July 2007, Volume 66, Issue 1
- 105-114 A note on multinomial maximum likelihood estimation under ordered restrictions and the EM algorithm
by Yuling Li & Wei Gao & Ning-Zhong Shi - 115-127 Estimation of the parameters of log-gamma distribution using order statistics
by N. Sreekumar & P. Thomas
May 2007, Volume 65, Issue 3
- 261-273 Inference on Reliability in Two-parameter Exponential Stress–strength Model
by K. Krishnamoorthy & Shubhabrata Mukherjee & Huizhen Guo - 275-295 Quasi Score is more Efficient than Corrected Score in a Polynomial Measurement Error Model
by Sergiy Shklyar & Hans Schneeweiss & Alexander Kukush - 297-309 Variation diminishing property of densities of uniform generalized order statistics
by Mariusz Bieniek - 311-324 Estimation and optimal designs for linear Haar-wavelet models
by Yongge Tian & Agnes Herzberg - 325-330 Increasing failure rate and decreasing reversed hazard rate properties of the minimum and maximum of multivariate distributions with log-concave densities
by Taizhong Hu & Ying Li - 331-348 Mean squared error of the empirical best linear unbiased predictor in an orthogonal finite discrete spectrum linear regression model
by František Štulajter - 349-367 Pseudo empirical likelihood method in the presence of missing data
by M. Rueda & J. Muñoz & Y. Berger & A. Arcos & S. Martínez - 369-386 Optimal designs for a mixed interference model
by K. Filipiak & A. Markiewicz
February 2007, Volume 65, Issue 2
- 133-157 A Frequency-domain Based Test for Non-correlation between Stationary Time Series
by Michael Eichler - 159-170 Analysis of Hybrid Life-tests in Presence of Competing Risks
by Debasis Kundu & Rameshwar Gupta - 171-182 Information Matrices for Non Full Rank Subsystems
by Pierre Druilhet & Augustyn Markiewicz - 183-193 The Optimality of Single-group Designs for Certain Mixed Models
by Thomas Schmelter - 195-206 The Limit Distribution of the Bootstrap for the Unit Root Test Statistic when the Residuals are Dependent
by Li-Xin Zhang & Xiao-Rong Yang - 207-225 Efficient parameter estimation for independent and INAR(1) negative binomial samples
by V. Savani & A. Zhigljavsky - 227-233 On Minimally-supported D-optimal Designs for Polynomial Regression with Log-concave Weight Function
by Fu-Chuen Chang & Hung-Ming Lin - 235-242 Maximal Rank Minimum Aberration Foldover Plans for 2 m-k Fractional Factorial Designs
by Mike Jacroux - 243-260 Constructing Generalized FGM Copulas by Means of Certain Univariate Distributions
by Matthias Fischer & Ingo Klein
February 2007, Volume 65, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Udo Kamps & Friedrich Pukelsheim & Jürgen Lehn - 3-28 The Asymptotic Efficacies and Relative Efficiencies of Various Linear Rank Tests for Independence
by Wolfgang Kössler & Egmar Rödel - 29-42 Optimal Strategies in 2-Stage Sampling
by Horst Stenger & Siegfried Gabler - 43-52 Characterization of Normal Distribution Related to Two Samples Based on Regression
by Dhanuja Kasturiratna & Truc Nguyen & Arjun Gupta - 53-68 $$\mathcal{D}$$ -optimal Minimum Support Mixture Designs in Blocks
by Peter Goos & Alexander Donev - 69-82 Top-k-lists
by Fernando López-Blázquez & Jacek Wesołowski - 83-92 Optimal Allocation for Comparing k Test Treatments to Positive and Negative Control with Unequal Weighting Under A-optimality and MV-optimality
by Nairanjana Dasgupta & Rita SahaRay - 93-108 Likelihood Ratio Test for and Against Nonlinear Inequality Constraints
by Xinsheng Liu - 109-122 On the Conditional Variance of Fuzzy Random Variables
by Wolfgang Näther & Andreas Wünsche - 123-131 Asymmetrical Factorial Designs Containing Clear Effects
by Xue-Min Zi & Min-Qian Liu & Run-Chu Zhang
August 2007, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 131-132 Editorial
by Uwe Götze - 133-159 Performancemessung und Wertgenerierung: Entlohnung auf Basis des Residualen Ökonomischen Gewinns
by Wolfgang Schultze & Andreas Weiler - 161-185 Wertorientiertes Berichtswesen – Theoretisches Konzept versus praktische Umsetzung
by Bernhard Hirsch - 187-206 Die Wirkung der Positionierung eines Zulieferunternehmens auf das Vertrauen des Kunden
by Heribert Gierl & Sandra Praxmarer - 207-221 Optimierung von Spielplänen am Beispiel der Fußball-Bundesliga-Saison 2006/07
by Brigitte Werners & Thomas Wülfing - 223-230 ZP-Stichwort: Cross Training
by Michael W. Busch
April 2007, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-5 Editorial
by Uwe Götze - 7-33 Eine Analyse des moderierenden Einflusses der Faktoren Wettbewerbsintensität, Marktdynamik und dezentrale Autonomie auf die erfolgreiche Gestaltung der Budgetierung
by Utz Schäffer & Michael Zyder - 35-60 Kapitalmarktbasierte Ermittlung des Kapitalkostensatzes für Zwecke der Entgeltregulierung
by Burkhard Pedell - 61-82 Analyse der Konformitätskosten – dargestellt am Beispiel des Kundenservice eines Versandhandelsunternehmens
by Michael Hoeck - 83-108 Wertorientierte Kontrolle und Abweichungsanalyse auf Basis des Goodwill-Impairment-Tests nach IFRS
by Andreas Haaker - 109-121 Ein neuer Höchstsatz der degressiven Abschreibung – ein wirksamer Investitionsanreiz?
