2008, Volume 18, Issue 4-5
- 611-618 Participatory risk assessment: a new approach for safer food in vulnerable African communities
by Delia Grace & Tom Randolph & Janice Olawoye & Morenike Dipelou & Erastus Kang'ethe - 619-626 Pro-poor values in agricultural research management: PETRRA experiences in practice
by Ahmad Salahuddin & Paul Van Mele & Noel Magor - 627-632 Operationalising participatory research and farmer-to-farmer extension: the in Peru
by Jon Hellin & John Dixon - 633-642 Using community indicators for evaluating research and development programmes: experiences from Malawi
by Jemimah Njuki & Mariam Mapila & Susan Kaaria & Tennyson Magombo - 643-649 Participatory technology development in agricultural mechanisation in Nepal: how it happened and lessons learned
by Chanda Goodrich & Scott Justice & Stephen Biggs & Ganesh Sah - 650-657 Gender equity and social capital in smallholder farmer groups in central Mozambique
by Elisabeth Gotschi & Jemimah Njuki & Robert Delve - 658-669 Further resources for participatory research and gender analysis
by Guy Manners
June 2008, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 305-306 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 307-318 Rethinking neo-liberal state building: building post-conflict development states
by Julien Barbara - 319-332 No ‘return to the state’: dependency and developmentalism against neo-liberalism
by Robert E. Kelly - 333-344 Women's empowerment in challenging environments: a case study from Balochistan
by Ruth Paterson - 345-356 New forms of environmental governance? A case study of Costa Rican environmental NGOs
by Laura Tahkokallio & Anja Nygren - 357-370 International volunteering for development and sustainability: outdated paternalism or a radical response to globalisation?
by Peter Devereux - 371-384 Childhood poverty and evidence-based policy engagement in Ethiopia
by Nicola Jones & Bekele Tefera & Tassew Woldehanna - 385-394 Defining child labour: a controversial debate
by Augendra Bhukuth - 395-402 (Re-)building governance in post-conflict Africa: the role of the state and informal institutions
by Daniel G. Ogbaharya - 403-411 Insights from Zambian miners for rethinking development policy and the environment
by Elizabeth C. Parsons - 412-419 Experiential and emotional encounters of women planners in Africa
by Olusola Olufemi - 420-423 Reaching the Millennium Development Goals: equality and justice as well as results
by Thomas Franklin - 424-429 Getting ahead of the next disaster: recent preparedness efforts in Indonesia
by Eric James - 430-436 Could cognitive theory enhance development practice?
by Michaela Raab - 437-445 Factors and motivations contributing to community volunteers' participation in a nursery feeding project in Malawi
by Isabelle Wazo Uny - 446-449 Skills development in South Africa: Group Five's social investment project
by Wellington Didibhuku Thwala - 450-451 African Perspectives on China in Africa
by The Editors - 451-453 Southeast Asia in Search of an ASEAN Community: Insights from the Former ASEAN Secretary-General
by The Editors - 453-456 Intimate Enemies: Landowners, Power, and Violence in Chiapas
by The Editors - 456-458 Global Unions: Challenging Transnational Capital Through Cross-Border Campaigns
by The Editors - 458-460 Humanitarian Diplomacy: Practitioners and Their Craft
by The Editors - 460-462 Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privatisation and Power
by The Editors - 462-463 Choosing the Lesser Evil: Understanding Decision Making in Humanitarian Aid NGOs
by The Editors - 463-465 Conducting Online Surveys
by The Editors
April 2008, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 161-163 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 164-175 NGO–government partnerships for scaling up: sexuality education in Mexico
by Susan Pick & Martha Givaudan & Michael R. Reich - 176-189 Counting the costs of HIV and AIDS to civil-society organisations
by Rick James & Brenda Katundu - 190-200 Could the system work better? Scale and local knowledge in humanitarian relief
by Graeme Macrae - 201-212 Thinking about change for development practice: a case study from Oxfam GB
by Rosalind Eyben & Thalia Kidder & Jo Rowlands & Audrey Bronstein - 213-222 The rise and fall of donor funding for advocacy NGOs: understanding the impact
by Thomas Parks - 223-234 Community sustainable-development indicators: a useful participatory technique or another dead end?
