April 2017, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 253-270 A private rental sector paradox: unpacking the effects of urban restructuring on housing market dynamics
by Kath Hulse & Judith Yates - 271-295 Residualisation and resilience: public housing in Hong Kong
by Kwok Yu Lau & Alan Murie - 296-318 Selective moving behaviour in ethnic neighbourhoods: white flight, white avoidance, ethnic attraction or ethnic retention?
by Hans Skifter Andersen - 319-335 Ethnically bounded homeownership: qualitative insights on Los Angeles immigrant homeowners’ experiences during the U.S. Great Recession
by Deirdre Pfeiffer & Karna Wong & Paul Ong & Melany De La Cruz-Viesca - 336-360 Renting with pets: a pathway to housing insecurity?
by Emma R. Power - 361-378 Housing tenure choices of rural migrants in urban destinations: a case study of Jiangsu Province, China
by Shuangshuang Tang & Jianxi Feng & Mingye Li - 379-380 DIY Detroit: Making Do in a City without Services
by Laura Crommelin - 380-382 The new American suburb: poverty, race and the economic crisis
by Jago Dodson - 382-383 Remembering the cultural geographies of a childhood home
by Jane Franklin
February 2017, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 121-139 How to redesign a rent rebate system? Experience in the Netherlands
by Hugo Priemus & Marietta E. A. Haffner - 140-167 Toward an autism-friendly home environment
by Wasan Nagib & Allison Williams - 168-185 Second homes in Italy: every household’s dream or (un)profitable investments?
by Marianna Brunetti & Costanza Torricelli - 186-208 Racist housing practices as a precursor to uneven neighborhood change in a post-industrial city
by Richard Casey Sadler & Don J. Lafreniere - 209-224 Rethinking professional practice: the logic of competition and the crisis of identity in housing practice
by Tony Manzi & Jo Richardson - 225-244 Hoping for more: redeveloping U.S. public housing without marginalizing low-income residents?
by Shomon Shamsuddin & Lawrence J. Vale - 245-246 Experiencing Cities (3rd Edition)
by Laura Crommelin - 246-247 Understanding community: politics, policy and practice
by Quintin Bradley - 248-249 From local action to global networks: housing the urban poor
by Timothée Labelle - 251-251 Erratum
by The Editors
January 2017, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-16 It depends what you mean by the term rights’: strata termination and housing rights
by Laurence Troy & Hazel Easthope & Bill Randolph & Simon Pinnegar - 17-34 ‘The party’s over’: critical junctures, crises and the politics of housing policy
by Keith Jacobs & Tony Manzi - 35-59 Icelandic boom and bust: immigration and the housing market
by Lúðvík Elíasson - 60-72 Housing policy in the UK: the importance of spatial nuance
by Kim McKee & Jenny Muir & Tom Moore - 73-94 Exploring the ‘middle ground’ between state and market: the example of China
by Julie Tian Miao & Duncan Maclennan - 95-114 Does the ethnic gap in homeownership vary by income? An analysis on Dutch survey data
by Wilfred Uunk - 115-116 Housing first: ending homelessness, transforming systems, and changing lives
by Lars Benjaminsen - 116-118 A world of homeowners: American power and the politics of housing aid
by Keith Jacobs - 118-119 Immigration and housing in the Republic of Ireland
by Regina Serpa
November 2016, Volume 31, Issue 8
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 897-915 Institutional logics and organisational hybridity: English housing associations’ diversification into the private rented sector
by Nicky Morrison - 916-934 Democracy of housing policy as exemplified by Poland. Political and linguistic analysis
by Aleksandra Zubrzycka-Czarnecka - 935-963 Partnership patterns and homeownership: a cross-country comparison of Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
by Michael J. Thomas & Clara H. Mulder - 964-983 Older adults’ experiences of home maintenance issues and opportunities to maintain ageing in place
by Tara Coleman & Robin A. Kearns & Janine Wiles - 984-997 Assessing emergency shelter patterns to inform community solutions to homelessness
by Hannah Rabinovitch & Bernadette Pauly & Jinhui Zhao - 998-1018 Rental housing management as surveillance of Chinese rural migrants: the case of hillside compound in Dongguan
by Yue Ray Gong - 1019-1020 Key concepts in urban studies (second edition)
by Joe Crawford - 1020-1022 After urban regeneration: communities, policy and place
by Richard Crisp - 1022-1023 The changing image of affordable housing: design, gentrification and community in Canada and Europe
by Rowena Hay
October 2016, Volume 31, Issue 7
- 755-784 Homeownership, Asset-based Welfare and the Neighbourhood Segregation of Wealth
by Alan Walks - 785-808 Mobilizing social capital: Which informal and formal supports affect employment outcomes for HOPE VI residents?
