July 2018, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 447-453 The Level of Trade Integration in the Eurasian Economic Union
by I. P. Gurova & I. N. Platonova & M. A. Maksakova
May 2018, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 225-227 Prospects of Economic Development in Russia
by V. V. Ivanter - 228-232 Government Social Expenditures in the Draft Federal Budget of Russia for 2018–2020
by L. S. Rzhanitsyna - 233-244 Toolkit for the Input–Output Analysis of the Performance of Russian Economy in 1991–2013
by R. M. Uzyakov - 245-251 Modern Trends and Problems of Migration in a Russian Border Region: The Far East
by E. L. Motrich & D. A. Izotov - 252-256 Outsourcing Noncore Activities of Industrial Enterprises in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation
by V. A. Tsukerman & A. A. Kozlov - 257-266 Part-Time Farmers in Russia: Phenomenon and Social Functions Based on the Example of the Republic of Bashkortostan
by R. R. Galiev & H. D. Ahrens - 267-273 Priority Factors in Urban Environments That Affect the Quality of Life for Metropolitan Populations
by B. A. Revich - 274-279 Projects of Development of Interaction of FEC and HCS: Problems of Forecasting and Management
by T. Kh. Usmanova - 280-287 Modeling the Interdependence of the Economy and Power Industry Based on Multiplicative Two-Factor Functions
by P. V. Druzhinin & A. P. Shcherbak & S. V. Tishkov - 288-294 Main Trends in the Development of World Transport and Russia’s Place in Them
by V. N. Filina - 295-302 On the Construction of a Qualitative Model of the Russian ICT Ecosystem
by D. R. Belousov & E. A. Penukhina - 303-321 Russian Companies at the End of 2017: Absence of Significant General Economic Changes and Progress in the Machinery Industry
by D. B. Kuvalin & A. K. Moiseev & P. A. Lavrinenko - 322-328 Transboundary Problems of Overcoming Natural Disasters for International Regional Organizations in the Eurasian Region
by N. G. Mavlyanova & V. A. Lipatov & O. R. Yuldashev - 329-335 Efficiency of Integration Processes: Innovative Method of Evaluation
by B. D. Khusainov & A. I. Nussupov & A. A. Shirov - 336-342 Russian Projects and Energy Cooperation in South Africa
by E. R. Salakhetdinov & V. A. Sidorov
March 2018, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 109-115 Assessing Multiplier Effects in the Russian Economy: Input-Output Approach
by M. Yu. Ksenofontov & A. A. Shirov & D. A. Polzikov & A. A. Yantovskii - 116-123 Cities and Megalopolises: The Problem of Definitions and Sustainable Development Indicators
by B. N. Porfiryev & S. N. Bobylev - 124-134 Evaluation of Sustainable Development Indicators for Regions of Russia
by E. A. Tret’yakova & M. Yu. Osipova - 135-143 Employment and Labor Productivity in Macroregions of Russia: Spatial Interdependence
by V. A. Rusanovskiy & V. A. Markov - 144-152 Development Trajectories of the Russian Far East: Evaluation Based on the Dynamic Model of Economic Interactions
by N. G. Dzhurka - 153-160 Forecasting the Dynamics of the Depletion of Conventional Energy Resources
by Yu. A. Ul’yanin & V. V. Kharitonov & D. Yu. Yurshina - 161-166 Relation of Uncertainty in Fluctuations of Energy Commodity Demand and Prices to Forecasting Timeframe
by O. V. Mazurova - 167-173 Influence of Import Substitution Policy on the Industrial Production Level in Russia: Sector-Specific Issues
by E. A. Fedorova & D. D. Airapetyan & S. O. Musienko & D. O. Afanas’ev & F. Yu. Fedorov - 174-181 Analysis of the Expected Resources of Copper Scrap
by A. A. Emel’yanov & D. S. Voronov & R. A. Dolzhenko & A. V. Dushin - 182-190 Industry Investment Analysis of Activities of Russian Telecommunications Companies
by L. D. Zubkova & S. M. D’yachkov - 191-201 Assessment of Demographic and Socioeconomic Losses due to Premature Mortality in the Populations of Russia and Vologda Oblast
