January 2013, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 61-76 Peer effects at campus cafeterias
by Matteo Ploner - 77-96 Complexity and technological change: knowledge interactions and firm level total factor productivity
by Cristiano Antonelli & Giuseppe Scellato - 97-128 Assessing the nonlinear nature of the effects of R&D intensity on growth of SMEs: a dynamic panel data approach
by Paulo Nunes & Zélia Serrasqueiro & João Leitão - 129-161 Firm size distribution under horizontal and vertical innovation
by Pedro Gil & Fernanda Figueiredo - 163-187 The strength and persistence of entrepreneurial cultures
by James Foreman-Peck & Peng Zhou - 189-209 The creative class, its preferences, and unbalanced growth in an urban economy
by Amitrajeet Batabyal & Peter Nijkamp - 211-239 Institutional change and academic patenting: French universities and the Innovation Act of 1999
by Antonio Della Malva & Francesco Lissoni & Patrick Llerena
November 2012, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 871-899 Schumpeter’s new combinations
by Heinz Kurz - 901-916 Why Schumpeter has had so little influence on today’s main line economics, and why this may be changing
by Richard Nelson - 917-933 Schumpeter’s Theory of Economic Development: 100 years of development
by Markus Becker & Thorbjørn Knudsen & Richard Swedberg - 935-956 Optimal modularity: a demonstration of the evolutionary advantage of modular architectures
by Koen Frenken & Stefan Mendritzki - 957-979 Two measures of organizational flexibility
by Guido Fioretti - 981-1007 How do different motives for R&D cooperation affect firm performance? – An analysis based on Swiss micro data
by Spyros Arvanitis - 1009-1027 Inter-firm knowledge diffusion, market power, and welfare
by Luca Colombo & Paola Labrecciosa - 1029-1080 Evolutionary demand: a model for boundedly rational consumers
by Marco Valente - 1081-1115 Quality risk aversion, conjectures, and new product diffusion
by Francesco Bogliacino & Giorgio Rampa - 1117-1120 Cristiano Antonelli, Federico Barbiellini Amidei: The dynamics of knowledge externalities—Localised technological change in Italy
by Francesco Crespi - 1121-1121 Erratum to: Production and financial linkages in inter-firm networks: structural variety, risk-sharing and resilience
by Giulio Cainelli & Sandro Montresor & Giuseppe Vittucci Marzetti
September 2012, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 621-625 Introduction: long term economic development – demand, finance, organization, policy and innovation in a Schumpeterian perspective
by Andreas Pyka & Esben Andersen - 627-648 Schumpeter’s core works revisited
by Esben Andersen - 649-676 Back to Engel? Some evidence for the hierarchy of needs
by Andreas Chai & Alessio Moneta - 677-709 Technological regimes and demand structure in the evolution of the pharmaceutical industry
by Christian Garavaglia & Franco Malerba & Luigi Orsenigo & Michele Pezzoni - 711-734 Production and financial linkages in inter-firm networks: structural variety, risk-sharing and resilience
by Giulio Cainelli & Sandro Montresor & Giuseppe Vittucci Marzetti - 735-766 Does history matter?: Empirical analysis of evolutionary versus stationary equilibrium views of the economy
by Kenneth Carlaw & Richard Lipsey - 767-783 The international diffusion of biotechnology: the arrival of developing countries
by Jorge Niosi & Petr Hanel & Susan Reid - 785-810 Schumpeterian patterns of innovation and the sources of breakthrough inventions: evidence from a data-set of R&D awards
by Roberto Fontana & Alessandro Nuvolari & Hiroshi Shimizu & Andrea Vezzulli - 811-832 R&D, patents and stock return volatility
by Mariana Mazzucato & Massimiliano Tancioni - 833-846 Building systems
by Brian Loasby - 847-870 Financial system and technological catching-up: an empirical analysis
by Muhammad Javaid & Pier-Paolo Saviotti
July 2012, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 407-411 Editorial: the two sides of innovation
by Guido Buenstorf & Uwe Cantner & Horst Hanusch & Hans-Walter Lorenz & Fritz Rahmeyer - 413-441 Agents of change
by Caroline Gerschlager - 443-457 Network evolution in basic science
by Thomas Grebel - 459-480 Inventor networks in emerging key technologies: information technology vs. semiconductors
by Holger Graf - 481-511 Not invented here: technology licensing, knowledge transfer and innovation based on public research
by Guido Buenstorf & Matthias Geissler - 513-542 Agent-based modelling of novelty creating behavior and sectoral growth effects—Linking the creative and the destructive side of innovation