by Walter Schmitting - 123-129 ZP-Stichwort: Semantisches Web
by Christian Maaß
January 2007, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 363-363 Editorial
by Thomas Günther - 365-388 Tourenplanung mittelständischer Speditionsunternehmen in Stückgutkooperationen: Modellierung und heuristische Lösungsverfahren
by Julia Rieck & Jürgen Zimmermann & Matthias Glagow - 389-409 Unternehmenswachstum und Internationalität als Qualitätssignale
by Heribert Gierl & Julia Koncz - 411-431 Die Bedeutung des Anspruchsgruppenkonzepts im strategischen Management
by Janet Görlitz - 433-454 Einflussnahme und Mitwirkung von Organisationseinheiten im Multiprojektmanagement
by Christian Kunz - 455-460 ZP-Stichwort: Beyond Budgeting
by Andreas Wömpener - 461-462 Kontrolle von Mehrheitsbeteiligungen in börsennotierten Management-Holdings
by Markus Eckey & Utz Schäffer
December 2006, Volume 64, Issue 3
- 259-269 Gamma-Minimax Prediction for the Multinomial Distribution
by Alicja Jokiel-Rokita - 271-288 Estimation in Varying-coefficient Proportional Hazard Regression Model
by Qihua Wang & Lili Yao - 289-304 Neyman–Pearson Lemma for Fuzzy Hypotheses Testing with Vague Data
by Hamzeh Torabi & Javad Behboodian & S. Taheri - 305-316 Analysis of Instantaneous and Early Failures in Weibull Distribution
by K. Muralidharan & P. Lathika - 317-331 Concomitants of Record Values Arising from Morgenstern Type Bivariate Logistic Distribution and Some of their Applications in Parameter Estimation
by Manoj Chacko & P. Thomas - 333-349 Parametric Robust Test for Several Variances with Unknown Underlying Distributions
by Tsung-Shan Tsou - 351-359 Projection Properties of Hadamard Matrices of Order 36 Obtained from Paley’s Constructions
by H. Evangelaras & C. Koukouvinos & K. Mylona - 361-378 A Nonclassical Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Functions of Positively Associated Random Variables
by Jian-Feng Wang & Li-Xin Zhang - 379-387 Locally Most Powerful and Other Rank Tests for Independence – with a Contaminated Weighted Alternative
by Parameshwar Pandit
October 2006, Volume 64, Issue 2
- 131-138 Heuristic Approximation to Cramér-von Mises Type Statistics
by Antonia Castaño-Martínez & Fernando López-Blázquez - 139-150 On Estimators of the Nearest Neighbour Distance Distribution Function for Stationary Point Processes
by Dietrich Stoyan - 151-165 Iterative Density Estimation from Contaminated Observations
by Christian Hesse - 167-180 Characterizations and Modelling of Multivariate Lack of Memory Property
by H. Kulkarni - 181-189 On DS-optimal Design Matrices with Restrictions on Rows or Columns
by Alexander Zaigraev - 191-207 Goodness-of-fit Criteria for the Adams and Jefferson Rounding Methods and their Limiting Laws
by Lothar Heinrich & Udo Schwingenschlögl - 209-220 Multi-level k-circulant Supersaturated Designs
by S. Georgiou & C. Koukouvinos - 221-241 Discrimination of Observations into One of Two Elliptic Populations based on Monotone Training Samples
by A. Batsidis & K. Zografos - 243-245 Rasmus Nielsen (ed.): Statistical methods in molecular evolution
by Anton Wakolbinger - 247-248 W. Hörmann, J. Leydold, G. Derflinger: Automatic nonuniform random variate generation
by Jakob Creutzig - 249-250 Phillip Good: Permutation, parametric, and bootstrap tests of hypotheses