by M. V. Morev & A. V. Korolenko - 202-206 Condition and Prospects of the Development of the Housing and Utilities Sphere in the Mari El Republic
by V. V. Chernykh & L. M. Nizova - 207-213 Analysis of the Efficacy of Public Spending on Research and Development in State Programs
by I. E. Ilina & E. N. Zharova & S. P. Burlankov - 214-216 Development of Islamic Banking in Russia Based on the Example of LLC Financial House Amal
by I. I. Garifullin & A. A. Daryakin & G. M. Galeeva - 217-224 Employers and Foreign Migrants in the Labor Markets of Major Russian Cities: Interactions in a New Economic Reality
by Yu. F. Florinskaya
January 2018, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-5 System of Measures to Recovery of Economic Growth in Russia
by V. V. Ivanter & O. Dzh. Govtvan’ & M. S. Gusev & M. Yu. Ksenofontov & D. B. Kuvalin & A. K. Moiseev & B. N. Porfiryev & V. V. Semikashev & M. N. Uzyakov & A. A. Shirov - 6-11 On Measurement of Economic Growth
by V. K. Fal’tsman - 12-20 Russian Nanotechnology Market: High-Technology Industry or Statistical Phenomenon
by N. A. Ganichev & O. B. Koshovets - 21-27 The Macro Impacts of International NPP Projects
by Yu. V. Chernyakhovskaya - 28-34 Evolution of Instruments of State Support of Industry in the Russian Federation: From Federal Target Programs to the State Program
by A. M. Kalinin - 35-40 Construction and Real Estate Markets: From Crisis to Growth
by M. I. Kamenetskii & N. Yu. Yas’kova - 41-49 Food Export: Looking to the East
by V. V. Rau - 50-55 Territorial Workspace Dispersion as a Factor of the Spatial Development of the Economy
by K. V. Yankov - 56-61 The Role of Sovereign Funds in Stabilizing the World’s Financial Architecture
by I. A. Leonov & A. K. Moiseev - 62-71 Regional Differences of Placing and Forecasting Labor Resources of Russian Agriculture
by T. G. Nefedova & N. V. Mkrtchyan - 72-78 The Economy of Territories Reformed into Statehood: The Donetsk People’s Republic
by A. V. Polovyan & R. N. Lepa & S. N. Grinevskaya - 79-85 On the Economic Contribution of Specialized Higher Education Institutions to the Development of Monofunctional Cities
by P. P. Makagonov & A. R. Figueroa & S. R. Espinosa - 86-93 The Pension Age as a Factor Regulating the Deficit of the State Pension System
by A. K. Solov’ev - 94-101 Models for Predicting Prices in the Moscow Residential Real Estate Market
by V. A. Salnikov & O. M. Mikheeva - 102-108 Global Production and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages
by A. M. Solov’ev
November 2017, Volume 28, Issue 6
- 575-584 Finance and credit in the strategy for the economic development and structured investment policy of the Russian Federation
by V. S. Panfilov & O. Dzh. Govtvan’ & A. K. Moiseev - 585-592 Input–output coefficients in the evaluation of a scientific and technological component of the macrostructural forecasting
by A. R. Sayapova - 593-599 Import substitution as a complementary strategy
by A. A. Gnidchenko - 600-607 Environmental hazard assessment and forecast of economic damage from industrial accidents
by B. N. Porfiryev & A. S. Tulupov - 608-615 Short-term forecasting of prices for the Russian wholesale electricity market based on neural networks
by I. Yu. Zolotova & V. V. Dvorkin - 616-623 Forecasting the impact of economic sanctions on the development of the Russian aircraft industry
by V. V. Klochkov & S. S. Kritskaya - 624-636 On the assessment of the potential expansion of agricultural production and its structural shifts
by M. Yu. Ksenofontov & D. A. Polzikov & Yu. S. Verbitskiy & Y. S. Melnikova - 637-640 Survey of the combined dynamics of prices for pulp and timber
by A. V. Plastinin & O. P. Sushko - 641-647 Forecast assumption and analysis of the development of protective afforestation in the Volgograd region
by K. N. Kulik & A. T. Barabanov & A. S. Manaenkov & A. K. Kulik - 648-657 Modern problems and development prospects of the Russian budgetary system