by Alan Terry - 235-244 Juxtaposing handloom weaving and modernity: building theory through praxis
by Annapurna Mamidipudi & Radhika Gajjala - 245-257 Towards a policy framework for the empowerment of social movements
by Philippe Villeval - 258-266 Family-planning methods among the tribal population in south Gujarat: a case study of access and usage
by A. Kumar & K. M. Joshi - 267-272 Reducing poverty in sub-Saharan Africa: the need for participatory governance
by Jean Claude Saha - 273-279 Educational efficiency in the Caribbean: a comparative analysis
by Sandra Schrouder - 280-288 Methodological debate in poverty studies: towards ‘participatory qual–quant’?
by Bejoy K. Thomas - 289-290 Discipline and the Other Body: Correction, Corporeality, Colonialism
by The Editors - 290-291 Hatred of Democracy
by The Editors - 291-293 Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny
by The Editors - 293-295 ASEAN–China Economic Relations
by The Editors - 295-297 African Anthropologies: History, Critique and Practice
by The Editors - 297-298 A Decade of Human Security: Global Governance and The New Multilateralisms
by The Editors - 298-299 Impact Measurement and Accountability in Emergencies: The Good Enough Guide
by The Editors - 299-301 Ecotourism, NGOs and Development
by The Editors - 301-303 Invisible Governance: International Secretariats in Global Politics
by The Editors - 303-304 Troublesome Border
by The Editors
2008, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 5-16 Values in international development organisations: negotiating non-negotiables
by Chris Mowles - 17-29 Embracing marginality: place-making vs development in Gardenton, Manitoba
by Susan Heald - 30-39 Community development: Freire and Grameen in the Barrowfield Project, Glasgow, Scotland
by Catherine Matheson & David Matheson - 40-52 Accountability, autonomy, and authenticity: assessing the development waltz conducted to a ‘’ beat in Southern Africa
by Mark Abrahams - 53-65 Governance of the Amman water utility
by Rebhieh Suleiman & Lisa Van Well & Jan-Erik Gustafsson - 66-81 Beyond the log frame: a new tool for examining health and peacebuilding initiatives
by Natalie Grove & Anthony Zwi - 82-93 The backlash against civil society in the wake of the Long War on Terror
by Jude Howell & Armine Ishkanian & Ebenezer Obadare & Hakan Seckinelgin & Marlies Glasius - 94-99 Development in motion: what to think about migration?
by Robyn Eversole - 100-109 Donor leverage: towards more equitable access to essential medicines?
by Chan Chee Khoon & Gilles De Wildt - 110-116 Svalbard Global Seed Vault: a ‘Noah's Ark’ for the world's seeds
by Marte Qvenild - 117-124 A journey towards development: the impact of local NGO programmes on women living in the char lands of Bangladesh
by Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury - 125-130 A smorgasbord of agricultural technologies: farmers' choices and lessons from Chalite, Panama
by Russell Slatton & Blair Orr - 131-135 Private health insurance in Uganda: bridging the gap in public health provision?
