswana
by Krista Johnson - 283-297 Changing Understandings of Gender and Parenthood in a North-Central Namibian Village
by Mari Tarkkonen - 299-313 Enacting Compassion: Hot/Cold, Illness and Taboos in Northern Mozambique
by Arianna Huhn - 315-330 Selective Memory: British Perceptions of the Herero–Nama Genocide, 1904–1908 and 1918
by Mads Bomholt Nielsen - 331-347 Germany’s Colonial Policy in German South-West Africa in the Light of International Criminal Law
by Klaus Bachmann - 349-363 Building a Perfect Pest: Environment, People, Conflict and the Creation of a Rinderpest Epizootic in Southern Africa
by Gary Marquardt - 365-380 Beloved Countries: Labour, Landscape and the Politics of Conservation in Three Novels from KwaZulu-Natal
by Brady Smith - 381-396 Path Dependence in Nebo Plateau: Strategic Partnerships and Rural Poverty Alleviation in South African Small-Scale Irrigation Schemes
by Magalie Bourblanc & Raphaëlle Ducrot & Everisto Mapedza - 397-410 Colonial Wars, Colonial Alliances: The Alcora Exercise in the Context of Southern Africa
by Maria Paula Meneses & Celso Braga Rosa & Bruno Sena Martins - 411-424 Confucius Institutes in Africa, or How the Educational Spirit in Africa is Re-Rationalised Towards the East
by Amy Stambach & Aikande Kwayu - 425-432 Damming the Zambezi: Light and Power for Which Nation?
by Joost Fontein - 433-434 A History of Apartheid
by Adrian Guelke - 434-436 The Problem with Democracy in Post-Apartheid Kwa-Zulu Natal
by Colin Bundy - 436-437 An Ethnography of Trade Unions in Botswana
by Alexander Beresford - 438-440 A History of Resistance in Colonial Nyasaland
by Derek R. Peterson - 440-441 Food and Everyday Life from Colonialism to Postcolonialism in Malawi
by Harvey C. Chidoba Banda - 443-446 Patrick Allan Lifford Harries, 1950–2016
by Saul Dubow
January 2017, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-12 The Transnational Histories of Southern African Liberation Movements: An Introduction
by Jocelyn Alexander & JoAnn McGregor & Blessing-Miles Tendi - 13-27 Global Ideologies, Local Politics: The Cold War as Seen from Central Angola
by Justin Pearce - 29-48 ‘Makers of Bonds and Ties’: Transnational Socialisation and National Liberation in Mozambique
by Daniel Kaiser - 49-66 African Soldiers in the USSR: Oral Histories of ZAPU Intelligence Cadres’ Soviet Training, 1964–1979
by Jocelyn Alexander & JoAnn McGregor - 67-81 Mediators of Liberation: Eastern-Bloc Officials, Mozambican Diplomacy and the Origins of Soviet Support for Frelimo, 1958–1965
by Natalia Telepneva - 83-106 ZANU’s External Networks 1963–1979: An Appraisal
by Gerald Chikozho Mazarire - 107-124 Front Line Diplomats: African Diplomatic Representations of the Zimbabwean Patriotic Front, 1976–1978
by Timothy Scarnecchia - 125-141 Education in Exile: International Scholarships, Cold War Politics, and Conflicts among SWAPO Members in Tanzania, 1961–1968
by Christian A. Williams - 143-159 Transnationalism, Contingency and Loyalty in African Liberation Armies: The Case of ZANU’s 1974–1975 Nhari Mutiny
by Blessing-Miles Tendi - 161-178 Nationalism and Exile in an Age of Solidarity: Frelimo–ZANU Relations in Mozambique (1975–1980)
by Clinarete Victoria Luis Munguambe - 179-193 ‘Past History Has Not Been Forgotten’: The ANC/ZAPU Alliance – the Second Phase, 1978–1980
by Hugh Macmillan - 195-214 Apartheid’s Transnational Soldiers: The Case of Black Namibian Soldiers in South Africa’s Former Security Forces