by Frank Beckenbach & Maria Daskalakis & David Hofmann - 543-562 Labor market integration policies and the convergence of regions: the role of skills and technology diffusion
by Herbert Dawid & Simon Gemkow & Philipp Harting & Michael Neugart - 563-583 Creative destruction and fiscal institutions: a long-run case study of three regions
by Lars Feld & Jan Schnellenbach & Thushyanthan Baskaran - 585-619 Is novelty always a good thing? Towards an evolutionary welfare economics
by Christian Schubert
April 2012, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 207-233 Innovation, cycles and growth
by Francisco Fatás-Villafranca & Gloria Jarne & Julio Sánchez-Chóliz - 235-250 Employment cycles, low income work and the dynamic impact of wage regulations. A macro perspective
by Peter Flaschel & Alfred Greiner & Camille Logeay & Christian Proano - 251-273 Evolutionary competition between prediction rules and the emergence of business cycles within Metzler’s inventory model
by Michael Wegener & Frank Westerhoff - 275-301 International trade and domestic distortions
by Jean-Luc Gaffard & Francesco Saraceno - 303-329 A simple model of a speculative housing market
by Roberto Dieci & Frank Westerhoff - 331-344 The merger of populations, the incidence of marriages, and aggregate unhappiness
by Oded Stark & Franz Rendl & Marcin Jakubek - 345-366 Evolutionary game theory and evolutionary economics: are they different species?
by Geoffrey Hodgson & Kainan Huang - 367-383 Learning to trust strangers: an evolutionary perspective
by Pierre Courtois & Tarik Tazdaït - 385-387 Mario Cimoli, Giovanni Dosi and Joseph E. Stiglitz (eds): Industrial policy and development: The political economy of capabilities accumulation
by Jorge Niosi - 389-393 Bardsley, N., R. Cubitt, G. Loomes, P. Moffat, C. Starmer, and R. Sugden (eds): Experimental economics—rethinking the rules
by Stefan Traub - 395-400 Piergiuseppe Morone and Richard Taylor: Knowledge diffusion and innovation: modelling complex entrepreneurial behaviours
by Lorenzo Zirulia - 401-406 Stephany Griffith-Jones, José Antonio Ocampo and Joseph E. Stiglitz (eds): Time for a visible hand-lessons from the 2008 world financial crisis
by Peter Spahn
January 2012, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-8 Agreeing on generalized Darwinism: a response to Geoffrey Hodgson and Thorbjørn Knudsen
by Pavel Pelikan - 9-18 Agreeing on generalised Darwinism: a response to Pavel Pelikan
by Geoffrey Hodgson & Thorbjoern Knudsen - 19-47 Proximity, knowledge integration and innovation: an agenda for agent-based studies
by Piergiuseppe Morone & Richard Taylor - 49-77 Market design for standardization problems with agent-based social simulation
by Kotaro Ohori & Shingo Takahashi - 79-108 When do thick venture capital markets foster innovation? An evolutionary analysis
by Luca Colombo & Herbert Dawid & Kordian Kabus - 109-132 Learning-by-doing in R&D, knowledge threshold, and technological divide
by Chang-Yang Lee - 133-160 The origins of meso economics
by Kurt Dopfer - 161-201 Markets as communication systems
by Franck Galtier & François Bousquet & Martine Antona & Pierre Bommel - 203-205 David Stark, 2009, The sense of dissonance. Accounts of worth in economic life, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press
by Koen Frenken
December 2011, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 721-736 In search of an evolutionary edge: trading with a few, more, or many
by Oded Stark & Doris Behrens - 737-756 Economic modeling using evolutionary algorithms: the effect of a binary encoding of strategies
by Ludo Waltman & Nees Eck & Rommert Dekker & Uzay Kaymak - 757-782 Evolution of vulnerability to pain in interpersonal relations as a strategic trait aiding cooperation
by Dimitry Rtischev - 783-801 Returns to product promotion when consumers are learning how to consume
by Zakaria Babutsidze - 803-815 An evolutionary explanation of the value premium puzzle
by Thorsten Hens & Terje Lensberg & Klaus Schenk-Hoppé & Peter Wöhrmann - 817-841 Internal selection and market selection in economic Genetic Algorithms
by Sylvie Geisendorf - 843-852 Asymmetric information without common priors: an indirect evolutionary analysis of quantity competition
by Werner Güth & Loreto Erviti & Anthony Ziegelmeyer
October 2011, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 545-562 Can Darwinism be “Generalized” and of what use would this be?
