2002, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 397-423 Quantitative growth effects of subsidies in a search theoretic R&D model
by Benjamin Bental & Dan Peled - 425-441 Relative backwardness and technology catching up with scale effects
by Sung Jin Kang - 443-470 Economic selection theory
by Thorbj, rn Knudsen
2002, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 259-281 Darwinism in economics: from analogy to ontology
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 283-306 Stimulating diffusion of green products
by Wander Jager & Marco A. Janssen - 307-341 Industry R&D intensity distributions: regularities and underlying determinants
by Chang-Yang Lee - 343-365 Genetics, family structure, and economic growth
by Paul J. Zak
2002, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-1 special issue: Introduction to the special issue: Change, Transformation and Development
by Stanley J. Metcalfe - 3-15 special issue: Knowledge of growth and the growth of knowledge
by J.S. Metcalfe - 17-28 special issue: Bringing institutions into evolutionary growth theory
by Richard R. Nelson - 29-54 special issue: A resource-based view of Schumpeterian economic dynamics
by John A. Mathews - 83-105 special issue: Weber, Schumpeter and Knight on entrepreneurship and economic development
by Maria T. Brouwer - 107-134 special issue: Intangible investment and human resources
by Michael Peneder - 135-162 special issue: The role of innovation and quality change in Japanese economic growth
by Derek Bosworth & Silvia Massini & Masako Nakayama - 163-197 special issue: The new geography of corporate research in Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
by John Cantwell & Grazia D. Santangelo - 199-232 special issue: Technology transfer in United States universities
by Ann-Charlotte Fridh & Bo Carlsson - 233-257 special issue: What is the systems perspective to Innovation and Technology Policy(ITP) and how can we apply it to developing and newly industrialized economies?
by Morris Teubal
2001, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 479-499 When will payoff maximization survive? An indirect evolutionary analysis
by Werner G, th & Bezalel Peleg - 501-526 The evolution of insurance markets under adverse selection
by Andrew Sellgren - 527-554 Multiple attractors and global bifurcations in a Kaldor-type business cycle model
by Giorgio Rodano & Gian Italo Bischi & Enrico Saltari & Roberto Dieci - 555-571 Viability of pay-as-you-go systems
by Franck Maurin & Patrick Saint-Pierre & Jean-Pierre Aubin & No, l Bonneuil - 588-589 acknowledgement: Acknowledgement to referees
by Uwe Cantner & Horst Hanusch & Steven Klepper
2001, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 393-412 Time, knowledge and evolutionary dynamics: why connections matter
by Brian J. Loasby - 413-431 Knowledge and markets
by Jason Potts - 433-456 Firm routines, customer switching and market selection under duopoly
by Martin Currie & Stan Metcalfe - 457-473 The economic analysis of social customs: the case of pre-marital sex
by Samuel Cameron
2001, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 277-305 Actions influenced by a social network
by Jyh-Chyi Gong & John Conlisk & Ching H. Tong - 307-329 Barriers to knowledge spillovers and regional convergence in an evolutionary model
by Bart Verspagen & Marjolein C.J. Cani, ls - 331-358 Where Schumpeter was nearly right - the Swedish model and Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
by Ulf Jakobsson & Magnus Henrekson - 359-384 The denominations of US coins: a case of institutional evolution
by Adrian E. Tschoegl - 385-388 Book review
by Koen Frenken
2001, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 177-205 special feature: Comparing evolutionary dynamics across different national settings: the case of the synthetic dye industry, 1857-1914
by Johann Peter Murmann & Ernst Homburg - 207-230 Religion and economic growth: was Weber right?
by Leonard Dudley & Ulrich Blum - 231-248 Optimal freeware quality in the presence of network externalities: an evolutionary game theoretical approach
by Ernan Haruvy & Ashutosh Prasad - 249-261 Determinants of the diffusion of U.S. digital telecommunications
by Allan Shampine
2001, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-5 special issue: Economic Growth - What Happens on the Demand Side? Introduction
by Ulrich Witt - 7-21 special issue: Cognition, imagination and institutions in demand creation
by Brian J. Loasby - 23-36 special issue: Learning to consume - A theory of wants and the growth of demand
by Ulrich Witt - 37-58 special issue: Consumption, preferences, and the evolutionary agenda
by J.S. Metcalfe - 59-75 special issue: The demand for distinction and the evolution of the prestige car
by G.M. Peter Swann - 77-93 special issue: Knowledge, consumption, and endogenous growth
by Richard N. Langlois - 95-118 special issue: The economic contribution of information technology: Towards comparative and user studies
by Shane Greenstein & Timothy F. Bresnahan - 119-142 special issue: Variety, growth and demand
by Pier Paolo Saviotti - 143-164 special issue: Satiation in an evolutionary model of structural economic dynamics
by Esben Sloth Andersen
2000, Volume 10, Issue 5
- 471-488 The old and the new: the evolution of polymer and biomedical clusters in Ohio and Sweden
by Dan Johansson & Dilek Cetindamar & Bo Carlsson & Pontus Braunerhjelm - 489-505 Could institutional reform have saved Easter Island?