by Lennart Bolliger - 215-223 Relations between ZAPU and the USSR, 1960s–1970s: A Personal View
by Dumiso Dabengwa - 225-233 Moscow and Zimbabwe’s Liberation
by Vladimir Shubin - 235-236 Nation-Building and the State in Southern African Liberation Movements
by Henning Melber - 237-238 East Germany and the Politics of Education in Mozambique
by Victor Igreja - 238-239 The Burden of History: Namibia and Germany from Colonialism to Postcolonialism
by Heike Becker - 240-241 The Presence of History in Post-Apartheid South Africa
by Heinz Klug - 241-242 ‘Lifestyle’ British Migrants to South Africa
by Pnina Werbner - 242-243 Being ‘Anglo-Africans’ in British Africa
by Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni
November 2016, Volume 42, Issue 6
- 1-1 Contested Terrain: Identity and Women’s Suffrage in Mauritius
by Ramola Ramtohul - 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1027-1031 Editorial
by Dennis Walder - 1033-1044 Gordimer’s Pathologies
by Stephen Clingman - 1045-1057 Then and Now: Nadine Gordimer’s Burger’s Daughter (1979) and No Time Like the Present (2012)
by Ileana Dimitriu - 1059-1076 Prison and Political Struggle in Nadine Gordimer’s Burger’s Daughter
by Sorcha Gunne - 1077-1094 The Late Nadine Gordimer
by Graham K. Riach - 1095-1108 The Idea of Reading in Early 20th-Century South Africa
by Corinne Sandwith - 1109-1124 Making and Unmaking ‘African Foreignness’: African Settings, African Migrants and the Migrant Detective in Contemporary South African Crime Fiction
by Rebecca Fasselt - 1125-1142 Perceptions of Daisy de Melker: Representations of a Sensational Trial
by Bridget Grogan - 1143-1160 ‘The Day that Fell Off the Calendar’: 16 June, South African Newspapers, and the Making of a National Holiday, 1977–1996
by Rachel E. Johnson - 1161-1177 ‘Hidrunisa Samora’: Invocations of a Dead Political Leader in Maputo Rap
by Janne Rantala - 1179-1191 Dangerous AIDS Myths or Preconceived Perceptions? A Critical Study of the Meaning and Impact of Myths about HIV/AIDS in South Africa
by Jonas Sivelä - 1193-1206 Falling through the Cracks of South Africa’s Liberation: Comrades’ Counter-Memories of Squatter Resistance in the 1980s
by Kim Wale - 1207-1223 Icons of the Old Regime: Challenging South African Public Memory Strategies in #RhodesMustFall
by Carolyn E. Holmes & Melanie Loehwing - 1225-1239 Contested Terrain: Identity and Women’s Suffrage in Mauritius
by Ramola Ramtohul - 1241-1246 Political Histories of Southern Africa’s Kingdoms and Chiefdoms
by John Wright - 1247-1249 ‘Everything is Foreign and Strange’ – Russian Visitors to the Cape
by Randolph Vigne - 1249-1250 Money, Debt and Aspiration in South Africa
by Jan Kees van Donge - 1250-1251 Democracy Matters
by Henning Melber - 1252-1253 Comparative Studies on IT and Digital Resources in Africa
by Christian John Makgala
September 2016, Volume 42, Issue 5
- 797-813 Introduction: Labour, Insecurity and Violence in South Africa
by Maxim Bolt & Dinah Rajak - 815-839 Marikana Commission of Inquiry: From Narratives Towards History
by Peter Alexander - 841-856 Making Mincemeat out of Mutton-Eaters: Social Origins of the NUM Decline on Platinum
by T. Dunbar Moodie - 857-873 The Road to Marikana: Transformations in South Africa’s Platinum Industry, 1994–2012
by Raphael Chaskalson - 875-891 The Violence of Work: Revisiting South Africa’s ‘Labour Question’ Through Precarity and Anti-Blackness
by Franco Barchiesi - 893-909 Slaves, Workers, and Wine: The ‘Dop System’ in the History of the Cape Wine Industry, 1658–1894
