December 2021, Volume 47, Issue 6
- 931-934 Editorial
by Jessica Johnson - 935-950 The Madando Rhetoric: Musical Critiques of Electoral Management in Malawi
by Ken Junior Lipenga - 951-972 Artistic Movements: Visual Arts and Cross-Border Exchange on the Central African Copperbelt
by Enid Guene - 973-991 On Renamo ‘War’, Entrepreneurial Synergies and Everyday Life in the Honde Valley Borderlands, c.1980s–2020
by Nicholas Nyachega & Wesley Mwatwara - 993-1009 Bargaining with Land: Borders, Bantustans, and Sovereignty in 1970s and 1980s Southern Africa
by John Aerni-Flessner & Chitja Twala - 1011-1028 Violence, Political Strategy and the Turn to Guerrilla Warfare by the Congress Movement in South Africa
by Simon Stevens - 1029-1043 Studentification in South Africa: Possible Redirections and Political Implications for Local Government
by Pedro Mzileni - 1045-1060 Petitioning the State: Group Councils and the Development of Political Consciousness in Malawi, 1940s–1950s
by Gift Wasambo Kayira - 1061-1081 Roots of Contemporary Political Strategies: Ethno-Populism in Zambia during the Late Colonial Era and Early 2000s
by Sishuwa Sishuwa - 1083-1098 A Not-So-Zulu Zion: Healing and Belonging in Isaiah Shembe’s Nazaretha Church
by Lauren V. Jarvis - 1099-1104 The ANC in the struggle and in power
by Bill Freund - 1104-1106 Why the global (and southern African) housing crisis eludes solution
by Alan Mabin - 1106-1108 Religion, social navigation and urban space in sub-Saharan Africa
by Katrien Pype - 1108-1110 Competing dreams of freedom
by Colin Bundy - 1110-1112 Radio, voice and the rhythms of the everyday
by Wendy Willems - 1112-1114 On the voyage of rediscovery
by Tom Rice - 1114-1117 In Solomon’s way
by Shaun Milton
October 2021, Volume 47, Issue 5
- 735-744 Editorial Reading Repression and Resistance in Zimbabwean Literature
by Astrid Rasch & Minna Johanna Niemi & Jocelyn Alexander - 745-761 Hewing Fiction from History: The Writing of History, Conflict and Trauma in House of Stone
by Novuyo Rosa Tshuma - 763-785 The Noisy Silence of Gukurahundi: Truth, Recognition and Belonging
by Jocelyn Alexander - 787-798 ‘The Diary of a Country in Crisis’: Zimbabwean Censorship and Adaptive Cultural Forms
by Ashleigh Harris - 799-815 Repression, Literary Dissent and the Paradox of Censorship in Zimbabwe
by Hazel Tafadzwa Ngoshi - 817-834 Subversion or Identity Work? Tracing the Reception of Zimbabwean Counter-Narrative Memoirs
by Astrid Rasch - 835-850 Political Repression and Human–Animal Transformation in Ian Holding’s Of Beasts and Beings
by Maria Olaussen - 851-867 Land (In)Justice and Ambiguous Conservationisms in Cathy Buckle’s Letters of the Zimbabwean Crisis
by Oliver Nyambi - 869-888 Critical Representation of Neoliberal Capitalism and Uneven Development in Tsitsi Dangarembga’s This Mournable Body
by Minna Johanna Niemi - 889-901 Narrating a Nation Left Behind: The Innocent Child in Two Novels of Zimbabwe
by Lena Englund - 903-914 Southern Africa: Is It Still a Thing?