by R. Morris Coats & Thomas R. Dalton - 507-521 An evolutionary model of the size distribution of firms
by Fariba Hashemi - 523-543 Sophisticated imitation in cyclic games
by Josef Hofbauer & Karl H. Schlag - 545-555 A comparison of diffusion approximations and actual limits in birth and death processes of noisy evolution
by Yuri M. Kaniovski - 557-583 A Schumpeterian model of equilibrium unemployment and labor turnover
by M. Fuat Sener
2000, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 373-393 orignal paper: Beyond natural selection and divine intervention: The Lamarckian implication of Adam Smith's invisible hand
by Elias L. Khalil - 395-413 orignal paper: Modelling research and development: How do firms solve design problems?
by Ben Cooper - 415-436 orignal paper: Do export and technological specialisation patterns co-evolve in terms of convergence or divergence? Evidence from 19 OECD countries, 1971-1991
by Keld Laursen - 437-447 orignal paper: Species survival and evolutionary stability in sustainable habitats
by Werner G, th & Robert Aumann - 449-455 orignal paper: Splitting the baby in two: solving Solomon's dilemma with boundedly rational agents
by Giovanni Ponti
2000, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 273-295 Political entrepreneurship and bidding for political monopoly
by Michael Wohlgemuth - 297-309 Market institutions and economic evolution
by Brian J. Loasby - 311-328 Competitive selection, self-organisation and Joseph A. Schumpeter
by John Foster - 329-341 Convergences with Schumpeter: An essay Hirschman has yet to write
by Peter Wynarczyk - 343-353 Schumpeter and Steindl on the dynamics of competition
by Harry Bloch - 355-372 Schumpeter and the `Schmollerprogramm': integrating theory and history in the analysis of economic development
by Alexander Ebner
2000, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-1 Introduction
by Dennis C. Mueller - 3-16 Democracy and capitalism: Are they compatible in the long-run?
by Peter Bernholz - 17-34 Capitalism and democracy in the 21st Century: from the managed to the entrepreneurial economy
by David B. Audretsch & A. Roy Thurik - 35-48 Capitalism and democracy in the 21st century: a Kaleckian interpretation of a Schumpeterian problem
by Douglas Mair & Anthony J. Laramie - 49-65 Capitalism and democracy at a crossroads: the civilizational dimension
by Ozveren, Eyup - 67-82 Capitalism, democracy and rational individual behavior
by Dennis C. Mueller - 83-108 A spectre is haunting the world - the spectre of global capitalism
by William Kingston - 109-129 Reflections on the perspectives of the global economy from the point of view of emerging economies
by Maria Luiza Falc, o Silva & Joaquim Pinto de Andrade & Thomas S. Torrance - 131-157 Capitalism, profits and innovation in the new techno-economic paradigm
by John Cantwell & Grazia D. Santangelo - 159-173 Debt, growth and inflation in large European economies: a vector auto-regression analysis
by Majid Taghavi - 175-200 Uncertainty and the size distribution of rewards from innovation
by F. M. Scherer & Dietmar Harhoff & J, rg Kukies - 201-215 The determinants of pharmaceutical research and development expenditures
by Henry Grabowski & John Vernon - 217-241 Industrial policy, competence blocs and the role of science in economic development
by Gunnar Eliasson - 243-271 Multimarket contact and inter-firm cooperation in R&D
by Nicholas S. Vonortas
1999, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 411-429 Evolutionary economics and economic geography
by Ron A. Boschma & Jan G. Lambooy - 431-451 The learning economy and embodied knowledge flows in Great Britain
by Mark Tomlinson - 453-464 Heterogeneous beliefs and learning in forward looking economic models
by Emilio Barucci - 465-486 Routines and incentives in group tasks
by Alexis Garapin & Michel Hollard - 487-526 The hunt for S-shaped growth paths in technological innovation: a patent study
by Birgitte Andersen
1999, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 287-329 Arrested development: the experience of European hard disk drive firms in comparison with US and Japanese firms
by Henry Chesbrough - 331-366 Firms as the source of innovation and growth: the evolution of technological competence