by Gavin Williams - 911-927 Mediated Paternalism and Violent Incorporation: Enforcing Farm Hierarchies on the Zimbabwean–South African Border
by Maxim Bolt - 929-946 Hope and Betrayal on the Platinum Belt: Responsibility, Violence and Corporate Power in South Africa
by Dinah Rajak - 947-963 Strands of Struggle: Dealing with Health Citizenship in the Aftermath of Asbestos Mining
by Linda Waldman - 965-982 Insecurity in South African Social Security: An Examination of Social Grant Deductions, Cancellations, and Waiting
by Natasha Thandiwe Vally - 983-998 ‘Please GO HOME and BUILD Africa’: Criminalising Immigrants in South Africa
by Theresa Alfaro-Velcamp & Mark Shaw - 999-1003 Afterword: Labour, Insecurity and Violence in South Africa
by Anne-Maria Makhulu - 1005-1019 ‘More a Cause than a Country’: Historiography, UDI and the Crisis of Decolonisation in Rhodesia
by Tinashe Nyamunda - 1021-1022 Whiteness and the End of Apartheid
by Richard Ballard - 1022-1024 Youth and Masquerades in Colonial and Postcolonial Mozambique
by Janne Rantala - 1024-1025 Elite Autobiography in Botswana
by Christian John Makgala
July 2016, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 569-576 Editorial
by Colin Bundy - 577-594 Organised Crime in Late Apartheid and the Transition to a New Criminal Order: The Rise and Fall of the Johannesburg ‘Bouncer Mafia’
by Mark Shaw & Simone Haysom - 595-618 Urbanisation and Peri-Urbanisation in Luanda: A Geopolitical and Socio-Spatial Perspective from the Late Colonial Period to the Present
by Sílvia Leiria Viegas - 619-641 The Production of Urban Peripheries For and By Low-Income Populations at the Turn of the Millennium: Maputo, Luanda and Johannesburg
by Vanessa de Pacheco Melo - 643-658 Subúrbios and Cityness: Exploring Imbrications and Urbanity in Maputo, Mozambique
by Sandra Roque & Miguel Mucavele & Nair Noronha - 659-674 Brazilian Cities in Mozambique: South–South Development Co-operation or the Projection of Soft Power?
by Fritz Nganje - 675-686 Commonwealth, Bargains and Influence: British Atomic Relations vis-à-vis South Africa, 1955–1956
by Lucky E. Asuelime - 687-709 South Africa and Iran in the Apartheid Era
by H.E. Chehabi - 711-724 Between ‘Artificial Economics’ and the ‘Discipline of the Market’: Sasol from Parastatal to Privatisation
by Stephen Sparks - 725-741 The Relationship between Trade in Southern Mozambique and State Formation: Reassessing Hedges on Cattle, Ivory and Brass
by Linell Chewins - 743-762 Children for Ewes: Child Indenture in the Post-Emancipation Great Karoo: c. 1856–1909
by Lance van Sittert - 763-781 No Exit? Emigration Policy and the Consolidation of Apartheid
by Karin A. Shapiro - 783-788 Shedding New Light on the Historical Development of the ANC
by Tom Lodge - 789-790 Mining and Paternalism in Colonial Angola
by Paul Stewart - 790-792 Violence and the Everyday in Angola’s Civil War
by Jon Schubert - 792-793 African Perceptions of China in Zambia and Angola
by Cheryl Mei-Ting Schmitz - 793-795 Nationalisms in Lusophone Africa
by Cristina Udelsmann Rodrigues
May 2016, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 375-387 Durban and Cape Town as Port Cities: Reconsidering Southern African Studies from the Indian Ocean
by Isabel Hofmeyr & Uma Dhupelia-Mesthrie & Preben Kaarsholm - 389-408 Indian Ocean Slaves in Cape Town, 1695–1807
by Nigel Worden - 409-427 Mozambique Island, Cape Town and the Organisation of the Slave Trade in the South-West Indian Ocean, c.1797–1807