by Norman Etherington - 915-916 A history of Black Consciousness and progressive politics in apartheid South Africa
by Leslie Anne Hadfield - 917-919 Whiteness, environmentalism and decoloniality in South Africa
by Jules Skotnes-Brown - 919-922 How polygamy became queer
by Meghan Healy-Clancy - 922-924 Land, conservation and the San in Northern Namibia
by Akira Takada - 924-925 Private security and public spaces raise complex issues of human rights and safety in Johannesburg
by Karina Landman - 926-927 Rehabilitating the literary oeuvre of Tiyo Soga
by Wendy Urban-Mead - 927-929 Emerging funeral culture in Swaziland in response to HIV/AIDS
by Akira Takada
July 2021, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 515-519 Editorial
by Rebekah Lee - 521-539 In Pursuit of Fitness: Bodywork, Temporality and Self-Improvement in Mozambique
by Julie Soleil Archambault - 541-565 Peri-Urban Expansion in the Maputo City Region: Land Access and Middle-Class Advances
by Vanessa de Pacheco Melo & Paul Jenkins - 567-586 A City Gone to the Dogs? Power, Modernity and Canine Citizens in Post-Colonial Harare, c.1980–2017
by Innocent Dande & Sandra Swart - 587-603 Transnational News Audiences and the Limits of Cultural Decolonisation in Zambia: Media Coverage of the Soweto Uprising of 1976
by Peter Brooke - 605-625 Liberation and Biographical Narrative in Mozambican Historiography: The Struggle in Cabo Delgado, 1962–1974
by Colin Darch & David Hedges - 627-644 ‘Not Wholly Justified’: The Deferred Pay Interest Fund and Migrant Labour in South Africa’s Gold Mining Industry, c.1970–1990
by Michael Glover & Duncan Money - 645-662 Medi-Caring on the Colonial Margins: The Position of African Medical Assistants in Rural Colonial Fort Victoria, Southern Rhodesia, 1930s–1960s
by Glen Ncube - 663-681 Activism for Migrant Domestic Workers in South Africa: Tensions in the Framing of Labour Rights
by Kudakwashe Vanyoro - 683-702 Building Peace among Monitors? The Monitoring and Implementation of Zimbabwe’s Global Political Agreement
by Michael Aeby - 703-718 The Role of SADC in Transboundary Water Interactions: The Case of the Incomati International River Basin
by Thobekile Zikhali-Nyoni - 719-721 Health in a fragile state
by Thomas Cousins - 723-726 The Rhodesian army, between facts and fiction
by M.T. Howard - 727-730 Conservation, militarisation and apartheid in Caprivi
by Bernard C. Moore - 730-732 Luregn Lenggenhager, Ruling Nature, Controlling People
by Antti Erkkilä - 732-734 Response to the reviews of Ruling Nature, Controlling People
by Luregn Lenggenhager
May 2021, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 345-347 Editorial
by Paul la Hausse de Lalouvière - 349-367 A Very South African Plot? The 1987 London Kidnap Plan
by Martin Plaut & Roland Oliphant - 369-385 Modernity on Credit: The Experience of Underground Miners on the Zambian Copperbelt
by James Musonda - 387-404 Simango, Gwenjere and the Politics of the Past in Mozambique
by Justin Pearce - 405-416 The Emancipation of the Enslaved in the Cape Colony: Historiography and Introduction
by Kate Ekama & Robert Ross - 417-435 Accommodation and Resistance: The Housing of Cape Town’s Enslaved and Freed Population Before and After Emancipation
by Robert Ross & Lisa-Cheree Martin - 437-453 Bondsmen: Slave Collateral in the 19th-Century Cape Colony
by Kate Ekama - 455-472 Banking on Family: What Was the Role of Family in the Establishment of Banks in 19th-Century South Africa?