by John Cantwell & Felicia Fai - 367-371 A note on evolutionary stability of Bertrand equilibrium
by Burkhard Hehenkamp & Wolfgang Leininger - 373-399 A comparison of clustering dynamics in the US and UK computer industries
by G. M. Peter Swann & Rui Baptista
1999, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 157-185 Scale effects in Schumpeterian models of economic growth
by Elias Dinopoulos & Peter Thompson - 187-209 Evolution and sub-optimal behaviour
by Ian M. Dobbs & Ian Molho - 211-224 Economic natural selection in Bertrand and Cournot settings
by Cheng-Zhong Qin & Burkhard Hehenkamp & Charles Stuart - 225-242 Learning and behavioral stability An economic interpretation of genetic algorithms
by Thomas Riechmann - 243-263 Endogenous local interaction and multi-product firms
by Bauke Visser - 265-270 The Hahn-Solow macro model
by Helmut Frisch
1999, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-26 Norms as emergent properties of adaptive learning: The case of economic routines
by Marco Valente & Andrea Bassanini & Luigi Marengo & Giovanni Dosi - 27-65 An experimental study of adaptive behavior in an oligopolistic market game
by Rosemarie Nagel & Nicolaas J. Vriend - 67-96 Market share instability and stock price volatility during the industry life-cycle: the US automobile industry
by Mariana Mazzucato & Willi Semmler - 97-107 Knowledge spillovers in biotechnology: sources and incentives
by David B. Audretsch & Paula E. Stephan - 109-133 Detecting self-organisational change in economic processes exhibiting logistic growth
by John Foster & Phillip Wild - 135-154 Reassessing the empirical validity of the human-capital augmented neoclassical growth model
by Elias Dinopoulos & Peter Thompson
1998, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 329-356 Markets as evolving computational entities
by Philip Mirowski & Koye Somefun - 357-382 An evolutionary approach to the examination of capital market efficiency
by Joachim Coche - 383-406 Coevolution and stable adjustments in the cobweb model
by Reiner Franke - 407-422 The evolution of macrogenerations
by V. Mayevsky & M. Kazhdan - 423-432 Evolutionary economics goes mainstream: A review of the theory of learning in games
by Daniel Friedman
1998, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 231-270 Understanding evolutionary processes in non-manufacturing industries: Empirical insights from the shakeout in pharmaceutical wholesaling
by Adam J. Fein - 271-283 Can evolutionary algorithms describe learning processes?
by Thomas Brenner - 285-296 Technological standards with local externalities and decentralized behaviour
by John H. Miller & Robin Cowan - 297-315 On economic applications of the genetic algorithm: a model of the cobweb type
by Michael Kopel & Herbert Dawid
August 1998, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 317-320 The Representative Agent in Macroeconomics
by Frank Schohl
1998, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 119-137 Induced technical innovation and medical history: an evolutionary approach
by Joel Mokyr - 139-156 The participant observer in the formation of economic thought Summa Oeconomiae Perlmanensis
by Kurt Dopfer - 157-175 Evolutionary innovations: learning, entrepreneurship and the dynamics of the firm
by Maureen McKelvey - 177-198 Localized technological change, new information technology and the knowledge-based economy: The European evidence
by Cristiano Antonelli - 199-220 Socio-economic typologies of bureaucratic corruption and implications
by Franz Wirl
1998, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-13 Scale functions in equilibrium selection games
by Madjid Amir & Siegfried Berninghaus - 15-43 On economic applications of evolutionary game theory
by Daniel Friedman - 45-66 Schumpeterian process competition, welfare and laissez-faire: An experiment in artificial economic evolution
by Timothy M. Wakeley - 67-87 A spectrum of equilibration processes in game theory
by Bernard Walliser
1997, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 331-338 Alternative methodologies for modelling evolutionary dynamics: Introduction
by Luigi Marengo & Marc Willinger - 339-353 The economy as an evolving network
by Alan Kirman - 355-373 About some formalisms of interaction Phase transition models in economics?
