August 1993, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 225-248 Innovation, Externalities, and the State: A Synergetic Approach
by Woeckener, B
May 1993, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 89-107 Artificial Worlds and Economics, Part I
by Lane, David A - 109-126 Technology Gap and International Trade: An Evolutionary Model
by Maggi, Giovanni - 127-144 Theories of the Firm: Contractual and Competence Perspectives
by Foss, Nicolai Juul - 145-152 Dynamic R&D Competition with Memory
by Dockner, Engelbert J & Feichtinger, Gustav & Mehlmann, Alexander - 153-159 Employment Growth and Innovation at the Firm Level
by Brouwer, Erik & Kleinknecht, Alfred & Reijnen, Jeroen O N
February 1993, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-22 On Designing Economic Agents That Behave Like Human Agents
by Arthur, W Brian - 23-42 From "Tax State" to "Debt State."
by Green, Christopher - 43-61 Technical Change and Market Structure: Effects on Employment
by Wied-Nebbeling, Susanne - 63-77 Niche Overlap and Limiting Similarity: An Ecological Approach to the Theory of the Firm
by Gallagher, Matthew
December 1992, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 269-280 Evolutionary von Neumann Models
by Burley, Peter - 281-299 Towards a Dynamic Theory of Transactions
by Nooteboom, Bart - 301-312 Socialization and Altruism
by Hansson, Ingemar & Stuart, Charles - 313-326 Coordination and Organizational Learning in the Firm
by Marengo, L
October 1992, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 165-177 How Do Conventions Evolve?
by Boyer, Robert & Orlean, Andre - 179-193 Innovation Diffusion, Employment and Wage Policy
by Englmann, Frank C - 195-210 Land Use Systems and Property Rights: Evolutionary versus New Institutional Economics
by Hesse, Gunter - 211-231 The Genesis of Expectations and of Sunspot Equilibria
by Laffond, G & Lesourne, J - 233-265 The Master Equation Approach to Nonlinear Economics
by Weidlich, Wolfgang & Braun, Martin
August 1992, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 89-113 Schumpeter's Crisis of the Tax State: An Essay in Fiscal Sociology
by Musgrave, R A - 115-130 Anatomy of a Financial Crisis
by Mishkin, Frederic S - 131-145 Intertemporal Complementarity and Money in an Economy out of Equilibrium
by Amendola, M & Gaffard, J L - 147-158 Competition among Techniques in the Presence of Increasing Returns to Scale
by Amable, Bruno
March 1992, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-16 Higher Selection Processes in Evolutionary Economic Change
by Gowdy, J M - 17-38 Breeding Hybrid Strategies: Optimal Behaviour for Oligopolists
by Marks, R E - 39-63 The Dynamics of Economic Systems, or How to Transform a Failed Socialist Economy
by Pelikan, P - 65-82 Schumpeter's Early Work
by Swedberg, R
November 1991, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 241-272 Technological Innovation and Long Wave Theory: Two Pieces of the Puzzle
by de Bresson, Chris - 273-291 Malthus's Evolutionary Model, Expectations, and Innovation
by von Tunzelmann, G N - 293-305 R&D Dynamics in the Product Life Cycle
by Stadler, M - 307-319 Technology and Administrative Style: A Review
by Rostow, W W
July 1991, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 173-188 The Role of Positive-Sum Games in Economic Growth
by Klein, B H - 189-205 The Theoretical Bases of Economic Policy: The Schumpeterian Perspective
by Stolper, W F - 207-218 Technical Change and Employment under Imperfect Competition with Perfect and Imperfect Information
by Katsoulacos, Y - 219-235 Entrepreneurship and Regulation: Dynamics and Political Economy
by Lee, L W
April 1991, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 93-118 On the Nature, Function and Composition of Technological Systems
by Carlsson, B & Stankiewicz, R - 119-144 Techno-economic Paradigms as Typical Interfaces between Producers and Users
by Andersen, E S - 145-168 Substantive and Procedural Uncertainty: An Exploration of Economic Behaviours in Changing Environments
by Dosi, G & Egidi, M
January 1991, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 5-7 Some Thoughts on the Promises, Challenges and Dangers of an "Evolutionary Perspective" in Economics
by Dosi, G - 9-17 What Is Evolutionary Economics?
by Boulding, K E - 19-21 Towards a Disequilibrium Theory of Long-Run Profits
by Iwai, K - 23-27 From Market Dynamics to Evolutionary Economics
by Lesourne, J - 29-47 Schumpeter, Keynes and the Theory of Economic Evolution
by Goodwin, R M - 49-63 Deregulation, Innovative Entry and Structural Diversity as a
by Eliasson, G - 65-85 Agenda-Diffusion and Innovation: A Simulation Model
by Schnabl, H