by Georgy Levit & Uwe Hossfeld & Ulrich Witt - 563-593 Sustained endogenous growth driven by structured and evolving general purpose technologies
by Kenneth Carlaw & Richard Lipsey - 595-618 The product innovation process and GDP dynamics
by Gianfranco Giulioni - 619-647 Evolution of Walrasian equilibrium in an exchange economy
by Chongmin Kim & Kam-Chau Wong - 649-663 Absorptive capacity, efficiency effect and competitors’ spillovers
by Stéphane Lhuillery - 665-686 Firm development as an integrated process: with evidence from the General Motors–Fisher Body case
by Michael Dietrich & Jackie Krafft - 687-702 Cooperation in the sporadically repeated prisoners’ dilemma via reputation mechanisms
by Dale Stahl - 703-719 Referral hiring, endogenous social networks, and inequality: an agent-based analysis
by Simon Gemkow & Michael Neugart
August 2011, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 367-372 Revolving doors: entrepreneurial survival and exit
by Elena Cefis & Orietta Marsili - 373-406 Financial and economic determinants of firm default
by Giulio Bottazzi & Marco Grazzi & Angelo Secchi & Federico Tamagni - 407-446 From distress to exit: determinants of the time to exit
by Sofie Balcaen & Sophie Manigart & Hubert Ooghe - 447-471 Entrepreneurial exit and entrepreneurial engagement
by Jolanda Hessels & Isabel Grilo & Roy Thurik & Peter Zwan - 473-498 Born to flip. Exit decisions of entrepreneurial firms in high-tech and low-tech industries
by Elena Cefis & Orietta Marsili - 499-517 Sectoral patterns of firm exit in Italian provinces
by Martin Carree & Ingrid Verheul & Enrico Santarelli - 519-543 Public funding for innovation and the exit of firms
by Bernd Ebersberger
May 2011, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 191-229 Diversification: a road to inefficiency in product innovations?
by Herbert Dawid & Marc Reimann - 231-253 On the entrepreneurial genesis of new markets: effectual transformations versus causal search and selection
by Nicholas Dew & Stuart Read & Saras Sarasvathy & Robert Wiltbank - 255-283 The firm-level employment effects of innovations in high-tech US manufacturing industries
by Alex Coad & Rekha Rao - 285-301 Individually selecting among conventions - an evolutionary and experimental analysis
by Susanne Büchner & Werner Güth & Luis Miller - 303-319 Ambiguity attitude, R&D investments and economic growth
by Guido Cozzi & Paolo Giordani - 321-340 An evolutionary approach to regional systems of innovation
by Jan Gunnarsson & Torsten Wallin - 341-366 Evolutionary developmental economics: how to generalize Darwinism fruitfully to help comprehend economic change
by Pavel Pelikan
February 2011, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial
by Andreas Pyka & Maria Derengowski Fonseca - 5-28 Evolutionary macroeconomics: a research agenda
by John Foster - 29-52 Generalized barriers to entry and economic development
by Pier Saviotti & Andreas Pyka - 53-89 Inventing together: exploring the nature of international knowledge spillovers in Latin America
by Fabio Montobbio & Valerio Sterzi - 91-119 Formal and informal external linkages and firms’ innovative strategies. A cross-country comparison
by Isabel Freitas & Tommy Clausen & Roberto Fontana & Bart Verspagen - 121-139 Advanced purchasing, spillovers and innovative discovery