by K. E. Savchishina - 658-662 Features of restructuring mortgage loans nominated in foreign currency
by A. A. Tsyganov & A. D. Yazykov - 663-671 Structural changes in employment and the quality of life of the populations of Russian million-plus cities
by O. V. Kuznetsova - 672-683 Russian enterprises in spring 2017: Slow restoration of investment activity against a background of economic stabilization
by D. B. Kuvalin & A. K. Moiseev & P. A. Lavrinenko
September 2017, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 467-471 The relationship between monetary policy and economic development in modern Europe: Problems and possible solutions
by Jacques Sapir - 472-479 Scientific and technological development: Limitations and opportunities
by N. I. Komkov - 480-485 Areas of national modernization: Search for priorities
by V. V. Kiseleva & A. G. Fonotov - 486-491 Dependence of the Russian defense industry on oil prices: Conversion
by V. K. Fal’tsman - 492-499 Integrated energy systems: Challenges, trends, philosophy
by N. I. Voropai & V. A. Stennikov & E. A. Barakhtenko - 500-505 Vertically integrated intersectoral corporations as a form of transition from deindustrialization to reindustrialization of the national market economy
by A. K. Kornev & S. I. Maksimtsova & S. V. Treshchina - 506-513 Government control of the transport service industry
by V. N. Filina - 514-520 Problems and strategic objectives for the development of a public purchasing institution
by I. I. Smotritskaya & O. V. Anchishkina & S. I. Chernykh - 521-527 Small businesses in a system of measures aimed at recovering the trajectory of economic growth
by V. G. Basareva - 528-535 Forecasting the results of innovative activity taking into account significant factors in the regions of Russia
by G. P. Litvintseva & V. Yu. Shchekoldin & E. A. Schits - 536-539 Forecast of the basic trends of economic development in Bryansk oblast
by V. N. Ozherelev & M. V. Ozhereleva - 540-547 Social and economic issues facing seniors: Humanitarian dimensions of aging and social support in old age
by I. M. Aizinova - 548-557 Alcohol trade restrictions and alcohol consumption: On the effectiveness of state policy
by M. G. Kolosnitsyna & N. A. Khorkina & M. T. Sitdikov - 558-567 Prospects of changes in the total size and age composition of adults with disability in Russia
by S. A. Vasin - 568-574 Occupational injuries as a criterion of professional risk
by I. V. Bukhtiyarov & N. F. Izmerov & G. I. Tikhonova & A. N. Churanova
July 2017, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 361-363 Investments in fixed assets and human capital: Two interconnected drivers of socioeconomic growth
by A. G. Aganbegyan - 364-372 Structural and investment policy as an instrument for modernizing the Russian economy
by V. V. Ivanter - 373-383 The dynamics of capital assets in the economy of the Russian Federation over the post-Soviet period (1992–2015)
by D. A. Fomin & G. I. Khanin - 384-390 Estimation of the production function with the variable utilization of capital assets in the Russian economy
by V. M. Gil’mundinov - 391-397 Nanotechnology and the new technological revolution: Expectations and reality
by O. B. Koshovets & N. A. Ganichev - 398-405 Investment of venture capital in Russia as an important element of transitioning to an innovative economy under sanctions
by O. E. Trofimova - 406-415 Scientific and innovative activities in regions of Northwest Russia
by A. A. Rumyantsev - 416-422 Forecasting of regional economic development and budget based on the example of Irkutsk oblast
by D. Yu. Fedotov - 423-430 Forecast of energy consumption of vehicles
by L. V. Eder & V. Yu. Nemov - 431-436 Russian food exports: Trends, opportunities, and priorities
by V. V. Rau - 437-445 Accelerator effects in the freight car-building industry