by Emma Michelle Taylor - 136-138 Globalization and the Third World: A Study of Negative Consequences
by Walden Bello - 138-141 The New Public Finance – Responding to Global Challenges
by David Hall - 141-143 Fairness in Adaptation to Climate Change
by Antonio Hill - 143-144 Terrorism: The Present Threat in Context
by Michael Boyle - 144-146 Human Rights in the Global Information Society
by James Lawson - 146-147 Violence, Political Culture and Development in Africa
by Richard Smith - 148-150 A World Turned Upside Down: Social Ecological Approaches to Children in War Zones
by Rob Chase - 150-152 Women Embracing Islam: Gender and Conversion in the West
by Cassandra Balchin - 152-154 Women and Gender Equity in Development Theory and Practice: Institutions, Resources, and Mobilization
by Deborah Eade - 154-156 Membership-based Organizations of the Poor/Collective Action and Urban Poverty Alleviation
by Lucy Earle - 157-158 Latin American Social Movements: Globalization, Democratization and Transnational Networks
by Corinne Caumartin - 159-159 Erratum
by The Editors
November 2007, Volume 17, Issue 6
- 709-712 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 713-724 Violence, fear, and development in Latin America: a critical overview
by David Howard & Mo Hume & Ulrich Oslender - 725-738 Development, racism, and discrimination in the Dominican Republic
by David Howard - 739-751 Mano Dura: El Salvador responds to gangs
by Mo Hume - 752-764 Violence in development: the logic of forced displacement on Colombia's Pacific coast
by Ulrich Oslender - 765-774 ‘Resistance as creation’: a new sociability in Argentina
by Dina Khorasanee - 775-783 Advocacy in the Amazon and the Camisea gas project: implications for non-government public action
by Brian Pratt - 784-790 Translation in cross-cultural research: an example from Bolivia
by Kate Maclean - 791-799 The ‘Knowledge Exchange Train’: a model for capacity building for participatory governance in the south-western Amazon
by Elsa Mendoza & Stephen Perz & César Aguilar & et al. - 800-806 Empowering families as an alternative to foster care for street children in Brazil
by Michael Schwinger - 807-819 Celso Furtado and development: an outline
by Carlos Mallorquín - 820-823 Indigenous People, Poverty and Human Development in Latin America
by Laura Rival - 823-825 Dissident Women: Gender and Cultural Politics in Chiapas
by Morna Macleod - 825-827 Visions of Solidarity: US Peace Activists in Nicaragua from War to Women's Activism and Globalization
by Gretchen Alther - 827-828 The Limits of Regionalism: NAFTA's Labour Accord
by E. Remi Aiyede - 828-830 Aiding Peace? The Role of NGOs in Armed Conflict
by Martha Thompson - 830-832 The Use of Force in Humanitarian Intervention: Morality and Practicalities
by Hugo Slim - 832-833 Refugees in a Global Era
by Khalid Koser - 833-834 Promised Land: Competing Visions of Agrarian Reform
by Robin Palmer - 835-836 The Aid Chain: Coercion and Commitment in Development NGOs
by Patta Scott-Villiers - 836-838 Gurus, Hired Guns and Warm Bodies: Itinerant Experts in a Knowledge Economy
by Frances Rubin - 839-839 Errata
by The Editors - 839-839 Errata
by The Editors - 840-840 Acknowledgements
by The Editors - 841-844 Index to Volume 17
by The Editors
2007, Volume 17, Issue 4-5
- 467-470 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 471-484 Buzzwords and fuzzwords: deconstructing development discourse
by Andrea Cornwall - 485-491 Development as a buzzword
by Gilbert Rist - 492-504 Words count: taking a count of the changing language of British aid
by Naomi Alfini & Robert Chambers - 505-510 Poverty reduction
by John Toye - 511-522 Social protection
by Guy Standing - 523-531 Globalisation
by Shalmali Guttal - 532-538 The F-word and the S-word – too much of one and not enough of the other
by Cassandra Balchin - 539-548 Participation: the ascendancy of a buzzword in the neo-liberal era
by Pablo Alejandro Leal - 549-556 Citizenship: a perverse confluence
by Evelina Dagnino - 557-565 Taking the power out of empowerment – an experiential account
by Srilatha Batliwala - 566-574 Social capital
by Ben Fine - 575-581 Reflections on relationships: the nature of according to five NGOs in southern Mexico
by Miguel Pickard - 582-588 Talking of gender: words and meanings in development organisations
by Ines Smyth - 589-596 Sustainability
by Ian Scoones - 597-606 From the right to development to the rights-based approach: how ‘human rights’ entered development
by Peter Uvin - 607-614 Civil society
by Neera Chandhoke - 615-621 Public advocacy and people-centred advocacy: mobilising for social change
by John Samuel - 622-629 NGOs: between buzzwords and social movements
by Islah Jad - 630-639 Capacity building: who builds whose capacity?