by Gunnar Eliasson - 141-165 The innovation performance of MNE subsidiaries and local embeddedness: evidence from an emerging economy
by Paulo Figueiredo & Klauber Brito - 167-189 Towards a systemic and evolutionary framework for venture capital policy
by Alessandro Rosiello & Gil Avnimelech & Morris Teubal
October 2010, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 645-664 The citation field of evolutionary economics
by Wilfred Dolfsma & Loet Leydesdorff - 665-687 An evolutionary theory of household consumption behavior
by Richard Nelson & Davide Consoli - 689-714 Innovation, diffusion and the distribution of income in a Malthusian economy
by Mark Staley - 715-740 Don’t blame the P2P file-sharers: the impact of free music downloads on the purchase of music CDs in Canada
by Birgitte Andersen & Marion Frenz - 741-764 The division of labor in innovation between general purpose technology and special purpose technology
by Tsutomu Harada - 765-802 Demand competition and investment heterogeneity in industries based on systemic technologies: evidence from the US long-distance telecommunications services industry, 1984–1996
by Lalit Manral
August 2010, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 479-514 The evolution of the world trade web: a weighted-network analysis
by Giorgio Fagiolo & Javier Reyes & Stefano Schiavo - 515-552 Regional innovation and competitiveness in a dynamic representation
by Ugo Fratesi - 553-582 Entry and Schumpeterian profits
by Philip Auerswald - 583-607 Schumpeter’s ‘conduct model of the dynamic entrepreneur’: scope and distinctiveness
by Anthony Endres & Christine Woods - 609-627 Entrepreneurship and the taste for discrimination
by Christopher Coyne & Justin Isaacs & Jeremy Schwartz - 629-643 Entrepreneurship and second-best institutions: going beyond Baumol’s typology
by Robin Douhan & Magnus Henrekson
June 2010, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 329-373 Evolutionary models in economics: a survey of methods and building blocks
by Karolina Safarzyńska & Jeroen Bergh - 375-393 A signalling explanation for preferential attachment in the evolution of social networks
by Jeong-Yoo Kim & Hang-Hyun Jo - 395-412 Imitation and selective matching in reputational games
by Thierry Vignolo - 413-444 The inventor’s role: was Schumpeter right?
by Pontus Braunerhjelm & Roger Svensson - 445-477 The process and a simple logic of ‘meso’. Emergence and the co-evolution of institutions and group size
by Wolfram Elsner
April 2010, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 163-183 Alternative perspectives on connections in economic systems
by Peter Earl & Tim Wakeley - 185-201 The theory of the experimentally organized economy and competence blocs: an introduction
by Dan Johansson - 203-217 Freedom, enforcement, and the social dilemma of strong altruism
by Hannelore De Silva & Christoph Hauert & Arne Traulsen & Karl Sigmund - 219-231 The devil dwells in the tails
by Toke Reichstein & Michael Dahl & Bernd Ebersberger & Morten Jensen - 233-263 Schumpeter on unemployment
by Mauro Boianovsky & Hans-Michael Trautwein - 265-306 Is inequality the price to pay for higher growth in middle-income countries?