by K. G. Pochukaev - 446-449 Comparison of the efficiency of different means of transport by direct and indirect consumer costs
by P. A. Lavrinenko - 450-457 Social and economic problems of the older generation: Quality of life of the older population
by I. M. Aizinova - 458-465 Comparative assessment of state involvement in the economy in OECD studies
by M. V. Klinova
May 2017, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 241-252 RIM interindustry macroeconomic model: Development of instruments under current economic conditions
by A. A. Shirov & A. A. Yantovskii - 253-258 Medium-term forecasting of Russian economy using cognitive model
by M. E. Morozova & V. V. Shmat - 259-265 Sustainable development goals for the future of Russia
by S. N. Bobylev & S. V. Solovyeva - 266-270 A predictive model of economic dynamics during stagflation taking into account the volatility of the national currency
by A. A. Akaev & N. S. Ziyadullaev & A. I. Sarygulov & V. N. Sokolov - 271-277 An overview of the state and priorities of the iron and steel industry in the Russian Far East
by G. I. Arkhipov - 278-285 Assessing the efficiency of the forest industry complex based on calculation of value added index (Based on the example of the Republic of Komi)
by M. A. Shishelov - 286-295 Modern approach to the food security of Russia
by Ya. Sh. Pappe & N. S. Antonenko & D. A. Polzikov - 296-305 The impact of the institutional and infrastructural environment on innovation-based development in today’s world
by N. S. Barabash & P. P. Bochkovskii & Yu. A. Shamsutdinov - 306-316 The concept of subjective quality of life and psychological well-being: Essay on contemporary ideas
by A. A. Poduzov & V. S. Yazykova - 317-326 Migration intentions of contemporary generations in Russia: A new wave
by E. I. Ivanova - 327-337 Cooperation between Russia and the European Union: From importing to exporting technology
by S. V. Terebova - 338-345 Liberalization of Russia’s trade with the European Union, BRICS, and Trans-Pacific Partnership countries
by D. A. Izotov - 346-360 Russian enterprises at the end of 2016: Reaction to varying ruble exchange rate and the workforce situation
by D. B. Kuvalin & A. K. Moiseev
March 2017, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 121-125 Role of instrumental methods of analysis and forecasting for substantiating economic policy
by A. A. Shirov - 126-132 The analysis of the dynamics of the Russian economy using the output gap indicator
by A. V. Zubarev & P. V. Trunin - 133-139 The crisis in the context of the present and the future of the Russian economy
by V. K. Fal’tsman - 140-146 Studying the problems of economic reproduction in agriculture of Russia
by A. P. Zinchenko - 147-159 Food security of Bashkortostan: Problems and solutions
by R. R. Galiev & I. M. Khanova & F. A. Kurbangaleeva - 160-168 Value added analysis and trend forecasting in the manufacturing industry in Kaliningrad oblast
by N. A. Kazakova & A. I. Bolvacheva & A. L. Gendon & G. F. Golubeva - 169-179 Investment and innovative technological efficiency: Case study of the Arctic project
by V. N. Borisov & O. V. Pochukaeva - 180-190 Certain socioeconomic problems of development of the Arctic territories
by A. O. Vylegzhanina - 191-203 The dynamics of housing affordability for the population of Russia in 2008–2014
by M. M. Minchenko & N. N. Nozdrina - 204-212 Evaluation of the mid-market investment returns in real estate development when forecasting the housing market
by G. M. Sternik & S. G. Sternik - 213-224 Development of interbudgetary relations in Russia in 2000–2015
by M. A. Pechenskaya - 225-232 Investment cooperation of Russia and France: Influence of sanctions
by A. S. Chetverikova - 233-240 European policy of the diversification of natural gas supplies (in the case of Lithuania) and consequences for Russian gas exports
by D. V. Slesareva