by Mai Thi Nguyen & William Rohe & Kirstin Frescoln & Michael Webb & Mary Donegan & Hye-Sung Han - 809-828 How the structure of the Australian housing development industry influences climate change adaptation
by Heather Shearer & Eddo Coiacetto & Jago Dodson & Pazit Taygfeld - 829-851 Can street segments indexed for accessibility form the basis for housing submarket delineation?
by Yang Xiao & Chris Webster & Scott Orford - 852-870 Housing in Chinese Urban Villages: The Dwellers, Conditions and Tenancy Informality
by Fulong Wu - 871-890 ‘Extra oomph:’ addressing housing disparities through Medical Legal Partnership interventions
by Diana Hernández - 891-892 Evicted. Poverty and profit in the American city
by Richard Harris - 892-894 The rent trap: how we fell into it and how we get out of it
by Tom Moore - 894-896 The principles of housing
by Helen Taylor
September 2016, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 631-650 Straight-line Assimilation in Leaving Home? A Comparison of Turks, Somalis and Danes
by Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen - 651-671 Approaches to workforce housing in London and Chicago: from targeted sectors to income-based eligibility
by Rebecca Lazarovic & David Paton & Lisa Bornstein - 672-693 Child Support Receipt, Mobility, and Housing Quality
by Marah A. Curtis & Emily J. Warren - 694-713 Urban History Matters: Explaining the German--American Homeownership Gap
by Sebastian Kohl - 714-728 Ageing in Unsuitable Places
by Christina Severinsen & Mary Breheny & Christine Stephens - 729-748 Anti-social or intensively sociable? The local context of neighbour disputes and complaints among social housing tenants
by Lynda Cheshire & Shannon Buglar - 749-750 Domestic microgeneration: renewable and distributed energy technologies, policies and economics
by Mike B. Roberts - 751-752 Re-framing urban space: urban design for emerging hybrid and high-density conditions
by Sian Thompson - 752-753 The invisible houses: re-thinking and designing low-cost housing in developing countries
by Julia Verdouw
July 2016, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 495-518 Home truths: Are housing-related events more important for residents’ health compared with other life events?
by Claire Cleland & Ade Kearns & Carol Tannahill & Anne Ellaway - 519-539 How much of too much? What inspections data say about residential clutter as a housing problem
by Nathanael Lauster & Alina McKay & Navio Kwok & Jennifer Yip & Sheila R. Woody - 540-559 Assessing exclusionary displacement through rent gap analysis in the high-rise redevelopment of Santiago, Chile
by Ernesto López-Morales - 560-577 An ecological study of families in transitional housing -- ‘housed but not homed’
by Poh Leng Teo & Marcus Yu-Lung Chiu - 578-597 Unintended consequences: the use of property tax valuations as guide prices in Wellington, New Zealand
by Deborah Levy & Zhi Dong & James Young - 598-623 Building social mix by building social housing? An evaluation in the Paris, Lyon and Marseille Metropolitan Areas
by Emre Korsu - 624-625 Show me a hero
by David Allatt - 625-627 Aides et financements de projets de logements (Subsidies and finance of housing projects)
by Marietta E. A. Haffner - 627-629 Homes and places: a history of Nottingham’s council houses
by Richard Machin
June 2016, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 365-383 Self-build communities: the rationale and experiences of group-build (Baugruppen) housing development in Germany
by Iqbal Hamiduddin & Nick Gallent - 384-409 Backyard shacks, informality and the urban housing crisis in South Africa: stopgap or prototype solution?
by Ivan Turok & Jackie Borel-Saladin - 410-426 Breaking the cycle of homelessness: Housing stability and social support as predictors of long-term well-being
by Melissa Johnstone & Cameron Parsell & Jolanda Jetten & Genevieve Dingle & Zoe Walter - 427-444 What affects children’s outcomes: house characteristics or homeownership?