by Lordon, Frederic & Hors, Irene - 375-393 Genetic algorithms in evolutionary modelling
by Chris Birchenhall & Nikos Kastrinos & Stan Metcalfe - 395-413 Heterogeneity vs. externalities in technological competition: A tale of possible technological landscapes
by Jean-Michel Dalle - 415-433 Forward induction, evolutionary processes and behavior evolution
by Gis, le Umbhauer - 435-457 The dynamics of firms in a micro-to-macro model: The role of training, learning and innovation
by Erol Taymaz & G, rard Ballot
1997, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 219-254 Using co-evolutionary programming to simulate strategic behaviour in markets
by Tony Curzon Price - 255-267 From Schumpeter to Stiglitz
by Arnold Heertje - 269-289 Improving the performance of an economic system: Controlling chaos
by Michael Kopel - 291-313 Endogenized technological learning in an energy systems model
by Sabine Messner
1997, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 95-95 Controversial issue: Can the theory of economic development of Joseph Alois Schumpeter be considered as evolutionary?
by Uwe Cantner - 97-130 Schumpeter's theory of economic evolution: a Darwinian interpretation (*)
by Matthias Kelm - 131-145 The evolutionary and non-Darwinian economics of Joseph Schumpeter
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 147-167 Anticipating Nelson and Winter: Jack Downie's theory of evolutionary economic change
by John Nightingale - 169-192 Multinational enterprises and technological spillovers: An evolutionary model
by Tommaso Perez - 193-207 Cycling in a stochastic learning algorithm for normal form games
by Martin Posch
1997, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 49-72 Knowledge and economic behaviour. A constructivist approach
by Roberto Tamborini
1996, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 339-345 Stolper on Schumpeter
by Arnold Heertje - 347-359 Wealth accumulation and economic progress
by Robert U. Ayres & Katalin Martina, s - 361-373 Learning of cycles and sunspot equilibria by Genetic Algorithms (*)
by Herbert Dawid - 375-409 Innovation regimes, entry and market structure
by Witold Kwasnicki - 411-423 Schumpeterian competition in heterogeneous oligopolies (*)
by Bernd Meyer & Carolin Vogt & Rainer Vo, kamp
1996, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 239-260 Economic evolution and the science of synergetics
by John Foster & Phillip Wild - 261-280 A close eye on the invisible hand
by Hermann Schnabl - 281-295 Localized knowledge percolation processes and information networks
by Cristiano Antonelli - 297-312 Conventions, local interaction, and automata networks
by Ulrich Schwalbe & Siegfried K. Berninghaus - 313-324 Deterministic evolutionary dynamics: a unifying approach
by Reinoud Joosten
May 1996, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 125-140 Spillovers, Integrated Production and the Theory of the Firm
by Eliasson, Gunnar - 141-155 Technological Evolution and Economic Instability: Theoretical Simulations
by Caccomo, Jean-Louis - 157-173 Information Structure and Coordination in Technology Policy: A Theoretical Model and Two Case Studies
by Foray, Dominique & Llerena, Patrick - 175-197 Spillover Effects and the Science Base of Innovations Reconsidered: An Empirical Approach
by Grupp, Hariolf - 199-216 Economies of Scale in the US Computer Industry: An Empirical Investigation Using Data Envelopment Analysis
by Thore, Sten
February 1996, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-30 Nonlinear Stochastic Effects of Substitution--An Evolutionary Approach
by Bruckner, E & Ebeling, W & Jimenez Montano, M.A. & Scharnhorst, A. - 31-42 How to Control a Chaotic Economy?
by Holyst, Janusz A & Hagel, Tilo & Haag, Gunter & Weidlich, Wolfgang - 43-76 Choice and Action
by Lane, David & Malerba, Franco & Maxfield, Robert & Orsenigo, Luigi - 77-97 Technological Opportunity and the Growth of Knowledge: A Schumpeterian Approach to Measurement
by Thompson, Peter - 99-113 Heterochrony, Industrial Evolution and International Trade
by Wijnberg, Nachoem M
December 1995, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 341-368 Endogenous Technical Progress, R&D Periods and Durations of Business Cycles
by Fan, Jean - 369-392 Competition, Variety and Technological Evolution: A Replicator Dynamics Model
by Saviotti, P P & Mani, G S - 393-408 Industrial Revolution and Mortality Revolution: Two of a Kind?
by Easterlin, Richard A
September 1995, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 189-208 The Long Term Impact of Economic Development in Developed Countries on Developing Countries since 1820
by Adelman, Irma - 209-227 An Evolutionary Model of Long Term Cyclical Variations of Catching Up and Falling Behind
by Silverberg, Gerald & Verspagen, Bart - 229-242 Technological Diffusion: European Experience to 1850
by Kindleberger, Charles P - 243-268 Technological Paradigms, Patterns of Learning and Development: An Introductory Roadmap
by Cimoli, Mario & Dosi, Giovanni - 269-284 Convergence or Divergence? The Impact of Technology on "Why Growth Rates Differ."