by Deborah Eade - 640-646 Harmonisation: how is the orchestra conducted?
by Rosalind Eyben - 647-652 ‘Country ownership’: a term whose time has gone
by Willem Buiter - 653-655 Best of practices?
by Warren Feek - 656-662 Peacebuilding does not build peace
by Tobias Denskus - 663-671 The uncertain relationship between transparency and accountability
by Jonathan Fox - 672-678 Corruption
by Elizabeth Harrison - 679-681 ‘Good governance’: the itinerary of an idea
by Thandike Mkandawire - 682-690 The discordant voices of ‘security’
by Robin Luckham - 691-699 Fragile states
by Eghosa Osaghae - 700-708 ‘Knowledge management’: a case study of the World Bank's research department
by Robin Broad
June 2007, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 319-321 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 322-337 Civil society and reconciliation in Southern Africa
by Christopher J. Colvin - 338-352 Can we measure civil society? A proposed methodology for international comparative research
by Carmen Malena & Volkhart Finn Heinrich - 353-366 The Capacity-building Paradox: using friendship to build capacity in the South
by Mona Girgis - 367-379 The most significant lessons about the Most Significant Change technique
by Juliet Willetts & Paul Crawford - 380-392 Engaging elite support for the poorest? BRAC's Targeted Ultra Poor programme for rural women in Bangladesh
by Naomi Hossain & Imran Matin - 393-403 NGOs, corporate social responsibility, and social accountability: Inditex vs. Clean Clothes
by Chaime Marcuello Servos & Carmen Marcuello - 404-409 Community participation in local governance in Cambodia: learning from the village networks approach
by Arnaldo Pellini And & David Ayres - 410-418 Community-managed rice banks: lessons from Laos
by Dipankar Datta - 419-425 Practitioner-led research: experiences with Learning Platforms
by Rinus Van Klinken & Gerard Prinsen - 426-432 Results-based management: friend or foe?
by Michael J. Hatton & Kent Schroeder - 433-438 Quality or volume? An economic evaluation of coffee development strategies for Uganda
by Simon Bolwig & Liangzhi You - 439-444 NGOs and multi-layered management of protected resources in Belize and Malaysia
by Deena Burris - 445-450 Diasporas as ‘agents of development’: transforming brain drain into brain gain? The Dutch example
by Marjolein C. Groot & Pat Gibbons - 451-452 Multinational Corporations and Global Poverty Reduction
by Robert Bailey - 452-453 Transnational Civil Society: An Introduction
by Nandita Dogra - 453-456 Playing with Fire: Feminist Thought and Activism through Seven Lives in India
by Ranjani K. Murthy - 456-458 Governance and Nationbuilding: The Failure of International Intervention
by Katia Papagianni - 458-459 Latin America: A New Interpretation
by Miguel Pickard - 460-461 Why Not Kill Them All? The Logic and Prevention of Mass Political Murder
by Dan Smith - 461-463 More Urban, Less Poor: An Introduction to Urban Development and Management
by David G. Westendorff - 463-465 Cinderella or Cyberella? Empowering Women in the Knowledge Society
by Gillian Youngs
2007, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 165-166 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 167-178 Participatory action research into donor–recipient relations: a case study
by Rosalind Eyben & Rosario León & Naomi Hossain - 179-195 Cultural encounters: learning from cross-disciplinary science and development practice in ecosystem health
by Stephen Sherwood & Donald Cole & Charles Crissman - 196-207 The production and marketing of sustainable forest products: chewing gum in Mexico
by Oscar Forero & Michael Redclift - 208-219 Corporate wealth or public health? WTO/TRIPS flexibilities and access to HIV/AIDS antiretroviral drugs by developing countries
by Roy Love - 220-230 Design for development: a review of emerging methodologies