January 2017, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-10 Formation of an investment model of economic development of Russia
by I. A. Budanov - 11-14 Ideological myths of modern economic theory and reality
by V. V. Kuleshov & Vs. V. Kuleshov - 15-21 Components of total factor productivity of the Russian economy with respect to other countries of the world: The role of technical efficiency
by A. Yu. Apokin & I. B. Ipatova - 22-30 Socioeconomic modernization of Russia and its Arctic regions
by G. F. Romashkina & N. I. Didenko & D. F. Skripnuk - 31-38 Problems and perspectives of innovative development of the industrial system in Russian Arctic regions
by N. I. Komkov & V. S. Selin & V. A. Tsukerman & E. S. Goryachevskaya - 39-47 Determinants of public health in Arctic and Subarctic territories of Russia
by B. A. Revich - 48-51 Optimizing the placement of fruit and berry plantations at a horticultural organization
by G. Z. Sitdikova - 52-59 Provision of food security of a region based on the example of the Republic of Buryatia
by E. B. Naidanova & N. M. Polyanskaya - 60-66 Problems of the quality of alcohol and tobacco products
by L. V. Skul’skaya & T. K. Shirokova - 67-74 Analysis of the status and trends of applications of advanced manufacturing technologies in Russia
by V. M. Kapitsyn & O. A. Gerasimenko & L. N. Andronova - 75-78 The role of innovations in the import substitution of products (based on the example of the North Caucasian Federal District)
by G. Kh. Batov - 79-86 Prospects of diversifying Russian direct investment abroad
by A. V. Kuznetsov - 87-96 School graduates from small towns in Russia: Educational and migration strategies
by Yu. F. Florinskaya - 97-109 Assessing data on mortality from external causes: Case study of the Republic of Bashkortostan
by V. V. Yumaguzin & M. V. Vinnik - 110-119 Russian enterprises in Spring 2016: Interactions with state authorities in the midst of an economic depression
by D. B. Kuvalin & A. K. Moiseev & P. A. Lavrinenko
November 2016, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 611-620 Scientific and technological dimensions of the macrostructural forecast
by A. A. Shirov & M. S. Gusev & A. R. Sayapova & A. A. Yantovskiy - 621-628 Organizational issues of expert review and evaluation of macroregional development projects in Russia
by V. N. Leksin & B. N. Porfiryev - 629-637 Assessment of Russian aviation development for long-term prospects with the regard for Arctic developing: reproductive and technological aspects
by I. E. Frolov - 638-648 Monitoring economic security in the region based on indicators of sustainable development
by N. A. Kazakova & A. I. Bolvachev & A. L. Gendon & G. F. Golubeva - 649-655 Rational aggregation of territory in long-term forecasting of energy prices
by D. Yu. Kononov & Yu. D. Kononov - 656-663 A medium-term forecast of crude oil buyers’ prices
by V. V. Kossov - 664-668 Forecasting the dynamics of demand for high-tech products of industrial companies
by A. V. Putilov & S. G. Kudeshova - 669-675 Economic crises and unemployment in Russia
by I. A. Pogosov & E. A. Sokolovskaya - 676-679 Current trends in Germany’s social policy in employment and unemployment
by O. Yu. Lorents - 680-682 Forecast of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of external labor migration in Russia using foresight
by M. A. Pitukhina - 683-688 Social entrepreneurship in the system of social policy: International experience and prospects of Russia
by A. A. Moskovskaya & I. V. Soboleva
September 2016, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 485-494 Recovery of economic growth in Russia