by Steven C. Bourassa & Donald R. Haurin & Martin Hoesli - 445-462 Fracturing and foreclosure: A study of shale gas development and foreclosure levels in Pennsylvania
by Albert J. Sumell - 463-488 Entry to homeownership among immigrants: a decomposition of factors contributing to the gap with native-born residents
by Timo M. Kauppinen & Katja Vilkama - 489-490 Rebuilding Britain: planning for a better future
by John Erskine - 490-493 What is housing studies for and what impact does it have?
by Peter Matthews
April 2016, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 243-268 Housing need outcomes in England through changing times: demographic, market and policy drivers of change
by Glen Bramley - 269-286 Control and care: landlords and the governance of vulnerable tenants in houses in multiple occupation
by Gill Green & Caroline Barratt & Melanie Wiltshire - 287-304 A systematic review of outcomes associated with participation in Housing First programs
by Julia R. Woodhall-Melnik & James R. Dunn - 305-323 Preservation from the bottom-up: affordable housing, redevelopment, and negotiation in Washington, DC
by Kathryn Howell - 324-339 Race and uneven recovery: neighborhood home value trajectories in Atlanta before and after the housing crisis
by Elora Raymond & Kyungsoon Wang & Dan Immergluck - 340-357 Discourses around negative gearing of investment properties in Australia
by Hazel Blunden - 358-359 Housing and the financial crisis
by Tony Crook - 359-361 Public housing myths: perception, reality and social policy
by John Flint - 361-363 Young Homeless People and Urban Spaces: Fixed in Mobility
by Tim Packer
March 2016, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 133-148 Time and distance heterogeneity in the neighborhood spillover effects of foreclosed properties
by Lei Zhang & Tammy Leonard & James C. Murdoch - 149-172 Repackaging the poor? Conceptualising neoliberal reforms of social rental housing
by Anita Blessing - 173-189 The U.S. housing crisis and suicide rates: an examination of total-, sex-, and race-specific suicide rates
by Roderick W. Jones & William Alex Pridemore - 190-207 The decline of a homeowning society? Asset-based welfare, retirement and intergenerational equity in Australia
by Adam Stebbing & Ben Spies-Butcher - 208-222 Housing affordability, tenure and mental health in Australia and the United Kingdom: a comparative panel analysis
by Rebecca J. Bentley & David Pevalin & Emma Baker & Kate Mason & Aaron Reeves & Andrew Beer - 223-236 Discrimination and selection in the Belgian private rental market
by Kristof Heylen & Katleen Van den Broeck - 237-238 The making of the modern British home: the suburban semi and family life between the wars
by Keith Jacobs
January 2016, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-19 Conceptualizing Housing Instability: Experiences with Material and Psychological Instability Among Women Living with Partner Violence
by Patricia O’Campo & Nihaya Daoud & Sarah Hamilton-Wright & James Dunn - 20-41 Leverage and Elderly Homeowners’ Decisions to Downsize
by Xun Bian - 42-60 Contributions of the Usage and Affective Experience of the Residential Environment to Residential Satisfaction
by Donggen Wang & Fenglong Wang - 61-80 The Changing Spatial Distribution of Montreal Seniors at the Neighbourhood Level: A Trajectory Analysis
by Anne-Marie Séguin & Philippe Apparicio & Mylène Riva & Paula Negron-Poblete - 81-101 Varieties of Home Ownership: Ireland’s Transition from a Socialised to a Marketised Policy Regime
by Michelle Norris - 102-125 The Effect of Racial and Ethnic Composition on Neighborhood Economic Change: A Multilevel and Longitudinal Look
by Hee-Jung Jun - 126-128 Beyond Gated Communities
by Erika Altmann - 128-130 Underclass: a history of the excluded since 1880 (2nd edition)
by Stephen Crossley - 130-131 Gypsies and travellers in housing: the decline of nomadism
by John Erskine
November 2015, Volume 30, Issue 8
- 1189-1209 Single-site Supportive Housing: Tenant Perspectives
by Cameron Parsell & Maree Petersen & Ornella Moutou - 1210-1234 Post-Socialist Housing Systems in Europe: Housing Welfare Regimes by Default?