by Christie Swanepoel & Aaron Graham - 473-487 Slavery, Banks and the Ambivalent Legacies of Compensation in South Africa, Mauritius and the Caribbean
by Aaron Graham - 489-504 Reappraising the 1950s in Zimbabwean History: The Problem of Todd and the Limits of Liberalism
by K.B. Wilson - 505-507 The intertwined history of independence and development in Lesotho
by Emma Hunter - 507-509 A history of border jumping between Zimbabwe and South Africa
by Henry Dee - 509-513 The maturation of Kaokoveld environmental studies
by John Heydinger
March 2021, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 155-172 Editorial Citizenship and Accountability: Customary Law and Traditional Leadership under South Africa’s Democratic Constitution
by Aninka Claassens & Catherine O’Regan - 173-190 The In-Between World of Kgosi Nyalala Pilane: (Mis)Appropriation and Accountability among the Bakgatla-Ba-Kgafela in 21st-Century South Africa
by Wilmien Wicomb - 191-208 Traditional Authority in South Africa: Reconstruction and Resistance in the Eastern Cape
by Janine Ubink & Thiyane Duda - 209-227 Chiefly Succession and Democracy in South Africa: Why History Matters
by Peter Delius - 229-250 Finding Roles in Unseen Places: Government Action Conferring Roles on Traditional Authorities in South Africa
by Monica de Souza Louw - 251-272 Towards Living Customary Administrative Law
by Michael Mbikiwa - 273-289 Customary Marriage: Missteps Threaten the Constitutional Ideal of Common Citizenship
by Thandabantu Nhlapo - 291-308 Asserting Customary Fishing Rights in South Africa
by Michael Bishop - 309-326 ‘Land Complaints’ in Bizana, c.1940–1963: Living Customary Law in an Administrative Archive
by Derick A. Fay - 327-332 Afterword Searching for the Constitutional Living Customary Law
by Geoff Budlender - 333-336 Citizenship in Africa
by Jo Shaw - 336-338 Citizenship, political participation and the state in Zambia
by Danielle Resnick - 338-340 Pamela Reynolds’s field diary in the Zambezi valley
by Joshua Matanzima - 340-342 Religion, same-sex desire and masculinity in South Africa
by Anthony Simpson - 342-344 Radical teachers and Trotskyists in Cape Town
by Peter Limb
January 2021, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-16 Balancing the Scales: Re-Centring Labour and Labourers in Namibian History
by Bernard C. Moore & Stephanie Quinn & William Blakemore Lyon & Kai F. Herzog
November 2020, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 37-55 From Labour Elites to Garveyites: West African Migrant Labour in Namibia, 1892–1925
by William Blakemore Lyon - 93-125 Smuggled Sheep, Smuggled Shepherds: Farm Labour Transformations in Namibia and the Question of Southern Angola, 1933–1975
by Bernard C. Moore - 145-147 The National Union of Mines’ struggle for employment in Lesotho and South Africa
by Scott Rosenberg - 147-149 A political history of housing and aspirations in Mozambique
by Paul Jenkins - 149-151 Archiving settler colonialism
by David Kenrick
December 2020, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 17-36 Violence and Work: Convict Labour and Settler Colonialism in the Cape–Namibia Border Region (c.1855–1903)
by Kai F. Herzog - 57-78 Scalar Claims, Worker Strategies, and ‘South Africa’s Labour Empire’ in Namibia, 1943–1979
by Stephanie Quinn - 79-92 Continuity and Change in Gender Relations within the Contract Labour System in Kavango, Namibia, 1925–1972
by Kletus Muhena Likuwa - 127-142 Technical and Vocational Education and the Place of Indigenous Labour in the Mining Industry of Namibia, 1970–1990
by Saima Nakuti Ashipala - 143-145 West Germany, East Germany and the path to Namibia’s independence
by Tilman Dedering
September 2020, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 151-153 Promises of gender justice in matrilineal Malawi
by Christian Laheij
November 2020, Volume 46, Issue 6
- 1091-1109 Intersectional Religious Agency: Mauritian Muslim Women and the Negotiation of Porous Interfaces