by Patrick Harries - 429-442 Convicts, Carcerality and Cape Colony Connections in the 19th Century
by Clare Anderson - 443-461 Indian Ocean Networks and the Transmutations of Servitude: The Protector of Indian Immigrants and the Administration of Freed Slaves and Indentured Labourers in Durban in the 1870s
by Preben Kaarsholm - 463-481 Betwixt the Oceans: The Chief Immigration Officer in Cape Town, Clarence Wilfred Cousins (1905–1915)
by Uma Dhupelia-Mesthrie - 483-503 The Gold Kings: Sonū Smugglers in Johannesburg, Durban and Lourenço Marques, 1890s–1920s
by Andrew MacDonald - 505-522 Family, Gender, and Mobility among Passenger Migrants into Colonial Natal: The Story of Moosa Hajee Cassim (c.1840s–1921)
by Goolam Vahed - 523-537 Rendering the Cape-as-Port: Sea-Mountain, Cape of Storms/Good Hope, Adamastor and Local-World Literary Formations
by Meg Samuelson - 539-550 ‘The Darker Side of Durban’: South African Crime Fiction and Indian Ocean Underworlds
by Charne Lavery - 551-556 The Politics of Conservation in Southern Africa
by Andreas Scheba - 557-558 Hunting and Belonging in South Africa
by Jane Carruthers - 558-560 C.P. Thunberg and the Natural History of the 18th-Century Cape Colony
by Randolph Vigne - 560-561 The Franco-Mauritian Elite
by Ngala Chome - 561-563 Africa-Centred Knowledges
by Steven Van Wolputte - 565-567 Martin Legassick (1940–2016)
by Colin Bundy & Noor Nieftagodien
March 2016, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 175-182 Editorial
by Diana Jeater - 183-194 Biko, Hegel and the End of Black Consciousness: A Historico-Philosophical Discourse on South African Racism
by M. John Lamola - 195-214 A Dying Ideal: Non-Racialism and Political Parties in Post-Apartheid South Africa
by Fiona Anciano - 215-227 The Decline of African Nationalism and the State of South Africa
by Ivor Chipkin - 229-242 The Nation and its Politics: Discussing Political Modernity in the ‘Other’ South Africa
by Tawanda Sydesky Nyawasha - 243-266 Black Landlords, their Tenants, and the Natives Land Act of 1913
by Khumisho Moguerane - 267-281 Reproducing Portuguese Villages in Africa: Agricultural Science, Ideology and Empire
by Cláudia Castelo - 283-297 Rural Radicalism and the Historical Land Conflict in the Malawian Tea Economy
by Davide Chinigò - 299-316 South Africa’s System of Dispute Resolution Forums: The Role of the Family and the State in Customary Marriage Dissolution
by Kirsty Button & Elena Moore & Chuma Himonga - 317-331 Cross-Border Mobility, Violence and Spiritual Healing in Beitbridge District, Zimbabwe
by Francis Musoni - 333-350 ‘Better Breeds?’ The Colonial State, Africans and the Cattle Quality Clause in Southern Rhodesia, c.1912–1930
by Wesley Mwatwara & Sandra Swart - 351-364 The Curse of Military Commercialism in State Enterprises and Parastatals in Zimbabwe
by Gorden Moyo - 365-367 ‘Rocking Badly’: Namibia at 25 and Complexities
by Dag Henrichsen - 369-370 Women’s Voices in Namibia’s Liberation Struggle
by Reinhart Kössler - 370-371 A History of Trade in Colonial Namibia
by Reinhart Kössler - 372-373 African Print Cultures in Historical Perspective
by Jabulani Mkhize
January 2016, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-3 South Africa in Transition – Introduction
by Jason Robinson & Jonny Steinberg & David Simon - 5-18 Constitutional Courts as Democratic Consolidators: Insights from South Africa after 20 Years