by Gianluca Grimalda & Marco Vivarelli - 307-311 Francisco Louçã: The years of high econometrics. A short history of the generation that reinvented economics
by Angelo Reati - 313-319 Social systems evolving—reviewing Leydesdorff’s the knowledge-based economy
by Wilfred Dolfsma - 321-328 Martin Fransman: the new ICT ecosystem. Implications for Europe
by Francesco Quatraro
January 2010, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-18 Choice, habit and evolution
by Geoffrey Hodgson - 19-48 The changing nature of the OECD shadow economy
by Maurizio Bovi & Roberto Dell’Anno - 49-72 Basins of attraction and equilibrium selection under different learning rules
by Russell Golman & Scott Page - 73-75 Basins of attraction and equilibrium selection under different learning rules
by Russell Golman & Scott Page - 77-94 An evolutionary edge of knowing less (or: On the ‘curse’ of global information)
by Oded Stark & Doris Behrens - 95-114 Deterministic randomness in a model of finance and growth
by Orlando Gomes - 115-137 What is evolutionary about ‘regional systems of innovation’? Implications for regional policy
by Elvira Uyarra - 139-162 Firms and industries in evolutionary economics: lessons from Marshall, Young, Steindl and Penrose
by Harry Bloch & John Finch
October 2009, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 605-642 On the divergence of evolutionary research paths in the past 50 years: a comprehensive bibliometric account
by Sandra Silva & Aurora Teixeira - 643-673 R&D subsidies in a model of growth with dynamic market structure
by Christopher Laincz - 675-700 Industry diversity and its impact on the innovation performance of firms
by Martin Woerter - 701-724 The value of delays: market- and policy-induced adjustment processes as a motivating factor in dynamic entrepreneurship
by Lambert Koch & Marc Grünhagen
August 2009, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 463-469 Introduction to the Journal of Evolutionary Economics special issue: the product characteristics approach to innovation studies
by Roberto Fontana & Alessandro Nuvolari & Pier Saviotti - 471-486 Product variety and price strategy in the ski manufacturing industry
by Nicoletta Corrocher & Marco Guerzoni - 487-506 Demand by product characteristics: measuring solar cell quality over time
by I. Haller & H. Grupp - 507-526 Localized innovation, localized diffusion and the environment: an analysis of reductions of CO 2 emissions by passenger cars
by Bart Los & Bart Verspagen - 527-543 A complex systems methodology to transition management
by Floortje Alkemade & Koen Frenken & Marko Hekkert & Malte Schwoon - 545-566 ‘Chariots of fire’: the evolution of tank technology, 1915–1945
by Carolina Castaldi & Roberto Fontana & Alessandro Nuvolari - 567-588 Exploring the relationship between technical and service characteristics
by Paul Windrum & Cecilia Diaz & Despoina Filiou - 589-604 On the distribution of product price and quality
by Alex Coad
June 2009, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 321-347 The interactions between national systems and sectoral patterns of innovation
by Fulvio Castellacci - 349-378 B2C—bubble to cluster: the dot-com boom, spin-off entrepreneurship, and regional agglomeration
by Guido Buenstorf & Dirk Fornahl - 379-396 Reciprocity in evolving social networks
by Tackseung Jun & Rajiv Sethi - 397-415 Conformism and cooperation in a local interaction model
by Friederike Mengel - 417-435 Natural selection and rational decision: two concepts of optimization
by Elias Khalil - 437-461 Recycling and extending product-life: an evolutionary modelling
by Eric Brouillat
April 2009, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 141-148 Services and services innovation
by Faïz Gallouj & Paul Windrum - 149-172 Innovation in services: a review of the debate and a research agenda
by Faïz Gallouj & Maria Savona - 173-196 Modes of innovation in knowledge-intensive business services evidence from Lombardy
by Nicoletta Corrocher & Lucia Cusmano & Andrea Morrison - 197-229 The outsourcing productivity paradox: total outsourcing, organisational innovation, and long run productivity growth
by Paul Windrum & Andreas Reinstaller & Christopher Bull - 231-257 Manufacturing outsourcing and its effect on plant performance—lessons for KIBS outsourcing
by Lars Bengtsson & Mandar Dabhilkar - 259-276 Knowledge combinations and the survival of financial services ventures
by Karl Wennberg - 277-295 Returns from social capital in open source software networks
by Rebeca Méndez-Durón & Clara García - 297-319 An evolutionary perspective on health innovation systems
by Davide Consoli & Andrea Mina
February 2009, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-20 The effects of mergers and acquisitions on the firm size distribution
by Elena Cefis & Orietta Marsili & Hans Schenk - 21-40 Firm adaptiveness and performance heterogeneity: the case of sales–advertising dynamics in an evolving product market
by Demetrios Vakratsas & Zhenfeng Ma - 41-71 Multinational enterprises and innovation: firm level evidence on spillover via R&D collaboration
by Hans Lööf - 73-93 The co-evolution of technology and methods of standard setting: the case of the mobile phone industry
by Jeffrey Funk - 95-109 On the evolutionary edge of migration as an assortative mating device
by Oded Stark & Doris Behrens & Yong Wang - 111-135 On evolutionary technological change and economic growth: Lakatos as a starting point for appraisal
by Sandra Silva - 137-140 Mary Gregory, Wiemer Salverda and Ronald Schettkat (eds) (2007): Services and employment: Explaining the US–European gap
by Faïz Gallouj
October 2008, Volume 18, Issue 5
- 547-575 What is specific about evolutionary economics?