by Mark Stephens & Martin Lux & Petr Sunega - 1235-1256 Residential Distribution of the Emergent Class of Skilled Migrants in Nanjing
by Can Cui & Pieter Hooimeijer & Stan Geertman & Yingxia Pu - 1257-1280 Tenure-Mix in Toronto: Resident Attitudes and Experience in the Regent Park Community
by Daniel J. Rowe & James R. Dunn - 1281-1298 Comparing Overall Effects of Family Background on Homeownership During Early Life Course
by Aleksi Karhula - 1299-1316 State-led Urban Regeneration in Istanbul: Power Struggles between Interest Groups and Poor Communities
by Binnur Oktem Unsal - 1317-1353 Hidden Properties of Irish House Price Vintages
by David Gray - 1354-1355 Foreclosed America
by David Allatt - 1355-1357 Henry Ford’s plan for the American suburb: Dearborn and Detroit
by Thomas J. Vicino - 1357-1359 Good Times Bad Times -- The Welfare Myth of Them and Us
by Peter Matthews
October 2015, Volume 30, Issue 7
- 993-1015 Affordable Housing Plans in London and New York: Between Marketplace and Social Mix
by Nathan Marom & Naomi Carmon - 1016-1035 Will the City Rise Again? The Contested Geography of Housing Reconstruction in Post-Disaster Haiti
by Michael Hooper - 1036-1063 Housing Supply and Price Reactions: A Comparison Approach to Spanish and Italian Markets
by Paloma Taltavull de La Paz & Laura Gabrielli - 1064-1091 Moving to Opportunity? An Examination of Housing Choice Vouchers on Urban Poverty Deconcentration in South Florida
by Rebecca J. Walter & Yanmei Li & Serge Atherwood - 1092-1115 Loan Modifications and Foreclosure Sales during the Financial Crisis: Consequences for Health and Stress
by Mark R. Lindblad & Sarah F. Riley - 1116-1134 Staying Put! A Housing Pathway Analysis of Residential Stability in Belgium
by Bruno Meeus & Pascal De Decker - 1135-1157 From Tenants to Homeowners: Housing Renters After Disaster in Bhuj, India
by Anuradha Mukherji - 1158-1181 Housing Equity Withdrawal in Australia: Prevalence, Patterns and Motivations in Mid-to-late Life
by Rachel Ong & Gavin A. Wood & Siobhan Austen & Therese Jefferson & Marietta E.A. Haffner - 1182-1183 When Tenants Claimed the City: The Struggle for Citizenship in New York City Housing
by Quintin Bradley - 1183-1185 Gentrification: A Working-Class Perspective
by Laura Crommelin - 1185-1188 Social policies and social control. New perspectives on the 'Not-so-big Society'
by David Robinson
September 2015, Volume 30, Issue 6
- 817-838 Stakeholder Representations of Gentrification in Amsterdam and Berlin: A Marginal Process?
by Cody Hochstenbach - 839-857 Achieving a Socio-Spatial Mix? Prospects and Limitations of Social Housing Policy in Santiago de Chile
by Jan Dohnke & Dirk Heinrichs & Sigrun Kabisch & Kerstin Krellenberg & Juliane Welz - 858-876 Testing a Typology of Homelessness Across Welfare Regimes: Shelter Use in Denmark and the USA
by Lars Benjaminsen & Stefan Bastholm Andrade - 877-900 'It's just like we're going around in circles and going back to the same thing ...': The Dynamics of Women's Unresolved Homelessness
by Paula Mayock & Sarah Sheridan & Sarah Parker - 901-923 Provision of Disability Adaptations to the Home: Analysis of Household Survey Data
by Ian J. Ewart & Chris Harty - 924-941 On the Frontline: The Gatekeeper in Statutory Homelessness Services
by Sarah Alden - 942-966 "You Can't Always Get What You Want..."? Prior-Attitudes and Post-Experiences of Relocation from Restructured Neighbourhoods
by Louise Lawson & Ade Kearns & Matt Egan & Ellie Conway - 967-986 The Governance of Mandated Partnerships: The Case of Social Housing Procurement
by Jenny Muir & David Mullins - 987-988 Housing Law, Rights and Policy
by Joe Finnerty - 988-990 Contemporary Housing Issues in a Globalized World
by Fanny Cornette - 990-992 Making Progress in Housing: A Framework for Collaborative Research
by Michael Oxley
July 2015, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 651-655 Introduction to the Special Edition: 'The Politics of Housing Policy'
by Keith Jacobs & Hal Pawson - 656-676 A Presumption in Favour of Home Ownership? Reconsidering Housing Tenure Strategies