by Bernd Droge - 251-252 James E. Gentle: Random number generation and Monte carlo methods
by Volker Schmidt - 253-254 Antony C. Atkinson, Marco Riani, Andrea Cerioli: Exploring multivariate data with the forward search
by Wolfgang Näther - 255-256 E. L. Lehmann, J. P. Romano: Testing statistical hypotheses
by J. Steinebach - 257-257 Wallace CS: Statistical and inductive inference by minimum message length
by Michael Kohler
August 2006, Volume 64, Issue 1
- 1-22 Bayesian Analysis in the L 1 -Norm of the Mixing Proportion Using Discriminant Analysis
by T. Pham-Gia & N. Turkkan & A. Bekker - 23-39 Some Improved Tests for Multivariate One-Sided Hypotheses
by Michael Perlman & Lang Wu - 41-46 Non-Existence of the First Moment of the Adjusted Least Squares Estimator in Multivariate Errors-in-Variables Model
by Chi-Lun Cheng & Alexander Kukush - 47-61 Some Properties of Past Entropy and their Applications
by Asok Nanda & Prasanta Paul - 63-76 Analysis of Divergence in Loglinear Models When Expected Frequencies are Subject to Linear Constraints
by L. Pardo & M. Menéndez - 77-94 Goodness of Fit for Discrete Random Variables Using the Conditional Density
by José González-Barrios & Federico O’Reilly & Raúl Rueda - 95-108 Generalized Wordtype Pattern for Nonregular Factorial Designs with Multiple Groups of Factors
by Ming-Yao Ai & Shu-Yuan He - 109-119 Optimal Designs for Asymmetric Linear Paired Comparisons with a Profile Strength Constraint
by Heiko Großmann & Heinz Holling & Ulrike Graßhoff & Rainer Schwabe - 121-122 Book Review: Härdle, W., Simar, L.: Applied multivariate statistical analysis, Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 2003, pp. XVIII/486, Eur69.95, ISBN 3-540-03079-4
by R. Fried - 123-124 Simon RM, Korn EL, McShane LM, Radmacher MD, Wright GW and Zhao Y, “Design and Analysis of DNA Microarray Investigations” Springer New York 2004, ISBN 0-387-00135-2
by Dirk Repsilber & Andreas Ziegler - 125-126 Book Review: “Introduction to Rare Event Simulation” by James Antonio Bucklew Springer Berlin, ISBN 0-387-20078-9
by Michael Falk - 127-129 Michael Falk, Jürg Hüsler, Rolf-Dieter Reiss, Laws of Small Numbers: Extremes and Rare Events
by Holger Drees
June 2006, Volume 63, Issue 3
- 257-269 On the Comparison of Run Orders of Unreplicated 2 k–p Designs in the Presence of a Time Trend
by Kayode Adekeye & Joachim Kunert - 271-281 Some orthogonal arrays with 32 runs and their projection properties
by H. Evangelaras & E. Kolaiti & C. Koukouvinos - 283-294 The Asymptotics of MM-Estimators for Linear Regression with Fixed Designs
by Matias Salibian-Barrera - 295-307 A motivation for $$1/ \sqrt{n}$$ -shrinking neighborhoods
by Peter Ruckdeschel - 309-315 On the Inconsistency of the Change-Point Estimator for the NE Family
by Venkata Jandhyala & Stergios Fotopoulos & Douglas Hawkins - 317-327 The Relationship Between Discrepancies Defined on a Domain and on its Subset
by Min-Qian Liu & Fred Hickernell - 329-341 Estimators of Regression Parameters for Truncated and Censored Data
by Maria Karlsson - 343-354 Chi-Square Tests Under Models Close to the Normal Distribution
by A. García-Pérez - 355-369 The K ϕ -Divergence Statistic for Categorical Data Problems
by T. Pérez & J. Pardo - 371-384 Evaluating expectations of L-statistics by the Steffensen inequality
by N. Balakrishnan & T. Rychlik
April 2006, Volume 63, Issue 2
