December 2015, Volume 73, Issue 3
- 377-395 Inference in semi-parametric spline mixed models for longitudinal data
by Sanjoy Sinha & Abdus Sattar - 397-417 A Bayesian approach for sensitivity analysis of incomplete multivariate longitudinal data with potential nonrandom dropout
by Samaneh Mahabadi & Mojtaba Ganjali - 419-420 Review of the book: ‘The Statistical Mechanics of Interacting Walks, Polygons, Animals and Vescicles’ by Janse van Rensburg
by Enzo Orsingher
August 2015, Volume 73, Issue 2
- 151-154 Latent variable models for the analysis of socio-economic data
by Marco Alfó & Francesco Bartolucci - 155-176 A new Bayesian approach for determining the number of components in a finite mixture
by Murray Aitkin & Duy Vu & Brian Francis - 177-199 Choosing the number of clusters in a finite mixture model using an exact integrated completed likelihood criterion
by Marco Bertoletti & Nial Friel & Riccardo Rastelli - 201-216 Power series mixtures and the ratio plot with applications to zero-truncated count distribution modelling
by Dankmar Böhning - 217-228 A modified weighted pairwise likelihood estimator for a class of random effects models
by K. Florios & I. Moustaki & D. Rizopoulos & V. Vasdekis - 229-247 Linear quantile regression models for longitudinal experiments: an overview
by Maria Marino & Alessio Farcomeni - 249-262 Long-term developments of respondent financial product portfolios in the EU: a multilevel latent class analysis
by Leonard Paas & Tammo Bijmolt & Jeroen Vermunt - 263-276 Latent class modeling of markers of day-specific fertility
by Francesca Bassi & Bruno Scarpa - 277-297 Modelling escalation in crime seriousness: a latent variable approach
by Brian Francis & Jiayi Liu
April 2015, Volume 73, Issue 1
- 1-24 On Corrado Gini’s 1932 paper “Intorno alle curve di concentrazione”. A selection of translated excerpts
by Giovanni Giorgi & Stefania Gubbiotti - 25-30 On Zenga and Bonferroni curves
by Barry Arnold - 31-43 Gini’s mean difference offers a response to Leamer’s critique
by Shlomo Yitzhaki - 45-55 Statistics and genetics between Italy and Britain in the 20th century: an interview with A. W. F. Edwards
by Luigi Palla - 57-72 Testing for equality of ordered eigenvectors of two multivariate normal populations
by Dariush Najarzadeh & Mojtaba Khazaei & Mojtaba Ganjali - 73-98 Inference for performance measures for financial assets
by Lucio Capitani & Leo Pasquazzi - 99-118 Simultaneous confidence intervals for comparing several exponential location parameters with a control
by Parminder Singh & Anju Goyal & Amar Gill - 119-134 Characterizations using past entropy measures
by G. Asha & C. Rejeesh - 135-148 On bilinear hazard quantile functions
by P. Sankaran & Bijamma Thomas & N. Midhu - 149-150 Michael J. Pyrcz, Clayton V. Deutsch: Geostatistical reservoir modeling
by Giovanna Jona Lasinio
October 2014, Volume 72, Issue 3
- 247-267 Bayesian estimation of the limiting availability in the presence of right-censored data
by Sebastián Román & José Romeo & Victor Salinas-Torres - 269-282 Further results involving percentile inactivity time order and its inference
by Mervat Mahdy - 283-306 Non-parametric confidence intervals for covariance and correlation
by Christopher Withers & Saralees Nadarajah - 307-315 Inferences on inliers in Rayleigh distribution
by Kunnummal Muralidharan - 317-330 The extended skew Gaussian process for regression
by M. Alodat & M. AL-Rawwash - 331-349 Modelling lifetimes with bivariate Schur-constant equilibrium distributions from renewal theory
by N. Nair & P. Sankaran - 351-365 Record ranked set sampling scheme
by Mahdi Salehi & Jafar Ahmadi - 367-368 Latent Markov Models for longitudinal data
by Antonello Maruotti
August 2014, Volume 72, Issue 2
- 123-124 Advances in Statistical Inference: Bayesian and likelihood interplay
by Fulvio Santis & Laura Ventura - 125-132 Two Bayesian/frequentist challenges for categorical data analyses
by Alan Agresti - 133-151 Bayesian-frequentist sample size determination: a game of two priors
by Pierpaolo Brutti & Fulvio Santis & Stefania Gubbiotti - 153-167 A Quasi likelihood approximation of posterior distributions for likelihood-intractable complex models
by Stefano Cabras & María Castellanos & Erlis Ruli - 169-183 Theory and applications of proper scoring rules
by Alexander Dawid & Monica Musio - 185-199 Integrated likelihood inference in semiparametric regression models
by H. He & T. Severini - 201-215 Empirical Bayes methods in classical and Bayesian inference
by Sonia Petrone & Stefano Rizzelli & Judith Rousseau & Catia Scricciolo - 217-229 Negotiating multicollinearity with spike-and-slab priors
by Veronika Ročková & Edward George - 231-245 Approximate Bayesian computation with modified log-likelihood ratios
by Laura Ventura & Nancy Reid
April 2014, Volume 72, Issue 1
- 1-3 A couple of good reasons to translate papers of the Italian statistical tradition
by Giovanni Giorgi - 5-16 On the relationships between variability indices (Note I)
by Gaetano Pietra - 17-23 A characterization of linear satisfaction measures
by Donata Marasini & Piero Quatto - 25-44 Robust prediction and extrapolation designs for nonlinear regression with imprecision