by V. V. Ivanter & T. D. Belkina & D. R. Belousov & A. A. Blokhin & V. N. Borisov & I. A. Budanov & I. E. Frolov & O. Dzh. Govtvan’ & M. S. Gusev & N. I. Komkov & A. G. Korovkin & M. Yu. Ksenofontov & D. B. Kuvalin & V. N. Leksin & N. N. Mikheeva & A. K. Moiseev & V. S. Panfilov & Ya. Sh. Pappe & D. A. Polzikov & B. N. Porfiriev & B. A. Revich & V. A. Sal’nikov & K. E. Savchishina & V. V. Semikashev & A. A. Shirov & I. N. Shokin & Yu. V. Sinyak & O. G. Solntsev & A. V. Suvorov & M. N. Uzyakov & K. V. Yankov & Zh. A. Zaionchkovskaya - 495-509 Assessment of the impact of human capital on economic growth
by N. V. Suvorov & A. V. Suvorov & V. G. Grebennikov & V. N. Ivanov & E. E. Balashova & O. N. Boldov - 510-517 Medium-term forecast of the dynamics of the development of the Russian economy
by A. A. Akaev & N. S. Ziyadullaev & A. I. Sarygulov & V. N. Sokolov - 518-527 Study of the multiplier effect of increasing public spending on Russia’s economy
by A. O. Baranov & K. S. Krashenina - 528-536 On the role of the fuel-and-energy complex in the Russian economy
by V. A. Malakhov & K. V. Nesytykh - 537-547 Growth in prices for mining products in the post-Soviet period and economic deindustrialization
by A. K. Kornev & S. I. Maksimtsova & S. V. Treshchina - 548-556 Projections of Russia’s agricultural development under the conditions of climate change
by S. V. Kiselev & A. S. Strokov & A. Yu. Belugin - 557-560 Estimate of the demand for financial resources for the economic growth recovery
by A. K. Moiseev - 561-574 Activity of the Russian monetary and banking sector in conditions of adverse external factors of 2014–2015 affecting the economy
by Sh. Sh. Ibragimov - 575-584 Analysis of the nature of cause-and-effect relationship between inflation and wage in Russia
by M. A. Ivanova - 585-592 Imbalances of external sector of the Russian financial market and approaches of their regulation
by E. A. Zvonova & A. V. Navoi & V. Ya. Pishchik & O. V. Ignatova & A. A. Prudnikova - 593-604 Influence of the spatial factor on the regional differentiation of unemployment in the Russian economy
by V. A. Rusanovskiy & V. A. Markov - 605-610 Labor market in the Mari El Republic
by L. M. Nizova & I. V. Malinkina
July 2016, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 359-366 From a crisis of financing mechanisms to sustainable economic growth
by A. A. Shirov - 367-373 Problems of structural, investment, and innovation policy in the crisis period
by V. K. Fal’tsman - 374-381 Economic mistakes and their consequences
by Ya. N. Dubenetskii - 382-389 Market-based and target approaches to assessing the prospects of the nuclear power industry
by A. N. Karkhov - 390-399 Investment and construction activities in modern Russia: State and trends
by M. I. Kamenetskii - 400-411 Development vectors of railway transport
by V. N. Filina - 412-417 Sugar market in Russia: Retrospective analysis and development trends
by L. Yu. Berezhnaya - 418-428 Evaluation of the effectiveness of government programs of socioeconomic development of regions of Russia
by V. N. Leksin & B. N. Porfiryev - 429-440 Scenario of the socioeconomic development of Russian regions up to 2030 in light of large-scale investment projects implemented in the regions
by V. A. Malakhov & T. G. Dubynina - 441-445 Differentiation of the regions of Russia based on level of economic development
by M. V. Moroshkina - 446-452 The socioeconomic situation in Transdniestria
by A. N. Spartak & N. N. Yevchenko - 453-465 Major overhaul of housing stock in economic and social terms
by I. M. Aizinova - 466-473 Some efficiency estimates of federal health programs in terms of high technology application
by V. M. Kapitsin & V. A. Basurov & O. A. Gerasimenko & L. N. Andronova - 474-482 Analysis of long-term dynamics of factors that determine labor commuting in the Moscow region
by Yu. Yu. Shitova & Yu. A. Shitov - 483-483 Erratum to: “Scenario forecast of the development of the Northern Sea route”
by N. I. Komkov & V. S. Selin & V. A. Tsukerman & E. S. Goryachevskaya - 484-484 Erratum to: “Problems and prospects of special economic zones in Russia”
by K. V. Yankov & A. K. Moiseev & D. A. Evgrafov