by Jess Auerbach & Myriam Blin & Naseem Lallmahomed-Aumeerally - 1127-1143 The Long Road to Compensation for Silicosis Sufferers in South Africa
by Albert Mushai - 1145-1162 The National Party and the Ideology of Welfare in South Africa under Apartheid
by Jeremy Seekings - 1203-1217 Mobile Money and the (Un)Making of Social Relations in Chivi, Zimbabwe
by Simbarashe Gukurume & Innocent T. Mahiya - 1237-1247 Student ‘Fallism’ in South Africa, 2015–16: Some Diverging Analyses
by Paul Maylam - 1255-1257 Whiteness and schooling in South Africa
by Christopher Webb
October 2020, Volume 46, Issue 6
- 1087-1089 Editorial
by Jessica Johnson - 1111-1125 ‘My Husband is No Husband to Me’: Divorce, Marriage and Gender Struggles in African Communities of Colonial Natal, 1869–1910
by Benedict Carton - 1163-1181 Councils, Councillors and Profiteers: Urban Land Speculation and Contestations in Southern Rhodesia in the 1940s
by Lotti Nkomo - 1183-1201 Language, Resistance and Multilingualism in Post-Colonial Zimbabwe: The Kalanga and their Struggle for Recognition
by Thembani Dube - 1219-1235 ‘We Are What We Eat’: Nutrition, African Diets and the State in Colonial Malawi, 1920s–1960
by Bryson G. Nkhoma - 1249-1253 Firing the canon: a history of women’s pioneering role in anthropology
by Joanna Davidson - 1253-1255 A history of sexual violence and political authority in South Africa
by T.J. Tallie
September 2020, Volume 46, Issue 5
- 821-828 Liberation Beyond the Nation: An Introduction
by Jocelyn Alexander & Paolo Israel & Miles Larmer & Ricardo Soares de Oliveira - 829-844 Dreaming Together, Fighting for Freedom Together: African Progressive Nationalism and the Ideology of Unity in Portugal’s African Colonies in the 1950s and 1960s
by Jean-Michel Mabeko-Tali - 845-861 Viriato da Cruz and His Chinese Exile: A Biographical Approach
by Jodie Yuzhou Sun - 863-879 Dissident Refugees: A History of 200 Namibians in Zambia, 1977–1989
by Christian A. Williams - 881-901 ‘Forged in Battle’: The Transnational Origins and Formation of Apartheid South Africa’s 32 ‘Buffalo’ Battalion, 1969–1976
by Lennart Bolliger & Will Gordon - 903-921 ‘We Could Not Be There’: Storytelling and the Narratives of Soviet Military Advisers, Specialists and Interpreters in Angola during the Civil War (1975–1992)
by Kristina Pikovskaia - 923-940 The Travelling Toyi-Toyi: Soldiers and the Politics of Drill
by Jocelyn Alexander & JoAnn McGregor - 941-964 Zenzo Nkobi, ZAPU Photographer: Exile, Visibility and the Anteroom of War in Zambia, 1977–1980
by Patricia Hayes - 965-984 Liberating Taste: Memories of War, Food and Cooking in Northern Mozambique
by Jonna Katto - 985-1008 Transnational Music Collaborations, Affective Networks and Everyday Practices of Convivial Solidarity in Ujamaa Dar es Salaam
by Maria Suriano - 1009-1036 The Mueda Massacre Retold: The ‘Matter of Return’ in Portuguese Colonial Intelligence
by Paolo Israel - 1037-1054 The Politicisation of Liberation-Struggle Exhumations in Eastern Zimbabwe: Spiritual Evocation, Patriotism and Professionalism
by Njabulo Chipangura - 1055-1074 Governing the Ungovernable: Performing and Contesting Chris Hani’s Legacy at the Hani Memorial
by Samuel Longford - 1075-1076 Political identities, legitimacy and the Angolan civil war
by Vasco Martins - 1076-1078 The state and the paradox of customary law in Africa
by Pnina Werbner - 1078-1080 Community building and belonging in Southern Rhodesia’s purchase areas
by Allison K. Shutt - 1080-1082 Writing African Christian biographies
by Jörg Haustein - 1082-1085 An alternative history of displacement
by Michael G. Panzer
August 2020, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 597-613 ‘But I Know You, You Are Not God’: African Responses to European Colonialism in a Missionary Newspaper
by Stephen Volz - 655-672 Power and Resistance: Struggles over Organisational Transformation and Restructuring at the National University of Lesotho in the 21st Century