by Ulrich Witt - 577-596 In defence of generalized Darwinism
by Howard Aldrich & Geoffrey Hodgson & David Hull & Thorbjørn Knudsen & Joel Mokyr & Viktor Vanberg - 597-613 A tale of two tails: peakedness properties in inheritance models of evolutionary theory
by Rustam Ibragimov - 615-638 Cournot competition and endogenous firm size
by Francesco Saraceno & Jason Barr - 639-646 A simple note on herd behaviour
by Andrea Morone & Eleni Samanidou - 647-651 Richard R. Nelson: Technology, institutions and economic growth
by Jorge Niosi - 653-653 Masaaki Hirooka: Innovation Dynamism and Economic Growth: A Nonlinear Perspective
by Chihiro Watanabe
August 2008, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 291-293 Schumpeterian perspectives on innovation, competition and growth
by Uwe Cantner & Jean-Luc Gaffard & Lionel Nesta - 295-311 Innovation, competition, and growth: Schumpeterian ideas within a Hicksian framework
by Jean-Luc Gaffard - 313-322 The technology evolving culture: character and consequence
by Richard Day - 323-347 Product variety, competition and economic growth
by Pier Saviotti & Andreas Pyka - 349-366 A dual economy model of endogenous growth with R&D and market structure
by Thanh Le - 367-387 Technological change and the vertical organization of industries
by Tommaso Ciarli & Riccardo Leoncini & Sandro Montresor & Marco Valente - 389-412 Evolutionary micro-dynamics and changes in the economic structure
by André Lorentz & Maria Savona - 413-432 The microfoundations of business cycles: an evolutionary, multi-agent model
by Giovanni Dosi & Giorgio Fagiolo & Andrea Roventini - 433-453 Promoting innovation and competition with patent policy
by Gilles Koléda - 455-475 Technological progress and inequality: an ambiguous relationship
by Maurizio Iacopetta - 477-492 Labor market institutions and industrial performance: an evolutionary study
by Yılmaz Kılıçaslan & Erol Taymaz - 493-507 Renascent entrepreneurship
by Erik Stam & David Audretsch & Joris Meijaard - 509-527 Growing like mushrooms? Sectoral evidence from four large European economies
by Carolina Castaldi & Sandro Sapio - 529-545 Diversity in innovation and productivity in Europe
by Francesco Crespi & Mario Pianta
April 2008, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 115-117 Preface for the special issue of JEE on ‘innovation, structural change and economic development’
by Pier Saviotti & Jean Gaffard - 119-133 Micro-heterogeneity and aggregate productivity development in the German manufacturing sector
by Uwe Cantner & Jens Krüger - 135-149 The impact of financial constraints on firm survival and growth
by Patrick Musso & Stefano Schiavo - 151-166 Evolutionary targeting
by Gil Avnimelech & Morris Teubal - 167-182 Micro and macro dynamics: Industry life cycles, inter-sector coordination and aggregate growth
by Pier Saviotti & Andreas Pyka - 183-199 The role of domestic savings in outward-oriented growth strategies
by Flora Bellone - 201-218 Export variety and the economic performance of countries
by Pier Saviotti & Koen Frenken - 219-232 Tariffs, trade and unemployment in a disequilibrium model: issues and policies
by Jean-Luc Gaffard & Francesco Saraceno - 233-247 Traverses of economic growth. An econometric investigation
by Bernhard Boehm - 249-260 Output dynamics, flow equilibria and structural change—A prolegomenon to evolutionary macroeconomics
by Ulrich Witt & Thomas Brenner - 261-273 Micro foundations for meso and macro economic theory
by Richard Day - 275-289 The concept of choice: why and how innovative behaviour is not just stochastic
by Hardy Hanappi
February 2008, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-29 Coevolution of economic and ecological systems
by Joëlle Noailly - 31-56 Out of sight: problem sequences and epistemic boundaries of medical know-how on glaucoma
by Davide Consoli & Ronnie Ramlogan