- 123-143 Strong Consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in Generalized Linear and Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Models
by L. Nie - 145-168 Change Point Analysis based on Empirical Characteristic Functions
by Marie Hušková & Simos Meintanis - 169-190 Distortion in statistical inference: the distinction between data contamination and model deviation
by V. Fonseca & N. Fieller - 191-205 Hölderian properties of partial sums of regression residuals
by Alfredas Račckauskas - 207-213 On the distribution of the desirability index using Harrington’s desirability function
by Heike Trautmann & Claus Weihs - 215-221 A new condition for identifiability of finite mixture distributions
by N. Atienza & J. Garcia-Heras & J. Muñoz-Pichardo - 223-241 Monotonicity of the (reversed) hazard rate of the (maximum) minimum in bivariate distributions
by Ramesh Gupta & Rameshwar Gupta & Pushpa Gupta - 243-255 A Lower Bound for the Centered L 2 -Discrepancy on Asymmetric Factorials and its Application
by Kashinath Chatterjee & Kai-Tai Fang & Hong Qin
February 2006, Volume 63, Issue 1
- 1-18 Survey statisticians celebrate golden jubilee year 2003 of the linear regression estimator
by Sarjinder Singh - 19-31 Asymptotic second-order efficiency of three-stage procedure with a warranted confidence level
by Yoshikazu Takada - 33-41 Estimation from two-stage unequal probability sampling with missing units
by Arijit Chaudhuri & Amitava Saha - 43-54 On a heuristic analysis of highly fractionated 2 n factorial experiments
by C. Auer & J. Kunert - 55-69 A note on the uniform asymptotic normality of location M-estimates
by José Berrendero & Ruben Zamar - 71-90 On consistency of redescending M-kernel smoothers
by Martin Hillebrand & Christine Müller - 91-97 Decision theoretic estimation using record statistics
by Mohamed Madi - 99-122 Flexible Term Structure Estimation: Which Method is Preferred?
by Andrew Jeffrey & Oliver Linton & Thong Nguyen
November 2006, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 229-231 Editorial
by Uwe Götze & Burkhard Huch - 233-250 Beteiligungscontrolling – Ein Überblick
by Stefan Borchers - 251-280 Kontrolle von Mehrheitsbeteiligungen in börsennotierten Management-Holdings
by Markus Eckey & Utz Schäffer - 281-300 Einbindung des Finanzbereichs in das Beteiligungscontrolling
by Jörn Littkemann & Philipp Heldt-Sorgenfrei - 301-322 Anreizsysteme als Instrument des Beteiligungscontrolling in Venture-Capital-Gesellschaften
by Kathryn Viemann & Martin Hibbeln - 323-343 Kommunales Beteiligungscontrolling – Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie
by Thomas Günther & Mirko Niepel - 345-362 Akquisitionscontrolling in der Praxis – Eine theoriegeleitete Fallstudie
by Jens Madrian & Thilo Kröber & Klaus Schulte
June 2006, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 129-130 Editorial
by Wolfgang Berens - 131-153 Kontraktlogistik—Ein stochastisch dynamischer Planungsansatz zur Logistikdienstleisterauswahl
by Eric Sucky - 155-176 Perspektiven der Balanced Scorecard: Eine theoretisch-konzeptionelle Analyse zur Auswahl geeigneter Balanced Scorecard-Perspektiven für Kreditinstitute
by Jan Körnert - 177-199 Zur Entscheidungsrelevanz der Grenzplankostenrechnung: Relevance lost—or ever had?
by Robert Obermaier - 201-221 Corporate Governance-Welchen Beitrag können Controller Leisten?