by Alan Murie & Peter Williams - 677-693 Between Structure and Thatcher. Towards a Research Agenda for Theory-Informed Actor-Related Analysis of Housing Politics
by Bo Bengtsson - 694-710 The 'Politics' of Australian Housing: The Role of Lobbyists and Their Influence in Shaping Policy
by Keith Jacobs - 711-729 Are Governments Really Interested in Fixing the Housing Problem? Policy Capture and Busy Work in Australia
by Nicole Gurran & Peter Phibbs - 730-748 The Politics of Foreign Investment in Australian Housing: Chinese Investors, Translocal Sales Agents and Local Resistance
by Dallas Rogers & Chyi Lin Lee & Ding Yan - 749-769 Democracy in Action?: NIMBY as Impediment to Equitable Affordable Housing Siting
by Corianne Payton Scally & J. Rosie Tighe - 770-791 The Structural Neglect of Disabled Housing Association Tenants in England: Politics, Economics and Discourse
by Sheila Mackintosh & Frances Heywood - 792-807 Rational Fictions and Imaginary Systems: Cynical Ideology and the Problem Figuration and Practise of Public Housing
by Joe Crawford & John Flint - 808-811 Housing and Mortgage Markets in Historical Perspective / Zoned in the USA: The Origins and Implications of American Land Use Regulation
by Richard Harris - 811-813 Finance for Housing: An Introduction
by Martin McNally - 813-815 House of Debt: How They (and You) Caused the Great Recession, and How We Can Prevent It From Happening Again
by Craig Berry
July 2015, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 511-513 Introduction to the special issue
by Alex Schwartz - 514-534 The Social Value of Housing in Straitened Times: The View from England
by Ed Ferrari - 535-559 The Foreclosure Crisis and Community Development: Exploring REO Dynamics in Hard-Hit Neighborhoods
by Ingrid Gould Ellen & Josiah Madar & Mary Weselcouch - 560-579 Life and Liberty in the Pursuit of Housing: Rethinking Renting and Owning in Post-Crisis America
by Anne B. Shlay - 580-600 Housing Supply and Suppliers: Are the Microeconomics of Housing Developers Important?
by Chris Leishman - 601-620 Private Renting After the Global Financial Crisis
by Peter A. Kemp - 621-644 The Changing Role of Public Housing Authorities in the Affordable Housing Delivery System
by Rachel garshick Kleit & Stephen B. Page - 645-646 Getting By: Estates, Class and Culture in Austerity Britain
by Jenny Preece - 647-648 Renewing Europe's Housing
by Hans Skifter Andersen - 649-650 Good Cities, Better Lives--How Europe Discovered the Lost Art of Urbanism
by Corina Buckenberger
June 2015, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 351-367 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities: A Framework for Evaluating Alternative Models
by Richard Koenig - 368-391 Homeless for the First Time in Later Life: An Australian Study
by Maree Petersen & Cameron Parsell - 392-412 Asset-based Welfare, Equity Release and the Meaning of the Owned Home
by Lorna Fox O'mahony & Louise Overton - 413-432 Rental Market Restructuring in South Korea: The Decline of the Chonsei Sector and its Implications
by Richard Ronald & Meeyoun Jin - 433-452 The Interaction of Local Context and Cultural Background: Somalis' Perceived Possibilities in Nordic Capitals' Housing Markets
by Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen & Emma Holmqvist & Hanna Dhalmann & Susanne S�holt - 453-472 Online Housing Search and the Geography of Submarkets
by Alasdair Rae - 473-490 Bridging the Gap between Housing Stress and Financial Stress: The Case of Australia
by Steven Rowley & Rachel Ong & Marietta Haffner - 491-503 Spatial Spillovers of Land Use Regulation in the United States
by David Christafore & Susane Leguizamon - 504-505 Olympic Housing: A Critical Review of London 2012's Legacy
by Brian Doucet - 506-508 The Tenants Movement
by Hal Pawson - 508-510 Private Rental Housing: Comparative Perspectives
by Wendy Stone
March 2015, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 175-191 The Dialectic of Neighborhood Social Mix: Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue
by George C. Galster & Jurgen Friedrichs - 192-227 Employment of Low-Income African American and Latino Teens: Does Neighborhood Social Mix Matter?