by Munyaradzi Mushonga & Heidi Hudson - 703-722 Botswana Votes 2019: Two-Party Competition and the Khama Factor
by Chris Brown
July 2020, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 591-596 Editorial
by George Hamandishe Karekwaivanane - 615-633 ‘Our Bushes Are the Houses’: People’s War and the Underground during the Insurrectionary Period in the Vaal Triangle, South Africa
by Franziska Rueedi - 635-654 ‘Under the Thumb of the Party’: The Limits of Tanzanian Socialism and the Decline of the Student Left
by Luke Melchiorre - 673-687 ‘Now I Am Not Afraid’: Simon Nkoli, Queer Utopias and Transnational Solidarity
by Yasmina Martin - 689-702 ‘Rediscovering the Erotic as Ordinary’ in South African Women’s Short Fiction
by Jenny Boźena du Preez - 723-741 Botswana’s Hunting Ban and the Transformation of Game-Meat Cultures, Economies and Ecologies
by Annette A. LaRocco - 743-772 Changing Livelihoods in Rural Eastern Cape, South Africa (2002–2016): Diminishing Employment and Expanding Social Protection
by Flora Hajdu & David Neves & Stefan Granlund - 773-792 Assessing the Potential Impact of the African Continental Free Trade Area on Least Developed Countries: A Case Study of Malawi
by Dennis Ndonga & Emmanuel Laryea & Murendere Chaponda - 793-808 Fragile Gains: South Africa’s Democracy Under the Spotlight
by Jason Robinson - 809-811 Land, Chieftaincy and the Invention of Tradition in KwaZulu-Natal
by Tara Weinberg - 811-812 Personal epistolary and the brutality of the everyday colonial occupation
by Miles Larmer - 813-815 The materialities, effects and affects of Portuguese decolonisation
by Benedito Machava - 815-817 Dag Hammarskjöld and the Decolonisation of Africa
by David Webster - 817-819 Southern Africa, the Cold War and transnational activism
by Justin Pearce
May 2020, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 393-397 Editorial
by Diana Jeater - 399-415 Speak, Friend, and Enter? Fieldwork Access and Anthropological Knowledge Production on the Copperbelt
by Christian Straube - 417-433 Natural Resource Extraction in the Interior: Scouts, Spirits and Chinese Loggers in the Forests of Northern Mozambique
by Morten Nielsen & Mikkel Bunkenborg - 435-454 Narratives, Rituals and Political Imaginations: The Social and Political World of the Vashona of North-Eastern Zimbabwe from the 16th to the 19th Centuries
by Admire Mseba - 455-469 Black Disenfranchisement in the Cape Colony, c.1887–1909: Challenging the Numbers
by Farai Nyika & Johan Fourie - 471-490 Surviving on Borrowed Power: Rethinking the Role of Civil Society in Zambia’s Third-Term Debate
by Sishuwa Sishuwa - 491-507 The Historian, the Premier and Forced Labour in the Cape Colony, 1878–1879
by Denver A. Webb - 509-526 (Un)Cultivating the Disease of Maize: Pellagra, Policy and Nutrition Practice in Lesotho, c.1933–1963
by Christopher R. Conz - 527-545 Crops and Copper: Agriculture and Urbanism on the Central African Copperbelt, 1950–2000
by Iva Peša - 547-564 ‘Asbaanjaers Rig Oë Op Pretoria’: A Short History of Stock-Car Racing in South Africa’s Capital City
by Jimmy Pieterse - 565-580 Protection from Violence: Making Space Public in the Streets of Johannesburg
by Darshan Vigneswaran - 581-582 Marriage as a class marker in southern Africa
by Mariah C. Stember - 582-584 Elite discourses, sexuality and HIV/AIDS interventions in Malawi
by Ashley Currier - 584-587 Sexuality, race and intimate colonial encounters
by Juliette Milner-Thornton - 587-589 Mission schools, education and the revolution
by Anne Heffernan
March 2020, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 195-207 Malawi: Taking Stock in Turbulent Times
by Jessica Johnson - 209-228 Birthing a Nation: Political Legitimacy and Health Policy in Hastings Kamuzu Banda’s Malawi, 1962–1980
by Luke Messac - 229-245 Yielding Trouble: Development Dilemmas and the Political Uses of Bad Data in Malawi, 1964–1978
by Geoffrey Traugh - 247-261 Remembering Kamuzu: The Ambiguity of the Past in Malawi’s Central Region