by Xiaojian Xu & Arnold Chen - 45-64 Goodness-of-fit testing for the Gompertz growth curve model
by Bratati Chakraborty & Sabyasachi Bhattacharya & Ayanendranath Basu & Subhadip Bandyopadhyay & Amit Bhattacharjee - 65-76 Generalized exponential records: existence of maximum likelihood estimates and its comparison with transforming based estimates
by Mohammad Raqab & Khalaf Sultan - 77-95 Robust Bayesian analysis of Weibull failure model
by Anoop Chaturvedi & Manaswini Pati & Sanjeev Tomer - 97-122 On some properties of Kies distribution
by C. Satheesh Kumar & S. Dharmaja
November 2013, Volume 71, Issue 3
- 197-199 Fuzzy Statistical Analysis: methods and applications
by Pierpaolo D’Urso & María Gil - 201-206 Strong law of large numbers with respect to a fuzzy probability measure
by Dan Ralescu - 207-216 Fuzzy Bayesian inference
by Reinhard Viertl & Owat Sunanta - 217-243 Noise fuzzy clustering of time series by autoregressive metric
by Pierpaolo D’Urso & Livia Giovanni & Riccardo Massari & Dario Lallo - 245-259 Fuzzy representations of real-valued random variables: applications to exploratory and inferential studies
by A. Blanco-Fernández & A. Ramos-Guajardo & A. Colubi - 261-278 Fuzzy post-retirement financial concepts: an exploratory study
by Arnold Shapiro - 279-306 Weighted Least Squares and Least Median Squares estimation for the fuzzy linear regression analysis
by Pierpaolo D’Urso & Riccardo Massari - 307-322 Bertoluzza et al.’s metric as a basis for analyzing fuzzy data
by María Casals & Norberto Corral & María Gil & María López & María Lubiano & Manuel Montenegro & Gloria Naval & Antonia Salas
September 2013, Volume 71, Issue 2
- 97-104 The relationship between the absolute deviation from a quantile and Gini’s mean difference
by Shlomo Yitzhaki & Peter Lambert - 105-122 Estimating the Lorenz curve and Gini index with right censored data: a Polya tree approach
by Chiara Gigliarano & Pietro Muliere - 123-138 On approximating the distribution of quadratic forms in uniform and beta order statistics
by Serge Provost & A. Mohsenipour - 139-156 On polychoric and polyserial partial correlation coefficients: a Bayesian approach
by Hikaru Hasegawa - 157-173 Robust designs for multivariate logistic regression
by Sanjoy Sinha - 175-188 Variance residual life function based on double truncation
by M. Khorashadizadeh & A. Roknabadi & G. Borzadaran - 189-195 Back to the future: some considerations on Shlomo Yitzhaki and Edna Schechtman’s book “The Gini Methodology: A Primer on a Statistical Methodology”
by Giovanni Giorgi
June 2013, Volume 71, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Giovanni Giorgi - 3-8 A new randomized response device for sensitive characteristics: an application of the negative hypergeometic distribution
by Sarjinder Singh & Stephen Sedory - 9-19 On some aspects of intervened generalized Hermite distribution
by C. Kumar & D. Shibu - 21-32 Novel symmetry tests in regression models based on Gini mean difference
by Hend Auda - 33-38 Fisher information, sufficiency, and ancillarity: some clarifications
by Nitis Mukhopadhyay & Swarnali Banerjee - 39-62 Optimal unbiased estimation of some population central moments
by Mariano Ruiz Espejo & Miguel Delgado Pineda & Saralees Nadarajah - 63-79 A new method for generating families of continuous distributions
by Ayman Alzaatreh & Carl Lee & Felix Famoye - 81-95 Robust Bayesian monitoring of sequential trials
by P. Brutti & F. Santis & S. Gubbiotti
August 2012, Volume 70, Issue 2
- 109-120 Optimum simple step-stress plans using reliability estimate
by Mohammed Al-Haj Ebrahem - 121-131 On quantile reversed residual lifetime and its aging properties
by Mervat Mahdy & Ramadan Mahdy - 133-144 GREG estimation and probabilistic editing
by Maiki Ilves - 145-164 On uses of mean absolute deviation: decomposition, skewness and correlation coefficients
by Elsayed Amir - 165-172 Aggregation and marginalization of GARCH processes: some further results
by Giacomo Sbrana - 173-191 Characterization of distributions by properties of truncated Gini index and mean difference
by N. Nair & P. Sankaran & B. Vineshkumar - 193-206 A class of nonparametric tests for testing homogeneity of variances against ordered alternatives based on subsample extrema
by Kalpana Mahajan & Sangeeta Arora & Anil Gaur - 207-217 Mixtures and limits of symmetric random integer partitions
by Mauro Gasparini - 219-221 Acknowledgments to the Referees of 2012
by Pier Conti
April 2012, Volume 70, Issue 1
- 1-25 Bayesian and non-Bayesian inferences of the Burr-XII distribution for progressive first-failure censored data
by Ahmed Soliman & N. Abou-elheggag & A. Abd ellah & A. Modhesh - 27-40 On adjusted method of moments estimators on uniform distribution samples
by Ahmad Soltani & Kamel Abdollahnezhad - 41-57 Bayes pre-test estimation for the change point of the changing one parameter exponential family
by Ashok Bansal & Priyanka Aggarwa - 59-69 Simultaneous estimation following subset selection of binomial populations
by Riyadh Al-mosawi - 71-88 On the computation of some properties of testing homogeneity of multivariate normal mean vectors against an order Restriction
by Abouzar Bazyari - 89-107 Statistical inference based on the top scores
by Mostata Razmkhah & Jafar Ahmadi