by Robert Simpson & Roderic Gill - 231-248 Increasing strategic accountability: a framework for international NGOs
by Sue Cavill & M. Sohail - 249-255 Amartya K. Sen and social exclusion
by Ann Nevile - 256-257 Death expectancy
by Francis Johnston - 258-271 Evaluating international social-change networks: a conceptual framework for a participatory approach
by Ricardo Wilson-Grau & Martha Nuñez - 272-278 Animals in natural interaction with soil, plants, and people in Asia
by E.R. ørskov - 279-290 Meeting the challenges to scaling up HIV/AIDS treatment in Africa
by Nana Poku & Bjorg Sandkjaer - 291-300 Differences in health-promotion behaviour among the chronically ill in three South Pacific island countries
by Philip Szmedra & K.L. Sharma & Cathy Rozmus - 301-306 Researching public action and development concepts in the context of mental health
by Paul Cutler & Robert Hayward - 307-309 Development Brokers and Translators: the Ethnography of Aid and Agencies
by The Editors - 309-311 Water: A Shared Responsibility – The United Nations World Water Development Report 2
by The Editors - 311-312 Guatemaltecas – The Women's Movement 1986–2003
by The Editors - 312-314 Women Miners in Developing Countries: Pit Women and Others
by The Editors - 314-317 Women and Migration in Asia: Migrant Women and Work, Volume 4
by The Editors
February 2007, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by Deborah Eade - 4-13 Meaning versus measurement: why do ‘economic’ indicators of poverty still predominate?
by Andrew Sumner - 14-26 Gender justice: the World Bank's new approach to the poor?
by Susanne Schech & Sanjugta Vas Dev - 27-38 Researching urban poverty in sub-Saharan Africa
by Guillaume Iyenda - 39-50 Participation, education, and pluralism: towards a new extension ethic
by Andrew P. Davidson - 51-64 Strategising prevention: a critical review of local initiatives to prevent female sex trafficking
by Vidyamali Samarasinghe & Barbara Burton - 65-77 The human organisation: challenges in NGOs and development programmes
by Vijay Padaki - 78-84 NGOs and the dynamics of the Egyptian labour market
by Maha Abdelrahman - 85-92 Development versus enjoyment of life: a post-development critique of the developmentalist worldview
by Joabe G. Cavalcanti - 93-97 Gender equality – whose agenda? Observations from Cameroon
by Rogers Tabe Egbe Orock - 98-103 Generosity undermined: the Cotonou Agreement and the African Growth and Opportunity Act
by Zein Kebonang - 104-113 Capacity building through secondment of staff: a possible model in emergencies?
by Pierson R. T. Ntata - 114-123 Evaluating HIV/AIDS education programmes in Ugandan secondary schools
by W. James Jacob & Stacey S. Mosman & Steven J. Hite & Donald E. Morisky & Yusuf K. Nsubuga - 124-129 ‘Strong nets catch fish’: promoting pro-poor partnerships in Bangladesh
by Harriet Matsaert & Zahir Ahmed & Shah Abdus Salam - 130-136 Indigenous floating cultivation: a sustainable agricultural practice in the wetlands of Bangladesh
by Tawhidul Islam & Peter Atkins - 137-146 Adult learning and literacy learning for livelihoods: some international perspectives
by Alan Rogers & Judy Hunter & Md Aftab Uddin - 147-153 Ni Vanuatu women graduates: what happens when they go home?
by Jane Strachan & Janet Samuel & Minnie Takaro - 154-156 Split Decisions: How and Why to Take a Break from Feminism
by Deborah Eade - 156-158 Culture and Development in a Globalizing World: Geographies, Actors and Paradigms
by Nada Švob-Đokić - 158-160 La ciudad, la crisis y las salidas: democracia y desarrollo en espacios urbanos meso
by Alan Gilbert - 160-162 Gender and Social Policy in a Global Context: Uncovering the Gendered Structure of ‘the Social’
by Susanne Schech - 162-164 The Search for Empowerment: Social Capital as Idea and Practice at the World Bank
by John Harriss