by Daniel Wroe - 263-281 Chieftaincy in Malawi: Reinvention, Re-emergence or Resilience? A Kasungu Case Study
by Joey Power - 283-299 ‘The Native is the Producer of the Future’: Improving Peasants’ Food Production in Southern Malawi, 1859–1939
by Bryson G. Nkhoma - 301-317 ‘The General from Fort Hill’: Katoba Flax Musopole’s Role as an Anti-Colonial Activist and Politician in Malawi
by Owen J.M. Kalinga - 319-337 Central African Immigrants, Imperial Citizenship and the Politics of Free Movement in Interwar South Africa
by Henry Dee - 339-356 The Invention of ‘Harmful Cultural Practices’ in the Era of AIDS in Malawi
by Cal (Crystal) Biruk - 357-374 Malawi in Verse: Authenticity, African Literature, and Indigenous Aesthetic Forms
by Lupenga Mphande - 375-379 Afterword
by Wapulumuka O. Mulwafu - 381-384 Doing conceptual history in Africa
by Roy Dilley - 384-386 Doing oral history in Africa
by Sean Field - 386-388 The war on the Reef
by Franziska Rueedi - 388-390 The ‘ethnographic life’ of Max Gluckman
by Isak Niehaus
January 2020, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-5 Editorial
by Dennis Walder - 7-21 Scalar Tension and the (Post-)Colonial Anthropocene in Ingrid Winterbach’s To Hell with Cronjé
by Martin Premoli - 23-38 ‘Our respect for water is what you have termed fear’: The Ocean in the Poetry of Ronelda S. Kamfer and Koleka Putuma
by Bibi Burger - 39-56 ‘It may have seemed personal but it wasn’t’: The Person(al) as Nation(al) in Post-Apartheid Literary Representations of Retribution
by David Coughlin - 57-71 Confronting the Silences of History: Licínio Azevedo’s Virgem Margarida and Comboio de Sal e Açúcar
by Douglas Mulliken - 73-90 Bruin Ous Are the Main Ous: Memory and Masculinity in a South Durban Township
by Henry E. Chen & Deevia Bhana & Bronwynne Anderson & Imraan Buccus - 91-108 ‘Vermin’: Predator Eradication as an Expression of White Supremacy in Colonial Namibia, 1921–1952
by John Heydinger - 109-127 Translocal Optimisation: Assembling Rural and Urban Spaces for Later Life in Urban Namibia and Uganda
by Catharina Nord & Andrew Byerley - 129-147 Community Conservation and Land Use in Namibia: Visions, Expectations and Realities
by Eduard Gargallo - 149-164 A Contested Commons: Competition for Public Land in the Free State
by David Dickinson - 165-183 The Emergence of Decentralised Centralism in the South African Education Governance System
by André du Plessis - 185-187 Elephants, emotions and compassion in southern African literature
by Martha Ndakalako-Bannikov - 187-189 Fiction, space and desire in Namibian novels
by Fabian Lehmann - 189-191 Modern African art and apartheid
by Joshua I. Cohen - 191-194 Disappointment and contemporary South African fiction
by Dennis Walder
November 2019, Volume 45, Issue 6
- 997-1012 Editorial: The Challenge of Rethinking Mandela
by Colin Bundy - 1013-1031 The Headman, the Regent and the ‘Long Walk to Freedom’
by Philip Bonner - 1033-1050 Mandela: The Untold Heritage
by Xolela Mangcu - 1051-1071 Mandela and the Left
by Tom Lodge - 1073-1091 The M-Plan: Mandela’s Struggle to Reorient the African National Congress
by Paul S. Landau - 1093-1110 Mandela’s Army: Urban Revolt in South Africa, 1960–1964
by Thula Simpson - 1111-1130 News from Robben Island: Journalists’ Visits to Nelson Mandela during his Imprisonment
by Martha Evans - 1131-1149 Mandela, Human Rights and the Making of South Africa’s Transformative Constitution
by Timothy Gibbs - 1151-1171 The Impossible Contract: The Political and Private Marriage of Nelson and Winnie Mandela
by Shireen Hassim - 1173-1181 Mandela and Beyond: Thinking New Possibility in the 21st Century
by Elleke Boehmer - 1183-1186 Cloak and Dagger
by Laura Major - 1186-1188 Statecraft, citizenship and the middle class in Mozambique
by Peter Lockwood - 1188-1189 The civil war in Mozambique
by Ben Jones - 1190-1192 Reading Sol Plaatje’s Native Life in South Africa in contemporary South Africa
by Karen Haire