by Bernhard Hirsch & Mascha Sorg - 223-228 ZP-stichwort: Percentage-of-completion-methode
by Patrick Velte
March 2006, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 5-26 Conjoint Controlling: Organisationsgerechte Controllingsysteme zwischen Better Budgeting und komplex-hybrider Steuerung
by Michael Reiß & Tobias Bernecker - 27-46 Zum Stellenwert der Netzwerkökonomik in der Strategie-/Marketingforschung —Eine Analyse empirischer Untersuchungen
by Ewald Scherm & Christian Maaß - 47-72 Entwicklung von Supply Chain Strategien für eine Virtuelle Supply Chain Organisation (VISCO)
by Herwig Winkler - 73-98 Erfolgreiche Sanierung in der Insolvenz aus Sicht des Schuldnerunternehmens
by Alfred Kötzle & Jörg Zirener - 99-122 Zieloptimale Jahresabschlussplanung durch Einsatz mehrperiodiger bilanzpolitischer Entscheidungsmodelle
by Christian Reibis - 123-128 ZP-Stichwort: Shared Service Centers
by Thomas Fischer & Sven Sterzenbach
November 2005, Volume 62, Issue 2
- 127-138 Efficiencies for optimum designs when transforming the response in nonlinear models with nonconstant variance
by Anthony C. Atkinson - 139-147 The algebra of Bonferroni bounds: discrete tubes and extensions
by D.Q. Naiman & H.P. Wynn - 149-160 Derivation of a joint occupancy distribution via a bivariate inclusion and exclusion formula
by Ch. A. Charalambides - 161-173 Six families of efficient resolvable designs in three replicates
by R. A. Bailey - 175-183 Construction of block designs admitting an Abelian automorphism group
by Dean Crnković & Sanja Rukavina - 185-193 A recursive method for orthogonal designs
by R. Craigen & H. Kharaghani - 195-219 The maximal {-1,1}-determinant of order 15
by William P. Orrick - 221-239 On some applications of Hadamard matrices
by Jennifer Seberry & Beata JWysocki & Tadeusz AWysocki - 241-257 Projection properties of certain three level orthogonal arrays
by H. Evangelaras & C. Koukouvinos & A. M. Dean & C. A. Dingus - 259-281 A catalogue of three-level regular fractional factorial designs
by Hongquan Xu - 283-307 Construction of D-optimal s 1 × s 2 × s 3 factorial designs using graph theory
by Vassilis Karagiannis & Chronis Moyssiadis - 309-322 On the speed of convergence of some urn designs for the balanced allocation of two treatments
by Alessandro Baldi Antognini - 323-329 Sample size determination of binomial data with the presence of misclassification
by Athanassios Katsis - 331-340 Multiple aspect testing for case-control designs
by Luigi Salmaso & Aldo Solari
September 2005, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 1-15 A consistent estimator for nonlinear regression models
by S. Baran - 17-22 A Simple Derivation of Moments of the Exponentiated Weibull Distribution
by Amit Choudhury - 23-31 Asymptotic seat bias formulas
by Mathias Drton & Udo Schwingenschlögl - 33-52 Small asymmetric fractional factorial plans for main effects and specified two-factor interactions
by Ashish Das & Aloke Dey & Paramita Saha - 53-63 Randomized response technique for two sensitive characteristics at the same time
by Tasos Christofides - 65-72 Statistical inferences accounting for human behavior
by Lakshmi Damaraju & Damaraju Raghavarao - 73-83 Optimal criteria and equivalence for nonregular fractional factorial designs
by Ming-Yao Ai & Peng-Fei Li & Run-Chu Zhang - 85-98 Analysis of a change-point regression problem in quality control by partial sums processes and Kolmogorov type tests
by Wolfgang Bischoff & Enkelejd Hashorva & Jürg Hüsler & Frank Miller - 99-114 Tests for location-scale families based on the empirical characteristic function
by T.W. Epps
June 2005, Volume 61, Issue 3
- 237-249 Bayesian life test planning for the Weibull distribution with given shape parameter
by Yao Zhang & William Q. Meeker - 251-260 Exponential inequalities for tail probabilities of generalized order statistics
by Frank Marohn - 261-275 On exact D-optimal designs with 2 two-level factors and n autocorrelated observations
by Hong-Gwa Yeh & Mong-Na Lo Huang - 277-290 Reconstruction of previous failure times and records
by Monika Klimczak & Tomasz Rychlik - 291-308 Estimation of P[Y > X] for generalized exponential distribution
by Debasis Kundu & Rameshwar D. Gupta - 309-321 On the two-sided power distribution
by Saralees Nadarajah - 323-336 A new bivariate distribution in natural exponential family
by Masakazu Iwasaki & Hiroe Tsubaki - 337-346 The median of the poisson distribution
by J. A. Adell & P. Jodrá
April 2005, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 117-125 Certain characterizations of the uniform dstribution