by Fagerberg, Jan - 285-295 Catching Up and Falling Behind, a Vintage Model Approach
by Skonhoft, Anders - 297-312 Technological Retard in Small Least Developed Countries--Small Is Beautiful but Fragile?
by Fukuchi, Takao - 313-326 Against Free Trade: Neoclassical and Steady-State Perspectives
by Daly, Herman E - 327-332 A Positive Vision for the Forerunner Economies in the Present Global Context
by Tsuru, Shigeto - 333-339 The Duration of Development
by Tinbergen, Jan
June 1995, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 103-117 Local Externalities and Societal Adoption of Technologies
by An, M Y & Kiefer, N M - 119-132 An Analysis of the Process Generating De Facto Standards in the PC Spreadsheet Software Market
by Shurmer, M & Swann, P - 133-156 The Evolution of Corporate Entrepreneurship in Swedish Industry--Was Schumpeter Wrong?
by Granstrand, O & Alange, S - 157-172 Habit Formation with Threshold Adjustment: Addiction May Imply Complex Dynamics
by Feichtinger, G & Prskawetz, A & Herold, W & Zinner, P
February 1995, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-17 The Diffusion of New Information Technologies and Productivity Growth
by Antonelli, Cristiano - 19-42 Specialization, Product Development, Evolution of the Institution of the Firm, and Economic Growth
by Borland, Jeff & Yang, Xiaokai - 43-57 The Perils of Peer Review in Economics and Other Sciences
by Folster, S - 59-69 Luigi Pasinetti's Structural Economic Dynamics: A Review Essay
by Malinvaud, E - 71-89 The Damoclean Tax and Innovation
by Scott, John T
November 1994, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 273-288 The Relation between the Average Complexity of High-Tech Products and Their Diversity: An Empirical Test of Evolutionary Models
by Maital, S & Grupp, H & Frenkel, A & Koschatzky, K - 289-325 The Role of State Enterprises in the Transition from Command to Market Economies
by Menshikov, S - 327-346 Competition, Fisher's Principle and Increasing Returns in the Selection Process
by Metcalfe, J S
September 1994, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 153-172 An Introduction to Evolutionary Theories in Economics
by Dosi, Giovanni & Nelson, Richard R - 173-184 Vintage Capital, Market Structure and Productivity in an Evolutionary Model of Industry Growth
by Schuette, Herbert L - 185-206 Racing in Two Dimensions
by Ulph, David & Owen, Robert - 207-226 Collective Learning, Innovation and Growth in a Boundedly Rational, Evolutionary World
by Silverberg, Gerald & Verspagen, Bart - 227-241 A Schumpeterian Model of Endogenous Innovation and Growth
by Englmann, F C - 243-260 Firm Selection and Industry Evolution: The Post-entry Performance of New Firms
by Audretsch, David B & Mahmood, Talat - 261-271 Schumpeter's Circular Flow, Learning by Doing and Cyclical Growth
by Greiner, Alfred & Hanusch, Horst
June 1994, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 93-123 On "Badly Behaved" Dynamics: Some Applications of Generalized Urn Schemes to Technological and Economic Change
by Dosi, G & Kaniovski, Y - 125-139 Schumpeterian Growth, Chaos, and the Formation of Dissipative Structures
by Jenner, Richard A
March 1994, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-16 GNP and Military Mobilization
by Nathan, Robert R - 17-33 Aggregate Convergence and Sectoral Specialization in Innovation
by Archibugi, Daniele & Pianta, Mario - 35-43 Can People Learn Rational Expectations? An 'Ecological' Approach
by Sacco, Pier Luigi - 45-58 Information, Innovation and Diffusion of Technology
by Semmler, Willi - 59-80 Technological Change and Path Dependence: A Co-evolutionary Model on a Directed Graph
by Vega-Redondo, Fernando
December 1993, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 263-268 Two Studies of Schumpeter's Life: A Review Essay
by Tsuru, Shigeto - 269-284 X-Inefficiency and Regulatory Regime Shift in the UK
by Button, Kenneth & Weyman-Jones, Thomas - 285-315 Entropic Irreversibility and Uncontrolled Technological Change in Economy and Environment
by O'Connor, Martin - 317-335 Endogenous NIC-Formation in a North-South Framework
by Mainwaring, Lynn
August 1993, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 177-197 Artificial Worlds and Economics, Part II
by Lane, David A - 199-224 Technological Change and Institutional Inertia: A Game-Theoretic Approach
by Vega-Redondo, Fernando