May 2016, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 231-236 Domestication of monetary policy
by A. K. Moiseev - 237-253 Government bond market: Potential for establishing a system of primary dealers in Russia based on relevant world experience
by A. V. Deshko & I. B. Ipatova & O. G. Solntsev - 254-261 Bankruptcy-prediction models for Russian enterprises: Specific sector-related characteristics
by E. A. Fedorova & S. E. Dovzhenko & F. Yu. Fedorov - 262-268 Corporation for development as a tool to attract foreign investment
by K. I. Grasmik & A. A. Nesterov - 269-275 The use of regression models to forecast passenger air travel indices
by Yu. A. Shcherbanin - 276-285 The role of foreign capital in the economies of regions of Russia: Possibilities of assessments and interregional differences
by O. V. Kuznetsova - 286-290 System-dynamic model of regional economy: The case of Rostov oblast
by O. Yu. Patrakeeva & S. V. Kryukov - 291-297 State support for the modernization of the individual family sector of the rural economy (Based on the Example of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
by F. F. Aidarbakov & A. A. Barlybaev & U. A. Barlybaev & I. A. Sitnova & V. T. Saitbatalova - 298-310 Change in basic ownership model in Russian big business
by N. S. Antonenko - 311-317 Problems and prospects of special economic zones in Russia
by K. V. Yankov & A. K. Moiseev & D. A. Efgrafov - 318-325 Funding of basic research in Russia: Modern realities and forecasts
by L. E. Mindeli & S. I. Chernykh - 326-331 Market analysis of strategic resources, raw materials, and the components of high-tech products
by M. N. Danilin & V. V. Klochkov - 332-340 Course on new industrialization: A global trend of economic development
by E. B. Lenchuk - 341-358 Russian enterprises at the end of 2015: Anti-crisis activities and assessment of the impact of mutual Economic sanctions of the west and Russia
by D. B. Kuvalin
March 2016, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 119-126 Inforum models: Origin, evolution and byways avoided
by Clopper Almon - 127-137 Russia and Europe: Energy union of energy conflict? (Eight years after)
by A. A. Shirov & V. V. Semikashev & A. A. Yantovskii & A. Yu. Kolpakov - 138-147 Import substitution as a strategy of economic development
by M. S. Gusev - 148-158 Evaluation of economic crises using short-term indexes and average indexes of economic security of Russia
by V. K. Senchagov & S. N. Mityakov - 159-165 Relationships between development factors of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation
by V. N. Borisov & O. V. Pochukaeva - 166-179 Macroeconomic assessment of the state of regional labor markets in the Asian part of the Russian Arctic
by A. G. Korovkin - 180-188 Scenario forecast of the development of the Northern Sea Route
by N. I. Komkov & V. S. Selin & V. A. Tsukerman & E. S. Goryachevskaya - 189-196 Problems of food security in Russia
by V. D. Goncharov & S. V. Koteev & V. V. Rau - 197-202 Directions of increasing the role of depreciation as a source of reproducing fixed capital in agriculture
by L. I. Pronyaeva - 203-209 The main development strategies of the fishing industry complex in the Republic of Crimea
by L. V. Aleksakhina & I. P. Tregulova - 210-215 Cold waves in southern cities of European Russia and premature mortality
by B. A. Revich & D. A. Shaposhnikov - 216-221 Economic ties between Russia and Estonia in the modern context
by A. A. Nevskaya - 222-229 Mutual direct investment in the commonwealth of independent states: Problems, prospects, and lessons of the Ukrainian crisis
by Yu. D. Kvashnin
January 2016, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-4 Strategy of transition to economic growth
by V. V. Ivanter - 5-12 Security-development nexus in strategic planning in the Russian Federation: From goal-setting to forecasting
by A. A. Kokoshin & V. I. Bartenev