by G. G. Hamedani & Hans Volkmer - 127-135 Choice of optimal initial designs in sequential experiments
by Peng-Fei Li & Min-Qian Liu & Run-Chu Zhang - 137-156 Combining random sampling and census strategies - Justification of inclusion probabilities equal to 1
by Horst Stenger & Siegfried Gabler - 157-168 Optimal allocation of measurements in a linear calibration process
by Tsai-Yu Lin & Chen-Tuo Liao - 169-184 A method to obtain new copulas from a given one
by Patricia Mariela Morillas - 185-197 Optimal extended complete block designs for dependent observations
by S. Pooladsaz & R. J. Martin - 199-220 Recurrence relations for moment and conditional moment generating functions of generalized order statistics
by Essam K. AL-Hussaini & Abd EL-Baset A. Ahmad & M.A. AL-Kashif - 221-234 Process capability assessment for index C pk based on bayesian approach
by W. L. Pearn & Chien-Wei Wu
February 2005, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-7 A two-stage stratified Warner’s randomized response model using optimal allocation
by Jong-Min Kim & M. E. Elam - 9-16 Resolvable semi-balanced incomplete split-block designs
by Shinji Kuriki & Iwona Mejza & Masakazu Jimbo & Stanisław Mejza & Kazuhiro Ozawa - 17-27 Optimality and efficiency of circular neighbor balanced designs for correlated observations
by K. Filipiak & A. Markiewicz - 29-45 Recent and classical tests for exponentiality: a partial review with comparisons
by Norbert Henze & Simos G. Meintanis - 47-62 Tests of independence in a bivariate exponential distribution
by Usha A. Kumar & A. Subramanyam - 63-71 Bounds on average causal effects in studies with a latent response variable
by Manabu Kuroki - 73-87 Regression analysis and dependence
by José M. González-Barrios & Silvia Ruiz-Velasco - 89-115 Monitoring the cross-covariances of a multivariate time series
by Przemysław Śliwa & Wolfgang Schmid
December 2005, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 381-381 Editorial
by Wolfgang Berens & Carl-Christian Freidank & Thomas Günther - 383-406 Unternehmensbewertung und rechnungslegung von akquisitionen: Die vorschriften nach IFRS und HGB vs. betriebswirtschaftliche rationalität
by Klaus Trützschler & Ulrich David & Joachim Strauch & Claude Tomaszewski - 407-423 Value reporting als neues rechnungslegungsinstrument — dargestellt am beispiel der DaimlerChrysler AG
by Robert Köthner - 425-449 Prüfung des value reporting durch den abschlussprüfer
by Sven Hayn & Sonja Matena - 451-470 Zur informationsgewährung durch die bilanzierung von intangibles nach IFRS
by Susanne Schreiber
September 2005, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 247-248 Editorial
by Burkhard Huch - 249-266 Die Mittelfristplanung als verknüpfendes Element zwischen Strategieformulierung und operativer Umsetzung von Zielen
by Bernhard Hirsch & Klaus Hufschlag & Guido Pieroth - 267-288 Enterprise Risk Management: Zum Einfluss der Governance-Reformen auf das Controlling und die Überwachung
by Karsten Paetzmann - 289-324 Die Kapitalflussrechnung in der Unternehmensbewertung: Bewertungskalkül und Gestaltungshinweise
by Wolfgang Schultze & Martin Meyer - 325-348 Währungsumrechnung im Planungs- und Kontrollprozess
by Andreas Hoffjan & Timo Kornetzki - 349-372 ZP-Praxis: Konzeption einer Prozesskostenrechnung für den F&E-Bereich eines Automobilzulieferers
by Uwe Götze & Anja Schmidt & Katja Stöhr - 373-380 ZP-Stichwort: Risikoadjustierte Performancemaße
by Kathryn Viemann
June 2005, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 121-121 Editorial
by Carl-Christian Freidank - 123-146 Revenue Management Konzepte zur Entscheidungsunterstützung bei der Annahme von Kundenaufträgen
by Thomas Spengler & Stefan Rehkopf - 147-166 Erfolgswirkung einer Partizipation an Virtuellen Unternehmungen
by Christian Ringle & Karl-Werner Hansmann & Nils Boysen - 167-188 Die Anwendung der Portfolio-Methode nach McKinsey in jungen Unternehmen
by Marcus Pick & Norbert Sträter - 189-209 Verständnis und Organisation des Controlling in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen
by Thomas Rautenstrauch & Christof Müller - 211-238 Gestaltung der Unternehmungskomplexität im Lichte von Ashby und Luhmann
by Frank Keuper - 239-246 ZP-Stichwort: Situation Awareness
by Dietrich Oelsnitz & Michael Busch
November 2004, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 211-221 Orthogonal expansions for the generalized Cramér-von Mises statistics
by Fernando López-Blázquez & Antonia Castaño-Martínez - 223-228 Christofides’ randomized response technique in complex sample surveys
by Arijit Chaudhuri