by George Galster & Anna Santiago & Jessica Lucero - 228-251 Survival and Exits in Neighbourhoods: A Long-Term Analyses
by Viggo Nordvik & Lena Magnusson Turner - 252-271 A Danish Tale of Why Social Mix Is So Difficult to Increase
by Gunvor Christensen - 272-294 The Conditionality of Neighbourhood Effects upon Social Neighbourhood Embeddedness: A Critical Examination of the Resources and Socialisation Mechanisms
by Emily M. Miltenburg - 295-314 How Neighbourhood Social Mix Shapes Access to Resources from Social Networks and from Services
by Nick Bailey & Kirsten Besemer & Glen Bramley & Mark Livingston - 315-343 Are Males' Incomes Influenced by the Income Mix of Their Male Neighbors? Explorations into Nonlinear and Threshold Effects in Stockholm
by George Galster & Roger Andersson & Sako Musterd - 344-346 Site Design for Multifamily Housing: Creating Livable and Connected Neighbourhoods
by Mike Biddulph - 346-348 Anti-Social Behaviour in Britain. Victorian and Contemporary Perspectives
by Caroline Hunter - 348-349 Global Suburbs: Urban Sprawl from the Rio Grande to Rio de Janeiro
by Patrick Troy
January 2015, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-21 Constructing Renters as a Threat to Neighbourhood Safety
by Heather Rollwagen - 22-39 Neighbourhood Belonging, Social Class and Social Media--Providing Ladders to the Cloud
by Peter Matthews - 40-59 Homelessness Prevention and the Welsh Legal Duty: Lessons for International Policies
by Peter K. Mackie - 60-77 Life-course Diversity, Housing Choices and Constraints for Women of the 'Lost' Generation in Japan
by Misa Izuhara - 78-99 Fair Housing Policy and the Abandonment of Public Housing Desegregation
by James Hanlon - 100-122 From Private Nuisance to Criminal Behaviour: Neighbour Problems and Neighbourhood Context in an Australian City
by Lynda Cheshire & Robin Fitzgerald - 123-138 No Home Away from Home: A Qualitative Study of Care Leavers' Perceptions and Experiences of 'Home'
by Kristin Natalier & Guy Johnson - 139-168 'They Seem to Divide Us': Social Mix and Inclusion in Two Traditional Urbanist Communities
by Julia Markovich - 169-171 Why Fight Poverty?
by Danny Dorling - 171-173 The Housing Bomb
by Chris Paris - 173-174 The Housing Question: Tensions, Continuities and Contingencies in the Modern City
by Charlotte Hoole
November 2014, Volume 29, Issue 8
- 1005-1027 Guarding the Neighbourhood: The New Landscape of Control in Malaysia
by Peter Aning Tedong & Jill Linda Grant & Wan Nor Azriyati Wan Abd Aziz & Faizah Ahmad & Noor Rosly Hanif - 1028-1044 Exploring Dual Housing Tenure Status as a Household Response to Demographic, Social and Economic Change
by Kath Hulse & Ailsa Mcpherson - 1045-1072 Reconciling Policy Tensions on the Frontlines of Indigenous Housing Provision in Australia: Reflexivity, Resistance and Hybridity
by Megan Nethercote - 1073-1095 The Relationship between Housing Market Intervention for First-Time Buyers and House Price Volatility
by Chyi Lin Lee & Richard G. Reed - 1096-1116 Housing Trajectories Across the Urban Hierarchy: Analysis of the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada, 2001-2005
by Dylan Simone & K. Bruce Newbold - 1117-1138 Legal title, tenure security, and investment-An empirical study in Beijing
by Lanlan Wang & Tieshan Sun & Sheng Li - 1139-1140 Well Worth Saving: How the New Deal Safeguarded Home Ownership
by Richard Dunning - 1140-1142 Housing Law and Policy
by Stuart Lowe - 1142-1145 Neighbourhood Effects Research: New Perspectives
by Tony O'Sullivan
October 2014, Volume 29, Issue 7
- 871-892 Female-Headed Households and Achieving Home Ownership in Australia
by Valerie Kupke & Peter Rossini & Stanley McGreal & Sharon Yam - 893-909 'Houston, we've got a problem': The Political Construction of a Housing Affordability Metric in New Zealand
by Laurence Murphy - 910-936 Moving Out of Home Ownership in Later Life: The Influence of the Family and Housing Careers
by Daniël J. Herbers & Clara H. Mulder & Juan A. Mòdenes - 937-958 Financing Affordable Housing Through Compulsory Saving: The Two-Decade Experience of Housing Provident Fund in China
by Jie Chen & Lan Deng - 959-976 Prevalence and Causes of Urban Homelessness Among Indigenous Peoples: A Three-Country Scoping Review
by Jalene Tayler Anderson & Damian Collins