by Theunis Roux - 19-33 Understanding the Resurgence of Traditional Authorities in Post-Apartheid South Africa
by Andrew Ainslie & Thembela Kepe - 35-48 Transcending the Past and Reimagining the Future of the South African University
by Adam Habib - 49-64 The Era of Ineluctability? Post-Apartheid South Africa After 20 Years of Democratic Elections
by David Everatt - 65-78 Apartheid’s Afterlives: Violence, Policing and the South African State
by Gary Kynoch - 79-93 The Culture of Illegal Abortion in South Africa
by Rebecca Hodes - 95-107 Twenty Years of Social Cohesion and Nation-Building in South Africa
by Caryn Abrahams - 109-110 In Pursuit of Transcendence: Honouring Doris Lessing – Introduction
by Ranka Primorac - 111-125 The Sweetest Dream: Lessing, Zimbabwe and Catholicism
by Anthony Chennells - 127-136 The Fact of Whiteness: Doris Lessing’s The Grass is Singing – a Historian’s Notebook
by Bill Schwarz - 137-148 Second World Life Writing: Doris Lessing’s Under My Skin
by Susan Watkins - 149-161 Continuity, Change and Crisis: Mapping South Africa’s Political Terrain
by Sarah Jane Cooper-Knock - 163-164 Landscape, Water and Belonging in Southern Zimbabwe
by Henry Mitchell - 164-166 Land and Security in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe
by Blessing-Miles Tendi - 166-167 The Politics of Land and Natural Resources in Madagascar
by Carl Death - 167-169 A History of Conservation in Botswana’s Okavango Delta
by Catie Gressier - 169-171 Five Centuries of South African Popular History
by Diana Jeater - 171-172 The Place of Greek Tragedy in African Drama
by Justine McConnell - 173-174 Mission Station Christianity in 19th-Century South Africa
by Emily J. Manktelow
November 2015, Volume 41, Issue 6
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1147-1150 Editorial
by Dennis Walder - 1151-1165 The Death that Dare(d) Not Speak its Name: The Killing of Sister Aidan Quinlan in the East London Riots of 1952
by Mignonne Breier - 1167-1180 ‘Equality of Rights for Every Civilised Man South of the Zambezi’: Electoral Engineering in Southern Rhodesia, 1957–65
by Jon Fraenkel - 1181-1198 The Politics of Difference and the Forging of a Political ‘Community’: Discourses and Practices of the Charterist Civic Movement in the Vaal Triangle, South Africa, 1980–84
by Franziska Rueedi - 1199-1217 Governance in Public–Private Partnerships in South Africa: Some Lessons from the Gautrain
by Madeleine C. Fombad - 1219-1238 Land for Housing: A Political Resource – Reflections from Zimbabwe’s Urban Areas
by Davison Muchadenyika - 1239-1254 The Pre-history of South African ‘Neo-Liberalism’: The Rise and Fall of Co-operative Farming on the Highveld
by Faeeza Ballim - 1255-1277 ‘Does the Daily Paper rule Britannia’: British Press Coverage of a Malawi Youth League Demonstration in Blantyre, Nyasaland, in January 1960
by Rosalind Coffey - 1279-1300 The Intimate Politics of the Education Market: High-Stakes Schooling and the Making of Kinship in Umlazi Township, South Africa
by Mark Hunter - 1301-1314 Donor Funding to Community Radio Stations in Malawi and its Impact on their Performance
by Peter Mhagama - 1315-1329 When the War De-Professionalises Soldiers: Wartime Stories in Exile
by Godfrey Maringira - 1331-1347 What ‘Other Devils’? The Texts of Sol T. Plaatje’s Mhudi Revisited
by Brian Willan - 1349-1358 HIV/AIDS and Silence in South Africa
by Jenny Doubt - 1359-1360 Popular Theories of AIDS in South Africa’s Townships
by Anthony Simpson